HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-02-24, Page 5;to 6 ti . Feb. 24ths ..rn
fjANj( srAlIEWN1'
Water Mark Touohq4 in 014-rathcr-Ti Lucl;130w, reb. 21st, 1921
me has been buv With
Cash Assets And Ja Nnt py0fit, his sqtbc J4,40d around town during the
=ek and has cut doW# Some Well
SALE., ENDS $AT. 26th New st4�tqm ' TH E V10USE
The ann ent of the Dominion citizens. op 99
Bank (Or the Year ending DecemWr , Friday Of last week s4
31,10,20 should be reassuring to the aw4 0 Mrs Alpx McXejuzje 0
public as welt as gratifying to the Sht� had been ill for some time and her
share, gradually affected herb
toward the end I
I tart, which
holdem. Y, Men wlec
weakened rapidly, She Wear W
20 to Iliad been a resident of town fOr A nutqbf�r La&es
1) U py oil Of As is. well known, Industrial activity ex. � Of Years, com
Ing to town from their form
Pericnced a marked receftion during the i" Xf"1%s- Her maiden name was 14liz- 0 0 Overicoaft 1.
nd last of 1920, 110twitbstanding this bow. abeth'McKenzie at'd she 4130 her aged
WPM!# in Our St ever, the deposit oepublic ravin . husband (who I$ ten I - 15 Men 0 Heavy Winter Overcoats, belted and Aress Goods
opes, 44, or lr,� 6 1 YeAla her senior)
terest-bearing deposits, wit ettled in Xinlos3 when it was practically fItting StYless greysgreen and br Pfifds, Tweeds, SeTges, assorted Pfit(Orns and
100 Bank were or h the DOmIn- wilderness and suflorge(I All the privationgi Patterns, Reg. price Uy to $25, for..ow' $mso c0lo`M rM. 75� to 1.00 per yd for ........
.1 DecerAbbr 31 larger by I Of the Pioneers. $be wa!s in her 79th -$
$10,463,782 than on Year and leaves 4 family of four sons as)d Its.
the cOrresPondin SU
date of 1919 the total. for the respe 9 two. daughtcr& The funeral was held on 20 MCA's Tweed and W , orsted Suits, sizes 34 to P*hettes ar 0 silks
ct ve Monday afternoon from the Presbyterian pav , sd Taffotta Silkin brown, green and
dates being $84,889,439 and $74.325,657. cliurch, services being conducted by her wY11raY and black, extra qualities, 56
Last Compared with 2 years a I go they show an pastor, Rev� Mr McCallum with inter- 42, special ............................ Reg, $3 to 3,50, special a yd
of inent in South Kinloso cemetery. 25 fine quality Suits for boys in new styles, sizes Velvets
increase $22-620.313 owing to the nwso Stilts . .
Three gradual withdrawal by the Government AnOtberperson who a few years ago 26 to s5, reg. 13.60, for .................. Navy, brow
of proce0do Of the last Victory Lo was a familiar figure On Lucknow streets, pile. n. red and black. Velvet, line even
'In there p4ssedawayvery suddenly in Goderich Reg. 1.50, for ... 1.00
Y$ has. however been a decrease during the in the per�Qn of Donald Neil Mcl<enzie. Shirts . . I
year of $11,oaa000 in non-interest bear- He was fOr many years a resident of Ash- Men's heavy Work Shirts made of . goW q Godd Corsets..
-Ing deposits, field goilig'from tberO to Goolerich where _ uqlity e$s frOnt faced Corsets it, pink or white,
UL blue chambray. large and roomy, sizes 14 made from AnelEngli C6ntil, reg
Ish 350
he was �IJIPIQYed driving a dray wagon, to 16�. special ................ 4 ......... 1.29 and 4.00 per pair, f.Dr
The public is also naturally interested and while taking a Joad of coal to his
in the fact tbat,the bank has during the home was -seen to fall bickwarol into the A Corsets for average figures, made frow 21"
wagOn and when picked up was found to good quality white contil. Reg� 2.00 to
sets be dead. H% was 73 years of age, and 6 only men's fine double'! knit 2111 wool Sweater 2.40 a pair, for
V Year increased its, holdings of caeb a& - - Sweater Coats . .
by $2,768.000 the total amount standing his father who I.$ now in his 100th ye Coats neatly made, a bargain at ........ 740 1110
to the credit of this imports fund now was making his home with him Cap,-- ......... -1,95 Mitts_. Brassieres..
Cial Ba being $34,661,617, nt
rkrains Ust 3 Day,;. Two Years. ago it survived by his wi4o hite Brassieres in back and front
es. Reg. 74r
dur, Donald of u the old homestead, �591: sty, w
stood at ;28,407,980. The in daughters. Neil, . w, two sons and tw9 Ties ................ 96c fwka ... ............. 35c Pink and
111 specie and and Maude of De , W�sb,, Misses o 90C. for .........
Ing the year were large)y Annie
t d at 2 .66 porcent Of tbc� brought to the bome'�.f his son, b0oly was
Wool, Winter weight, reg, $3 and 3.50 wb�rj - - - - - - -
Dominion Government notes.. CaL troit besides several
Men's Fine Wool Underwear- Ribbed lb as, brothers and sisters. 'The
'8 O'W Neil from
Overcoats -50 for $1.69, s6ank�s to,'talin ill tug (AnCrAl was held to Greenhill GROCERY DEPARTMENT
Winter overcoats from $ aliflities to thd Public, a eemet
40 Points during the year. I '*r Good Pink Salmon, reg 25c, for ................ 19C
0 to $60, heavy Ulsterq, dark color' Real ga n '! " T�e efytizens of town although expect-
s. ttaloiim3me6diately available ass�tq, at le N- P, long bars Laundry Soap, fpecial ............ 30C
bargains ...... Ing At for some time were shocked Dove Brand Pork and Bean% tog. 25c, for ....... : c J
" , , .... ***** ... * ........ e equal to 61.31 percent of Friday morning to learn that Annie quality Black and Green Tea, reg 80c for .... 59c Soap Chips, reg, 8c. special 4 for .................
