HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-04-14, Page 74;1
r ,
Gro w i Popul
E popul ri of the ,Gray -Dort
a thing of ' ady growth.
To day this. good car has,,rnore friencls
than yipsterday. To -morrow it will have
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Because behind this ever-wideni g circl
of goodwi# is an organization keyed
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You cannot fail to appreci te the value
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Wift W is h
U Ulf 119 d1119 U11111
ff 10 1
LIBERTY LEAGUE "ARGUMENTS" States is also alleged as a product of pro- not suffered in like manner to a similar Willie IrWin, MO.
hibition. The truth is that the activities extent. It is simply not true that there Total 100.
(Toronto Globe) of the 1. W. W. have subsided greatly has be6n no crime wave in J�urope_ com- FRI511IR—Margaret Irwin, 92, Mary
"Government Control—The Right So- since the war, and in no country are re- parable with that in America. Social Robertson, 90. M. 1. AITKEW, Teacher.
volutionary movements less powerful observers in the United States and Can.
lution, of the Liquor Problem," is the than in the United States. 0 41 41
title of a booklet issued by the "Citizens, ada attribute it in part to a bad type of
Liberty League for Moderation" and the The Ontario Temperance Act, the moving pictures. The criminals are Repot t of S. S. No. 1,t, Eak and West
Wawanosh for Narch.
"Women's League for Temperance and liquor Propagandists say, denies the mostly mere youths, ot an age most sus. Total 900. Pass 540.
Government Control',, the two organi2a4l sacred right of every British to be consid- ceptible to the suggestion of the screen. IV—Madeleine O'Callaqhan, 779; Nora
tions which appear publicly as -the defend. ered innocent until he is proved guilty. In Chicago the police auth�rities ordered Falconer, 695; Elgin Purdon, 400.
ers of the liquor traffic. Prohibition is This absurdity recently has been riddled all crime scenes to be eliminated from Total 825, Pass 405.
pictured as a frightful calamity by con- in the Legislature by the At SR. Ilf—Robina Martin, 673, Mary
toiney-Gen- film Plays, on the ground that they were Martin, 019, Garnet Farrier, (108,
-trast with the beneficent results that the eral, who cited a number of offenses under the principal cause of lawbreaking in that Total 250. Pass 160,
01. flA . I r�_A
4uthors of rthe booklet say they are, — a e An which u nas been
certain will flow from the untried syst the long-established British practise to
Such is the "educational campaign" of
JR. AU—MeX. In is, 161.
Total 900. PassI100,
of Govilrament control. A few examples place the burden of proof on the defend.
those who wish to perpetuate the liquor
JR. II—Olive Farrier, 387, Chrissie
Inglis, 352.
will show that a scrupulous regard for ant.
traffic by giving it the respectable cloak
Total 150. Pass 90.
exact statement is not the most marked "Prohibition cal.,not N enforced be.
of "Government control," Truthful
PPISIBR—Carnian Farrier, 148, Tom
Inglis, 119.
feature of League propaganda. cause it does not appeal to the conscience
grnments are hard to find for such a
Best P,Ilers r the inanth,Nora, Fat.
"Prohibition created dniversal,indus-iof the people." Thigisan impudent as-
cause, and the Leaguers have had no
coner,, Madeleine O'Callaghan$ Olive
trial unrest." If this were true the1sumption which denies that those who
success in their search.
ftrrierl Chrissie Inglis,
Vnited State% and Canada would be- the vote for prohibition are actuated by con-
A. 0. CLo%v, Teacher.
raost rftflew countries in the world to- scientiotis motives.
a 011 0
,day. As a matter of fact, there is less "Prohibition affects the poor man only.
Th6 following is the Uaster Report of
S. S. No. 8, Itait Whwitiosh. The
industrial disturbance. Civil war is Those who cat, afford it have already fill.
being placed in order of tnerit.
taging in Coormany, which is deluged by ed their cellars, " 'Total prohibition will
The following is the report of S. S. No
Sr. IV—Iieatrice, Uishman, J es s i e
liquor. Italy is not a prohibition 4cdun try, put all on an equal footing, and will
if East WaLwanosh f6r the tnonth 6�
Wen?ies,'Oweadolyn McDowell.
and Italy is in a fertnerit. Is there not drain the rich man's cAllar dry.
