HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-03-31, Page 1N
- j,
T 3
Single Copies - Four Cents
"The Biggest Uttle Show"
Wow playing, Wed. and Thurs.
Tho new Mark Twain -Paramount
Arteraft Picture.
"Huckleberry Finn"
From the world's greatest rorn-
*1100 01 uth. All you have ever
Me, 1XIcuseed" In a boy! And
ix lot about men and woment As
caly Mark Twain himself could see
it and act it down.
There's a laugh, a tear and a
thvill. o I remembrance in every
Friday and Saturday
in Q
OThe Man Who Had
und Smiling Bill Parsons in
April 4th to 9th is Paramount
Blue Ribbon Week. Come to the
theatre and get particulars about
the big Prize contest and the Free
TWp to the Paramount Stud!os you
may win.
For Blue Ribbon Week we offer
two ireat Paramount Pictures.
y Tuesday. Wednesday
OExcuse My Dust"
Played by the same old dare-
dlevil gang that took your breath in
"The Roaring Road" a year or so
ago -
Theodore Robepts-Ann Little -
Tully Marshall.
'if you can join the yelling crowds
when a record's smashed - S a e
Wallace Reid in 'Excuse My Dust'.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
The biggest bit of the current year
in filmdom
OThe Miracle Man"
The play with The wondrous ap-
peal. From the play by George A
Cohan based on the story by Frank
L. Packard.
Usual evening performances at 8,20
an Thurs. and Fri. 2 shows Sat.
niglit at,7.30 and 9. No advance
in prices.
-AYSTIOX SALE -At the Mills' Memorial
111, on Saturday, April 2ad. commonobaw
,At,430 the War Veltorans will offer their turn-
.,Rxim and furnisbingg lAcluding piano, easy
tables, pool table, ate. for sale. After
;Qlaccaunts are paid balance will be banded
,ipk" to tm War Kamorial
T. R. 13FNNI, TT, Ailti.rie.yi.
Mr. John S. Morgan was in Beechville
this week,
Miss Emma Campbell of Toronto, is
visiting in town.
Miss Lillie Nicholls has� returned from
visiting in Toronto.
Ms. Jas. Netterfield spent Easter with
rel esin London. ly
Dr. H. A. Mutton of Toronto, was a
holiday visitor in town,
Miss Bertha McKay spent Easter at
her home at Whitechurch.
Miss Florence M. Walker is visiting
with friend,3 near Wroxeter.
Mr. Llge Manuel of Alfision, is visiting
his sister, Mrs, H. Hinscliffe.
Mr. Thos. Auld of Sarnia, is visiting at
the home of Councillor S. Mitchell,
Mrs, Vincent of Springfield, is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McCal-
Mrs. B. C. Craig of London, spent the
holiday with her sister, Mrs. Cloakey of
Miss Blue, milliner for W. J. Hillia /d,
spent the week -end with relatives at Kin-
Mr, and- Mrs. Alex Reid and family,
spent Easter with relatives in Huron
Miss Eva Greer of the Bell Telephorie:
staff spent Sunday with her parents in I
Elliot and Oliver Fells are spending the
Easter holidays with friends in East
Mr. Jack Angus from Belleville, spent
Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Angus. .
Mr. William Radfora of Blyth, spent
Easter with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Radford,
Mrs, Murdoch McKenzie and two
children of Kincardine, are visiting with
Mrs. A. G. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs, R. S. McGee and
daugtter, Miss'Bertha, spent Easter with
friends in Toronto.
Mr. Howard McDonald of Toronto,
spent the holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. T. McDonald.
Mr. Clarence Blackball of Tor onto, ac-
companied by Miss Riemy, spent the
holiday at his parental home.
Miss Emily Mann and her sister, Mrs.
R. Lindsay Mitchell of Hamilton, are
visiting with their father, Mr. Richard
Mr, Rueben Morgan of the Bank of
HamiltonStaff, Kitchener, spent Easter
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S.
��110'0`au V,.,141,.�737 'M'"' 'M .. . . ....
