HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-04-21, Page 1E 11 .V A 'Probabfe Majority of 200,066 Clinches, Ontario'& Verdict, Bone-dry Canada as the next Goal. Single Copies - Four Cents WINGHAM, ONT, T HURSDA)rs, APRIL 21st, 1921 subscriptions: $2.01 O'er yor LYCEUM THEATRE DEBENTURES ISSUED THE LATE MRS. HANNA HYDRO RATES "The Higz9aiittle Show" PROBABILITIES DRY Cleaning Up Payments On, Well -Known Wingham Business Now playing -Wed. and Thurs. -W Sewer Work, Woman Agopted At Wn burn By The According To Prohibition Vote in 7he - Willard Mach's productliviI I Commissioners This District More wow oUbt' e *Tkke Valley of D The town council held a special meeting Citizens of Wingham Were shocked i Thenewhydro;7,lie bave been adopt- Old John Barleycorn received another % A, story of smiles and tears of on Monday evening and Passed a couple Sunday morning when they learned that ed by the Willghaill, Commissioners and 0 wMe men and a woman's undying I of debenture bylaws. One for the sum of Mrs. Mary L. Hanna had passed away are as follows- knockout blow on the 18th, Owing to lave. Staged,'mld the most be2uti. $7,400 to pay for watermains laid on Vic- during the night. She was visiting with jFor Domestic. ' Service charges, 3 cent. the storm of Saturday people were unable 00 to fu, Dnow scones ever filmed. torla, Leopold, William and Cektre streets relatives at Goderich fdr a few days and Killowettt hour consumption charge 6. 3c. to work ontheir land arid the vote golled SMASH T%vaf fverforman Qs. Usual priceo also services put in ince Ist January, had complained of not feeling well, but on less prompt was heavier than -was at first expected. 1910. The other bylaw was for the bor. arriving homewis apparently ae9well as cent, Payment discount of 10 per People are getting tired of voting on this 0 dor AnkWo Friday And $atuirday 4 rowing of $8,400 by the issue of debent. usual and was quite jovic I whea retiring For Commercial: Service, 12c, Oc, 1.2c. issue as they have already given so piany Special "10 Dqu tMUIL Sessue Hayakawall ures to pay for sewers on Leopold, Vic- on Satutday night, remarking to Mrs. per killowatt hour less 10 per cent prompt dry majorities, but let us hope that this toria, Minnie, John and Centre streets. ClousO of Lidowel, who was spending a Payment discount, I will be the final vote It will lip interesting for the ratepayers few days with her, thdt she could bring Minimum net monthly bill for domes The vote polled at Wingham by wards "The Devirs Claim" to note that there is now only a very small her breakfast in the morning. was: PHONOGRAPHS tic and commercial service to be $1.00. A story within a story-frorn the length of sewer pipe to be laid along Cath, ' Deceased was born in Colborne town- For Power; -Service charge 31,0o plus Yes NP SPECIAL PRICES c4unint life of Greenwich'Village to erine St. to Victoria. Ward No ......... 11 122 42 Mblz- mystic of the Orient. Several towns as ship on the 12th, of January, 1851. a meter rate of 0.4cN 3.6c. otl5c, per 41 TERMS SaturdaVMadnee3.30. 2 shows I rge as Wingbam have no sewerage daughterof George' Young and Isabella killowatt hour less the' prompt payment 64 ........... :.2 162 38 SPECIAL eaturilay nighP 7.30 and 9. system and we haye now a convpleo ser- Clark. On December 24th., 1869 she was discount. ........... 3 17 55 vice. married to John Harma of Wawanosh- The rate upon which power us '4 ............. 4 219 43 eaq will 5 70 The council decided aftev much careful After residing on a farin In East Wawan. be billed until adjustment is made at the ........... $135 Fumed Oak Cabinet, for ....... 