Sr, III—Itauretta Mcnarney, Blanche
intente Wusttiat unrest throughout the 4,Governtnent control will Adequately
of gurope? Will
Total 800.
JR, IVGrordon MeBurney, Ift, tAsLzel
Cunningham, 11(yrtle tei9hM2n, Angola
�continea anyone say Protect the future of the boys and Kirls
Irwin, 691; Verna Irwin, 551.
Sr. II—Atinie McDowell, Arnold Vint,
Ahat am ljli� the British Isim where over of this Province " Another sheer agaurrip,
Total 460.
Zorra Dolt.
$2,000,mo,ow a year is 'spent in liquors tion, Where has it beef! tried and Yielded
lit. 111-11�bina Young, 375, Alex. Rob�
Jr. 11-11ruce chamney.
Sr. 1—Illair 0ibbons, Harvey Stapleton
the wodW% Am more contented than they such results?
ertsork 860, Jim Deotcon, 32-15; F red Deacoij,
jr, _a e r y I Cunningham, D&rothy
Are oft tf* side of the Atlantic? Prohibition is accused of . producing "a
Total 400.
Vincent, Cleland Done.
6#,Tbt vowth of the 1. W. W. and other crime wave" in the Uttited States, and it
Primer—Rarold Vincent, 1�ileen Mt.
Ulam, Dorothy Stapleton.
,revolutionvy wovemetAW' in the Unitk-d is asserted that European tduntries have
Deaconj W; Agnes Robertson, W,
MAV XCNn`$W41V, Telicher
) A
UVRON STAUFFER 'Vila' DARCM6 thstrkturc, oven 1% Oadsyv wbm I lot
re&00404 011 dancing to be of th* devil, AA
'Under the caption "Olderreople and "Wb*u a #other forgot. thxt h* was Tbandow, U4000014 W04 VW
NtIclug", the Toronto Star publish" *Aft A, lWy himself, look o4t for juvenile
,ithe following article by Rev. Bryon 40inquency in thAt bome. A, danwo" in U10 mmiag Mwe t4s, 006 "r W
social unit is the went, who bas f0rgot� 4ark doi*ovcrhW;V*A* alsopth*, bo
"In the matter of dancing, older t4a bow to Play, I sincerely pity the
a bright prospect bAA in spito or it 44 00
PCOPle $11ould Xuaintain an attitude of '0384 of fifty who I= 00 Pastime- probyterum turned " in W" nwb"
exxnea sympathy With the Young. 11133 ' "The oupirgme need of yoxog, pwple io to Welcome their now Miplibr. 7u bo
the very puritanical Community of ju d 1 1104 W their duotion seryke wo owooft
7 1"ximimition And mdom to tls&
Youth, where every child was, regarded a* AillitsvIllePt*". usualform.
beinga vile siuner until old erwolgh to Preached an 01040ont WMA on *Tb*
come to the penitent form, young folks, ideal churdel. The moderator of P*w
amusements were Allowe4 to go entirel roliv Wants HydrQ
, y Eldo bytery pre4ded at the Wastloa OW044.
Unsupervised, for the simple reason that Mghty-four Elders
they were All regurded as "worldly It a petition � lie farraws have died Rev. X Scobit of whitochurclu akk*04
for an estimate on the c* of t�lie minister in a Sympathetic 0 fity-
was expected that at conversion all div,, -r- Obtaining bYdro Power from the proposed joining him to "know thysolf, k ", yow
sions, even baseball games and croquet, PaWeY-CbeSleY line, The Township people, know your rewurm." RW.Ayr.
would be -abandoned for purely sp*jtual Council has indorsed the po4tion, And in. Gollga of South , Kinlop, briefty Add
enjoyments. As a result the young men sk Gd e n ega on giving (x* of 001o.
, ructed the clerk to send the names, to, th co gr ti I -w
and maidens believing that theme things gether with all necesssiry information, to ly counsel. A.ChAtift wa xivta for No
for whiqh their healthy bodies kind active the COMMi"W1. congregation to g , reet their mew p4s6w
spirits craved were wholly wicked, went Hotel Vailue Shrunk After which all adjourned to the basemss*
to riotous excess, recklessly assert�ug The Qmn's Hotel, Elmwood, which where lunch, WAS WVe4-M St no***
with the Roman monks of Pelagus, day ladies can sery%. it, Thom wbo ParkKk
that, since they were sinners was Purchased five years ago for $6000 by of the lunch had all things in CMAKO;
they might as well run the entir anyway' Mr. Wm. Liefiso, who simply abandoned
e gamut neither was there any that lack�ad god tjiW J.
of disobedience and at conversion have &! the proposition and moved into, Walker. waitere said not that the things ww*
bushe� of sins forgiven as easily as a pint. ton a few weeks ago, was knocked down they posseqwd were their own but they
Sotheysat amongthe scorners in theback by Auctioneer Briggs at the market square had Abundance to spare.
