HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-03-10, Page 6N V. # I WIN031" ADVANO)N' � Wmi-L, B74 ,11 "n have not tried it, send us a post card for a free sample, stating the price you now pay and if srou use alack*GreenorMixed Tea. Addrvsz5aladatTeronto 0 U R BE)' 0 Y S' A 4 W Emy GIRLS' CORNTE, R BOY AM I cm W By Aiint June cmmm ScOjOcitrd A4vmroft to the Cvyr1&TAt Ad My Pear Days and GIrU- PLEDGE FOR HELPERS. Did you evc�,.r lizve nightmare? 1 hope very miaeb, you are not acquaint- "Do a litt'e kindness to someovLe ed %vitil th!7> uurleazaut form of ., every day, dreaml-iod advoaturp, Years a atter rays -of aunshine all alongthe 1 90 way.11 w,ften 1 was a ',!.'tie girt I cau remeau- ber bavilig Vri�lt I was told after- I pledge Myself fix the service of vards was ulglilmaro. that I,,, a very my King and Country to do my -best baa dream. 80,metimes the dream In MY dallY work, whenever It may WoXtlhe farm ic�f ZWi�Zllng over, or be- be, to hdip- others whenever Possible, ing -cbas2d by some big animaul. I and to endeavor In every -way to expea.t.tite re;woix tor it was that, I make myself a good citizen. bad been -eatini; too Wa.ny !pie* per- . I hIM laia n *-bt before. WL41 now I Name .... .... .... .. .... am grown up I cannot truthfully saty ithat I suffer from nightmare, but I Ageg .... .... . .... .... ... have jusf been -thinking that if I did I would prebab4y dream that zIl the Addy A .... .... .... .... letter boxes In the 'world were run- ulug i0tor me an& ithen Lbecame'limr- Date .. .... .... .... led under .3 porfact; avalanche of 'let- ters, letters, letters. However, here I am, very wide awake indeed and thr town. I V to School every clay. I from having tightmare a -bout it. I have been gdek this week. and bave aim -really perfectly delighted to see not bemi to school. so mally letters zome tumbling ouit oit CHARLID HOPE - may box tram boys and girl% In all Do%r,0ha;rHe­I hope you are quite parts ct -Chaada. Theare Is only one, WQ411 Q-.ada by this. time. You sball thlnz� abont them ' I do nOt like. and hive '.% badge. Will You iiell me more ViailL Is I cannot answer 4�very letter vibout vottr .:idhool next time you timmedlately for this is Avh,-*t I would WrR0 I should like to hear a -bout likata do so that no-one 011auld have Your irlands, and the things you like to walt to Fee his or her letter in best. print, If lattempted, to do dils, boAv_ ever our -�_Wil Dox would fill Two Little American Cousins Write than two sho&s 01 tblat we shall have ito t?e paLient andmoye Inte-resating Letters. tale paper so wait unt-11 eich. -takes their turn, so I am Afl"aula, '11,ontana, UwS..k, going to ask you ell to romemberthIs Doar Anut Juno:-yDu tql(l me to W11,0a looltbig for yvur partluular let- writ, alld tell you what work I -do, tor, I love to get your letters, and �1`0 1 am doing so n*w. I go to sellool would l!ke to to each one of e7ery day and I all,so take music Jes- 7011 separataly bus that is nott Q-1don.s. I -do Wie dishes and �scrab the ways pos-6ble. lZoor Zor grand.m.,t,. ' On Saturdays I d clean wi,,111 the electric Lovino Greetings and Welcome to, tile =P':'�', Ibave a little caaary bird Following �Ncw Members. that I take,care of.. I cean his cage and give him a clean paLper, some Elisabeth SmAh, Gaunpbellq Bay, seeds, woter and b1scult overy morn- Que. Pear'-, Taylor, Dobbington. i-ig- li,' is singing mQsQY all the '1131,acbell!' Waterford. time. fie to a very nice eloger. I Well I will dx_K�ie for MOW. I hope Blue Pycz," Marmora.. -to get my badgo pratty soon. Your Hlillledale. U Zvla Loet',ge-, Port Bligtn, MARJORIE r_&Rp.ruLL. Anale Xntghlt, T;urf6.rd. Irene 'Cozer, Renfrew. D0aX Maxjorle--I am Just delighted Ritis RIalney, Pai4ey. to hear from you again, als I dravo n4orones Crown, Wilheatley, Ibe2n 100kfing for your -letter. YOU B13,10 Stew.