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M .1
were drawn from various distriets
Di Pert NVorkman-Blectriclans who
hin d'you and push monisy in your
through, ull old 'Varsity men. The
an attic, proceeded -at Once to treat it
sitive about the protection Of com-4
like a wire and tapped it,�Tororito
differcum In training was seen In
their final contest with MaGIII, and
endum, matter, they are, going to
slow. New markets may be neces-
vote for what Is right, In the mean -
Prohibition has,, b ' sea responsible
also with the sault tearn, and while
In I - - -- - -
I - I t
they appeared tAD make a poor -stliow-
Ing In the filial NVInutpeg game, their
of th"o shallow thinkers. This has
training and spirit were evident once
In the loss otiCardinal Gibbous the
'been recoguiZed by 11111tish refortam
raore In the filial, Beattio Ramsay,
Aoman 10-atholle .0hurcil, not ttloii-o- In
IV110 thavet betev In Russia, wlth the re-
who. was captain of the team, was .1
America tut througUout the world
sult that British labor And British
member of the junior team,
Austalus at severe blow. 6Mter his
see 1018111 has repudiated continental
champions' of 1915, and said to have
wonderful rally during the whiter it,
methods and laid Karl Marx aside.
been one of the cleaverist Junior
teams Dr. Defoe
had boom hoped hei should WA spared
It Is not by destroying what exists, as
ever seen. who
coached the new Allen -Cup cliam-
for some time, but his great age wai,
the German, bourb-throwers thin].,
that a remedy is to be found for social
plous was also a mem'tbar of the 11.9-15
against a Permanent recovery. Dam
detects and grievances, 'but by im-
Juniors, mqio all enlisted after the
1934 -at Baltimore of Irish parea-
tagat he was raised to the Vardinalote
proving the, Present ayst;6, eliminat-
f1riala 'of that year- ".Nlike" Malone -
in 1886 lie has ibeen an outstanding
ing Its weaknesses, and expanding
as great a 903,1-keePer as Langtry,
was killed -,it -Courcelette; Harvey Ag -
,figure in the life of the great repub-
and developing theoperation -of thoise
gett, a spare was killed at Passellea-
lie for two genorations, and as Title
principles which involve the welfare
and ensure'the satisfaction of every
daele, and the tailtain, Conn Smythe,
an exponent of democracy as the -was
won the 1I. C. at Vimy Ridge. The
;a worthy citizen. book, "The
Unfortunately a certain element ob-
Reen eye, the sure lianil, the tremen-
Faith of Our Futhers," has been one
dous und sustained energy and the
,of the most attractive manuals ever
procedure, and expects to exact by a
unfailing good temper necessary to
,written in. exposition of Roman
make a, first-40ass hockey player war-
-Catholie doctrine, ropreseriting at
It has now come out that Mr. Ar -
rants provincial pride in the 'Varsity
Once the extreme conservatism of the
thur HmwUea, -who lias been so as-
champions, and assures a constant
�clrurch as in this statement; ",Should
siduously writing to the press de-
model. of excellence for all young
.3 10stliolic, be so unfortunate as con-
nouncing the Ontario Hydro-Eleatrio
men and good sports.
tumaclouFly to deny -a single article
Commission, and trying to represent
the effect of st"_pIng our purchases
.e faith, or withdraw from -the com-
Sir Adam iBeck as an altogether im-
. r
munion of Jils, legitimate pastors he
worthy and unreliable persou, is bm-
Once morethe most opposite views
ceaseg to be a Member of the church,
played by the anti -radial and hostile
and -Policies divide the councils of
and iscut off like a withered b, much;
element to assist Ur, R. S. Robert-
4urope and America with regard to
and also its extreme breadth as in
son, counsel for the opposition, move-
Want, for one thing, and commercial
this passage* "A Christian, as the
merit, and is Paid by the G(tyerriment
Russia. illitain. has steadily worked
very name implies, is a follower of
for this -purpose. That Is to say Mr.
