HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-03-03, Page 1I I . '.., "T41, :X- I , ­ ,� " ,� ­_ - -1 - __ ., _ . v ; , ,''�-�"7.v,-,�,��,-,r;;7-w,wnr-v.-.w,--i�-�- . ­ - "-,-. - I " , . , , I - '" ____ I - I - ­_­ — __._____. - __ '' __-, E71223K 11 _"a`aarW1J`ag - ­ ­ I % � - �Aiaiwgj, ,.glaa- . . . � 0 I I * : I I I I I %� �, .dAWA111116,11111111kAllilh, . � I I I I -1 . T I t- N.tin am �, h .'' #4 I � I I � 1'.. � , . i".,..11 I I I . , , . III, � , I . I � I " � ­ ,��_ . - __-----­--­--__._____ - -,_----­'------------ I !_____________,____ am., - .1. ­___­_­.__­_____ Consignment Sale of Pure Bred Stock—Aberdilien Angus, Shorthorn and H'erefo-�r-d--'-at----W--i-ng--h-a---m-,----o"'n'--'--T--'h---'--'^'-'---'-- ____`___­­___'_' I I �1 ,, ,, ______ - - - - --- -Ms . --- __= rsday, March I qthe Single Copies - Four Cents . �MM00100111 I 0 WINUHAM, ONT.� THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, t921 !!� E- ___­­­._­­­ - - �. - ­ . � � I - .1, -1 - '117� ­ Subscriptions: $2000 par,yow ------ Buggy overluras In Collision Rod Young of Colborne, met with an - ___ Free Advances This Week . 7 ­�_---J If you didn't get a copy of THE AD- Personals HURON OLD BOYS here. Temperance Meeting - .. I I I '7—---~1 accident on the Saltiord hill, near Gode. rich, Feb. 19. He driving home VANCE this week call at th�' office and , I ­_ --- ­ - Association Ha'R a a a Form,eill At local 11tems Dr. Andrew S. Grant of Toronto Secretary of- the Ontario Referendum , , I? -;,,,,* * 7h' il 9 'lo - IGM00WA S40.1 was with his two daughters. who attend school ask for one, The Dollar Day Committee '. is buying the treats for you for this week Mrs. Stemon of Ethel, is visiting with Van:,, uver �­. - , . ­­ ­_ 1, Expert watch repairing done Committee will adoress a meeting in the Town _ - I in Goderich, and while on the Goderich only. Take advantage of their generosity. Mrs. D. K. Livingstone. I I , Vancouver, )3. C,, promptly at R. M. McKay's Hall, Wingliam, Thursday, March 10th. at 8. p. m. He will also speak at 207. off Electric Fixtures and,Appliances side of Saltford bridge his horse took fright at something and bolted, On mak- Mr. Thos. Lutton of London spent the Gray Horse Artillery week -end at his home here. Feb, 17th., 1921' Editor of THE WINGHAM ADVANCH, D, R. L. Stewart has been appointed � I Blyth at 2 p in. on the same day. The TELEGRAM ing the turn on the hill the buggy collid. Several members of the 9th Gray Horse 4, Mr. Jos, Finley of Preston, spent the Dear Sir:- Q Medical Health Officer for Morris town. public are cordially jnvlt�d to these meet. ings. I J. W. McKibbon ed with a gravel wagon coming up turn. -ing the buggy upside down and throwing Artillery are now quartered in the Wing- h,im. Armouries and will spend a few week end at his home here. Although we are a long way from ship. Cottage prayer meeting at the home of Robinson V. Wroxeter The Rexall Store Toronto, , the occupants out. Mr. Young landed' WeeKs here in training. The company is Mr. D. A. McLachlan. proprietorof the in charge of Major E. Pettigrew. Central Business College, was intoi& a last Huron there are still many loyal sons atill daughters of the good old county , Mrs. Casemore, Minnie St., on Friday at Judgement has been given by His Wingham, Ont. Mar. 2, '12 on his face and was knocked unconscious. The injuries week. who do not wish to lose connection with 8 P. M. Honor judge Dickson in the Courity We hereby grant you permission k girls suffered a few minor about the face, and bad shaking. vp.� Broke Ids. Ankle '-�r Mrs. Alex Elliott of Durham, visited all Huron's history traditions and old Rat at Billie Burke's Dollar Day 'Meals . " Court case of Robinson vs. Wroxeter, in to continue your recent "One Cent Sale" ,a Mr. Young w I as taken to the hospitlif, . Mr. John M. VanNorman, son of Mr. