HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-03-10, Page 2CURRENT COMMENT
IqZW TRAILI$ Ix TAxATlow. out of office w",vectivew Orvourse
the itme party mail will not ailulit
r War be t1iought by tile this. The true warty niAn, Inqist%
voliticipus the peolple will Judge 4ue that Government cannot be carried va
irrmut Ontario administration Air its 1,withouit party, (and itlieTe would be
bu-slues'; va-vacity- 'Me pro"111631
�Vhaillcelior of the exchequer brought some 41spaoition to, agree. 'to -this IfUe
did not viso, dusist that it could not be
Alown !ils, 'budget and tout"'Sed: 'to -a "A 4+1k_+ �1-,%Mhl. faults
VArtle 014 "
-deficit ct $8021748- 'By alittl" bcalt' and deficits of iparty. -Many deflut-
Ueepin Us could have allade this a tIons jt�3�va, been given of a, statesman, -rRAT,
119 th. 0
surplus of AdDDti but tile essence of stategman�dilp Is
1,*lIcy of paying as 76U go, he detided lot to care who Iloes, things or Who
�mot to 18tall off any accounts tha;t
gets the -credit lor them, Go long as
coiuld be ipaid, Stalling Off 1-11 the the righit,tillingis QXe done. 11.4 Contra-
otted, alirlyillsm-* but �hey
Vi.st ere joilatimetion to this the rabid party
4,"ata deficits some '011101 The pro -
man does not caTe What -is done, as I
villetal treasurer has gathered, Mcml
toll,- as iris -party and, its friends reap
0,11 together and exk*�kects to have Ito some general or personal t1dVall0ges- 7J.
more. There iwas, $609p�ak election
InUs (latter attitude imealls that Var-
5 for ine unt-
expenses, and 14000 t1sanglilip Tesolves itself into -0, strug-
versity deficit, and $460MO 'to �'he gle to obtain office. it Is rather a Z
teachers' suPerantuation, fund,- faud. Tpproacli, ito democracy t1lat lurtllY 111 -
another 44�0�,000 for ImCT02sed Galar- tellitgent ileaders tapinear to 08 willing
lea to civil servants; -and there was to a0qaes1Qe wit.it this view. As Ion.,
4-91,00,o excliange payable In New as one party attributes ithe lyasest!)Ds- iia -becoming" to bring it' tLbout is a
on sible mottyes to the Other, and nlell hopeful sign. It ithe United State'�
OF 4 0*20
the former provincial treasurer %lad are vililng ite -admit that %iartisAu fOl- Joins the League or Nations, I there BEST PHUTOr rxa
lgsuc,d� other -large suma for ex Io-wers must be inspired with, '-tile should be -a —eat diffloultv about ar-
�Presideut Wilson has proffere(I
Joseph -P. Tuatulty, bis -private see-
retary for ten years, all appointment
oil -the International Joint Commls-
slon, which is entrusted w th arliltra-
tiba of disputes ___ 11the 'United
11tates and Calia4a.
Total value of crops -on tarnis in
1920 are eatimated as Toll-ows by the
Dominion Mureau of Statistics -
Wbeat, $427,457,300b; oats, $280,-
IZO,4,00.010.; barley, $52,921,40-0,0�; rye,
$15,0,85,660.00,1 flaxseed, $16;502,200.0D.
Dr, B, Pi.� auttan head of tlya do.
partment -or ci�,,Utry of McGill T_Tul�
varsity, has been appol ' uted to suc-
loeed Dr., A. 111. MeesIlum, as admin-
Istrative ebairman,,of the 6ouncill tor
scientific and Industrial research. Tlie
appDIntmeit is a tomporary- on%.
The Wingham Advance
Published at
Every Thurad
, Uy Morninj,
A. 0. SMITH, PUblisbor.
Subscription rates--oge xear�
0-00; six months, 41,011 It advauee.