%rt Itiver View, are really a -true lielper, I 6ea 'by the Ivy -Snyder, gort Elgin. list of d"ds. I ' ain s glad you have Bratitford. a pretty canary. These 'birds are Nellie Boebtger Port Elgin. Veit Pets and got very fond of those Archie laall, r I�tGlhor. I who are Mud to theQn. By this tjme 'Mary Ruseell, 111gligaite, I holpe you will ha,.vo Your -badge. J, Thur, Golde'l Lake. Write again, Whenever "u w1sra. Eve,flft Nethercot. Dan-darik Francis Dainne, Harriston. Laqw1dion, North Dahota Dear Aunt J1111f.—I hore been read-' Who Is the Nelper in Tansloy, On- Ing the Boys' end Girls, OoTner foir tario Wiho Forgot ton Sign the some -time wid ithought I would Ilke i to Jain, ft I 01-aY. I am thirteesit Letter? I Years 01 Id and fix MY first year high - It this bay or girl will write agafa school. Our eebool closes in M�ay. I .kunt.Jumii will print the letter and live nit the eountry, but I stay in send 0. badge. town in the winter to go to school I Handft,rd. I room In torivu and I do my Qwiu work Dear Aqmt June: --1 am eleven I-alnd -get MY mn meals� I come year O. -d. I go to sobool every dLaY. home Friday nights and help xnama I aint In the Gitr4d class. -I helo nioth- to do ithe work onSaturday. I hope or fto do qudte % fmir dhings such as set t 0 be a teadhor When I einish high the tvbla, wmU, znd, dry the dishes. 4�,Chcok I hellp iserlib on Saturday,�. I help I will closo now, hoping I will get a wash, I can embroider. I haive, even if I am a 11yonkeo.1, :tour bTU1141ers eund no, isisters. I have I will try to ge-t other bo�% and a pet cat. I oill dier Topsy. I help girls to jolu th-19 (gab, teed the sheep, cows. and calves. -%Ve Wishing Your club every aueeesq, hhvo to fe-ed aboat iforty head of Yours tridy, sheep, two covs and two 4calves. J10 -AN OUMM INGS, I will close, hoing this will find Dear Jean—pan�cy a girl. of thirteen you well, Will your Tilease send me doing 'her own work -and getting rher a badge. Yours ti�lncerolly. I 0W11 meals! That j�epms quite u MX-ELY1, IAVIN,­�STONR elover thingto Ze to hear ofyo, r ef- Dear Meryl—You 4have a nies big flelency. Wheft YOU axe ,% teacher farta. I ant glid 3roa are so useful. Yatt will be laibile to give good advice atother nra-nt be, very glad in have one to the girls 4n your class, I am sure, Jittle 4-ailgthter to exeip qI(-r. 1 -tow Pif-ber your ow -4 experience. . i nice to th-uk -that y�q can do am. ',,'r.0 diall have a V%,dgo. Helping, braddory work! Thst to Interesting. or rather "sorritell is not a thing I hove You w!lt like and woar the ­N1019far to any one. country, but badge. shimrd be univeroal. xt does not matter what nattoinallty you 'are! It Mot,11n. vzola alre Itrying to help to make tile -Dear Amit June:— world happler and better for yout I ftivt beon roading Your VXle, for praaerrc% we vpadrt you to join our a long time and oujo-Y'ft wry muoh. Loa�,"us. In -deed I would like aie I Would lik:6 to Join your elab. I go 'W'Q�M' Lftgn'A to spread and grow tot,the Milk and go littlA errounds up ZU1 boya and girls In 91 parts dr Sendfor in Book of 2.0 5, and Radpes, 104b. AREW Has Makes every dish—everi bread pudditg —more popular with children and grown folks, Rich, pure, wholesome, economical. Z* be h4a of atl U.P CAINADA 14TAVU CO., LIMIUM, MOXTRVAL crown Brand Sy ,-ru it "­ P t71&'0,0reC1t`$weet*n&r 25 helpor You pa-cs soma ief that hap- piness on to others. You wanted -to know how much I weigh, When I visitod Pungland d"t summer I weighed, 150 poundai­914t Is a great deah, isn't It? -Then It'l Wl you Ifty height, You will undor- sit,aind what o. big "'rit You have. I wn 6 It. 11 and a half InOhee# W�th brown hair, Wcl;:7, and most 0601AT icall mo tair; nolfl�4r tat TiOr Mn, 'but, jUfjt -4 hj4ppy