HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-03-10, Page 1flow qIR v� I
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1p 71W.
Single Colliles - Four Cents IVINO"Am. ONV�, 1111JRst)AY. MARIGH loth, 1921 s4ibacriptions: $2.011 per year
t 'Local I teTmt, C -,o � I
Winghanit Man Has N%rrow Escape From i 1", 1%
Report of the. Wingharn Public School
Drowning for thp'�Ionth of February
Mr. Wilbert Wellwood left on Tuesday,
Mr Win. Williamson. an employee of on his Western trip. Sit. IV
the Western Foundry Company, had a! Mr. J. H. McKay has purchased the Total 350. Honors 280. Pass 210.
narrow escape from drowning on Monday block which his resturant is in from v e B. Doble 840. J. Taylor $33, A. Cor-
aftern,)on. While assisting in clearing an. Estate of the late George McKenzie. bett 330 E. Green 327, C. Mason $14, M. Bila'ys
ice jam in the Maitland River from the I ' I Gurney 313, C. Boyce 301, M. Casemore
new cement bridge dam in course of con- il The Bachelors of Wingham announde 298, V. Bell 297 1. Hunter 295, C. Van.
struction, Mr Williamson, who waq assist 'an Easter Dance to be held in Mills' Norman 295, W. Sturdy 287.- C. Loutitt
Ing Chief Allen and Commissioner Holmes Memorial Hall. Wednesday, Ma.�ch 30. 285, G. Robertson 285, IN, Finter 283, D.
I Armstrong 281, H Boyce 281, A. Walker
and Messrs. Pilon and Campbell, was Rev. H. W. Snell, Grand Chaplain of
NO. V. Fyfe 274, E. Carr 273, K. DInsley
thrown into the river, owing to. a. ledge Of the Provincial Orange Order, is attending Str'aw Hat Dy'e
ic.- on which he was standing giving way'. Grand Lodge in k4iagara Falls this week. 272, R. Carr 207, G. Anderson 201, R.
In spite of the efforts of his companions, Local agent for Tea�ipleton'.s Rh ' McDonald 260 F. Bell 255, M. ;�Inactjle.
he was immediately carried over the dam ueml6c ton 254 D,Lloyd 254, M. Angus 248, L.
and down the stream, and although every and Asthma remi`�diog J- W- MCKID13ON's Hartnell 240, C. Dickson 2,397, Tu Hender-
effort was made,to reach him, it was not drug store. Coma in and get a free pack- son 222, E. McLean 221, W. Mann 21J,
until he was carried about h . alf a mile age C. Lott 204, M. Vansickle. 107, E. Wil- Colors Old and New Straw H,Ats.
downstream to the next ice jam that his Mrs. Win. Pryfogle has returned nome liams 174, M. Swenson 184, E. Forgie
friends succeeded in rescuing III H 1from Lucknow, where she was visiting 178, C. Cooke 170.
Im. e i Gives a Beautiful Finish,
was hurriedto his home and the attend- I with her brother, the editor of The Luck- JR. IV.
ing physicians found him suffering frina a i now Sentinel. TotaI500. Honotm;375. Fass.300. -Easy to Apply.
broken shoulder and minor injuries, as TheE. A. Strouto farm agen Those marked x mis'sed one or more ex.
well a cy, have 1�
, s from the severe chill and shock. opened a branch offi,:i in Wingliam, and aminations Gives you a New Hat
The ice burst away the coffer darn and have secured Mr. W. T. Miller, as their D. McEwen 455, M. Christie 455; bf,
the track used by the Hunter men at the repres!ntative, read their ad. on page 5. Snell 431, J. 'Field 425, T. Robertson 401, thirt C
new cement bridge. J. Young 389, G. Mitchell 376, E. for Y , enL.8,
Miss Mao D. Wilkinson, teacher of Chettleburgh 370, A. McLean 366, G,
piano, pupils prepared tor conservatory At gus 3 , 60, W. Hunter 355, M. Hill 342,
Another 'Chance exams. Papilstaught at Mr, A. 'King- A. Fallen 332, A. Irwin 330, xM. Mitchell
ston's, Patrick,St. on Thursday of each "Elkays" also colors Satin, Silk and Canvas li�l
Xing's storeoffers $ Day values for the week. 327, E. Hartnell 315, B. Browne 309, N.
Beattie 306, E. Swanson 303, F. Angus Slippers and Basketry.
last 8 days this week, this is positively
your last chaRqe to buy at this money he G. Smith is a representative at the 287, x . McKibboa 286, � A, Mitchell
saving prices. Provincial Grand Orange Lodge in Session 282, E Campbell 276, M. Thurlow 271,
at Niagara F -ells this week. Mr. M. C Fry 272 N Williamson 267, A. Lud-
Referendum Vote April 181h Johnston, P. W. Scott and R4ert Me- wig 266, W, Taylor 264 xA. Laundy 242, r
It is now definitely settled that the vote Murray are delegates from Belgrave xG' Ledlett 237, M. Sanderson �34. G�.
r)n the importation of liquor will be taAn lodge- Rintoul 234, H. Wilde 212, xJ. McGee M KIF I Bo" 0 N'S, DRUG )TORE
on Monday, April 18th, as Parliannent Just received a car of the best British 208, C. Hingston 208, xJ. Cowell 192, xJ.
has passed special Legislation for this Columbia Shingles, which will be 'sold at Brooks 177, xD. Holler 151, xW. Scott Drugs ancl. Stationery
ourpose. exceptionally low prices for cash. Parties Ifl, xFA. Henderson 102, xE. Mitchell Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets
The Ontario lists of 1919 will be tevised requiring shingles will do well to get our 84, xM.,Coviell 6o.
by registration in vill-.iges and towns of i prices before placing their' order. -J. A- Sit III
over 1000 population, but there will be no McLuAzr. Senior Divisloh. Total 405.
