HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-03-31, Page 2D
� aft
109 8M vante
twx xuvllle�' tit t1lo TvIn0pal porsonaros
(it Svinerset, i)evon. and
0110 of ilia very Itt"t. it 11,)t tIlli
%V11t3hire. Later otill, sanivei i)rew.
IA,,t pahlic wt of Trosw(xnt wusoas
luo zhae-nalier ana inetapity.,imaxi of
Every Thursday T19ming,
A. 0. SMITH, Publisher.
Alffitiltl life waq to di,,aiN,.; llit, chair.
St. Aust(Nit, vvrc-tiv soluo of 1119 most
man of tha Intern.itional 10lat V0111-
protouna jihhe*4 upon a. butaluie, pair"
Subscription rates:uile Year,
mission of W.11 erway�,,, 0hadl.111
(19 duria- tkie soare mo
7 111'clit
six,moutils, 41.00,4n advanco.
Adversislug rates on a.1101104tiou.
"Th , 1-1 It I I is
oct Ilia dally till!. Tile east) of Rob-
.Advertls=�QAU Without SpOcifle di.
rections will be, Inserted until torbld
i qk
'�6i)`Q'QOr A A `f0VNfq M 'A'S V,�RCY TURKS
"00-1* A
H(w) SA LL Ricstm- wHE t4 OP i'V"�V' - VOK-i 1DOV00 LWE qe$r
x vAs YOUR. AW-W�1! A)-WNDES !VR 13RVNVTT&-S 7
1-10 1-4 E
ni GAL''
S W 9 B; T
10) M E
1 V-7
ert Ill-ounistle'd Is allnost tao well . T 0 auvert�Lso-
allice 1913. 1^0 reinvu was Mven for They say that In his prime, , Monts be ja the office by UOQ)m,
I tintloneAwro. ibut Ril�l L1qrL;9 'Ta14',VZ VAD11- "s.ut. RirzHl Monday,
tile act, .1)"t It was ruixiorcd that tPir Itnown to,be 7 Bre the pruning kulfe of Time
h0ot�-Tllakees card, issued for / Bell- AT -WR, Noutr% E lAARQtc,,D ,Oot4,r rem
Pro,ildent's prIvato stkerittavF Titum*ty ?OU 00 Out him down,
w a s .4 soon set 7�
appointed, but this wa allOY long bj�foro lie was known ,Is a 1�1 V'1114'41NW�* 'N A C-ANQ or- ltuR
Not a better man was fou'xid
,ity's rptw5,al to a,,,- By the Crier on -Ills round
at rest by Tuntit' p;�et, 41ttords a parallel Instance to h-7, -N) 100" Al-laND I 15;4AWNT, I 5HAWNY!
I JMA\0 5HA l4
Through tile town.
There was
intoly I)rttw%. Th4t volIttink, was pul;jIshe CARES
by J-11111 'Cauldell Il'-ptten, a, pictar- ic
no reakion to r0levo 'Ar. Oardno'r ot z) ell,
among the publishers of MUTUAL' FIRE
0sqUe figare 4:1 But nowllawall�s the streets
office. oNeept to provido a Vae-alley tor
t all he mqets
Established 1840.
sliell, as Mr. Tumulty, thei Lkht goneration but one. Mr. 0 J!�p � -',( \ , Iii,
And he looks
Awde wrot,,, s,unto pleee-, for
As Mr. Tumul- So forlorn; j
hav ag pitrtivs 311 Head Office, Guelph,
ty was loath to act, this
And lit) shaUeg -his feebi'e'bead,
d1seavered that It was a real j,,)b, Or vo V
lulne ill the Durliam dialect. from Risks taken on all classes of ixwur-
ll;�vlllg a t wtOeh country lit, caute. and these are,
"They are gone."
That it seems a it he said, able property� on tile cash or premium
found out wit wis, -to be
.d his rvinetanco 'by Ile -IS,
done, and ravasurk, ally worthy of$ So attent!on. There note system,
apael are ,iix of these. I'My Nice -V R COSENsi
hii* Q ty, left tile pronlotion to Agent,
in Wingliani.,
0310, (1150, 3' Yell tually Vresi- 1117 ]Me." "MY Vaulty Wffe,'* and others The mossy -marbles rest
ire evidelweg of Mr. Awde's Ry Oil tile lips that he has prost,
tInt Wllsonappolated Ill., ittlinesake al -
'LIE tile Lahor Department, Seeretary patIly ', for d0ulOstte smnes and labOr,men who obstruct reform, really In their bloom, 000[Ey [rojj
NVIlson to this Vilairm Folittilleats. Mr. Awde's second prevent work being dalle in (I nadfa, And the names he'loved t"liear
anslilp. It to
'lot �! "InPlinielit to ("anada that tile volunlo Is largely loyal and patrIotie although tile intention is to �001111)01 FA""M W R" Kr Of" THE MONTIT 1L Have lbeen carved for many a year
changf, Iva% made, alut the, Tuniulty n charaetor, On e,5mlng to Canada books to be printed in the Domtnion. On the tomb.
�ir. Awdo . followed the trade
.,tory Is probably true. it Took:� jilv� of. a The,author natutaily goes tolils big- Office, Mayor Block, Wingham.
bubtlit.ir, but became Inspector *2 gest martet for It's printing and Tlav- v Hatch the chicks and liatell 10m. caft7t do anything more profitable And -if I should like to be
a hostile mov(0 against tile St. Law -
cc' The last leaf upon the tree
rence Canal plan. 'oIIIs 1111'88' lit Toronto. 11(tWas One lug this done ill the. United States, Par, hey do �etter Ili the e0oler than string a new line of fence -Ohl a
A .7—t 9
%I! t1le, foundOrs of 11Vi?*1oy Clitirch, at Ile muda -cver Eufri.,init copies to weather. While there 1 . s go"rid feed waltins; for the ground to dry'out. In the sprinX R. VANSTONE
lluada4 uud kvohuQ,. Ills -cover 'lie Canadian demand�. it can- Let them smilo, as 1. do now,
TY NOT ABLE, AFFASIZ, 4joat It at 83, on February 2-S. at Don- ada wm In tile international copy- In the baxn, doilt be Joe qmduosi to Viere's a &110 Of ocultort In a good. BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR.
tight fence. At the �61d fors-4ken bough 'Money to loan At lowest ra-te&'
If President Harding has not abil.- ver. euds, an interesting a datiful and right unlon then it would be possible turn. -out the cows -yon will need all Where I -elinz.
Ity ho Ims affability aad that Way an aspiring and vons�eratcd life. --Oliver Wendell' Holmes. WINGHAM.
to print books I it�c anaft and have the pasture later. See, that the Of course You have vlroad� , plan-
-carry him further than settle inon:s coPyrighi lit ctiler lands, excepting brood sow6 get some clover or Alfalfa ned the crops for the year. But yotCr
abili,ty, as indeed it has already done. TT41E WATCH ON THE RHINE. always -the U-nitoed States. The great hay now to keep up their milk. Plolv plans may be -completely upset by the
Put Mr. Harding is not without advantage to tAe, author, artist -.or the corn ground In jillenty of time, let
Ap�pareutly notbing more could be aWartance of the stalid. Oa the new GOOD - JOKES UTHUR I. IRWIN
abitity and ho, is all honest and weIll- done., or shai'll we say no other course musician in a reformed law giving it lie for -a weel� and then IctIl. the seeding, Better size it UP now and
hilentioned man. Ila Ila% gathor,,d D -04-o LZ.S.