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Mrs, R. M. VanNorman, Dia�,onal friends. So we in Vancouver have form- ed a Huron Old Boys Association. We and Lunches all hours No waiting. -lots oft help. . which David Robinson, a resident of the village of Wroxeter, claimed $500 dam. * on Saturday, March 5th. but beyond a badly bruised face and . head no serious injuries were found. McGee. Bluevale Road over the week- Road, met with an unfortunate accident end. have had two organization meetings and Mr. Knolson Hueston of Gorrie is tak. ages from the village corporation on . I I United Drug Co. . . Agricultural -,ocletv Social white skating at the, rink on Saturday Mr. Milton Groves has nAurned to evening, by going over on his ankle and at the last enthusiastic rally the follow- trig officers were elected for the year: -, m& a course in Bookkeeping in the Spotton account of alleged defective drainage, judgement was for plaintiff $20 and costs I I per. Morrison - ' The directors of the Turnberry Agri- Saskatchewan after bliending the winter , breaking a bone. 0 . at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pres., D. F, Kendall, Brussels; Ist. Vire Business College in town. Quaker lbs for on the Division Court scale, with right to the defendant . I . : GOOD cultural Society and their wives held a . Purohneed Whiteeburch Creamery V , Rubt. Groves. Pres. Dr. Feare. Seaforth; '2nd. Vice Pres., G. R. Gordon, Goderich; 3rd. Vice oatmeal 25 one dollar on 3 day. -Howson & Howson. to set off its costs of de- fence on the County Court scale. -Gode. NEWSI—The above permission was - social evening in the Council Chamber of the Witigharn Town Hall on Wednesday A. L. Stewart of the Shamrock Cream- Miss Effie - McLeis,. of Toronto and Pres., F. G Donaghy, Fordwich; Rec. Miss Mae Wilkinson, teacher of piano rich Signal. . granted us on account of bad weather . I 11 of last week. A couple of hours. were , e- , Brussels, has purchased the White- Miss Urace MeLeisti ot Arkona, were -Y ' Secy. F. J. Lawrence, Seafortb, Cor. Pupils prepared'for Conservatory Exams, Will Demonstrate Pordsons during our recent sale. pleasantly spent at progresbive euchre, after which the report of the representa- church factory and will open it up short' week -end visiturb at the home oi Mr. and ly. There will be vim and business man-' Mrs. Murtay McLeish, Shuter St. Secy.�, Miss Jean Cantelon, Goderich; Treas., Mr. Edwards, Fordwich; Direc- Telephone 133, Wingham. Teach Your "Dollar" to have I T. R, Bennett has resigned his position DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS i I Aive to the Ontario Fairs' Association was agement. about it which no doubt the Mr and Mrs. Win. Wallace and tors, Mrs, Shortre& W. H. Gorby, Wm. more "cents" (sense) see R M. McKay's win- with kdassey Harris CQ. Ltd., to accept the managership of the tractor division of � I I --- - , -­ .. . I � ,given. This is the first time in the his- tory of the society that a lady has been farminz community of V,Yhitecburch will daughter, Miss uiadys ui Haimuta, Man., appreciate. A supply o6ce has been se- spent a few d,tys last week at the home McQueen Mrs. Humphreys, T. B. Hill, Mrs. Donagh.., Mr. Day, A Bowles. Mrs dows before you buy on "Dollar Day." the Ford 3'usine i - at Wingham, conducted - , - - - I � The best ever- "One Cent 20 percent. discount on all sent to Toronto as a delegate and froffi cured for use in the coming season. of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott. Diagonal Oreig, G. Gibson. 11 The topics at the Baptist Church next Sunday will be. "A great Baptist by A. M. Crawfo, J. It is the purpose to han,le a complete line of power farming Sale" prices - same as on . International S t o c k and, I . all accounts it may not be the la -;t, for the Blyib Man Killed Road, and with other friends in this . There are a great many former "Huron- pr'o- gram" and "Worry and its remedy." implements at the shop opposite the recent circular mailed you. Poultry Remedies in store I I I . report given by Mrs, W. 'A. McGill was I . Word was received in Blyth last week , vicinity. ites" in our fair city and we are looking The Bachelors of Winghim announce 9ueen's Hotel Stable. Mr. Bennett be- Four 10 cent scribblers' 25c� Seven 5 cent scribblers 25c. the best account of the, proceedings at the that Archie McKenzie, son of Mr. _� , __ _ — I forward with great en'thuslasm, to a splen- an Easter Dance to be held in Mill's ing a practical machine expert with good A.. �;�t­ -I,iA, h . been ucehred f- and 111A , k. -.I.. U :11 1� - .1. i W. - � . ' some time. Before returning to their �homesthey proceeded to McKay's Res- , �taurant where an oyster supper wag par- 'taken of. ,, . � I - - - I I � , IYCEUM THEATRE " The Biugest little.51h,ow " Thurs., Fri and Sat. - (Dollar Day). AREAL MABEL NOR- MAND HUMMER. The petite Princess Kalora could- n't get a husband because she was- n't fat enough. . So her father, the Count Selim Malagaski, put her in a rubber suit, filled it with air -and lol She was enormous. Until she sat on a pin ' and -pow I ! the darn thing blowup The zip- piest, funniest of all Mabel Nor- , i\ rs. Adam McKenzie of Toronto, had been killed at Burlington. The late Archie McKenzie was a locomotive engin- eer and it would appear that as he .step- ped from ,he cab of his engine hq was run over by an express train boulad, from Lon- don to Toronto. � . . ­ . 