HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-03-17, Page 24 0 0 0 614 0 0440 oo 0, lot 01*0#4 0-0 00 11004 0, Oil* III,*+
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D"Ahvity WEEKWev AMIJURE lvv
0,0 0 4 4 4 0 41* 0 0 0# 0-0 6
BAOXOROU"S� rQlt CANA- Rustompee's ineettur, and "stop WA
mouth." This from, the represen-
t%tivo 'Lit eveople -eudmin-vto be fit
Some of ourbiggest Canadians live for self-goyernmeriL X)r. Hariliker
at home and � some others have gone Is, very young, very New YorUisli, and
to live al$eWberO. 0110 lot tile big very far from uuilerstalldiilg NVIlat 40
+ Dritish liberty means. His follow -
PoZsWr RAI66 - 114 WARM IT HERE aY F141Z I 'A
TRE ST014t!
Tbe. NOW Advance
Publisheil at
Every Thursday Mornirq*
PARrs OF ONTARIO. "Subscription rates: -One 4eart.
,$t.00; Six, months, *�.00 In, advance.
Adversisifig rates on appliestiou.
F5-NF,LON FALL;. Advertisements withoitt speellie di-
rections will be luserted until forlitai
T'here are aluebrariellesnoW ft the and charged accordingly.
Fast Victoria district Nve Itave tile tobauges for cent a4vertis�-
bot schoo-I jundh in a number or our wants be 14 the office 'by noon,
men. wuo, uraws 4% twa er ora went 'to tile meeting at Which schools also sanitary towel$ and MondaY. A
New York, Boston or (111090 III=
ft Toronto, is George 1,4ocke. chief it-
brarl�a ottlie Public Library. lie is
-a Most entertaining speaker. and 4
�Vanadlan thr5ugh and -through. His
booUl 4.NX.7hea Loanada, Was New
prance.,' -is better ealculated to In,
,;IVire genuine love Of Country and
patriotism in a 0anactlan ehild than
,anything else We know of, awaking
US it does the historic; and ro"13,11tic
Interest in its o%vIx land without which
no child cau be nationalized, or -Ver�
Rustonijee and General Putnam were
-to speak and brolte Itup. in touluslou.
They were -unwAlling to hear the) other
side. Dr. 'HardIker was Unwill1lug
.tli at his statemelits oshould be consid,
er6d or critlelsed. He alicAved th-4t
be did ilot know how to, use liberty
when hebad it, tor Mw to show the
courtesy of a guest to his host. He
made a Poor caso, for his tellow-coun-
trymen in asldug"to be accepted as
their repr esentmtive and spokesmas-
He suggested to many, that it -he Was
ja, e4mlyle Hindu then. indeed those
1904ALt� "00NAW! Now
basiaso find great In terwt Is being
ALL 7MAT iZo�.o L'VqA$, Go
liouse "q playground.
we expect within -a low wewts to
troduced In our schools. WO InAin-
tain,along with the branikies In West
VsfabiAshed IS40,
a rest room In our 'county
Head Office, Guelph.
town, Which is' free And is certainly
Risks tal�ea On 411 classes of iusur
appreciated by mothers with children
able property on the cash orpreralum,
11a,ps it is better to say.localized. 1IT - ;uLouWA&I. self-governmen A�il�l oil 11114 -1 116 !n!!n�TV has beexi'discussing 946r some tim0f
Loc)Se is generally to be found -In the preraaUire for India migh't be Tight Nvery year we -send liberaldonatiOns OUBLEY _HOLMES
big-Carxiegle 11teference Library whit), after All, �. But Britain knows better 05 to 30 per vent. In One' grade. have to the Sick Milldren's Hospital, lusti- I I
-8 and trusts the wiser and saner Ole- been found Is obvious At satisfaction I$ DARR+STER, $OLICITOR, ETC,
is tbecentre, of tile Library activitle A TIME FOR LOOKING FORWARD tuto for the Blind, Soldiers' Re-estab
of the �coapital City, arid one -of the merits of ;the Indian nation to 'York to be given to purchasers. It can- lishmeat, NavyLeague, Armenian Re- Office, M -ay -op I3lcKcR,_W1nghntn.
010st Interesting VlAces in Toronto out the problem now lilaeed In their not be too often. prociallned that unt-'
for the visitor. The invaluable col- hands, and -to curb such G01110,111-111- formity in Size auj. quality Is the key Her, otc., and AISQ1101V support a pub-
stead�er Ile reading room In our town. 'We
lection, of over 4,000 Pictures and spired and Gotham -bred Hindus as to the richest markets, 'V�thero auY Aftpr long anil diffieult waiiclerings Ive are -colaing to
re now arranging for a grand con- R.'VANSTONE
prints, made by the late John Ross Dr. R-Ardiker Into some semblance of shipper has b6en found to be taking days. :- Lef us turn,our bacys on dou.1it and dissension and observo,� A! ,
Robertson are housed here and Cover reason, 4ad moderation. There have advantage -of marks arid brands -1)y with fa*.n1inds the great problenlo that faoe,Iniffustry as well as cert to be held -during inar6h. IiARRISTMR AND SOLICITOR.
y mistakes iiiado In, the sb%,pjag - inferior stoft in company Agriculture. W cannot lag by the w4yside and go forward at MLRS, 01. P. Money tq toxin at lowest rater,
every 9base, ot Canadian litstory, for been gowe ug -1
�aoo years.. 61r. Locke 'make,% a 'last low years in India, but they Are with. his follows' good deltirerles van- the same time. WINGHAM.,
specla,ity Of literature for children -mistakes of officials, -not of ilaritish alties f may be Impo I sed but only one One thing is certain as springtime approqclles., 'as 6e, fyiners �k�tCA$TER-
el4kil_ intention Or policy, and LorcFRead- policy Is effective, lie, shAd, -be at- ok- the nation put their -hands and hearts into the labors Before The AsicKstar. Women"s Institute
and the 'Work of cultivating -the
dreWs minds, end taste is net oOn' Ing, may be trusted to Work out s so- fectIvely-boy4cotted and 'his goods theml so will.Agrioulture travel into se'asons of prosperity. held the ntuptl4Y iffeeting at the ARTHUR J. IRWIN
fined -to reading alone. The - story- lution oftbe problern which will make should not, be allowed to. be asoci- Pertile aAd fallow kolds will soo� emerg& smiling front the Manse., the liome of Mrs. 'Currie,
tening sessions in which nineteen of the -bond of 'Union -With britala as ated 1with those of other stlywers, Ani f winter. ashing to be made fruitful. That will Be tb.6,erit- The. Pr sident, drs. Stevens -on, In the D.DG., LM.S.
the Library assistants are engaged dear to India as 4ol South Africa or inferiority of this desert-ption. affeets grip o e Doctor of' Dent4 Surgery of the
leal annual mopient. Sowing time will iletOrmine what crops chair. Several, cOmmuniatious, Penasylvaxiia Ocillege an4 LioofAate
interest children of all ages from the Canada- the reput-ittion and tile' sale. 'Of 0,11 shall grow alld what aerea�,kc be harvested when ripeness fills ker- -were read by the Secretary Mrs. Sea, of Deatal-Surgery oUOnt4410.