Adverslaing rates on 4 PRI10AU.011,
Aolvertisamaj)ts wltha.Ut ope*fflo di.
ractialls will be Inserted antIl forbid
,and charged accordingly,
Changes for conta-got advertise,
Wants be in the office bir v.09n,
4 stabl4shed IS40,
Head Office, Guelph,
Risks taken on all clasiga4 of Imur-
able property on the cash or 100emium
note system,
Aa, -';ER COSMS, Agent,
O�fice, Mayor Block, Wingham,
change amd to. be met 4,120, .1111.1KIng a
-T __1,
Disitiago -valued alt. $30,00 wag
a ef.t. zon�,e arp in a alurry Gon -t
F �Y_tiw
ullegiance. a -ad loyalty, `wO cannot
toile in the @Dliti-
ognized that a -police forcR of, some
0 iaused In Levis -by a fire Intho Levis
00unty It4llway car sheds. Eight
matracted, out of these amauRtS, 11011,
kind Is needed ;to keelp tile unruly
new -Cars recently bpught were de -
language very SiMilaXL to that spoken
Peter 'Sinith, is apparently VeDOX1119
of the world in order. Whom every
nation organizes a. force suff-iclent for
VArtle 014 "
-deficit ct $8021748- 'By alittl" bcalt' and deficits of iparty. -Many deflut-
Ueepin Us could have allade this a tIons jt�3�va, been given of a, statesman, -rRAT,
119 th. 0
surplus of AdDDti but tile essence of stategman�dilp Is
1,*lIcy of paying as 76U go, he detided lot to care who Iloes, things or Who
�mot to 18tall off any accounts tha;t
gets the -credit lor them, Go long as
coiuld be ipaid, Stalling Off 1-11 the the righit,tillingis QXe done. 11.4 Contra-
otted, alirlyillsm-* but �hey
Vi.st ere joilatimetion to this the rabid party
4,"ata deficits some '011101 The pro -
man does not caTe What -is done, as I
villetal treasurer has gathered, Mcml
toll,- as iris -party and, its friends reap
0,11 together and exk*�kects to have Ito some general or personal t1dVall0ges- 7J.
more. There iwas, $609p�ak election
InUs (latter attitude imealls that Var-
5 for ine unt-
expenses, and 14000 t1sanglilip Tesolves itself into -0, strug-
versity deficit, and $460MO 'to �'he gle to obtain office. it Is rather a Z
teachers' suPerantuation, fund,- faud. Tpproacli, ito democracy t1lat lurtllY 111 -
another 44�0�,000 for ImCT02sed Galar- tellitgent ileaders tapinear to 08 willing
lea to civil servants; -and there was to a0qaes1Qe wit.it this view. As Ion.,
4-91,00,o excliange payable In New as one party attributes ithe lyasest!)Ds- iia -becoming" to bring it' tLbout is a
on sible mottyes to the Other, and nlell hopeful sign. It ithe United State'�
OF 4 0*20
the former provincial treasurer %lad are vililng ite -admit that %iartisAu fOl- Joins the League or Nations, I there BEST PHUTOr rxa
lgsuc,d� other -large suma for ex Io-wers must be inspired with, '-tile should be -a —eat diffloultv about ar-
�Presideut Wilson has proffere(I
Joseph -P. Tuatulty, bis -private see-
retary for ten years, all appointment
oil -the International Joint Commls-
slon, which is entrusted w th arliltra-
tiba of disputes ___ 11the 'United
11tates and Calia4a.
Total value of crops -on tarnis in
1920 are eatimated as Toll-ows by the
Dominion Mureau of Statistics -
Wbeat, $427,457,300b; oats, $280,-
IZO,4,00.010.; barley, $52,921,40-0,0�; rye,
$15,0,85,660.00,1 flaxseed, $16;502,200.0D.
Dr, B, Pi.� auttan head of tlya do.
partment -or ci�,,Utry of McGill T_Tul�
varsity, has been appol ' uted to suc-
loeed Dr., A. 111. MeesIlum, as admin-
Istrative ebairman,,of the 6ouncill tor
scientific and Industrial research. Tlie
appDIntmeit is a tomporary- on%.
The Wingham Advance
Published at
Every Thurad
, Uy Morninj,
A. 0. SMITH, PUblisbor.
Subscription rates--oge xear�
0-00; six months, 41,011 It advauee.
