HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-02-24, Page 819_� WIF
i F, 74-
I horsK), Feb 24th, 1"I
4�= 10 X
W==UX===XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mrs. Long of Niiverion. spent a week Single
Mr. Ward Obarpin has Witon Possess- ith bar brother Rev. Peters.
droy business, b4 recently Put- w
Mrs Marlton of Park Hill, is spending
cbasrsd from Mr., Pinloy. a week with her friend, Mrs Jule. Buggy Overturn
Mr. Allan M913wert of %be B. line of
U H E A 1"R E 'onoftul; SLAU 0*044" HTER Rod Young of
LY UL M "I Mr. Bride of Hardston, $Pont a few
Turaborry. bag bad a Wroxeter phont day, wltb Mr. g"d Mrs. ego. Daley. accident on the
inotialled In bib resl4once. I Mr and Mrs. Kelso of Melville $ask..' rich, Feb. 19,
Woaresqrry to roporttbe serious III- are spendin few weeks with the latter's �Is two daughte
Fri. and Sate nessof Miss Agnes Miller, who is suffer- sister. Mrs, Robertson. in Goderlch� and
ing from a. severe atta6k of pleurisy. We, Stewart Procter aud. Howard Wilkin- side of Saitford
son, wwo returned team% Toronto baving A L
Now Play*ng,'Thurs E
hope soon to report her recovery. taken the two weelot course of lectures fright at soMethl
Mr Steel of 801111A who is hero Vill"" given by he U, F. 0* , he Onlarlo log the turn on
"'IAL set K , his sister , Mrs. Herb. Hen"11198 University. of
FXTRA SPm, 'ur ed with a gravel
'A . Ing 4e
occupied the pulpit 14,010 Methodist Rev. Snyder takes the service in the buggy UP
church on SandayvVerting and gave a Methodist Church next Sunday and
All Local CaSt and Scenes In speaks on the World's Brotherhood of the occupants o
also verflaterestir.g discourse men. on his face and
Rev A. McKibbon, pastor of the At the social evening -of %bt League Boots, Shoes Rubbers The girls suffere
Gorde Motbodist Church attended the last Tuesday night at the homis Of Mr- about the face.
Quixvterly Board meeting of the Method- arid Mrs J A. Brandon the young friends Now going on and lasting until Mr. Young was
ist church hero. W% understand t1wre Is and nelghbours of Miss Margaret, daugb- but beyond a
JOSHUA C-OMES TO TOW 14 a movement an foot to join the Methodist ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C Proctor, Pre- head no sserloti§ I
sented her with a miscellaneous shower,
churches of WrQxeter and Gorric In one The number of Westfield articles Present -
entirely Ilk Winobam.
A coniedy produced and made ad showed the eateeta in whl�h Miss Agricultural %11C
Margaret labeld by her young friends, The directors
Salem There were aboutrighty present and a cultu
114, Sat., a r. 12th,
t citiv.0n,-, figure in the street scenes besides the alt local very enjoyable, evening was spent. ral Society
lklany prOMInen
and Mrs. R. A. Currie, Mrs. R. S. Mr. Howard Ho6W of the West. is at --ocial evening in
astof cti.,Iracters in the play including—Mr. -010ise Kennedy, Dresent visiting at the home of Mr. Jas. (Inclusive) 1 Zhe Wingliam.
NVilliatws, F. W. Haninore, Aargaret Vanstone, Ada Corbett, H Wylie. of last week.
Abell, R. 8 rgaret Morri- Jennie Fratick visited friends near 110RN *I
May Deacon, Bert Maxwell, St� Claire Crawford, Ma -_ pleasantly spent
s and other'$. Teeswater, a few days recently. I New Spring Goods are already to hand.
son, Alma Lockeridge, Katherine Cruickshank rx, Rii�zuT—ln Howick, on Monday, Feb. after which the r
Mr. Jas, Wylie gave a party last F *
day night, to a few of their neigbors. 7th, 1921. to Mr. and Mrp. Henry and our prices during this sale are MUCH SE tive to the Ontar
The gr atest little CoMedlenUe Of 'CM all Mr and Mrs. Albert Gallaher visited LOW I the New Spring Prices.
given. This is t
e at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I NVm. Gpil- Reldt, a daughter. tory of the socie
aorta E X McCRA0gpX_1n Howicit, on Wednes- sent to Toronto
lahere near Bluevale, one day last week.