1, 'Addition To His Papei� I , Bro.,Geol H. MooneA.the Editor of the Ripley Express has made an addition to his journalistic luminary by giving re- cipesforkisses. Thefirstfora Valentine variety. made of sugar, eggs, corn starch, cocoanut, vanilla, etc. Arid the second .is 2 folk on a piazza in he moonlight and so fortli. O! George! you should not give your experiences away in that manner, ' even supposing the taffy season is draw -P ing nigh. -Brussels Post. , Wedded In Toronto . Sherhowne S -e 1- � h�A: M. U -.&.. .. .. c w e worthy of the banner county we are representing Memorial Hall, ednesday, March 30, We will have a load of fancy fruit for perience, should be the right man for, the position. . .1 . I FREEI FREEI—$1.15 Opeko Coffee withevery 1, here. � Dollar Day at reduced prices, see our A n power farming demonstration will be , $5.00 purchase on Dollar Day. As you see, I have been appointed Con windo'w', -Billie Burke. p ut on at Wingham on March 21st. i I I I 11 , Secy. and it will be my duty and plea- A very successful dance was held in the The late Mrs. James Agnew - I I i sure to write back to the county papers from time to time such news of our Town Hall last Friday evening under the aus;.ice I The War Cry printed at Chicago under date of February, 19th., 1021, has a * WKIBBON 'S DRUG STORE ' I Society its rry Literary Club. and affairs as we think the people back "home" may like to hear 207. off Electric Fixtures and,Appliances lengthy article in memoriam of the late Eliza Agnew, who departed this life at I � I . . I ep' in closer con- for Dollar Day. -Ross Electric. Berkley, California, on January 20t'h., in Dru gs and Stationery I I I tact with all Huron activities and we L. 0. L. 794 will hold their annual her 79th, year. Deceased was a resident I I . . Edison Phonographs Phone 53' C. P. R Ticket s I would like to feel that the people of monthly meeting in the Orange Hall on of Wingharn over forty years ag I . I I Huron are interested in this association Friday evening at 8 o'clock sharp. Initia- true christian and a great friend of the . - - -- L�)�- � A -. . = 0 and in its activities. Willyou kindly in- tion. el Salvation Army. Her husband died I I S - - - sertthisnewsof our new association in Come in and seethe "Biggest Bargains" I about thirty-five years ago and site moved __ - - __ - - ­ , I — . -- _ -_ - -_ -_ - _. _ - your paper? ever offered in an up-to-date Jewelery to Evanstown, Ill., with her children for . We wish you continued ss in your store of new goods on "Dollar Day". - R their education in Northwestern Univer- Methodist Church Notes . Gone To Hamilton I publication and we, of VancLuver, -send M. McKAY. . sity. She lived in a constant confidence The Twentieth Century Methodist Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Zurbrigg and greetings back to the old "Home County Mr. D. Fortune's rink were successfu of Eternal Life in God and Immortality Church, Sunday, March Oth: 11 a. m. family moved to Hamilton this week, of Huron". I am ' in winning the local bonspiel, finishing on 11 beyond the grave. She is survived by -Public Worship, Subject -"Daily living where they will reside in future. This Yours sincerely, Saturday evening by defeating Mr.'W. S. Mrs. B. F. Wilson and Mrs, J. Stitt Wit for daily bread"; 2.30 p. m. -Sunday estimable family will be greatly missed in JEAN CANTZLONI Mitchell's rink. . son of ,Berkley, Cal., J. S. Aanew of School, Missionary offering; 7 p. in.