ModIUM. NOW then does thb description silft 14u, oir Would you -like to 1haVer Wine IdOtti? loampbells 34117, Quo. I)edr Aunt June ­l s%W it, "Ur 60r, 01ft a, lot 4f -.Iottori front. other bo" vad glrl# aod -how theY 'help mothio<r, r usio uo dogw, kind Mother to N)W bwause God otdled fib? h0lla# fte6 years ougo. I alwws thinkhovr h44)- a ACURA, p,y other &Ildren ought to be ko haV(s a dftt*1ovfng awbhor to hell), I atl- PROX070 TMCK RMR living with another 4tidY. I hAV6 1%0 cuticurt Soa shmpopet preceded gantie to write t6, so I think It Is Juat by touches 7cuticurat Ointroetit to lovely -to write to Yft. you writo spots of dwidruf4 itching and, irri. ouch filoe, kind letters to tho other tatiott ard ttio6t tumessful. These thildren. I jje)o wmh i6nd %cruib and ftagtant 6wolli6ntik save the balri, waigh dfsbos, 8wPAV i;hs floor make c1par the sk1h AW matt av4ty waa the bodsmid teed.tht henA. f live ft of the tagat oAd I*t& itho 40 b000t: I go to schoolaud am In itradig N MEIMMW tour. I U*ye a dear 11ttlo, 60"161 WMF1C*Vaw* Simo 4�oig;,h* I# black. Wa,0*11'hTM$kYG- .k $4 and havo a brother sixtoon, Yours 914, 1 am in the junior third class. Harold bas a te4m of exeli, ; but lie does not ititch them up Tory often. These ue &Dzue of the �tblag.s I ljelD mother 'with—washing dishe%, oweer- Ing the floor, making tile bed, carry - mg In the wood, poallaq -the 'Potatoes and wine other things. I go t4 �Quuliool every day I um iable� I -%ylll ,send. the three -,cent staiMp for a ,badge. I mdoy reading the -boys, and' R$rls' letters, IVA SYNDVR. Dear iva-I auni vexyglad 7*uenjoy following our corujr I sbould to see Your brotherla te&W of oxf n. I bqvo only seen them In the distance Itt Work. You will uOtice. what a num- her of members we have of your own 0901 and if You 'will read the letter wh1cra followa this you will see that of 4111S,dale, Would allSe tcy write to stome other -membera, Iwill send You Bud's a4fteso if you would ,like to have It as I think. you two might become good friend%. I liope You will like your badge. I - RA W FURS TRAPPERS OPPORTUNITY .§Peciai Prices For 411 Prime Furs 10,000 SPRING RAT$ WANTRIQ OLIVIER & - COO 50 wellinoton"%t" West, Toronto., parls - 'London - Now York. 11 THE LITTLE GEM EARP H 0" N E ,xinallest electrical Ilearbig device Invented. Awarded Gold Modal at International Exposition, We have various types to suit every degree of Dear Aunt June --1 'would lik, -to WLM Eo smp­ ne4a noises. write i4Dr Fall the- world -was water There�d not,be any iand­_ I Re to walk besiae the.sea, With parasol in hand, Or fill iny little bucket to The 13nim. with yellow sand. I giess iCs best the world' is. made art water a pd..Part land. r1rid tv;* other p,nons on the beach. Right side dowrit, on the sand* id. down, on the s,,Ind. the world lorm tliemselves Into bainds I 'could tell, You lota,more -but I don't tor. pubaic -service, ciarrying out the want -to 'take 'up too much Toom, Idea in our little pledge. PIPOse IDLMABETH ISMITH. write again some -day. I Dear H lizabeth-�-1 am iso glad you r. pet- wrote -to Me and to know ithat You RODInville,Sask. have a happy home although your My Dear Aunt June -Just gi line or owndear mother has gqns away itrom. you. How n1ce. XoT you to have'a -two to wish e­yerybody a happy New Year. I road your eorner In the pti,- vot. I lacipe you will like and. wear per irifil pleasure, and I not -ice some of your members are oiity llttle� tato your UelperV badge. You may be quite sure that ' Aunt June will aiways' and are &.11 eu- ger to wear a badge. I I be'veq%lad to -hear trom you, r -o You. may count 'that You have a real ,camet find the little !pledge in. your corner that Ton. told "Fudge" and Auntle t6 co-moto, by �Iatter whenever -you -wish. "Bubbles" about. It I �could I ME N