The Wingham Advance, 1921-03-31, Page 3WWORAX ADVANVA + +*++*++444 --------- flop +++++44 WOMEN'S for a large box of clothingaud cook - Ing Which had been eent there, A inumber teach grammar sati,staeturily to AT' FORTY A Mm sH.OULD + ADV %I ( 116 GIRLS INSTITUTES 1 ot pairs of stockingli which bad not been knit In time to BE IN HIS PRIME NT� I I - BY MISS, R011SAII.,IND. 1 1 go With 1 the box were brought to the mocting, and It was decided to dye them black MUST EXE R-CISE CARE Registered According to the Copyright Act. NEWS ITEMS QQV.ERIiNQ THE ACe before sending them to t:he little ones be more definitely talle-At to the third. class, but he Is about at the top ;of the hill, and the level tr tell a e Is TIVITI96 OF WOMEN� IN A1,L of the shelter. Tbo two following resolutions were drawn up HE SHOULD OWLTIVATE r604D. Miss Rosalloct weicomos lettem from stand that yDU have no Intention vt `# keeping -company with any one person PARTS 'OF O'�TARW Signed and Seat to tile DePuty-Minister ot EIRATION IN A,1,4 THINGS BE. young we Mon aLsklnq for advice ;it) for Years Yet -but just wr."It to have any sublo4t. Allyqt have t9 do 1.0 a circle of young friends, boys and 491AMINOTON. Education: 1. That instead jot less grawmat, , CAUSE EXCESS IN ANY DI. to address Your lottor'to girls, all having good times togethler. The community meeting in the being taught in Our public schools REOTI ON MAY LMAP TO MISS RQ%ALIND, Perplexed-YZ—Ial-le so young that Town Hall notwithstanoling the nil - that more, grammar be taught and SERIIQVS THINGS. , 34 Kin 1111�- I think you shoul(I do exactly as --- ­ �h I that we believe it impossible to %nen ehould do to you, do yo also to Is 17amillon, Ont. mother wishes Ili every respect. ­* 1-S argoly "- tended and Q, great success, The teach grammar sati,staeturily to a 13Y a 0404or, In— YOU ran Improve your memory by deliberately setting Out to memori v-4thering was held undgr the auspices fourth class In -the form of pomposi. place you woodlest part f -the Backwoods, They r. McConnell, Rev. F. 0. Burrell hardly know him and In tile Second At forty a, man should be In his Dear Readors:-For a few weeks I Shall be obliged to publish only tile Some reading matter every day-fozo , ur Ilel's of ipoetry Or a of the Women's Institute, and was tion 2.* That the public sell ool history be more definitely talle-At to the third. class, but he Is about at the top ;of the hill, and the level tr tell a e Is Zen it P. pffeatlato of the brakes has already bacome 4advisaWe, answers, to letters sent in to in e. If I do not do verse -out of the 'Bible will do splendidly, presided ov4r by Rev. �V. F. 3li-cCom- . course be COUtIllued as it Ii and not. not a very '!Ong One, though the descoAt is of MISS McKenzie, Old-time melo- something, those W110 Ills arteries are, becoming mora I id M 1, 1 1 lifincil +� —A. l, 4 YOung mail YOU are so anxious to Rutman who spoke on community �,Wilrls arld boys can do to 1. 1 4 I 1)ose, and hig"' Meals are back of every I entertain callers on Sunday evening, dies were chosen and the whole all - wr e ane a. month, ago will forget What they asked about, 80 until I Smiling' May -You should dance with Twenty minutes of community aing- Story -as vised by some and -also that history au- MMY nOtleeable as, first. Still, it Must be allowed far, and, a tL13 1 place you woodlest part f -the Backwoods, They r. McConnell, Rev. F. 0. Burrell hardly know him and In tile Second ers hands." r greatest exaltaVon js fit exhau4ting others, bered lie might like to boar front your w1to lV58es§cs a bottle Or I)r. got Caught, UP with my oorrespon, donee, )VIll You loQk for Your answer under Own pen -name. Y0111� re, othq It makes a girl too U ti 0 ceabf6' to dance With one partner all evening, You are too Young tO Ing opened the proceedings, led by a chorus of thirty young ladles from the 'High -School, under the direction be more definitely talle-At to the third. class, :Verse 13, To tile extent that pov- erty exists, alleviate it; to,the extent Zen it P. pffeatlato of the brakes has already bacome 4advisaWe, MIEUM A TISN IMS6 Into# rox.,,i $10.70 Uxu� 11.80 . Verse 11. Do not waste llfo!s, strength or dissipate its illowers, Pur- yourself a piano duet which was enCored. feal friend to everphody and it Jrate those -horrid games. . 