W. Johnston 366, N. Horrath 349, Y.
revisiodin townships and small villages. The regullar.monthly meeting of the W. McPherson 839. M. Isard 836, G. Fry
No one however, living in rural places, M. S. of St. A;;drews qiurch will be ll�ld S. Mitchell 480. J. Cloakey 441. A-1 ffundreds Of Satisfied BuyCra
who is twenty one yfars of age (man or on WednesdAy. 317,A. Swanson 314, D. Scott 309 S.
March 16th. Subject Scott:435, 1. Wagner 354, S. Campbell
woman) will be deDrived of a vote, as pro- "The Missionary Spirit of the Early Blatchford 302, E. Boardman 2.86, 7. 347, C. Fry 329, L� Wild 320, F. Saint Kingastorebad the greatest crowd$
Subject - 0 P. Stokes Z!77, 310, B. Wright 30i W. Lediett 297. Ad. Day. they ever had, owing to the fact that
vision has been maae for all who are Church", by Miss J. Halliday. Field 084 W Tiffin 28%
British subjects and residents of Canada ' D. Preston 273, C. McKibbou 271,'0.
of chant. �'Not a Forward Movement only Doble Ludwig 293 H. Bprgess 234, X, Lott 212, many buyers did not get served they are
for a year and of Ontario tor two mon 269, H. Groves 256, E. ramlyn offerings day v4lues for this week end.,
ths but an Upward", by Miss Clow. J, Cruikshank 132, H. Templeman 111,
previous to February first may demand a 264, M. Mitchell 249, U. Musgrove 187, read their advertisement.
ballott, when they go to the polls. The Ladies Auxiliary to the Whighain C. Tenn nt 127. V. Mellor 80,
'Persons living in -towns mustSee that General Hospital intend holding an after- Junior Division. Total 350. PRIWURY CL.kSS Four Eclipsee
Tota1600. Honours45O. Pass39O.
their names are put on the lists by the noon lea, on Wed Mar. 16th., at the M Hill 249, G. Spotton 244. J. Roth E. Reid 558, 1. Nortrop 554, E Ztt rm 'Phere will be four eclipses, in 1021. in -
revising officers. home of Mrs. Richard Clegg from 3 to 6 235, F. Ford 231, N. Carr 225, M. Ten- eluding an annulareclipse of the sun. April
o'clock silver collection in aid of - the nant 219, J McAllister 193, L. Groves brigg 546, A, Loutitt, 534, G. Beattie 532, Sth, invisible here, and a total eclipse of
The "Maple Leafs" Are Coming hospital. A cordial invitation is extended 184, M. Cloakey 169, R. Lockman 159, 1. 0. Tiffin 519, E. Campbell 504, M. Ca u- the sun on Oct. Ut, also in this part of
Captain M. W. Plunkett is offering to the public. Stewart 141, R 'Wagner 113, telon 496, E. Homuth 488, 1. Mitchell the world. A total eclipse of the moaa,
a "tier all JR. 111 489, B. Rae 488, B. Walker 478. M Doble
no -Canadian attraction in Can- Mr. W. H, Davidson has purchased the 4,59, 1. Milligan 452, A. Dow 444, A visible in North 'and South America, New
ada this year, and is again proving that building formerly owned by Win. Gannett Class A. Total 762. Honours, 571. Zea
Green 142, Dow 488, L Browne 432, . land and parts of Australia, will occur'
this Dominion can supply unlimited dram- and has taken possession. Mr. Davidson W. Seddon 68$, J. McLean 695, J. Green E. Gray 432, E StoakleY 424, J. Bracken- April 21st and 22nd, and there wili bL- a
atic talent and brilliantly artistic enter- carrie6 a full line of farming impl nts, 684, L, Peterman 672, M. Robertson 642. bury 420. A. Zurbrigg 408, D. Fixter 396, Partial eclipse of the moon Oct. 1(fth, the
tainments. eme I F. Fells 627, C. Pendleton 600, q. Page
pumps, windmills and water supplies and L. Durnin 392, S. Roberson 382, B. Small ending -of which will be visible here�
His latest effort, the re-brgatlization of this will make an up-to-date implement 600, P.- Gibson 687, M. Weir 684, L. 380. J. Copeland $62, D. Kargus 342, R. St..paul' Church - Notes
the famous-� fourth.diviqion theatrical shop, The building is being painted and Ttiompson,581, M. Saint 569, R. Arm- HaStie330, B. Campbell 846. X. Lediett a
party. The "Maple Leafe' in their re modelled. strong 568, L, Bennett 557, S. Bennett $26, W. Hurren 315, F. Page 312, H. Fry * Match 13th.. Fifth Sunday in Letit-11
biggest overseas success, '�Carnouflagel% 555;>V. Campbell 510, M. Carr 492, C 302; G. Lediett 296. R. Forsythe 290, F. a.m. Uathus; 2.30 pml Sunday School;
has met with wonderful commendation, Mr. W. R. Davis, poli6e magistrate for Carr 409, G. McDonald 465, W. Agnew Howson 285, C. Vansickle 2 , 78, G. Smith 7p, rn.gvensong.
both from the audience and the vress, and Mitchell and district during the past six- 403 P. Blomfield 384, E. Lott 382, `V 278, L, Williams 278, P. Clark -i 270,' M. Thursday, March 17th. -A MissionatT
the sticcess of the touris already an es. teen years has resigned owitiv to his age :Fo;871, X. Somers $60, B. Armstron' Tea will be given at, the home of Mim.
tablis�ed fact and failing health. He is in his 81st year 339. g Pitt 266, H. Fitt 240, A. Reid 222, A Thos. Fell% from 3 to 5.30 p. m,
His presentation oC the O;Dumbells" and isa brother of Wingha'rn's esteemed - C ass B, Total 783. konours 549. McLean 204, A. Atkinson 164, B. Blorn. Friday March 18th.-S.p. rn a meeting
Customs Office H. Davis, who has granted field 160. S. Carter 142 R. Saint 104 H.
was the biggest thing in Canadian theat- L.HuttonSffi, R. Rae 547, & Hart-' Agnew 92, W. Henderson 44, B aa�tkey Of theLadles'Guildat the home of Mrs.
a year's leave of absence from his desk nell 546, H. Toler 639, 11 Field W. Boym
ricals last season, and he has firmly es- owing to sickness. 09-4, 0. 37, A. Aldingtoti. $7, N, Sbropahall SL Friday.$ 1). m.-Regulai Lenten Ser-
tablished himself as the master producer Hormith 506 E. Lepard 506, M, Mitchell
of soldier shows by his latest offering. Don't forget the entertainment in the 503, hi. Mitchell 499, B. Edgar 490, J. vice.