, a c=ld have been t4lzen thaki that,de_' general copyright _would -.be, in the small weeds by an extri harrowing see What promise it is holding.out. WHERE�A+E FELL DOWN. Doctor of Demtal*�Surgery ot t4o
.round him a cabinet which eoutpares -reservation of reproductive rights, for Just before planting, - Peausylvania Coliege and -Lideatigto
to great advantage with hi.,t ,prede- eldod. upon by France and 'Dritain In which lie n3w has no protection. Be -A Who will gelt the grain this year, you Employer '�to youth applying for of Dental SurgeTy of'OAtmelo.
C ess xtion . which at, douilig with Glermany. Yet the, rp- or Mr. Smit? oy Smut hae been having situa-tion)-Aud li&N;e you a know- closed ]Every We � d
oes aggreg ad not sid-es, the Authors and Musicians As dZes 4y, Aftaraoon.
sort to force alti)rectably weaken$ the - "April chowers" may nring forth its innings for agood long while. 'Why ledge of any foreign language? Office in Macdonald Slock.
a Tea:ly able utui lif it, -President soolatlell. The S.,clety tor Canadian May -flowers," -but what do Apill bliz- not take the profits yourw,f for a Applicant -Yes, sir; EL little.
005-ti(XI of tile Allies with tile rest of
Wilson w-opearod to be, afraid of men.
who might rival. libu Ili talent. At tao world. and rlves the Imperialist Authors has been in-corporated late- zards bring? What $Ise but white change? It Pays to forapaldellyze- 4,D0 you know Latin?"
ly wjth'�,Snr Edmund 'Walker as Hon. (IrIfts pf April fruit 'blossoms? Wheth- and remember that torn will ta E, t DR. G. H. ROSS
any rato -lie kept them outor Ills Cab- gTGup Ili -Gerinany the chance, to say Presldent�, and SIr Robert Palconer er or , �iot the trees will boar, B. fine U he "W'611, sir, I began. to learn It and Graduate Royal College of Dental
!net. The Mysterious Mr. liouaa INVe told You so." The f, German treatment as well as the small grains. got on fairly well, but I had to, throw
was his confidant, and lie alone. Mr. V�tLple will be told thatthis is what as President. Vice-presidonts from lot of fruit will depend on whether it up In favor of a-horthand because Surgeons.
the several provinces have b % Graduate UnI
Warding has two mcm it L the Allies were all along- counting een chos- we g�ye item a cliance against the NV-ith. ilia worIc in tLill swing lots I cOuldn't pronounce some of the verAKV of T*roitto
least 0, upon, waiting -for and preparing for, en. and tile sot!retal:7 Is mrs. Frank ourculios and the moths. With the give the horse Itm even break this wo Faculty of Dentistry.
presidential callbre, bc-th, it is be- -mnd to -,the Getiman mind no doubt it Vgertoix and the treasurer, 'Mr. George right. but iuexpenqqve spraying out- Year, rds. OFFI10E OVER H._E. ISARWS sTORC-
lieved, abler men than the President I See that he has a collar.thn't "What were the words you couldn't
11. Locke- Apparently unaware Of fit it Is Only a half d4y'e job to put fits, At least serape 4nd clean
wIll look very ilke it. The shrewd
himself. Mr. 41ughes was a Dresi- the pronounce?"
American devernment liar, kept out of this organization another mov6ment 0117 the poison, and it will ni orally e -d one, and then keep it clean. We like N
dent1W. candidate, a -ad shows tile lvllc�p busla�ss'and P�Ses as al was afoot In XOnCreal Nwith similar save the croW. can qrevent sore shouMers with 4L , IV,, slr,,,
11% real greatness by,taking offle�t 'un- - alms,but. it Is expected Stat all -these I W. R. HAMBLY
der his succese-Till. junier, Mr. Hoov- benevolent fac-tar. otliough It Illight little care and Vn the gratitude of AND IT 18.
or might easOy have been president has been in Ottawa Nyatching the cornfield with the stalks I f - B'Sc., M.D., WM.
easily be chat self-interest had dip- will be consolidated, Miss Humble Ever chase liogs Gut of a 20 acre ill iffering wilmals, besjdes getting "Isay, �buddT, do - you remember Special atterttl
tated tile Allkendoa policy. There 11 0 -�lgh g,Ea6ter service from them all th
had theeepublican manipulators so s � ;t On Paid to diseasas
progress of the new copyright bill in and dripping Tith de%v-? a when we'were-Over therv�Lthey ittred Of Wbmaja and 02111dreia, ltavt�g
Durope, Parliament. to tell us that when we go'tbaok noth- taken Postgraduate work in apr-
minded. lie will carry to L great deal to be said for tile vlew� Well, roti. season
ation, for his administra- gery- Bacteriology and Seleutifte,
a good replit, the 1proseat eftcrt -to c3erce Gerinativ 'I" would,be too good for us?"
111 itnerelq' be, throwing good money
tion. 11 It we�r,, poasible to describe w "Sure, what about it?' lKedialue.
a, Tinited States administration' as after bad. AVIII It We possible to get MAKING NATIONAL HISTORY F Offkt in the,Kerr -residence, between
any nxav� out of Germany th n will EDITORIAL QUIBS ON INTERESTING -SUBJECTS NV ell, they told "the truth. the Queen'sRoter and the Bapust
p�roo-Britt'sh it might be done with Mr. pay ithe t�oit Of the present einan Au,,&alta and- 'New Zealand haye Church,
Irardlug's. It �woulld be tin exag-' yl - been selz*d with the importance of All business given careful
stratious? This is an exceedingly collecting all tile Ijj%tO ON"THE 011HER-FOOT. atkention.
genemflou to do so. but at 4east it will rical informa- CLIPPED FROM THEE Bilu,'ST CANADIM NEWSPAPERS Phone 64. P. 0. Box Ila.
be, clear that hostility to i difficult problem -to determine. and tion and data that concern their early `.So the affair is off, gh? Afraid
Und,of the Bnglish tongue will not v on n on you couldn't ikuppart her4n. the style
the mathor' only the sequel will decide. It is It days. and develQpm t. I Lend a
site gaine for the Washington GeV- schome is tinder way for to which Ehe was uccu I stomed, ij sup -
be a titature of Its -policy. There is gathering It "n be true that tht, prutiteers I There Is a, man in Franktort, 1j:y., pose." *
ernment lv'hf��h has nothing to gain together all such information rind DR. RO"'T. C� REDMOND
zaare ot a disposition to adopt smo , mill I got what is coming tothen'l, whose name is 4AT. cat'
I and has lost nqtlitng, but for -desol- nla%lug a descriptive catalogue t. ej e, and bis "Not at -all. It was the girl -svh6-
term of working agreement vith ated'Franco and Plelglum the case Is of but t' ey have already got what's name is,joked abou
, the arollives of the,aritish Comjrjo�n- coming to .114. so much that he was afrald.t' W�.$. (Eno.).