- Wingham, and more particularly in the �, a mand a Pictures. I � St., urc , (Cor. Secy.) A social evening will be held in' St. Kansas City and Lt. Col. Fletcher Agnew Public Worship, Subject—Seven won. Methodist church where they were active I . : I "The Slim Princess" T-bionto, wa$ the scene of a very quiet 0 . I Take time on Dollar Day to see wedding on Saturday afternoon, when Coutts Is (Irand Supt. �7_ — ; ... Andrews Presbyterian church, on Thurs. and Staff Capt, Ernest Agnew of Chicago, ders in three worlds". We have good members. Mr. Zurbrigg has opened a . ; Zeta May, daughter of Dougald, and Mrs. Congratulations to R. A. Coutts of ' li - , day evening, March 17th, under the Shooting At Wingham I singing. You will receive a hearty wel- I branch office of the Aero Cushion Inner , : this harem-scarem picture made Will Increase Water Supply %/ auspices of the Ladies' Aid. A couple of Wingham business men, come. Come early and bring your Tire Company in that city, and reports � George Ade s famous play. Ferguson of Teeswater, became the bride Wingham, who was elected Grand Super. . . � Matinee Saturday 3.80-10c and of F. Maurice , Gallant. rhe ceremony intendant of Royal Arch Masons for The Utilities Commission have decided We are sorry to report that Mr. R. m. W. G. Patterson a -id Albert Loutitt, got friends, business f.,:osperous. The best wishes of ,� . , ' to employ an expert engineer to advise McKay, jeweler, is not making as rapid into a mixup at the former's residence on a host of friends accompany them to their 15C. was conducted by Rev. G. H Williams, Huron District Ng. 4, at the Grand Chap- The Late Richard Allen new home. ` Evening, two shows, 7.36 and After a short trig in the States Mr. and ter meeting held in London last week. what best can be done to increase the progress toward recovery as his many Friday morning. It is stated that Mr. , , , � � water supply at Wingham. We under. Wingharn friends would like. Patterson mistook Mr. Loutitt for a burg- There passed away at Bowmanville, on The Late Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell ' I � I 9.00- 15c and 25c. Mrs. Gallant will reside at the Westmin- Motor License Tuesday, Feb. 22nd, Richard Allen �, I I I lar and in a scuffle pulled a revolver, and " I � stand that steps will be taken at once to Buy your Templeton's Capsules at J, father of W. T. Allen and Miss Belle There passed away in Brooklyn, N. Y., � I I I I Coming -Mon.. Tues and Wed. stei Hotel, Jarvis street, Toronto. Having received the appointment of have a well drilled and reservoir space en- W. McKibbon's drug store. T. R. C's a bullett grazed his abdomen inflicting a Allen, Bowmanville, Frank T. Allen. on Thursday, Feb. 24th, Mrs. Campbell, I I �I - �� I Public Meeting issuer of motor licences f r this commun- larged. The public will welcome this for Rheumatism) etc., RAZ­VlAH for slight wound which - necessitated his Windsor. and Mrs. W. W. Hoisey, Osh. widow of the late Dr. Campbell, and a . i At the last regular meeting of the War ity, you can now secure your license in news, more so the water users because of Asthma. Relief guaranteed. spending a day or s m ' da a sister of Mrs. H. Davis, Wingham., The .� I I "The Mutiny of the Veterans it was decided to hold Wingham. - CLARE CRAWFORD, lHospital. Thecasewill beaked lock from the IVY 't!r; remains were brought to Seaforth, where 11 We are pleased to report that Mrs. in cou noon at 3 o1c iethodis a public the restrictions which were made necessary Genera awz. The funeral on Thurs � - 91 . . meeting in the Town Hall on Friday a on account of the shortage of water. rt on Thursday morning and no Church to Bowmanville cemetery. He they were interred in the family:, plot rk � Elsinore' ' evening, March 4th., at 8 o'clock. The t Crawford's Garage. W. D. Burke is doing as well as can be ex- doubt the correct story will be revealed was in I t I 'with all Star Cast. , public are cordially invited to this meet. Now Planing Mill V The Late Mrs Davidson pected. She is at present visiting with but we do not think there will be any his 86th year and was ill just on Monday. ' ' . i , Wingham's new planing mill in the old In reporting the death of Mrs. Gav* her mother, Mrs. Taylor -in Exeter. exciting news as both naen have about a week. He is a brother of Mrs. Dr. Chas. Campbell of Brooldyn and , I p ing. The Veterans find that it is impos- in been _�l , Usual performances Usual " riceis. 