Cottage Meeting at the home of Mr, Remember a welcome awAits you. at
The "Maple Leafs" will offer "Cam- 'Presbyterian Church on St Patricks Sturdy 485, X. Pilon 447, Clarke 430, Chas. Cook. Patrick Street on Friday at
ouflage" at the Town Hill Wingbam,for evening, March 17th., A first class pro. K.Williams 423, C. Brown 413, L. Smith 8 p. in. St. Paul's Church. All seats free.
one night, F , riday, Mar. ISM gram -is being prepared, Dialouges, Read- 392, V. Carter 846, M. Coutts 335, W.
ings, Violin Solos. The H;gh School Trio, Tennant 335, 1. Wirth 303, W. Taylor
T. R. 0. B. Now Of Age will also give selections Mr. Hill the 300, E. Stoakley 235, K. Reid 147.
The twenty-first anniversary of the Tor- Choir leader is preparing special music I Sit. II
onto Huron Old Boys' Association was fit- consisting of Solos, Duets etc. Refresh- Total 245.
tingly celebrated in one of the MbSt sUc- ments Will be served, 'Admission 25ets. B. McGee 245, A. Vint 235, F. Rober- wr
cessful and pleasanteat reunions at the Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. son 232, M Redmond 230, K. Xing 220,
Oddfollows Temple, Toronto on Thursday Mr. Robert Barton has sold the former G. Snell 226, A. Coutts 220, C. Deans Rubbeahr- Sale 11
evening last. A feature of the gathering Thos. Brown farm, lot 28, con. 13, now_ 219. M Currie 215, M. Zurbrigg 208, M.
was the Presentation of an address and a ick, to Mr, 1,
Fatum, of Wiarton. Mr. Hartnell 205, W. Gurney 200, 1. Beattie
beautifully engraved umbrella to Dr. Barton will return to British Columbia, 198, ff. Browne 197, V. Miller 195, E,
S16ati, the oldest member and first trea- where he has a splpridid farm on the Brown 194, R. Copeland 185. J. . Mc- Sds't. Next, Mar. I' I
surer of the organization. Amongst coast, a few miles from the U. S. bound- Kibbon 17t, R. Sutton 175, J. Ellawtt
those oft the platform were the president, We understand that Mr. Barton, 173. W. Fitt 172, E. McXay 168, 1. An -
Mr. F T. W. Hodgson; Secretary.. ri Ory.
since coming to Howick, has invented a gus 161, H. Barrett 1157, C. Coutts 166,
Floody, Mr 1. Robertson; past presid- ditching machine, and obtained the U. S. A. Hutton '165, C. BlatclIford 153, G.
ent, Mr. 1. Joynt. tvi. P. P. for North patent a few months ago. He has sold Allen 153, T. Henderson 131, D. Wagner Special Cut F"ces fit All Uno-s of Rubbers
Huron; Mr. J. M. Goventock, M. P. P the patent for quite a large sum and full 130, E. Ross 121, W. Broome 106, H.
for Centre Huron; Mr, Thos. Haye% ex. returns of the purchase amount is expect. Pendleton 78, L. Carter 61, Womens"Rubbers Reg. Price $1.25. Slattirday
warden of the county;M r. J A. MacLar. ed to come from Chicago in a few days. JU. I I Sale Price ............................ , ........................... 1.00
en and Dr. Sloan. Letters of congratula, Totol 130.
On WednesdaV eveninglast themembers J. Lepard 129, W. Campbell 129, M.
ion and of regret at being unable to 'be WomensBrown Rubbers ................ ..., ............... q.. 1.25
present were read from I -Ion. W. Proud. of Lebanon Chapter, Royal Atch Masons Campbell 113, 1. Sutton 06, A. Stokes 75, Men's Rubbers Reg. Price 1.7.5. Sale Price .... 1.40
foot' Sir John Willison and Mayor Church. held a most enjoyable Progressive euchre J, Diusley 68, N. Rintoul 60, X. Hayles
The president of the newly -formed at Which their lady friends wore entertain- 62, L. Hayden 60, D. Miller 59, M. Child's Storm Rubbers Reg. Price $95c. Sale tv
141uron Old Boys* Association of Vancouv- ed. A great many intended to have been N� astin M, H. Hartnell 46, M. Temple- Price ........ I ........ ................ . 50e
er alson sent greetings, A fine magical present had the weather been fine and in man 25, M. Hing8tDn 22, G. Chettleburgh R
program was given. The following are order to bave enough room it wag decided 16, E. Shropshall 10, R. Agnew 10. MeWs Rubber Boots Saturday Price (heavy)....'5050 It
the officers for 1921: President,'Mr. V. to hold it in the Council Chamber instead Sr.. I Men'g Rubber Boots Saturday Price (light) .... 5.00 R-
T. W. Hodgton; Chaplain, Rev. J. A. of in the lodge room. About seventy Those who missed marked x.
RobIn%n; Secretary, Mr. E. r, loody, V in- were prooent. The prizewinners at euchre Sr. Class. Total 600. Cut Prices In WomeWs, Misses and
ancial Seeretary, Mies Grace Newtori; were: for game% Mrs. McAuley and Mi. K. Smith 590, G. Wellwood 570, xN. ChIldren0s Rubber Boots
Treasurer, Mr. W. Vroiudfoot, Jr.; Aud- B.- R. liartkon, and for lone hands Mrs. Coutts 530, R. Harrieon 50, M. Arm-
itors, Mr. John Robertson and Mr. R. S. Underwood ani Mr. R, Munro. strong 510. J. Carr 502. x1 Smith 498, M.
