The Wingham Advance, 1921-03-31, Page 8E? ;L
High Grade
See that your suit bears the famous Society
Brand Label for Spring, Plain blues, browns and
fancys for men and young men.
$25.00 $35.00 $45.00
Aquatite Spring Gabaedine Coats.
Easter Borsalinos and Neckwear.
Ladies' Exclusive
lim wear
The display of new East -
wraps, suit,
er coats, s and
in our
dresses is now on
ready-to-wear Dept. New
shades of blue, gray, brown,
fawn at popplar prices.
Separate plaid shirts, ex-
clusive plaids $13.50 to
Leather Coats
Perrin's Gloves
A rare opportunity to secure a high grade dress
at a low figure. Sample dresses on sale in Window
at $15.00.
t I -A
I r
I- ---
Printing is Our Exclusive igusiness.--Try Us.
a5m, 11AW - ,
S-nnart 81,luits ---
That 'Wear Liks e Iron c-
f`i1_0TH- ES for boys that wear 1&e iron, yet have
die 8=3icstst"00 and finish—at prices no
higher than th5 orclinary kind.
Dresty CIO-,Iies �ror red-blooded boys who
?, as all
run, Jump, wresde and ride their "Likes,
boys should to build body, brawn and brain into
perfe.;t health.
to scc t11,21se Suits, A?,vge
tor �Our kwPeaio11.
H* Ea ISARD & COo'
Ih-,IWAY, Mar, 31st, 1921
Whitechurcli Lmknow Bluevale
(cHardy of Toronto* spent
dirs. Win. Prince of Wingbarn. is v6it� I'lleknow, March 28th, X921 Mr. Hen
ry 11, relatives here.
at the bouto of Air. And M, a few days "it
rs. Amos Special Aaster sorvices were conducted Mrs. Aitken is in Toronto this week
roelius. in all the churches here yesterday. A For Men and Boys,
drs. Cecil Falconer is still suffering service was held ou (.,Ood Friday evening attending an Educational Convention.
in u. severe shakirig-up. when their in till- Anglican church, at which Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers of St.
,,se stumbled and threw them out of the Mr. McCallum of the Presbyterian church Marys Spent Faster with former's parents
��gy last Sunday. gave the address, here. 0
Mss Olive Parrott ot Blyth, visited% at The induction of the Rev. Chas. Cum- Mrs. Robt. Musgrove i,,,. visiting witial The 0 0
i home of bir. and Mis. J. 1). Ueccroft ming into the Qlaarges of St, Helens and Toronto friends atpresent.
t wook. R. Ashfield'will take place on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs Jas. Clegborn of Port
=13�ut Rev. R. Mc-
vil, at 2 o'clock. tie week -end with rel -
9r. and Mrs. Andrew Wilson and son preside and Dr. Campbell of Colbornq, spent i
Zetland, visited with Mr: and Mrs Dungannon will preach. Rev Mr Scobie atives here, E
Jacques Mrs, John Masser spent ]Easter with INRIG SHO
of Whitechurch, �vill address the minister
very happy event took place At the and Rev. A. K. Gollan of South K1131085 relatives at Toronto.
rs%ln,_�ge. Lucknow, when Re'. R. will address the congregations. Rev. Miss C. Wilson of Toronto, is spending
Via United Mr. John Herbert Laidlaw, Mr. Cumming takes Vie place of Rev. the holidays with her parents at the par-
:) of Mr jcls. Laidlaw, 13 Con.,'W. Mr. Jamieson, who resigned last fall, He sonage here, An ideal shoe for Idea that can be worn for best or for everyday wear,
alvanosh and la Mc-
.., Miss Ona. Ciel comes from Cookstown. The Gr. T. R, have taken the Agent off They are made of a splendid grade of Calf skin and the sole stock is "the
.-naghat), daughter of Mrs. Jas Mc- An enthusiastic baseball crowd gatber- duty for the night train. best that io"—fuil rubber beets.
maghan of Wbitechurch, in the holy ed la -;t Tuesday evening when it was
nds of matrimony. We wish the Young unanimously decided to organize baseball Miss Laura Holmes of Holmesville, and
uple A long and happy wedded lif�. Miss Mary Stewart of Gorrie. are spend- An ideal shoe for Boys In fact the best school shoe we have ever had -
1 ere forthe comiPg season. It was de- ing the holidays at their tiome here, the Men's being of high grade calf skin.
Mrs. Fred Mowbray and children art cided to have a town league and also The uplier stock is the same as in
jiting With Mrs 'Mowbray's sister, Mrs- enter a senior team in the North Welling- Mr and Mrs. Hammond and son spent I The soles are made of HIGH QRADE sole leather—with full rubber beets.