A full church of earnest, interested: wor-
benches i9sting at the religious ex I here on Saturday to Mr. Pries ofElmwood
I for $1060, or barely enough, it is said to shippers eet the pastor on
of their elders and went away from the, cover the mortgage on the place, Unde gr ed � Wday
church service to dance with, no chaper� 1 lq;�eAd 9f tbe; I
onage tilt the wee small hours with',
QtKWS was 60nlethlngofa peoples ijie�tmk ad 0&1
every chance of moral downfall. i bonanza to its owners, several of whom , ing s6r� ijast
I conducted by Mr. Cumming. after Which,
"A few tuiles away was a Scotch settle. retired with a fat stomach and a fall the young People's Society was reorpa-
Pocket. William, who came in at the tail ized, It was expected that the socKy
ment in -which the staid old elders and end of the gold hunt, did the suffering for Will hol
their wives welcomed the chums of their the bunch, for the anemic stuff that he I d its first regular meeting in alboat
young folks to their homes, watched the a forttifglit. The officers elected are:-*
-dances, and then saw to it that the payties was allowed to sell after theO. T. A. came President, Harvey Webb; Vice Pres., WA
broke up at a reasonable hour. It is ini. Into force in 1910 wasn't strong enough Rutherford, Treas., Mabel W
portaut to note that the church building was S;ryl.
Socla), Wag.
to stimulate an infant, and one draugh t Mrs Cumming; Committee: I oods
of that very rigid sect hag long since been enough for the brigade that used to face 4iller; Missionary, William Tay)ors
nailed up, but the Scotch Presbyterian take it without any. William will go back Prayer meeting, James Ramage,
,organization still lives and these young to agriculture, having left Walkerton the
people of my boyhood are now themselves other day for the Prairies, where he will
the sedate parents of youths and maidens produce No. I Hard, join the graingrower,9 The fairs held last year in connecdom
Whose dances are still supervised. and and become one of Canada's noblemen a with the school plots were the most suiz-
moderated by their parents, produ�,er of cereals, In the meantime, cessful ever held in Huron and the iotev-
John Hawk, a former experienced hotel-, est manifested not only by the children.
"You have seen the famo6s picture of man of Chesley, will conduct the Queen's -but by the Parents, was, shown in the,
the. old grandpa in colon&I dress vnd for Pries, and if he can't make it go, it is a
plarge attendance at some of the fair%�
,cularly large attendances were notic-
peruke dancing the minuet with his said there is nobody this side of the Mas n ed at
i7et_tYgranCdiii9_hCe�_ I always liked fall fairs in conjunction with wkich
,,and Dixie line who can.—Bruce Times. a school fair was held.
ShaU the importation gind the
bringinz of intoxicating
liqpors into tJ6c 11rovinci
be forbidden?
Shall the imPottation and th6
b6ning Of intoxicating
UqUors into 0-a Province YES
be forbidden P
Your V 1jew" de
dr-IbItA112% wi 11 W"11� V 1
Y o U Voted against the SALE— "'
—Vote TIV, ow against the IMPORTATION
P"w"%HE people on April 18th decide by the ballot reproduced
above whether liquor for beverage purposes shall be allowed
to come in, or whether the door shall be shut.
vote. Earnestly we ask you to vote—vote to clinch your former
By your last vote against the Sale of liquor you made Ontario
safe from within,
. Now vote against Importation, to make Ontario safe from
Prohibition should apply to Allalike.
Take nothing for granted. Every temperance vote is needed.
Every temperance vote must be cast.
See that your wife and every member of your household, with
a right to vote, gets to the polls.
Let us roll up a decisive majority today and settle this ques-
Get Out The V -0 T E
Mark your ballot -with an "IV' and an ss3V-' 01ft-ty
after the wordyEs
Ontario Referendum Comt-n-ittee