Sheppard. The honorary presidents nre Bisbee 494, 1 Nloir 48S, xM. Xing 4.48, Z Money Saving Prices.
Sir John Willison, 11on. Wni, Proudfoot, %11. Groves 415, xA. Snel 441, xG. Dav- X This Is, the Rtibber Season.
and Mr. G, Nuwton, The Twentieth Coctuty Mathodil at Chutch i&on 11. Kargus 425, xJ. Tiffin 418 , X
St2nday, May. I -Ab., Re,.' W.' F, 11: 11- ?V, rgon 39% xG. Ycung 3W), vII. DMU-
of 10�
adua Field S,,�Cretary of Evatl.ze- cort Mclrltvre % 1. %L. 11'rwine
BORN iLw aiA So1al S_,vicp. will e Jact the Fox 0,11. Clatik "'I %E
Amfivenjary S,�rvimo, of tInt t'ln;,partin -nt I IIczderson;;:i1, %I). Atkirion
ID %.vu -An Wai"13rdim." ("a Ti-i'm*, 11y, ill tlh� wrl"rha"11 NIeth)T�t * chtvt,,ki, 'Hintoul LIS',-), xW. Aulguii 2ti7i, xl?. �:atnp- T IF e r
Mr. KI M. to Ioarth� 010(i
tient b,.l
1 IwAcr, a Olxa: 11,tcn� Mid,; Jr. 11. Total �uo 11XXXXXXXXXXxx xxxx=xxxxxxx
i --- . rVF A
W 01�,�-F �"7
i a
$KOUG"t Case Dismissed
The Q)uncil Chamber was crow ded on
Thuriday afternoon, with personsinterest.
One of the shortest council meetings of
,ed in court over the Patterson.Loatitt
recent years was held in Wingliam on
sh9wing. Magistrate T. R. Bennett and
Monday evening. The mayor called the
Ma,��4a; S Illott presl&d and after bearing
council toFether at 8 oclock and adjourn.
the evidence dismissed the cam which
ed fifty minuteQ ; i ; i t we may ju,,t
las',a,4 the greatcr part of the afternoon.
here cGrament that business was dealt with
Saiary Grant To Widow Illegal
In a very business like manner. All the
council was present except Councillor
il-t the Ingersoll Public School Board
Mitchell who has been confined to his bed
=03ing it was moved and seconded that
for the past couple of weeks, but whom
tha Widow Of thO late Principal, JOS
we are gdad to state is now able to sit up
'11316� be given three months' salary,
becau%;� that Mr. Stalker had been pro.
Councillors Lloyd and Bennett decided,
101�-AAx month's leave of absence. How.
to leave their resolution appointing
tver. ehe chairman ruled that since pro-
officers for the enforcement of the Ont.
vidan bad been made for no such grant
ario Temperance Act over until the next
it was Wegal and the resolution was out
A communication was read from the
Clinton council asking that represenia.
ILt It
lives from Wingham, be sent to a meet.
im, in Clnton on Tuesday at which the
"The Biccoatlittle Show"
assessment act and matters pertaining
Ttursday, Friday. Saturday
thereto would be discussed by provincial
experts on assessments and valuationq,
The Greatest Shipwreck
The letter war, fy1ed after some discussion,
Ever Screeced
the council deciding that the Issessment
A Nniffic storm -
of Wingliam was being very atsly looied
A thrilling fight for life-
after by T. J. McLean,
A rescue-
Five years silence -
The finance committee recommended
and then-
the payment of the usual number of ac-
Amael Goldwyn and Rex Beach
counts. The committee also. recommend-
ed the appointment of a member of the
council to the Hospital Board. The
"Out of the Storm'
Hospital grant was increased frora�$200
Adapted from the famous novel
to $300.
"The Tower of Ivory" by Gertrude
Mr. Win. Stokes is again on the job, as
town, scavenger which will b,, good news
Added Attractiort, Special Christie
to many- He will cut the weeds on the
streets twice each year.
"A Roman Scandal"
A communication was read from Mr.
. .
Ralph Thompson in which be asked for
Matinee Sat. 3.3a, 10c-1 5c.
a balance owing him of $152,60 also'the
2 shows Sat, Night 7.30- 9.OD
bonus of 15 cents a day agreed to pay
for 297, days or $44-55. On motion of
Coming -Mon.. Tues and Wed.
Councillors Bennett and Haney he will
receive 94.60 for work and bonus and
9.45 for use of horse.
"Sinners" I
Mayor Elliott gave a short kqcount of
the meeting at London in regard to the
Vrorn the Owens Davis stage play
electrification of the L., H and B. rail -
of Mary Horton who was as clean
way. The only opposition to the scheme
and vital as the winds that swept
ever New England bills
was from Prof. Wood of Western Univer-
sity and it is believed that be is acting as
Usual performances Uusal prices-
the tool of some monied interests. It
was be who wrote the gecretaries of the
U. F, 0. clubs a8king them to sign a re-
solution condemning the electrification of
the road at the present time. These�re-
solutions were returned by a very few of
PLEMENT41-At lot 5-6, Con 1. Kinlose on
the clubs.
F4AW, March Mb. at I O'clock.
The following resolution was passed by
tbe Winghara council, on motion of Coun.
WA.RD NVANTED-Fi! A mein. substantial
cillors I Greer and Haney., That the
Hydro Electric Power Commission
s for mechanics, mix 1; have bath.
Ontario be requested to approach the
4CEDAI-. POSTS FOR S&LE-Apply to'.
