The Wingham Advance, 1921-03-31, Page 5M � I I X '1hix%4­) Mar.'31st IoXI THE NA INGHAA1 ADVANCE is . I woore Koutiery Al lJoy rl4;u STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME The Mission 134nd Concert has beew Somd time, during the night theives to, postponed onaccount 'of the ,concert at tered the butcher shop of Dan O'Brien on Glenatinan, East street and relieved the till of some $17 0 Xiss Wzzie McKee, Gorrie, spent the in silver. Mr. 0' Brien. had fortunately week end with friends here. been in about 10 o'clock that night and Miss Hazel Dickson, Toronto, Is spend* took all the bills, about M. Entrance ing her vacation under the parenlal roof - was gained by taking out the screw$ in Mr. Jas. Findlater who spent the i win- ter with his titther here, left for his hom, a hasp, allowing entrance into A. back room We give thorough courses, have experienced instructors who give indiv- at Togo, Manitoba, Friday. and. then into the store, The police are idual instruction to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success. Winter Mr. John Hamilton died at the home working on the case, but have - as yet no courses for farmers' sons, Address college for free catalogue. of his sister, Mrs, Geo. Nichol, The fun- clue.—Goderich Star. eral on Monday afternoon was held from Mr. James Hamiltou's, Howick. Iuter� Letter$ Rom The Front WINGIRAM or STRATFORD went in xcIutosh cemetery. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has Mr. Robert Jeffray and family intend published "Letters from the- Front" Vol - taking a trip to California this summer, urns 1, being a record played by -the We wish them a safe trip. officers of the Bank of Commerce in the Mr. and Mrs. Win, Lowry 14ft for their Great War of 1914-1918. This volume new home at Niagara, Saturday. is a most handsome and tasteful one, and Mrs. Peter Hakney is spending the is one of the most appropriate memorial One Gallon of Zenoleum holiday week in Wingbam, and Miss Gibson at her home in Wroxeter, works with the Great War that has been "akes 100 Gallons of Disinfectant MissegAn.le and Hazel Dickson en- publisbedin Canada. All told 1701 of tertained 4 few of their most intimate the Bank's officers undertook war service friends Friday evening. and of these 259 laid down their lives. Zenoleum is not only the best disinieztant dip made—it is also the most Assuredly the Canadian Bank of Com-! economical, BORN merce was well inspired when it resolved For disinfecting your stables, hen houses or hog pens, one part Zenoleum to publish this ably planned and beautiful to 100 parts water is th�: proper dilution, ELLT0.rT— In Turnberry on Wednesday, volume, This interesting story is publish - This Guaranty goes with every ounce of Zenoleum'—"If Zenoleum is ed with the generous thought of present - No lettersi, March 23rd. to Mr. and Mrs. J, J. ing it as a gift to the homes bereft of not all YOU think it ought to be, you can have yout, money back. Elliott, a dalughter—Mat'gelret jean. No talk. just money back." This guarantee is your protection. loyal fathers and sons who -battled heroic- JOHNSTON— In East Wawanosah on Thurs- ally for the cause of Freedom. It will be Sold by J. A. MILLS, Wingham, Ont. day, March 24th. to Mr. and Mrs. a sad yet most welcome souvenir to many Jehriston, a son. , I a household whether on- account of the Flour and Feeds and Seeds, McC.&LLum—In Morris on Frida),, March 25th., to Mr. and Mrs. Finley, vacant chair or personal reminiscences of McCallum, a son. 'the years of tumult, 0 RT __ Its Value Is Intentional EACH added Gray -Dort which goes into use serves not only to, provide fresh evidence as to the quality of the car, but also emphasizes anew the high ideals of the Institution which builds it. A surprising inajority'of the thousands of motorists who have selected the Gray - Dort as the biggest value in the motor car field tell us that the reputation of the men responsible for the car has been the most imoortant factor in their choice. And this is natural, because only by deliberately intending to give heaping value could we hopeto produce such a car as the Gray -Dort at its price. all Ezra Moekl,,, '"llinghalmi, Ont. JL 0 0 0 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY 0, * 0 NEW SPRING CLOTHING New Styles of High Grade Clothing for Men and Boys Yon will be asvured of receiving the b1gliest degree of satisfaction In pur- chasing your Spring Suit here. Original in designs, perfect in tailoring quality, with, an exclusive range of patterns for your selection at very moderate prices. $25-00 -7 $35900 — $45-00 Boys' Suits We have just past into stock a large assortment of boys' fine grade suitla. See our new Baited Norfolk styles in a dark brown sbade. All sizes, Special at $13-50. Raincoats ow We are showing a large assorted stock of ladies' and men's Tweed Rain- coats in greys, browns, greens and Oxford mixtures, An early selection is ad- vised while the assortment rcmv�iri unbroken. F twell Hats, Spring Caps, New Collars and Neckwear. Farmers I Special! A carload of Essex grown No. I grade Corn to arrive direct from the grower, all Dent varieties, germination 95�.' and over. Special $1.75 bus. J.