Messrs. Leonard and Knoel Drummond
duo, i. vvirtn zvz, 1,4. 'i'ayior :4sfj, m.
Sit. IV.
Realiz,ng the value and importance of
Pass 180.
athletics in connection with the academic
J. Taylor 272, B. Debie 264, C. Van-
training of public school pupils, the
Norman 2G3#C1viason257,M Casemore254
Public School Principals' Association of
K. Dinsley243 E. Green 239 V. Bell 236,
St. Catharines has taken an initial step to
A. Corbeft"236 H, Boyce 233, D. Arm-
Place Public School athletics on a higher
strong 224, A. Walker 224. C. Loutitt
basis throughout the Province of Ontario.
22a, I. Hunter 216, G. Anderson 214, E.
Acting on the advice of teachers and
Carr 213, W. Mann 211. C. Dii*sozi 206,
$chool Boards in various parts of the
W. Sturdy 204, E . McLean 199, R. Carr
Province, they have decided to hold a
195, C. Boyce 193, M. Gurney 190, N.
Public School Athletic Meet in St. Cath-
Fixter 189, R. McDonald. 185, F. Bell
arines,onVdday.May�7th. Itishoped
180, H Sutton 175 C Lott 169, M.
thatnext year the Athlotic Commission
Angus 163, 1. Ellacatt 163, D. Lloyd
forthe Province will direct and control
163, L. Hartnett 102, C. Cooke 159. M.
this branch of athletics.
Shackleton 151, G, Robertson, 149, V.
Any Public School pupil in the Pro -
Fyfe 148, E. Williams 173, M. Vansickle
vince of Ontario, under 15 years of age,
125, E. Henderson 104.
on May 20th, 1921, is eligible to compete.
All entries must be sent in ;o J. S. Elliott,
Total 2D5. Pass 177.
119 Lowell Ave.. $t, Catharines, Ont,
D, McEwen 276, M. Christie 271, M.
by May 14th. The pupil's age must be
Snell 263, J. Field 243, W. � Mels-_ibbo'n
certified to by the Principal of the school
243 E. Cliettleburgh 227, W Hill 226,
which the pupil attends.
M.'Mitchell 220, G. Mitchell 221, A.
The following is the list of evenes:
Laundy 214, J. Young 213, A. McLean
I -Running High jump.
210, E. Hartnell 208, A. Pullen 202, E.
2 -Running Broad Jump.
Campbell 2ol, G. Angus 199, A. Irwin
3 -Pole Vault.
184, W. Hunter 170, E. Mitchell 166, C.
4-100 yard Dash.
Hingston 161, A. Mitchell 156, M ' San-
- 5-220 yard Dash.
derson 153, A. Ludwig 153, B� Browne
6-440 yard Race.
152. N. Beattie 152, J. McGee 149, G '
Running Hop, Step and Jump.
Lediett 148, W.'Scott 141, G. Rintoul
To the pupils' events have been added
137, F. Angus 137, M. Thurlow 136, T.
twoevents open to mate Public Sch
Robertson 135, H. Wilde 124, '% Fry 118,
Teachers of the Province, namely:
J. Brooks 112, D. Holler 111, W. Taylor
1-100 yard Dash.
2-220 yard Dash.
salech6up *a 4ulak n"W buggr
Watt, and neck yoko, creant seperator, rain
Thecommittee in charge hope to re-
SR. Ill
ceive donations of cups and medals as
Senior Section. Total 325,
first and second prizes, from some of the
N. Homuth 275, E. Tamlyn 271, W.
citizens of the Provitice who are interest.
Johnston 270, M. Isard 256, G. Robert-
ed in the physical development of Public
son 250, C. Wirth 240, H, Groves 230, W.
School puplis. Announcement of this
Tiffin 230, D, Scott 225, D. Preston 220,
will be made at a latendate.