Dominion Government with a view to
Itluovale Road.
acq,ilring, leasing or securing runing.
rights over what is known as the London,
Huron and Brupe Railway on behalf of
Jaying strains purebred.to-la
it C.. Blacit minoreas and Ile L
the municipalities through which it
alfio eggs for hatching. Wrl at on
SW list and book orders 'as k o a po
operates. That the commission be also
requested to supply the municipalities
interested with a report showing the
:�i. IL Phone 124tI. WI liechurch.
estimated cost of the line equipped ready
]BUMTRIC MOTOR -T wo horse, Power mot�
for satisfactory service, together with an
W for s�l� In good condition.
estimate of the probable future earnings,
operating costs, etc., as provided for the
Radial Railway Act, That copies of this
choice land,
further In-
resolution be sent to the secretary of the
3ftinmLtion Inquire at�
commission and to the Department of
Railways and canals at Ottawa - Carried.
]FA" FOR SALTO-50 acres a or to
ir-em. For further pardoula-a apply to
The Mayor brought up the question of
whether or not it was any use to ring the
VIRSALIC.- 2or3cowa. due to freshen this
curfew bell at 0 o'clock every evening.
M011tA also one, Mtbaal "I'll gist-
The chief thought that the fatut was with
4XL Avvisr to WN. 011.1"te
the parents whose children were out after
]FM SALE-& thoroughbr.d Yorkshire Hog,
that hour. The number of youths who
tyearsold. For turthet paxtioulars apoy
ftillso Undersigned.
bang around in front of the picture house
at nights are likely to get a severe shock
%WtIot-Pattleor receiving services of the
from the chief some of these nights, as
t vanger 6ask toleav ol R 118,
complaints are coming in about the
awnucatelosets. The a agar as
tigs not rervvo el of this
language they use at people passing.
nv lom
w4sdue on Marok 28L Any perion not
license at once will be prosecuted after
Pox's A Daughter Of The Gods" Corning
With a cast of fine screen artists headed
It AID 0 8 -Never
by the inimitable aquatic star, Annette
W " Vill selttor$15. A8,%VIag0f$5,IueI
Kellerman, Daughterof theGods,"
pair. 'laquire at
Till., ADVASog.
William Fox's million -dollar spectacle, is
4a,W,90ATr3 FOIL S&LE-0. A. 0., Is ro
80 cents per bushel. AVOW.
coming here for two days. Wed. and
Thurs. March 23rd and 24, at the Lyceum
I2tI;=. arl"wanosh.
Among eome of the noteworthy and
XD-CAM16 to tno promitics or We
Undersigned t 3:2. Con. 11. N&4t. Wawan.
startling facts connected with the filming
on -or about'reb 19, a whiter
r bave siato by proving
W. 0*fie way
of this film master -piece are the following:
and VeLying 6X We&
The actual cost of the picture was
$1 100.OW; total number of persong ap-
S..WId11'r1�tkld'cs, Stilts a Specialty. Charge3
peatingin tlie223,00.0 feet of film taken
MISS grelIrr
and cut to 10,0W later, 21918. Seven
upstairs Crawl,
Cameramen were used in the
WA!�TEI)4 -1�(Altjt)n opfP f0v an vxPe"iene,
Man on a faraw. Married Or rjinizle-
rtenes as many as four photographing
*(*glopWened. Yftrlr tA01901ftent. WfltO
the isame scene simultaneously from diff-
J)k,,,%WrM04T 01.1 AGRO LIMMX,
clifiton. Ont,
crent atxlen. One of the costliest thinga
WANTI,J), Dresmoak-019, nOatlY
LARIldrig the picture was the building of
a Moorish city which later was destroy-
ed to wafte one of the"big, ccenea". Thio
was built at acest of
Tite producti5n has a In v4iich
pI wi-Ighlyll wiW®r,
twc� 1 --_-appy u)ng b4d., are UWA and are
boor fofvre� TM inex v6ill !. 1r,3ade, in dik,
owist O'novial'. 111-titte, W�Aiiimc it qffxi ii.:
daugloitz oY aul, llriuti�, f 4�atr, a
VWINOrit, Vvill kikidi� Irtwl nipir mate i t%ieia
Ow "wi-r4fir"0A. 16d X1.0 na"10,0he araw"i
a Sultan.
0*1* w1mb 7.,1 Inve-f'.
Aftt,_,� taaay bcautiful wil Fnifbifii�,, in.
xk 114
cidelA3 tile �itory oi-.)f C,rrm�� C06 li%)I) y
t 'Local I teTmt, C -,o � I
Winghanit Man Has N%rrow Escape From i 1", 1%
Report of the. Wingharn Public School
Drowning for thp'�Ionth of February
Mr. Wilbert Wellwood left on Tuesday,
Mr Win. Williamson. an employee of on his Western trip. Sit. IV
the Western Foundry Company, had a! Mr. J. H. McKay has purchased the Total 350. Honors 280. Pass 210.
narrow escape from drowning on Monday block which his resturant is in from v e B. Doble 840. J. Taylor $33, A. Cor-
aftern,)on. While assisting in clearing an. Estate of the late George McKenzie. bett 330 E. Green 327, C. Mason $14, M. Bila'ys
ice jam in the Maitland River from the I ' I Gurney 313, C. Boyce 301, M. Casemore
new cement bridge dam in course of con- il The Bachelors of Wingham announde 298, V. Bell 297 1. Hunter 295, C. Van.
struction, Mr Williamson, who waq assist 'an Easter Dance to be held in Mills' Norman 295, W. Sturdy 287.- C. Loutitt
Ing Chief Allen and Commissioner Holmes Memorial Hall. Wednesday, Ma.�ch 30. 285, G. Robertson 285, IN, Finter 283, D.
I Armstrong 281, H Boyce 281, A. Walker
and Messrs. Pilon and Campbell, was Rev. H. W. Snell, Grand Chaplain of
NO. V. Fyfe 274, E. Carr 273, K. DInsley
thrown into the river, owing to. a. ledge Of the Provincial Orange Order, is attending Str'aw Hat Dy'e
ic.- on which he was standing giving way'. Grand Lodge in k4iagara Falls this week. 272, R. Carr 207, G. Anderson 201, R.