1 4 . Dinsley House, near the G. T R. station Davidson last week, we ommitred The E. A. Strout, farm agency, have frien Richard James, Frances St. He belonged i Dr. Wm. S. Campbell of Albany, Miss,. I . �1� . club go unless they the opemd a branch office in Wing ds for a long while and we believe the to the Oddfellows 49 years, 1 were present at their mother's funeral, 1, I — can have the hearty support and co -opera- will be running in the course of a few name bers of the fa ham, and shooting would not have occurred if they I roily have secured M W. T.' Miller as their had been themselves. and came on up ' I ; I tion of the citizens. 'This mee days. Mr. J. A. McLean the proprietor, who are left to mourn the loss of a kin However, Crown Kerr -Procter Nuptials to Wingbam where they � � ting, it is . d r. � . I ; EVEVVWDV�b COLUMN is only waiting for hydro inspection. The representive, read their ad. on page 5. Attorney Seager and Constables White Avery pretty wedding t ' pent a few days with their aunt and I I . expected, will decide whether or not the and loving mother, viz Walter in Regina, ook place at I uncle, Customs Officer, and Mrs. Davis. I I— - proprietor purposes keeping this mill open Mrs Fyfe at Orw The regular monthly meeting of the sides have been in town investigating the the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Procter, , . I N 3k�a,ridImplements Veteran's Organization will continue. : ell, Ont., and Miss :1 � I 'J , ,8to' " 41 B I "I" V ...... 01; Uncle George Cardiff D all the year around. It is conveniently te Ladies Auxiliary to the Wingliam Gener. case. when their only daughter, Margaret A � The Late Mrs. Taugher � ' 4"_� "' I N., I situated and we believe it will be a busy (On ' 1� "i � C '0 � ies Lizz at home. I ' LO'3 � .. 1 O..... �."T d M. - lh' George Cardiff. one of the best known The remains were interred in Wingbam al Hospital will be held in the Council Farmers Urged To Improve Stock was united in marriage to Mr. J. Wesle�l Mrs Patrick Taugher, aged 69 years I �, � 4 9 . . '� -1 . _ - b,li.. - A...T.O.,, Pr.p. place. The public will be able to secure cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Chamber on Monday, March 7th., at About 100 persons sat down to banquet Kerr, younger son of Mr. and Mrs Geo. and 8 months, passed away at the home of I � I J h.. S. .��,,�s r. . men in this section and known to every- rough and dressed lumber at any 81110". Dr. Perrie, pastoi of St. Andrews Prer, i tables in Clinton on Thursday night Kerr of Brussels. The Rev. R. J. her daughter, .,. , '. A'.�i..e. , ., body in the community as "Uncle" Car- S 3.45. Mrs. W. J. Forgie. Frances � . t Paul'i Church Notels byteribn Church officiating. The pall- Get an Ice Cream Special at Billie last on the occasion of. the annual social Peters officiated. The.bride entered the St., Wingham, on Monday morning after GENTS WANTED -Man or woman to re- diff passed away Sunday evening in his 1. 1� I present us 9, days; earnnigs guaranteed; 83rd year. March 6. Fourth Sunday in Lent. bearers were her three sons, Alex. Walter Burke's on Dollar Day. We serve the gathering of the Huron Central Agricult- parlour on the arm of her father looking a short illness. Deceased was a smart old od chance to M,�ke 45110. Spure time way I . U v. .Pardcul- bed. Experiunce unueceh8ar. Deceased retired from fa ming and -11 a. in. Huly Communion, ,,Lessons and John and her three sons-in-law. J. E. Cream of all Creams Willardos ural Society. Huron County being one of very charming in a tailored suit of navy lady and for some time kept house for are on applio.Ation. - I I WiNsToN Co., Depu. A., moved to Brussels about 30 years ago He from the life of Joseph " 2.30 p, in Sun- Smith, Peter Fowler and Will Fyfe. . Good Butter is scarce in Wingharn. the largest stock producing districts in blue serge and black velvet hat and wore Miss Whyte and later for Customs Officer � Toronto. . . _+___ I---- .- - __ - .I=- .- had been an exceptionally smart man for day School. 7 p., in. Evensong "The Gorric Boy Killed . You can get the best pasteurized cream. Canada, and Clinton being 'The Hub" a corsage boquet of violets. The wedding Davis Complaining of a slight dicknes8 I ANNUAL MEETING -The Annual nieotww his years, until a few months ago, when an Third Temptation " 1� cry butter at the Wingham Creamery of the county, much interest is always march was played by Miss Mary B. Cole on Thursday morning she went't� the of the v� iughani Athictic 44r und� L� d- attack of rheumatism confined him piettv Thursday, March 3rd 3 p. in. Woman*s Niagara Falls, Ont., Feb. 22 -Two men for 60 cents a pound. Fresh from the taken in these annual gatherings as well of Blyth, The many gifts received were home of her daughter. 