4 R0,9ALIND. talk about being very MUOIL In love. If your Mother approves, you may of MISS McKenzie, Old-time melo- MRS, J.. PRIVE11 Ills arteries are, becoming mora I id M 1, 1 1 4 I 1)ose, and hig"' Meals are back of every I entertain callers on Sunday evening, dies were chosen and the whole all - 35X0 19M WX6 2025 ";I rJ VULL VVU, L 400-11 Real Cuts aud contua- 1 tallnot advise you ao to raur other foils, It Is a m("diclue- cheat in It- achievement. *Verse 12. Some one flag said that J8an-,FIQnPStIy,' I think you are dienee Joined heartily in the singing. foolish to -think-so much about 'Peggy --Game this 8 such as Wink, Post Brief addresses I were given by Office and the like belong to the Xory Rev, Young man, In the first 115 14 ". WORM No y ILI the world 'has Mricady -halt destroyed place you woodlest part f -the Backwoods, They r. McConnell, Rev. F. 0. Burrell hardly know him and In tile Second U bered lie might like to boar front your w1to lV58es§cs a bottle Or I)r. us wilion We are too busy to pray. simply -are notoolone any more. I am and Rev. L, W. Hill. Mrs. Harring- place, while You are 'Worrying over qui sure lotsof girls always dislika ton sang a solo with Splendid effect, him you may be overlooking nil UndrUnig. This -afforded muca amuse, :Verse 13, To tile extent that pov- erty exists, alleviate it; to,the extent some very good friends among them Just as much as you and 1. and the Misses De�Laurfer gay , o a tile PeOPIG Dancing has taken tile place of all, You know already. 114ke MIEUM A TISN IMS6 Into# rox.,,i $10.70 Uxu� 11.80 . that Poverty Is unnecessary, prevent yourself a piano duet which was enCored. feal friend to everphody and it Jrate those -horrid games. . _!Izo� 111ri, 6.,, � 4,5 33X6 $18 P.0 ,,Lesson L April It. HOsPitality.,is gettihg to be It, /you will ;iee The chief speaker was Dr, Mary a wills more Of the Peggy Dear -I do not 4,now *hat THE IDEAL OHRISTIAN lost art. It Is time to revive it YOung mail YOU are so anxious to Rutman who spoke on community �,Wilrls arld boys can do to Like I Did Mine' Says Lesson-Ront. 12: 11 p� 9-12, Verse 14, The deepest injury that kfiow, see each welfare. She explained the Object oth.r When a gIrV4 father Is so un, Of WGInexes Institutes Pastor Reed fe A W Wi 001don Text.-IAs Ye would that comes from wrongs d6ne to -us Is ithat it XiViday-You. would be very foolish reasonable as to not let her entertain and told of tile her friends in her own home. It good they are doing, They Are' to, consider Rid Neuritis %nen ehould do to you, do yo also to Provokes resentment and anger Ili "A. matrimony without -being fiers only knew tile herm they do speeding to every country, even In absolutely gur6 that you love the ot them likewise" (Luke 6, 31). 011-119olves, toul filled with hate Is.a. sorry spectalcle." On the con- gdrl: when Would certainly advise Your friend they act "0' 1 can Only say, far off -Ceylon, Dr. Raimall'a to rY to talk it over -with Your father home- Suffered Tortures For Yenrs-Nov The -L e2aon Text trary, doing good both requires and write, He seems to -have a very t Where a splendid work Is being done bad case. and see If you can make him -under- Telling Good News To 13thers. *1 bese.ech you therefore, breth- Stimulates noble impulses. stand that -home Is a, place to be bappy among the natives, ren,"bythe, mercies ot God, to -present Verse 1-5.. -Human sympathy is one De, in and Young people should �be