The Wingham Advance, 1921-04-14, Page 1t " ! - I J, A , 111J11 WIN 11 1 1 I I mi 11 Remember the Entertainment in the Town Hall on Friday Evening, April 15th., under the Auspices of the Citizem' Band. WINGHAM7 ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1921 e Copies Four Cents Subscriptions. $2.00 per yellir Appreolation Of Choir T AT WINGIIAM LOCAL ITEMS The joint boards of the Wingharn BANQUE BAND CONCERT PERSONAIS Methodist Church are showing their ap. On Friday Evening Last Was a Buy your cracked eggs at Gunns, Ltd. In The Opera House On Frkday Mr. Archie Patterson has returned 7he preciation of the splendid services of their Success Evening home from Winnipeg. Stan? xhoir by banquetirg them in the Sunday Wro-ei'er is going to hold a celebration' on the Ist of July in aid of the rink fund. Mr, and Mrs. Will He d were up from School room on Thursday evening of this Over one hundred men sat down to the The program at the Entertainment in LQndon over the week -end, -week banquet given by the Board of Trade in Mrs, Lougheed has disposed of her pro- 4e town hall on Friday evening under the Miss Margaret Perrie is home from the so the council chamber on Friday evening perty oil Minni e St., to Mr. August auspices of the Wingbam Citizens' Band Deaconess Rome in Toronto, SMASH last. A splendid dihner was served by HOmuth, promises to be good, It should receivu .1. V CEUM THEATRE Mr. and Mrs. J, H. McKay, fter which The subject next Sunday evening at the hearty patronage of the People of Urs. Jno. Cloakey is visiting with "The Biggest Little Show" a 11rogram of spe6ches interspersed with the Baptist Church will'be, "Shall Ont. Wingham as the boys intend fixing up friencls in Brussels this week Friday and Saturday piusical selections was given. Mr. W. F, ario be dry or liquor flodded." their uniforms with the proceeds. The Mr. Hugh Hamilton ot Listowel. was Special "10 Da Uffer The greatest comedy feat ever VanStone president of the Board Of The Wingbam Athletic Grounds following !A the program. visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Augus. made. Trade made a canable cbairmat T 14 A :I March ....... Colonel Bo ey Alford Miss T-T r­ M Q. O k M - w 1 meet. in the %,rawlord Garage ...... - I , colmenced HAROLD LLOYD The principal speaker was Mr- J, F. on Thursday evening of this week. Overture,.The Beautiful Princess ....... her duties on the High School staff on PF in one of his $100,000.00 C medy MacKay of Ingersoll, a prominent Walkertoa has closed a deal with a 1­4 . 1. 1. 1 ......... ....Clarens Monday. features manufacturer iind a member of the Con. airman's Address - Mrs, Wrn- Wilson Of BDisevaine SPIEC] granite company of Toronto, for a 134,000 Man. is "Bum servation Commission, formerly Business Solo ...... Mr. G. B. Flanigan.. Selected spending a few days with friends in _i !ng.lnto Broad granite monument as, a Soldiers War Coronet Solo,."The Southern Cross"_ 7 -Way" Manager of The Glob. . He advocated, M morial. .." .... Bandmaster Wright ...... Kno l Brussels after visiting her neice Mrs. Jno. %and -the broadening -out spirit, and expressed Forward Mission Band of St. Andrews Guitar Solo_ Mr. Jack Ernest, Selected Cloakey of town, 0. CHARLES RAY the hope that not only merchants and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dobberman have in ciiu7iph will hold a social on Thursday Solo ....... Mr. F. Hanmore..., Baritone in anufacturers, but a& members of the returned from their honeymoon trip and $135 Pam agricultural and professional lasses would evening. Refreshments will be Arved. Band ......... Humorlsko.... , .... Dorah "Homer Comes Home" be banded t gether in Boards of Trade to Admission 25 cenis. Quartette.... Messrs. Hill, Hanmore, have taken up their residence in Mrs, S. $135 Irish Johnston's house on Alfred Street. $IA$ Mob Saturday Matinee 3.30. 2shows work together for the common weal. He W. T. Miller, representative for tile E. McGill, Willis ........ I ... Selected $ turday night 7.30 and 9. Usual Reading., . Miss- Mabelle MacDonald Mr. Y Nelson Rush is home from Sault $110 Pum prices. Pleaded for more co-operation between A. Strout farm agency, sold Mr, Thos. business men urging that while compriti- Johnston's 67 acre farm near Wiarton, to ... ..................... Selected Ste. Marie. We understand he will enter Monday and Tueaday-2 days only tion was rhe motto of the nineteenth Mr. Winn Smith of Cochrane. Solo ........ A Drearn!'. Mr. A. M. Forbes into partnership with -his brother, e Part 2 Leonard, in the hardware business in FREE - The adorable century, co-operation should b that of Gunns' Ltd will have a quantity of Band,... "TheBest ,oved Southern qor6nto, VIOLA DANA the twentieth. He urg4d a radical ad. cracked eggs for sale until next winter. Welodies ................. At Hayes ' Miss A. H. Clayton, B. A., w the These wo in cords. yance in our policy of conservation Of Don't forget the entertainment in "St. Selection ... The Foolish Four.... .. Coons guest of Mrs. (Dr.) F. A. Parker onaMson- "The Chorus Girl's natural resources. lie hoped the day was Andrew's church, on Thursday evening, Rasberry, Sambo, Mose and day. Miss Clayton will address a public Romance" at hand when the Provi nce of Ontario , under the auspi es of the Forward Mission Miss Litty Brown meeting in the town hall. Tuesday even - would set a standard for the world in con- Band. Refreshments. - Everybody come. TE A captivating comedy o f t h e servation. Quartette .... Messrs. Hill, Hamnore, ing, April 19th in the interests of the Red stage, the college campus and a Cottage prayer meeting will be held mentand -McGill, Willis .............. Selected Cross Society, whose peace time program pair of shoulders that s I m p I y Mit- McKay's speech was greatly en- this week on Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, Coronet Solo.. "ThePalms ......... Faure is a crusade for good health. can be pai wouldn't behave! joyed by all present. The more of these get- to-gether banquets a community has, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Board- Mr. A, Hingston man, Pleasant Valley. You are cordially, Solo ............ 'The Barefoot Trail" Mass Meeting CQming,Wed. and Thurs. Next the more closely ar business men drawn invited to attend. Mr. R. Stone, together and, the better able and more Willard Mack's production Formaldehyde —fresh stock and full Guitar So!o..Mr. Jack Ernest... Selected Vote "Yes" Mass Meeting willing are they to pull together for the A Mass M1 "The Valley ofDoubt" benefit of the community at large. strengtii at reduced Prices-1witchell's Solo ........ Mr. F Hanmore .... Selected Meeting will be held in the Opera House, The Vall y, of Doubt—tbe bed in Farmers rubbed shoulders with merchants, Corner Drug Store. Midora Waltzes.. The Citizens' Band' Sunday evening, April 17th, at 8.30 in the which the seeds 'of mistrust are the manufacturer with the mechanic the The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham Voelker, interests of temperance. Short addresses Edison Ph sown. A story of. men of mighty doctor, the clergyman, General Hospital will hold March,...., "Off to Camp".. .....Byers by local speakers. All voters are urged to brawn, who work hard, play hard the lawyer etc. a Progressive God, Save the King be present. Voting April 18th. love hard and die easily. that they might be better able to catch a Euchre in the Council Chamber on Fri- Pianists—Miss Bran don and Mr. Smith Twentieth Century Methodist Chu I r privilege and rei day, April 22nd, at 8.15 Tickets 50 cts. , 'am Usual performances Usualp6ccs. vision of the greate 3pon rch sibilities of Canadian citizenship and The public are cordially invited to attend. Sunday, April 17th., Referendum E community brotherhood. Several changes of advertisements Registration Of Voters day, 11 a. m.—Subject, "Forward, the Aheartyvoteof thanks was tendered cametohandtoo latefor publication in Mr- J. G. Stewart, the local officer in way to Victory." 2.30 p. in.—Sunday Public Schoc to Mr. McKay' for his splendid_ talk on this qjyeek's Paper. Advertisers must connection with the registration of voters School. 7 p. m.