-Itla.b. ag Is I -very Wedoes"
nursery tsle stage up to the chront Canadian brands, and E. an nel and grain. ward. Current events Were intro- Closed 0 y Aftemoon.
cloa and romance -of bjstory� There e,.O-OPERATION F4XT#AOR- only too readily but quite naturally and Mrs. dffice In Moodonald 01ock.
For yourself., bg the #ue CaDadiah optimist. Defend your ducted by )Asp. Moore
Is -no other Way to,offset the Influence DINARY. sol;:e such, excuses to beat dowit 0
lees. It does not fol -low that they faith in the Success of the ycar atid:ju the futuxe. of Cauada-and LyOR5, gave a very t uching 'r"'t
of the Cheap. nasty, trashy literature A bu3ln4*5 employing ;3ao,ow.600 Pr hell) yolir fields to Yield to the limit of their powers. - From. that, ti`)]�- ' A lengthy ' discussion took OR! G. H. ROSS'
With Which the United States is quite a respectable affair, and In do n6t sell the good apples -they -get
it Is for -ship- foundation, only, can Ay
.,rieulture,. and industry be brought to that place 'On tile question Of A'oComlhun Graduate Royal College of Dental
floods the country, These things Zritish Co-operatilre Wholesale So-, I's the lighest prices- a fortiuye in town and Country ity Park for the village -and steps .
to seg th�a:t we interior peak of health which lifindles goo Surgeons.
come in wholesale and all that Vem In Canada were taken to secure f -ands for this
he clety, has this amount of money in 4ts; apples of any variety ever leave the alike. Graduate UnIversky of Taimonto
can 'be done is to Get up 't nyestments. It is showing the way g but a -thoroughly N ' Plan �yoiur year much needed playground. The roll I ftoulfk of Dontlotry.
opportunity for oblicIren, to develop In nagiand to wbat the ignorant Rus- country, Nothin _f1fen spring co-snes, be one looks ahead. call brought responses in liSomething OFFI-CE OVEWH. R. ISARD% STORE
ry taste. The Library 111,11S - 'wickedly s-triv- effective central shipping agency can wiself; govern well your land, your crops. your machines, your funny," from 20 members. A Social
','Itera stanslare blindly and y r- I
. the eachleve such's result. This being help'exereise a broad-guage economy So that deserve(l Profit m.
'Viewed, Mr, Locke say4 Is a Protect, jug after in *.air Dolsheviism, tea was served and the singing of
ing industry, Children will Vead big6ted and Intolerant 1. W. W,'s hop- done the sales agency )f ;in Britain result. Then the ��mmer of 1912 will see the sun sbinitig OT -i great the aNTationa J
r. seas of grain and the granaries of tumrl will be overflowing. 1,Anthom brought a sue, 'W. R. HAMBLY
something and they Ought -to getL tile ing for In United States, and various. .-would be a much Simpler � matte 'The next
�Av cessful meeting to a ��Iose�
best :possible. They read. '1,60;00 breads of socialists and " anarchists When tlie,gu%rantee of thJ'Canadian. meeting -%vIll be,beld at the home of
`books frelti the Library last .. year. speciiiattug -over everywhere. The brand is recognized there as a "hall Mrs. Seaward on the first Thursday B -Sc., M,�D., C.,M.
ng of fiction Mr. 'Locjie -told a,*," it will -be -only a question 4 of the Appellate art of Ontario. I Special attention paid to diseases
apaski 0. W. �S. Is e4l aged in all -kinds of in'- m 11ais judgment Is it, connection WTh in April. Of WbInen and Children, having %
Jh.e Canadian Cluli -that It was the dustTy, cornmerce and romance, but the best price When makffig' sales. liestion rolating to pjarl &iAsl �CURRIE. taken postgraduate work in a=.
W SHOR- Medioina.
strongest power in �Jie World today, ' ay so- Frult-growers. will find their adva tile recentapp gory, Bacteriology an S016ILMO
Tile Writer aims to make his book always In a ful-I cooperstive in -combination and c"peratiou inutue1q.
-tiallst, uQu-profit-mmking, gr&d'aally tage WELLAND.. Office In the Nirr'residenco, ljl�twe
That I% of for6 the mainteriance of standard con- the Queews en
readable and Interestin& eating ithe capitalist system a'ageen Presbyterian meet- W
tile country. its enterprise is equal ditious. It -Proper attention Is opald At the �S elland Coinit� Is having her Rural I' and the iso*jit
why people read it, and theVeIIA bas Ing Rev. W. -Cooper, B. A., Of P-ehQOIs
itits influence, Foreign born boys and -to -that of any capita.1,1st house. The to seeuping pertect.grading and abeo- NQ]WS, juspdoted, under tile Depart- All b�sln.es* given careful jtteritliori,
late qu#11ty, ontlawshippors need not Mount. Forest, ex -moderator of the ment of Education, . Dr. Sirrs, of To- Phone 64. P. 0. Isex 113,
girls -can be reaclied through the directors spend 0,,000;000 with tile ut- -Toronto and Kingston, re- routo is -very -successfully carrying
library when other means fail, heir c;;"troi be feaTed as -marks and brands 'will Synod of aulmous C6 . 11 . On th
and the club was surprised to, hear most coolness ;to -extend t be properly protected from imitation. ITEMS ceIved and, accepted a un e work of inspection. -Where
Over Industry and raw materials.. Church. -possible, the doctor meets the Wo -
that the klistrIet 0-ottled by the for- Aji;kls and factOries or all Linda are The Importance of ;this to 1rult-gyow- to. B am$ 916 -Presbyterian
eigners was the best read, as far 8�b� owned by them. They are the larg. or$ cannot be over-estinizAed. The Pre ytery and . Mount For.est mon!s Institute and- gives splendid' DR. ROBT.C. REDMOND
the children were eaacerned, in the Whether or not Dominion -wide day- congregation regret the sever ce at-, tallks I on Medjeal frispection, And
est itimber importers at the Man- an MJLV,9. (5naf),
eityr. Tvir, I.,ocke thrilled his audieuce light �aving time will be adopted this 'tar thirteen -years' -faithful service. School, Improvements, giving the We -
also as, ho Toraladed them 'how Henry 4chester docks. They have sawmills TELLING IT TO THE JUDGE year hak not so far been discussed, me;�!s institute a good line of Work (Lond).
a, the 'hero Of Macaulays And a cablaet -factory. They Own a His H, Of to take -up In the different branches. u pt4k%M.