0 95.00 Mmilay and Tuesdby (next) -2 37 days only dicussion to leave the laying of perm- Osb, for several years, they started a gen- close of the current fiscal year will be JACK LONDON'S anent streets over to next spring, but they eral tpre on the 10th. con. of Wawanosh, $45. per -horse po% er. I oTotals 746 225 $135 Irish Walnur Cabinet, for 105.00 C 10 will get in touch with the engi;eer at once The above rates came into effect on Majority vote to stop importation and $125 Mahogany Finish Cabinqq for. 87.00 $110 Pumed Oak, tabl6 model5or 73.00 4 famous story and have him survey and get the levels of March 1st. Accounts will be mailed foi the bringing of intoxicating liquor$ into ,"Burning Daylight" these streets so that the putting in of 7*. ; i ,: :i::?",: ':i7::,:., the province 521, power users eveQr month and for domes. with a nol4lecast including drains may be completed this summer. f*iltl .,.,;: '-', ,!..'.I li - ::,i :...:: : , ' , , , ; .., : ,,, mercial service every two In Turnberry by Polling places, tic and com MITCHELL LEWIS This we believe will be one of the most No I -Lower Wingliam. 169 FRI313-10 selectio i -z..; months. Accountswill. not be accepted ' * with any in hir 44 strument. n, !I - , Bluevale ....... ns t4elen Ferguson - 4Fthur Ed- Important thing which could be done be - after the 15th. of the nionth but will be 2 These wonderful instruments Will play all re- Emtand*Cerew and others. 154 13 fore putting down permanent roads. 3-Powell's ........ 107 cords. chargedinfullon the following mo th's 4'Burning Daylight" the world's Mr. L. Kennedy asked the cotinf.111 to ......... 122 supreme novel,of the frozen north have the baseball diamond account and if not paid then the service kraped. The Q w -h -re strong men toit f or goicl will be cut, and in order to have it instal. a" inight dletates the Laws! Property Committee will deal with the Totals 552 qpg TERM S-Slo.00 cash payment will put a beautiful vnusic, I instru- led again arrears must be Paid and $1.00 Majority for Yes 463. See it by all means matter. ior reinstating. ment and 10 ivelections of your own choosing in your home, in East Wawanosh the vote was The balance The clerk's office will be closed each can be paid in small weekly or monthly payments. Corning -Wed. and Thu6. Wednesday afternoon during the suii5mer Yes No months, LQCAL ITEMS N6 I-M6Gowan's ..... April 27 and 28. 2 days only. " 2-Scotts's 129 16 A- picture that sizzles qver the " 3-Currie's ......... 139 7 sxtmen. "nUG ^TORE Buy Your cracked eggs at Gunnal Ltd. 1, 4 --,Dow,s PERSONALS Did you read the E. A. Strout farm ad. " 6 -Auburn ......... MCKIBBON's UK WALLACE REID iw` on Page 4 of this week's paper? If not One lady of the in Miss F. E. Rdid of Toronto, was home Laura Secord type Drugs and Stationery ,1,111ouble,Speed" for the week -end."' look it up walked three miles to the Carrie School Mr. Gordon Rintoul of Ki Cottage Prayer Meeting will be held at to Poll her vote for the causp of temper Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets With Wanda Hanaley and Theodore nox Colle /e, Roberts. Toronto, was a visitor in town this week. the home of Mr. Henry Wheeler, Joseph- ance. Al" zl I ineSt., North, on'Friday 1 I., evening. I We are unable to jive exact figi Miss Annie Bartliff has returned afte; - -I 1 , , N ires for Visit with Wingh R Zemember "The Roaring Road" a week's atri friends- Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lennox have 901 the vote taken in Huron and Brujce, but mud "Ericuive My Dust". Here's Clinton News Record. their fine 50 acre farm near the Wingham we are quoting figures as they app'eared in Will Raise Rates Marks, age 99, mother of BRUCE The Ladies Auxiliary to t ha The Bruce Telephone Company bas, C' Ze third of a Series of three speedr a commercial trip through Western Can Junction for $6000 to Mr. Chas. Martin, in the city dailies: Progressive Euchre ing auto pictures.. This too is a Mr. W. H. Gurhey left on Monday on TH5 LATE MARYL. HANNA r: --etcher. I Mrs. Tho;, he Wing m ada, His Glove ur­i, ,n i, -i ml t. thefive Mark brothers theatrical -en i n- -v tx- U EVEPYBODY'S COLUMN RATCUING EGGS- Ighorns. that are lay. early. and avoid dis. i%ywrl, Eggi 5 ots. each. H, TAImon, Balgrave SALV-1919Xaxweil, Rao shape. ilox M, phone 19, Teeswoter, Ont. *VP. BALM -One story and a half frame henue in good repair, a good barn and g, zwoot stable, hard and soft -,%ter, four -lots large and sma)l fP&1,,atquantity of oatg out gree h straw. Apply on promlsm Dkviv) ViNLEY, Victoria St., Winiham, ]Wft SALM-06 and one-half story frarne W- boas e 22x3D. Ap I ply to JAS. PtACOM . . 