day, F all accounts it in
Wilb r McCracken, twin daughters. continue until Saturda3� March A211hs 104108-
eb. 16th, 1921. toMr. and Mrs. Keep In inind the fact that this Sale Will, report given by
CONSTANCE sraraAL1Ma0tADLi I Turnberry Couincil
Ive. the best account
Minutes of Council meeting b. a I d , presentation and. BRLnquot, Association whic
in Bluevalo, peb, ,rji, 19,1, Members some time. Be
all present, A banquet Coupled with the present atiOn �i qyl homes they proce
Atthur Wheeler subscribed to the of a suitably inscribed gold watch and an taurant where an
cko it3o Wy Dag,go,,op of Office Minutes Of I--' !'I m1natel addres to, A. over (who
"A Prair of Nik -wnito mas ken of.
regul�r meeting, Nomination meeting and ired as general sales manager of the TT
reti W#,. H,,wl LL I S
Election wore read and on motion Of W- in Decem
and Canadian National Pictorial Review. Willys-OverlandUmited, ber)by
A. Kings and Moffatt were adopt- I SOLE AGENT FOR LADIE S'
ikshanks read the. -to-copst
ed, Mr. Goo. Cru former ponfreres in the coast
Dolet MISS the greatest evenino*s,entertalument of the season. auditor's repor�t showing a balance of chain of Overland dealer, was one of the, 14w,- "M
$740.31. On motion of & wbacler and outstan "The B10
14 j. Moffatt, the report was adopted. . dingevents of show week. in Lon -
74 . P� don.
The following accounts were paid' Thurs,, Fri a
Matinee Saturday at 3.30,
TWO Shows each night at 7.30 and 9.15. The banquet was a large, representative
McDougall attendance fees $2.00; A. G. AREAL
Smith, prinfing 450; Muncipal World, and enthusiastic one that reflected no little AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN
Supplies 37-42; R. Aitcheson, Rent For�
Prices: EveningVcandVc. Matinee 11c and 27c. credit on7the committee in charge of MAND
rester's Rail 4 00; R. Crulksliank A. Mc -
e and 1, Brack- arrangements, composed of L TCP The petite
Pherson D. H. W*Ilac Kennedy Jill 't get a hush
n, tf
enridge, each 20-04; 13- R�, 0., Poll Clerk of Wingliam, (�hairman), HarryfhBray of
and SO n't fat enough
hool 8.00; Cloin Higgins 4.00; Hamilton, Frank D. McLaughlin. of Lon,
Poll Clark' . Powell 20.55 Returning don and A. J. Gilmour of St. Cathetmes, gave H. C. Champ a pany'splant was in Hamilton. Twoyftr$
P handsome mono- So her fathe
s. Moffatt. 3 00
Mr. Duncan Kennedy made a businUss, Mrs. Wm. Rintoul of Wingham� visited officer and Telephone, Ja Malagaski, pu�t
WhiteClIurch jD in W, T. P. -, Jas. Porter, 3.00 At. Addresses were made bv the -dealers gramed clul;bag� Champ was for seven and a balf later when the company took filled it with a
ra I rig over' the Russell Motor Car plant on
trip to Brus.,01s; one day ret-outlY. a few days with bar father, Mr. John by the guest of th s W. Dover's assistant, Followi
teuding Audit; ago, Cruiltshank. 14-00 prqsent and e evening ye enormous.
' I thar the gathering repaired to the Keele street, Toronto, Dover was OPPOint�
TfIr. Gibson Giliespie made a business ?van. 14.00. Auditor; the redoubtable.W; S. (Bill) Smith, plon� e banquet Until she sat
Miss MeAlpin ;ide, v1siled over Campbell. auditor-, Allah MOEN
e of Lang, .00plank and Work. sales manager for'Cariada,
to Go4ericlt 14st week. P * S. McEwen. 2 eeraut6mobile salesman and distributor handsome QweWs avenue home of Mr, ed general the darn thing
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas NdGreg- j We are sorry to rejort that Miss Kath kyars will please give notice if
Aliss Armle Walter.,j of Culross, visited I Ratepz ter is required. On of the Dominion. Suitable selections by and Mrs. F. M. Bethune, there to be which position he hefduj�'to his piest, funniest
or. zleen Terriff, Is quite III la Wingharn. with change in pathmasl mand's picture
un $a- motion of A. Wheeler the McLaughlin,
��,.er Sunday vvith her a t. Mrs. JnO- We hope for a speady r and J. L. Mae- quartet and brass band; royally entertaired by their hostess, and nation from it last December, HeeniDya
Mrs. Martin and Bruce. spent a day i pneumonia. Ewen the next council meeting will be Interspersed the speeches and enlivened host, Mr, Bethune is now with the a wide, connection and !a the. course i)( "The S
held in Bluavaig on- March 21st, 1921. 1
the banquet, which was held In, the Tecun-f- Studebaker Company. his 11thault yoW' response to the pment- Take time o
�Ve are sorry to report that Mrs. (Rev.) last week in London.