Adverslaing rates on 4 PRI10AU.011,
Aolvertisamaj)ts wltha.Ut ope*fflo di.
ractialls will be Inserted antIl forbid
,and charged accordingly,
Changes for conta-got advertise,
Wants be in the office bir v.09n,
4 stabl4shed IS40,
Head Office, Guelph,
Risks taken on all clasiga4 of Imur-
able property on the cash or 100emium
note system,
Aa, -';ER COSMS, Agent,
O�fice, Mayor Block, Wingham,
change amd to. be met 4,120, .1111.1KIng a
hopectspails ofa ordarto gecure their
ranging for disarmament. It is retw-
jects of this king. 'They axe emu-
Disitiago -valued alt. $30,00 wag
a ef.t. zon�,e arp in a alurry Gon -t
tow af $70F,004), It is CaW. to Gee
kow surplus could have been 100n�
ullegiance. a -ad loyalty, `wO cannot
toile in the @Dliti-
ognized that a -police forcR of, some
0 iaused In Levis -by a fire Intho Levis
00unty It4llway car sheds. Eight
matracted, out of these amauRtS, 11011,
bope for ally high,
It is a taet, itevertheiesS.
kind Is needed ;to keelp tile unruly
new -Cars recently bpught were de -
language very SiMilaXL to that spoken
Peter 'Sinith, is apparently VeDOX1119
Ical w.orld.
tthi),tlho real character of Most often,
of the world in order. Whom every
nation organizes a. force suff-iclent for
slang, but therelo,
and J.t .4hould -be made plain, that
stroyed, as well as tweepqrs and the
the way for e budget and, statement
in �whlch the 6AIMPtuis 'will
leading alext I$ Much 00VG the aver.
Indicate and
this service then !trouble ensues. But
Whait were. the best iphotoplays of Henry King of Wary Roberts IUme-
buildlags which were remodelled last
'Money to loon sit lowest rat".
'age lt;1118 the League of Nations could depend 192,�? Two telf-constituted au- hart's emusing story 'of -roolde life
be loatrupeachable, and Him 'Cae=% theTa is no Aluestion at all that tile on Its senior members -to look after w unive6ally -praised by the .0131ttes'
wife as far as the ifineucilial critics 'are thoritles iliave re�ently I attempted to a as Among travelers from Ot�awa, to
ake avowige -tone of the C011,11trY is very trouble makers among the =,aller I rod, endorsed by public - ipatrou-
concerned. It Will t inuch. agglier thau our -politics Top- st answer -the -question. i0a t
it ib,,Lt Hon. Peter dz tot afraid try, itthey developed the za&e pu , a is he age as the best -comedy at 1920, and Montreal' -who had to satisfy the in- ARTHUR J' IRWIN
to 4Q resent it. 'The noisier, moreoggres- A s6nable methods National Board of Review -in NO
an(�coolfldenca in Tea 4 -w it can only be ascribed to oversiglit Spector$ ithat they were willing to
of ii&ying taxes. What the people, Give, element lend the aPP4K- which loaxe existed among the Ring- York, Which, passqs 1 r1pon 0,11 Produc- that It does not appear4m elther of conform to the requirements df the L.D.S.
'gWill wautto know as Whether tiler 3.re on -t ayarage, and drive off the quie'tierr lish-sipeaking nations tor a -century or tions and grants or withholds Its ap- the lists. smallpox quarantine were: Hom. 1W. P Doctor of E)enW Surgery qf tile
%etting value for themomey expended, en1W7hVXJA College aAd tAseontlote
are and more Inoffensive -citizens who do more. 12 any great nation 6nsists oa PrOyal. The -other Is the Motion Pic- The BoaTd of Review'Ar . selection, S. 4elding, I -Ion, M -r. justice Lailien- of Dental Surgery ot a.
and if it Caa be shown tli;ut they not care to iyell and shout and make remaining outside the League , and ture News, a leading trade magazine. which will meet with- gonellaa e4p- dea,11andAadaine IA'arendeall Mr. de 'Closed Zyjary Widnesdav Attoroftri.
they Nviant, DWact, Fverrhody knolffs vh7slcal demonstration.- of their building up a great �xtiamont of its The National Board has Verneuil, Itbe �CoriRul Gemer'al � -for Offfce�lin M.