In spite of the efforts of his companions, Local agent for Tea�ipleton'.s Rh ' McDonald 260 F. Bell 255, M. ;�Inactjle.
he was immediately carried over the dam ueml6c ton 254 D,Lloyd 254, M. Angus 248, L.
and down the stream, and although every and Asthma remi`�diog J- W- MCKID13ON's Hartnell 240, C. Dickson 2,397, Tu Hender-
effort was made,to reach him, it was not drug store. Coma in and get a free pack- son 222, E. McLean 221, W. Mann 21J,
until he was carried about h . alf a mile age C. Lott 204, M. Vansickle. 107, E. Wil- Colors Old and New Straw H,Ats.
downstream to the next ice jam that his Mrs. Win. Pryfogle has returned nome liams 174, M. Swenson 184, E. Forgie
friends succeeded in rescuing III H 1from Lucknow, where she was visiting 178, C. Cooke 170.
Im. e i Gives a Beautiful Finish,
was hurriedto his home and the attend- I with her brother, the editor of The Luck- JR. IV.
ing physicians found him suffering frina a i now Sentinel. TotaI500. Honotm;375. Fass.300. -Easy to Apply.
broken shoulder and minor injuries, as TheE. A. Strouto farm agen Those marked x mis'sed one or more ex.
well a cy, have 1�
, s from the severe chill and shock. opened a branch offi,:i in Wingliam, and aminations Gives you a New Hat
The ice burst away the coffer darn and have secured Mr. W. T. Miller, as their D. McEwen 455, M. Christie 455; bf,
the track used by the Hunter men at the repres!ntative, read their ad. on page 5. Snell 431, J. 'Field 425, T. Robertson 401, thirt C
new cement bridge. J. Young 389, G. Mitchell 376, E. for Y , enL.8,
Miss Mao D. Wilkinson, teacher of Chettleburgh 370, A. McLean 366, G,
piano, pupils prepared tor conservatory At gus 3 , 60, W. Hunter 355, M. Hill 342,
Another 'Chance exams. Papilstaught at Mr, A. 'King- A. Fallen 332, A. Irwin 330, xM. Mitchell
ston's, Patrick,St. on Thursday of each "Elkays" also colors Satin, Silk and Canvas li�l
Xing's storeoffers $ Day values for the week. 327, E. Hartnell 315, B. Browne 309, N.
Beattie 306, E. Swanson 303, F. Angus Slippers and Basketry.
last 8 days this week, this is positively
your last chaRqe to buy at this money he G. Smith is a representative at the 287, x . McKibboa 286, � A, Mitchell
saving prices. Provincial Grand Orange Lodge in Session 282, E Campbell 276, M. Thurlow 271,
at Niagara F -ells this week. Mr. M. C Fry 272 N Williamson 267, A. Lud-
Referendum Vote April 181h Johnston, P. W. Scott and R4ert Me- wig 266, W, Taylor 264 xA. Laundy 242, r
It is now definitely settled that the vote Murray are delegates from Belgrave xG' Ledlett 237, M. Sanderson �34. G�.
r)n the importation of liquor will be taAn lodge- Rintoul 234, H. Wilde 212, xJ. McGee M KIF I Bo" 0 N'S, DRUG )TORE
on Monday, April 18th, as Parliannent Just received a car of the best British 208, C. Hingston 208, xJ. Cowell 192, xJ.
has passed special Legislation for this Columbia Shingles, which will be 'sold at Brooks 177, xD. Holler 151, xW. Scott Drugs ancl. Stationery
ourpose. exceptionally low prices for cash. Parties Ifl, xFA. Henderson 102, xE. Mitchell Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets
The Ontario lists of 1919 will be tevised requiring shingles will do well to get our 84, xM.,Coviell 6o.
by registration in vill-.iges and towns of i prices before placing their' order. -J. A- Sit III
over 1000 population, but there will be no McLuAzr. Senior Divisloh. Total 405.
W. Johnston 366, N. Horrath 349, Y.
revisiodin townships and small villages. The regullar.monthly meeting of the W. McPherson 839. M. Isard 836, G. Fry
No one however, living in rural places, M. S. of St. A;;drews qiurch will be ll�ld S. Mitchell 480. J. Cloakey 441. A-1 ffundreds Of Satisfied BuyCra
who is twenty one yfars of age (man or on WednesdAy. 317,A. Swanson 314, D. Scott 309 S.
March 16th. Subject Scott:435, 1. Wagner 354, S. Campbell
woman) will be deDrived of a vote, as pro- "The Missionary Spirit of the Early Blatchford 302, E. Boardman 2.86, 7. 347, C. Fry 329, L� Wild 320, F. Saint Kingastorebad the greatest crowd$
Subject - 0 P. Stokes Z!77, 310, B. Wright 30i W. Lediett 297. Ad. Day. they ever had, owing to the fact that
vision has been maae for all who are Church", by Miss J. Halliday. Field 084 W Tiffin 28%
British subjects and residents of Canada ' D. Preston 273, C. McKibbou 271,'0.
of chant. �'Not a Forward Movement only Doble Ludwig 293 H. Bprgess 234, X, Lott 212, many buyers did not get served they are
for a year and of Ontario tor two mon 269, H. Groves 256, E. ramlyn offerings day v4lues for this week end.,
ths but an Upward", by Miss Clow. J, Cruikshank 132, H. Templeman 111,
previous to February first may demand a 264, M. Mitchell 249, U. Musgrove 187, read their advertisement.
ballott, when they go to the polls. The Ladies Auxiliary to the Whighain C. Tenn nt 127. V. Mellor 80,
'Persons living in -towns mustSee that General Hospital intend holding an after- Junior Division. Total 350. PRIWURY CL.kSS Four Eclipsee
Tota1600. Honours45O. Pass39O.