'Her maiden na= I ,d - b ol.drbii� R. vaustooe'd Offlv� on We - . were killed and two seriously injured this a token of the esteem in which the young was Margaret McGue and the family w' 1 " " 4 . 9ax,at3o'cloakp.m Eiec,ioii closely to his house. This was fol Auxiliary at Mrs. Roderus churn.' Try it. as in the spring fairs, conducted by this . 6 �!'d 7' lowe� ot. . ei� . ..,I other impumattG butii rning when a hydro -electric engine couplewereheld. The groom's present to formerly resided in Cuiross. The r,mains . V a. VANNoRmA*n6tP48r'e9, - pretty closely by a stroke of paralysis a Friday, March 4-7.30 p. m. Lenten MO . Mr and Mrs. John Johnston, Bluevale, society which are said to be among the week ago, from which he never recovered. service, subject, "The Seven Sayings from crashed into a donkt.y engine at the wish, to announce the engagement of best of their kind held outside the large the bride was a diamond and pearl neck- were taken to the Sacred Heart Church OARD WANTED-For4 men, aubsmu tial He was a pronounced Conservative in the cross." Whirlpool on the Hydro construction. cities. . I lace and to the pianist a lovely pearl bar on Thursday morning for service. In. I their daughter, Melissa E. to Mr. David ,0 meals for moohmmos, musL have bath. The engine and work cars toppled over the . I .4plyto _____ 1�11EADVANCE. politics, and ardent Orangemen and a Remember a welcome awaits you at SL Pitblads. The marriage to take place Mayor A. J. McMurray, whii is also pin. Their many friends wish them long torment will take place in Teeswater 1. �. .. -.-.- Paul s church. All seats free. bank down to the side of .the Gorge. . secretary of the society, acted acceptably and happy years of wedded life. cemetery. C,EDARp06T6F0RS,LLE-APPb to. Methodist Interment will be made in early in March. � I XILLER PROCTER, George Young. St Catharines and 1. C aschairman and toastmaster. Thepiinc- -_ � Blueval, Road. Brussels cemetery on Weftesday. He liogs First, Then Kiddies Austin, Hydro, Camp we're instantly kill: Just received a car of the best British -- ,',,...- .� is survived by his widow. (Farmers'Sun) ipal toast was to "Agriculture", proposed I I I - FW�TS Foa bAL 0. I ed, being pinned beneath the wr.,t1kage Columbia Shingles, which will be sold at by S B . Stothers, Huron's District Rep- , -1 I 1W � PIP .1y. ."I NS I � xpax � X. XT X X X X mx X X 7,0 ,4?4 X 14 X 74 X X X X = I C -_E1JA1 The Ezativille Leader, recently quoted exce tionally low prices for cash. Parties resentative ind ably responded to by Pro- X . � . Plione 11 -OZ Off For Central Africa �/ an editorial note from the The Farmers , The men badly injured are: D. Bawton- . P I -���­ - ____ — h I elmer, fractured collar requiring shingles will do well to get our fessor G. E. Day, of Guelph, who gave a � I � ROLETTOURING CAR -A, Snap for Miss Louisa Horne left on Mond y bone; Gio. Lin. 4�__ �' k sLue-1920 1V1 del as good as ne%v Sun, in which we urge farmers to feed ley scalp wounds. They ae in the pricesbefore placing their order. -J. A. splendid address on the improvement of kt I I I , f',,HqM.�', morning for Walkerville, prior to her leav- their potatoeg to the bogs. as potk�toes at , I . . , traution tires. For caski you can I . . Memorial HOSP;L.11, oye� the river and McLBA,N, P e stock. W�A Tover $400 on tho price of a new auto. ing immediately to labor in the mission Y' D (")" -L L A R DAY I ',v,,e, to firtit bidder. Getinformatioti at 25c per bushel was cheaper than. grain. - . 