.in Leggatt of Drayton. ton League, The election of officers re. TZ aster with relatives at Atwood, I
Miss Lillian Longman is spending the sulted as follows;- Hou. Pres.—J o h n Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart spent a i These shoes are made both in Black and Mahogany and the prices are
Istel, holidays under tile parental roof., Joynt; Pres —GeO. 1:1. Smith; Vice Pres- few days with their son, Howard, at Hen- most reasonable namely:
Miss l3dith Peddle is home from Bell_ � idents—T. S. Reid and Robt, Johnston; f ry a.
Manager—W. McCoy; Captain—T. Alt- The Bluevale Creattiery have their new
i1jor for the holidays. chesoll; geily—McLeau Johnston; Tress, tvuck In service now and expect to do a Meifs Blaelk $6.95
Among the Easter Visitors were;, —M. C. Bridge. The diamond 1vill. be rushing business this year.
Miss Evelyn Garton of, Wingham, at put in first class shape as soon as possible Mrs. Win. Hall and children of Wrox- Men's Mahogany $7.50
ir home here. and the boys are determined to get to eter spent a few days here this week.
Miss Kate Smith of Gait, Miss May work early and practice faithfully. New Boys' Black, sizes 1-2-3-4-5, $5.50
nith and Miss Grace Stewart of Brus- There The Upworth League invited the Guild I
,uniforms will also be purchased. to the Methodist church ;,VZonday even-'
Is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew is a, abundance of good baseball material
M. in town and linckuow should have a Ing and gave them a social time together, BOYS' Mahogany, saine sizest $5.75
Mr. Wilfred Arscott of GuOpti, Mr. winning team this year. Mr, and Mrs. H. Sinnamon spent I
ngus Mackay of Maciatyre, and Miss The National Debate advertised for Faster at Win. McMichael's. I We invite you to call and see these excellent sho �s.—You will be more
,,�rtha MacKay of Wingb.�ni, at Mr. and last Tuesday evening drew a full house Miss Wilma Shaw is home for the holi- than pleased with them.
rs Rector MacKay's. . and English, Scotch, Irish and Canadian (lays.
Mr., McBrien of Auburn, with her beard much of the good that may be said Mr. John Muuns was on the sick list
5 L, Sole Agents for WRIG Shoes in Wingham.
ter, Miss Tena Laidlaw. of their respective countries. The debat for a few days. 11
Rev. Mr. Henderson 6floronta, at his was "Resolvedlhat the Country I RePre- Miss Helen Garniss of Toronto, was�
)me in the parsonage. se for home for Easter.
p1pt is the Best." Dr. Newton spoke
Mrs. MacGregor is visiting with her rigland. Mr, D. G. McKenzie for- Scot-
,tugbters in Toronto. land, Mr. D. C. Taylor for Ireland and Mr. and Mrs, Win. Xing of Jamestown,
Mr. Chas. Gillespie'leaves next wladk to Mr, R, D. Cameron for Canada. Each spfnt Sunday with Mr, H. A.,McCall.
Lke a position in Walkerton, as butter- 'p ker was limited to 15 minutes and Air. and Mrs. Jas, Kirtou spent Easter
Aker with the Walkerton Egg atid each aoitor acted as judge for him or with Mrs, Rolph.
lairy'Co. herself, The addresses were all of a de. Mrs. Smeltzer spent few days with we H UVY' I L L I S
Mr. John Gaunt left last week for cidedly high order and calculated- to im- relatives at Guelph. SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES'
loose jaw, Saskatchewan. press a ugeful lesson ot patriotism and
on� the. hearers. A pleasing Miss Vietta Cnrtis of Toronto, was?
Mr. and Mrs, Win, Martin and Bruce, citizenship, home for Easter,
isited friends in Blytb last week. feature of the program was the musical
- Mitchell, nun*rs between the speeches. Mrs. J. Air. Percy Dirrient. of Detroit, is visit -
On Friday Afternoon, Miss Wesley Joynt contributed a couple of * his uncle, Mr, I -I. Diment for a few,
'ield Secretary of the W. M S. will ad- Miss Mary Aitcheson 1119
� English songs, lays.
ress the ladies of the W. M. S. it, the pleased the Scotch element with "Ye Mr. Alf Posliff and his mother are at-: AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN
Iresbyterian Church, Special Easter , I
ffering will be taken All the ladies are Banks and Brass" and "The Land of the tending the funeral of the former's uncle
specially invited, Leal". d "'Killarney" rendered by Mrs. J. at Milverton.
G. An arson and Miss B. Robertson de- Miss L. Jamieson of Atwood, is spend-,
lighted the Irish, also'a duet by Mr. and Ing the week -end witil. her Aunt
Mrs. McCreight recent arrivals from Ire- D. King and will attend the Pell, A. Gray, jr.,'J. Underwood, -H.