1 Route, 2, Illaevale. JFVMSULAI(Rs TROtJT-1PrornRiuoaralne OLVER.& 13rXINGUR ]ffir.RW8 YOUR QUANOF-From. dwelling ,arsaleataabe 'good bargala, choice coria 1W.;4 road opportunity either for a home or as ABxuxt Cossus. Real Estate and lnsueavac6. JEOWNTOLET-With water. electric I)IZZ0, 0 . 4wd etc. Apply to E. MrrumEy, Cc um. A& "40ray Dart Agent, town. CtCHINd ]MOB FOR 84LY-Frem, our ba%vy, layin :a strains of - Rhode Iolamda 28M& and white R Legborns. It. 1. red pallets #,ow,a layed steadily since the middle of Sept- ftvtWr. and our barren strain of TAcghornQ have, aillowedolooply: Whi leglaore. pull Mweigh- x5lbe. Wehayo or oranow for handrodiv *f ex p avail baby chickw. One farmer alone 6*9 =6 chicks ordered and several others M dmh. Wb 'think we can Still 011 year 4w4w -bat order now. IV. Phone 168 J. WAW AMZVSI)-A cai-of call wice, barb wkra and woveh fence. At the X19bb'PrIce. 4M *ad got yo"N"Ous I I PT -&Mware, Wingivam. ,rr Poakek Ponah, containing ftA**Uer' certificate and mokir 11conse 4nef. Mader kindly raturn to L, 0. YO XG. t ]Ln T-Sme Tire und Rim somewhere be' I ;cvftammucardine and VVingham. Mail - 4W *04000ave at, Roiam,raoN & Truomint's GAl%&GE, t Wibgham. pift wdighing aboat 160 Abe. came to the bri5miscs"Ot the under- J16th L V An Lbt20,Con 1,, n1rosg6boutApr the new may have same by 1woving pro b *Ad *Lying okocasm I - . V, y '. spital WILL hold a progressive een granted authority by the Ontari%,- e osed w c they conducted for a Couple Of died on Saturday, Apfil 9th. at Christies Ye's No Yes NO euchre in the council chamber on Friday Railway and Municipal Board to set a,, during his absence. Years and then moved !o Wingham. where Lake. Wiarton .......... 718 232 486 . . Rev,. Canon Davis of Sarnia, visited she has beenactive in business life for evening, April 22nd, dt 8. new rate for subscribers at $22. The:. , Kincardine ........ Tickets! - over the week -end with his. brother, Mr. lorty-two years. Mr. Hanna -predeceased HAT-BRITH make s old straw hats look 606 248 358 i railway board was represented by Mr If. Davis,,whom we are sorry to report is her October 4tb., 1908. Her eldest son like, new! A r daer'n Permanent, ater KincardineTp .... 520 76 444 00 cents. The public are cordially invit- Dagar. Mr. D. McNaughton-, president of still confined tohis house. George C. died twelve years ago. proof bat finish. Sold only at Mitchellys Bruce Tp .......... 652 61 591 ed to atten6. ithe Bruce system. J. J. Nunter, and & 'Dr. J. M. Fox of Battle -COek, Mich< brother, James Young of Auburn died in Corner Drug Store, Tiverton .......... 117 13 104 v, - One Poll Went Wet ImcLean, Bruce commissioner,,;, were I Huron Tp ......... s2I 124 897 has arrived here and will enter into part- April of 1909 av a another brother, Alex Kenneth McKenzie, brother of Mrs. Returning Officer, P. W. Scott had one f present. nership with his brother, Dr. J. A. #ox, Young of Wingham, died in July 1917. (Dr,) McCrimmon !'and Sir Alexander Port Elgin ........ 422 138 314 I e Hospital on the editor of TuE ADv-,,Ncs on Tues Baseball At Wingharn eozie, died in Kinca din Southampton ...... 4.Q8 140 .208 Chiropractor, Dr. Fox will be particular- The late Mrs. Hanna is survived by McK Lucknow .......... 45o & 399 day, while talking of the vote taken onl The Wingliam baseball club have pros- ly wel omed to town by baseball three sisters, viz Mrs. Straughan, Auburn; on Saturday following an operation for the referendum he remarked that one poll pects for a busy season ahead, They ars, enthus- Mrs. Alex, McKenzie, %Kippen; Mrs. appendicitis. Teeswater ......... 