PrItaln. than has been the case for --Gt. Wiary's Journal proposes to have it dhanged.-Toran- L.RZ,P. (.Loftd).
a desperate, one. The dtvast On wealth, The value, of old Tapers lirgus. to Star. .' I
ulany years. I z tatl IF THAT% RJOHT 1HEILL GET PHYUCIAN, AND W R *13- ON.
caused by 0017MM117 against 011 tile and documents is not-4ppvm to any LEFT. Mr. chisillolm's Old atkao.
re,eagnized rules of war Ili the mana- but experts.,and, in the most unpr4DA- , Shack-Teton's ten-year trip to the" lie injunction to love Your neigh -
ONE OF TIM VIINOR 13'OFATS* facturing districts of Belgium and Ising materials there mi� my be grains Ot North Pole would arouse a pleasant boTr as yourself was st ' "Don"t ran thInk Braggins . puts on
In the soverz�j pulylle, notices that (Gerulany toutillue to be sources of go, poken long be -
too MR011 Elide?"
have appeared of the death Of the 1, missing links Of the 'Utmost alls- liateres� it he would take� Laillne and fore the neighbor bought , a phono Ies;'aud a good deal of front; rout DR. R.A.'S
hardshily. misery for the wretched torical 1,111P0,11tance. An example Of Trotsky with bjjn�.-Valgary Herald. graph�-�Angston Whig. I dbn�t think it -has any real backing," I �kr,
ttle Rcbert Awde, no mention has ap- p-pulation of these places. ber- what otin be done is fouu the Gxaduate of Uxv jW f.
tevkirk that was probably many pculd lwve glineil great favor wor - A Ir. AT x d r T n ull. 1 4,
peared ef tb , d in' xaculty, Ot M4dkJ"-
de.irost to lAs heart� Cie. pt�etry tit. 1, IL exan e ur b, o Prohibition has at least reduced t Mlik: drivers ill tile city of Now ue4mvAte of 60
BRIDGET SCORES. Ontario CoLnere of, Piwatak2w
at with, other nations had she volunteer- INONY' Zealand, *110 spent Ills le1sure the 'number of men who think they j York are drawing st: and
he had publiqhed in vo�umes, (,ne in ed up ta ther 'limit to malte repara- xty dollars week- Surgeons.
I. And Ilis money on such work, the T9 can sim-Windsor Border atlosl Tyr- under a now -wage agreement, Wistress ' (helpin ' C to prepare dim-
lSe,� --nd the c-tht"w� I'l 1,817- -He Oc* Von tor t1tht wanton des ru�-tiun. Bill, tult � of 1>0oks, Pam- , ar. an
I ' being a collection St 02710E MNTZA>x*-
icasloitully eontr�'bute,,l vo the press ill ncktiting of this kind w which Indicates that it Is time for old say!ng, Bridget, that Se -4011d Door North of ZurWjgV&
as suggestiOtl- I Phlets and documents relatiag to tile HourY rord to hustle along that too many cooks sp@1 the broth.
Utter ycars. IES firzs', volume was TIvo Allies not a,�ked;, for a�cent vhole South Photo, studio.
Pacific and runnIng Some meu�s Idea of a good time 48 What do you thing? JOSEPHINE ST:tEF-T.
date -,1 frzm. L-m,toti, 133ngand. 211 Park towar4ds tjt%N it Zpf wjr, bilt only for ��ynthetia Lpost. PHONE 99.
when flnnlly 1114de over to the Dombi- to have a grouch and plenty of time Briftet-Sure, ma7am, therets noth-
street, wpst� and lq now r4the.- rare. *11(. cost Oi th� unnev-sary ravages ion Of Nlew -Zea:and S0400 bound, to tell the world about it�wiuntpa-g Some of our I I eglslmtors iliould talee Ing to worry about; there's only one ------- 7 --
It is thus dedleatel. "to Robert Rylle' Saused. by Cm niflitary policy Of vo!unles, beside,; charts, maps, eA- Free Prozs. some lesselas in etticieller so as not -took here.
Eqq.� my go.�d ma�%ter, tk., v',;4'ZluiA OZ "frIghtfu:ne-,;.z.*' TUL4 1,4 tile, pmAnt to gravings, etc. Su2h Work as; this
c,-impos4ml in ImU ll-nurs� to make so many unnecessary mo- SE:LL
be klr.t In In the OrdillarY I'Dll- carrirs Intt, our reward to the, col- HAD A LAST RECO-U;RSE. Towli and Itarm proj*r-Lxes. WI
fl-N',Va, s'eop, and lit ;pare s:jjej�atjUjj k)f t mule broko Its le�g, in two PlacegA UOns.-Winnipe.- Tribune,
=,,mcn!,A flaTing Nraftlrg case. Those who klvtar and is of inesttmalg�e valuo to -,v;len it kicked at Alabama man on and see my list and get juy ptices. 1,
at tall!p" 1*8 deprecate, �tny 4,,acrclve action what. a uatif
A Villager had been confiding to a have some excellent N
In 6ntayi,1 we have an ox- ule , , %lu%.
by .11;s jobt�d*ortp servan% head. We sometimes argue with BlAore, sampling a man's brew, poa�' country cl ' I
ever and fa v a r J. r ergyman some of the short�
'- W"Icy' G' absolute adDle A sucli Interest In rational do- people of that tYPe.-.11ontreal, Star. a little di6wil t,�lq sinjr.
Rob"rt Awelo." V)v ean. pa4cPfic'sni shculd rvcmembe� that hail ell er-ts It It doesn't comings of r usband. RT
, by a vate effizen It. the J. GO STELL
pri act It
tains --,s a tho A�Iies and the, United State., c(i-meetlinl maje '13,, ill, take the enamel off, 104 all right.- *lCortainlyt, #agreed the clergyman,
E. late Vr. j.
PstIng pbotogralft of Vao XQ mau,,was e;er cru,,41led bea wo- Toroilto Star. WINtamA.M.
a6t n")- aT,-o*t1d 'Juat evurse throughout Get- R,0' ":le 'seems to treat yo'u rather ull- Pfiohe 134.
ss Robert�Zon2 now OIX view in the man*�, arguments; but 'he can be Office In Town Hall.
lu'Mts -�! tile late Flrlue�, Votw","t 'as Many w&aid rot Ix-% e.=ttlu., from the Tvronto pablic Library. kindly. But remember thatyou took
--tie ell Pro- i completely Sulfocated bj her dead Do*Lt advertise Of' (ences. Cows him for better or for worse."
lie IaY 1*1 bed at Windsor ezz The
.ViHes, ine.uding ourselves here Ili v;nclal Arthivist is always , on the Sz]cnce.-
'r -C, It Ttfporter.
Der. 14, 1861. "he Qaeen and 10CIL Canada. a buudwd times ,A�q much -as .1 .1 don't do OnSr buying, and autolsts go "Well, It ras always betu for Nvorse, DRUGLESS PHYS01AAN
alert f,*r ancient doonmelats. letters too fast 40 read�-Whllkertoix Teles� go tar as I can s
members of t4e Royal family, and Via Cormans, ar�bemg a0ted to pay. and Eo forth. NY-uener,er a home- ee," replied the `wo- e
Vablr.W. ministerA graupctl, VnIted wer stand. dividAd we stig- cope. man, dabbing at her eyes witliCla
IL M amland- T.1ws,% vdio think that it a Nvould UaNe stead or o,d re��,JdeuCe Is btecer- lip, 96r; --Motto of the Homebreweral As- handkerchief.
,Oem On been better to stfatult t
the� contents, Of the� vol"IM, 'nat' tila*�' there 1.3 riz-111117 a �let _0 01.4 material, soclatiou--Syflucy Record. Down In, SOL-th -0-hill, they kave had 1111avo You. ever
- The to Offer any r", st!utce, have Ii greater bookq, paperj, dazutnentt, letters, tried heaping o0als
pl,e!ace. eoutains some carious in'tor- earthqua'�* shock's In 6 diys.. of fire on Ids head?" InqUirad the
falth in the Germans as tbe agens of ,hrawn out or burned. In sucA casei 1 rit fights Marked the closing ot AnYone In the 10 ality, can ell--
mation 14b�Dut thase, who worsIlIpped DjvjuL% prOvideni, P *11-3 -clergyman,
�e ball most pf�opje 4 CHI 6PRACTIC
it wftld,
ne wel
'I first 'at e
.1 to notily I Vne xOrth Dakota legislature. An-
th�\ nurse from lowly st.%tlona in life. eyes 3114 inlagine that la?, is dri ---g "No, I haven't,,, she answer, grate.