D. Haney 210, F. Field 210 C. McKib.
The Ontario Athletic Association are
bon 210, M. Mitchell 195, S. Blatchford
donating a, shield to the school securing
181, Y. McPherson 170, G. Dobie 160, C.
the highest number of points and a gold
medal for the individual championship.
Junior Section. Total -275.
536, P. Campbell 535, It, Smith 00. H.
J. Roth 185, M. Cloakey 170, 1. Stow-,
WQu Oold Medal
art 165, F. Ford 150, M. Tennant 150,
L. Groves 145, G. Spotton 127, N. Carr
Miss Margaret Snell, daughter of Rev.
120, R. Wagner 100,
H, W. and Mrs. Snell',is to be, congrat-
JR. Ill
ulatedon winning the Junior Medal in
Class . A. Total 483,
Advent Examinations set by the General
W. Seddon 425, J. Green 401, M. Carr
Board of Religious Education of the
370, L, Benneft 367, S Bennett, 361, C,
Church of England in Canada. Sever at
Carr 358, P. Gibson 330 F. Fells 329, L�
hundred write yearly on these exams.
Thompson 804, R. Armstrong 298, G.
The Tweqfitth Ceniu'ry Methodist Church
Page 295, V. Campbell 288, K. Somers
Sunday April 3rd. -II a. m. Public
285, G. McDonald 266, C. Pendleton 264,
Worship, subject, "A Plea with God'$;
M. Weir 250, B. Armstrong 250, L, Peter"
2.30 p. m. Sunday School; 7 p. m. Public
man 280, M. Robertson 228, M. Saint
Worship, subject, "Watch your Step".
227,V. Fox 223, E. Lott 220, J. -Mc-
Young people especially invited. We
Lean209, P. Blomfield 199, W_ Agnew
have hearty singing. You will receive a
welcome by our courteous uahers. Come
Class B. Total 460.
and bring your friends.
H. Field 355, M. Mitchell 355, H.
Died In The West
Toler 316, K. Reid 340, A. Hartnell 330,
bm SW chicke ordered and 6avcml others
We think We eftu still fill your
== b1t
L_ T-Tutton3l.fl. 0. HnmtithA(1Q_ T.. Rmith
A former resoected resident of Wino-
��110'0`au V,.,141,.�737 'M'"' 'M .. . . ....
Messrs. Leonard and Knoel Drummond
duo, i. vvirtn zvz, 1,4. 'i'ayior :4sfj, m.
IftUxbwao.es . Socure a trial package,
of Toronto, and Erroll *Drummond of
Mitchell 267, J. Sturdy 253, C. Brown
Hensall, we're guests of Mr. and Mrs.
233. W. Tennant 227, K. Pilon 217, R.
oundition, Apply at g
Thos. J. McLeap.
Rae 207, K. Williams 198, F. Carter 196,
Miss Flo. Fleuty has returned from an
E. Lepard 165, J. Clarke 163, B, Edgar
layin strains purebred -to -lay, Barred
*ocks; Winorea.
extended visit with,, friends in Michigan.
158, E. Stoakley 87, M. Coutts 39,
A. .. Black r and White Leg-
%ftus also eggs for hawbing. Write at once
She was accompanied home by,her cousin,
Total 260.
.Wr voice Ust and book orders as hoon as po
Miss Marjorie Bildson of Alma, Mich
E. Brown 259, M. Redmond 258, B.
The many friends of Mrs T. Gear will
McGe, 256, W. Fitt 256, E. McKay 254,
Box 12.
M Mone 12 GIL WhUeolturch.
be pleased to know she is able to leave
A. Hutton 241, H. Browne 237, M. Hatt -
Walt SALF-Young 11 �o� Call, Apply to
the hospital and with her little son is stay-
nell 221, J. Beattie 216. T. Henderson
Vj J. Cu._
ing with her friend Mrs. J. E. Veils, Dia-
215, G. Snell 213. E. Ross 211, H. Pendle-
gonai Road.
ton 209, C. Blatchford 200, J. McKibbon
VZ SALE -One story And a half frame
house in ".ad repair, a., good bar* and a
Mrs. R. Breen has returned to her
105, J. Angus 194, F. Roberson 184, W.