-of Navarr Vottery, a cattle market, a batter fae- onor bears many sad tales but it is thOlaght PrObable tlist tile Advocating a capitai io�j to enable
woe in court 'but noW and then some Dominion GoverAment will lewm tile, The services of tho seh�61 InsPectork 0r. ChldhahU's, oW P*A#A),.
ballad, wairying of France, went to tory, e cutIbry, s tish-curing depot, a dathoritles, Great Britian to meet her luilebted- Mr. T. W� _-Vw*hall and Mrs. Jas.
limuor 'spring tessing the,
ftuama and -came back With tile first boot &Sd shoe factory. They own a ap" to re lave the question to the.municipal. ness, Sir George Tlaish, add
report recommending a canal -there. %ionotony of serious routine. y Such as was dctn'e last year. Mneh oritt-, McNeill, have added much to the r"c- rul R1
He then came as governor to Canada. d5,OOO acres of land In Englana ano oceasionalloutbursts of funn 0011- eism W National Llbe]ral FederatIon declared: of. the work,' DR. R.130' A
I0,00 acres of wheat land luCan"d. as faroused w)Aen nationAl day- 1rhe war created. i� European debt cess
end -travelled to Georglau Bay au�t me'nts attract smiles even from those light .,S&vjag time �Was As�t proclaimed amounting I to . nearly $250,OGO,�00,00. MRS, BARLE RA"Y
They -own Immense tea estates In G
ha,V4e, to "tell it to the gaoo '6 1
through people who andItbe GoverniAefit deellned-to con- "I have "'observed,' conditions In
Lake,$Imcoe, going down la the Asia, -and 14st year, bought 30,142 judge," In theatres throughout the tinue the' exAoment, altblc�� GOV- 'countries arid 1 WAITS FOR HUS13AND S�'tjti C
Sobcaygeon to Port 11OP0. acres more in India and 1169 in Cey- I d. gle Dominion' various continental argia6tj.,
time -of Shakespeare a native 403na- ntry audlen�ces have enthused offises an - have reilkotantly concluded that Tirac-
Ion. Thek buy palm kernels -in West 00:P, t.Judges ornment QNVICZ MM"'Ca:
than �Ora jn 4uebee ia Order to get Africa -to make oleomargarine, sd1p over -the witty wordings abou partUment fiself aderpted,the eum- tiegily the wbcde of Zurope INIII re- Far� YeatO Vigil Kept 13y, Wife Of S.corM Door North of Zur#rigtfs
in touch with a tribe of Indians to and exindles at Liverpool. They grind and their cases presented on, the MO- mer time In force in the city Of Ot- -pudlate Its debts.' ;Mlsf�nq tEr*k1sh sallar. Phot* 3649.
get eyea with the Iroquois, crossed tion pletare screen in -Topics ?f the taws. JOSEPHINE- ST3EET, P H 0_N E P.
their Own tiour and bake their own Dayn films. JVith the, -firm convic-
the tieight of land, came down. the bread. They conduct "Internablonal, Canadl�n r#,Ilroads will probably Bvery 0hristmus for,forty yeaA, a
Humber river and was the first white tion 41U all our readets are good_ a
trade on thp Mae nou-protit making, judges of � hamor, we place. -the fol- Saperintende'at Rogers, Of the PTO- operate on daylight-saving time from woman who *RvA Ina cottage on'one
man to see Lake Ontario. Whou lye -basis. It has also 9lVeft vilicial police, announced that he will of the Glamorgan Hills, Z nglAnd, has
Canadian$ -realize -the background Of co-operat lowing pungent paregrapbs on trial May I to October'2, according to an
their couatry�s history in this way it credit of �2,,Oati,.00 to the Rouman- for your approval. issue no p6rmits to carry firearms in., announcement by the Itallway Assoc- sait down to her d1riner alone, witli
ian Village Oo-operablve Societies. �lr any oity� ortown. of -Ontario. lation ofCanads. a plate s ' lot for another opposite her. Town and jPArM proDertles. hall
. .1 1 - see my list And get nty, priteb, I
helps them to understand citizenship to tl�o Polish' Coolierstivt She was married in May, 1680 to- a and
better with all its privilc-ges end re- "Well, well, thats 4 frightful Case. "All persons desiring such permits . . f" have Some excellent yzitues,
Soctotles; and $500,40oto, the -Beiglan ef 0 p It th: recommendations made by sallor, who two months after their
s-ponsibillittes. In conclusl0n, he Tee- Societies. An attempt was made to . What snade you. mxtif�r 14 WIv6F,?" must aPPIY'tO the ch' f ollee 'or to ,'adding left -0arditt, In a ship which
ommended them to read Bllii 40&r'- asked tUe judge, "Well, your honor, a pollee magistrate or to a sheriff or the GrIfferilisgell- firm, With regard to was given up as lost. I -To had as- Is G. STEW P, RT
wan's Coronation *de -with its vision trade With South Russla, C*-OPerative I didp!t like the number 13."-Jef- a county constable In a couniy,� he re-classifIcation in the postaffice de�
Societies. It �S constanW extenaang ews. stated. Superintendent Rogers has paa!tment, are carried out, it is under-- surad her flist he would be, back -for WINGHAM.
ferson (Texas) N
of tile Canadian Briffsh 1!bred be- Christmas, -and urged lier to spare Phone `134. Office' In Town H-431.
neath tile t,-ut_c1Otlt ot a wider whiter its operations and should its growth �n been ftooded with ap.plieatiOns from itood that it'will mean that Nose to nothing in* the way of -food for their,
hieved 61nee, '�hundred arnployees Of this de�
day." continue at the rate Acl Judge-NIvIbere did tile autolnobill all, -parts of Ontario, but declares all fourl first,, Chrlstmp dinner together,
-th-�� War began itmay yet be the SYS Val u SuGh appile-atlorips must ))a nikdo to partment; WEI be dismissed on April "GL'S PHYSICIAN
lem which will absorb all Other busi- ut nD,husband, yet 16W
hit yrou?" Rastus-�Ivr 1, J dge, it Chrls�mas carrio,, b DRu
the local authorities. In no case first,
AN UNWORTHY HINDU. neases, on account of its inherent I'd been -carrying a license number Ill he grant q permit unless tile This would be due to the merging sh; owitted. nothing In -lier prolpara-.