selected proval, with such exceptions,'as -per- . .1
that tile Cost Of 'living iv doubled, and vlaws. But the -vote & 'the quiet ovrn, nothing can stob other powers, whaf Is Considered to be the best 40 sonal taste -may dicate, is fts ionows: Francs; and Mr. 0. Tian " the Chinese
hat Waiges have doalbled- U Man 48 just as etractiveas that Of the which think themselves threatened, out of a total for the year of over 800. Humoresque, Mark of Zorro, Devil's Vice -Council at Ottawa, all of whom DR. G. H. "ROSS
.Peter oam run the province for lloSS tpoi9crous one. This fact is grad- from doing the same, end given �great- The News bas picked nearly as many, Garden, Last of the M41ilcans, Sim -passed Insp-teticil'auccessfully. Graduattei Royal College of Depftl
than 4cuble, former cost Ile will be ualligaaking Into the politician can- armaments It .19 difficult. to -prevent and divided them Into three "teamrS.' That Was His, Glrl!of My Hesrit,'Way Surgeon&
doing better tha-A Most Ve0#113 are ociellee, along with women Suffrage. war. 144litaxism. consists largefy in 'While th ek selections , na�- Down hast, Godless Men, , Leopard I!ntght .,Commander Mulock, of Graduate
J University of, To.rovtp
doing in their oiV11 21fair0P. It 411`5 can the apportunty and means -to figlit. urally do not wholly fa�gree', there is a Woman, Over the Hill, Dep Winnipeg, has been offered the eom- fatoulty of Oontletry,
provide revenue &0= resources of -the I . - Z Waters, mand of the Canadian air force, su�e-
THE SOUTH AFRICAN M71ten the late Tsar otpitifial anemory unanimity in the case of some photo- 'Homie.�pmm polks, Barthbound, . If I OPFICE OVER H,, E. I4ARIY$ STORE
lyroviniae, Ithat wall lighten, some - ot the ELECTIONS. issued his peace rescript many good . plays upon which the ,public has al- Were King, Suok Knife Man, Some- ceeding Air Comillodore, A. X. Trice,
born�?at present, lie Will'Oon-
buxileur. p.0well's toracast of the PoOPIO thought that the millenhim ready set Its goal of, extraordinary thing to ThiAlt About, Conrad in whose term of -office has expired. in
trlb,uta',to the povularitY Of his Gov- Ron. Mr.
Tatere are great possibili, South African elections proved to be was In sight. , The Tsar and his ad- alyproval. Quest of His youtil'—soill of Youth, the war iol. Mulock'won �ha D.S.O.
'er,nment. For example, there eotild be no Great Redeemer, Dwelling Plade of and Bar,faud the Legion of Honor an� W. R. HAMBLY
wtion oreformi, but retlable and -Premlev Jall Smuts, who visors no -doubt saw the Inevitable
ties Im, the Way Of tax ouclusion of the trend of events, and question about Fraific Borzage's pro- Light, Cr000l;;ed Streets, Invisible Dj- twice, was anentioned In despatches.
sinnueial authorities are provemblal-11F wMetled -to the country on the Issue He Avas chosen ito take G-harge of the M.D., C.M.
"Empire," he !did what in him lay to stop the duction, "Humaresque," . or about vorce, Jos, Call Me. Jim lkghting Special attention paid to, diseases.
oanscxva�ta�a�- not to say obstinate, of relivai(iiiing withill th,0
ainIng it -he catastrophe. But tile causes of na. Griffith's "Way Down Mast," or Chance, Devil's pass K�y, in the Days air bombing party which 'completed of Wbmau and Ch4ldren, Uyhzg
and. it villtake &n 116n, Peter to find whidt means of course Tat all preparation for auattaek on Bar- tzk% PogtgTaduate work 11t,pW_
otion as one of,tlleCom. tio-nal 'and international strife gener- Fox's iOver the 'Hill," or Falrbraalk�s of St, Patrrl_,,:, Bottom of -the World.,
of tha:mew trails. 1TAritidi conne,
Some the tBritivb, union on itlly lie too far book -for the catas- '�The Mark of Zorro," or the. foreign Desert Love, Toa`tate,Dr. Jekyll and Iblonly three "yo before the slgn�ng Fecy, 'BaCtO1101097 and' AolbifWc
monwealths of the 6rinistice. Afedicina.
Offioe In the Kerr '
equ&I,ro6tingwith. the other ni-em- trophe to be averted at -the eleventh production, "Passlom," or -Charles Mr -ffyde, Down on the FaTm, Shore recidence, betw.ben
a bew of -tile UnION was sustained by 0, hour. The forces of greed and sel- Ray's . "ilexceful Valley." Acres Treasure Island, My Lady's the QueenFs Hotel and tile ailptilt,
-%Ve talk 0, great deal lai'li-On't '41 a feature fishiless, of -cruelty and bate, are not Dut there is a strange omission Gart;, :00pperhoad " Sit ' rouger Than. A bill provldlr�g for a tax oi� tile C h uiroh.