allow- After a couple of readings by Miss ar Telegrapher -X S118,11 give your ed every possible freedom %�nd hap- your bodies a. liv;ng suritice, 3101Y, Of the fingst 4tialities of the Soul. name and credentials to some of the pIness rightunder the home roof, y, presi- Wfnnifred Picket, 'IsIrs. Gett girls and boys who are seeking Acceptable. to God, which is Your The Capacity to -feel with otiiers' Is good dent, on behalf of the Leamington letter -friends, - spiritual service. the tie that blials hearts Intriendship Indian R;ad-Your question Is hard Women's Institute, presented Dr. Rut - i2 And bo. not fashioned accordlixg and k.1nolly affection, to answer, because everybody an- man With a. beautiful bouquet as a Fal -It Is- quite all right for a girl swers. It according to the 'wkl*.,r he has 'tall, A Ao this world: but be ya transfornteod Verse 16. NO. doctrine of the New to Invite a man to . It Is -the only token of appreciation of the excellent been brought up, T�y is tile ques- way she Can get acquainted him by the renewing Of Your Mind, that ye Tesitairent is more frequently Stress- with tion: Work accomplished by her.here. properly, "Is It right to 1ance and play may prove what Is the goocland ac- ed than that, U the unity from the . It Is not correct Jo accept as eascort cards?" Some say ye.s. and some The National Antheni. closed t1i. e say no. ,ceptable and perfect Will of God. realization of -.Ills ideal -s as expressed In His Prayer (John 17). holne,-a young mail yolt have not met. You must decide for yourself is it At the Leamington I%Vomen2s Insti- Ask the hostess or person In charge l, .1 Let love be Without hypocrisy, V orse 17. -Paul's teaching through- right for You to -do these things. P ct theparty -about It, er- tate's last meeting, 43 merabers' all - Introduce the Young man to your sonally, I think- it alright. I dance I)YI Abhor that which Is evil; cleave to out these precepts is :11 faltTlitul re. mother and get and play cards and enjoy both very swered the roll call. Report of -her COnSent,. before much. I -am exactly the same Person 'Woine Nursing ard First Aid" -course that wh!ch,Js good. flection Of the t Christ in eachings -of the Sermon on ithe I Nfount. you go drlyl ng with him. whod I am dancing ar playing bridge Go, Into the &tore with him and under Dr. Rutnam read. Report 3:0 In love Of th 6 brethren be ten- Taklng -a s I am when I am Singing In church chcOse Your candy. .0p,30.15 for treasury. dorly affectioned one to another; in thought far t -hings honorable puts or writing these letters -of advice.' V honor preferring one another; life's programme. upon a constructive Tish-WrIte one letter, friendly and Wyatt call look at It that way, then Iter. Mr. AfeCouriell gave a Sketch it it Is right for YOU -but If by doing, ot the life of St. Patrick. Mrs. GIbb "Don"t 19. In diligence lim slottiful; fervent basis. fall of interestingitome news, It it these things YO -11 might hurt another does bring 'quick 'Tanadian Authors Believe That Old Humbug In spirit; serving the Lord; , Verse 1.8. Ton may not be able al- not a reply do not gave a paper on writeegaln. -person, then you *ould do Well to and Their Work," About 'Uric AcW 1364 the, Gause 12 rejoicing In hope; patient in ways -to preserve peace, but you can -pause anti cobsider Carefully. The of Rheunlatjsyn--�t's Not so! tribUlation; continuing stedfastly oil, rofrain from provoking war. things themselves are harmless, 'It is Music by little Miss Joan Fergu- Mlainelialta-I would consider the each toward:s Emphatically assertIng that thou,% pilayer; Verse 19. Avenging justice is the person's attItute them Son and Wilda Irwln. question very seriously, before break- -that makes theni right or wrong. -ell - ands of ulifo �tunate suRepers have 18 �comm unteating to the necess Prerogative of God, and not of men. Ing tile -engagement. If you 11,1r.0 i MAIRY NOBLE . the older man and a ROSALIND. sk him fo 'give been led into taking wrong treat - ties of the saints, giv on to hospital We are not sufficiently able to know You time to decide -but, be very DEVLIN. ments under tile old and false belief that "Uric AcJd" causpa. rheumatism 10� Rejoice W�th them. that rejoice; one another's motives to -sit in judg- ment Upon one another's act$, cautious. The Devlin Women's Institute held SPRING WEATHER their Pastor IV-. 