HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-04-21, Page 2...... ----
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ARW - 14 Ms� 9F.RT,-WAIT 1W The Wingham Advance.
lRer WA 46061 IM14ARE A
;FT�WVIW * i *,v M01 0 0'r A MINUTF- AND I'Ll.
SIGIA A\f "i" olls -.01z", CTO*ro 50001-wilro 0 cry of IN,
Nilt .1r Hist
irn ro 11 a
Published at
'E, T
�T M.M. N Every Thursday Mornln,3.
1,TH, rubllsher.�
HOME COX A. 0. S131
VARIATff04NSCoxOn, Cools.", CoOlNI
chance -for business to be square.
A BUSINESS MOVE. There is need for all the lufluOnce Cookson. Subscription rates'---Que year,
In all tile diseussi011 *2 eroulbitian available on the iart of amateur as- 11-4.01AL 01RIG1N—Ph9llEh- $2,00, SIX Months, 4L1j00 in advance
and tile Referendum tile big factor gour'OR--gkn occupation. Adversising rates on application.'
BOC4,%tions Of �Lll kinds, of boy scout Advprtisements withont specific 41-
,r of izations of every kind' It might appear, at first glanco,
that hato operated for a, UumbL -gan rections will be inserted until forbid
camps, Of or
,years past In Vavor of 1�rohibitloubas in Which young men Participated, to that some of the family names, in this and charged accordingly.
been apt to be overl'Qked, and is set up high, :standards in such Mat- groupbad their origin in some refer- Changes for contract advertise-
er of tact -by (,nce to the cock, or rooster. There ments be In tile office by 1100110
overlooked as �, matt torg, to purify t110 practice Of Sport, Monday,
most of the -people Concerned. There to boycott a 11 jaul play and sharp IS a e possibility that in SOMO In -
is nothing More re"I'lartable about practice, and to eaalslish it as Q prin- RE YA NMR CANt JuSr As SOON AS 'DAD IS StWeVINQ YOU stances the name Cox May bayO had
Prohibition than about electric, street A I t4os A 13LOTTF-P, -'FOR My AW X
or %'WlL%irlY is far more T1140 birirTEP. 'Ro-UIAD F I I Lou< FOR WHILE sudh an origin. BU."'I"'ESS 0W,3
cipal that to NO R F PORT CARD 1. , - (
O�ars on agricultural machinery disgraceful tta�, :3 honorably \q8h1r$ I , " 0E I* 1DRIE5 In Such eases it would come as
tele-phongs or anything else, that ta- beaten. Fo a great bulk A 9LOTT .,C rhortenetl form of "iCrocker-son" that
is, ',the son of the 4 WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE
es businees. That is to Say ')To- ock-Pughter," for
ellitat, of 0anadian sportsmen subscribe to 17 ;_4iQ;4h
hibitiou is purely a, busilleEs Move- this creed, and all decent thaPs an- cock fighting is a very ancient sport, INSURANCE CO.
t .1 re�iglous ques- A
r,ome have made a and was well, established In Popular Established 1940.
question; some dorse it. al England. Or it H�ad Office, Guetpb.
favor I
"I a medley
tion'; some, a mGn Risks taken owall olassas of Insur,
V, political questi011, some 4 person JOHN BURROUGHS, might The derived froln, the form
question. But Passing a" 'these NATURALIST. i"Atte Cook," or as We would Put it able property on the cash or premium
,,)bases of it And the -consideration it -------- today, 41at the Sign of the Cock," for note, system -
points of viewthe There are -very few people who 7 in their lack Of ability to r#ad, the ABNER COSENS, Agent,
is given fromthese at a�l who have not at one timeor Wingham.
Matter has Tescdve4 itself into one of Tead or olden times called upon
nCD has ed another read the poem ,Walting," be- the full range of the animal and
,old cash. Experie PrOv %erene, I told 1jy hands to III
that 1,1quor does not Day. The bank' ginning -Of vegetable kingdoms 'with which
lot mine own M=��
�er cannot do, bu6ners With the 'na- and wait For, The witness repiled: "I did an- lustrater the signs by which they iden- DUDLEY HOLMES
a intem- shw�l come to me." The writer, c()ntribute is moral suasion, and thal tified their -shops and their inns.