�A. MILLS Our Goods are the Best— Our Prices Right. Flour, Feeds and Seeds a Specialty. 141 SCHOOL REPORT XXXXXXXXMM The following is the report of S. S. No. 6, Turnberry for month of March. SR. IV—Vem Casernore 7o. JR. IV—Georgiija Goy go, Agnes Mc- Kague 85, Reifa Jenkins 85, Grace NOTICElm Homuth 7o, Mary Chandler 65, Hilda McCormick 6o, Arno Kelly 6o, Milfred Foxton 55, John Skinn 40, Victor Case - more 35. We are now ready for bu Iness and SR, 111—Harold Casemore So, Mait- s land Porter go, Edith McAwen 6o, are able to give you the best of ser - George Skinn 55. vice on all kinds of tire repairing. JR. III—Chester ShOwers go, Clifford Showers go, Lillian MeRwen 6,5. SR. 11—Carl Hotm�th 8o, Chester Case - more 65., X Expert Vulcanizing and ,,!R. II—Rennie Goy go, Ruth Finley Nettie Casemore 8o, Gertrude Kelly 2, Janet Lewis 65, Donald McCormick o, James Finley 54. 1 X Retreading Promoted from SR. PR. to JR. I—Mary Skinn 8o, Victor Showers 75 - JR. FR. to SR.,PR,—Mack Homuth Ask us about our guaranteed 'puncture 8o, Borden Jenkins 78, Laura McCoy 75, X Velma Finley 72, Alex Skinn 5o, Albert X proof servtce. Porter 55, Arthur McEwen 59. "A" Class to JR. PR—Kathleen Mc- AM We carry a complete line of tire and ac - Cormick So. MAPTi-iA McDONVU14L X cessories. Teacher X, ate The following is the report of U. S. S. q;04 Ask for our opinion, we can illimin No. 13 for the winter terin. I M, your tire troubles. Exam in Lit., Comp., Read., Spell., Writ., Gong_ Hist., Gram. and Deport- ment. Total 850, Honors 638. Pass X ... ALL WORK GUARANTEED ... 510. Jr. IV—Eve Mc -Michael 701, Minnie Weir 677, Mary Fitch 575, Niargarot New- ton 551, Alice Ileahan,550. Exam. in Lit.. Conip., Read., Spell., Writ., Arith., Gong., Draw., and Deport- Wingham Tire and Y, ment. Total 760. Honot's 5612. Pass 450. Jr. III—Wilfred Meahan 193, Ferne Bennett, George Merkloy 452, xxWalter Vulcanizing Depot x Woods 445. William Weir 417, Alvin X Fitch 410, xxxxWilfred Henry 297 . . X, Morton Block, Wingham. Phone 298. V, Exam. in Lit., Rea(l. Speil., Writ, Arith,, Draw and Deportment. Tota1550.'A, Honor- -1,12, Pass 330. Jr.11-­CarlFitch38L AlLx� Corrigan 359, Tenn. Fitcli 315, lZennell, Bennett xxMary Harris 2:19, xxjacic Harris 212, xxx Johnny Willitts 148. MUM Namos arranged in order of merit. Sr I—Alma Fitch, Blanche Weir, Walter Willitts, �Mildred Gathers, Willie Woods� Ruth Corrigan. Sr. Prirner—Edit� Weir, Robert Ben- nett, Tommy Parker, George Harris, Rugh Harris, Those marked with an asterlisk mi,,;sed exams. A. M GRANT, Teacher. Our Teeswater Brother$ The following ar�nonymous letter ap" peared in the Teeswater News last week and tends to keep in mind that ' brotherly love" which continues between ball en- Endthu thusiasts of these two burgs. Teeswater News. Mr. Editor, Dear Sir: We noticed a report in the Wingliarn HE FORD ip built to witlittand year after y e a r Advance last w6k of the 'new residents" i the Gtrains of travel on every kind of road in every Tkind of that town, and they just happen to be i of weather. baseball players. How fortunate for the 1, The Ford has tiroven its endurance qualities fort the ',act Wingham Club. We wonder if Wingham, roads of the world. You daily evidcnces� of Ford is aware that one of the 1,new residents" endurance on every road in this county. 'down has been a professional ball player and if Ford endurance means repair costs kept to a any of the other clubs protested he might minimum. be debarred from the N. W. League? When you do need repairs, we give Ford Service. It looks as if Winghom is importing �perfectlY 'We sell Genuine Ford Parts. Our repair shop is fully players, which is alright of course, but why the new residents when equipped and we have the skilled mechanics to render they had such a success with the old re- prompt and satisfactory"service. tidents last Yeat'� Yours Truly, i- Our charges for both tiatta and repairslare standardiz- Vvideawake. ed. You kumv the coat before you buy. De. Margapet 0. Caldepi A. M. Crawford, Dealer Gene,tal PI-actitiollow Graduate University of Toronto, Vacuity of Medicine. i office-- 30sewhine St., two doors south of If runswick Hotel. Telephones — Office 281, Residente 151.