11. Reed says- As do some of our highnst medl- weep -wIth them -that weep. Verses 20, -21. There"Is but one Black Eye -I quite agree with you March meeting at the home of that young folks can have a heap bet- Mrs. Cook, 'Topics Discussed ca'1' authorltle% I now know, that "Uric 16 Be of the same mind one, to. WaY to conquer an enemy. a'119 rcl A., were a ter tipie being JOlIY good chums than new flag for the large flag float- 11MU �Iillllj BABY Acid' never did and never will causo rheninatism! But ward. another. Got not your mind " enmity Will tairiv6 upon your hatred, but rope th-irking thdinsehres seriously in love Ing from the top.of their soldier Mon- "piring it t ok me many Years to find out this truth.' I higli'tblngs� but condescend to thin gs a:re. lowly, Will languish and die in the light of your good will. He desires �Our and off." . 111by d6n't you tell the other fel- unient more books from tile Fort 'ideas learned how to get rid of my rheuma- tism and recover - my health -that 17 Reader -to no man evil for evil. . resentment; -he does 'not know what Iowa your on�the subject? The Canadian spring weather -one -\vlllla� Public Library of which we I find that chop and lot's Of water, day Mild and bright; the next raw ­ branch, and strength through reading "Plie Inner Mysteries of Rheumatism,, TMce 06tight for things liouomble lit to do,with Your kindnem -Were the . of auh skim wilk. if Your can -get it, is and bluiTery Is"eXtromely hard Oil - a. also the accepting a word written by an authority has filAsight of all men. World to closely adhere to these teachings, It -would banish as rellable a Pig fattener as any. jibe babY. -Conditions are such that Vile invitation froril Burris Institute Peed the chop dry. the mother cannot 44ke the little one to Join them at the Sumnier Series. who scientifically studied the Cause and ftreatinent 8 It it be possible, as much as in yoit lleth, bg at peace.-vvith, all lmen. war and bloodshed forever, �'t I shal.L,give you addresi to for the fresh air 80 much to be Zurris Institute -held a box,, social of fair some desired. 'He is oonflned of rheumatism for over twenty years. It was Indeed a ig (Ave -age no, yourself, beloved. Topics for Rotearch and Discussion. our correspondents. 0- the house you which Is -so often over-linat .1-rarch 18th. write qultc­t� good letter, Tell your ed and' veritable revelation! "I had sutfered agony but give place unt' o the wrath of God: I. A Renewed, Mind (vs. 1� 2), 1, I badly :Ventilated. Doirlin anti. Burris Institutes bath sister when a young man thanks her i Ills 1,ttle,�.Stc He catches cold; to:. velrs from rheumatism and associated dis- &Cor It is wNtteu, V�4ngeance beloMeth Nvrllat change is made today is our .1or a dance, just to smile and say' mach and bowels be- hive Purchased sanitary drinking "I enjoyed it, to , come disordered and the mother orders, and Mrs. Reed was tortured itilito me; I w-Ul recompense, saith the lesson plan? 2. Wl-.at do you, know . o,,, or something like fountains and inollvidual. cups for the ' that. Soon has a sick baby to look after, 'With tile demon nouriti,; almost be. Lard. ' about' the birth and earlly onviron- schools Ili viciall To Prevent this all occasional dose Y. yond endurance. We bad read and talked so much about 'Ur' ic Acid, W But If tlilno enetily hungnrteed 111611t; Of Paul? 2. Of wbat fouriolol development doesTaut