Indian Legislative streagtli, vitality and Just eealing. Al- It would have been basted into',. a I w tions for the dinner, 'and she 'placed
Now that the applicant appears In person and gives of several branehes -of the depart -
Assembly Is V-&,u3IIY ,YunctiOning it Jreldy In Western Canada there are thlOuSand �hls plate ready for -1ijm. at tile table
-Star. s%tisfactory.reasons: ment, wlilah inclt�de the postage o that he might'see that he was ex -
=y bo passible to convince bigots I many co-operative aocietlos-400 It Is, Y.] Union - I stamp, 'correspondence, miasing luall
14 1 The handsome trophy donated by -pected. Bvery Christmas for 40 CHIROPRACTIC
111-�o Dr. Ilartliker, of New Y-6rk, that aild -14A ona� prairie province. It it the Hen. Finlay Meedlarmid to the divisions and others,
Western Onta,
onwealth really ex- year bd'red his Word
tile British 'Camm has prineWies of vitallty within it, "Officer, ,vbat is the prison char"ed s she ,has remem s
.100- rio intergellolastIO 6 is
les. The Assembly r,-eently passed which gives it greater �Staylng power w5th?" asked tile. Judge. . s won by the goirls of Who'is-a Canailt-an. citizen? "Und nevet fails to put hi -plate ou J. A. FOX, U. C-7 1". 0.
ruing that the rela- than the c3- V,�Vostly soda Water, sir."43osto bating lea a Va Q6 table In 00,90' he comes 110MO.
a re-,olution aVo" pitagst system, tlr6n It Will gu -s I
Vile Ingerg*11 Collegiate Institute The term, 'now rather loosenly AD- And she will, abe says, go on doing Chiropractic lobates an ioracives.
,a�,Abldes and take Its Record. be difined in -a bill which
44ons bat*een India, And the British survive all vfbi,
Li'mpilre be maintained on a basis of, place as ths new niode, Of commerce, when they defeated Stratford C. 1. plieo, willA it to the end of tile chapter. the cause of dlsease�; nat a he*ls.
girls'ln tile ff�al)deblte of tile Series.' the minister ol justice will 'ibrifig .0biropmatle Is the onlY and original
equal partnerl�*iip and comPI(Ite racial oustiAg the old way of Con1V2titf0n-, Prosecuting Attorney (to 'Onpon- The debate -Nva . s one of the best ever down in *a house )51horly, Tile system of spInvl adjustment, EW -
equality. Dr. Ilardiker and his anddrawitig the -world into closer T6_� *mt)--VVou`r0, the 11199CE't bacli in The hrst recorded mention of coal' fective in 95 per -cent. Of all cases.
o note also its effect tlao city:" Salge, (rmppinll 'or or- held and the IoCal girls Won by a general idea of the bill will 'be to -de- la what is now Nova, Scotia Is lound The only fully ,qualifled 9taduato of
frieuds inight malt that lations in all Its parts I twall margin. fine, a Canadian. titizen-or Nnadlmn in'early histor y dealing with the -both Chiropractic and Osteopathy In
Britain Is not like Russia under the would be to �.urn the business of the dePT: '�Gentlemeu, you forget I am I- ',�nationall 'to use the term. Of the bill t 1054. The -first coal found North Huron. - '
Tsar wille.1 djstcl�ved the Duma, It It World into the system and method of bore.,,_Syracuse liorald� A -as . a British subject ordinarily rest- events a -Phon6 .191. 14burs, U CL�d .7-8 �P-m.
was gathere the surface Of da.
did not jo, what was agreeable. The m glgantic departmental store. The,GaorgetoWa Council Is proceed- dent in banada, 41from
Indian LegIslature 1IM4 been ostab- ',Nfaglstratel_� ilut ydar wlfP %fLys jug wit -it the praparation, of A bY-Ial# posits without mining,
lislied and vill reW-ain. �establ!Sllcd, PROPER FRUIT SHIPM&ILITTS' y0i haveWt spokO.1i a word to bar for to submit to the ratepayers, whida, DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN
ou,17 growing mjj�re ' rowerful and Uneasintss felt by fruit -growers In year.' 11o4.11* prlsAlv�r-'PNO, when carried, Will result fh�, An In- FOOTBALL gOULIGATqRY. OSTEOPATHY
I N16:1 HO 014 x 11
%:Mnlng widor Dow"s as it displlys your worsbi% I dIdWt N6nt to In- cretse Of a halt raillion. gallons daily .The 111nistry of War bars Issued an
Ontario and Other Parts or canada terfujig lier.*,�Pparson*s Weekly. to thow wator supply. The present �rder luaking football practice
its raoturing wisilcui and control 'an over tile treatment they receive from syqtom, which Is a gravity one, IS f,411 .0- COUNTER
Ilardiker U-1fo-111211telY Is himself dealers in Britain ha.5 led to cousid- Ilgatory in.the French Army. ithic physician, onky qUalifle . &
argauletlt In the hand% (it those W116 ..Reveat the Words the defen'Jarit In perfect oDeratidn but tile gr4DWtll of tat al-Angemonts; will bar made *ith. osteppath In North Huron.
people of India, are erable TiLvestigation and -discussion. the town is now AlAakin,g sorlout de- Adjust-melit of tile 6.111110 Is m6te'
dncl%re that the private sporting o%spejatlong to, matou. quickly secured and with fewR.r -treat-
not, cap%bl(� of velf-goverwwnt, lie The, need for 'olre In handling 0 ' IV-� used' *said the 13,WYer- "I'd rather mands upon It and the Increased Sap- teamig of - fjold CHECK ments than by anY other 1116tfi(ld.
came r"entlY 0 Toronto ond re- ments begin even earlier than when not, They were not lit words to tell I idperative, The new supply, iers,at -football, whilo Blood oressure and other oximilla-
at 'y
ipabaard or Is a gentlemen," "Then," said tile , - V .§ gridirons 'Will be laid out nearall the
ceivpd 0, rpsDretful Ilearing frompeo- the fruit re%ches,tbe*r which lie$ close to the (Own, will be tions made.
torney. 1r1*bI.qpertb01a1 to the Judge." I inipor-'tant military trainhig towtis. It
pie who ditagmed wiih him. A, pumped directly intotfio Xnaffis as re- All disefietes treated,
't landed on uritish 4oekg. The do- -Progressive Parmar. 1gexpeated that the Ministry of War OOOKS *0
every, me"'ting be addressed lie grow Ime3tic �phaao or the -0itWLtIOft is ra- quired. OFFICE OVtR 10HAIStIEPS 4T1Otte*
seditious. Finally calving attention, and the eiftbllsh- Will Issue it stmllar order with -regard We are agento for the Apple -
bolder and 1110re tt_ To. new nlaj�d_�'Thjs is my son's to boxing. blreueh soldiers fare not'
hen it was dtk-ided to bring Rus. inent -of a central agency to look , ford 'Cbutiter Check 'gook Co.