for a trade agreement *Ith the
disciple Of Christ -one who walks In
Hawkes supplies the material for the
Soviets, and even while it was being
the . footsteps of His Master J)y obsery-
opposition case and Mr, Robertson
announced, an apparently success-
Ing 1 -1 -Is -precepts; who reproduces in
uses It. It would appear that prac-
ful rebellion at Petrograd and 0011 -
ailsown life the character andvirtues
tically the whole of the opposition to
stad caused many to think that Brit -
of his divine Model. In a *word a
the 'Hydro -Radials originates with Mr.
ain had guessed wrong. 'But Trotsky
Chrlstian, Is another Christ." Car-
Raw-kes, whose articles and letters
subdued the robillion and once more
dInal0ibbons was slways a great citi-
In various Papers alave created such
it seemed as If the yoke of Bolshe-
,zen as well us a great prelat% and his
Public -opinion of an antagonistic
vism , was unescapable. Frontier
relations with his fellow citizens of
character as exists, There have been
Lloyd George has spoken quite bold -
other faiths was alwayi cordial and
many attempts to discredit -the man-
ly of the -change that has taken place
agerrient of -the 11ydro-B lectric sys-
In Lenine's attitude towards capital -
those unwearying jaws will ply him
tern, but the best evidence on the
ism, since he has come to see the im-
subject is the continued success it
A il-A -
practicability of the theories he has
sought to Impose on Russia. . The
Lias achieved anu the un o%u peasants still hold some power, the
No Improvement In the Irish Situ- sultl XQr Wod that are to be seen In
ation can be discerned ito far as the every municipality where It has been Power of -passive resistance and thel
murderous attacks of the Stun 'Fein established. are to be Permitted to sell their sur-
guelrillas indicate their 'policy. Mr. -plus In -the cities without hindrance.
�Lloyd George In his reply to Mr. As- FORDNEY AQAIN IN In the United States opinion still sets
quith. who has ibeen. making Ung%sh against having any -dealings with th . e
politics out of -Irish events as all D -EXAM. Soviets. Indeed United States caPl-
parties have done time out of mind, it the Harding administration, de- tallsm, is more Afraid of 'Bolshevistle,
13ointed out Tory truly that the cessa- toldes to Put the tariff 'barrier up methods than any othe- form of revel.
tion of murder rests 'with the mur- aga . inst Canada on the -agricultural 'utionary propaganda. Chreful stu-
ddrers. It Is Impossible to condone bill, the effect will undoubtedly be dents recognize that the, genius of
The local junk dealers are up
against the problem of convincing
people in the immediate neighborhood
that the nearer the bone the sweeter
the smell.--Otta)wa Citizen. ' ' '
Right up to the minute was the i
man who, in ady ' ertisitig tor''11ta lost
daug1kter, Includeo this in the in-
scription: `%ho was a blonde when
'last seen." Toronto Telegram,
murder. 'Mr. Asquith, if in �power,
Di Pert NVorkman-Blectriclans who
hin d'you and push monisy in your
discovered -a secret store of liquor In
PoOket.-Sydney Reco`rd.
an attic, proceeded -at Once to treat it
sitive about the protection Of com-4
like a wire and tapped it,�Tororito
-Some men say that, In the refer -
endum, matter, they are, going to
slow. New markets may be neces-
vote for what Is right, In the mean -
Prohibition has,, b ' sea responsible
time they are drinking up -what is
for many a punk pull, but in our oplil-
left. -Toronto Telegram,
ion the C011-ulold toasti-g-forg �oes to
not seem to be anxious to make trade
the perpetrator of tbo'following: "I
A naval event that summer cam -
went into a hotel the other day and
ers and berrypickers "view with
asked for a Manhattan cocktail, but
alarm" is the annual demonstration of
tile Manliattan't any."�-Montreal
the fleet mOsqUito.-IreAlcouver Prov.
f I ties.
