HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-04-14, Page 3�44 EE 4 U Have Your Cleaning Doue by Experts k�w Clothing, household drAperies. linen and deli- cate fabrics can be cleaned and made to look as fresh and bright as When first bought, CLEKINUM"I AND DYEING N Properly Done at Parker's It mailres zio difference where iou live; varcels �au be eat In by mall or express, The same care and atton- tion is given the work as though you lived in town. We Will be pleased IQ advise yotA on any quest4on regarding Cleaning or Dyeing. WRITE US. Fa rker"z Dye Works w.ited * 7uAc- Oners 4yers, 79IYongeSt� Toronto WMOH= ADVANOt AD VICE TO GIRLS By M.10,808ALIND Reofetered Aqcorcllng. to the Copyright Act, Mlsl� Rosalind welcomes letters. from Dear Wayflower—i think you will young Women. asking for advice on find answers to two of Your questions - Wary, had evidently been -married any e4bJect. All you have to 00 Is how old A ,girl should be before to addrolts your letter to before, and these mentinned here —1 fancy I bave answered that too. Were doubtless his sons by this for- STY Idea Is that girls and bay$ Should 34 Kino W11,11am St, iHamiLto"l- ont. mer marriage, They were envious good -chums arid friends witliout any 'because of His superior NVIS401111 John -5: 1,7� This passage from risense. A girrs mother should N00W all her daughter's boy friends along with the other fellow. Ask John Is placed here by the lesson the girt it you may drive her home Eramin -committee to show that Christ 'Was there would be no friction between an opportunity of asking if you may ehIldrea and parents about love af- come over some night during the a worker. The works described week. Dear Hope—Tell that boy friend here were works of heafing in which very plainly that lie must go home at enough to marry him, and to liecome, Jesus sought to relieve people froin engaged to hini for a year you should Lesson 111, April 17. their sufferings, Just this boy; and I would never write SISI -5 TEADHINOM 46JUOUT WOFIX 21 Thess, �a: 6. Paul's second fiance. letter to the Thessalonians 'was Dear Cloopatra,—I certainly think Lesson—Mark 6- 1-3; John 5: 17; 2 written toward the close of his see- UO exclusive right to the friendship Thess. 3: 6-13, ond missionary journey, and probably your friends. Ask your landlandy Golden Text. --"In diligence not in 51 A. D. It was during his stay Slothful; fervent In spirit; serving in (Corinth 'when persecution war, rag - ness in your lettersi Act as it there the Lord" (Rom, 12: 11), Ing. Paul would have the Thes- in a friendly chummy wa�. you The Le*ao,n TeYA. salonlans to feel that whether Dear Loriesome—Join our corres- Wark -6: 1. And he went out from Christ's s cond coming Were almost oome, thence; and he cometh into his ow# upon them or a long way distant, friends of books; and cultivate wlial 'country; and his disciples follow him. , 1 "they were to make ready for It, not this young man be -as bilght, friend. 2, And -When the Sabbath was by feverish excitement 'And restless. worth -while -and interesting to those come, he began to teach in the syna, ness, but by the quiet, steady p2r- In him, you will act quite naturally, It gogue,, and many hearing him Were formance of every -day duty," What Dear Cinderella—Don't Single any astonished, sayinv. Whence hath Paul condemned in this verse 6 was . this man t'laese, things? and, 'What is id'oness. To withdra;w means to so many good friends. Keep ttieul the.,wisdom that Is given unto this avoid the companionship. social gatherings at -school, at church man, and what mean such mighty Verse 7, 8. Paul set the example of I works wroui;ht by �Is hands? lalborlous workln'g for his Own main - would approve of. You cannot -pos, 3 ffs not 11ila, the carpenter, the tenance. I would not drop the young maalls ae- Son Of Mary', and brother of James Verses 9. 