11 are able to swunion, t.hr- Previnclall Areltivist. Col. 'Fraser, I other part of tb- worM that isn't his own fAlvver.-Ottawa Cluzoxi. f
A little Ubrary."* say,-- Mr. -Mydo, I ul for tliO new suggestion. -180 far L A. FOXY Do C111 Do ON
'�Wgbt roadf�y b�� formed -of tht� At tht� Parlkiment F-u!1dirigr-. as many I s!�fe for d,%moeraey,.-WinftipeC jene
VANAIDUAN AUTHORS rxz* treaskes Tiave some T-1kople I've only tried hot water." Ohlropractic 100att$ and � removes
Work-,. of tliorse 1)�aar mcm and girl's alwa:, 4 taking Q& cause of disea4p; nature beats.
w1ho have written bcejt.,� %hilst tMing ORGM�=. Only experts can deal fence. but SOM6711w the i--upply ni�ver chiropractic is the only a;nd original
I'll sut:% material nad tite mere !29,1 i Doctors tried to cure a Tittsbuirg becomes exIiaLlstkA-T-01-onto Telw- '�nle lingrante Oy-StClIn of spinal adjustment. , Ef-
Tivy Tant"ble statl=�Z. One Ulf t��e tliforti� ta Qrgank-e tile =%ors ef I d Crowil Unds of the
mrtic8t In'stance W�iA; or par.er I% mu ij,,dex tj� it,,- by� ve- gram. roetive in 95 per cant. of All cases.
: In= of his manjcL to- tht-,jr, Province of Neiv Wilitsw1wel; ,
1 is tovat Alz Reqn&ksa Vana!L6 L.�VE' Wxl v3rr" .04 ou �Car �soma amount The only fully (Inallfled graduat r
OnFIC, t%e 1Xrr-bire NVZta tj!j, Inoving a bate that vas pressing ji
.0. fj: 1ty*e ya .4kUt!,
lit arew to about seve
11 jujillOn acre.%, both 0-11iropraetic ftd Osteopathy in
icznm 111,* r=xSe's fil Qneon iinne. aud 3juA.,!,.,uq 'jissmiallum, el, B nqval"t his brain, jard cimnees are� roace h3 -t-;' R8 aIM-Chles ro) less re- or near,.-.%, one-totirth of th# total are% North Huron,
ri�zogvcd ro'. 13!:, P;�-q ca ro�.Awn at�l ,is !tv�,A t%,� V1qi:3n* �Vs finn::y revised. la ey will tot b� ronte&p C41 taan Irar. es rii!ne�58 t120'. lLtc3nie er thkl� Pravince.. P110110 191. ItourS, 45 an,
!I wit- fin 1.8 pju.
3 lx� %Vfn(1,�r vNIF"vtton =st:�A t,,r wa`ntetnnc,� tind ing Orally onp I)One away lfr4rn bsm *,:�x Herald.
-Ci�i Ru tt the nc It
cl tl"o pta,
it, tb,, �j J C.-, Xontre:il 9�nr.
s""t let 'bm
oHe and 11F��% se',C,)'s ef To -
0? t,11113 ]DRUGLEss PiMSIMAN
to at ovening, paper the
i i TL�uzla D=itkd. t:ty haspitat nurs;? %:-2 i, -,',jas jabt� bee,
a �"Afv at l3rchess ot I AT I
74 1 Q!, -1 -.1 �n 1U.- P't,�T, ln� sualmoted &.e 3ewis:l as WeAnl;=Ae: Lin$ *,one
j, rckja��S!,23. a, -,I now—the ttstrfte; --A- '10% C:C, (After banli, thi? J)rake 111m,0.11
to,:, ','I �Ig.l tt i4 fcad,�a kin t",j* C�T fael and glq, V�r t m.i CUUNTER DR. F.- A. PARKII�
, -tle rabb; U
T�rc ga�,a E -r t% ana oupn,-ics arw iw.=40- fet nskod Vie 11 Etas t ') daug:ltx�-i;, b,;tlk gtrls.-P%�r- Osteorjatlfle I"hyiAelan, Oally quallfled
to A tage L'A Pr go Gral)bfe. Oste*lth- In North Huron.
In wA �011w- tri�rl CaQ* elte, "r-ut wiLlly IT,
!�,Cr 4iC,:-3,nt. n"', t!-, 1 !0" Lnit =a W, Vile rlelestll" %7A'a a A43111AIA(lut of thp splue Is more,
V!i3a:?r. tbQ, oltint cl !r154X41 C",nstUU,�' tltk� U ' CHECK I
'r -!0- 1, n 4 1,ist tHeIzer c energy tZa quIPkIY %(,eured L�nd'wjth r4,vrer treat,
Loy '&,�l k!", t'�o U- -d a� ct�Or ct� !tav" Z, C eotro!2TKe e% F 31 is tru-, Sea Tile 4e3skera seh,3311 fcae%er wito Ift(Ints than by any other viethod.
113,�not, ul �Ir. Jo%n�xn', da� lit, a :,Ier rr.eltz-z I Of EVIC1 retivt�d. 'ISS=rf� '. an! w3n"�d .9 marrl��a t1le lanitor was Wct)bwy d3z. Mood Dres-me and other exaMinm
r.-nn-A i v��4umc% (iT tjj- j�d. ,. L �1, In lfi!13 tl�or,? =s but en" %wom- al be semale for the prie'-t an! nae !I Z�ed by the iraoughs 01 ccnir
�jc n � W91 T*Z,%�zs 'An a" arative 00OKS tiona blade.
IV o!4 V'o A-,�, moxt to&a- ,�3 t'3at tie gc"15 C, nn,= En Ont�rl:) wit'a a t =V �=JID2,%V-Tcrouta Teegram. 1t1x=-.t,%-Win%jtDeg Tribaut%
All fteases treated.
1,1�--,A!,. "Itil U,.cl 02 t4l, =,d dn"mat L -Y�Tip, !v NVO tire agents for t,�ltx kppIc. OFPIOE ovest 0HRISTIt's STORO,
o W ?h e,_, !o t%L.%gg_(,r-.t,? the c�v- j[ flazjWju tob C, Xro ovg fD'rdWOUnWr 0heck Jkx)k ir
tto 'Na" "."n, cl an'.y UL21. Is ea�,
;1 .1 ca W See our samples And 0, t
Iva, %C. rep: M-Uhod V t,�-ftl to WhUlt 1�nglfAhmejj are s:3ddom prclecfi�n, and the Itvarm�i"e Sun 1-3 so
4th �r,-,w or%4 I 'prlees before mrdftiag
Vftnce% LA*ao. J.�b!r d-rit btit nct che extert tq whj:� The, tolitiage. of vess6!8 ting3ged tv
a,, `4141-A Ise lutther 4r,��aWe. Tla Catt,,010n an- V� "LC4 the PItt -kl -erlr' t1l't th" "iAfe "it WWOHAM, ADVAK
r ' "re ta "Y' bit'
-16 - I -i!s t" h it, elusively In t1ko coasting tradq W
rmtt"A P'r�:a�s pt.�t�l tn"'11 vi �Avierlea--s aro saddened 'by pr--hibi
Cl f��Ilr tdi- tt-,r ItAs t%*,J0n(e- of bm=� Rive!r willt'�rs -IftYlrit tO VP a mswoke sereen:� Ont,
ca 4y cqpisciting In k73WL42" sa ��-h -tcck. tntered Inwird and outwards
t�t- ticn----V31I and xlnplr(,� Toro to Telegram.