.44mat am a and sort ter. four ots
'With ce'l , eandSnCkaIIf1FnJt,aq11a13titY0f
home after spending the winter with her
Gurney 182, K. King 174. M. Currie 165,
Onvaudecibe, oats out eon in, the str&vr.
sons in Grand Rapids, Mich. She was
G. Allen 165, C. Deans 162, R. Copeland
,&P.Ply on promises. I)XVIDFINMY,
accompanied home by her, grandson,
157. V. Miller 137# R. Sutton 130, L.
Viotorm at.,
Waldo Breen.
Carter 114, J. Ellacott 100, D. Wagner
Clara Campbell of Pinkerton,
In the Salvation Army, Saturday and
Mrs. Reg. S. Williams returned from
80. A. Vint -56, ff. Barrett 53, C. Coutts
*VF1 SAg-two, slightly, used Brantford
008611 an nesSLand8H.P. with
Wasbington, Mich., where she has spent
416wsukenoll ou rordson tractors.
T.TL BPmxP_rr at Crawforciv
the past few weeks attending to a sister
JR. Il
IFORSALE-Road wagon good as iii w; price
410. Apply at W higharn rea at or to
who ba8, been quite ill, but, whom we are
pleased to report is improving in health.
Total 165
K. Camp�ell 163, J. Lepard, 167, H.
tw M
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sainsbury have
Hartnell 148, 1. Sutton 139, N. Rintout
*105t S&LE-Real good seoend-haud Ford
Tauringear. Vivo good tires, speedometer
returned from spending the winter in
134, M. Campbell 130, N. Hayles 119, L.
ftaslol�te !, Ir a
T -a
California and are visiting with the
Hayden 110, E. Shropshall 96, M. Mason
01. A. Stokes 88, M. Templeman 78, Jb
VK S A.LN-1 now hard rubber tire buggy for
buyer. I
parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. R
Va korman prior to returning to thei;
Dinsley 76, D. Miller 54, M. Hingston
salech6up *a 4ulak n"W buggr
Watt, and neck yoko, creant seperator, rain
home in Toronto.
43, G. Chettleburgh 17, R. Agnew 12,
40"6r. London bay cars, pull,%&,
County of Huron of $85,441,37, Last
Mr. Richard Nixon, a former respected
Those who missed marked x.
]FARMIDUS-You could do ndtb1.mb9ttt-r
th" to teed your Calves Blatch 6, calf
resident of Wingliam, but who has been
. ,
Sr. Class, Total 600.
*owl. On sale at,
living in British Columbia for the past
J, Tiffin 589, J. Carr 578, W. Angus
ilowso-4- on's
and J. A.M10MIStores.
twenty one years, paid a visit to the scenes
567, G. Wellwood 560, A. Snell 551, H.
- bis boyhood, last week. Another old
Dickson 542, R. Harrison 539, G. Young
W paeture, donvanient to town.
Witigharn boy who madd a business trip
536, P. Campbell 535, It, Smith 00. H.
to,�owti recently wag Robert Runchiman
Xargus 511, A. Rintoul 507, M. Arm-
placed luour breeding pens out very best
of Stratford,
strong 403, C-Pindlay 473, D. Atkinson
ast ulle rem I. puts brad Barred
Mrs. Herman Dobberman, Pembroke',
467, M. McIntyre 460, G. Davidson 463,
�ft out R Ice, Whit yan ottea and S.
o 9, and have ate thein with
OATS FOR SAL10-65 Cents per bushel,
Apply to
xV. Pilon 426, xL Smith 314, XN. Coutts
"L &I biras,from heav 099 produe-
8 Ing� awhing eA19d I sale on and
Jong 1101-pFat,
Route 6, Brussels
313, xM. Clark 973, xB. Fox 207, xJ.
I let. 301n; Icrim, Box 277.
hydro, construction at Wingbam.
Moir 209, xE. Henderson 202, xG. Rob.