10. All men, rich or p6or, eight Or t6n girls together, plan a and Joses, and Judas, and Simon? should be engaged In a useful, call - things - and are not his sisters here with us? ing. boys Of Your class. Dear Rose—I hope by this -time you And they were offended in him, Verse 11. Busybodies are those -have had some good letters from who take so much interest in other some members of the club. John 5; 11 But Jesus aiiswered people's business that they have no I am awf UllyY glad you them, My rather worltoth even until ttrae for their own. found the advice helpful. it now, and I work, Verse 12. The apostle considered' makes me feel good to have actual that he had the authority of Christ 2 Thess. 3: 6 Now We command for commandIng people to earn their you, brethren, In the name of our own bread. while. As for the little question you Lord Josue Christ, that ye withdraw I Verse 13, Do not become tired of Yourselves from every brother that a work that Is useful and necessary. YEAR OFF ON walketh disorderly, and nol ,vlien walking with two girls th a tradhlou which they received of us. Mustrated Truth. Young man walkes in the middle. 7 For Yourselves know how . ye OvIan's work serves the double pur- Dear Anxious—A self-willed young ought to Imitate us � for we behave(I pose of earning his right to live and man who wants big -own way all the not ourselves disorderly -among you; to keeping his powers alive (2 Thess. time and does not willingly give. In 8 neither did we eat bread for to anybody, is not a good kind to fall nouglit at any man's hand, but in III ustration,­-MotanIsts tell us of a In love with my dear. If you call labor % and travail, working night and leafless vine known as the "dodded!l fall out of love with him, I certainly day. that we might not burden any It Is a Pamsite by nature, for though would do so, for you are only twenty of you: ) It starts out with roots, -it attachas and *wIll meat other Young men. It 0 not because -we have -act the ltse'f to Some. other plant and-ibegins .00� Tight, but to make ourselves an en- to feed upon It. its own roots, hav- wishes now; but men of his character Ganiple unto you, that yb she,.* mi. Ing ceased to perform their Intended often develop into frightful cranks. tato us. function, decay. The drain upon the Dear -Country Lad—If the girl 10 For even when We were with plant to which it alas attgehed itself seems to shun you, look around for YOU, this we commanded You, It any soon causes this plant to wither another girl. Just be friendly and will not work, neither lot him eat- away and die, It is the same with Mee always and you will have lots of 12. Now them -that are such "' the Parasite. In society ind in the friends. COMM14nd and -mort in the Lord Jesus church. His Is useless, but 'he is not Dear Hap py Billy—Do not take a 10hribt, that -with quietness, they w9r1c, harmless. He weakens V those who A_� and Oat their own broad.- Must do double duty to support him. 13 Rut ye, brethren, be not weary Topics for Atesearch and Disoussion. In doing, L Jesus Showed His Wisdom by could use their strong right �arms Comments ffis Work& (Mark -6: 1-3). 1. -ftere s 4) liark 6: 1. During the winter of did Josue spend the years 28 and �9. boys If they are lucky enDugh tobave so many good chums, A. D. 98 Or 29 Tagus was in Cager- A. D.? 2, What was Jesusi, 1,own nallin. In this lesson, after ralsilig country"? S. What �avldencbs have I not drivell remember lVa a party line! the daughter of Jairus, he left tCa� we as to Jesus' educational training? or throat. Itis so scothing,so heal - pernatim, and came "Into his own 4. HOW did He spend His childhood thinks It aIrIght. I am sure Oils boy CountWl to Nazareth. Tails had and youth? 