111E ADVANCE. wl re I I I The Leader characterizes this as "callus tention of attending the Royal Arch gatherings the women of the town and .41 � � � fields of'Central Africa, under the aus 11 cover . Owing to the number signifying their in- For the first time in the history of these X . bECTRIC MOTOR -Two horse power inot. pices of the Baptist church of Canada, cruel, dechris ian;sing advice Let the About 4000 Advances . Masons euchre and At Home on Wednes- E in . i Miss Horne is a devoted servant of God country were admitted to the banquet X � ()r for emle, in good cunai,iori . . . J. li. MCKAY, nd will greatly assist in the extension of little children starve if need, be and let Our readers, will. we trust. pardon, our day evening, the committee have deemed and took part in the program. -Clinton ML-" I . . __ ___ ltesttmrdn�. a the hogs fatten until prices boost I This . . of the serial story for this week it advisable to hold it in the council New Era. X11-11 il b : FOR SALE -100 acreg of chowe land. the Master's work in heathen Africa. in the face of a kind and beneficent Pro- ommission J_ft- GAINS J V, A RM as we were crowded owing to Dollar Day chamber. X BAwN . � I A_� , situated near 13MOVUL10. For furthur In- Miss Horne is a daughter of Mr. and vidence, who blessed the laborsof the ______,__________ - I I , � toi,ina6ion inquire st. Tun ADVANCE. Mrs. Thomas Proctor, of Belgrave and tiller of the soil". rush of advertising The business men of If you buy a Willard Ice Cream Brick ax - . �, � I . � Flour is going at attractive prices on $ . _.�-� Mrs. Collar, Mrs. Price and Mr. Albert Wingham have chosen our paper, as a at Billie Burke's it will be firm and nice a . 0 S V4 I . I IVOR SALE -Happy thoul;ht Rango in A. 1. We ate sad to find we have erred d y -H w on & Howson, X! Anticipate your Wants- In Footwear � . " means of advertising this great money for serving, ail flavors. . -111 will � I si;� coiludwo at -a beagain. Alto Aplateiu Horne of Wingham are st ters and against Providence and little children. Rev. H. B. Parriby of Elrnville, receiv Qp1lie . : " 11jiter Odd. Lt. BUCHATrAN P/0 PIPLY) co., brother saving event and have purchased 2,000 The Ladies Auxiliary to the Wingharn ed a uranimous invitation from his board � I "I � . . Butohor r3hop. We now find out that pigs need no feed, extra copies of THE ADVANCE which they G ear, as pastor of pay you. K � roll 8 - Do,c, stiffable for Many Wingliam friends wish her a safe they can easily be fed on fair promises We trust that eneral Hospital intend holding an After- to return for another y " . ALE-GOOCI Cohie - - ._.___....._ voyagetind pray that God will protect and kind words, From henceforth let no are sending broadcast. n tea, at the home of Mrs. Richard the Elniville citcuit The worli of Mr. APPJY to those who read our paper this week for noo ie� farm. ' 6, 24 prs Children's Rubbers 100 pre Women's first quality I I - HORT, BEATTIPP. her in Wit far away land to which she farmer cheat the children by feeding food Vanstone on Thursday, March 3rd. from Parnaby has been much appreciated and ,_.�_-. I—- ­ ----.. the first time will not come to the con- W1 si"- 8 to 10-1 Dollar Day .69c Rubbers, Black, rag $1.25 .,-, KqSFOLJND-Smftll string of ko�s.� Apply has so courageously volunteered to give to pigst Remember that every particle 3 to 5 o'clock, in aid of the hospital. he has made warm friends on tile cit cuit. ` .. � to. Tun ADVANOU __ up her Afe in the work of the Master. of grain you feed a hog or chicken. co'w or clusi - on that we carry this amount of ad. Silver collection. The public are cordial- Mr. Parnaby, while thanking the board A Dollar Day ............... 1.00 I , --- I I i ,,,�,� LQ8T­80mewhere bet%vuen Xdson's - Corner Bellingliani-Jackson Nuplials horse, is bread taken from the mo vertising all the time. we have not had ly invited to attend. for their words of appreciation stated that X 'Jil prs Wornan's Boots re Brown Rubbers reg. 1,50 � 'i, I and Blaevaie. A pair of girl's skates. I children! Hogs thrive well on ex�rcise the time to publish as newsy a paper this Look here for Dollar Day. Ten pit's he could not accept tne invitation. X 9. Dollar Duy .. ..... ...... 1.25 � , �, 3%der wilL pieaw lesve same at A quiet wedding took place on Feb. 14, as we would like to have done, . , � �,�. .. I - - TnF. ADVANCE. a!4 fresh air -to feed them is wasteful week but nator Tobacco for one dollar. 1000 We will sell Five Lilies and Quality N11 price $5, Dollar Day (1-99 I I , � , - I .21, at 6 p. m., at the home of the bride's we would urge you to read the advertise. Of So c,, . � ,; � 4 AIR A 1@ R 0 CUS1110N TIRES -Never and foolishl I -BILLiE Buaxx. v Flours at a reduction of 40 cts. per bag off 4 We have riot space to further . f nts. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson, ments and store news as You will find pk'a to go. , ,!