The local junk dealers are up
against the problem of convincing
people in the immediate neighborhood
that the nearer the bone the sweeter
the smell.--Otta)wa Citizen. ' ' '
Right up to the minute was the i
man who, in ady ' ertisitig tor''11ta lost
daug1kter, Includeo this in the in-
scription: `%ho was a blonde when
'last seen." Toronto Telegram,
murder. 'Mr. Asquith, if in �power,
to raise prices to -consumers in the
e United States is less democratIC
,would have had to execute mur.
United States. Our Own Canadian
than plutocratic, and is far more seli�
derers taken redharided, And Mr.
prices for these commodities are at
sitive about the protection Of com-4
Asquith, could not consent to the es-
present very high, and sales are
mercial Interests at home, than of
tablishment of Ireland as an Inde-
slow. New markets may be neces-
humanitarian considarations abroad,
Pendent republic outside the Britis . h
sary but the home marluet is the one
At any rate the United States does
Empire. The United States would
first to be cultivated and probably
not seem to be anxious to make trade
not permit a hostile nor even a malign
the most willing to resporld. We are
urrangemeuts with Russia, but Rus�
Azverriment tQ �cctntluue at ber own
buYlag many tb!nV from the Vr)ited
sio is keen to op@% up trade negotia�
14-.�Ors, and it would be fatal to, Pritish.
19tates wlxfch we could buy at home
tions with the American republic,
Lenine that -
Policy to ipermit the possibiiity of
Or get !substitutes for, and the, re-
-begins to understand ex
.such hostile lorcesas Germany Or the
sult cf such home -buying would be to
-change is the vital principle in trade,
Bolshevist group to establish them-
raise the value of theCanadlan dollar
and as wealth is Only surplus pro.
%elves In such vantage ground. The
very considerably If not to put it on
daction, to gain wealth the surplus
demand for a constituent assembly is
Q Parity with the silver -cartwheel of
must be exchanged for that hich is
fully met by the grant of 'Home Rule,
Uncis Sam. As it works out at pres-
needed in order that the wealth
1=4 -it the parliamentary elections to
Ont, Sir Henry DraYton points out the
should come Into existence.. The
be held in May are fully availed of
Durchases Made in the United States
'United States Is not anxious in its
then -the representatives of the South
'by 'liousekeepers and those respon-
present mood to facilitate foreign ex- r
may if they choose deliberate with
sible for home supplies, have had the
change, and there is talk. of an Jul- T
those of the north and any -agreement
result of adding '�$2 a ton to the price
mediate passage of the Pordney bill is
they might come to would be ratlfted�
Of coal on account of the exchange
'Vetoed by President Wilson -barring d
Unfortunately a certain element ob-
whift. the bankers Impose. The
certain Canadian. exports by a prohl., h
detats to follow any constitutional
United States does not -buy froin us,
bitive tariff. The reactions of ex- &
procedure, and expects to exact by a
or rather ,we buy about a million dol-
clusion policies usually nulify any a
'Policy or assassination what could
lars worth a day from them more
good results e xpected of them. 11
not be gained by the parliamentary
than theybuyfrom us. So it Is real-
,consent of the people -of Ireland as a
ly reciprocity in buying that affects
whole. Rome Rule is granted, and
exchange rates, and the newhigh far-
In spite Of the reports of poor
It the two sections agree to accept it,
Iff -of the Fordney Bill, should it have
msrkots for live stock there is not the
and subsequently unite and require
the effect of st"_pIng our purchases
slightest reason to suppose that eith- "C
a larger measure of authority on Do-
would -be a Teal benefit to us. Tar-
er beet or dairy cattle, will ever fail b
minion lines, they call have that.
iffs do not appear greatly to affect
to be in demand and at profitable t
There Is. no grievance In this which
Purchasing tendencies, however, as
rates. Just at present, and it may 11
is not the result of embittered parti-
people Insist on buying what they
be for a few months, there is a doubt a
sin feeling and -prejudice.