34 77 266 went 'wet' in Winiham, we at once put up *eady scheduled to play at Walkertorz iasts 4s,,he is a pitcher of some experience. Culross ........... 276 169 107 an argument that he was mistaken, but Old Boys' Reunion. and also at Goderic - Yhos Anderson, Goderich. Also three The concert put on in Wingliant On Paisley ............. 376 41 335 h daughters, Miss Priscilla at home, Miss Fridity evening by local talent in aid of Tara ........ ..... 24o 45 195 he proved his statement. The advance Old Rome Week, and in Mcunt Forem on While working at a in five 'voters cast their bal. May 24th. - The season will open in Finger Tips Taken sta:ve cuttin, rMaud of Tordhto, and Mrs. Robt, Allen the Wingh Citizens Band was not as Mildmay. . ........ 104 189 85 poll in which g ma- IP 'I lots, three N pf Wingham, and one son, John W., of wel atron zed as it should have been. o and two Yes, gave a ma or- Wingham on May Ilth, when the Mount V"ITIC m Ament Bros. factorx_ last Satur- the firm Hanna & Co. The proceeds a Neustaudt ......... 97 13 84 ior the wet's. Forest nine will play here. Severat day morning Wit). Thompson of Cargill, _Mounted to about $60. Elderslie .......... 642 58 684 Mrs. Hanna was a . shrewd 'business Gurms' Ltd will have a quantity of Arran ............. 789 07 722 Valley Farm At Wroxeter Toronto teams have also asked for dates.. had the misfo;vne to have the , Ist. joint woman, honest,4 in her dealings, a4d high- cracked egp for sale until next winter. Carrick..... ... .. n of three fingers on his left hand taken off. ly respected. 6he was a member of St. - 386 The Bluevale Dramatic Club I t,nd One Who Didn't Veto The injuries were dressed' as speedily as Andrews Presbyterian Church. Tte Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingbant Saugeen ........... 411 57 354 - - giving a play in the Wroxeter Town Ha It A good joke is told on a'Wingbam mart possible but undesired holidays will be on The funeral will be hold irom her late General Hospital will hold a Progressive Cargill ............ 116 , s3 g3 . . on the evening of Friday, April 22nd. who worked hard bringing in the temper - the program for some weeks before Mr. residence to th V Ingham cemetery Euchre in the Council Chamber on Fri- CtlePstow . - ...... 14 221 207 The play is entitled "Valley Farm" and ance- vote on Monday. After the poll% Thompson is able,to resurhe,worlt-Brus- Wednesday aftknoon. on, day, April 22nd, at& 15, Tickets 50 cts. Walkerton ......... 4 is a domestic drama of important interest h Rev. 'Dr. Perrie ad closed and he was figuring out wheth- Gels Post. The public are cordially invited to attend. HURON given in four acts. A fine program of er or not he had missed anyone Whom be conductine the stervices. Among the St. Paula Church Prospers many beautiful 'floral 'tribute$ was a Many funny stories have been told Majority vocal and instrumental music will be could have brought out, he suddenly ri- Ie annual vestry meeting of St. Pawls ,wreath from the business men of Wing- about the Methodists taking "Collections, I Yes No Yes No given between acts. All are invited to membered tha* he had forgotten to cast Church was recently held, and the church bam. The business places closqd for an a thing for which they are very noted. Godorich .......... 1069 677 392 come and enjoy a pleasant evening. The his oo, n vote. Needless to any, if tht appears to be in a good healthy condition hour to show their respect to an honored But the funniest thing of all happened at Seaforth .... ­ 801 444 357. play is given under the auspices of the oppurtunity to vote on temperRrice ewX!* financiqlY and otherwise. St. Paulf, is citizen. the morning service la'st Sunday. The Hensall ..... ­ 364 80 284 Wroxeter Women's Institute, Admis- comes again, he will be among the early, blessed"*ith a epl6ndid rector, Rev. H. Methodist officials forgot to take the Wingharn . - ...... 