�'d ,d, Will solL for *46. Asavingot$5. too pare , , ON, use I ord8izepair. inquire at 1 264 Campbell St., Sarnia, formerly of _ many real honest -to goodness bargains. T. J. McLean, contractor, has just corn. our regular prices on $ day. Flour >�� 24 prs Womaus' Dark Brown enumerate lines � 1�1 I TuN ADVANCE. . and prices, Sim- , . � , . . . OUND.-Smali a, Apply Olt Belgrave, when the Rev. J. R. Hall, DIED Wingliam's Dollar Day is always a day pletted his contract of laying SADO feet of guiranteed,-Howson & Howson. Kid Oxfora, rell $6.5o on ilar cut prices in every line of I . , founs UUI�10 Amv.&Ncs. unitea in holy bonds of matrimony Mary long looked for by the thrifty housewife water main an the north side of the River A sequel to the mysterious shooting Footwear in our store on Dol - 1 � I . remisos of the E. A., (Lizzie), to Mr. Georgei*J. B,llin HoLT-In Fordwith, on Monday, Feb, and this year it will be no exception, Maitland, giving employment to some 25 . affair at Xingsbridge last year, in which X Dollar Day ....... � ...... 3.99 lar Day. �: , I RA,Y9l)-Uaa10 tO t'i'� � 9' 21st, 1021, Anthony Holt, aged a0 , I , andersigned, Lot 34 r 4 East Woman. ham bf Sarnia, the bride was daintly at- Come to Wingliam on Saturday. March or 30 men fok the last two months. X , - "No yorkehire or aboUt Yeb. 1&,' , '06 IV years and 8 days, ,, This I Louis Dalton was severely injured, is the � , I.% M."= -r --.v I-V, 9 If— same by provit! tired inwhitesilk, withdcorage bouquet MAnT EN- In Turnberry, on Sunday, Feb. 5th and get your share of the bargains.' will increase real estate values in this dis- issue of five writs in the county court on X Come here Dollar Day. � V aud paying expenses. if you like our paper we invite you to trict of the town, giving the citizens fire V1 V�tpery 8Am MCBuRNEV. of sweet peas and fern. Her sister : 20 account of alleged dauderous statements OR, , I I __ Florence, dressed in maize crepe de chene 70th year. b9cribe to it, and as a special induce. protection and water service. K ., � "' th, 1921, Thomas Martin. In his su said to have been made regarding resid- We will save you Money. , �. +11, ,V,WlliG-Laaios,suita&Speoi4lty- Charges 1 410 � % �, acted as bride's maid, while Mr. Win. ment we will give a handsome picture to The Farmers' Sun in a recent article ents of the community in conpection with . �'. inodel!06tc- __ � ' . ,�. I Miss Dipcxr,TT, Hewitt supported the groom. ­ ­ each and every new subscriber or renewal s to bestir the shooting The legal firm acting in I Come Early -Early Shoppers first Choice. I '. .%� I upstalra Crawford, Block. Later in the evening, a number o, MARRIED , subscription received on the afternoon of themselves and riot let their trade slip the matter is Proutifoot, Killpran & X . ' I �, I I , �, 1, � A=ED-POSit On OPen for all fikporkma. . , .1 I", I I ednianong,farin, Married or toingle- guests gathered, and gave the ilew bride CLARICE --SINCLAIR -At the home of the Saturday, March 5th. Only' a Iffilit6d citywird by holding to time -worn 1101meg. I 11, 0 preferrod. ,Y -R3, angaiternent. WAte a miscellaneous shower. A PleAtant time bride, on Wednesday, February 23rd, number of these pictures are available mahoft The Sun declares that progreg. 11 , - 1. ." ..., DEp,4 RT�WN T OF AGRIVULTUR14v Billie Burke is having his restaurant C. � 11 � i, � 1% � - I`, I � , Clinton, ont. wag spefit in music and dancing. After a 1021, by Pay. J. S. Johnson, Mr. bon. and positively none Will be given away sive steps are- needed by county meir. modelled. Ul)-to.dale S011s ... b.irn, IV . I I 11 Usably and dainty luncheon the guests departed, ald A. McGregor Clarke,. Hamilton,' to until I o'clock on Saturday. First come, chants to keep pact with the modern put in and N. L. Morrison io artistically . 1-1 I , ,,&NTj;1)__Dtawmaktn9, I TV 0 in G"r V -ft e r . ptomptly don*. Use. ]a . and groom tuany happy Min Louise Rosalind, daullbtat of Bar. first Wved. The subscriptiod ptics of businow 00thads adopted by the city painting avid paperhig the interior. Tlie , � , . . . mAnd'slas, 39"19 91--l-a. mmu­494 - ilia #Aih",IA,a&Q&,**W'' - I -.1 � I �. .... 1. ­ ­ - ­4�L­.1-­'-­-­­­ ..... ...... . �"""' '" -1 - - -.11" . 1. � . I ­. - 1. -1 I ­ I I I 9 ________,_ .-.,- _. 1, -Alli'mmi