Ridd-I think your ideas are fine. i Ot Baby�s Own Tablets should ho giv- Emo inalle, ap-proximately $4M Sust, keep oil thinking as you do, and eji*. They regulate the Stomach and Wile," tllt�Y "rv(--d niE-als aC the F,1uO that 4Xlr minds spi�med Palsoned. But the 'Inner him; it he thirat, give him to drink, siiow the need Ill this cloupter? you'll be all right.. bowels, tlius preventing Or banUhing, Fair last fall. I I colds, MYSterles of li.lielimatignit Made It all clear to ill, and now we for in so doing thou shalt Ueaq? Coal$ fire upon his head. 11. A Transformed Heart (vs. 9-1,a). simP'e fevers, colic: ot, any . -other of tile many minor ailments or Lash )lave had sand p and -BIu0-eY0d I-Telell-It wilt be all- I are boll It free from the suffering and ,Of not overcome of evil, but 4. NNIlat kind of love Ili pa ill talkin.- about", 5., Why I ellillhood. The Tablets -are sold by swings put at the schools in their right to write, to.your friend while locl -is Ili Toronto and then know niedleltio dealers,or by mail 25 vicinity. misery we endurod. a& many years. I belleve I Was the hardest mail in overcome evil with good. do people Persist in hypocrisy? 6. What is the (IneAreat you will at Just when to exIlect -Ills rettlen , cents a box from The Dr, Williams' and E�arnhart are improving their tile world to convert! For me to discard the old 'Uric Acid' 0onitnents curse of the world? 7, 'Wrliat �houifl wnether to meet him Or not. Medicine -Co,, Brockville, Olit, neighborhood hall and have bought theory, and what I now know ta be. absolut. Verse 1. In this zeston we change the �church--of Christ do with tiie new books for their library. Scbool�glrI--,;Steam. your face OVer a DCAII-NION. WOOL MARKET ely false for tile new. scientific un - derstanding of the callses and curo;5 from the Illstoryof the life of Christ whole quostlon of Poverty? & Why basin of very hat water, Then rub in 0 . The Sevving Instructor, MISS Olive of rheol�Misln, was like asking Me to as lived [by 11111mseAfl to 'the practice of a70 NVO YOZ 00 far train the Npw Tes. a good cleansing cold Cream. DO REPORT. Campbell, Is In Rainy River District this before going to bed and leave the I change my relig-*Ous beliefs, 1�ut I 'firtunate tb%t life -as lived by 'Ills fo:lowora. talliont idea of Christlan unity? The goneral tone oe the wool 1101(1111�" ClalNes -at th�� follwing cream on all night. Ur!nk lots ef cold �rhezo did change, and I,' was a r day for in(,. and iPaul was �orn in Tarsus about tile III. A 'Changed Will (vs ' 17-211).- water and avoid cating Candy' and fat- market is very dull. I,; very POfIlts, Fort Frances, Layalle, Mc- nilap Wilt,,-, I ti!d o. X 0 T B. "The Inner same time �as Jesus 'was barn in Beth- 9. Where did 'Paul -get the wisdont ty foods. move. Irvine, Devlin, Burris, Enio, Stratton, little demand and thus little . s of i pbeumatism,, referlpd t o above by lelotm. He -wrote this let -ter to the lie Pilts Into. these teachings? 10, ment ill stocks. Sheep raisers Who Pine Wood and Rainy River. -Reader, Southington, O.onnecticut- PAstor Reed lays Wre fact,,, about X-tomans probably in A. D. 5& In t1tis Whit Is the practical application of. -have been ly)fdfllg wool are now con-- alany of the Institutes of this Dig- Will gladly give your name to some rheumatism and . Its associated dis- chapter Paul shows the need of the verse 18? 11. Discuss the wisdom of of those hift 'Canadlan girls you afl- I signing fat CO-oPerative sale. 1,800,- trict are assisting the 0anadlan Na- orders Overlooked by doctors aild scientists for fourfold aevolopment expressed In verses 24 and %. 12. Why do we Mire. It is Surprising how many let. I OGO lbs of graded wools gold -since tioual Institute for the Blind by pur- centuries past. it is a work that should be !U the hands of Or,Aike 2, 52, wk must grow a3hysical- not practicethls? ters we get fr6in our consins over the January Ist of this year havo av,, line, r- chasing brooms and yarn. every mail or woman who has 'the 1�, ment-alay, sadally and religiously. 