Gienannan land. Mr Eldon Henderson sang "The Convedtion atTorouto. Turnberry Courigil
The Sparrow Contest which was on be- 'Land of the Maple" in good style. and Diment, M. Proctor, J. T. Lennox, J. R.
ween, the School East and the School Jas. Ross furnished a couple of bagpipe McKenzie, H. Shiell, Geo, Gannett, D,
Yest was quite a success, the West end selections. There were also a couple of Minutes of Council Meeting held In 1%IeNaughton, Geo. Cruiksbauk, Gee.
viuning by a big majority. We hope piano duets by Mrs. Geo. Smith and Miss Gorrie Bluevale, March' 2�lst, 1921, All the Walker, H. Markley, Ira Neil, Ao.Gem—
he notbernolested this year Allin and selections by the boy's orchestra. Miss McKibbon, Toronto, is an Easter members present. On motion of J. J. mill, H. Muir, feff Musgrove, and A.
g=ay price was only 25 cents MoftattandA. Wheeler the minutes of 7Ailler, Pqthmasters for Turnberry, and
,fter goo� sparrow hunt. The admission visitor at her home at the Parsonage d. �A. McDougal, J. Reid, C. Newman, Sam
Miss Vina Smith of Wingham, spent which was a pleasant change from the Miss Graham jr. teacher of the Public last meeting were adopted as rea Mc� Burchill, Win Bolt and Chas. Potter for
'ood Friday with her parents, Mr. and 75 a have been, paying lately for en Moved by W. A. Mines And J. L
od, School is spending the holidays at bar Ewen, that by-law NO 7, 192r., be 11assed W. T. P. and Robt. Musgrove for Blue-
�Irs. John Smith. terFtwlinments that were not half'as go home at Alt. Bridges.
Mrs. Marshall of London, spent the � yet there was a nice surplus. The enter- appointing W. H Mundell, Robert Muir, Vale.
meek -end with friends around these parts. I tainment was under the auspices of 'the Mr. Eldon H. Twatuley, senior teacher Wm. S, King, Thos. Haugh, S. Vaustone, The following accounts were paid—G.,
Miss Mary Aitken of Toronto: spent Lucknow Men's Christain Association. is hqlidayiug at his home near Lucknow. Jas. :8, Nichol, Joseph Lovell, Jas. Mc- M. Elliott, Children's Aid. Godericlit,
Mr, Fred Brown ofBrussels has open- R. Nash, teacher ill Toronto is a visitor Dougall, U. Orvis and W. R. Gallaher, $5.00; P. Powell, Fees Jermyn Drain an&
Easter at her home here. ed a picture show and there is no need to with his parenis, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Feu'c�-Viewers. I Div. Register $42,75.
Misses Edna and Nellie Gilkinson, run out of town now for amusements. Nash.. Mo�gd by A. Wheeler and J. J. Mof- In future the Turnberry Council willl�
mho have been attending High School at her fa
Mr. Lon a Gaynor of Fort William, Miss Ashton is a visitor with tt that by-law No. 8, X�92x be passed ap- hold their meeting in the Orange, HaIll.
3oderich, are home for the holidays. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. brother in London, Rev. Mr. Ashton, pointing Robert McKague, A. Findlaterw i Bluevale
Mr. and Mrs. ]EIdon Peterman and rh Gilmour, A. Gem� � On motion of A. Wheeler and -J. - 1.
Harvey Lindsay. Mr, Barton of Fergus, is visiting is Thos, Appleby, Hug
3aughter Miss Lillian of Witigham, spent Among those home for the holidayg we friend, Miss A. Stinsou. mill, Jas. Kirton, P. S, McEim-eu, Jas. I Moffatt tile next council meeting wilt-
�unday with Mrs. Forgie. noticed, Miss Verna McQuillan. Miss Some religious fanatic plastered every McDougall, H. Orvis, Chas.* Potter,,,, John: be held in Bluevale on May 2nd, 1921 at�
Mr. Geo. Muir who is teaching ia Tor- Mabel McClure, Miss Jennie McDonald, business place in the village with large Mundell and W, D. Elliott, Found Keep- p, m.
anto, is spending the h , olidays wLth his Miss Sadie Gee, Miss Freda Aitchison, hand written posters filed with Scripture erlio P. Powmr,, Clerk
parents. Miss Mary Connell, Mr. and Mrs. B. quotations early Sunday morning last, ved by J. L. McUwen and J. J.