I Mr Norman Kirke, who has been visit- at I m. W. A. Dover was made general.manager atiou, ovoressed keen gratification at the, this harem -se
�Qbia is, laid up with an attack, of rheum- Mrs. Jackson of Stratford is visiting at e rn- R. Powell, Clark. sell House. Following the presentation I George Ade s
�'A�asmj but hope she will soon be well the home of her brother, Rev Jho. Hend- Ing his sister, Mrs. J. D. Bes�roft, r tu to Mr. Dover and big appreciative reply 1 of the Willys-Overland Limited in 10K4. mutual pleasurgablo relations that alwaya,
Datrolton Saturday. Matinee.Sat
ad to, his borne in the chairman, on behalf of the dealers,: At that time, it will remembered. the com- subsisted betwteii tfie triide, and himself.
ers.on of the pasonage. 15C.
DIED Evening, t
9.00- 15c and
;T 17 -At,�LOnde8b=, On Saturday'
Feb. Sth, 1921, Joseph Manning, cousin %Lq
Tift 4 Jq, Coming -Mo
rd of. Fordwich, OWN
of Mrs. wm. Rgdfo
aged about 50 years.
Liskeard, New "The M
Ontario. on Saturday. Jan. 20th, 1921, Els'
a& Jessie, beloved wife of John McFarlane, 1 hursIg ay with a]
formerly of the fourth C011., 110wicic,
sual perfor
nd 2 months. X
aged 54 year a
Turnbprty X
Glenn and up ay i
Miss Bernice Breen and Master U
Breen are spending a few days with , their AUCTION SALE -
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. R, 1. Breen, or $1, on I
neli &y, &roh-
a rye,
Turnberry. roe rve, Desbills. -
14 Positively the last 3 days of Q'ur Sale
The JO
'Palmerston Burgfors Must Stand Trial ).UNTS w ANTE
MasterProduct Provincial Detective Elliott lastThurs- XdpreBent us 9, d
0 , auje to M,4k
fVc ed to Guelph w4ith a MIENS'WIEAR LADIEW WEAR X C ubed. Experie"O
day morning return &�s on applio.Ation.
Prisoner from Palmoston. Edward Hayes,
under arrest in connee- Mexes, Suits SIM Dresses
'who vas placed
A Men's. Overcoats SergeDresses
tion wish a burglary at Andersons bar
ter Mind ness shop, Palmerston, on Sunday worst- of tile V� iughan
Mas HOW Clothing House ftesSes hold ill It, V
Ing. High County Constable Grew and wl'ill b,
misday, march. 9uh, a
Fur Coats 11110USeSt Sldrt$ of oincerri and other
Detettive Elliottliad been working on the i V k
theft sinceMotiday and nudi three at- Underwear, Socks Silks,, Dress'Goods . i
Tests. AN& Mitchell, a pat of Hayes and 'liQA N
Sweater Coats Sweater -Coats mitr) WA. T.EI
J%oma# A. Edison RolsonDtiver,a farmerwho resides in Is for meu
woply to
Marybotough Township, were the other Hats.0 Caps Underwear
t Y. Mitchell faces )rj Over4US, Pants# &e lloslery,.Furs C, UDAR 1F5iT8 FO
two taken in 0 cust*d
a b of theft along with Hayes,
t arge
while Driver is charged with receiving Zi).&it FOoTS FO
stolen golide The three men appealed
te Rabb at Palmerston,
Ilk Aft orl&s Greatest before Magistra a rice
on Wednesday of last week and vert Com- Chancato 0 88
qui k
k1ye now traution
mitted for We. Driver and Mitchell Ve over $400 on V
to arlst bidder.
-Ph :raphViduele were allowed out on bait of $2,000 each.