6. Is It a niattar of A Ur' use it every day. No nasty- medicine been the home of His childhood, Prige that the associates of Jesus did only one. Keep In the bunch, Youth, and early manbood, and the not recognize &rim. for -What He was? a of Caterrhozone and- feel better at ocene, of.igig young manhood uctIVI. II. He Practiced What I -To Preach- to Introduce you. it is rather fool- tieg,, 140 woriked at the carpenter's ad (Sohn -5: 17) - 6. Suppose Jesus call in the lungs Into every air pas� banch with Joseph, and filled a use- are here today with HU deads aAd Mil know something -about the young Iful place In the community. The dis- doctrine, how would.11a be received? Ii 'Catarrhozone will reach it. YoL can tan(le of Nazareth Was a walking 1. Does Present-day society really d 'A. Dear Doe-Doe—A girl may do her JOUrn6y of about seven hours. want (011TIStiftnity? zone. Two month's treatment One Dollar, small gize 60c. Dealars every- Verse 2. The Sabbath, or seventh 111. 1119 Example Was lltoll6wed p iow she Will dress, day, our Satilrdg-y, was the principal by Others (2 Thess. 3, 0-14), 8, p day Of public worship and teaching. Does Verse 6 teach expulsion from 'The synagogue Was tile Jewish )lace church membership? 9, What -was NOTHING TO EQUAL of pubilo worship. -116 was given Paul's attitude toward the second hough, be sure you get a pretty one. Girls may dance at every ago. tile roll, and after resAing the lesson coming � 10. SUmmarIze the ptacti- lsai down to explAin its passhgos. 'Cal t0actling of Verses 9 to Is- ro, as you say, interesting,, friend - T114y, had Unown mrft MI of 111S. Hit, ftar6 the Chlldt(M froin suffering Mrs. GeUrges Lefebvre, St. Zenon, and 'Were astontsilled. 11ow 'could a front worms by Using Millerls W1orm, hat place Is ildver In public, itarpenter lbe, gifted witil sitch WIS- Powders, a most effective varniffuge Own Tablets for little Ones.' I have dom? With -Which to conibmt those Insidious roaand thirty-five so far as 1know, ;Vorse, 8. Joseph, the hound of f0as of th6 young and helpless. It is febyro says thousands of other inotil- Two (aard-working Girls—It Is no au, excellent worin destroyer, And� argon's -business -but Yours how YOUV that the Tablets always do just what When Its qUatitles become known In is clainled for them. The Tablets.aro 1 Kfuht 4knd floping, a ftialih gy4t. zf=; a liousehold no other will be Used. Tho medicine acto by Itself, Toquir- ative, to astlat It, and so Ing no purg. nd his office is as tidy and neat and regull4te tile bowels arid sweeten tho Wderly -as any office could be. stomach and thus banign "hdigesti-on, SmgftorBunJJf8Qr4 thorouglily that nothing more Is do- e,C. Irrittited, Inflitned or tired. JGranulatKusaMurfge n. Usib", 4611mlits. 81fa ft Infaut N�le ilre made for eo-optmtlon, like or AMMAt 0 broWsto and 00ti d " feet, like, hands, like eyelids, like the Mucus Aurelius a WMOH= ADVANOt AD VICE TO GIRLS By M.10,808ALIND Reofetered Aqcorcllng. to the Copyright Act, Mlsl� Rosalind welcomes letters. from Dear Wayflower—i think you will young Women. asking for advice on find answers to two of Your questions - In Other letters Published today. As [for any e4bJect. All you have to 00 Is how old A ,girl should be before to addrolts your letter to 1 starting to keep company with boys —1 fancy I bave answered that too. M IS S. 1RQ'S AL I N 0, STY Idea Is that girls and bay$ Should 34 Kino W11,11am St, iHamiLto"l- ont. be brought up -together And become good -chums arid friends witliout any Dear Doubtful—Take -your chance risense. A girrs mother should N00W all her daughter's boy friends along with the other fellow. Ask and should welcome them in bar home the girt it you may drive her home Just as she Would girl -chums, Then from church-, and tliat -will give you there would be no friction between an opportunity of asking if you may ehIldrea and parents about love af- come over some night during the fairs. week. Dear Hope—Tell that boy friend Dear Estella—It you love this man very plainly that lie must go home at enough to marry him, and to liecome, a certain hour, That is only right. engaged to hini for a year you should I would not limit my friendship to 'riot go around with other boys except Just this boy; and I would never write in mixed parties that Include your to him, at 411, fiance. Dear Cloopatra,—I certainly think Dear