WANTE D-46410 PER. DAY woutild sign it and. fbecome a ffnember, Dpadford. but will loo -k ae2bi, next -time tire pa- . Dear Aunt Joae:—I 'have dutended per comes, wxiting fbo, your corner for 'a long time, I can make bread, pies, cakes and -cookies, and also mahe butter. or but I Im very busy, as Imu going to course imaking butter is quite 411 oa8 Y try ;my entrance this yeaur. I am thir- i teell, Years of age and haive, (fair hqdr job when tliero`�s lots of se -lit and fresh wader. . and grey oyes� I will tell 4you the I w:Ls born -in England and came tO work I ilm I go to school every daY, Pral0tise my music, wasli. the dishes, Canada quite a whMe ago. ;I -live on duvt and isweep and roake bed. I a- farm ound in the summer time I 41avo would like very aunch to win the a nice big garden, qittIO 'chicks and badge, and will encloqe the st*mp. oa.lves and eraTythIng that faxin. peo- ',time but the ipledgeis not; In this week, ibut ple have. Spring seems to bring everything that is nice, so does I Will See If I can get another and w.irter; it brings Christmas, Now sign It,, Year's and 21sit of January, so thata Dear yorgetM e_N0t_W%1Iat, 10, prot_ why I Uke winter too... ty ped -name. It reminds me of Cie I went away to canip last yeatr and 1-Ittleblue-eyed Bowens I used to plok �,ad a dandy tAme. I will go again on the banks of the Rivei Thfames,' I -this year too, W I am a member of wonder it you ckdow where that is the Q. G. F.S. I take imusio lessons First of 611 1 must 'wish You all me- atid, like them fine, I notice Alma tess vith your erutranice. 'iron de- Hagan,told 41 about herself, so I'll do serve It I -think as zvou are, doing your. the same. , I am sixteen Vears. -old, 4 best to help othera. I hope you will ift. 8 in. ftell, brown, ourly heir, blue like,and wear the badge. eyes �_thd a fair complexion. . I Just Aloom, 4.4 44 Adelaide St. Wiist. can't say for sure how much I weigh. marinora. I How nat,�h -do ym weigh, Aunt Juine? I'd like to know it are dwk or Mear Alunt June:—1 haivebeen very mIust Intermted in i-oadllig Boys� you fair, Tat or thin, Ypu never tell oboixt YW*r and GIZ110' WBYcortier tot some time i YDUT.aedf. Why don't -you? - and Would -like to, beciorne a member.' With -kindOSt T0g`ard6 to 0114, 1 Will I am a girl ,fouTteou. years old and close. Love, to 9611, am In 4he junlo:� fourth book. I have )1I(,*Ky plClrcropl). one Intle to walk to scheol. I take P. S.—You said You did 'not mind music lossonsand can play very good. I. skatiW4�� inuch. I thellp inly it we used pen na;mes. I bavvo. Dear MI,0ky­T11amk you VWY -Much mother' I czu wash dishes,'sweep for your good -svishes, which I pass on -the floor, get In the wood and water and anuk cows, For -pets I havo a heiewith to -eFveryar-, I om sorry YOU ccu.ld- not-ifind ithe little pledge. tat named T*mmy and a dog named I some weeks It is squeezed. off the Rover. , BLUE Eyni S. page on amount -of -the inumbercif let- tair% but we must %so it it 0annoit be Deour Dkie Byes—lforw Muoh I fitted In All the time. I -think 7011 would like to hear you play. I love to Picture a littlo girl. who, is 10ond mre a -very clever, usetrul girl Judging by allthe good things 'you can Make k'O t skaling, and music an,41 loves her and do. it -you were born An Lug- a)eta,. Thon with (that one mile Walk to School I have a Very banity picture land you ha.V$ something to Share .