0 aged 20c per Pound, as against all Elmo Institute has u. aveiled a slightest Symptoms of rheumatism,, 'Verse III. Conformity to this 'world, GERMANS M�UIROERED OVER 7t000 'Puzzled Quintotte I have you re. "gragO, Of 330 for sales made (lurl, bronze tablet In memory of their sol- -dead 11011ritis, lumbago or gout. Anyone Nvh,) s(nids name, and address to 1-1. or the present order of things, Is de- member your nifte questions, because Ver cost 4300, Also gave a p 1 0 - C PATNA'ater, 5,56W Street, Hallo - because things are tampor- ef and very my answers bave to be bri big banquet to tile returned so.d!er.Q. Malfte, will receive It by mail, tWtive, vhne principles are otornal. The 1P XecoMing to official figures just much to thoPoInt. Barnhart gave each returaed mail -Surely a girl may ask, a -boy friend PAIN IN THE LOIN8'DRIVJr1%N Postage Paid mid abso!ute"ly tree. Send now. lost forget inind Is renewed by truth, and Christ is tho the truth the life. mado public, 7,4% BvIgian civilians a roOdng cvha.Jr wheii, lie arrived to Call and see hert Just as she would OUT QUIOXLY. You the. ad- drersl It not a sufferer cut out this Way, and died ag the result of the Gerifian oc, ask a girl friend to run. Ili for a chat. i,xplanodon nud hand It'to t�nnlo,, hr - Through nbedlonca to 111m. wo pr . ova CUD%tI6n of their Country. Of thtse, 11 e may call as -often-2s the girl's That dragging, wearying So,, MRS, A, D, W,1111JI)ON, 41cr flitted Irlend, tho Perfect Will of God. 4,934 Verse 9. The 1OV0 hero meant Is troops civilians Were shot by German thinks amper. Pain makes life a miscry to WAen gloating with a boy, 10, It last many OOSDEN. People. This pain is due to a N111110r's ',X0rM Powders not or.1y the love of dne;Ghristlan for another. lGernian or executed by order of the, military authorities; 1,331 as long as it Is enjoyable for hoth; Pas- the girl Sag sIvO'Inf1aMMatIOa Of tho udjacLmt Tile TAkPVIe1v Women's In.4titute . geots stopping. fOA 1 M"ce. the lnfanti,,e sy!�tollx Untenable worms, but by their Uttlon the i4ypckerloy Isan old-fm-hioned sinthat 41led In Prisons, Ili which they were When a girl 1% boing proposed ta, til�stte. I�ecauso evory drol) rubs lit. varied from its regular routille of istomadi, beeause it on liver and b()WPIS th ey Car- dons new -fashioned clothes every tonrIned by Germans; lad 1,228 died penctrntps so she knows by inatinet'llow to act deoplv. alce 1'0(!t Nervillne k wond�rful r(,�Sult. tings lately by holding thei� such troubles as lack of aplintit'! gosiler4tion. 111hrolugh. 'C-hrlvvt'4u Ift tile course of the -mforced dopor- There are no -fixed rule I -Afire Powerful because five times meeting at 7.10 P.131. in tile �Jfemorjal blIf011oness -Mys and girls do exetange photo dors and othpr lnt(,rnal that thP worms growth we will be 10,640 relel it as tations to Germany anti the Pronch stlntl�-clr, moro ponotrating beeause Hall, Cobden, Instead of a t 2.20 p.m. illron graphs, A girl doe!a not tlilm a, boy's it S�rlkos through ere%to. ('!ill - thrive Upon thera and no in.1tter dishonortuble thing, while being at- front, stlft tft.que, Mare arm. when walking with him unless in OUG Of tile hottlea, To this meet- healing to pain, lNervillne lAnIment What condition their worin-Infe -tell tAaeted to that which is good. S lit lhe Is 4 cripple and needs support. I If three -girls aro, out togethor and "ll'Uhl b0 always On hand, Sold 11�1 tile Members" husbands and stomachs improvement may be lit, tlioy will gl'low R4 the areatest curse, the greatest 41aa",�er the faselbatiOn Corns cripple the feet and in - afto J evolrYwliere In larg�� -L15 (:ent �bottlos. brothers were invited and with the a bay friend comes a1W and wants Mont exception as "Won as the treat. begins. and greatest walking la torture, yet sure rellef, In 'to wailc home with ouG of them, It Of two or three all were in' tha world. tile V'rse -Lot ShAlle Of 'Helloways' Oorn Re- g lq�lq Newooundr.,and $:.Old present. depends on whether the girl Wants Durim The meeting Was clarried him to do so, whothet lie does or not. more Quebec Contains 111400,00 acres io. every brother be mover I Is within rpaeh of MI. goods to Portugal than to any on as 118lial. After the business a of A girl may go to church with a I forest prese.