U- L -o i r) __ L--_ -c &u- r
vn 1) - -Will 11 v the under-
erson 171, xM. Bisbee d2, xL. Broome
heavy layingR stra6bas of Rhoa� IsIA6nds
to 02110.01i in, aturday,
r oners,
A til 2,1021, for St at ate JL, an
122, xM. King 110,
*,*Is and Whito Leghotus. It. I. red pullet!]
&XV4 layed atoadfly since Clio middle at ticlit.
Tea in te utted t a treat a Ittoo
for ia i3c son of 19,,11.
Jr. Class. Total 590.
4wbher. and our barren straht of TAghor118 haV0,
S. Mitchell 538, A. Scott 467, 1. Wag-
sdiowedelo';CIT: White W911011n pullets Ivulgil-
*W4 lbs. We itive orders now for hundreds
WANT140-Rooms bo"rd "' pf'vatl�
ner 463, S. Campbell 440, H. Burgess
44 aW�i and baby chiek8. One farnior alone
e Witli b y .d g1t,
family for coup Box 185� WI.gh.,
432, J. Cloakey 428, W Lvdiett 370, xC.
bm SW chicke ordered and 6avcml others
We think We eftu still fill your
== b1t
Fry 352, xM. Ludwig 342, F. Saint 337,
order now.
V. S. ffmt..
WANTED -A obild's second-hand iron t
ated. Ap'ply to Tin,, ADIVANCen
xt. Wild 245; xV. Mellor 103, xK. Lott
Phone 169 j.
:,H e n 121,
WANTE To IIENT-Stom about 20 s: 40
or, So foet would 1(,06se for a or' 01
k3oWs -Buc for June farrow, and young
MoKs fivo months old. rMdy for service,
ofycarg. ipplyto Box V 'VAW7
Miss Anna Brewer of Morris, has ac-
Watoa type showIng ring quality.
WAXTRD-Wo want to buy and sell a raw
Cepted a po�
'ition With Mitg Eldith Rush
0 11TO J 011.04M.
Route 1. Wroxetep.
A acre tarms in the vicinit! at Ilutoll
and Dr%tce� Inquire at T111, I)VAM!t, ,
in the Millinery Store here.
"dill pas,tM dwdy LAL vgt:lna, ZZISK, on
Wednesday March 16th in the person of
Mary J. West -Adams, in, her 33rd year.
Before her marriage she lived in Wingharn
where she conducted a dressmaking estab.
lishmeot and was a valued member of the
N.ethodist Church choir. Mr. Lay West
of Horizon,,Sask., is a brother of the de-
tlere For The floildays
Miss Delta Haugh. Toronto.
Mr. Earl Johns, Toronto.
Mr. Frank Galbraith, Toronto.
Mr. Ernest Linklater, Toronto.
Miss Eva Linklater, Toronto.
Mr. Chas. McLean, London.
Misses Clara and Laura Reid, Toronto.
Mr. George Savage, Toronto.
Miss Gertie Cantelon, Toronto.
Misses Maria and Myrtle Bennett,
Miss Verna McLaughlin, Lucknow.
Miss Rebecca Artristrong, Stratford.
Miss Grace Tucker, Stratford.
Miss Mary Haugh, Stratford.
Miss Alba Walker, Toronto,
Mrs. Alexander Adams, Toronto.
Miss Gertie Deans, Hamilton.
Miss Edna Gannett, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cros�, Brooklyn.
Miss Edna Smith, Kitchener.
Miss Nellie Nicholis, SLouffeville.
Mis3 Maud Fryfogle, Toronto.
Miss Viola Isard, Toronto.
Misses Margaret and Mary Robertson,
Miss Christie Robertson, Blenheim.
Miss Mabel Walsh, Preston.
Miss Pearl McPherson, Seaforth.
Miss Metha McPherson, Woodstock.
Mi4 Lillian Bender, Listowel.
Miss Nora Kennedy, Toronto.
Miss Bessie Kennedy, Toronto.