*Ith7 me, as this aunt was born In indeed, I = glad You are a :1-reilper. England also. Now there is some- . I Part ]DIgin, Dear Aunt June—I would likii' to 'thing about me, )Alu see. , should �!ko very much to tiee th3 jolly g1rden. - Join your club. I am foarteen years You Spealt ol', YOU Seenl. to 011JOY earning as high as fifteen dollars a day. vVo, ean do the ame you 11". ­ ww', and whelayOu become by, giving you a complete praetBoal helpor You pa-cs soma ief that hap- piness on to others. You wanted -to know how much I weigh, When I visitod Pungland d"t summer I weighed, 150 poundai­914t Is a great deah, isn't It? -Then It'l Wl you Ifty height, You will undor- sit,aind what o. big "'rit You have. I wn 6 It. 11 and a half InOhee# W�th brown hair, Wcl;:7, and most 0601AT icall mo tair; nolfl�4r tat TiOr Mn, 'but, jUfjt -4 hj4ppy ModIUM. NOW then does thb description silft 14u, oir Would you -like to 1haVer Wine IdOtti? loampbells 34117, Quo. I)edr Aunt June ­l s%W it, "Ur 60r, 01ft a, lot 4f -.Iottori front. other bo" vad glrl# aod -how theY 'help mothio<r, r usio uo dogw, kind Mother to N)W bwause God otdled fib? h0lla# fte6 years ougo. I alwws thinkhovr h44)- a ACURA, p,y other &Ildren ought to be ko haV(s a dftt*1ovfng awbhor to hell), I atl- PROX070 TMCK RMR living with another 4tidY. I hAV6 1%0 cuticurt Soa shmpopet preceded gantie to write t6, so I think It Is Juat by touches 7cuticurat Ointroetit to lovely -to write to Yft. you writo spots of dwidruf4 itching and, irri. ouch filoe, kind letters to tho other tatiott ard ttio6t tumessful. These thildren. I jje)o wmh i6nd %cruib and ftagtant 6wolli6ntik save the balri, waigh dfsbos, 8wPAV i;hs floor make c1par the sk1h AW matt av4ty waa the bodsmid teed.tht henA. f live ft of the tagat oAd I*t& itho 40 b000t: I go to schoolaud am In itradig N MEIMMW tour. I U*ye a dear 11ttlo, 60"161 WMF1C*Vaw* Simo 4�oig;,h* I# black. Wa,0*11'hTM$kYG- .k $4 and havo a brother sixtoon, Yours 914, 1 am in the junior third class. Harold bas a te4m of exeli, ; but lie does not ititch them up Tory often. These ue &Dzue of the �tblag.s I ljelD mother 'with—washing dishe%, oweer- Ing the floor, making tile bed, carry - mg In the wood, poallaq -the 'Potatoes and wine other things. I go t4 �Quuliool every day I um iable� I -%ylll ,send. the three -,cent staiMp for a ,badge. I mdoy reading the -boys, and' R$rls' letters, IVA SYNDVR. Dear iva-I auni vexyglad 7*uenjoy following our corujr I sbould to see Your brotherla te&W of oxf n. I bqvo only seen them In the distance Itt Work. You will uOtice. what a num- her of members we have of your own 0901 and if You 'will read the letter wh1cra followa this you will see that of 4111S,dale, Would allSe tcy write to stome other -membera, Iwill send You Bud's a4fteso if you would ,like to have It as I think. you two might become good friend%. I liope You will like your badge. I - RA W FURS TRAPPERS OPPORTUNITY .§Peciai Prices For 411 Prime Furs 10,000 SPRING RAT$ WANTRIQ OLIVIER & - COO 50 wellinoton"%t" West, Toronto., parls - 'London - Now York. 11 THE LITTLE GEM EARP H 0" N E ,xinallest electrical Ilearbig device Invented. Awarded Gold Modal at International Exposition, We have various types to suit every degree of Dear Aunt June --1 'would lik, -to WLM Eo smp­ ne4a noises. write i4Dr Join Your LeAguo, I bame sigiud tim booklet which explalas everything, .Aedge. and am sending it -to you. Gem Ear Phone Co.of Canada Please send we a badge. I arn four. teen Pears old. � I go to salloal evory 416-16 Dept. 'IV", Ryria-,aldli., day, and wlion. I come home ateiglit I Toronto, Oat, 11 get the oupper,- wash 11110 dishes., HER'S IS AN OPPORTUNITY Pon sWeV the 1-10or, land. mflk twocows. I have apetsheep. HAVPZ� YOU A C MERV - 11LAZM R11JSTON. dent and'froe from the worryof un- Dear Hazel -You -are a true Hel,p- er. Some day I hopeyou will tell me Send' us one jaegative and we *111 more, about y*urself. Do you go to makeNone print FREE to. show our Eel)ool? I aiu iglad ito know you Itave, qualitylot Tvrork. This, -places you under no "obligation. to us, Judge r. pet- froin our one %ample -print it You want to send us the rest of Your plioto Dear Aunt Xant-,-1 -have beL111, Tead-- 'BoYs' fqeve-lopinfil and Ppirktino. in,X Your and. Girls' =,Aer. r Et , ifarging, Copying, I �Golorjn3. 