'one haS said, sitbotantl9l 'Plurality- T11'
sal,6 of lightning rods, lor Inspection All business given 0,
'classics, but as some of the election was the zelf-abuega- -first off all tatlonal,'but grow out of from both.- -lists In the case of "23 1-2 Death, 0up of Fury, 81contin? Angel of the rods when Installed, and for Phone 64. arefal attftkI(sn.
the diassica are books *W, 'Very' ch sacri- -the Individual! sentiments of each 'Hours' Leave," This production by and Huckleberry Finn. P. 0. 19eK IS.
ilbody reads. UOR Of 'the labor -PartY 1011:
guaranttees. of reliability from. -the
..,body' talk a.,licut and are wetftd, ticed itself to angue iSmutsl victory. man and each .-w'oman in every na- miLitit-factureirs, is to be Antroduced
All the same, the class'" '. Tho 'T'aboir members -Rist more than tion; aud a# this lateat -force breaks 1 under the auspices of the Ontarra'
and What is more, they a -r3 wTIbte half thair seats but have constituted out into am overwhelriting tury on oc- 0"00" J DR. ROBT.C. VREDMOND
been -things writ- Fire Prevention League, sit the pres-
,rihere are and have to recognition Ighlelt cannot casions w1len leaders refuse to ree- — P (D"ERT ent session of the Legislature. , Per-. M-!RX.8, (Enq).
ten im our, days, Which will ))a irever0d, 0, lalaum Hertzog and ognize -the ministrations of Teas on
classics a ithoug%nd yea.rs hen;ce. be -for-gotten. General $*no Md firins' engaged in selling L.114P. (Lond),
his party gained nearly one-third of and Justice., There Is no reason in Ma` t Yo�a ShouRd
gic,�.Aarpe rods,must lay $50, &'year to the prov- PHYS1.01AN ANO i9Um4M(M,
These I
thluV make, " their WaY 910WI hat -the se�paxatlst Ben- the World why reason and Justice 2 -1; luce, and 89 cents for every �Ip� ODr.' <11kishoba's Out sptwo.
but they have the tstationers' balt the seats, -go t
t it own Imes- itilikentI.9 by no means to be ignored, should not control and order all the
,,hL a worth of sales, Apparatus sold must
Mark. They 4arry 'the but awthpx term of office, jor praill- dealings of mankind. but human -((hb- Wnr
f Visits to New r MISCON APTIONS
i0tible appea-L It is not only ssed pz�ss the tire marshal's Inspection
tbaugh.4 not only 'tha RAU
to iallay ntudh feeling, �and give op- This is a spray the -Bird t1ling to, Agents selling- -rods must 1pa DR -1. it% S
but ier Smats at tbta time should serve stinacy, -pride and conceit, um —A
exproiss� , Into na.-tional arrogance, ignores all r $Z a
.1he imeOMMU1110*10 m3gle whiall esg among reason and xetuses to count the cost. Maloing It blbssdnv with pleasure, yeai. Each firm isell-Ing rods must
ledges fboth In memory like those opantualty ofor the bittern THE RUTHENIAN a. -Bra the high -treetop she sp)rung to, deposit Wimo lu,,secur . Was with rthe' iapa4"ta of U"V#rNJt7
n,t.heir exper. The cost -in the recent Muropean case .01
tile outch, consequent o Before the war theretl-rilo to this Fit for ther nest wid her -treasure. -fire maTshali as an assurance that It F&IOUNY Ot U44"ac lu"Naa* *f Ae
4,jewell, live words, 1011g, V`100h 'ait ner,%tion, to 'has been so calamitous and, appalling Olk"rio coss" of
tile -4,tretched forefinger.0f old Time, ierkees during tha last ge g -wonders, that it scarcely 'seems possible that country items' of 'thotladilds, of people Oh, What a licabeyond. measure any building upon which itheir rod Is FIWWA*,,W_ aird
-virkle, 'mrever", as Tennyson. be outigrown. Time 'work Was the Door oprays wbi4h the fly-, pi-aperly in-stialled Is damaged by
j?raiisas it. Prejudice usually pre-. said a progressive -aud tolarant admin- any nation, Would riek such another who were rather loosely, from G, rac, lilgteat hung to-- 'lightning, they will either refund -the ONVICA Mfr*"40W