Scout—A. girl of fifteen has you should have the chance of using UO exclusive right to the friendship the family living -room, to entertain Of any one boy. Encourage your your friends. Ask your landlandy bunch to be friendly all together: for its use one night a week. I would not mention the Seeming cold - Dear 14ove-�;born Lassta­—I st%pposo ness in your lettersi Act as it there It would be alright to write once, just werel no difference. in a friendly chummy wa�. you I write a good letter, so I imagine Your Dear Loriesome—Join our corres- correspondence will be very wel- pondence club and make some pa- oome, per friends, Read more—makE friends of books; and cultivate wlial Dear Sunshine—when you meet friends you have the opportunity oi this young man be -as bilght, friend. meet4,119- Study to make yourseli ly aild interesting as you know how worth -while -and interesting to those to be. If You are really -interested you meet, In him, you will act quite naturally, It lie- "does not respond 'at all, you will Dear Cinderella—Don't Single any know you are -not congenial. one of your friends out for special at- . tention. You. are fortunate to havE Dear Theo and Zula—lqost girls get so many good friends. Keep ttieul acquainted with boys by meanx of all and add Some Interesting girl social gatherings at -school, at church chums to the crowd. and at the homes of their friends. These are the only ways your mother Dear Audacious—You areqniterigill would approve of. You cannot -pos, about it, it Is not considered proper, sibly go to .Public dauces, Why not I would not drop the young maalls ae- start a social club In your -class. Get qualutance., -bat I would certainly let eight Or t6n girls together, plan a him know what Yom think about good prog-ramme of games, have nice things - eats and Invite some of the nicer boys Of Your class. Dear Rose—I hope by this -time you tk-^: I -have had some good letters from some members of the club. I am awf UllyY glad you found the advice helpful. it ON tltY BIR -1 HDAY I makes me feel good to have actual evidence that our column isso worth. TAKE A DAY OFF BUT while. As for the little question you THE MISSUS TAPES A ask about street etiquette; usually YEAR OFF ON ,vlien walking with two girls th a HERS. Young man walkes in the middle. Dear Anxious—A self-willed young man who wants big -own way all the time and does not willingly give. In to anybody, is not a good kind to fall In love with my dear. If you call fall out of love with him, I certainly would do so, for you are only twenty and *wIll meat other Young men. It may be, a pleasure -to do what lie wishes now; but men of his character often develop into frightful cranks. Dear -Country Lad—If the girl seems to shun you, look around for another girl. Just be friendly and Mee always and you will have lots of friends. Dear Hap py Billy—Do not take a A_� girl's arm unless she Is a cripple and needs your support. Most girls could use their strong right �arms quite ;as forcefully as you can, it seems rather ridiculous'to wrik they HEALS INFLAMED NOSTRILSt, need your help to cross a road. Girls can go out with dozens of STOPS CATARRHAL DISCHARGE boys If they are lucky enDugh tobave so many good chums, BELIEVES COLDS UICKLY Usually a boy calls -a girl up to visit over the telephone, -but for pity's sake, When you do, talk sense, You:11 be pleasantly Surprised. at not drivell remember lVa a party line! the q­lak action Catarrhoxone has upon Catarrhal conditions in the nNe, or throat. Itis so scothing,so heal - Dear Snowball --4t -your mother Ing, so agreeable to Use, so safe an(T thinks It aIrIght. I am sure Oils boy ftliable that thousands Praise it and would make a splendid chum, only use it every day. No nasty- medicine don't make the mistake of having to take—you, just breathe in the bal� only one. Keep In the bunch, samle vapor of the healing essences of Caterrhozone and- feel better at Dear Rosebud—Ask a mutual friend once. Chtarrhozone is breathed to Introduce you. it is rather fool- through the inhaler into every tair sh to talk of being In love with a 1per- call in the lungs Into every air pas� son you do not know. Wait until sage in the tl!