746 22S 1)18 $ion 50 cents, children 25 cents. voters. collectionf! So, who many not inake mis- Blueyale ........... 130 15 115 W. Snell. B. A. The lay delegates elect. V om'inion Express Transfer 89 403 Mr. R. D. Cunningham hq; sold the twicg as much next gunday and the offic- Clinto" 631 27 ed were, Messrs. W. F. VanStone, P / takeafterthad Never Ind. Justputon Turnberry ....... 55, Vanstone, J. F. M*CracRen and A, E Dominion Express ;Lnd Telegraph business ials will 0 Sol XXXXXXXX=XXXX XXX WXXX Port1r. Wardens, RNS. Williams and to Mr. Garnet L. Baker. Mr, Baker forgive you.-Wroxater 1 ews. E xotar ..... ...... 1695 -130 $89 John Hartnell and Vestry Clerk R. D. was operator at the C. P. R. depot for a B*yfield ........ 134 1 62 72 Blomfield. time. Married In Toronto Goder ph TP, - ­ 367 79; 299 RAY .............. 477 436 41 3ixty,Three Years, Wt4 Twentieth CenturyMet' The marriage vras quietly solemnized Hullett .......... M 110 Isq .1. ho jp Church M and k*s, Richard Porter, Minnie, Sunday, April 26th -11 a. m.-Baptis- on Tuesday afternoor, April 12, 1021, by Stanley ........... $41 164 377 MENIS" WORKI 3t., Were mftrtied April 14th..J859-sixty- mal Reception and Sacramental" Strilce, the Rev. I,. F. Chvreh of Elm St. Metho- stephen.­ ....... 842 343 499 hree yeart ago -in Goderich. dist Church, Toronto, of Lulu, youngest Tuckersmith ­­ 488 148 340 Mrs' Subject "The Living Rock". 2.30 P' m' a e of Mr. and Mrs, John Stamp, Usborne 734 02' 642 X ?orter's maiden name was Margarite -Sunday School. 7 p. tC -Subject A Ught r AcKee. The young couple went straight Tatch your Step". You will be made Longfold, Ont,, to Leslie A. Grisdale, McKillop, .......... 361 57 294 X o Wingharn after the ceremony and have welcome at' these services. Come and only son of Mrsi A. Grisdale, Toronto, Blyth . ­ I ..... ­ 1242 101 141 ivtd there continktoiisly ever since. They bri g your and formerly of Wingliant. Brussels ........ ­ $55 95 n friends. We have heatty sing- 260 X adeleven children, nine of whom Sur. I ing- Anniversary At Sunshine Wroxeter .......... 162 25 137 ive, namely. John and James, of Turn- Ashfield .......... 442 38 404 erry; Albert Porter, Prescott, Arizona; Died In Toronto Next Sunday. April 24th., anniversary I services -01 N. t,&IA : u q Colborne .......... 752 300 452 %kt ]PnO VADUC A 01rn0V V unwime FRANICLULCCOHM101C. INeille Forter, Aoronto; wrS, J. Lastaunday iss, Lena. 5parling, form- Methodist - church. Rev. R. Fulton Grey .......... ­ 609 73 626 y Brown, Brantford-, Mrs. J3eO. Bloomfield, erlyof Grey, township, passed away in *NWA.CIID,'(tOFMUSIC-Band&ndStclag In. Howick — 978 170 808 4kurnewte, violin,andplano tuning. Detroit, Mrs. Frank Harvey, Detroit. Toronto. The casket was brought to Irwin of Lucknow, will preach at 2 and GPO. J. Wltrilft, '* Brussels Monday night and the funeral Morris .......... 662 123 539 OR OUIXISIDE uNORK Bandmaster. Mrs. J. W. Pattison, Port F I P. tri. Wecial offerings will be taken at ,]gin, an E. Wawanosh ...... . 458 Ivirs. MacKay, Wiarton, Tum ADVANCP took Place from the home of Mrs. Mary each servicefor current expenses, Spec. W. Waw no'sh WANVED-WOM-A or,5(rl W 8891st in car- a 761 300 464 This store always carries tl ebest line of Men's Work- Shoes. ing for Invalid. go WAgM Addro8e, jal music will be rendered by Brussels n6rgl% winghana Onto joins with their many friends in wishing Sparling, Mechanic street, Tuesday Male Quartette. On Monday evening an blade solid all through, of nelect leachera in 13LACX or . — them many, happy returns o; the -&y. afternoon, to Brussels cemetery. Rev. WANTED TOSTORP-Good. tardily to store entertainment will be held consisting of Wingham Races, 3uly 21st BROWN color. plank aild phonagraph with. Madly The Late Mrs. Parquaharaon M. Z. Stafford conducted the service 4W 0 ki Your reply whether you would r" in. Mrs. John Tervitt - received the