Miss Edna E Mott, Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Elliott and
little daughter of St. Catharines,
Mi�A Lillian Longman, Windsor.
Miss Lulu Chaniney, Toronto.
Mt. and Mrs. Caldwell Brock, Guelph.
Miss M. L. Brock, Toronto.
Miss Rea Currie, Toronto.
Miis§ Gunsega Kehoe, Toronto.
Mr. Archie Williamson, Toronto.
Mr. Norman Wightman, Donald.
Mr. John Hutton, Toronto.
Misi Myrtle Deans, Stratford,
- a vuLy seis. we are sure rnac tne many ota Lewis, Sinclair -Main Street.
unique Optical Display in one of their friends of both the Doctor and his wife Perrin. Alice -Vow of Silence.
store windows last week, In the fore in this locality will wish them many more Walpole, Hugh -Fortitude,
part was displayed an assortment of up- years of wedded bliss. !uvn-;mr,-FtcTxoN
to -date spectacle and eyeglass frames and Burgess, Thornton W. -Burgess animat
mountings, while in the background was a book for children.
display of diplomas (six in all) from var- DIED Burgess, Thornton W. -Old Granny.,
ious optometrical colleges in Canada and Fox.
United States. These Diplomas all bore Buncrss-In Bluevalp, on Good Friday. Howes, Edith -The cradle ship -
the name of Frederick Homuth who is March 25th, Elizabeth Richardson, re- Shaw, Capt. Frank H. - The secret of.
-Manager and Optometrist of the McKib- lict of the late John Burgess Aged 80 Sargasso Sea.
bon & Company store. Mr. Hornuth d 4 months Wood, Eric -Brothers of the Wild.
I years an
seems to have spared neither time nor
money in his endcavour to become a pro-
ficient Optometrist, and judging by the Xo,3CXTX==XXX?AXX
number of patients h t has each day and X,
the number who speak so highly of his
work, we believe he has succeeded in his
endeavor.-Harriston Review.
L. T. B. A. Entertain
The entertainment held in the council
chamber an Tuesday evening under the .41
auspices of the Loyal True Blue Associa- 74
tion was of a high order. Rev. Mr. Arm- !141
strong was chairman and the following
talent assisted with a splendid program:
Vocal selections by Miss Bertha McKay,
Miss Maud Bell, Mrs. Clayton Procter,
Mr. F. Hanmore; Instrunientals by
Miss Bessie Abell, Messrs. Clifford Rob-
ertson, Harold Mitchell and Stanley Har- Farm ill '*J*4 h o e, s
rison; Readings by-, Rev� H. W. Snell,
B1. A., Miss Frances Bennett and Mrs.
H. A. Hunter) After the program te. We are ready for Snring with a splendid line of Farm Shoes
freshments were served. I I
)I -the beat that's made. We are showing several good styles
Dealh 01,Mrs. John Ross and we guarantee every pair of Farm Shoes we sell.
Mrs. John Ross died at Seaforth on
Monday morning at the residence of her The leathers are the best in Tan or Black. Double Soles,
son, Dr. Hugh 11. Ross, In herlpinetieth l3ellowg Torque, nailed shank, medium or high cut, all aizet.
Year. She suff6red a slight ttrokein Dec.
ember last* and had been confined to her
bed tince then. She was born in York. &3.75,- $4.50, M.00 to $7.00
shire Eng., and came to Canada with . her ip 4P
parents when but nine ytars of age, loeat�
ing in Stanley Township, They were If you are interested in good Parm Shoen, Sir, you will be
among tbt pioneers of Huron county. 114 interested in oum, for Vann Shoes Could not be better made.
She leaves three sobs and three daughters:
AJ "Isg, hardware merchant, Wingliam,
Dr. H. H., Seaforth-, Dr. D. D., Calgary;
Mrs. D. B. MeEwon, Carberry, Mail,
Mrg. Dr. Hamilton, Sault Ste, Ma i X.
rle V V
Ont.; and MrA. Win, Berry, Brucefield: 4%
The funeral will taim Placeon Wednesday
to Baird's cemetery, Bruceliold. %0
1ARC" 31st, 1921
siubscriptions, $2.011 per, year
local Itms
Mr. Harry McGee has taken a ;8ij1on
in Robertson & Hecker's garage,
Mr. Jas, G. Fyfe has accepted a p/St.
tiOn in E. Merkley & Son's garage.