-ves. valued at $445,. able to know that his good name, his iover$ Interest Is, fit broth- Minard's Liniment other country, namely, goods t:) the gocd programme was given, n. num- 00,0;,30. young man. value Of A836,&72- Theigreater ber Of tile being safe every Rdifeves Neuralgia There Is no stuch thing as a go u guests ask(%,d to Ud- 08 a part ­ berry wilong "fee paotslo I of the e -o-- I dress Ono -p-4- "It ---- ­­-----�------- , - n9v 1 --8 SEed OL C1110m 11811. principally dried Codfish. unfiettled-Write torthe young man, t. Avy Gloo So and *ill conI)Ifirelited the women On the 35X0 19M WX6 2025 ";I rJ VULL VVU, L 400-11 Real Cuts aud contua- 1 tallnot advise you ao to raur other foils, It Is a m("diclue- cheat in It- onee. lDo lloa reproach bin), but very businesslike manxier Ili which Irill, llvoount must be sent With order If in the followlag Provinces, Nova Stotia, Nov , question; but would suggent,that YOU self, and can begotforn quarterot,,t write as though You had Just romem- It hatr Many Qualities. -The man the meeting �vas conducted.. The 11vuliswiek. )WAnte Edwstil Island. $*sk*td*Wsh, Alberta, allid British Columbia. StAtow)*tber*ttxigbt-W&orelitith,tr. 10%dJAeot2ntAl1**ed iffull amoulltAccoth. bered lie might like to boar front your w1to lV58es§cs a bottle Or I)r. roll tall Was responded to with toll_ ­%vitis evevyEeonorny t;rt purchateell—each tlea Clfaikir*nt"a 3,soo Miles. Beoimny'riren­ueonstructod witit three tolysi ot additional fabric Wear like vow. home town. Thomas' Hele'edld Oil Is -armedagaingt many Ills. It NvIll rellevO % UndrUnig. This -afforded muca amuse, givinvaosursw�6of$. Yoilesormbte. twettylloille6perdayttliVot. Price" " ludint tub6 freez -eaUgh, Margueritc.-Whpu a boy takes you oreak a cold, prevent sore throat., it ment, Then In lionor of tlle guests IMS6 Into# rox.,,i $10.70 Uxu� 11.80 . size Mr4 34X4 )TIM41,180" 8, T* 36,1 lie in . I 33:01 15,:!90 "AX4 $It _!Izo� 111ri, 6.,, � 4,5 33X6 $18 P.0 v.) a dallee or a allow, you should will r0d1l0e till,- 6wolling from a pain, surely thank him for the pleasure lie relieve. the most perf3istont tore and t. I i -111 A. supper, more elaborate th,311 Usual was servo�d. A M, 13.OD .12X4 13.40 3ax4a 14M 4514 16,1V 35X0 19M WX6 2025 ";I rJ VULL VVU, L 400-11 Real Cuts aud contua- 1 tallnot advise you ao to raur other foils, It Is a m("diclue- cheat in It- ThA prinolplo business traiigacqed YAlt)10-11TIT, X. Irill, llvoount must be sent With order If in the followlag Provinces, Nova Stotia, Nov , question; but would suggent,that YOU self, and can begotforn quarterot,,t W" tha donating of fifty dollars to tile "Ghluese ramine Pund Th* Original and Only Genuine 11vuliswiek. )WAnte Edwstil Island. $*sk*td*Wsh, Alberta, allid British Columbia. StAtow)*tber*ttxigbt-W&orelitith,tr. 10%dJAeot2ntAl1**ed iffull amoulltAccoth. eoripult your family doctor. d3flar, and ten I 'lie would b,3 well advised to enitf- jj�filrs ardpr, Be. curb td RtIlltort h tl ECONOMY TIRE CO. Dept, Al-13J*rv1#Sr"t.,V01r0Vd DitntlIes—c-Annot you jast 'havt Ill!$ glAh4umatigm Routerb" ralftvii dollars; to the XaVY League. A ter from the Ilottr8w Mildren*# Shel. 430wore of Imitat'vW1 told " the I Mbrito of boy for a friond? . L(st hitil, Under- -tet Was- rt"id thinking tile lastituta) MINARD's LINIMENT. ,Should he at ally time overstep ,the Prudent line -tis Who does not op- MO AME -40, does not recover so quickly from fatigue or Severe IllueSs as-.1te used to, and his whoiD Physique, has bo. ,come Setor adapted in',conformity with habit of life, any Fuddea markol departure frona wilich inflict.