isbra,tion suoh as inay be expected experience. The renterdy is the Ial 'standpoint, termed RILthenlAns, 806ond Door.,Narth 4 zuMr104%
vents people Tomolitig -these classics at to much -to League of Nations, with which goes Some *ame from Hungary, more from Zo to be oingled, out, built In and price of the rod or -Par tot the dani� Photo a6ume. I �
first, and people are Of course troa to -frM Fireurier Gatuts will � s4g tot, age done. JOSEPHINE STREET. pHONF_ -M
take their owntourse and make -their eregite itate South African sentiment disarmeapent and an Internatlotal Mastern Gaillcia, and 'others from
ere thatt will hind all sections of the -conn- court tor the -settlement of all dis- IDukovina. They formed a problem
own tiloice in their reading. Th This is the heart the Queen leant on A iiew� terror Is-adddd to the Lon-
- try itogether. The difference In Ian- puteg. Such a disposition of events in Western Canada on account of
is acme�thlilg in Z maleo own 10alle guage is an Obstacle, -but not more so would, give lin-manity an opporturnity their hablit, of -settling In groups or Thrilled in -a minuto erratic tdon subways, It is the "'auitomatle SELL
ficiousmess tbat guides him to Ith a the unity of tor ipexceful developinent which It "pookets" and of giving the ' ed-uca- Vre the -triza blossom 4he bent on, sten;tiopholie," which Was Ilistallpil To- ibwa and ,
'XIgh't .1tind of mental, food, or ,villat, than in C6-amda. whet Meet for love's regsf dalmatic, 6on.tlJ'.k.at the 6ot of the, Oxford Cir- and see It, 11 ftrm, ipoperabs. oan
tile Dandillon is a first consideration hardly seents possible any country tional authorities nosmall aa:10.unt of oil, what a ta, at end get ury Isriaes. I
,will suit 'him, just a-, the cDttLa kill,,, with all,, -and -the British connection would refuse. Ybt the UnIted.States trouble. Weseg Ituthetlans or -Lit- I ney ecstatic CUS'8ta1rc*ata'L It obouts, , "Keep have some excellent -r-uluas
-%vilat t4bs -to eat all(I-WhZt 'to avoid' :tIll sta vVas the.poor bearls,' ere the vN%n- moving., pleage' (Vause), 1%6t others
at goe aloof. Let us h a R &no have an interesting his -
.s qv;1UX0ut 0,17ing. T.110 Teal dif- is it- ndin 0,pe ti L USS1
In lIterature wbat to- one imaillo me g 'darer went on. pass Oft - the IeW, (pause), nf, you I. G. STENRI
on, and vice floulty is the radalolis of color, and that the Ma-rding administration will tory. ',Vhen Louis tile 'Great of Hun-
_ing of poland. in 1S,(0 LP11 to be saved Tor it, piroffered to, inust stand, stafid on the ',right"
is 41,Gther man's 'Pols q%hite race,,$ are likely as time Join liands with the rest of I -lie world. gary became -X WINGHAM.
one. Virtue is tha gpent on, (Pause), "Now'then, keep moving on Phone 134., Office In't4wil Hall..
,Versa, asks some s became isub- �1. i . I
-nasses -to be driven closer together, Many of the Ruthenlazi _1D_1k & �0 I T____
Av'r-on's, says the dox-latlnis& A
Theiaative races vaxy consld2r;tbly In
jects of this king. 'They axe emu-
a ef.t. zon�,e arp in a alurry Gon -t
of the Ruthenlans lit I�uropei depend
-virtue of the calsslA_:� ofuLadern liter-
"In in our "rl'odern
calibre, ibut solme -of thent'are exce
Members of 0harge, Of Light Brigade
ittally a Russian people and speak a
them,'k -and so on.
at,uro 19 wxanit"
no re�,son for &I$#
ingly Intelligent and education may
boluir the leading crop, When late
'� declared ffiftell-
language very SiMilaXL to that spoken
D. S. Scott, deputy superintendent
ostoorlath in NoAh, 114rom.
Adliustmont of the $aU is WW'
slang, but therelo,
and J.t .4hould -be made plain, that
give -them,the moral power which -will
Is Dem.