w 40yal V.Y Tito Ontario Government Mis no 'as keen for baseboll atid cricRot so 696 On^ '40-holos and get
torajois the Well-known Parsee With ter the sale Of Oftt1rI0 4pplefl has 1`106m., 'Hes%#1 Yale.,, 3 At(
bruddler ban there too." ,VAat power to anact legielsLtion to prohibit they are for football, *Ao the War prid" b6fore ordering, _oVdIng to aXPer1W0nt6 InadO At'
Cleneral Putnam, of New York, to been proposed, A Cattlers' PrOtec' . �� _ -..& . I the Psatour Institute InPArls, alt 4NOv-
raea track betting on the track$ of Minfistry hug 'not yAt decided, what THIt WMHAM4 ADVAN109s,
give,,the Other Ado of I)r. trardik ss tIve service li* also utider,,tonsidera. jear?" -��Ja year, 4a jod9t yust sILY1 1 wl,$Vaml E ago of -about six qUsrtS of 410OU01 �0411
*Zou,, Axel, 05, d2ys In YAIVI-Truth I Ontorlo, 4ecording to a Judgment game It offill, .6rder ithem to play dur- be made from itach 10.roan& of t#A-
Indilk p6ltlnb� Dr, Hardiker urged tion. The need for ii, better 1&8!�ott- weed,
bt$ l"t and rovditt audience to *0, to, 4nent of trait when VArlations of frow Seeker. banded down by the second diviSIOU Ing the surataft aftoriths.
basiaso find great In terwt Is being
&Ilown in the care ol both Sehool
liouse "q playground.
we expect within -a low wewts to
have medical s0hool. inspection In-
troduced In our schools. WO InAin-
tain,along with the branikies In West
VsfabiAshed IS40,
a rest room In our 'county
Head Office, Guelph.
town, Which is' free And is certainly
Risks tal�ea On 411 classes of iusur
appreciated by mothers with children
able property on the cash orpreralum,
in towa an market day$.
note system.
-.Our members 'are all -Peiug Wall
educated, as It were, on tile subJe0t
of child- Welfare, whlel� our bralICII,
11a,ps it is better to say.localized. 1IT - ;uLouWA&I. self-governmen A�il�l oil 11114 -1 116 !n!!n�TV has beexi'discussing 946r some tim0f
Loc)Se is generally to be found -In the preraaUire for India migh't be Tight Nvery year we -send liberaldonatiOns OUBLEY _HOLMES
big-Carxiegle 11teference Library whit), after All, �. But Britain knows better 05 to 30 per vent. In One' grade. have to the Sick Milldren's Hospital, lusti- I I
-8 and trusts the wiser and saner Ole- been found Is obvious At satisfaction I$ DARR+STER, $OLICITOR, ETC,
is tbecentre, of tile Library activitle A TIME FOR LOOKING FORWARD tuto for the Blind, Soldiers' Re-estab
of the �coapital City, arid one -of the merits of ;the Indian nation to 'York to be given to purchasers. It can- lishmeat, NavyLeague, Armenian Re- Office, M -ay -op I3lcKcR,_W1nghntn.
010st Interesting VlAces in Toronto out the problem now lilaeed In their not be too often. prociallned that unt-'
for the visitor. The invaluable col- hands, and -to curb such G01110,111-111- formity in Size auj. quality Is the key Her, otc., and AISQ1101V support a pub-
stead�er Ile reading room In our town. 'We
lection, of over 4,000 Pictures and spired and Gotham -bred Hindus as to the richest markets, 'V�thero auY Aftpr long anil diffieult waiiclerings Ive are -colaing to
re now arranging for a grand con- R.'VANSTONE
prints, made by the late John Ross Dr. R-Ardiker Into some semblance of shipper has b6en found to be taking days. :- Lef us turn,our bacys on dou.1it and dissension and observo,� A! ,
Robertson are housed here and Cover reason, 4ad moderation. There have advantage -of marks arid brands -1)y with fa*.n1inds the great problenlo that faoe,Iniffustry as well as cert to be held -during inar6h. IiARRISTMR AND SOLICITOR.
y mistakes iiiado In, the sb%,pjag - inferior stoft in company Agriculture. W cannot lag by the w4yside and go forward at MLRS, 01. P. Money tq toxin at lowest rater,
every 9base, ot Canadian litstory, for been gowe ug -1
�aoo years.. 61r. Locke 'make,% a 'last low years in India, but they Are with. his follows' good deltirerles van- the same time. WINGHAM.,
specla,ity Of literature for children -mistakes of officials, -not of ilaritish alties f may be Impo I sed but only one One thing is certain as springtime approqclles., 'as 6e, fyiners �k�tCA$TER-
el4kil_ intention Or policy, and LorcFRead- policy Is effective, lie, shAd, -be at- ok- the nation put their -hands and hearts into the labors Before The AsicKstar. Women"s Institute
and the 'Work of cultivating -the
dreWs minds, end taste is net oOn' Ing, may be trusted to Work out s so- fectIvely-boy4cotted and 'his goods theml so will.Agrioulture travel into se'asons of prosperity. held the ntuptl4Y iffeeting at the ARTHUR J. IRWIN
fined -to reading alone. The - story- lution oftbe problern which will make should not, be allowed to. be asoci- Pertile aAd fallow kolds will soo� emerg& smiling front the Manse., the liome of Mrs. 'Currie,
tening sessions in which nineteen of the -bond of 'Union -With britala as ated 1with those of other stlywers, Ani f winter. ashing to be made fruitful. That will Be tb.6,erit- The. Pr sident, drs. Stevens -on, In the D.DG., LM.S.
the Library assistants are engaged dear to India as 4ol South Africa or inferiority of this desert-ption. affeets grip o e Doctor of' Dent4 Surgery of the
leal annual mopient. Sowing time will iletOrmine what crops chair. Several, cOmmuniatious, Penasylvaxiia Ocillege an4 LioofAate
interest children of all ages from the Canada- the reput-ittion and tile' sale. 'Of 0,11 shall grow alld what aerea�,kc be harvested when ripeness fills ker- -were read by the Secretary Mrs. Sea, of Deatal-Surgery oUOnt4410.
-Itla.b. ag Is I -very Wedoes"
nursery tsle stage up to the chront Canadian brands, and E. an nel and grain. ward. Current events Were intro- Closed 0 y Aftemoon.
cloa and romance -of bjstory� There e,.O-OPERATION F4XT#AOR- only too readily but quite naturally and Mrs. dffice In Moodonald 01ock.