��ai and nostrils. No Mil know something -about the young matter where the cold or Catsrrh Is, man. 'Catarrhozone will reach it. YoL can keep free from coughs, rows, bron. Dear Doe-Doe—A girl may do her ohitis and. the like Ur using Catarrho. iair up at the back of her neck when zone. Two month's treatment One Dollar, small gize 60c. Dealars every- he Is -sixteen. Agreat deal depends )n he , just -r appearance for her age Where, or the Cata rrhozone 0o., 61on. iow she Will dress, treal. Brown Is generally becoming, and am sure you could wear it wall. rhore, are many shades of bro*n NOTHING TO EQUAL hough, be sure you get a pretty one. Girls may dance at every ago. BABY'S M TABLETS It Is not at all Improper to write otters to boy frieladso providing they ro, as you say, interesting,, friend - y arid sensible. Mrs. GeUrges Lefebvre, St. Zenon, Gum, has Its place. my dear, but Quo., Writes: 911 do not think there hat place Is ildver In public, is Any Other medicine to equal Baby's Your welglt should babetweeii one Own Tablets for little Ones.' I have undred and twenty and one huft� used them for My baby and Would roaand thirty-five so far as 1know, use nothing else," What airs, Le, febyro says thousands of other inotil- Two (aard-working Girls—It Is no at$ say. They have found by trial argon's -business -but Yours how YOUV that the Tablets always do just what lace Of business looks; but I know is clainled for them. The Tablets.aro he best newspaper inan in the world a mild but thorough laxative which nd his office is as tidy and neat and regull4te tile bowels arid sweeten tho Wderly -as any office could be. stomach and thus banign "hdigesti-on, Think It over and got busy, tonstipation, colds, colic, etc, They aro sold b�r medicine dottiara or by Y. em Wldnk�v troubItt are frequently C&1044,4 bylbWly digcsted food tou 011minato the itritam a4ids forni#.�J. 140-.11sybuirsto.VOL& to 0,ro.r.4e-..,v encett, the tooa 'by Wdlig 15,to 30 drops ofg-kratt o� Ile*ts, sold ts Molher StIgeN Curalive S.Vi-ftle, and your kidiri6y dir%cpdal. �Flll Promptly aft. Aplimaro cAtthd,64nuiziow 'I . mail at 25 cents a box from 4rhe Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., Brookville, Out, FOR SMALL TASKS, th"Itt—Mrs. PItt has engaged a sor- vant only 0 feet 7 Inches high. t 'Hitt—Oil account of the :serv�iut shorta-e? PAnna Rdward Island Is somatinies oalled "Tht Ullitou, Atre r -arm", also "The Garden, t)ftho )Gulf." Vhe geft- ere'l, tolor of Its 1,011 Is a teildlah bmwn, n 0ANADA113 TUADINO 4 0 0 0 0, 0 0 SAL"OZ A$AXXZ= NEW STRENGTH FOR VICTIMS OF ANAEMIA YOUR CHILD Importation of nomic Authority, is the Oroate*t CalAso of AOvorso Account With th4 United etates, 11408S OF STRI44NOTH FQ"QWS A DepoAxaent )ror,)rrAr=m WKPN THE liliLOOP 13PEi�,Om,FS, Dr. Adani Shoftt. formerly liead of THIN. X the department Of p(4,1tical science in Queen�s Ujalversity, and One Of the Anaemia, is the medical term I ,or Ask tho .0 foremost Authorities on economics In thin, watery blood. The sufferer If there Is anything wrong with you Canada, attributes, in a, measure, the loses strength, 'becomes BhQrlt of at 0,11, especially headaebEl dimness breath and complains of paIpItatIQn heavr trade balance a.TAnst Canada of the lieart after the slightest exer— of sight, swelling of tile leg's And feet, In favor of the VAIted Stat e to the tion, such as walking up stairs. The Or nausea Beauty urine or any other Importation of luxuries. In In ad- lightest task becomes 4 burden. There troutlyle asic the doctor about it st dress he pointed out that from. 1910 Is' 0, loss of ambitio-u, the vietim. loses once, It Is easy to cure Ills In the weight and as the disease progresses Lbogininjn_ to 1,914 the exchange rate -between the appetite is affected, c6lor fades but often. hard 14 tile, and. Canada and the United St:ktes was from choolim and lips and fainting And there Is alwayB Something the never Ozainst -Canada, and often in spaIlls may occur. 