Teilable 4riuldug Man alla 0, S Et is s1ver it. I nodded my head.)' eases,
cba,nce at all, in I GOOD J WE( E S BARRISTER, 6OLICITOR, ETC,
John Zurrougha, died on a r4illvay the League already PCs eases. "Yes," was the retort, 'U heard It B-ut in the vast majority Of Victory and other bonds bought
,perate clerk. has no Tile grocer and train near ]Kingsville, Ohio, 101116"ou feared, however, that moral suasion
3nodern business. , ifornia, on is not sufficient for the purpose rattle, but Could not tell wheithei It the forms ot the forergoin-9 family and sold.
,the dry goods Mau , the, shoemaker Ilis way home from 4D4 U.SIBAND. was up and down 6r from aide to names indicate that they Come from
March 29, and was r Tur- A CLEVER H , .1, There was no uniform me- Office, Mayor Zk)ck, Wingham.
and -the baker- all know that business Tuesday morning, where nations inte Germany 0 1 are side." "cook
is better Since 'the saloons Were buried at ;his birthplace, Roxbury, in key or Poland or the Bolsheviks Yife—'Mrs. Jones has anotaier new thod ofspelling this word in the mid -
closed. These gentlemen figure It the CAkIlls, on Sunday, April 3. �onaerued. It nothing else is done, hat. WASTE 017 MONEY. dle ages, and It was often necessary
Out that it there Were less money 00' This day would havO been -his 94th iowever, the United StatOB might Hub�hyWeli It she were as attrac )pped in to to judge whether the writer meazit R. VANSTONE
Ing to Quejec, there would be More birthday., �Lnd his POAS1,119 removes one make Progress -possible In the diree- tive -as you are, my dear, she wouldn!t insurance Ageut-1 dr( NOY expires " cook" or 1�cook" by the sense of his BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR.
The of the Outstanding literary figures of tion of disarmament. have to depend so, much Upon the remind 7ou that your -Do writing. But sueh a form. as, "Roger
,coming into their Pockets. -tomorrow and to ask you to renew'It. -Money to loan art lowest rates.
amusement maA estimates that if the contJneut. dTe was as Popular In milliner, is Koc" or 'Ile ICbe' 'or "le COk!' 00- WINGHAM.
there, -Were no queues alned up in the, Canada as in his oN� a land, and he THE MADE -IN -CANADA Economist—Very sorry, Sir, but ourring in the ancTeut list$ Of names
this Is the �enth year that I've [been
office -waiting to get post Office spent Many vacations ill Ontario, the MOVEMENT. NOT THE SAME. I or other gurPoses,
post insured In your company and nothing kept for taxation
there Would be last being a few years ago, when as I has only One reasonable t�ansDation,
,orders for Montreal hat has haIppened, so I've made up my "Roger the Cook." An . d that form Dul
101ager queues at the ticket-,wiudovis the guest Of G. A. Warburton of the The Made-In-Canads movement, "Whydid. yougo back and give V mind to try another company-_, ARTHUR J. IF1111
Of tlxe theatres. The tailor knows y. M. C. A., he visited John FIrSt- aid6i by the exchange Situation, cOn- beggar a quarter?" at name occurrs with such frequency MOB., L,0.8.
that he is selling more clothes aucl brook's trout -pond at Acton and en- Sideration of the great ZNational prolb- '-Because," said Mr. Oubwalte, "Ile as to Insure its pex)petuation as EL
q)etter clothes siu,00 the :Ifith of SeP- joyed fishing -there. . John Burroughs lem or finance and tax tioll, and the looked like a man I -used to know." MORE THE WELCOME. Dootor of Dental SuTgMT Of the
. a family name. At that period I'lRoger Pennaevaaia 0ollege and Licentiate
or that Closed the bar. The to- began Ilia literary career with a efforts of most iCanadian manufactur- �,Maybe he's the Same man-" Habo (oil fboard tralu)---Has any- le Cole) aould never have been used of, Dental OurgeTy of Oat2vle.'