For yourself., bg the #ue CaDadiah optimist. Defend your ducted by )Asp. Moore
Is -no other Way to,offset the Influence DINARY. sol;:e such, excuses to beat dowit 0
lees. It does not fol -low that they faith in the Success of the ycar atid:ju the futuxe. of Cauada-and LyOR5, gave a very t uching 'r"'t
of the Cheap. nasty, trashy literature A bu3ln4*5 employing ;3ao,ow.600 Pr hell) yolir fields to Yield to the limit of their powers. - From. that, ti`)]�- ' A lengthy ' discussion took OR! G. H. ROSS'
With Which the United States is quite a respectable affair, and In do n6t sell the good apples -they -get
it Is for -ship- foundation, only, can Ay
.,rieulture,. and industry be brought to that place 'On tile question Of A'oComlhun Graduate Royal College of Dental
floods the country, These things Zritish Co-operatilre Wholesale So-, I's the lighest prices- a fortiuye in town and Country ity Park for the village -and steps .
to seg th�a:t we interior peak of health which lifindles goo Surgeons.
come in wholesale and all that Vem In Canada were taken to secure f -ands for this
he clety, has this amount of money in 4ts; apples of any variety ever leave the alike. Graduate UnIversky of Taimonto
can 'be done is to Get up 't nyestments. It is showing the way g but a -thoroughly N ' Plan �yoiur year much needed playground. The roll I ftoulfk of Dontlotry.
opportunity for oblicIren, to develop In nagiand to wbat the ignorant Rus- country, Nothin _f1fen spring co-snes, be one looks ahead. call brought responses in liSomething OFFI-CE OVEWH. R. ISARD% STORE
ry taste. The Library 111,11S - 'wickedly s-triv- effective central shipping agency can wiself; govern well your land, your crops. your machines, your funny," from 20 members. A Social
','Itera stanslare blindly and y r- I
. the eachleve such's result. This being help'exereise a broad-guage economy So that deserve(l Profit m.
'Viewed, Mr, Locke say4 Is a Protect, jug after in *.air Dolsheviism, tea was served and the singing of
ing industry, Children will Vead big6ted and Intolerant 1. W. W,'s hop- done the sales agency )f ;in Britain result. Then the ��mmer of 1912 will see the sun sbinitig OT -i great the aNTationa J
r. seas of grain and the granaries of tumrl will be overflowing. 1,Anthom brought a sue, 'W. R. HAMBLY
something and they Ought -to getL tile ing for In United States, and various. .-would be a much Simpler � matte 'The next
�Av cessful meeting to a ��Iose�
best :possible. They read. '1,60;00 breads of socialists and " anarchists When tlie,gu%rantee of thJ'Canadian. meeting -%vIll be,beld at the home of
`books frelti the Library last .. year. speciiiattug -over everywhere. The brand is recognized there as a "hall Mrs. Seaward on the first Thursday B -Sc., M,�D., C.,M.
ng of fiction Mr. 'Locjie -told a,*," it will -be -only a question 4 of the Appellate art of Ontario. I Special attention paid to diseases
apaski 0. W. �S. Is e4l aged in all -kinds of in'- m 11ais judgment Is it, connection WTh in April. Of WbInen and Children, having %
Jh.e Canadian Cluli -that It was the dustTy, cornmerce and romance, but the best price When makffig' sales. liestion rolating to pjarl &iAsl �CURRIE. taken postgraduate work in a=.
W SHOR- Medioina.
strongest power in �Jie World today, ' ay so- Frult-growers. will find their adva tile recentapp gory, Bacteriology an S016ILMO
Tile Writer aims to make his book always In a ful-I cooperstive in -combination and c"peratiou inutue1q.
-tiallst, uQu-profit-mmking, gr&d'aally tage WELLAND.. Office In the Nirr'residenco, ljl�twe
That I% of for6 the mainteriance of standard con- the Queews en
readable and Interestin& eating ithe capitalist system a'ageen Presbyterian meet- W
tile country. its enterprise is equal ditious. It -Proper attention Is opald At the �S elland Coinit� Is having her Rural I' and the iso*jit
why people read it, and theVeIIA bas Ing Rev. W. -Cooper, B. A., Of P-ehQOIs
itits influence, Foreign born boys and -to -that of any capita.1,1st house. The to seeuping pertect.grading and abeo- NQ]WS, juspdoted, under tile Depart- All b�sln.es* given careful jtteritliori,
late qu#11ty, ontlawshippors need not Mount. Forest, ex -moderator of the ment of Education, . Dr. Sirrs, of To- Phone 64. P. 0. Isex 113,
girls -can be reaclied through the directors spend 0,,000;000 with tile ut- -Toronto and Kingston, re- routo is -very -successfully carrying
library when other means fail, heir c;;"troi be feaTed as -marks and brands 'will Synod of aulmous C6 . 11 . On th
and the club was surprised to, hear most coolness ;to -extend t be properly protected from imitation. ITEMS ceIved and, accepted a un e work of inspection. -Where
Over Industry and raw materials.. Church. -possible, the doctor meets the Wo -
that the klistrIet 0-ottled by the for- Aji;kls and factOries or all Linda are The Importance of ;this to 1rult-gyow- to. B am$ 916 -Presbyterian
eigners was the best read, as far 8�b� owned by them. They are the larg. or$ cannot be over-estinizAed. The Pre ytery and . Mount For.est mon!s Institute and- gives splendid' DR. ROBT.C. REDMOND
the children were eaacerned, in the Whether or not Dominion -wide day- congregation regret the sever ce at-, tallks I on Medjeal frispection, And
est itimber importers at the Man- an MJLV,9. (5naf),
eityr. Tvir, I.,ocke thrilled his audieuce light �aving time will be adopted this 'tar thirteen -years' -faithful service. School, Improvements, giving the We -
also as, ho Toraladed them 'how Henry 4chester docks. They have sawmills TELLING IT TO THE JUDGE year hak not so far been discussed, me;�!s institute a good line of Work (Lond).
a, the 'hero Of Macaulays And a cablaet -factory. They Own a His H, Of to take -up In the different branches. u pt4k%M.
-of Navarr Vottery, a cattle market, a batter fae- onor bears many sad tales but it is thOlaght PrObable tlist tile Advocating a capitai io�j to enable
woe in court 'but noW and then some Dominion GoverAment will lewm tile, The services of tho seh�61 InsPectork 0r. ChldhahU's, oW P*A#A),.
ballad, wairying of France, went to tory, e cutIbry, s tish-curing depot, a dathoritles, Great Britian to meet her luilebted- Mr. T. W� _-Vw*hall and Mrs. Jas.