012jor It Very" VeiT Maoir" I SM a girl of fourteen, an(l 1. cor- HUNTSOY MAIL ORDSR, Itoinly_wotild like to Ubco,%o a, 111olu- ber dt your chtb� and receive, the I Dept. 0, 106 Ray Street. Toronto, badge, WANTED, When ray father is away I have to do.thectiltside,cfaOres, Idrivetothe, ME N WANTE D-46410 PER. DAY store a -ad do the-.0ioppiuZ for mo th-er. I do hope to see my letter in tlke- - Speefal 4 Weeks' Gas Tractor paper, and. ivclld like to correspoud, Course, $50. Special 4 Weeks' Auto ,*Ith boys -ar girls my own age. Wish- Ne0hartics' course, $50, Now oil, Lug the club every success, at Heii4h,111'r, Auto & Gas' Tractor BUD, -Dew �,Bud-1 think your lam ot �clieols, Ifit King Street. West, To- ,corresoonditig with some of -the ot'lier ronto. -Mlte for partl,_-ulourp or come members is a, splendid one. If You at once. 10 Will look ever some of the other let- POfILTRY WANTED AND FOR ters In our -corner -today I am olure SALK. you will- flird some to wa�om, you TIENZ WANTED ALIVE, 25 CENTg would like to arite, I,= glad to 1 rw�lcome you as a true Helper a -ad $10 to $5OaWeekat Home hope You will weXr your budge. -in, Your Spare Ti.me Merlin in 200 rallesof.Toron-to. you can Dear 'Aunt June -1 have -.been Toad- increase Your income athome in Ing in the pauper abcut.7our, badges. I Your Spare time, You can earn -thi>ught I would write and ask You $10 to 00 each,week writing sh-ow for one badge. I wash the dishes, cards at home or.. qualify -for -a owecip and dust the room, make the %Position payinQ: a good salery or beds," clean. the lampR� This is- q-1-1. soliciting. We teach -you how and DOROTHY KAY. supiPy you tteady­work- ' Write Deax Dorothy --I see %thtt You aTe today for full partloqlars� • true Helper, and I am sending you- • 1�adge. Thanks for your letter. NATIoN-A.-,L stiow rARD Please send nie More neiks of your- -SCHOOL, LIMITED, self next time you: write. Aloom, 4.4 44 Adelaide St. Wiist. I oilonto, -0anada, 13 Will ;all boys and girls please. note n. Guild, Box 8, Rockwood, Ont, if your letter do not in the paper 4this. week. You,,are not forgotten. So NIHIX FROx OUR HKAXY many'letters have came in'that I am MISOBILLANEOUS. .unable to answer them -all in one livery guaranteed, Clitaka goo., Zggs $2.60 iper seittlng� Circular fTee, week, oo look again in Our Coxner Alfriston. Poultry lw�., ,tor your letters and the. answers from Yours lovingly, GET rxTo THIS BIG PAYING 11 AUNT JUNE. BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF. Box 516, Zta;fton F. Twoute, TAie euDp�y or qlaLlea Motor me- KEEP LIT LTE. ONFS abanics, &muffeurs and garage men is alwayo, car beloW the demand. Next Luprilng -tMs basdness VT4 offer more WELL IN' WNTER OPIportu-n!tles Ithan ever, - As usual ittalned men; will -esm-m�aad the high-, eAt wages. *You oaix beone of these Winter is a dangerous season for aind earn big money all year round by, prepaftfng yourself for the jab this the little ones. The daya -are change- winter. The International. Automo- able-one -bright, the next cite 4' -Old bile School bas fitted scores Of men and otormy, thit the mother is aftald. to take the obildren, out for the fieoh. to make Isueem. Sonie� are air and exercise they, need to much earning as high as fifteen dollars a day. vVo, ean do the ame you In ronsequemee they are often coop� by, giving you a complete praetBoal 0. up In. overheated"badly ventilated eouroe: In every ibrawa-cili rooms and are soorilasized with colds wOT&.