Want, for one thing, and commercial
in snple minds whet5lor the world Is 0
enterprise has much more to do with
going to last. The worst that will D
sales than is generally supposed.
happen for ten years to come hap- a
Pon0d in 119118, and we have not re- a
covered from. that yet. All over the
There is a certain method In the
world there are shortages. Shortages
Madness of the -red" or revolution-
Ontario bas a right to be Proud Of
of food are pressing in many countries
arY forces in Europe, who during the
the 'Varsity team that,brought, back
not expecting Great Britain. Money
,wiliter when subsistenca Is more 41f-
the blue ribbon of the hockey season
Is short, businessis short, and tem-
iflault restrain their efforts and rely
to the province from the west. 'Hoekey
Per is also short. But the world n
on the Assistance of the ",capitalists,'
is probably the most distinctively
must go ion, and it must be fed, and a
to Maintain, them till summer Is due,
10anadlangame now played, and it is
no farmer who knows how the city
when they begin once more their
certain that no country in the -world
man eats, need have any fear that
viork of destruetiou awl disintegra-
can excel us In the sport. The ser-
those unwearying jaws will ply him
tIon, It does not occur, Apparently,
ies of matches In which the 'Varsity
a dividend. But there may have to
-to these �chlldren of 4arkness that
team, which was not at all favored,
be -a change In the method of mar.
when the tilresent system is destroyed
as a winner In the beginning, grad-
keting. Middlemen of one, degree and S
there will be no guarantee for sup-
tially forged to the front until It fill.
another collect vast tolls both from I
Ti6rt in sut-veeding -%vinters. These
ally remained as the Vastern com-
the farmer and from the man of tire- -4
simplle, and foolish people who us-
ually protesg belief in evolution. as
I'letitor for the Allen Cup with the
Brandon team, furnished some of tho
less JXw. SOMP d% the farmer will T
be his own middl an in some kind
the metbod of nature's advance, are
most magnificent hockey ever seen in
of joint association or co-operative
unable to realiza, th-,t file present
ontatio. In the final games with
service slid all parties directly In -
system Is the result of evolution, and
the Granite team for the senibr chain-
terested will be better pleased. Those
that improvement.4 are to be made
plonshipt the first spirit In the second
Indirectly Interested will -be less
now and In the future as they have
game was Played wIth*ut a more,
gratified. Vod0r Is plentiful and
heon In file past, and not by totally
Jund was declared by many old play-
ml!k ha..; fallen In price. I This is nat-
wrockInq the systcan it N sought to
ers to be the fastest piece of hockey
ural. Tht- qu'Cte2t. warltet Clis year t
improve!. Tho greatest gpod of tile
ever seen. The Granite team cou'd
i�� th3t for "an on"'.% to
:grcatep,t unniber has been the aim of
not maintain the pace however, and
conditions In Cite old country. It iq C
dcim.eracy. 11eyorld that there 'can
while Playing a fine game had to
v�ald that the cordag-C, companies have :9
ottly bo the grratnst good of every-
yl(qd the palin to their opponeuti
beem negotiating for flax fabric. The T
Abody. as an Ideal of government. Lut
who, had besun with the ccoro
winter crops so far show up well In 14
tho Anarchists and revolutiontato ty'
against them, This appears to, havo
f9plto of s(!arity snow.
the premat day, do not evon seelt the
revealed the secrat of 'Varsity team's
les�;cr of these alms, but ans Ims beou
srlee(tss. It was staying powprt Voln.