Ittl5t; 1MRr %as 64,tM,3n, ton$.
109 8M vante
'Nu shvuld- Know,
PubliFlied at
Every Thursday T19ming,
A. 0. SMITH, Publisher.
I saw Tim once before,
As lie -pas-sed by the door,
Subscription rates:uile Year,
.4nd again,
T-1110 pavement stone.% resound,
six,moutils, 41.00,4n advanco.
Adversislug rates on a.1101104tiou.
As lie tottersoer the ground
.Advertls=�QAU Without SpOcifle di.
rections will be, Inserted until torbld
With Ilia caue,
and chayge I U accordingly. -
flu 0-
ert Ill-ounistle'd Is allnost tao well . T 0 auvert�Lso-
allice 1913. 1^0 reinvu was Mven for They say that In his prime, , Monts be ja the office by UOQ)m,
I tintloneAwro. ibut Ril�l L1qrL;9 'Ta14',VZ VAD11- "s.ut. RirzHl Monday,
tile act, .1)"t It was ruixiorcd that tPir Itnown to,be 7 Bre the pruning kulfe of Time
h0ot�-Tllakees card, issued for / Bell- AT -WR, Noutr% E lAARQtc,,D ,Oot4,r rem
Pro,ildent's prIvato stkerittavF Titum*ty ?OU 00 Out him down,
w a s .4 soon set 7�
appointed, but this wa allOY long bj�foro lie was known ,Is a 1�1 V'1114'41NW�* 'N A C-ANQ or- ltuR
Not a better man was fou'xid
,ity's rptw5,al to a,,,- By the Crier on -Ills round
at rest by Tuntit' p;�et, 41ttords a parallel Instance to h-7, -N) 100" Al-laND I 15;4AWNT, I 5HAWNY!
I JMA\0 5HA l4
Through tile town.
There was
intoly I)rttw%. Th4t volIttink, was pul;jIshe CARES
by J-11111 'Cauldell Il'-ptten, a, pictar- ic
no reakion to r0levo 'Ar. Oardno'r ot z) ell,
among the publishers of MUTUAL' FIRE
0sqUe figare 4:1 But nowllawall�s the streets
office. oNeept to provido a Vae-alley tor
t all he mqets
Established 1840.
sliell, as Mr. Tumulty, thei Lkht goneration but one. Mr. 0 J!�p � -',( \ , Iii,
And he looks
Awde wrot,,, s,unto pleee-, for
As Mr. Tumul- So forlorn; j
hav ag pitrtivs 311 Head Office, Guelph,
ty was loath to act, this
And lit) shaUeg -his feebi'e'bead,
d1seavered that It was a real j,,)b, Or vo V
lulne ill the Durliam dialect. from Risks taken on all classes of ixwur-
ll;�vlllg a t wtOeh country lit, caute. and these are,
"They are gone."
That it seems a it he said, able property� on tile cash or premium
found out wit wis, -to be
.d his rvinetanco 'by Ile -IS,
done, and ravasurk, ally worthy of$ So attent!on. There note system,
apael are ,iix of these. I'My Nice -V R COSENsi
hii* Q ty, left tile pronlotion to Agent,
in Wingliani.,
0310, (1150, 3' Yell tually Vresi- 1117 ]Me." "MY Vaulty Wffe,'* and others The mossy -marbles rest
ire evidelweg of Mr. Awde's Ry Oil tile lips that he has prost,
tInt Wllsonappolated Ill., ittlinesake al -
'LIE tile Lahor Department, Seeretary patIly ', for d0ulOstte smnes and labOr,men who obstruct reform, really In their bloom, 000[Ey [rojj
NVIlson to this Vilairm Folittilleats. Mr. Awde's second prevent work being dalle in (I nadfa, And the names he'loved t"liear
anslilp. It to
'lot �! "InPlinielit to ("anada that tile volunlo Is largely loyal and patrIotie although tile intention is to �001111)01 FA""M W R" Kr Of" THE MONTIT 1L Have lbeen carved for many a year
changf, Iva% made, alut the, Tuniulty n charaetor, On e,5mlng to Canada books to be printed in the Domtnion. On the tomb.
�ir. Awdo . followed the trade
.,tory Is probably true. it Took:� jilv� of. a The,author natutaily goes tolils big- Office, Mayor Block, Wingham.
bubtlit.ir, but became Inspector *2 gest martet for It's printing and Tlav- v Hatch the chicks and liatell 10m. caft7t do anything more profitable And -if I should like to be
a hostile mov(0 against tile St. Law -
cc' The last leaf upon the tree
rence Canal plan. 'oIIIs 1111'88' lit Toronto. 11(tWas One lug this done ill the. United States, Par, hey do �etter Ili the e0oler than string a new line of fence -Ohl a
A .7—t 9
%I! t1le, foundOrs of 11Vi?*1oy Clitirch, at Ile muda -cver Eufri.,init copies to weather. While there 1 . s go"rid feed waltins; for the ground to dry'out. In the sprinX R. VANSTONE
lluada4 uud kvohuQ,. Ills -cover 'lie Canadian demand�. it can- Let them smilo, as 1. do now,
TY NOT ABLE, AFFASIZ, 4joat It at 83, on February 2-S. at Don- ada wm In tile international copy- In the baxn, doilt be Joe qmduosi to Viere's a &110 Of ocultort In a good. BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR.
tight fence. At the �61d fors-4ken bough 'Money to loan At lowest ra-te&'
If President Harding has not abil.- ver. euds, an interesting a datiful and right unlon then it would be possible turn. -out the cows -yon will need all Where I -elinz.
Ity ho Ims affability aad that Way an aspiring and vons�eratcd life. --Oliver Wendell' Holmes. WINGHAM.
to print books I it�c anaft and have the pasture later. See, that the Of course You have vlroad� , plan-
-carry him further than settle inon:s coPyrighi lit ctiler lands, excepting brood sow6 get some clover or Alfalfa ned the crops for the year. But yotCr
abili,ty, as indeed it has already done. TT41E WATCH ON THE RHINE. always -the U-nitoed States. The great hay now to keep up their milk. Plolv plans may be -completely upset by the
Put Mr. Harding is not without advantage to tAe, author, artist -.or the corn ground In jillenty of time, let
Ap�pareutly notbing more could be aWartance of the stalid. Oa the new GOOD - JOKES UTHUR I. IRWIN
abitity and ho, is all honest and weIll- done., or shai'll we say no other course musician in a reformed law giving it lie for -a weel� and then IctIl. the seeding, Better size it UP now and
hilentioned man. Ila Ila% gathor,,d D -04-o LZ.S.
, a c=ld have been t4lzen thaki that,de_' general copyright _would -.be, in the small weeds by an extri harrowing see What promise it is holding.out. WHERE�A+E FELL DOWN. Doctor of Demtal*�Surgery ot t4o
.round him a cabinet which eoutpares -reservation of reproductive rights, for Just before planting, - Peausylvania Coliege and -Lideatigto
to great advantage with hi.,t ,prede- eldod. upon by France and 'Dritain In which lie n3w has no protection. Be -A Who will gelt the grain this year, you Employer '�to youth applying for of Dental SurgeTy of'OAtmelo.
