HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-03-17, Page 50
1 4f A, U v Mar, 17th loj
That will
Know a
A DIAU prin
GHTER F g Draperies and
0 THE GODS Unrivalled
With Ho
1-0 use i.r urnishings
11-10 &_
We have Just received a larg
e shipment Of New Spring Cori
Roached' Materials, Draperfes,'Crefonnes and Rugs.
Annette Kellerman
CURTAIN MATERIALS-..-Nelso Serlms, Colored Volies
Ittles In a wondertul and Marques. i
array of designs
aAd patterns. New J
spring colorings suitable for any room
attractive price
AND SATEENS-.-A beautiful showing
of 1
these inater arge floral and tapestry dest
:i fals in I
The s%veep of its
cup- and dark colorings. gus. Light
fit thrills the blood �%�-gg.
re Ese
....... $2 per yd.
and delights the eye. ........ 2t ? ePtI011 values at 60c to
..... .....
KIK0 are showing a full assorted range Of Curtains
new and attractive designs and Patterns. Marquesitte, FI
4:1 ne
2 Days Only Nets and Vol es, Shown in Whites Ivory all(l Ecru.
-Wiltons, AXMIuster, Velvet
Wednesday, Thursday, and Tapestry Rugs I
..4 4.1 a a
wide and varied range to select from. All sizes- At Prices '0'^
March 23 and -24 and qualities to meet your every require
The prof undity of the ments.
sea and the surge of �Vith Orchestra and original music
its waves reflected and OILCLOTHS
echoed in a touching
score. ......
hool Child.
tale of love, daring Da
ily MAtinee 3.30; Sc
and pathos.
ren I Oc Adults 20c.
-.0, our Goods are the Best- our Prices Right.
vening 20c, and 35c.
Flour, Feeds and See
s a Spechdo,
- - - - - - - - No one admitted after picture is Oil
.......... i
MFOX PR0D1J0_Ti01-*1 the screen. XA
Evening performances at 8.20.
In loving memory of Ella I
I - Owens,
be oved
wife of Henry mathers, who 04b
-- -------------- -------- A Passed away on March 6th, ig2o.
A Glut of Wool ----------
ca se hisgirlintended to go to a There is no flock however watched and
-Be u
The world has never seen such a glut of dan e w a rival, a chap in Nebraska tended, 0
wool as exists at the present time. th But one dead lamb in there.
Wbatifa=edto break up the dance. He There is no fireside howsoer defended,
to do with it is a great economic oroblem. the doors and all the windows But has
There is enough on hand to meet all Pos tbul One;i0dropp,d two skunks through one vacant chair 'We are now ready for business and
'bleneedsfortwo Years. Great Britair liat and nailed i Let us be patient, these severe affilictions re able to
"in w
hold$2,000,()00 bales of the volume she t up, then Put a
(live You the best of sera
board on top of the chimney. He broke vice on all kinds of tire repairing.
Not from the ground arise,
accumulated between 1915 and 1918 uptbedance, allright. But oftentimes celestial ben
wo seasons. South Africa has an enor- eswater, isguise.
Australia still has nearly all the ap of I
Assume this dark d
t KnoxChurcb,*Te* issued their There is no death, what seems so
mous store; so has Argentina and Ameri- annual report last week in book form ition. is tran,- Expert Vulcani2ing and
can producers have not been able to sell which'comprises 24 Pages at a cost of This life
of mortal breath.
66re than a quarer of their Output since about $70-00. The total membership Is but a suburb of the life Eternal,
11919. -Ottawa journal. numbers 469 and $17,000 was contributed Retreading
to keep the ,gospel Whose portal we call death.
Teeswater has indeed a Prosperous Pres -
West Wawanosh council Wagon" moving, Sh ot dead, the beloved of our affec- Ask us about our guaranteed Puncture
West Wa- byterian Church. tion. proof service.
wanosb, F6b'Y 28th., 1921.
Municipal Council ot West Wawauosh, But -gone into that school,
held regular meeting on above date, Owing to the high wage demanded by Where she no longei needs our poor
members a I pieseut present, Reeve Par- 04- We carry a complete line of fire and ac.
trained nurses there would seem a suf-
protection, Iff cessorfes.
_1 FI.M.141g.
licient reason for hospitals to give a short-
illutes ?f last tneeting reaa and con- I e And Christ himself doth rule.
firmed. course so that others might learn who
Financial statement From Husband and Children.
ASk for our opinion, we can Unwinate
treasurer which shows a read "y would not be expecting $5 or so per day,
balance ouliand
for all purposes Of $4346,o5 or even more. Nurses are often needed Always An Editor your fire troubles.