Mr. John Hutton who is attending Mallough, Mr. Ernie Millson, Mr. Jas. pasting them on the windows. Although Moffatt that by-law No 9, X921 be passed
riZnox College, Toronto, is holidaying Scrimgeour. Miss Dean Geddes, Miss Is- considered tion 6ompose mentus, she is appointed J, J, Abram, J. Gillespie, W. WIN(JHAM MARKETS
with his sister, Mrs. Win. Campbell. obel Douglas, Mrs T. Clark Mrs, C. F. quite harmless and no doubt thought she H. Mundell, Joseph IVIcGlynn, Win. Jen -
Mr. David Totten has purchased a new Richardson. Mr. Huntley Gordon. Mr. was commissioned to save the place from kins, R. J. Dickson, James Stapleton,
Chevrolet touring car. Dave oelieves ill ji the fate of the cities of the plain � Geo. Deyell, R. Grain, 0. Stokes, R. (Correct up till Wednesday noon)
keeping up to the times, . Howard Agnew. Alex Ross of the Dominion Bank Staff,! Stokes, Robt. Muir, W Murchison, Jas. I Flour ............... .... 5 40 to 6 25�
Air. win. Elliott has gone as a delegate I ondon, spent Easter with his mothers 1 H Linklater. Robt, Crui.l.shank, Bert 1 Lard ..................... 26 to 29
1 L Jute.r,:::::::: ......... 40 to 45 -
to the Trustees' Convention at Toronto. 1 . Messrs. Latinin And Hainstock, veter- � Holmes, Thos. McGlynn, Alex Forgie, F 2&
Grey, g7h, 'Frank � Car- 'W". ......... 23 to
Miss Annie Metcalfe �pent, a couple of 1 Mr. Henry Moore of the ioth con. has inary students, whose homes are in Sask- A. Hastings, Thos. Haul
atchewan spent the holidays with rela-'ruthe-s, Wm� Deans, A. A. Homath, M. Cattle, mad., butchers.. 9 00 to 10 ft
days with her cousin, Mrs. Harold Jewitt, i gone to Wingham Hospital for an oper- . res here, returning to Toronto Monday. 'Willits, Lloyd Henning, Jas. Halliday, Cattle, butchers choice,. 11 00 to 12 W
of Morris. .. d'�tion. Mr. Moore has been ailing for til ck's parents went from here John Weir, J. Morrison, k. Sharpin, $- Hogs, liveweight 13 25 to 13 71
Mr. John Bray, wheat one time live , We hope he vill Mr. Hainsto
on the tenth is renewiug old acquaint- several weeks now. to the West about 20 years ago King, Jas. McTavish, A. Hooper. P. 8 ............... 12 00 to 1500
in r
soon be better aga' was a uglas, R. Hupfe R M Hay
ances around these parts. Mrs. Alonzo Reath also Miss �Alice Mr. W. J. Greer of Wingham, McHwen, A. Do John Cream ... .... to OL
, , c- I
Gorrie visitor last Friday. Michael, A. MeRwen. Robt Scott,
Eckaidir were operated (,a for append
citis on Monday last.
Wroxeter Mumps and Whooping Cough have
Mr. S. Gibson of Detroit, is spending a' been the order of the day in 1his locality.
few days with friends in Wroxeter. I Mr and Mrs. Gen. Mant, of Lurider,
Mr. C. White of Guelph, is at home at 1( Manitoba, are visiting at Maxwell Ab- Bengard
ram's, qotli Con. Mrs. Mann is a sister Clothes
present. I
Mrs, Robt Stocks and daughter, Daisy i of Mrs. Abram's.
Miss Mabel Speiran who has been vis -
is at present visiting friends in Toronto,
iting with her aunt in Owen Sound. has
Misses Alma Ratio, Cassie McDougall returned home.
and Hazel VanVelsor are spending the Leonard Krauter of the Merchatit's
holidays with their parents here Bank, Stratford, also Irene Krauter, who
attending Stratford Normal, visited at
Mrs. Win. Gambel and her i ncle, Mr. I to Con. C othes J.,
Win. Jardine Yisited friends in town last their parental home, New Spring
Friday. I Mrs. Krauter also Margaret Clarke nf
Born—On March 2,3rd, to Mr. and i wingbam, visited in Ethel over the holi-
day. PDTCEI)
Mrs. Tom Brown, a daughter. ERATELY _L%lJ_
Paramount Blue Ribbon Week
APRIL'4th. to 9th.
Bi Prize Contest
Also One Hundred Other Prizes
Come to tho LYCEUM THEATRE and receive
full particulars and coupon for entrace, into aontest
Men's Furnishings Borsalino Hats
shirts and Collars Spring Caps
Underwear, Etc.
Neckwear, Gloves)
Get our Prkes bofore Buying.
MR011h, 4 r,
.111001.— A