their names are put on the lists by the noon lea, on Wed Mar. 16th., at the M Hill 249, G. Spotton 244. J. Roth E. Reid 558, 1. Nortrop 554, E Ztt rm 'Phere will be four eclipses, in 1021. in -
revising officers. home of Mrs. Richard Clegg from 3 to 6 235, F. Ford 231, N. Carr 225, M. Ten- eluding an annulareclipse of the sun. April
o'clock silver collection in aid of - the nant 219, J McAllister 193, L. Groves brigg 546, A, Loutitt, 534, G. Beattie 532, Sth, invisible here, and a total eclipse of
The "Maple Leafs" Are Coming hospital. A cordial invitation is extended 184, M. Cloakey 169, R. Lockman 159, 1. 0. Tiffin 519, E. Campbell 504, M. Ca u- the sun on Oct. Ut, also in this part of
Captain M. W. Plunkett is offering to the public. Stewart 141, R 'Wagner 113, telon 496, E. Homuth 488, 1. Mitchell the world. A total eclipse of the moaa,
a "tier all JR. 111 489, B. Rae 488, B. Walker 478. M Doble
no -Canadian attraction in Can- Mr. W. H, Davidson has purchased the 4,59, 1. Milligan 452, A. Dow 444, A visible in North 'and South America, New
ada this year, and is again proving that building formerly owned by Win. Gannett Class A. Total 762. Honours, 571. Zea
Green 142, Dow 488, L Browne 432, . land and parts of Australia, will occur'
this Dominion can supply unlimited dram- and has taken possession. Mr. Davidson W. Seddon 68$, J. McLean 695, J. Green E. Gray 432, E StoakleY 424, J. Bracken- April 21st and 22nd, and there wili bL- a
atic talent and brilliantly artistic enter- carrie6 a full line of farming impl nts, 684, L, Peterman 672, M. Robertson 642. bury 420. A. Zurbrigg 408, D. Fixter 396, Partial eclipse of the moon Oct. 1(fth, the
tainments. eme I F. Fells 627, C. Pendleton 600, q. Page
pumps, windmills and water supplies and L. Durnin 392, S. Roberson 382, B. Small ending -of which will be visible here�
His latest effort, the re-brgatlization of this will make an up-to-date implement 600, P.- Gibson 687, M. Weir 684, L. 380. J. Copeland $62, D. Kargus 342, R. St..paul' Church - Notes
the famous-� fourth.diviqion theatrical shop, The building is being painted and Ttiompson,581, M. Saint 569, R. Arm- HaStie330, B. Campbell 846. X. Lediett a
party. The "Maple Leafe' in their re modelled. strong 568, L, Bennett 557, S. Bennett $26, W. Hurren 315, F. Page 312, H. Fry * Match 13th.. Fifth Sunday in Letit-11
biggest overseas success, '�Carnouflagel% 555;>V. Campbell 510, M. Carr 492, C 302; G. Lediett 296. R. Forsythe 290, F. a.m. Uathus; 2.30 pml Sunday School;
has met with wonderful commendation, Mr. W. R. Davis, poli6e magistrate for Carr 409, G. McDonald 465, W. Agnew Howson 285, C. Vansickle 2 , 78, G. Smith 7p, rn.gvensong.
both from the audience and the vress, and Mitchell and district during the past six- 403 P. Blomfield 384, E. Lott 382, `V 278, L, Williams 278, P. Clark -i 270,' M. Thursday, March 17th. -A MissionatT
the sticcess of the touris already an es. teen years has resigned owitiv to his age :Fo;871, X. Somers $60, B. Armstron' Tea will be given at, the home of Mim.
tablis�ed fact and failing health. He is in his 81st year 339. g Pitt 266, H. Fitt 240, A. Reid 222, A Thos. Fell% from 3 to 5.30 p. m,
His presentation oC the O;Dumbells" and isa brother of Wingha'rn's esteemed - C ass B, Total 783. konours 549. McLean 204, A. Atkinson 164, B. Blorn. Friday March 18th.-S.p. rn a meeting
Customs Office H. Davis, who has granted field 160. S. Carter 142 R. Saint 104 H.
was the biggest thing in Canadian theat- L.HuttonSffi, R. Rae 547, & Hart-' Agnew 92, W. Henderson 44, B aa�tkey Of theLadles'Guildat the home of Mrs.
a year's leave of absence from his desk nell 546, H. Toler 639, 11 Field W. Boym
ricals last season, and he has firmly es- owing to sickness. 09-4, 0. 37, A. Aldingtoti. $7, N, Sbropahall SL Friday.$ 1). m.-Regulai Lenten Ser-
tablished himself as the master producer Hormith 506 E. Lepard 506, M, Mitchell
of soldier shows by his latest offering. Don't forget the entertainment in the 503, hi. Mitchell 499, B. Edgar 490, J. vice.
Cottage Meeting at the home of Mr, Remember a welcome awAits you. at
The "Maple Leafs" will offer "Cam- 'Presbyterian Church on St Patricks Sturdy 485, X. Pilon 447, Clarke 430, Chas. Cook. Patrick Street on Friday at
ouflage" at the Town Hill Wingbam,for evening, March 17th., A first class pro. K.Williams 423, C. Brown 413, L. Smith 8 p. in. St. Paul's Church. All seats free.
one night, F , riday, Mar. ISM gram -is being prepared, Dialouges, Read- 392, V. Carter 846, M. Coutts 335, W.
ings, Violin Solos. The H;gh School Trio, Tennant 335, 1. Wirth 303, W. Taylor
T. R. 0. B. Now Of Age will also give selections Mr. Hill the 300, E. Stoakley 235, K. Reid 147.
The twenty-first anniversary of the Tor- Choir leader is preparing special music I Sit. II
onto Huron Old Boys' Association was fit- consisting of Solos, Duets etc. Refresh- Total 245.