Id. By-law NO 2,
1192r, which
dehnes 1 in homes where the people concerned are
utles of Assessor Nvith regard to dog 1 not able to pay Warren G. Harding, President of U, S.,
i tags, Ontario Franchise Act and etc. as 1
more than half of this always classifies himself as an editor,i,
statute in that behalf, was read and i atmount.
signed. publisber and printer, and whatever else' &4_14
Byla" N 3, 1921, 1 was re 1 X , ------
he may be, he will always be proud of his
An exchange tells us that when a fly
ad a' first
this B�_law provides for pathm,;ist-
time, accomplisliments and
ers, amusing 'tself't usually flies at the rate Of training. His
;i:�;;! Poundkeepers, feliceviewers, of about five feet a ucky charm and most sacred possession re and
I I pwhi��,h the f.,ollowin
g is the Second: but when
4 Pointmelits: i.chased it can do as much as
t 1:1. J. Kerr, D Nivins
ll� it is is a printers's rule, which he carries with
aster Wingham "Irli
hirty-five him wherever he goes and his friends! V
IV. Dodd. E. Johnston, IV. core S' feet a second.
Inedd, R. Medd, J. McIntyre, -%V. y
We can't vouch for the say he would r itber set a stick of type,
any day than grant an audience to
F. Culbert, R. Plunkett, J. Reid, that any fly that ever chose to an
Coser, correctness of the flgures* but we do know
ON Vulcan*zin 'epot
"Oss, Mills, A. Culbert, J. Thonip. amuse it- illilbassador.
NO mi; son, L. Leddy. W. Black, W. Wilson, j sel at onr expense seemed to Morton alue1j, Wingham, Phone 29&
be hitting The new president is the first of 29 to 174
Cranston, A. E. Johnston, 17 Thompson dred and eighty—not in. belong to the Baptist church.
i close to a hun
J O'Conno, W Armstrong� M. Mar hov, eluding stops.
H. McQufflin, B. Rasper, D. McDonald, Several of rf X4 WdX Vim XX XXXX xg ;q I; gX VjJq ;qg
the chief executives of the United States'
FOrall, W Gibbous, N. Campbell, L,
hothead, AT. The mellowing influence of tim
W including Lincoln and Wilson attended
Humphrey, J. oanilt
W. Taylor. C. tTa ------
New York Ave., Presbyterian church,
I,. Reid T, Sal- quallty Often Spoken and written about.
.3. kel
4 'lnLondon, Ontario, a few days ago a E -41.v
L d, X Gann
McQuillin, j. Aitchi-
while living in Washington at the WhIte
J. Foster, W. Donnelley, T. ItIgiis, [group of some eight or ten, most of whom House.
D. O'Callaghan. It will be noticed in the,
Sam Duch and Bob Anderson as -the Oeneral and Adjutant in the Screamingly above list that no pathmasters have been were returned soldiers, were talking of
Pnnny Skt4 "The Vapors in the Maple Leafs" oveAeas Revue Camo fla appointed on Coullty=�wllicli are various things and the question arose Bt:lmore
t2 Town Rall,Wingham, March i8th. ge playing I
the East, West, North
Con, io, Lot x3 to 18 illclusivees' COU. 4, as to the probable number of returned About 1 oo gathered last Tuesday oven-
------ :I— between Lot is, rg, Con. 9, , sideroad men who would volunteer for service in 'ng at tile home of Goo. Doubledee.
Lot 19 tO27, inclusive ratepayer's on de,
to COII- 9, caseof another war. The concensus of Dan and euchre were indulged ill,
intocinfwee small hours of the morning.
sign qted roads have tile option of doing opinion was that at least ninety per cent the
their work on nearest road division or would do W. "In spite of the hard- Miss Alabel Baker is visiting it, Wing-!
STUDENTS MAY ENTE ANY TIME domm?tiag sante at $r,2.5 per day. 'The h' hain.
municipality as a whole provides the 1 0 11
s IPs?" wasasked "Oh, yes there were
oads it iards ips alright, but we forget tilose ly meeting, Saturday afternoon, at
funds for the upkeep ofCounty P h The Women Institute held their month -
t ings. Mrs.
appears but fair to ratepayers on other h' Some Of the best times we ever Win, Lowry's, About so being preseat.,i
roads that they should get the Work or had in our lives were in France and Bel- Rev, Sinclair addressed the meet tak.
Moneys accrueigg frOlu County roa or . $ Ing
41- glum, 'was the reply. ing for his subject,
in order that tllt� maybe as well done 11; "IWtication". The
possib programme consisted of
In.Road Lists should be promptly instrumental
return music by Mrs. Alex. Stewart. A solo by
We give thorough courses, have experienced instructors wbo'give indiv- Poundkeepers, J. Taylor, 11, Reid, op. Margaret 0. Calder �Ti-qs Clara Metcalfe. A humorous, read-
idual instruction to ils. Our graduates are meeting Nicholson, C, J. Ing by feanet Doubledee. Lunch
PUP with success. Winter K! C. Brown, J. Walsh, J. was i�i
courses for farmers, sons. Address college for free catalogue. innallan. M. Ifuraphrey, W. Miller, 3D. General Practitione served by Mrs� Lowry. A plea,-iallt time Economy
Alton. r wag spent b all Presdrit The next
Graduate Uhiversit illy , ,e,(,
encevieWers, V Of.Toronto, Faculty meeting w be at* Mrs. Will,
P, I- UlliOtt, 8, Johnston, of'Medicine. 131liott's.