saf which WasPriVate MissSparling was a an interesting program. Musicquartette, At a meeting of the Athletic Grounds, umt" in pureficsing either of these ln8t,tvi- OMWAS at the end of three Months, rovided Whatever yout, preference may be'In cut, leather, or ityle. newit on Friday, that her sister, Mrs sister,in-law to Mrs. $Parling and a sister etc. by the BelgraVe L*diea Quartetteand Limited held at Crawford's Garage on Axldrte3, of Mrs. John Mannin others. An lecture will be given Willt Thursday evening, it was unanimously 241 130% 0. ADVANCt, J. F ikrqulihargon of Edmonton. had pass. -9 Pastor, illustrated with lantern slides, decided to hold races in Witigham, on %f 13aby Chicks ed away on April 14th, in MounMiew Wins Goderiqh Hat Admission 25c. and 15c,, X W E CAN FILL THE BILL Hospital, Calgary, in her 43td Year. De- ' The steamer Win. A. Rti , from Mil Thursday, July 21st. Purther particulars ceased was a daugliter of Andrew Huggan, Waukee, Vitil 196,000 bushels of corn, " I Canf t Afford It re Pursesand races will be made known ve"n) Date brtd tvapiveqted 8. 0"Whito Leg- X We guardrItee the Shoes wo E;cll to do evorything &that ,Iwag Matron Strt%in). The Barran Leghorn is a former resident of Pleasant Valley. opeded inbound navigation at Goderith The yoong people of Sollrave MetW. 14ter, should be expected of them, because the ben leathe"t," and 4mt Xnglish bird mid for c, logbom is a very They left Wingbam for the W 0-t 4bout on Tuesday,,April 12th, This is believed ist Church are giving a play, entitled, "I The Advance Polls NINN **,ft bird same of there being as largo 89 the slvocrviakh g goes into diem. Itai6k. Rave the Advautagd 4arquallarson, to be the fir t of several cargoes to come can't afford it", in the Forester's 11311 Tile, holding of advance polls fa over Like sixteen years ago, but Mrs. r i*akthsy modorn, it ever. want to 41VII'Vt1b r the *%* onvoug of the warm weath or it seeirvq the vWfed with Mrs. Tervitt last surinner. to this port from Lake Michigan ports, BelgraveonFriday evening, April 29th, 30awy breads ate det evailned to cormenionce of railway muployees, ilora X- $3.750 $4.50 to $4.50 Is t he Price Ranne. got,- Not 80 She is aurviyed by one son, Norman, of Following the usual cu tom, Mayor Wigle This little drama has an Ontario farat and comillercial travellk ro, proved rIn Wth thd L-6ghoria. Tito earvaing of tho water **Mther the IAvghorn 14 determin(A to I&Y. Edinotitoa, also two brothers, Walter of and ReClva Davis, on behalf of thoi Town setting and is intemsting ao wclj as sug- pensivo exporimmt in Wingilaw, a.q on;y, Vk^-y win al.40 lay in the winter it prorerl , owo d for. From Nov. lit., to A J and Jatne of Venus, Califorttia, Council, informally prosented Capt. Ray gestive. Admission 35c and 25c for child. five 1)eople voted. Tin poll was olj ned Wit 1J., tell of aspec. aw tmpne 4ed Leglior&,4 laid I i OAgm kt (t " and two ai8ters, Mrs. John Leary of Col. Fraillfurther with W vavr*90 pric.6 (if 73 Ot,4 J or do/,. $62.78 ets. oath a new bat. The renunder 14, A'now departuro in the at the town elerk's Office in the towil h;AII 4mi *,Iww lAo tvlm ham. Fwmth-iie birdA and others onsay, Sa #A good -Wfj ars offoring ebloRR #t Vle(m. barn, flur husband predecemed her here, cleared for th' ppor lakcs this aftet. wll(, t, y evenings 1W sk., pnd Mrs. Tervitt of Wing- atoamcr Midland King, which wintered Way Of 4t faftlilY ticket is being tried ou on Thtivs. Vviday and Satuda blivarm at, ypor stAtio", C U n thd parent and childre'n under 14 HURON HFPCIALYFARX, thrft years ago. Her fAther rmideg vrith noon ff'0111 7 till 10 O'clock. Ill Mitchenor and V V 0 J10 top., r W'u"I'ma Rom, Bruvolo, Wt., - The Valgartim-la8t of the fleet, iii years will be aclMitted for $1.0o XNP severil other places no 13 rson twic nd- Phone 34 X, not 14, Mrt. Uary at, Colonsay. expected to clewar to -morrow. this date open. come, vailtap 911 the advanwc 11011b. F