"Job's marvellous Vision" 'will be the
subject at the Baptist church next $uw
day evening,
Formaldehyde -fresh stock and full
9 .
strength at reduced prices-mitchells
Corner Drug Store.
$1.00 for your old Hot Wader Bottle
I 6ttage prayer meeting will be held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, David Finlay,
Victoria street Qu Friday at 8 P. m. You
are invited.
To introduce the famous "KANTLEEIK
40 High Grade Society Brand and
WATER BOTTLV' and to give everyone a
Twentieth Century Suits on sale this
Charceto have a gcod water bottle in their
week at $35.00, formerly up $55.00, sizes
36 to 44. H4NxA & Co.
For One Week On ly, March 25th to 31st.
A social evening and entertainment will
be held in the Baptist church on Thurs�
day, March 31st., at 7.30. Everybody
No matter what condition your old "Water
welcome. Silver collection taken,
-1 Bottle" is in, -leaking or not -we will allow
Hydro, was turned on in Kincardine on
you $1,00 for it on the purchase of a
the 17th inst. It is just about.corapleted
as far as construction is- concerned * it
will probably overrun the estimate of
Kantled. Watep Bottle $3.50
The graduating Stenographic class at the
SpOtton Business College were Nornian
Nothing better can be m a d e than t h e "Kantleek"'
I McGill and Norman Walker of Turnberry,
Eva Pollock and Ida Felce, Ripley, and
Clara Campbell of Pinkerton,
In the Salvation Army, Saturday and
Sunday, April 2 and 3, Major and Mrs.
Byers of Stratford, will conduct the ser-
vices, Saturday at 8 p.m open airservice.
Drugs and Stationery
Sunday, 11 a. in, and 7 p. in Everybody
Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets
A local talent concert will be put on in
1 the Wingham Town Hall, on Friday
!April 15th, under the auspices of the
Wingharn Citizen's Band. Tile proceeds
of this concert wid go toward repairing
62nd Wedding Anniversary
New Library Books
the band uniforms.
Dr. William Sloan and Mrs. Sloan of
The following new books have beem,
County Clerk G. Holman, received a
191 Dunn Ave., Toronto, celebrated their
placed in the Public Library.
letter from the Department notifying
him of the approval of a refund to
62nd wedding anniversary on March 4th,
when a large number of friends ealled at
Asquith, Margot A autobiography4
County of Huron of $85,441,37, Last
to congratulate them on
Two volumes. :
yeAr's expenditure on Good Roads in the
this unique event. They have resided in
Parkdale one of the suburbs of Toronto,
Hall, Mrs. S. C,-Talea of Irish life an&
County was approximately $205,000, 'and
the $85,441. 37 for which cheque is being
for 39 years and the genial doctor ;;as
Mitford, Mary R.-Sketcbes of Englisht
forwarded, is the percentage of such ex-(
been Treasurer of Parkdale Presbyterian
life and character.
penditure the Government bears
Church for the last 35 years.
Tussaud, John T.-Tbe romance of
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Nicol, Nor.
The doctor Win his 89th year, and Mrs.
Madame Tussaud.
wood, Ont., announce the engagement of
Sloan in her Slat. Both are in the very
Wells, Carolyn -The book of humor -
-their youngest daughter, Gladys Jean, to
best of health. and have every indication
ous verse.
Mr. Robert William Dobberman of
Wingliam, Ont, youngest son of Mr. and
of many years of activity still ahead of
them. They are former residents Of
Benson, E. F. -The Countess of Lown-
Mrs. Herman Dobberman, Pembroke',
Blyth, where the Doctor had an extensive
des Square.