� Our coaf, 0 M _Onslsto Of two 'to or grippe. What is teeded'tO Ikeel)- the little (111�`s well is nabyls Own three months' piraetual garage in - Fabl e ts. %ly *11 regulate the struaWn, with' 4ndivid4al attention and help Which will enabile - to you ' abomach and bowels and drive out �take any responobl'o , position. Not eolds and -by their -use the baby. ,will mere book leartiIng, -but sound toach- The -able to got over the winter &e%S0XL Ing aad experience under aotusl ,,In perlect safety.. Th.o Tabldto, aro Working conditions. We ace, the sold by Medicine dealers or by mail IW*gost school -in C&OUds and, th only aw-hich at 25 cents a hox from The Dz. WA- flame -Medicine. Co., Brockville, Oat- automobile school in Torc,11to allows the pros-peotive student join- ing to go thmmg1h the school and talk STATUS OF EGY)PIFIAN KI;RQ. -with the mian, takingthe course. 0,all I , An Egyxitiarx statue ot King liout, Ankh -Amar has been acquired-bythe or write INT511NATIONAL AUTOM013g.F. Museum �Of the Louvvre fft Just76ver SCHOOL, LIMITEa & GAffAiral:-, 211-913 Victoria St., Toronto. 445400, Thb%statI16, -Which has been Adelaide 6676., in a 1"Touch Prince's IDdissossion, shic'e: Bestequipped school in Conada. 10 1,960, Is said to be a great work of art. MARn MojvEy AT To it was -badly mlitIlIatea thousands of ;60 0aid weekly foir your agar& time -before Christ by the King's vTdtiag ohowc-airds for us. No can- ,Years subjects, wrathful over -his mlisrult. TaSSIR9, We Instruct And supply You with work. West -Angus shmv- card service, 57 A� X1. Oolbo.vne Sit., -Miller's, Worm Powders do not need Toro& -o. 11 the after -help of castor -oil or. an, X1 I ng wlrk& Adver*w, S4 =St., R*natov, ghring, ,purgative to complete their thorough- LALDIES WANTOD-TO DO PLAIN IL684 because they are 'thoffough in and IV.ht sewing -at home; whole Or themselvss,, One does of them ahl$ Spare time; good paor; wook sent they will be fatind Palatable by -all Auly dUt"ct, OhNTOOS VMCIL Sead children, will and tbe,woran trouble stamp Wr P0,16ticula-M. 'National by Making the stOahatch and bowels Mwittfactaring Cb, Montreal. -je Untenable to the parasites. And not only this, bUt,the, -powders will be �or, WANT M­61RLS OF GOOD B, FTI- Intinences �vAtfen 40 Ift4a 66 inurs6s 'it' Wel- In the digestive organs. laadia 14wpftl, St. 10 MinatId's Liniment Por laureis� 9tc. IM or#, Pure vool, but Yery moderate Under a -mll4tavy I&w, MmAnding Prices. - lgampldi " aliades -'free. G6dft1e`td*A wolleii Mills, Gooss- o1ficers In the P renob army, have the toWn, ont&Ho. tight to, Perform marriage oeremoil- :_. , . fes, =" wa WILL SPIN WOOL 0" YAM It ihawtiany or blanksts. Address Ooorgbtawn vosse$ms a pottle of -br, lftomaW 06. W6611" MtHfA, Out. is lectric6flia armed egailtiIst 4waily Ills, THE $A" WAY.TO "NI) MONZY it will rellbv# d 06Ugh, break t6 0,old, by VAII In I§y Dominion Express - present sor.6 throat; it will rMube Money ordoyi&. the sW611ing from a isbrain, tdlioyd the most %*rsittent sores and will speedily beal tuts atid tontuolons. it it WI;1. ppav*ht Ulcoi,#Aad Thmat.- 16 a akedicino ehost fit 44614 4TICT. 09111 AA the first aymptoms of isory threat be got for a quarter of & dollar. J 1011ch pr6sages ulaaraition wid In. MinArd"S. Llnlm6fit A606V6* NbueMIIIA flammation, take AL.apooflt%il Of Dr. Thomas) Fekeettle 011, A" I li\ttle It Is, planned by IttykW a6fde gn sugstr to It to tnako it palat-ible, t will allay the Irritali V, ou and proY nt .average of $126.00000 A 76br for 4 1%S lUleeration and 15vrelling that rt Multhig fund, the War debt of 40ftnOAR, so painful, Those who were porloadi- 0,127,481,90, will be Pft4d before Do. 4cally Subject to quinsy baviN thu'sti cember 1, 1927. . tukda theMselVois IMMU110 to sttd4k. 10, IWI M1,Mr ViAMM—ATALE. WE WANT 200 XORV )!il AT once to fill positions in early. spring #t 020 to 0100 per waontli operat. Ing sas tractors, driving motor -truck& 40d cars, selling Imetoro, 4mrs and Carm, vower anachluery, or as auto trutor mechancls, in city and country saniges. only a Nrw weeks required to lown , those trades In the day or evenink clam - 4,w ot the Hemphill Govemmeat ebartered Motor Ssebool in ove . lixrge !city of C4uadp,, Start now ",a 7011h. will be rftdy for spring rug Call at caear- est bra,=A tor tree catalogue, Visitors 4IVMYS*1w0l110DMo. klomp.