C ess xtion . which at, douilig with Glermany. Yet the, rp- or Mr. Smit? oy Smut hae been having situa-tion)-Aud li&N;e you a know- closed ]Every We � d
oes aggreg ad not sid-es, the Authors and Musicians As dZes 4y, Aftaraoon.
sort to force alti)rectably weaken$ the - "April chowers" may nring forth its innings for agood long while. 'Why ledge of any foreign language? Office in Macdonald Slock.
a Tea:ly able utui lif it, -President soolatlell. The S.,clety tor Canadian May -flowers," -but what do Apill bliz- not take the profits yourw,f for a Applicant -Yes, sir; EL little.
005-ti(XI of tile Allies with tile rest of
Wilson w-opearod to be, afraid of men.
who might rival. libu Ili talent. At tao world. and rlves the Imperialist Authors has been in-corporated late- zards bring? What $Ise but white change? It Pays to forapaldellyze- 4,D0 you know Latin?"
ly wjth'�,Snr Edmund 'Walker as Hon. (IrIfts pf April fruit 'blossoms? Wheth- and remember that torn will ta E, t DR. G. H. ROSS
any rato -lie kept them outor Ills Cab- gTGup Ili -Gerinany the chance, to say Presldent�, and SIr Robert Palconer er or , �iot the trees will boar, B. fine U he "W'611, sir, I began. to learn It and Graduate Royal College of Dental
!net. The Mysterious Mr. liouaa INVe told You so." The f, German treatment as well as the small grains. got on fairly well, but I had to, throw
was his confidant, and lie alone. Mr. V�tLple will be told thatthis is what as President. Vice-presidonts from lot of fruit will depend on whether it up In favor of a-horthand because Surgeons.
the several provinces have b % Graduate UnI
Warding has two mcm it L the Allies were all along- counting een chos- we g�ye item a cliance against the NV-ith. ilia worIc in tLill swing lots I cOuldn't pronounce some of the verAKV of T*roitto
least 0, upon, waiting -for and preparing for, en. and tile sot!retal:7 Is mrs. Frank ourculios and the moths. With the give the horse Itm even break this wo Faculty of Dentistry.
presidential callbre, bc-th, it is be- -mnd to -,the Getiman mind no doubt it Vgertoix and the treasurer, 'Mr. George right. but iuexpenqqve spraying out- Year, rds. OFFI10E OVER H._E. ISARWS sTORC-
lieved, abler men than the President I See that he has a collar.thn't "What were the words you couldn't
11. Locke- Apparently unaware Of fit it Is Only a half d4y'e job to put fits, At least serape 4nd clean
wIll look very ilke it. The shrewd
himself. Mr. 41ughes was a Dresi- the pronounce?"
American devernment liar, kept out of this organization another mov6ment 0117 the poison, and it will ni orally e -d one, and then keep it clean. We like N
dent1W. candidate, a -ad shows tile lvllc�p busla�ss'and P�Ses as al was afoot In XOnCreal Nwith similar save the croW. can qrevent sore shouMers with 4L , IV,, slr,,,
11% real greatness by,taking offle�t 'un- - alms,but. it Is expected Stat all -these I W. R. HAMBLY
der his succese-Till. junier, Mr. Hoov- benevolent fac-tar. otliough It Illight little care and Vn the gratitude of AND IT 18.
or might easOy have been president has been in Ottawa Nyatching the cornfield with the stalks I f - B'Sc., M.D., WM.
easily be chat self-interest had dip- will be consolidated, Miss Humble Ever chase liogs Gut of a 20 acre ill iffering wilmals, besjdes getting "Isay, �buddT, do - you remember Special atterttl
tated tile Allkendoa policy. There 11 0 -�lgh g,Ea6ter service from them all th
had theeepublican manipulators so s � ;t On Paid to diseasas
progress of the new copyright bill in and dripping Tith de%v-? a when we'were-Over therv�Lthey ittred Of Wbmaja and 02111dreia, ltavt�g
Durope, Parliament. to tell us that when we go'tbaok noth- taken Postgraduate work in apr-
minded. lie will carry to L great deal to be said for tile vlew� Well, roti. season
ation, for his administra- gery- Bacteriology and Seleutifte,
a good replit, the 1proseat eftcrt -to c3erce Gerinativ 'I" would,be too good for us?"
111 itnerelq' be, throwing good money
tion. 11 It we�r,, poasible to describe w "Sure, what about it?' lKedialue.
a, Tinited States administration' as after bad. AVIII It We possible to get MAKING NATIONAL HISTORY F Offkt in the,Kerr -residence, between
any nxav� out of Germany th n will EDITORIAL QUIBS ON INTERESTING -SUBJECTS NV ell, they told "the truth. the Queen'sRoter and the Bapust
p�roo-Britt'sh it might be done with Mr. pay ithe t�oit Of the present einan Au,,&alta and- 'New Zealand haye Church,
Irardlug's. It �woulld be tin exag-' yl - been selz*d with the importance of All business given careful
stratious? This is an exceedingly collecting all tile Ijj%tO ON"THE 011HER-FOOT. atkention.
genemflou to do so. but at 4east it will rical informa- CLIPPED FROM THEE Bilu,'ST CANADIM NEWSPAPERS Phone 64. P. 0. Box Ila.
be, clear that hostility to i difficult problem -to determine. and tion and data that concern their early `.So the affair is off, gh? Afraid
Und,of the Bnglish tongue will not v on n on you couldn't ikuppart her4n. the style
the mathor' only the sequel will decide. It is It days. and develQpm t. I Lend a
site gaine for the Washington GeV- schome is tinder way for to which Ehe was uccu I stomed, ij sup -
be a titature of Its -policy. There is gathering It "n be true that tht, prutiteers I There Is a, man in Franktort, 1j:y., pose." *
ernment lv'hf��h has nothing to gain together all such information rind DR. RO"'T. C� REDMOND
zaare ot a disposition to adopt smo , mill I got what is coming tothen'l, whose name is 4AT. cat'
I and has lost nqtlitng, but for -desol- nla%lug a descriptive catalogue t. ej e, and bis "Not at -all. It was the girl -svh6-
term of working agreement vith ated'Franco and Plelglum the case Is of but t' ey have already got what's name is,joked abou
, the arollives of the,aritish Comjrjo�n- coming to .114. so much that he was afrald.t' W�.$. (Eno.).
PrItaln. than has been the case for --Gt. Wiary's Journal proposes to have it dhanged.-Toran- L.RZ,P. (.Loftd).
a desperate, one. The dtvast On wealth, The value, of old Tapers lirgus. to Star. .' I
ulany years. I z tatl IF THAT% RJOHT 1HEILL GET PHYUCIAN, AND W R *13- ON.
caused by 0017MM117 against 011 tile and documents is not-4ppvm to any LEFT. Mr. chisillolm's Old atkao.
re,eagnized rules of war Ili the mana- but experts.,and, in the most unpr4DA- , Shack-Teton's ten-year trip to the" lie injunction to love Your neigh -
ONE OF TIM VIINOR 13'OFATS* facturing districts of Belgium and Ising materials there mi� my be grains Ot North Pole would arouse a pleasant boTr as yourself was st ' "Don"t ran thInk Braggins . puts on
In the soverz�j pulylle, notices that (Gerulany toutillue to be sources of go, poken long be -
too MR011 Elide?"
have appeared of the death Of the 1, missing links Of the 'Utmost alls- liateres� it he would take� Laillne and fore the neighbor bought , a phono Ies;'aud a good deal of front; rout DR. R.A.'S
hardshily. misery for the wretched torical 1,111P0,11tance. An example Of Trotsky with bjjn�.-Valgary Herald. graph�-�Angston Whig. I dbn�t think it -has any real backing," I �kr,
ttle Rcbert Awde, no mention has ap- p-pulation of these places. ber- what otin be done is fouu the Gxaduate of Uxv jW f.
tevkirk that was probably many pculd lwve glineil great favor wor - A Ir. AT x d r T n ull. 1 4,
peared ef tb , d in' xaculty, Ot M4dkJ"-
de.irost to lAs heart� Cie. pt�etry tit. 1, IL exan e ur b, o Prohibition has at least reduced t Mlik: drivers ill tile city of Now ue4mvAte of 60
BRIDGET SCORES. Ontario CoLnere of, Piwatak2w
at with, other nations had she volunteer- INONY' Zealand, *110 spent Ills le1sure the 'number of men who think they j York are drawing st: and
he had publiqhed in vo�umes, (,ne in ed up ta ther 'limit to malte repara- xty dollars week- Surgeons.