Ont. The marriage to take plake in
practice, and where he took an active
Burroughs,Edgar R,-Tar�an untamed.,
April Mr. Dobberman is engaged on the
part in political affairs, conte3ting East
Huron in the Liberal interest against the
Dell, Ethel M. -Top of the wotld.
Hall, Holworthy-Egan
hydro, construction at Wingbam.
liteThorrin- Farrow. formerIv of Bru%-
U- L -o i r) __ L--_ -c &u- r
- a vuLy seis. we are sure rnac tne many ota Lewis, Sinclair -Main Street.
unique Optical Display in one of their friends of both the Doctor and his wife Perrin. Alice -Vow of Silence.
store windows last week, In the fore in this locality will wish them many more Walpole, Hugh -Fortitude,
part was displayed an assortment of up- years of wedded bliss. !uvn-;mr,-FtcTxoN
to -date spectacle and eyeglass frames and Burgess, Thornton W. -Burgess animat
mountings, while in the background was a book for children.
display of diplomas (six in all) from var- DIED Burgess, Thornton W. -Old Granny.,
ious optometrical colleges in Canada and Fox.
United States. These Diplomas all bore Buncrss-In Bluevalp, on Good Friday. Howes, Edith -The cradle ship -
the name of Frederick Homuth who is March 25th, Elizabeth Richardson, re- Shaw, Capt. Frank H. - The secret of.
-Manager and Optometrist of the McKib- lict of the late John Burgess Aged 80 Sargasso Sea.
bon & Company store. Mr. Hornuth d 4 months Wood, Eric -Brothers of the Wild.
I years an
seems to have spared neither time nor
money in his endcavour to become a pro-
ficient Optometrist, and judging by the Xo,3CXTX==XXX?AXX
number of patients h t has each day and X,
the number who speak so highly of his
work, we believe he has succeeded in his
endeavor.-Harriston Review.
L. T. B. A. Entertain
The entertainment held in the council
chamber an Tuesday evening under the .41
auspices of the Loyal True Blue Associa- 74
tion was of a high order. Rev. Mr. Arm- !141
strong was chairman and the following
talent assisted with a splendid program:
Vocal selections by Miss Bertha McKay,
Miss Maud Bell, Mrs. Clayton Procter,
Mr. F. Hanmore; Instrunientals by
Miss Bessie Abell, Messrs. Clifford Rob-
ertson, Harold Mitchell and Stanley Har- Farm ill '*J*4 h o e, s
rison; Readings by-, Rev� H. W. Snell,
B1. A., Miss Frances Bennett and Mrs.
H. A. Hunter) After the program te. We are ready for Snring with a splendid line of Farm Shoes
freshments were served. I I
)I -the beat that's made. We are showing several good styles
Dealh 01,Mrs. John Ross and we guarantee every pair of Farm Shoes we sell.
Mrs. John Ross died at Seaforth on
Monday morning at the residence of her The leathers are the best in Tan or Black. Double Soles,
son, Dr. Hugh 11. Ross, In herlpinetieth l3ellowg Torque, nailed shank, medium or high cut, all aizet.
Year. She suff6red a slight ttrokein Dec.
ember last* and had been confined to her
bed tince then. She was born in York. &3.75,- $4.50, M.00 to $7.00
shire Eng., and came to Canada with . her ip 4P
parents when but nine ytars of age, loeat�
ing in Stanley Township, They were If you are interested in good Parm Shoen, Sir, you will be
among tbt pioneers of Huron county. 114 interested in oum, for Vann Shoes Could not be better made.
She leaves three sobs and three daughters:
AJ "Isg, hardware merchant, Wingliam,
Dr. H. H., Seaforth-, Dr. D. D., Calgary;
Mrs. D. B. MeEwon, Carberry, Mail,
Mrg. Dr. Hamilton, Sault Ste, Ma i X.
rle V V
Ont.; and MrA. Win, Berry, Brucefield: 4%
The funeral will taim Placeon Wednesday
to Baird's cemetery, Bruceliold. %0