�, ione Of the first fruit growers to
exempI f1pa ill Russia, desire ouly the,
'd Of cou?L�e, with Superb rkil*
Introdnee foreigpi. varleties of uprilou
woll�bolng Off a small Iliblority � of
All(I �Poed, Tile qtaybw powet was
Into Voya Srotla, after file planting of
Vinir own i�trlp,3, the rest of tho lia-
the reGult 6f Inflexible training, con-
trcps by thin pioneers, wa�; Colonel ll
Con behig rednecd to mistry slid In a
ditlatt, and stamina. Tile winners
Jolin Burbridge, Who brought 11011- a
triulCtude, of caites to, starvation and
Were all <)nt3trio toom, too, and not to
Plre.11 all!)Oel, and PVldellrupsets front d
*dfatlt by tile selft1h 1111practicibility
be itcgrarded sa a Toroilto lot, for they
'q3andits In Restaurant," reads a
newspaper headIng. We have sug-
gested it right along after reading;
I some of the methus.-Petterborough
The newest dance Is the "camel
walk." To dance it, presumably, one
has to got a bump on.-Regliia post.
A western man advertising for a
wits says he wants a woman with
Despite the prevalent -belief ' In the Ideas,- He'll get that no matter what
Jolden Rule, it is astonishing how few woman he marries,-Winpipeg a Tri- i
eople there are who, will slip up be- bune.
WIff ut voyiTOITS.
81%. A
it a IT6
A E V111VING Aw, hi
A Presentation of colors marked a On Good Priday morning the 1,0.tll
ecent meeting of file :59th Toronto I-11amiltOn Troop -Of BOY Scouts were
roop-Torontots first Troop of Jew- thiking around ]MOunt Albion, sLout-
h boys. Rabbi Brickner in an ad- lixaster Wall -ace sent the, boys In dif-
ress said that under no other flag ferent directions to locate a camping
ad the Jews enjoyed more justice ground where a good sapplyl -of wa,,
nd equity than under the Union Jack ter could be had, Instead of a goad
nd he asked the Scouts to dedicate water supply, however, Scout Stan-
eir lives to the Ideals for which that IeY Odrter discovered ail Illicit 'whis-
ags stands. key still and a plentiful'supply of its
product. He immediately reported
The First Cqchrane' TrOOP had his discovery of its product. -lie int.
eir third camp Mace last fall at mediate:y -TePorted his discovery to
ute durlug Easter week. These the Scoutmaster who at once got Into
oys, whose headquarters Is al-MOOt -touch with Chlef of 'Police -Clark, of
he "farthest north" in Ontario, have Dundas, with the result that Georg�e.
to fears for the cold weather, snow Bazuck was arrested and -on the fol.
lid ice. They are also quite proud 10wing Monday flood $500 by Magis-
f the fact that the Rt. Hon. Lord trate Vallee, The 10th Troop is one
esborough, X.C.V.0.t has just re- of 1-1,Awiltons West. at Is connected
ently tonsented to be their Ilonar- with the Calvin Presbyterian Church.
ry Scoutmaster.
London is coming Into Its own once Orie of the best Scout entertain -
ore -as far as $7couting is concern- merits and demonstrations of tile
d. During the past feW months three winter eeaww wa; given. recently by
eiv troops have been formed In con- the troop of St. James Methodist
ection with different churches there .0hurch, Peterboro, Besides a rather
general revival of interest In Scout better than usual army -of entertain-
ork Is being fah' throughout the ment features, the boys demonstrated
rhole city. the work -covered by the following
proficiency badges*, iSfgna!ler, Milsle-
At his special request, n IS Excel- tan, 'Cyclist, Aescuer, Ambulance,
ency the Duke of Devonshire, Chlef Fireman -and Marksman, A -short
cout for Canada, had an opportun- sketch entitled "The Tramill" also
ty to meet Fort William and Port pravided the boys with Ali opportun-
rthur Scouts, at the former city on ItY to allow theiadvantages ofsorse of
uesdaY evening, March, Zfth, Taoie their training to their parelits and
ro now four very Much alive Troops friends.