limuor 'spring tessing the,
ftuama and -came back With tile first boot &Sd shoe factory. They own a ap" to re lave the question to the.municipal. ness, Sir George Tlaish, add
report recommending a canal -there. %ionotony of serious routine. y Such as was dctn'e last year. Mneh oritt-, McNeill, have added much to the r"c- rul R1
He then came as governor to Canada. d5,OOO acres of land In Englana ano oceasionalloutbursts of funn 0011- eism W National Llbe]ral FederatIon declared: of. the work,' DR. R.130' A
I0,00 acres of wheat land luCan"d. as faroused w)Aen nationAl day- 1rhe war created. i� European debt cess
end -travelled to Georglau Bay au�t me'nts attract smiles even from those light .,S&vjag time �Was As�t proclaimed amounting I to . nearly $250,OGO,�00,00. MRS, BARLE RA"Y
They -own Immense tea estates In G
ha,V4e, to "tell it to the gaoo '6 1
through people who andItbe GoverniAefit deellned-to con- "I have "'observed,' conditions In
Lake,$Imcoe, going down la the Asia, -and 14st year, bought 30,142 judge," In theatres throughout the tinue the' exAoment, altblc�� GOV- 'countries arid 1 WAITS FOR HUS13AND S�'tjti C
Sobcaygeon to Port 11OP0. acres more in India and 1169 in Cey- I d. gle Dominion' various continental argia6tj.,
time -of Shakespeare a native 403na- ntry audlen�ces have enthused offises an - have reilkotantly concluded that Tirac-
Ion. Thek buy palm kernels -in West 00:P, t.Judges ornment QNVICZ MM"'Ca:
than �Ora jn 4uebee ia Order to get Africa -to make oleomargarine, sd1p over -the witty wordings abou partUment fiself aderpted,the eum- tiegily the wbcde of Zurope INIII re- Far� YeatO Vigil Kept 13y, Wife Of S.corM Door North of Zur#rigtfs
in touch with a tribe of Indians to and exindles at Liverpool. They grind and their cases presented on, the MO- mer time In force in the city Of Ot- -pudlate Its debts.' ;Mlsf�nq tEr*k1sh sallar. Phot* 3649.
get eyea with the Iroquois, crossed tion pletare screen in -Topics ?f the taws. JOSEPHINE- ST3EET, P H 0_N E P.
their Own tiour and bake their own Dayn films. JVith the, -firm convic-
the tieight of land, came down. the bread. They conduct "Internablonal, Canadl�n r#,Ilroads will probably Bvery 0hristmus for,forty yeaA, a
Humber river and was the first white tion 41U all our readets are good_ a
trade on thp Mae nou-protit making, judges of � hamor, we place. -the fol- Saperintende'at Rogers, Of the PTO- operate on daylight-saving time from woman who *RvA Ina cottage on'one
man to see Lake Ontario. Whou lye -basis. It has also 9lVeft vilicial police, announced that he will of the Glamorgan Hills, Z nglAnd, has
Canadian$ -realize -the background Of co-operat lowing pungent paregrapbs on trial May I to October'2, according to an
their couatry�s history in this way it credit of �2,,Oati,.00 to the Rouman- for your approval. issue no p6rmits to carry firearms in., announcement by the Itallway Assoc- sait down to her d1riner alone, witli
ian Village Oo-operablve Societies. �lr any oity� ortown. of -Ontario. lation ofCanads. a plate s ' lot for another opposite her. Town and jPArM proDertles. hall
. .1 1 - see my list And get nty, priteb, I
helps them to understand citizenship to tl�o Polish' Coolierstivt She was married in May, 1680 to- a and
better with all its privilc-ges end re- "Well, well, thats 4 frightful Case. "All persons desiring such permits . . f" have Some excellent yzitues,
Soctotles; and $500,40oto, the -Beiglan ef 0 p It th: recommendations made by sallor, who two months after their
s-ponsibillittes. In conclusl0n, he Tee- Societies. An attempt was made to . What snade you. mxtif�r 14 WIv6F,?" must aPPIY'tO the ch' f ollee 'or to ,'adding left -0arditt, In a ship which
ommended them to read Bllii 40&r'- asked tUe judge, "Well, your honor, a pollee magistrate or to a sheriff or the GrIfferilisgell- firm, With regard to was given up as lost. I -To had as- Is G. STEW P, RT
wan's Coronation *de -with its vision trade With South Russla, C*-OPerative I didp!t like the number 13."-Jef- a county constable In a couniy,� he re-classifIcation in the postaffice de�
Societies. It �S constanW extenaang ews. stated. Superintendent Rogers has paa!tment, are carried out, it is under-- surad her flist he would be, back -for WINGHAM.
ferson (Texas) N
of tile Canadian Briffsh 1!bred be- Christmas, -and urged lier to spare Phone `134. Office' In Town H-431.
neath tile t,-ut_c1Otlt ot a wider whiter its operations and should its growth �n been ftooded with ap.plieatiOns from itood that it'will mean that Nose to nothing in* the way of -food for their,
hieved 61nee, '�hundred arnployees Of this de�
day." continue at the rate Acl Judge-NIvIbere did tile autolnobill all, -parts of Ontario, but declares all fourl first,, Chrlstmp dinner together,
-th-�� War began itmay yet be the SYS Val u SuGh appile-atlorips must ))a nikdo to partment; WEI be dismissed on April "GL'S PHYSICIAN
lem which will absorb all Other busi- ut nD,husband, yet 16W
hit yrou?" Rastus-�Ivr 1, J dge, it Chrls�mas carrio,, b DRu
the local authorities. In no case first,
AN UNWORTHY HINDU. neases, on account of its inherent I'd been -carrying a license number Ill he grant q permit unless tile This would be due to the merging sh; owitted. nothing In -lier prolpara-.
Indian Legislative streagtli, vitality and Just eealing. Al- It would have been basted into',. a I w tions for the dinner, 'and she 'placed
Now that the applicant appears In person and gives of several branehes -of the depart -
Assembly Is V-&,u3IIY ,YunctiOning it Jreldy In Western Canada there are thlOuSand �hls plate ready for -1ijm. at tile table
-Star. s%tisfactory.reasons: ment, wlilah inclt�de the postage o that he might'see that he was ex -
=y bo passible to convince bigots I many co-operative aocietlos-400 It Is, Y.] Union - I stamp, 'correspondence, miasing luall
14 1 The handsome trophy donated by -pected. Bvery Christmas for 40 CHIROPRACTIC
111-�o Dr. Ilartliker, of New Y-6rk, that aild -14A ona� prairie province. It it the Hen. Finlay Meedlarmid to the divisions and others,
Western Onta,
onwealth really ex- year bd'red his Word
tile British 'Camm has prineWies of vitallty within it, "Officer, ,vbat is the prison char"ed s she ,has remem s
.100- rio intergellolastIO 6 is
les. The Assembly r,-eently passed which gives it greater �Staylng power w5th?" asked tile. Judge. . s won by the goirls of Who'is-a Canailt-an. citizen? "Und nevet fails to put hi -plate ou J. A. FOX, U. C-7 1". 0.
ruing that the rela- than the c3- V,�Vostly soda Water, sir."43osto bating lea a Va Q6 table In 00,90' he comes 110MO.
a re-,olution aVo" pitagst system, tlr6n It Will gu -s I
Vile Ingerg*11 Collegiate Institute The term, 'now rather loosenly AD- And she will, abe says, go on doing Chiropractic lobates an ioracives.