--onog Some of the stolen goods, it is alleged, TELIC . XOTOl
the for Sale, In 90
were located at Driver's farm, whih D artment, or
1rJr 0. UEC
Grocc*ry ep
If you do not own a phonoggyrapli, it is doubtless because remaining artioles were found in a swamp
you feel you cannot afford a high -Price talking just outtide of Palmerston. pure Foods at Money oaving lirices) t. p.M FOR SA";
Certick Gana Roads situated near 13
Whatever the reason, you Cg , Township has tntered the Good peas, and Corn, 2 cans got, ., 25C Best turraufto per, 1b 6 19C itiqUirO at
maebline or phonograph rrielt —
a phonograp' you cannot entitle it to ies 2 VICUS Shredded Wheat 25C
pu Roads scheme whichwilt Soup—CoMforip 601do, SU01- to -B _84—LE-Hi�PW
are in luek. Because here is I f condId011,
art, in the Government grant tO Town- lighto P. G., etc, 0 bats for 25C Corn Flakesp ptr Pka. 10c
4W gr,'iter V. 13
be withoutl ab now be
afford A sb1proads. Theseroads should Corn Starcht per pkg 9C 5 IbS. 04tMeOlo for 25c
Constructed so as to have - them called as
prj�)duct of 6erol Reeorgf last for years and years, Tollet Papers, 4 rolls ior - 25C Corn SYMP., 3 1b. Sleo 10 1b, 98C p
whereas ordinary records are oasily permanent roads by having them 25C Pfarm. &YPOI U
mere. Tneehanieal ability, bilt Of structed of Macadam instead of gravel. ftooms, extr*'c1u$ffitY - '69c 2 Pkgs'Lux ...... ��
rmfke genimt—the world-renuivned broken or spuilkQ. Carrick bag Plenty Of stone evttywhe'T6 to Red S8,110011110 per Calk 450- Black Ten., reg. 70e, for soc
'11omas A. Mmoli t That sbring(4 all t)10 IvOtId"s struct all the mda in the township,
gellius of "Me Amberola con Rest Raisins, per lb 29C 1 1b. Sugair Fiee with I lb. Tea.
u spito of RR bp Without having to draw the crushed stont
ig w1tv fbe Atnlwrola. i t lnu-,ict into yotir home—Supplie.1; and BLUOM10-
1%lo&iei*te price, ha -t proved itt 000,Pff- eyi!ertainment and retailitiOps ng
r0f,., any distanCe. Figuri the c0st Of th6 Miter *111 PlOaSO I(
'king ln�-
Atriiy liver -priced 'Its.
. high 1111(i � namtj yon to work better. roadsia,the township for the Pilot thirty
diin"." and 4dinary plionogralflo III IrIlat is wily y"11 cannot afford to be W1111011 ftus. Yams-
A yegrg. at jin expenditure of two thousand
etimp-arative tests (in many ocengionH. Itirs a year for grants gnd costa of used Willsolit,
urnishings 'a Pair
Buy House F NowSelS R U ass AV010- &�Iord siz
'110 1,; whi, its tow bt it revel, wrf tovo wrlt,,� us wizhout gravel, and the statue labor performed
—744 ro-01minf'. mrim'"O P,0,0 It, each year at two thomand dollars making ster Rugs, Curtains and Draperiest Hall RUnft0ft, UU010UMSo Oil r, 11 �OUXDI -
.4how yoa ho',v eaAly pults
rwav w fit e 00'-t 'Uid '(1pl"V li'l 1 t' *0 1, b�'Ols. a total expenditure of four thousand
11#51i'(.311 kAvit 0"l Aa ClotbSs, Window Shadeso RrasV Rods, etc.
fx)ther of chanihi-I fwedlft—il�; dollatsaytar and for thirty years, one -o
I F1Ny.Vb11Ri- Ca.3
hundred and twenty thousand dollar. undersigned, L
on or about F4
TaWng the travelled 0. owner way
W. McKIBBON bc., *.bont one hundred and t*entY miles, orty Arid T10,yin
roo4s of Carrick to
wf)uld be an Openditute 4 one -L'laiGE
oftkr I
1 thoti2and
dollars per mile, of tteLvOled
1road in the, township, prnbehly, if the
K N B"R 0 S
5 01
'' rz,
thecottofro*�U wVre fivred frr4n the.
of the towrohip, ac=aWy it ed man Ott a,
irwJd be a highor oog Par mile Of t0ld, "XX)MMMXX%XXX1XJWM% C3013010.
�41e- j 40
I "i14,