—Subject "The Pay- At the meel WINGHAM BEAUTY motion of Postmastee Musgrove, and' bear in mind that we cannot change for the coming % vote on the referend master's Price". This is an important on Tuesday e in' day. Come and bring'your friends and for tenders foi Rev. E, F. Armstrong. Other speakers advt. not in our office on Monday night. completed his work on Saturday evening norm were Mayor Elliott, Reeve Tipling, W. The regular monthly meeting 6i the W. la.t. During the week 166 names were get ready for 'our place in the Prohibi- of the school. H.,Xerr, Brussels, Reeve Elston, Morris, M.S. of§(:'Andrews Ch rch will meet added to the list and these 'Voters as well tion Line for a great Victory on April put in excellei Eleetpic IP005 W. H. Frasenex-M. P. P., R, C. Procter, Wednesday. April 20th. at thr e o'c ocle as those who voted on the referendum in 18th. The push will commence at 8 seeded down. 1919.will be entitled to vote on the refer a. m., April 18th. the back of tl U. F. Q candidate -in the last provincial Subject for the day, ',The pioneer Trans - campaign, W. J. Elliott, a Wingham old lators," taken by !Its, Williamson. All endurn on Monday, A ril 18th. Fartners Are Seeding Successful 0 $5.00 Guaranteed boy and ex -Mayor of Ingersoll, Geo.Spot- ladies of the congregation made welcome. Wednesday Half Holidays It is rather early for spring seeding, but A great nut ton, ' ex-Mayor of Wingham and Mr. HAT-BRirF, makes old straw hats look The businessmen of Wingliam met in the weather has been so fine and warm the Gunn's Sc Irackenbury, principal of the Wingham like new. A modern permanent, water the counci and the soil works up so nicely, that the day. Saturdi5 Ross' Electric High School. I chamber on Tu6sday morning, Proof hat finish Sold only at 17(itchell's and imaminously decided to clos majority of the Carrick farmers will have new phonogra Musical selections by the High School Corner Drug Store. e their a good deal of seeding done this week, if ture were mu( Trio, Messrs. Stanley Harrison, Harold places of business every Wednesday Mitchell and Clifford Robertson and by Vote Yes on the referendum issue Mon- afternoon at 12 o'clock, during the months present fine weather continues. Fall Gunn's factoi EVEPYBODY'S COLUMN day April 18 th., and clinch the vote No of May, June, July, August, September wheat is said to be looking exceptionally factory is a b a male quartette composed of F.' J. Hill, which you gave to the Prohibition vote and October. This half holiday will n,t' well, and the pasture fields are beginning one big buik Y CHMIX81PT) IIATOEUNG EGG F. Harimore, W. H. Willis and D. McGill certainly turn B 4rom 8. 0 White Legborns. that a last time. , Don't be misled, your 1 sli be observed on weeks in which there is a to look fresh and green. t' I'y' were much appreci t d. Mr. Gunn had era. Place your order early, and avoid dis- ham may well appointment. Chicks 206., 111,1915 5 ots. esLob. one of his famous Gunn's Sunola phono- vote was No but if you vote No this holiday. Bowlers Re -organization St. Paul's Cl 0. E T_1 11 on, Belgrave. graphs in the ball, and played, several time you are voting in favor of the Miss Skirrimings, Dies A fairly, well represented meeting of BABY BUGGY FOR SALE. I at Citizens Liberty League and booze. Sunday, Al "I T... NIVIIr,01., selectinfis onA. Wingbarn lawn bowlers was held in the The popularity of the Gray Dort Car is The funeral took place at' Goderich on town hall on Thursday evening when the Communion. EX PRRffW(1,BD LADY CLER'K WANTED Saturday afternoon from Brophey's under- HANxt, & Co. a thing of steady growth. Today this taking Parlors of the late Miss Eloise following officers were elected for the Litany. 2 30 'FOR SALE—Three purebred Bulls, register- We Need The Money good car has more friends than yesterday, year. sionary Sery Skimmings, a life long resident of Goderich. double teara harness new lmt fall, Ford ran" Hon. Pres.—A. E. Smith. given by Prij ed, from one to two years; also one set of The label on the ADVANCE Will tell tD-morrow it will have more friends than In former years the deceased was a pro - about car, 1919 Model. nearly now. Apply -to you this week whether your paper is paid today. You cannot fail to appreciate the s Pres.—Reeve Tipling. High School. ALvX BaYANs. Delgr&ve. minent figure in social circle and was for in advance or if you are owing for it. value of the Gray Dort at its present alv an active worker in, women's associa- Vice Pres.