,a�,Abldes and take Its Record. be difined in -a bill which
44ons bat*een India, And the British survive all vfbi,
Li'mpilre be maintained on a basis of, place as ths new niode, Of commerce, when they defeated Stratford C. 1. plieo, willA it to the end of tile chapter. the cause of dlsease�; nat a he*ls.
girls'ln tile ff�al)deblte of tile Series.' the minister ol justice will 'ibrifig .0biropmatle Is the onlY and original
equal partnerl�*iip and comPI(Ite racial oustiAg the old way of Con1V2titf0n-, Prosecuting Attorney (to 'Onpon- The debate -Nva . s one of the best ever down in *a house )51horly, Tile system of spInvl adjustment, EW -
equality. Dr. Ilardiker and his anddrawitig the -world into closer T6_� *mt)--VVou`r0, the 11199CE't bacli in The hrst recorded mention of coal' fective in 95 per -cent. Of all cases.
o note also its effect tlao city:" Salge, (rmppinll 'or or- held and the IoCal girls Won by a general idea of the bill will 'be to -de- la what is now Nova, Scotia Is lound The only fully ,qualifled 9taduato of
frieuds inight malt that lations in all Its parts I twall margin. fine, a Canadian. titizen-or Nnadlmn in'early histor y dealing with the -both Chiropractic and Osteopathy In
Britain Is not like Russia under the would be to �.urn the business of the dePT: '�Gentlemeu, you forget I am I- ',�nationall 'to use the term. Of the bill t 1054. The -first coal found North Huron. - '
Tsar wille.1 djstcl�ved the Duma, It It World into the system and method of bore.,,_Syracuse liorald� A -as . a British subject ordinarily rest- events a -Phon6 .191. 14burs, U CL�d .7-8 �P-m.
was gathere the surface Of da.
did not jo, what was agreeable. The m glgantic departmental store. The,GaorgetoWa Council Is proceed- dent in banada, 41from
Indian LegIslature 1IM4 been ostab- ',Nfaglstratel_� ilut ydar wlfP %fLys jug wit -it the praparation, of A bY-Ial# posits without mining,
lislied and vill reW-ain. �establ!Sllcd, PROPER FRUIT SHIPM&ILITTS' y0i haveWt spokO.1i a word to bar for to submit to the ratepayers, whida, DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN
ou,17 growing mjj�re ' rowerful and Uneasintss felt by fruit -growers In year.' 11o4.11* prlsAlv�r-'PNO, when carried, Will result fh�, An In- FOOTBALL gOULIGATqRY. OSTEOPATHY
I N16:1 HO 014 x 11
%:Mnlng widor Dow"s as it displlys your worsbi% I dIdWt N6nt to In- cretse Of a halt raillion. gallons daily .The 111nistry of War bars Issued an
Ontario and Other Parts or canada terfujig lier.*,�Pparson*s Weekly. to thow wator supply. The present �rder luaking football practice
its raoturing wisilcui and control 'an over tile treatment they receive from syqtom, which Is a gravity one, IS f,411 .0- COUNTER
Ilardiker U-1fo-111211telY Is himself dealers in Britain ha.5 led to cousid- Ilgatory in.the French Army. ithic physician, onky qUalifle . &
argauletlt In the hand% (it those W116 ..Reveat the Words the defen'Jarit In perfect oDeratidn but tile gr4DWtll of tat al-Angemonts; will bar made *ith. osteppath In North Huron.
people of India, are erable TiLvestigation and -discussion. the town is now AlAakin,g sorlout de- Adjust-melit of tile 6.111110 Is m6te'
dncl%re that the private sporting o%spejatlong to, matou. quickly secured and with fewR.r -treat-
not, cap%bl(� of velf-goverwwnt, lie The, need for 'olre In handling 0 ' IV-� used' *said the 13,WYer- "I'd rather mands upon It and the Increased Sap- teamig of - fjold CHECK ments than by anY other 1116tfi(ld.
came r"entlY 0 Toronto ond re- ments begin even earlier than when not, They were not lit words to tell I idperative, The new supply, iers,at -football, whilo Blood oressure and other oximilla-
at 'y
ipabaard or Is a gentlemen," "Then," said tile , - V .§ gridirons 'Will be laid out nearall the
ceivpd 0, rpsDretful Ilearing frompeo- the fruit re%ches,tbe*r which lie$ close to the (Own, will be tions made.
torney. 1r1*bI.qpertb01a1 to the Judge." I inipor-'tant military trainhig towtis. It
pie who ditagmed wiih him. A, pumped directly intotfio Xnaffis as re- All disefietes treated,
't landed on uritish 4oekg. The do- -Progressive Parmar. 1gexpeated that the Ministry of War OOOKS *0
every, me"'ting be addressed lie grow Ime3tic �phaao or the -0itWLtIOft is ra- quired. OFFICE OVtR 10HAIStIEPS 4T1Otte*
seditious. Finally calving attention, and the eiftbllsh- Will Issue it stmllar order with -regard We are agento for the Apple -
bolder and 1110re tt_ To. new nlaj�d_�'Thjs is my son's to boxing. blreueh soldiers fare not'
hen it was dtk-ided to bring Rus. inent -of a central agency to look , ford 'Cbutiter Check 'gook Co.
w 40yal V.Y Tito Ontario Government Mis no 'as keen for baseboll atid cricRot so 696 On^ '40-holos and get
torajois the Well-known Parsee With ter the sale Of Oftt1rI0 4pplefl has 1`106m., 'Hes%#1 Yale.,, 3 At(
bruddler ban there too." ,VAat power to anact legielsLtion to prohibit they are for football, *Ao the War prid" b6fore ordering, _oVdIng to aXPer1W0nt6 InadO At'
Cleneral Putnam, of New York, to been proposed, A Cattlers' PrOtec' . �� _ -..& . I the Psatour Institute InPArls, alt 4NOv-
raea track betting on the track$ of Minfistry hug 'not yAt decided, what THIt WMHAM4 ADVAN109s,
give,,the Other Ado of I)r. trardik ss tIve service li* also utider,,tonsidera. jear?" -��Ja year, 4a jod9t yust sILY1 1 wl,$Vaml E ago of -about six qUsrtS of 410OU01 �0411
*Zou,, Axel, 05, d2ys In YAIVI-Truth I Ontorlo, 4ecording to a Judgment game It offill, .6rder ithem to play dur- be made from itach 10.roan& of t#A-
Indilk p6ltlnb� Dr, Hardiker urged tion. The need for ii, better 1&8!�ott- weed,
bt$ l"t and rovditt audience to *0, to, 4nent of trait when VArlations of frow Seeker. banded down by the second diviSIOU Ing the surataft aftoriths.