4octor can do to make You better. Its faxor, and this, despite the 'fact Auaemla is not a disease that oor- That to VUt a doctor IS for. Far. Teets Itself, and it unchecked It pro - that In those years C�auadlan. imports grasses steadily. But it ca;*a be com. haps one of Me first changes ym will exceeded exports by an annual aver- batted by good. food, fresh air and a notice Is that on rising In the zuvoing ago Of $49,0;0,1;k000. From 1916 to proper tonic for ;the blood. As the You hava a feeling of nausea. This last year the exports exc(-eded the blood becomes xleb. and red under Is called "Morning flfckuess�" You this treatment, the symptoras disap- imports more than an, pear as In the case of Miss Fivelyeen, 4my never have It At all and it will nually, yet the exchange rate was Joyce, Westville, N. S., w1lose mother pass off very soon and may not against Canada. The oxport growth Q -41s' "Almost from Infancy my amount to anything. But it you. hap - was due largely to the ftct tilat,Can- daughter was very delicate, and was pon to have it you will IMOW, what to often under ;the doctor's care. As do tomorrow morning. ada, was Sending goods abroad for the her father had died of consumption modutenauce Of tho Canadian Army, my friends feared she would fall a Leave everything ready the night and getting notlilng ack. Such trad- victim to that dread disease. As the before for a cup of tea and Z� bit Ot ing did. not give Cunada a trade bal- years went by and slie, war. merging -toast or a biscuit or a bit of bread ,,Ind into w3manbood I began to fear that b%ter -and ask Your husband to p ance where it was most needed. I would lose her. Then I decided ut The trade balance, however, waa to try Dr, Williams' Vink Pills, and I oii the kettle and maUe you a cup of not tile ontY factor entering Into the could soon see a change for the bat- tea first thing In the morning. Take exchange situation. Other fact ter. For the next three Years, at in- it as soon as, habrings it and then Ile ors enumerated were: tervals, she took the pills, alwaYawith still for ten or twenty minutes, you (1) The Import the best of results. Now at the age and -export- of actual goods: (2) im- of sixteen $he I-$ a fine healthy girl, will -be all right, Your stomach Is Ab ports of foreign -capital, borrowings and I never tire -of telling those who little upset by the new state of Vfwrs, in foreign countries or dnvestments In see the wonderful change In her con- but it you give it the tea and toiSt to. d1tion that she owes it to Dr. Wil- work OR it wia take the hint Canada by foreigners; (3) Interest On liams' Pink Pills." old or recent loans, (4) services Of IVIss Joyce herself says: "It gives 4' carry on�l again, You get up feeling other countries, whether within cl, me ple%wre to confirm the, state- quite comfortable and enjoy your Without the British Empire, it, which ments made by any mother. Since breakfast. If this Plan does not using Dr. Williams, Pink Pills I have ,cure you, ask the doctor. (M-tilgory the -speaker placed transpol,- gained in weight, and. from a sickly tation, Insurance, etc; (5) Interna- -girl, suffering from headaches, dIzzi4- 'You oaght also to see your den- tIonal travel which, before the war ness and a languld feeling, I ani now tist, for sometimes the mother's teeth and at certain seasons of the ye as Well as other girls of my age, aad need -special attention and the sooner 0'r, I -owe it all to Dr. Williams' Ruk You go and -have your teeth attended Was a great factor against -the Tia.led to the (better. A little hole does not States and in favor of (lanada, ai�d Dr. 