� hill Motor liohools, 200 Pacillim Avenue 'peg, Branches at � , WJ =p 103 Xing Street West, Toronto He- gina, Saskatoon, * Udmouton, 'Cal- gary, and vatcouver. G�IAAI PHONE Wants agents. Sample gramophone and records at factory price, 0,vta� logne free. Voloe-O-Phone Co., I Adelaide Street 4 ast, Toronto. 1.0 HER'S IS AN OPPORTUNITY Pon an energetic man to bo fndepen- dent and'froe from the worryof un- employment, representing a strong 'Hexi-th and Accident Company. Llb- erall3oateles, good cOMMIsslonq and OWbXtullIfY for advanceinent to pc� SiOn, Of District Manager, A. P. Stolz, Manager, Mepchantc C4s, ualti COMV;auy, Royal.Bank Fddg, Toronto. SALESDISN AND AGENTS, WANTED, AGENTS WANTS D FoF� 5;00o Facts About Canada Ini Rditiolt 110-W Out. Compiled ):;� Frank yeigh. ZO 01101Pters -full of Danadja7s. won4e.r. fill story 4of progress In a nintsibeRl. 'Yead 80 cents for -a copy to Cana, dfaa Facts Publishing,00, %8 Rqir� on Street, Toronto. POfILTRY WANTED AND FOR SALK. TIENZ WANTED ALIVE, 25 CENTg a Pound, any alze. D'oelts .350; roostero, 22c., 1 MY express. w4th� in 200 rallesof.Toron-to. you can shIP0.03). Eggs wanted, Crates loaned �ire&. Albert Lewis, 666 Duadas 'West, Toronto. $7.00 Per D&3r pr6fit.. OUR liENS -PAV 'Pn6FIT or A -eacb over and above feed bills. (500 hens will pay YOU a Profit of ($7,00) per day. A Oock. orel of our strains, will pay you Ma3iy times o�ver in extra 090 from your Pallets next fell aid winter. Our stook wIns first place in the Sao- katchewan Laying -contest and second Place - In the Canadian Laying . Cqu. test. Write, for beautifully mus- trated cattIlcguo. It?s free. n. Guild, Box 8, Rockwood, Ont, NIHIX FROx OUR HKAXY producing Beaved Ro, Rhode Is, I"d �Reds�best , Live de, livery guaranteed, Clitaka goo., Zggs $2.60 iper seittlng� Circular fTee, Alfriston. Poultry lw�., cuivie's 'Crwising, ont. MIWGROVE FA_z�,Tt_ ,XGG.s FOR HATCH1, NG—BRONZE Turkeys Embden, African and Toulouse'.A�e,se, Pekin and indlan. Runner (fuOks, White and Barred Rocks, White wyandAot'tes, Rhode Island Red,4 Rad Silver 0ampines. Write for catalogue. j.,C. 1R.Othor_ _Lord,_AJb4ou,_Ont. ARTICLES WAXTzD. TALSE1. TMTH (O�XD) ANY -CON�, -ditlon $I- to $26 -per set. A480 old , gold disc&,rded JaLw�ellory, viatdlleis, and ' dianivinds. 1431119011. 467 CharrA 'Street, Toronto. 17 PAISLIDY SHAWL 'WAjNTED, rN good condition. Wrelfe mris, ),T0,0aUn, Janlesam Ave., Toronto., a_ MI)ICAL, —STINSON,g HOME TABAT, ment for 01101)87- Twenty 'Ye4rs' `8110136", Thousands of testi- 'XO mOni-Als- cue should be eon- IsIdered hopelet% Free booklet. I ftL Stinson Remedy Co, of oaz_ ada,, 2611 Yonge stroot. Toronto, 27 RHEUMATISM ROUT14,RS—AN scleatific remody &,r ChilWaInS, Cold Feet, Trodbles. No dritgg, Con. V(-�nlont to 119e, Regular zimeo, $2.0. Sonid $1.00. for specfal lint. Ited Introductbry offor. or Vqqta for partlioulats. RheutiWtasm Rcutors, Isd4a Ave, Totoato, 11 FARMS WANTED. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A 1COV,.. aW Off J)OW &M� arboutel",ur"-t Afwthaire tro% iand good tr0ek an(, be on good, sitcae Vftd, An vkQ$, df TorohtO, HwilliatiOn 3tilbon, Otik. 0 . Pi6kikatim 0S)14Vr% X1 I ng wlrk& Adver*w, S4 =St., R*natov, ghring, exact121 "41 tf, XOXAV TO, WAIT Lftns railde 61t rattus, fk*t, V16torior 4t,, wr,6r*nt*. S2 MIhlWd14 funerAl proo.6%ofon Of an umy officer, It Is eustorAtry $0y & hct%1§..t0 follow the eAsket with the boots ot tb* soldlor r#Yors.ad ou tho *4"*