temb Ing tax more, evelu study of Wait V�hitman and he re- erd'to -produce the best possible goods IIINo, It,he had been 6e %VOuld body lost a roll Of fbills? with the meaning "Roger Atte Cok." -Office In Macdonald Block.
baccoalst is -sell the Old days. AJI Ml.&Ined One of title leading emponeuts to sell at the lowest Prices consist- have asked me to lend him �1,0-" "Yes,'I -have," -orlea several voices. —4
,than he ever -did in for prollibitlIOU, of the good'gray poet and his robust ent with good quality, is steadily gain- Bobo—Take them! They are fro M DR. G. H. ROSS
these Men are Voting bility, Ing the support of the Canadian THE LJNI!O,N- MEETI-NG. the butcher.,
because it, mean# M, .. ey, to them. The outdoor philosophy Of IMMOrta -peo- POEMS Graduate Royal College of Dental
children are Wearing better clothes, fibertyj and brotherhood, Burroughs ple. A 7:arge retail establishment 'urgeons.
study of nature It Spec- "Say, pa?f1 FINDS WOMEN GROW S
better boots, eating more canklY, get- was devoted to the , birds and in- Which formerly boasted that ported IIW11RVq on your mind now?" wuRd Know Graduate UniverA31ty of' Toronto
tins more toys. lueredible, almost is and'inthe, 'lives of the ow- ialized In exclusive lines of im. I see that there is to be a �nioll LARGER AND YOUNGER Faculty of Denitletry.
sple who call afford sects, and of the -trees and the 11 In foot,%�ear, is now making an Is that O,FFI,CE OVER H. E. ISARIYS STORE
�11'p Ing proportion of its ,;, Creas-
the Tecord Of Pe 'r, 11 'ur
- of wors
Motor cars llOW* and buy gas instesd� era he 101ind & ritual , sea I, hurch service tomorrow. Hygienic olothes and, Ino'reased Pily- FAITH.
of guzze. The cessation of the liquor which he served the Highest, The Canada. When an explanation of this Mended especially for labor orgsal- I
zwtions?" Meal Alativity Is .0ause. 0 God, whose thunder shikes the sky.
iness, means the turning Of uut4014 sprIng ehould not pass before the un development was requested the fol
bus it- Whose eyes this atom 9lOb9 Bur-
ilions into other and more P givell: I'Many of 00 F W. R. HAMBLY
rOf acquainted Te�ader should 90 through iciving reply was I JD veys
Which add -to the gen- one or all 4 those dainty and de- cur cutomers are 119W R6kiug for WH EN TH E OOW M Dr. Cella Duel Mosher, medical ad- To Thee, my only B.Sc., M.D., Cift
,able -channels ith the ro.rk ' I fly
eral Prosperity. That is why PrOld lightsome little volumes W Made_in�Canada shoes and we are "That's a COW, MY son:' vi er or women at Stanford univer- Thy mercy in Thy justlee graise. Special attention paid to diseases
Is 4 DU514"S move; end bVot, quaint names, & knowledge -of which buying the Canadian product to meet "And what are those things on her sity, Says -the woman of America ls ot Women and Chfldreia, Uvftg
-Will -lead rto a desire to know such demand," Unquestionably this getting larger, after a Study of . 4j02,3 taken postgraduate waTk in Sur -
still others Or his works. There are ' head?" I The mystic mazes of Thy WRI, geTy, BacterWlogy and- Scientific
-answer -was only a Partial explana- "Horns." women -who, have enter6d the univer- The shadows of celestial, light, Mediolne..
AV represents
Z AS BRAVE Nyake-Roblu, Birdsand (Poe% TOcusts %ion. Canadian footwear "And, the two then moved on, ally during the, last 30 yews. Dr. Are past the poiwer of human skill; Office In the Kerr residence, between
OBLES IN PF and Wild Money, Winter Sunshine, much better value than the Ameri- conclusion -that gap
IN WAR. Presently* the eo*%v mooed, whereat Mosher draws the But whatthe Eternal acts is right. the Queen'sHdtel av-d the tist
very laudable thingi, Fx0sh Fields and Pep&oton. 'His first call product offered for sale in 'Call- Churoh.