'Williams' Fink Pjll� can be K)b- Which has now turned somewhat talned dirough a4y m4diclue dealers, cost much to fill if you go at once. against this country by reason of the or by mail, at '50 cents a box or six It at �=y Ume You haveauy pain or .boxes for �2.50 from The .Dr. NV111- have any trouble of any -kind, go to large number of Canadians spending Itaing' I'viedictne Go., Brockville, Ont. bad, keep quiet, and Send for thedoc- vacations in the United Ztates, ;(6,j ter at once. This is very important, tranUer of ownership, the moving Of PRINCESS BUYS WATCHES. you =y not tuinic mucii, of. Via a, resident of one country to another, Ind the transfer- of his interests to trouble, but you do not know. The doctor Is the only one who knows the place of his location. An of these Gives Them Away So That He'r '-u.b- whether it is dangerous or not and factors were considered and proved Jects Always Will �Se Punctual. so the doctor must be had at once. of weight in f"Xing the exchange situ- ation. The BeguKa (Princess) of Bhopal, itseential Balance. India, who -bought 4,OOD silver Watch- FIGHT WEEDS WITH Analysis of -Canada% trade with the as to take back to her people in the PROPITABiX CROPS United States -showed that the im- central India State when she 'visited port and export of -essentials about Switzerland In 19,11, has Just sent ON I- FARMEWS 1SIJ0CFS8 IS balmneed. From the United States, for'another lot of 2,GW timepieces. IOLEANINO FIE11-11 SHOWS ,Canada bought solue, $38,2,0-,1%0bD of She wants her subjects to be punc- WHATOAN BE DONE. goods annually, which were neces- tual and not rely on the sun for the sary and which were not produced In. time Of day. The Oegum, or Mc - Canada, nor could they be Obtained hammedan Princess of 13hopal, prob- Why Should human labor be wast - In countries where this country had ably Is the only female ruler of a ed in fighting weeds? With an or- a favorable trade' balance,. These in- State In India, and is also called Sul- dInary slugle-furrow walking plow, cluded coal, iron and its tan. The Throne of 8hopal -has des- turning a 12 -Inch furrow, a man Will Products, $125,000,000, petroleum, $-',)4, cended In a female line for more than walk over 10 miles in plawlag an 500,-000, cotton, 422,0100,0(,;G-; cbenii- seveaty-five years, and many of the acre once over. Add to this the cals, 115X,00,400; essential machinery Begums have disNayed modern ten- walking necessary for harrow1ug. requisite to production, 420,M0,00;0; dancles in looking, after the welfare I cross harrowing and cultivating, and sugar, $11,000;o:00.; leather and pro_ of their subjects, Who number 665iOX then calculate how much has 'been ducts, $10400;0,00; electrical and gas The Sultan Jahan. [Segum, succeeded wasted when the yield is only half or appliances, $1%oo0jo,09.; woods, $101- to the Throne in 1901. Bhopal is the two thirds as large as it would have 000,00f; corn, $8,o-&D�oi)o,; vegetable principal province of central -India, bee, had it not been clicked by weeds. olls 16,0'0000, and Other small and its,capital, the City of �Zhopal' This will give some Idea of the cost amounts making the has about 75,000 population. total. To this of weeds to the farmer, -Ma'ay weeds list Of essentials, however, should be are able to survive the ordinary cul- adddd $90,to.0,0,000 of luxuries, in tivation given in preparing the seed Which, was to be found the real trade CRAMPS, CRAMPS, CRAMPS, bed. These veteran weeds are balance. it Was In the elimination among the worst enemies the farmer Of the Puxeliase of luxuries that a HOW TO STOP THEM QUICK has to fi-slit. Quack or couch grass groat Part of the -solution was to be. Stands out very prominently In this found. Canadian Indebtedness in class. Other Paxts of -the, American contin- When you have, cramps, It is a Weeds of this -kind should be fought 6nt also counted against this. coun, mighty 4111CIE Toilet th4t YOU want. with 1profitable crops, This has sure �as been done on many Of the iarins, In death. to relieve cranips in a hu try in the United 'States, as the busi Good Old "Nerviline" Is nags 'Wa4 practically all centred In Just a few drops In sweetened