Captaliv 'Saines troiek, VX., aged
h7 many millions In Soliel
Theli origin, like thaeof iniostof the
'general of Indian Affairs,. In his an -
glelih!xnto are perhlaii)s the longest-
itlioro is not. Hero is Q o1ra.-raipl,
co-tistitute them 4 faetar In the devel-
M nenit of,.tile country. There Is, a
86 years, one of ,The Six Hundroa,"
Olav races, is obscure, but from th(k
'There Is little to report as 66 sal&
nual report for the Year ending,
-little classic that the C11311,110 as
depper bond 41han t -hat of education or
who took ipart in the "Oharge of the
(NlWefith century onward their terri-
Of Call-adlan w661s, Graded lots are
ldardl, 31, 1.920, which -has Just been
tled, md recently Poles An4, RuNen-
who rotil never hear C -I, '70t it is "'.
anerals, and It depends very largely
Light Brigade" was buried , recently
tory became the battle,,groumol tot
now 'Practi0allY vleaned up. There
Issued, tlafeg that -the Indian poDa.
401g%oll they teM: "I-Astcu, to -t;le
isong cl 11,10. st-OTO in ryaur Memory
On the iattitude, of the white rakes to-
at OaklaA, Md.
The captain, a British pensioner
1grasping -kings. 'By the first parti-
tion ct Poland in IT72 Austria secured
are still cIonsidarlble stocks t -wool
held In dealors*bands butthese heye
lwtion Is fairly ataible, at about 1, 001001).
Ill. the more ieivlItzzed -tribes, there is
1. A. FOX, 0, C.. D. a. -
Learn from it
wards the black wheeler a solid -citi-
been -bought tov file most
aft appreciable gain, not only in unin.
J,�Le Melody yva hear. .
zen Denea will be possible in -.South
and a holder *f the Vlatori-4 Cr"s,
a lat-go number of
part at
Ithe lesson of harmony. Life itseit
Afries. it the native races could be
was wounded In the famous charge.
jpcts. Austria encouraged Ruthen-
Prices considerably labove present
bers,, but Ill physical standards.
11-13 sDeccll and is. neyer silent. And
is n0ti a9 70m that are
segregated it )vould be an immense
1-10 -distinguished himself in the
decorated with the
fan nationalist alms 4117d saved, the
JtUthenll= U1119A -Church from extint-
levels,.and there Is still a tondenoy- to
hold for slightly higher values, Me-
In search of now methods to re,
the cause of ollsoafie,; mature healys;,
Chiropractic. Is tills only -and Original
tts, uttorance
deat 11111 gu,111110se, 'a 'Cry; It 'a a eoug'
3dvantAge, bia.e -the. r%pacity of the
white racest makes this difficult, it
charge and was
Cross for bravery. The cross, con�
I - the
tion. RolucationitIly, iowavar,
dIUM and quarter -blood Wb
, als scant.
have Francois financiftl worries,
system of spinal O'djustinciat, vi -
tOCtive in Hy par cent. of all catag�
XTOM it thlxt`-)�OU are 0 Vw"t
not in-gDassible. Thet experience of
tains. the words: ,Your Queen is
Rmthenians have alway� been back-
to be tdir][Y well stabilized in iDrice
Joseph Diena:18, member of the 'Paris
The Only fully qualified �raduato of
,the atar.mony; learn, from it lo obe�*
tile -Rod Indian in the United Statss
proud of you.
ward. A madern movement which
and are g6lilug freely from 274 to $Do
for modlum' and, 26a to 21c, for
M-.1nicipal Council, heaDroposed mak.
both ohlropra4tic and Ooteorpatily JA
North Hurom, 1 11, � I
,the. laws of thc 110inoW, Amid iliere,
Is a kindrod thought from *,aothor
Indicates, what Would probably 11ap-
oen -to the black man !A Africa. The
Captain jBrocl: Was al�* a holder
of a ppeetal decoration, conferred on
gave the name to M611 the
territory Inhabitedby, the Auth8nigast
medlums, Australain and Now Zoaltand
Ing all foreigntris, whether arrivink
hi Paris on busipso- or comng as
Phone 191. Hours, 2-5 and 7.8, D.m.
anodern &Asalc' ,The Workman-
whibeman IwDfessesi religion, but the
the survivors of the galilalit "Six
was encouraged buth by Austria mild
woolis are moving iotitVAlly with the
tour�ts, 1),ty a, ftew tax of loo francs
19114) Of VOuls Is by tl1o36 InaUdlbla
native irmo tind white man acting on
Vassla -411fterent motives. The
United States she'#Ing as heavy bny�
ntlinating taO. nlimbLIr of tiorelgli,_r�
,words o! the earth; the maste'a kfto.w 't , it
other 1prin.601cs 'thun oso they
the earthlr, words and use them mWe f1weatil, so their Tolkglon falls Into dis- -SPIOE0 RHUBARB.