—Rev. H. W. Snell. ly requested t FOR SALE -1919 Maxwell, fine shape, Box Most of our readers are proud to have price. Ask a Gray Dort owner how Sec'y. Treas,—L. C. Young. song. Thurs( W, phone 19, Teesw`t8r, Out- tions of the town. Miss Skimmings de- the label show them'iWil up, but we still economical they are on gas and oil and Grounds Committee--Robt. Allen, Win, A. will meet FOR SALE—Two year old helfer. Enquire have a few indifferent ones who are care- especially on repairs, —E. Merkley &Sons. voted considerable time to writing and Holmes and A. E. Smith. packing at 3 1 All IL E. ISARD. less. Cold cash is often the means of Mr. j. W. owas known as the poetess of Lake Huron., Bonspiel Committee—R, S. Williams, awaits you a JpOft SALIP—One story4 and a lifilf frame McKibbon is having some One of her works was a book called ;houtjein good repair, a good barn and a exprissing warmest sympathy. --Thanks! 1 L. C. Young. A. Tipling sind A. G. Smith. seats free. meat stable,hard and soft water. four lots alternati ns made to the inferior of his "Golden Leaves,' a Copy, of which was with placo, large and small fruit, & quantity of Fire In Pleasant Valley store. A balcony has been erected at the presented to Queen Mary some years ago. Printing that Pleases hypend some oats out green In the, straw. . Fire broke out at the home of Mr. Wm. back and new shelves have been placed in One brother, William, survives. Mr Business Man: Do you think it is ply on premiw& DAV110 FIXLVr, Gue9t,Pleasant Vall T. on Monday even- the dispensary. The stationery, music a square deal to sehd to th X X X X: Victoria at ., The Late Alexander Dey e city houses Wingliam, ing, about 7,30 o'clock and for a time it and phonographs will be moved from the ytl for printing, when you have a print shop ]pOR SALE—One and one-half story fra—me threatened to do considerable damage. store to the north, which will be fitted up The remains of the late Alexander De at home turning out a high class of work? house 2200. Apply to but was luckily controlled by neighbours as a restaurant and ice cream parlor. were laid to rest in Wingham cemetery ADVANCE printing is not blurred and JAS. PPACOCIC, Route 2. Bluava 10. atiA the prompt arrival of the Firemen. Wing6m's Rexall Store is one of the on Sunday afternoon. Deceased was In blotted but neat and clean on the best of eria We do not advertise the cheap - The blaze evidently started between the best in Mestern Ontario. his 84th yeaf, and -had been in failing mat lJoUSETO LRT With water.,olectriolights, and etc. Apply, to Z. Micsirmcv, lum. ceiling and the floor around. the collar of health for the past few weeks. He was a eat work, but we advertise the kind you bl& and Gray borb Agent, tOWIS. # blacksmith by trade and resided in Lower the pipe and was making rapid, progresd . will be satisfied with at a reasonable Iscice. UATCRING JWGS VOR S&LP—Prom our when noticdd. Considerable damage was Press Association Meeting Wingham before moving to his late rest- Two and three coloied work a specialty W; 4 - heavy layinge strains of Rhode Islands dence on Patrick St. His partner in life Mr. Weever, a Hamilton traveller, ra' Redsand Wfato Lo horns. R.I. red pallets caused by water. The Perth and Huron Press Associa- n =e layed steadily since the middle of Sopt- -eased him about four years ago. k , predec em. er, alad our barren strain of Leghorns have Mr. Guest wishes to publkly thank the tion will meet at Stratford on Friday, out, -of cards when in town a couple of oliowedolosely,: WhI loghorn ullets weigh- _15tb, when matters of importance Deceased is survived by five daughtars X rig5lb& Wahave ollftsnow r hundreds firemen for their. prompt assistance and April years ago and we printed him a couple of et and baby chicks. One farmer alone particularly the neighbors who worked so to the Association wid be discussed. Mr and two sons viz. Mrs. 1. W. Martin Of hundred, since then we have turned out W10 chicks ordered and several I Your " Jackson City, Mrs. Davis Jerome in i IM each. We think we can still ill'others hard before the firemen arrived. E. Roy Sales, manager of the Canadian I several jobs for him, V s he satisfied? orde "bub order now'. / We kly Newspaper's Association, has ex- Hamilton, Miss Elizabeth in Chicago, Mrs. British Editor's Opinion F. 1. UILL. Entertainrnent At Bluevalle George Irwin and.gl'si Ray of town, John Phone 168 j. The Bluevale Dramatic Club intend pressed his intention of being present. at Southampton, aAd James in London, THis ADVANCE -has just received a Our 41 1 JUST AURIV91)—A ear of toll wire, barb giving a play in Knox Church, Bluevale, Salvation Ariny Drive ' I booklet entitled "What British Editors