An unusual and Ots and Tommy was surprised. the height ofthe average woman has
the essay, In B;nersoniall vein appeared In ada. on the overage, bc increased between an Inch and all All business given careful attention,
has. occurred in eounertiou, With n. 18GO -and he may "Which horn did she blow, rather?" 1, 011, teach me in the trying hour, Phone 54. P. 0. BOX 113.
-recent assembly of -V. C. heroes in the AtIS11110 Monthly I shoes made in the United States he asked. inch and one-tenth during thartperiod. When* anguish swells -the dewy
Toronto for which tile Veterans re- has written constantly since. In re- have a little more polish and some- She also concludes from the same tear,
from the City and from cent years -his intimate friends with what more attention may have been statistics that it is Sale to say -that To stfll my sorr'
FIXED -COLOR. ows, own Thy power,
ceived agrant Government. After whom he had always -celebrated his paid to finish,"but Caradian shoes ex- itheie has b ' een a, noticeable increase Thy goodness, love, Thy justite DR. ROBT. C. REDMO'i�,,D
the Provincial �i� had been made up it birthday were Thomas A. Edison, eel, in wearin.g qualities. Indeed i,Aother—You must stay in, dear; in the average weight of the Amerl-
I fear.
sit the 7s-00,441, (Ier�ble sum, Henry Ford, Hudson. Maxim and Canadian shoo manufacturers are now iVs raining. cin woman. WRX.S. (Fng).
Vol$ !r6u:Ud that 9 ]l&d Henry F. Tilirestone. During the life- making footwear which is unsurpass- iElsie—But, mamme., I'M not Paiut-�- 'Roost For Sports. L.R.04P. (Lond).
Craig grantsthat had been MA -d time OfTheodoreRoosOVelt 1B=rOughs ed' anywhere oil the continent ill if in this bosom aught but Tshee PHYSICIAN AND ZURG110N.,
The Physical Improvement In the mneroaching sought a boundless
Aplued woexPended. - The (Dr. (3hishoWs old stwvA).
reT return the balance -to an(I he were. on terms Of Intimacy- )VOVIng quality, �tylkx and finl5b, It average Amerloangirl Dr. Mosher as- sway,
.9,11a tb�e"#a if.� s a -ad accordingly The significance of Burroughs life is tinle. the -Canadian People realized ANSWERED, HOWEVER. cribes mainly to two tactOrs--the <)Muiscience could the danger see.
the Original 40110r I 'LS exposition 'of the that their Canadian dollars will -buy -causing women to
back -to 1FCQU11%T *tbas"sta 'A " The w.itness for -the defense change In fashion, And Mercr look the cause &NvaY,
q&pg Was ban4e4 or a sweet and I DR. R. 1. SMIARI
the city. iprem- Whitman gospel better quality in Canadian boots than Ined. in answer to wear clothing Which Interferes losl L U
Drury and $1042 to nature, a clean in imported footwear and the lesson being cross-exall'
I with Wholesome love Or a question put (by counsel, Instead Of with hygiene, and -the Increased phY Then why, my soul, idost thou com-
ier Drury Was quite impressed -Y In prac- -ell Graduate of Um4veraJt4r of T*aouto,
tile acuOu. He might well be, for life, a devotion to democrae lzbeing learned. spea4ing he nodded his head. sical activity among wonleni Whi plain, F`kcwty Of Medufte; �LkAnxata of Me
Ina moral way at Compares Weal with tleal wid huMille ways, 'an avoidance Whereupon ithe court stenog�apher, has 6een brought� about by this Why dropping seek the dark re- ontaxio cor;ege of phyActans Aid.
courage -and dAr- of the deviOus,WaYs of politics, a re- The part of 'Canada that drain ""to Who was not looking at; the witness, change In dress and by the develop- icess? Surgeons.
the -many acts of d self-support the Atlantic Ocean has all area of BNT&jAXC,%
ja and F landers. liance on hard work an nded: "Answer that question-" ment of Physical training and sports Shake off tht melancholy ellain,
Ing done in Fran`c impress &s. the Oure for all Ilia- In religion 654,OD square miles. In schools and colleges, and the For God created all to bless. Second Door North of Zuvbrigo!e
.Xothing Could Serve better to ed ourroughs followed Whitman 'WhO change In the conventional attitude Photo altuoilo.