jhan� 4udible i�,Ordg." rY the WIY,. rd,"Mte. In Africa the butch, race, . IvIlic, skin nild cut t�p 4,w5 and
would that laf-It sipnlen�le not 4)�� 4 1han always barite heavily om ISIO half 0cmids f,f rtwba7b. Pit., itiliq ii,
XA 40Y blaek, awl they rogard them, still as a fpresorving koule NvItil two Daund!,'
p1tal motto for a Varluer? H
,%r$ th-0.16 jvljo can 41t.,,cover and treas* 11, the solution -of of ougar, seveneiglits tup vinogar,
ioupD t1jeIr cwn elas-ziC.R. It is mot the native probloindep611418,1110111tUrG one teaspoon 6mialuou, and t I
fmelt who r,= a v"abject for 4311th tt enwess of tho Sonith. Afritmit Union. t6agpooft ground eloves, 11ring tc
lecture uls 00%=V, bolling polm and let Mmmer until a�
*-The ;gaeranpo of Ille I)JUWted." DWARMAtEN—T OR WAR. thfe�k -as 'marm%lado,. 1�ir Jelly
Amow�l the 1plAtl,4 to 41�,Ihtea the load gl_-sgLst,; wi.11 inixture, tool and seal,
IT STRIU-3 SOME. I 11viot bear.4 alim humanity- and thp onjoua cam be added, accordifig t(
jx*,s L- twr �trlka Coe onWider nations tt tbet -Dre.qeat tinie none is,! tlastte.
4htle, the le!;1si1tlV0 1111IN aro la 011- motro q1messary nor mm reasonablo
ip. oil During tile yt�jr 67(laxiiidian sterftm�
.r.At,.0n thtt the -objo�ct of all the ac- than the tpr(oosallis 1�)r 4IL-mrmlim t
tivity t4erma direetied. levi rto,*h6 bene- Th& fact that Pte!gidentelect Irardiwiv' bimts were lo.5t. 4)rokon UP, 'or otlow,
fit *t the country than to tbO 9!'MY &as detlarod btmeA In fixroir of It wi" deattoydl, vAtIl 0, graSs W311TV
*ad oetWactjon of tte VArUf* in and #ad Vron*ed to, do *1oyo7.:b1u; tbg 0,' t(Z5.
climate Is told, the average Mean
temperature being between 42 and 47
dogrem Vqhnnhelt. Ninety per c�..
'". At the recent Liverpool. eatp.
9-5 Der cent. of tile Pfferingg Ware
mawed. Amerm% ana 3rtratcebomght
of the Ruthenlans lit I�uropei depend
quite extensively,
I on agriculture f6r their living, matzo
08ted1dullo J>hyisjoian, &aly qualluell
boluir the leading crop, When late
'� declared ffiftell-
ostoorlath in NoAh, 114rom.
Adliustmont of the $aU is WW'
Ukrain Itself oz-
quickly scouted and with tower tteat.
dent republic It was thought that
glelih!xnto are perhlaii)s the longest-
ft*nts than by any otbA.r -method,
there might be some friction with P3-
IlVed! Merdbers of the atilmal king-
9bod pressupe and other exangill-
tiolls niade.
land, bat this has been lorgtly'set-
d,,,m`, averaging (between 10 and 00
All disaM69 treated.
tled, md recently Poles An4, RuNen-
years. There are records of ele-
OPPME, lovsk cmius-rimss avons.
inns fouOt alongside to -drive the
016,31ts 11*11119 $50 Years, Most not�
Dolshevimte froyn, Kiev and- from
=311sts Allow the Whale about the
NVO are Agents for the AD-ple-
to:td Count6r 0hack Dook Co�
other Rumnion titrritery.
same length of life t�i the 01aphant.
See pur aRmplos; and got
110`0 In. Paris at ewl.,)st Wow.-dir,
11lia �Wffig
-came) 4comea third., avoraging
pfl6ft before ordering.
would -mean 4tn Immodinto j*vemue of
tile ilet yttluo of the gold, togethior
about 16 mrs, The avermage �Iito
I moro than 30,*00�,000 frAtme#, with all
vrfth 220 ouftom of r1lvar iroc"tred,
of s lion AAd a ttgcw to 40 an(I 26
wlm�barnl on't.
141111UM revenue of anodier 10M,0*
w.w #4j099,596.
qftrx, ree."Otively.