wire and woven fence. Attherightlulcea Rev. Dr. Petrie conducted the funeral 4DAU and got your suPPI 1 atdwaro, Wing on the evening of Thursday, April 14th.. The Salvation Army Drive is now on at services. Say about Canada", which has just been 1921. The play it entitled "Valley Farm!' Win4ham. It is the intention of the and is a Domestic Drama of absorbing H. S, Football League issued by the Canadian Department of APLO DGR YORK I S' 0 G Immigration and Colonization. It con- -DueforJun. tarrO and.youiag committee to give everyone a chance to A a five months old, r dy for vice, interest and tender pathos given in four Ameetingheldin Heirristorion Satur. tains brief comments on Canada made by tho co besoon typo showl rin q sr give to this worthy cause, if any one is uall Tile plot to wreck home and hap- missed orthe committee have not time day formed a High School football league members of the imperial Press Associa- 0 0 ANX. acts auto 1. roxoter. piness is deep-Iiid and cunning but love tor call on you, leave your contribution, composed of the following teamst Walker- tion who visited this country lattsumirier. Eve Nrlolttsann D99=8 POSITION—I)odtors, roe. triumphs n the end. , small or large with Rev. 14. W, Snell, B. ton, Kincardine, Chesley, Wingham, Mt. The booklet has been issued mainly for cos, Housework fifoluded If necoss The chatacters are the following— A R. S, Williams, E. 1. Mitchell or A. Forest, Harriston, Li8towel, and possibly circulation in the Old Country, and read- mry. Apply to Box 321, WINOXIATA, arold Rutledge--Cgmeron McDonald. E*Smith.1 a few other. It is expected that only eta of this paper may have copies forward- We ai A. 4 —Stray plg a In about 100 I . to the remis pr 60, i rry Deane—Harvey Robertson. Keep The Chiekens In High Schools, C41legiate, Institutes'and ed to any friends in the Old Country who w er iLy have BMWO by PrOV111a property David Hildreth—Williarn McKinney. Continuation Schools will be eligible. are interested in Canada by sending the ri , 020,06h.l., 'ulrossAbout yXilk A a lorg expengos. Sias Holcomb—Frank Shaw. Mariy complaints are being made about The Hough Cup series of the W. F. A., as names and addresses to the Director of OR AzarlAh Keep—RGdger Oake. chickens being allowed to run at large in constitued at present does not seem to Publicity, Department of Immigration, To REN"—Goad Jennings—Cloiri Hipgins. Wingham. Flower bulbs, etc,, are now altd*lber meet the requirements and it is and Colonization, Ottawa. No charge Leoptld S ,, Hetty Holcomb .-Gertie Robertson. coming up and chickens scratching around expected that the school league will "fill ismade forthe bookletor for postage,on A L MUSIC-13and and String In. Isabel Carney—Elva Ramsay, the flower beds will cause considerable the bill". Whether or not the new associ- it. atrumenw, violin, and vistno tun lng Mrs. Rutledge—Olive Scott. damage. Owners of chickeiks will show an atiou (if one is formed) will affiliate with 41:0 - ato — , _.- - _ _7 A 11 udlatdr! Alvira Holcomb—Mary Duff. act of courtesy to their neighbors that the W. F. A. remains to be seen, but we WANTED—Womaii or Wlrl to assist In Oar- Lizy Ann Tudker—Lila Grey. will be appreciated if they l0ek the ChiCk- hope the proposed chool league will be, BORK 10 Or JAVAlld, goo w4gos. Address, Vetbena—Cora Jewett, ens in the chicken enclogtire. If Your come a part of the parent body and that 116X ii7ll, qioghatn Oat,' A fine programme of Vocal and In. ueighbor doea not keep chickens it is the winners at least may take part in the jre.kit—ln Mortis, on April Ist, to Mr. WANTRI)TIOSTOIES-4*6(l familrto store piano "d photo Itirs,ph With. Kindly 60111nental Music Will be given between likely because he wants to keep his lawn Hough Cup aeries. and Mrs. Rusni Fear, a eon. I jitAte In your reply whos er son would be Id- acb, All are Invited to come and enjoy clean and probably grow soffle garden, Wingham Iligh School won this group Cooic.—In Eagl! WaWanoth, on Monday s6hoit-ed in purchasing elthot of these Inatti- VwMta 40 the ftd at throo M4,1theXrovidod a pleasant evening, Admission 60 c6nts, Don't be arnall enough to let yourii SOW aeries latt year, but were defeated in the April 4th la Mr. and Mrs, lired, Cook,' dftw, Box Q. ADYANcal. chiltiten 25 ctrits. his plano. finals by Woodstock. adaughter. 1XXW I It