wa- Dundas -county where the Commia- York. ter, and the pain is gone. Buy a Sion of oonserviLtion Is conducting Must Work Harder. bottle of trusty Did Nervillne today Illustration work. One field of seven and -keep It handy. Nervillne Is a acres -which was badly infested by While In !Duropean countries' with common household necessity, and Is quack grass was plowed In the au - the exception of Switzerland, and In so useful In case of sudden Illness at all Parts of the British Jampire, Can� night, or when cramps, nausea, di. tumu of 11919 and in the spring of arrhoes, vomiting or the like occurs. 10210 was thoroughly cultivated fre�- ada has a favorable balance, yet it did loold everywhere In large 36 �cents quently to keep It from showltg greou not help the, situation With the Unit- -bottles, Until well Into June, when it -ivAs ad States as -this -country was vir- ually, 4hilt off from effective trade 'M:l"rd'a 'Liniment ifor sale everywhere sown to buckwheat at about -double the amount per acro as Is Sown on, with Australia� and South Africa, and Imprisoned In Coffin& clean land when a grain crop Is thie baTA11COS in 'EurOpean countries would be subject to -a prohibitive discount The most terrible prison In the s4xe end in view. The farmer con- ducting -this work reports his results it rea:Hzed In New York. world Is In, Urga, Mongolia. It cou�- as follows: "The buckwhoot grew The gold balance Was not a feature sists of a triple stockage enclosing a so rand and heavy that We had to lot it In the exellaiigo 1,Mte, except when number of underground dungeons get dead ripe before we could cut It conditions war&ahout normal, as gold which are pitch dark and almost de- with the bind&r. We threshed 0 earned no revenue and was not re. void ot ventilation. But -this is not bushels to the acre In Spite of tile garded merely 49 4a article of com- 'all. The wretched prisoners con- fact that some shelled on the ground. demned to Inhabit them arer shut up, There Is not a apear of quack to be 'AS to tile remedy, Dr. Shortt said separately In heavy, Iron -clamped, seen this tall. The soil is very inti - the -Only thing to do was, to work chests, In ehaps resembling coffins. low and we have letiltivwted It two or harder and practice -thrift wit), the There Is a small hole in the side of three times Since harvest. We in - confidence that eventually tile situa- each, fiist big enough -for the 15oor tend to Sow grain on It In the spring tiOn would be righted. wretch Inside to thrust out big -head and. Seed, It to altalta, as the field Is or his manacled hands. They Sea naturally well drained end Is now In. NO SUreltal operation is necessary daylight for but a low inluntes daily, good condition," it' removing corns in "011OWaY's Corn ,when their food is thrust Into their ReMOvat be used, box-iprlsous throAgh the hole. They can not lie doWn flat, they can not lopace iHospitals" In, Paris. for they are not only Manacled but In Paris, In tile contre of the fath- 'Fisherman's hood chained to the coffins. The major. Ionable shopping di8tritts a, "face, The Original and ;Only 4��hulna Ity are Ill for life sentences, except hospitallo Itao been oDeeed, Which In when lie Is �o be execUte(lor, as hap, - polls very rarely--Ao be, set free. patronized by manT woll known wo- Ry ofAuring 11vt days' rcwil- A Minard'a Liniment for ftndruffo donee there alld submitting It P1.111- ful flitmreerAtloft of thr, face In a Spoe- The British iGoverninent has ts. W would, theq are Able to ished their KI G FRAIN" tablished 4 canning soliool for the In- wrinkles oud so itmet9k) looking rwy- ruetion of students and housewives where from ten to twenty Yolk" respecting fruit and vegetablo domes- ybunger. Untottunatel!r the trftt- tie selence. Instruction is given In TneAt Im to ibe fon6*ed evety four Vegetable DreSekVAt1On, fruit c4ulling, A ,drying Sud- crystalliting, *,nd JAM, *t fiva' years Ot 9"4t 02P"6 hd YAWOUVI, N. ZArW&l4d0, and Jelly woklar. with reduced WkIeurr.