tingly celebrated in one of the MbSt sUc- ments Will be served, 'Admission 25ets. B. McGee 245, A. Vint 235, F. Rober- wr
cessful and pleasanteat reunions at the Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. son 232, M Redmond 230, K. Xing 220,
Oddfollows Temple, Toronto on Thursday Mr. Robert Barton has sold the former G. Snell 226, A. Coutts 220, C. Deans Rubbeahr- Sale 11
evening last. A feature of the gathering Thos. Brown farm, lot 28, con. 13, now_ 219. M Currie 215, M. Zurbrigg 208, M.
was the Presentation of an address and a ick, to Mr, 1,
Fatum, of Wiarton. Mr. Hartnell 205, W. Gurney 200, 1. Beattie
beautifully engraved umbrella to Dr. Barton will return to British Columbia, 198, ff. Browne 197, V. Miller 195, E,
S16ati, the oldest member and first trea- where he has a splpridid farm on the Brown 194, R. Copeland 185. J. . Mc- Sds't. Next, Mar. I' I
surer of the organization. Amongst coast, a few miles from the U. S. bound- Kibbon 17t, R. Sutton 175, J. Ellawtt
those oft the platform were the president, We understand that Mr. Barton, 173. W. Fitt 172, E. McXay 168, 1. An -
Mr. F T. W. Hodgson; Secretary.. ri Ory.
since coming to Howick, has invented a gus 161, H. Barrett 1157, C. Coutts 166,
Floody, Mr 1. Robertson; past presid- ditching machine, and obtained the U. S. A. Hutton '165, C. BlatclIford 153, G.
ent, Mr. 1. Joynt. tvi. P. P. for North patent a few months ago. He has sold Allen 153, T. Henderson 131, D. Wagner Special Cut F"ces fit All Uno-s of Rubbers
Huron; Mr. J. M. Goventock, M. P. P the patent for quite a large sum and full 130, E. Ross 121, W. Broome 106, H.
for Centre Huron; Mr, Thos. Haye% ex. returns of the purchase amount is expect. Pendleton 78, L. Carter 61, Womens"Rubbers Reg. Price $1.25. Slattirday
warden of the county;M r. J A. MacLar. ed to come from Chicago in a few days. JU. I I Sale Price ............................ , ........................... 1.00
en and Dr. Sloan. Letters of congratula, Totol 130.
On WednesdaV eveninglast themembers J. Lepard 129, W. Campbell 129, M.
ion and of regret at being unable to 'be WomensBrown Rubbers ................ ..., ............... q.. 1.25
present were read from I -Ion. W. Proud. of Lebanon Chapter, Royal Atch Masons Campbell 113, 1. Sutton 06, A. Stokes 75, Men's Rubbers Reg. Price 1.7.5. Sale Price .... 1.40
foot' Sir John Willison and Mayor Church. held a most enjoyable Progressive euchre J, Diusley 68, N. Rintoul 60, X. Hayles
The president of the newly -formed at Which their lady friends wore entertain- 62, L. Hayden 60, D. Miller 59, M. Child's Storm Rubbers Reg. Price $95c. Sale tv
141uron Old Boys* Association of Vancouv- ed. A great many intended to have been N� astin M, H. Hartnell 46, M. Temple- Price ........ I ........ ................ . 50e
er alson sent greetings, A fine magical present had the weather been fine and in man 25, M. Hing8tDn 22, G. Chettleburgh R
program was given. The following are order to bave enough room it wag decided 16, E. Shropshall 10, R. Agnew 10. MeWs Rubber Boots Saturday Price (heavy)....'5050 It
the officers for 1921: President,'Mr. V. to hold it in the Council Chamber instead Sr.. I Men'g Rubber Boots Saturday Price (light) .... 5.00 R-
T. W. Hodgton; Chaplain, Rev. J. A. of in the lodge room. About seventy Those who missed marked x.
RobIn%n; Secretary, Mr. E. r, loody, V in- were prooent. The prizewinners at euchre Sr. Class. Total 600. Cut Prices In WomeWs, Misses and
ancial Seeretary, Mies Grace Newtori; were: for game% Mrs. McAuley and Mi. K. Smith 590, G. Wellwood 570, xN. ChIldren0s Rubber Boots
Treasurer, Mr. W. Vroiudfoot, Jr.; Aud- B.- R. liartkon, and for lone hands Mrs. Coutts 530, R. Harrieon 50, M. Arm-
itors, Mr. John Robertson and Mr. R. S. Underwood ani Mr. R, Munro. strong 510. J. Carr 502. x1 Smith 498, M.
Sheppard. The honorary presidents nre Bisbee 494, 1 Nloir 48S, xM. Xing 4.48, Z Money Saving Prices.
Sir John Willison, 11on. Wni, Proudfoot, %11. Groves 415, xA. Snel 441, xG. Dav- X This Is, the Rtibber Season.
and Mr. G, Nuwton, The Twentieth Coctuty Mathodil at Chutch i&on 11. Kargus 425, xJ. Tiffin 418 , X
St2nday, May. I -Ab., Re,.' W.' F, 11: 11- ?V, rgon 39% xG. Ycung 3W), vII. DMU-
of 10�
adua Field S,,�Cretary of Evatl.ze- cort Mclrltvre % 1. %L. 11'rwine
BORN iLw aiA So1al S_,vicp. will e Jact the Fox 0,11. Clatik "'I %E
Amfivenjary S,�rvimo, of tInt t'ln;,partin -nt I IIczderson;;:i1, %I). Atkirion
ID %.vu -An Wai"13rdim." ("a Ti-i'm*, 11y, ill tlh� wrl"rha"11 NIeth)T�t * chtvt,,ki, 'Hintoul LIS',-), xW. Aulguii 2ti7i, xl?. �:atnp- T IF e r
Mr. KI M. to Ioarth� 010(i
tient b,.l
1 IwAcr, a Olxa: 11,tcn� Mid,; Jr. 11. Total �uo 11XXXXXXXXXXxx xxxx=xxxxxxx
i --- . rVF A
W 01�,�-F �"7
i a