$ a de- cided Strain, 'lie would b,3 well advised to enitf- vate mo4oration In all things, realtz, Ing that excess In any direction is now more Illible t.) ba f�mugllt w4h serious conseqaenves. ,Should he at ally time overstep ,the Prudent line -tis Who does not op- cagf*UaIIY?-Jl6 would be Wise to set. tle the score with. Nature at once, not 'walting till She presents the account. This is to be done not necessarily by taking medicines, but -by a period of more strict moderation than Usual on bat pardcu'ar transgrimdom. Exerelse, Is just as necessary for film as ever, but here again -modera- tion. He will Often proudly, boast that lie can endure rhysical fatigue better than when lie was tl, lad. it r4,b9,y be; but hP.wIII find $atlle can- nat recover from an excess of it near- ly so quickly. He should parkicularly avoid over. eallng. This is Perhaps Ills greatest danger, His metabcllfsm-the, b-olj�o dGwn and building lip of the bod5r- tissues-is less active now, so he does nc, need 80 inuch food as heretofore. ,F'-lcu!d -lie unvdsely �ao-.qtfnue to take It, the Tesult will llp ,% general over. loading of tile system. throwing an lundue strain on many of the Internal Organs, which will surely have to be paid for, If he has been so foolish as to lie- glect 111-8 tooth in the past, their care becomes now increasingly important' as the years go on, and a timely a.p- plication to the dentist may possibly I add ontaty years to his life. A jag- ged tooth causing a sore tonne be- comes a real danger now, and good health depends more than ever on a 114M-1thy mouth and effelont mastica- tion. The eye�, toj, conimm.-o to under- '�go an alteration, and Presbgopla, or old Sight, -begins to show itoMf-very slightly at firs -t. but lVith CVcr-IrermS- Ing insi�tence. He 'will held his neWMfiDvr faitb!�r off tll-�U before, thrugh at first hardly knowin_r tl,,.at* be does It. It,19 useles,, to Put off the evil day. NVII0.1 glms�,,� have 'becom,,i neces- S Aa -TY, -he rhou'd at. w-1 it for eye-st:alu to make Went iniporative, True, Ili% dist-Int, vI&On may be as clear wt ever; but that is not his working vis- lon, und lie Minli.d renienibir thiL. AUTOMOBILHO IN 0AbTAJ::lJ More Than 400,000 Are Regittered, An Increase of 13 Per Cent, Canada�s ofMIa� r.191striltion ef all- tomobiles for 1020 totals 403,1= Tills Is all increase over the 1919 registra- tion of 47,087 cars, cr 13A Per cent' The increase. ot registrations over that of in tile Domlit-on was 95,706 cars. The 1920 ln6ease was by no means as marked as Ill Other yMrz. Rc.'W011s assigned by the trada quite -agree as to the cAuse. Increased price i -vas not so much a factor as faabMiy Of agents lo vanr- antee. delivery on orders n',aced in thw Winter of In the winter vf im19.I91q the, de, riland had boon enormomply In ex�jjjs )f manufacturers' ' eapacity. Thot trmistlee brought a flOod (,f cartk�rs. WO,neY wa� the CbPflVct t'li*lx In Nw. 11lomin!on. ThA agrPrian interr-sts vere never so flourishing. Me* n fronn lie farm were In tile Market for e.,,rs ,,*huge pre-war coneeption Of vas ccuffned to a fairly strvi(, Ingle horso buggy. Others with Cheap xades of Cam were discarding tilpin or the more. exponsive types, In tiler words, V4r)-4da, like the rest of lie woe.d. was reacting froin'the rigid conomfes enforeed by war colidi. !Ons. "10W I-ruh$wl0c 1)ossrssey snino valuable mineral resources. Cj&I 1,3 now be:ug steaa:ly rrt.,ducod. ill 1912 tile 011tDIft. Was 4479) tons; In VIRIS it was !!""ql 1.17 tons. MrIng last yc�ar vp-jqqIg on- tered and dtpArted from at- tAw. reVee ItivcAr p�rto; tonnage, 4,,47413# tons, .N.