I. And Ilis money on such work, the T9 can sim-Windsor Border atlosl Tyr- under a now -wage agreement, Wistress ' (helpin ' C to prepare dim-
lSe,� --nd the c-tht"w� I'l 1,817- -He Oc* Von tor t1tht wanton des ru�-tiun. Bill, tult � of 1>0oks, Pam- , ar. an
I ' being a collection St 02710E MNTZA>x*-
icasloitully eontr�'bute,,l vo the press ill ncktiting of this kind w which Indicates that it Is time for old say!ng, Bridget, that Se -4011d Door North of ZurWjgV&
as suggestiOtl- I Phlets and documents relatiag to tile HourY rord to hustle along that too many cooks sp@1 the broth.
Utter ycars. IES firzs', volume was TIvo Allies not a,�ked;, for a�cent vhole South Photo, studio.
Pacific and runnIng Some meu�s Idea of a good time 48 What do you thing? JOSEPHINE ST:tEF-T.
date -,1 frzm. L-m,toti, 133ngand. 211 Park towar4ds tjt%N it Zpf wjr, bilt only for ��ynthetia Lpost. PHONE 99.
when flnnlly 1114de over to the Dombi- to have a grouch and plenty of time Briftet-Sure, ma7am, therets noth-
street, wpst� and lq now r4the.- rare. *11(. cost Oi th� unnev-sary ravages ion Of Nlew -Zea:and S0400 bound, to tell the world about it�wiuntpa-g Some of our I I eglslmtors iliould talee Ing to worry about; there's only one ------- 7 --
It is thus dedleatel. "to Robert Rylle' Saused. by Cm niflitary policy Of vo!unles, beside,; charts, maps, eA- Free Prozs. some lesselas in etticieller so as not -took here.
Eqq.� my go.�d ma�%ter, tk., v',;4'ZluiA OZ "frIghtfu:ne-,;.z.*' TUL4 1,4 tile, pmAnt to gravings, etc. Su2h Work as; this
c,-impos4ml in ImU ll-nurs� to make so many unnecessary mo- SE:LL
be klr.t In In the OrdillarY I'Dll- carrirs Intt, our reward to the, col- HAD A LAST RECO-U;RSE. Towli and Itarm proj*r-Lxes. WI
fl-N',Va, s'eop, and lit ;pare s:jjej�atjUjj k)f t mule broko Its le�g, in two PlacegA UOns.-Winnipe.- Tribune,
=,,mcn!,A flaTing Nraftlrg case. Those who klvtar and is of inesttmalg�e valuo to -,v;len it kicked at Alabama man on and see my list and get juy ptices. 1,
at tall!p" 1*8 deprecate, �tny 4,,acrclve action what. a uatif
A Villager had been confiding to a have some excellent N
In 6ntayi,1 we have an ox- ule , , %lu%.
by .11;s jobt�d*ortp servan% head. We sometimes argue with BlAore, sampling a man's brew, poa�' country cl ' I
ever and fa v a r J. r ergyman some of the short�
'- W"Icy' G' absolute adDle A sucli Interest In rational do- people of that tYPe.-.11ontreal, Star. a little di6wil t,�lq sinjr.
Rob"rt Awelo." V)v ean. pa4cPfic'sni shculd rvcmembe� that hail ell er-ts It It doesn't comings of r usband. RT
, by a vate effizen It. the J. GO STELL
pri act It
tains --,s a tho A�Iies and the, United State., c(i-meetlinl maje '13,, ill, take the enamel off, 104 all right.- *lCortainlyt, #agreed the clergyman,
E. late Vr. j.
PstIng pbotogralft of Vao XQ mau,,was e;er cru,,41led bea wo- Toroilto Star. WINtamA.M.
a6t n")- aT,-o*t1d 'Juat evurse throughout Get- R,0' ":le 'seems to treat yo'u rather ull- Pfiohe 134.
ss Robert�Zon2 now OIX view in the man*�, arguments; but 'he can be Office In Town Hall.
lu'Mts -�! tile late Flrlue�, Votw","t 'as Many w&aid rot Ix-% e.=ttlu., from the Tvronto pablic Library. kindly. But remember thatyou took
--tie ell Pro- i completely Sulfocated bj her dead Do*Lt advertise Of' (ences. Cows him for better or for worse."
lie IaY 1*1 bed at Windsor ezz The
.ViHes, ine.uding ourselves here Ili v;nclal Arthivist is always , on the Sz]cnce.-
'r -C, It Ttfporter.
Der. 14, 1861. "he Qaeen and 10CIL Canada. a buudwd times ,A�q much -as .1 .1 don't do OnSr buying, and autolsts go "Well, It ras always betu for Nvorse, DRUGLESS PHYS01AAN
alert f,*r ancient doonmelats. letters too fast 40 read�-Whllkertoix Teles� go tar as I can s
members of t4e Royal family, and Via Cormans, ar�bemg a0ted to pay. and Eo forth. NY-uener,er a home- ee," replied the `wo- e
Vablr.W. ministerA graupctl, VnIted wer stand. dividAd we stig- cope. man, dabbing at her eyes witliCla
IL M amland- T.1ws,% vdio think that it a Nvould UaNe stead or o,d re��,JdeuCe Is btecer- lip, 96r; --Motto of the Homebreweral As- handkerchief.
,Oem On been better to stfatult t
the� contents, Of the� vol"IM, 'nat' tila*�' there 1.3 riz-111117 a �let _0 01.4 material, soclatiou--Syflucy Record. Down In, SOL-th -0-hill, they kave had 1111avo You. ever
- The to Offer any r", st!utce, have Ii greater bookq, paperj, dazutnentt, letters, tried heaping o0als
pl,e!ace. eoutains some carious in'tor- earthqua'�* shock's In 6 diys.. of fire on Ids head?" InqUirad the
falth in the Germans as tbe agens of ,hrawn out or burned. In sucA casei 1 rit fights Marked the closing ot AnYone In the 10 ality, can ell--
mation 14b�Dut thase, who worsIlIpped DjvjuL% prOvideni, P *11-3 -clergyman,
�e ball most pf�opje 4 CHI 6PRACTIC
it wftld,
ne wel
'I first 'at e
.1 to notily I Vne xOrth Dakota legislature. An-
th�\ nurse from lowly st.%tlona in life. eyes 3114 inlagine that la?, is dri ---g "No, I haven't,,, she answer, grate.