n the Twin Cities and three Wolf
'111) -Packs. The new C6mmissloner, ClOchrafte Scouts held their third
ev. 1-1. A. Sims, Is planning the for- winter camp Vaster week-ond at
ation of a District Scout <,Ouncil. Xacksonboro. The Weather was cold
and as there was. vtfll plenty of snow
.Professor Sohn A, Stil0s, Assis- the boys had some good sport snow-
allt 'Chi'Of ("311anlissimier for (Iaaada, stilooing and tracking. "rite N)cb-
ddrcs4cd Me ScOutril.,tstem' T,,ah;In4 rano Town Council has officially reo-
I lasg
-of Hamilton on "Tlie Patrol ogni"d the work -of the Cochrane
ystein", oil Thursday, 24th. Scouts And hag appointed two of Its
Ills week 110 will 8Pftk on a similar rutmbers av a special Troop Cbm-
abjeet at the Ottawa Scou, 1111ttee to see that the Troop's needs
raining School. lare properly taken care -at.
REAL VINOPR EXERCISE. performing a similar journey, In or
diniry typewriting the ]land may
Typis,ts, fingers are ablong the travel, according to an export, loj000
Vst anlazitIg trilV01101S In flOatioll. miles a year and not Indicate any Im-
nd are �eapable. of going fronion4oaq pairment fit efficiency. Thin reters,
lsta)ICOS Wlth')Ut 010 fatigue tilat of eourso, to, the av�erago typist In an
vould COMO to tIlQ feet and leg's in office.
As miduight booras Out frain the
Ifouse -of Farlteahent In the, -heart of
(lie capital on April :�4. every man,
woman and child within the British
k1sles will be icounted. IF or the
first time In history the whole of the
empire will take a �census on the
same day. With one-third of the
wor:d's population to be numbered it
-will undoubtedly be the -biggest, con�
sus of all time. '
$PeClal PIRAS 314VO bF.9a made to
got uniformity In the stal;Jstical in.
formation to be collected, but the
enumeration will be carried out sep-
arately.by the different governments
concerned, Even in the British
lslqs, 'Scotand and Ireland wIll -have
their orwn census. Whom a census
was last taken 10 years ago, the suf-
fragettes in many cases stayed out
all night to -evade the courit and
others refused to fill out the forms.
With the vote now granted all the
women will -do their duty as responst-
ble oltizeat,.but In Ireland the Stun
Feiners threaten a boycott. How far
they Will succeed In getting "count-
ed out" remains to be seen,
it is a gigantic task to nuiliber
any peop.'e. 11 -low 'big it is in tills
�case may be seen from a few facth
,about the census,,,,*I! England and
Wales, 'Which represents kess than
one-tenth of the empire' 8, population,
It meams a cost of f$ZA-00,000 (reck-
onedat the normal rate of exchange),
about twice that of 10 years ago. It
demands -the distribution and toollea-
tion � of 11;000,100,0 householders'
forms, the preparation of 1150,-060
,special forms in Welsh and the is-
sue of an explanatory pamphlet in
Wore than 38;000 enumerators will
-be engaged for -a week and %0,00 rog-
is-trars wfl -supervise their work,
Each enumerator twill be responsible
for 20D to %00 families.
In the last census the Preparation
of the tabulated results was. equal to
the sortilig Of '344,378,000 and the
counting of 147,950,0,00 loards, 'There
will be about 400� People vagaged, for
two years on comPillng the'colliplete
The population of Eng!and and
Wales today Is estimated at 36,000,-
000. When it was first counted In
.18011 file tota.1 figure for Gree., Brit -
lain was 10,942,16-16. The cost - Is
about 4 cents a head, as compared
with 2.0 cents in America, The
last British -census cost &G Ss ;8d -
or about:$27�a 1,0100 population. The
Netherlands spent roughly, $35; Nor-
way, $41, and Austria, 1�27.76. So
that the Eritish census probably Is
the cheapest in the ivorld. The Irish
counting in 1011 cost $95j000. To-
day!§ estimate is 1$450,00.