'iti... in general With the cont'nu anions" end
'bublic spirit of Ike Men -Who were followed the "Great COMP toward these activities, by women. But ell I my breast Is human still;
-their lives at the looked forward to the perfecting of Since these measurements were all The rising Sigh, the falling tear,
svilling to give th ugh many successive
irolat. There has been 0. tear <)"'the chara-ater ro taken of girls at %the time they Fen- -My languid, vitaVs feeble rill, S"" E L L
that the soldler lads roUirth-s On earth with periods of rest tered eo'leg�, the increases are Indi- The 8ickneas of my soul declare.
part of Some such class conscious- �111 the improvement
heaven world between. cativo of the. general'
Town and Farm priu-perues. call
-would -develop
ness'as to become a menacO t3 - 'Me' 'MO' g 70me , and are not due to -the But yet with fortitude resigned, and See my list and get my Drices. I
act is -a CIAN THE UNITED STATES 'bone't"Its relelved from physical edu- I'll thank the inflicter of the blow; have some excellent
Test Ot tile population. This such BE PERSUADED? Cation in the university. Forbid the Sigh, compose my Mind,
Welcome reassurance tila-t no There're Younger, Too. Not let the gush of misery.flow.
1. G". STEWi N
-alarm need ba entertained. 'T110 Or- Sir Auckland Geddes has been de.
who by XeaFOn Of age, puted by, Britain and Rolle Nriviant, a Another element which still further WINGHAM.
&nary citimn rity, had to stay at r, by France, to lea emphasizes, the improvement shown Tile cCoomY mantle of the nightt Phone 1E4. Office in Town Hall.
cr othu- d -Rab
thing ta fear from his former ions with the '%Vas= I$ the tact that the age at which girls Willich on my sinking Spirit steals, I—
h,=3, hus no liipou,
W-10 went overs0as to ton Government with, a: view to bring- enter Stanford has decreased. during WJ11 vanish at the morning'light,
liberty -that Tay sun re-
the,2.0 years, So that the women who Which God, my east, DuRUGLESS Pfffflloalr,�4
11(�l 14'a ,(A preDe.vo tile Ing Ohe League Of UNtiOns Intj hat
P is deOxar than 41fe. Tile les which Prest- In height and Yeal
,.or jzlk� monY w1th the PrinciP have shown galas
Alora! tr-umpts of sudl c3ustriletivo dout 111ardilig has expressed himself, portion of —71hom
rR as Chatterton.
welght; during tile latter
s fine in ant of world this p6riod'are In additionj younger
'A03ill as, great and a a�- f--voring vin the Pursu,
III are
Ing that was done peace, To M-1ke this statement bold- than those who were measured d MEN CARRY MIRROIRS.
Way (15 anyth
leal Ylaarg avzono, the trun tile surface
Itl tL000 trVL, !�j Verbalps, to -On
Ing the earlier years. The peoV.6 of Manchuria arb, ex
ti f
vat.ari,3 S(�diei%�, are mak- d the facts. But there I further the
In order to test stil travagantly -fond of mirrors, which
trd,ttsaaa- 3-ord in peace, 0,% 'W �.npears to 'be strong hopes t taud weight, they use for ornamental PUTPOses, so
relation of &,-a andheigh
V, Nile rt� Is'; ..........