11 are able to swunion, t.hr- Previnclall Areltivist. Col. 'Fraser, I other part of tb- worM that isn't his own fAlvver.-Ottawa Cluzoxi. f
A little Ubrary."* say,-- Mr. -Mydo, I ul for tliO new suggestion. -180 far L A. FOXY Do C111 Do ON
'�Wgbt roadf�y b�� formed -of tht� At tht� Parlkiment F-u!1dirigr-. as many I s!�fe for d,%moeraey,.-WinftipeC jene
VANAIDUAN AUTHORS rxz* treaskes Tiave some T-1kople I've only tried hot water." Ohlropractic 100att$ and � removes
Work-,. of tliorse 1)�aar mcm and girl's alwa:, 4 taking Q& cause of disea4p; nature beats.
w1ho have written bcejt.,� %hilst tMing ORGM�=. Only experts can deal fence. but SOM6711w the i--upply ni�ver chiropractic is the only a;nd original
I'll sut:% material nad tite mere !29,1 i Doctors tried to cure a Tittsbuirg becomes exIiaLlstkA-T-01-onto Telw- '�nle lingrante Oy-StClIn of spinal adjustment. , Ef-
Tivy Tant"ble statl=�Z. One Ulf t��e tliforti� ta Qrgank-e tile =%ors ef I d Crowil Unds of the
mrtic8t In'stance W�iA; or par.er I% mu ij,,dex tj� it,,- by� ve- gram. roetive in 95 per cant. of All cases.
: In= of his manjcL to- tht-,jr, Province of Neiv Wilitsw1wel; ,
1 is tovat Alz Reqn&ksa Vana!L6 L.�VE' Wxl v3rr" .04 ou �Car �soma amount The only fully (Inallfled graduat r
OnFIC, t%e 1Xrr-bire NVZta tj!j, Inoving a bate that vas pressing ji
.0. fj: 1ty*e ya .4kUt!,
lit arew to about seve
11 jujillOn acre.%, both 0-11iropraetic ftd Osteopathy in
icznm 111,* r=xSe's fil Qneon iinne. aud 3juA.,!,.,uq 'jissmiallum, el, B nqval"t his brain, jard cimnees are� roace h3 -t-;' R8 aIM-Chles ro) less re- or near,.-.%, one-totirth of th# total are% North Huron,
ri�zogvcd ro'. 13!:, P;�-q ca ro�.Awn at�l ,is !tv�,A t%,� V1qi:3n* �Vs finn::y revised. la ey will tot b� ronte&p C41 taan Irar. es rii!ne�58 t120'. lLtc3nie er thkl� Pravince.. P110110 191. ItourS, 45 an,
!I wit- fin 1.8 pju.
3 lx� %Vfn(1,�r vNIF"vtton =st:�A t,,r wa`ntetnnc,� tind ing Orally onp I)One away lfr4rn bsm *,:�x Herald.
-Ci�i Ru tt the nc It
cl tl"o pta,
it, tb,, �j J C.-, Xontre:il 9�nr.
s""t let 'bm
oHe and 11F��% se',C,)'s ef To -
0? t,11113 ]DRUGLEss PiMSIMAN
to at ovening, paper the
i i TL�uzla D=itkd. t:ty haspitat nurs;? %:-2 i, -,',jas jabt� bee,
a �"Afv at l3rchess ot I AT I
74 1 Q!, -1 -.1 �n 1U.- P't,�T, ln� sualmoted &.e 3ewis:l as WeAnl;=Ae: Lin$ *,one
j, rckja��S!,23. a, -,I now—the ttstrfte; --A- '10% C:C, (After banli, thi? J)rake 111m,0.11
to,:, ','I �Ig.l tt i4 fcad,�a kin t",j* C�T fael and glq, V�r t m.i CUUNTER DR. F.- A. PARKII�
, -tle rabb; U
T�rc ga�,a E -r t% ana oupn,-ics arw iw.=40- fet nskod Vie 11 Etas t ') daug:ltx�-i;, b,;tlk gtrls.-P%�r- Osteorjatlfle I"hyiAelan, Oally quallfled
to A tage L'A Pr go Gral)bfe. Oste*lth- In North Huron.
In wA �011w- tri�rl CaQ* elte, "r-ut wiLlly IT,
!�,Cr 4iC,:-3,nt. n"', t!-, 1 !0" Lnit =a W, Vile rlelestll" %7A'a a A43111AIA(lut of thp splue Is more,
V!i3a:?r. tbQ, oltint cl !r154X41 C",nstUU,�' tltk� U ' CHECK I
'r -!0- 1, n 4 1,ist tHeIzer c energy tZa quIPkIY %(,eured L�nd'wjth r4,vrer treat,
Loy '&,�l k!", t'�o U- -d a� ct�Or ct� !tav" Z, C eotro!2TKe e% F 31 is tru-, Sea Tile 4e3skera seh,3311 fcae%er wito Ift(Ints than by any other viethod.
113,�not, ul �Ir. Jo%n�xn', da� lit, a :,Ier rr.eltz-z I Of EVIC1 retivt�d. 'ISS=rf� '. an! w3n"�d .9 marrl��a t1le lanitor was Wct)bwy d3z. Mood Dres-me and other exaMinm
r.-nn-A i v��4umc% (iT tjj- j�d. ,. L �1, In lfi!13 tl�or,? =s but en" %wom- al be semale for the prie'-t an! nae !I Z�ed by the iraoughs 01 ccnir
�jc n � W91 T*Z,%�zs 'An a" arative 00OKS tiona blade.
IV o!4 V'o A-,�, moxt to&a- ,�3 t'3at tie gc"15 C, nn,= En Ont�rl:) wit'a a t =V �=JID2,%V-Tcrouta Teegram. 1t1x=-.t,%-Win%jtDeg Tribaut%
All fteases treated.
1,1�--,A!,. "Itil U,.cl 02 t4l, =,d dn"mat L -Y�Tip, !v NVO tire agents for t,�ltx kppIc. OFPIOE ovest 0HRISTIt's STORO,
o W ?h e,_, !o t%L.%gg_(,r-.t,? the c�v- j[ flazjWju tob C, Xro ovg fD'rdWOUnWr 0heck Jkx)k ir
tto 'Na" "."n, cl an'.y UL21. Is ea�,
;1 .1 ca W See our samples And 0, t
Iva, %C. rep: M-Uhod V t,�-ftl to WhUlt 1�nglfAhmejj are s:3ddom prclecfi�n, and the Itvarm�i"e Sun 1-3 so
4th �r,-,w or%4 I 'prlees before mrdftiag
Vftnce% LA*ao. J.�b!r d-rit btit nct che extert tq whj:� The, tolitiage. of vess6!8 ting3ged tv
a,, `4141-A Ise lutther 4r,��aWe. Tla Catt,,010n an- V� "LC4 the PItt -kl -erlr' t1l't th" "iAfe "it WWOHAM, ADVAK
r ' "re ta "Y' bit'
-16 - I -i!s t" h it, elusively In t1ko coasting tradq W
rmtt"A P'r�:a�s pt.�t�l tn"'11 vi �Avierlea--s aro saddened 'by pr--hibi
Cl f��Ilr tdi- tt-,r ItAs t%*,J0n(e- of bm=� Rive!r willt'�rs -IftYlrit tO VP a mswoke sereen:� Ont,
ca 4y cqpisciting In k73WL42" sa ��-h -tcck. tntered Inwird and outwards
t�t- ticn----V31I and xlnplr(,� Toro to Telegram.
Ittl5t; 1MRr %as 64,tM,3n, ton$.