LWINGIIAM or STRATFORD H. King, J� Durain, W. Armstrong, W.
McPherson, G. A� Greer —Jos
Office: epbine St., two doom south of ORD economy is based uPon enduring qualitIr—
In the matter Of thef. B. 'Vonug drain, Brunswick Hotel, Tory Corners -
honest materials throughout, sPeclal Pordvanadium
Clerk was instructed to hotify all parties Telephones — Office 281, Residence 151, Miss A. Carson and IXiss R. Rust of F steel in every strain bearing part.
that an opportunity would be given for
the paymentof assessments to TP, Trea. Gorric, spent a few days withAliss Edna The VOrd Is lowest in first coat. The Pord output
surer on or before June 1, 192r After this NOTICE TO CR DITORS Taylor of the 15th Con.
Raise Chickens the 'Perfect Wa i date unpaid assessinebts will �e raised by i Permits lowest manufacturing expense.
ay issue of debentures, Ur- W. Gallaway has recently moved
n tele Ratato 0� tolln Finley, late the —lowest in maintenance, We light weight M
q fertile eggs, The matter appointing a road Superin- NOWe 8 herobf
WOdebouse's Poultry invigorator if fed to Your bons insure, Twil. o( Turnborrsr in the county of to his new home, which has been occu-
Laliourer, dpaepsed. Aron, leagt
tgi-ven r
9 telidaut for the faulliciPality as icquired ursuant to section We are glad to report t at Mr. Tom
Navin the time and labor Yost by getting sterile eggs. pled by Mr. W. Hays. wear and tear on parts and tires and more rnileagb 10 tht
58. chapter 121 of.
havlaclaims ugablA. the estato of John Fin
considered at length and as'a6 decision 1)1f1rjl'Wr old'ad R Or aboubthe thirt.
alig - $- 0- 9141, that all pemon! Bllis is getting along nicely with his new We render Ford Service and sell Genuine Ford Parts
by the Provincial Dept. of Itoads was h Ill gallon of gasoline.
When ebitko are hatched disinfect incubators, hosts, alid.P0111trY house with was reached the matter was laid over, A% 1921, at the q,;Wn of Wing; wood cutting OutAt as be averaged about
ham fit tile COURY, of Huron, are required to 6 or 7 cords an hour. Qif1x4dPridc8`- Our labor charges art also Standardized.
The gtatement Of expenditures forl8clidt0thoundersl
Recommended by 0, A. C., (;aelph. road and bridges for 106 as prepared 'U10 flftdOnth day Ja(A executor on Or before Mr- Stewart Finley has recently pur* You know the co9t b0ore you buy,
1 0 Aftrell A. D., 1921. the fa
*as examined and minor corrections II&MOs4nd addre %ir chased Mr. Mugh Wylie's, 50 acre I'm
After liatchiag use Wodehoute,s I thoir 0061111, Irsitell with full il"L'Oalar4 Of 11 thO 15th Con,
Baby Chick V6od for the first three hisde, Alotiml by 1011 '4111 w I(F and tile u06turo of the 0
Weeks and %VAtcll your chicks 119tob aud Naylor S(IrltloAQfajiy)lioi bythool.
grow, that Reeve, Treasurer, Clerk be author. Aijd further take notice that after tile sal(I Many from around bete wish to thank
ized to superintend the same and 11avo flttoOnth d&Y OFIviftrch A. M, 192i thd t6p, Mr. T. atimett for the enjoyable time
apt, 8aldexeoutoState will be distribulted by, tile
Sold by I A. MILLS9, Wfughams, Ont. statclueut fOrwar(Ted to Provincial D Of thd Raid 0 _ which ho gave many of big A. M. Crawford, Dealer
of Roads, Toroato, rAllioull the, VxrtfeS 011titled fh6ro. Gorrie, laSt Week. friends In
1"6- .
to having regard on y to OaIM4 of u'lliah they Mr. John Dane has rtfttitlY i1ttended
Plour and Veeds And Seeds. Accounts to the antount of $tOO.59 was Rhall. then have notice and the *0stato will not,
Pas."d and paid. bollablofor&a
tho mirl y Olalla,4 not filod'at the time ot
Wollehouse Itivigotator ('o.,,Ttd., 11amiltoll, Ontario. Collucil adjouriled to in distrIbution.' the Grabd LOd90 at Niagara, and report4
eet Alarch 30, t6d ed a large attendance.
0,Vvingharn, iiiis fift,conth day of
at t P. in. Pollt'tiary A D., 19�21. ManY fl -0111 here attended tht reception F
W. A. t0,r11V1VjD ___
W040N, Clerk. rsolkitoe held for Mr, arld Mig. 1%
�"iicllt0r, Fridity eveni�)g lktt meighen 'Oil
0i ft