The:re are many reasons for rotat-
Ing crops. Some are, more impor-
tant. In one region; some -in another.
A.mong; them mky be mentioned the
1. Rotation increases the total
crop yield,
2. It distributes the risk of, crop
tallure, since conditions Injurious to
Due orop, frequently do not affect
other Crops,,
3. Xt gives a better distribution of
Cirm. labor -throughout thw year.
4. It allows the keeping of more
live stock, which favors; a better use
Df farm crops and furnishes farm
6. It allows th-a -use of green -man -
are crops and the satistaetpry ap�
plication of farm nianureD, thus main-
taining the fertility of the soil,
S. It insures a better control of
weeds, Injurious Insects and filhgout
disea,ses of crops,
7. It Uses soil Moisture more Com-
pletely, as different crops use water
Xear-Y VU,0,06000 are Invested In.
the rubber industry In Canada, giving
employment to about 12,900. Persons.
33orrowell-Old Tightv-ad is a park-
dox. Hardruppe-In what way? Bor-
rOwell-HWS 80 Close You Can't touch
tn nt�-tt7t
We are agents for the Apolo-
tote, Counter 011eck Book Cot
See -our samples and get
prices before ordering.
1%� V
winghtat". 16ht
The Wingham Advance
Published at
Every Thursday MornIM,
A. G. SIMM, PabItAor,
Subscription rAtes.---one year,
$U(); six itiontlis, fl.00 in advance,
Adversising rates on application.
Advertisements without specific df-
r,ectiOns will be inserted until torb
and charged accordingly, , ,to
Changes for contract advertise -
Meats be in the office 'by noon,
94stablIshed 1849,
HeAd Office, Guelph.
Risks taken on 411 classes of Jn$Vr.
able property on the cash or prerahkin
note system. I
Office, Mayor Slook, Wingham.
Money to loan at lowest rates,_
D -DA., L,D.S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the
Pennsylvania College amd 1410entia-tv
Of Deatal G-getry of Ontario.
'Closed JDvery WedAesd&y Altermoon.
Office in Macdonald Stock.
DR. G. H. ROSS ,
Graduate Royal College Of Dental
Qraduate University of Terolsta
FAcultY of -Dentistry,
B -Sc., M.D., C'm
Speela,l attention Paid to diseases
Of Wbman and Children ha,,Irig
taken Postgraduate w1ork' ha -Sur-
96ry, Bacteriology and Setentic,
Office in the 'Kerr residence, betweor,
the Queents; Hotel and the 8aptiat
All business given careful attention.
Phone 64. P. 10. Box I IS.
M.-R.C.s. (Eng).
L.R.-C.P. (Lond).
(Dr. Chisholm's old st"11),
Graduate of Untver�lty. of %alfo3lto,
Paoulty,of Uewtoiaa; Licenvate at Cie
Ontario College of p1ty,1,1alis aud
Second Door Varth of Zurh�rlgqes
Phou studio.
Towa and Farm properties. Gail
and see MY list and get rav, Prices, I
have Some excollent "luel,.
Phone 134. Office In Town Hall.
1. A. FOX, D. C.I.D. 01.
Chiropractic locates and removes
the cause of disease, nature btaiz.
Chiropractic is the only and original
ay0tOrn of .9pirtal Adjustment, Ef-
fective in 95 por cent. Or All aasoa�
The 0111Y fully qualitled graduate of
both Wropmotic and osteopathy in.
North Huron.
rilone 191. Hours, 94 and 7-8 P.M..
-Osteopathic Ph?atclaz, only qualified
ostAOD01h In North Huron.
AdJUStMent Of the Apt" is rW*
quickly i9ecured And w4h twor wat-
Monts than -by any other method.
Blood 'Pros sure and other examina-
tions made.
All dlamses treated.
The capital Invested Ill the flour,
milling Industry In Canada amount,%
to $76,411,4204.