4% f4litV tha, ].'A. FOX, C. D. 06
All 1�v M% President Harding's, hostility to tile Dr. A%wher divided the -statistics Into adorning them with flowers, birds,
TPague will be largely OV0rCOM0 by
Lur age groups, and the statistical and, even landscapes pattLted on them Chiropractic locotas and relACY89
Britain to eliMin- the cause of dtseasL�, nature lK
atil! showed the eame general q to make them Practically unsar-
A BLOT 0144 Voila, the Willingness of g 1 ell -yes a.
lly -and Original,
>-. Chlropmetit Is the oi
. el, - -
Brand"Oft aic. Art*,rle X. from the covenant, and , Nffit�p
A ill( lipward trend. viceable as looking glasses. The at
eazs tho
app - SyStsm ct spinal adjustment. llu_
ad -t M tt, of all Al""W.
tlwn hocL'67 playcre that _,Ompe tilei._o, can bo no doubt that thO POW A still further Indication. tha garotte cases and purses carried us
ot rective In 96 per eel
ilauLpi.,n, for the ::r,,,, vOit,,!d 911, a 1OPS way to obtain .......... tons with regard
Vosher's conalus to ually contain small mirrorsi of which 7he only fully qualitled graduato of'
Ild ong
at t am 0 nations in de- wvr`z%-s . ...... tile Increase of height an, In
Va-) em V0, tit 2;�A g a Weight 02 their owners make constint use as both (%iropra4tic and OstN)P,3,tllY
the !,verage Woman are 0
, J
wy of Va,_,m buing, genuille a PO11icY Of peace. The real onservativo do young women In our own toun- North Huron.
is, found In the fact -that In the earier try of glasses in vanity boxes.
ct L'i, m:'i t th e , f 111how- 191, Holtro, 2,5 and 7-;; P-113
town. At- 1,,frioulty is the reluctance of
at ITnUe(I Vt4t(% to Commit herWlf to yoa o univers4ity physical ex-
1�')r ill2ir xe- uny Und"tclld!)P, F'i'Y'ANJAINI
nvoving o, joint re- om-'u*tton w;,; requ�rod only of WO -
a., Vie, vl1unqWlltY With Oth r or any other n who .0 take physital
ho,40 tl
. . ....... tj.oiTIq1_. w7,1 Iii more reeent years,
TWO Policy of . . . I . . . . 0 ITI"U"'A
olltor' U%tlous,-
-Q;:y,h�g required playdeal
N. !11- -,410ftnf!f4Z is all Cstaly1jeaed One, COUNTER DR. r. -k PisAK1111
training of all Women Stu
�.tjt,.r, aud I IJ diptamacy eall circumvent it In
....... nly qualifted!
%In tile saV16
f,ulateur vo as to -L1 0stoolathia Physician, 0
h Huron
It 1�) 111,tsl tbe wor Oatsiopath In Nort
i '011doll veomm7floIl to tLny other 11141'e"
power a 1 WS
Adjustment of the Spine
un1ph will liav6 been achieved for t� Wheat crop for 1120 will shmv 2,074.
Io Ir quickly secured and with fk%W-f Ut"It"
6t;kI, Its "rin or amtion-3, 1116 pled4e .=A-Uts than by any 01110t Met;110d,
455.0114) Imell 011S for '16111 1 Dl,,od, pressure and Other
tile United BOOKS
C ms.t without tions made,
d . . . . . . .......
(4"11?; lent lit
All disohRes treated,
a In Wo are Agen's for the, ATv
parAd w!*.Il 1,110,2 fK*
L The
would �;41.t 4�oveuftnt 1heck Book Co.
tote, Counter �OFFICM OVER uTORE,
it I,,; b
w .ab (iAn C get our s�,mplea, and get
11i'I1111M basi,4, an4 jehi6ve con- dcerc�w�,,, Vt9v V�4, Ylt VIVA- oro orderl.19,
London, The King lwfeeg bq
s Baebelor d
�g THE WbNOIHAM ADVANCE, The Hudson Day baAln IlNk n1l
�4A i9nal t�'VJAV succc�,,,; as it grow$ In Mora ignat nad % loniv,:Iloi,
fIrirvird the b0nor nf Knirfithond �n At fo for lq_`� A14
Itor.,vi" 4,;'o'n thoogh the urkite - nllaep. Sir Marry aud Lady Lauder rFA�o; , W4nqh*M. ont. of square mll[M, b0in!'
I'M& at the at B-It'IrinsArnm 04;j for ill1l. largest basin In (Unada.
pot join It. All th
Itrs t % to the usdaep af ter tlie 1nVp.,tturA.
itralKlit th-rii 'S