SURS-60 Mens A28.75 r
Boyd hid passed away. She had been Castile Soap, Turtle Brand, reg. Se for ............ 5c
""'tk a liabilities, to the public. Best
and� young men Is high-grade the ba Ill for some tinle and h
Suits Net profits at $ er recovery had Krumble COM Flakes, at ......
1,188-511 were the 12ig- not been expected. She will be much .......... ... 10C
I values UP tO $50. Real batgain ... $28.75 est in the hist ry of the bank, and show missed in town being the, mainstay of the
.4 Your choice of our stock of Boys, Suits in UP- an increase over 1919 Of $18,807 and of Dramatic Club, the Patriotic Society and -----------
to.-date Styles bloomer tro other Societies. A person was heard to
I users, re.g.. up to $102'0()o over 1918, On Capital and re- mark on re -
25.00. 3 days only ............ serve the net Profits were I%tu:d&Y that it was seldom that
9 14 percent, two people pass out so near the one time, 0%
$12.50 compared with 9 Percent fqr 1919, A M L L S
10 Men's Dressing Gowns, reg. $ ...... and who would be more missed than Our Good are the Rest.
Annie Boyd and Jimtuiq Anderson. s t
20 to Clear $10.75 The amount carried forward to profit is survived
3 doz. Men's Knitted Ties, regular UP to $2, to and loss account was $669,218 an increase brothers. Th by three sisters and two Our Prices Right.
clear at... - e funeral was held on Sun.
.............................. ! .............. 79C for the Year of $178,511, after paying ----------
20 doz. Men dividends of 12 percent and ;, bonus of I
s ' Cashmere Hose, brown, black, Pbrcent. turailing a sum of $780,000 writ_
grey. Reg. 1.25, at .... $00*00*1111il- day frOm the Presbyteiian *hurch, and
- ........... ...... 79e- Ing $200.0W off bank premises and con- that building was crowded. The floral
tributing $35,000 to OffictW pension tributeii were many and beautiful, Ili- STUDENTS MAY ENTER A I NY TIME
Peabody.and Carbartt guaranteed Overalls and fund. terment was made in Greenhill cemetery.
Smocks, blue and black, pair ........................ $2.25 coal Prices Reduced
Commercial loans, standing at. $66,740,- Another old resident of town croe�ed
Best quality D. L. the silent river an Monday morning at
000 at December 31 � show a slight in' & W, the home of bey daughter, Mrs Ben
SATURDAY AFTERNOON SPECIAL Chestnut of Rinloss, in tbeperson oi
3 to 4 one hour only T�ereis one-otber interesting feature Scranton coal Mrs. Wm. x. Stewart. She was well
3 1 bs good Black Tea.. inregardtothe annual report for 1920. overEjo years of age and her husband
It is the fiftieth issued by the bank. This Egg, Stove and Nut predeceased her 8 couple of years ago,
I ( sincehvhic� ffine she had made her home We give thOrOugh courses, have experienced instruetors who give Indiv.
500 cans beat Maple LeWS*`a* im .......... ' -$1-00 permits a brief reference being made to sizes at w th ey an 31 A short idual instruction to pupils.
on, large tins .... 49C ghter in Kinlos
the growth of the Dominion Bank during serviae will be held on Tuesday evening woltses for farmers' sonr. our graduates are meeting with success. Winter
Ladies" Ready -to -Wear the last few decades, $17.00 per ton and the remains will be taken ton the Address c011ege for free catalogue.
early train Wednesday morning o te
One of the outstanding features Of the bro for interment, m- -
25 Spring Co&fs in velours, tweeds and'serges. bank!s career is the' extent to which it has delivered. WINGRAM
'A window special, each Mr. Samuel McGuire of town was in or STRATFORD
..................... $15.00 built UP its resources. Take total assets Pea Coal at Ripley last week, where his mother Mrs.
f9r example, At the end of December Win. McGuire, p �ssed away on Friday I
mil1lit. Hermaiden name was Jenuettt�
All ready-to-wear Coats, Suits'.1nd Dresses less 20% la, st they stood at '8139,263.093. This is M G.
e illivray and she was in her 84th
in ten years an incr�ase of 476,585,273 or' year The funeral was held an Monday a S
10 ladies' wool Sw e�' ater Coats� with and with $14.00 per ton
out belt tO Clear each ........................... $2.90 over 122 percerit, while comparedd with above prices strictly to Ripley cemetery. TRY RAISING HOGS a JF11 WAY
15 ladies' and Misses' Pullover Sweaters up to 20 or 30 years ago, it is a gain of $118,- cash. Lucknow senior hockey team is now Feed, your 80we WODE:HOUSP- ANIMAL INVIGORATOR before and
$7. A real bargain, each_ 438,946 and $126,053,715 or 569 and Out of the running, being badly defeated after litter to insure pure blood and a plentiful supply of r ilk.
..... ... $2.00 1, 031 percent respecelvely. Custom Sawing Done here on Tuesday night, when Listowel n
camp by a score of 13-7.
at pre war prices. and On Friday in Listowel by a score of and instead of marking time the pigs will grow the, same for three weeks
10 ladies' Brassieres, each .............. Age In liquid assets the showing is ever took them into When Pigs are weaned feed WODEHOUSE CREAMEAL
25 ladies' Voile Blouses, Out, ent: ...... more satj�;factory, the figures 'for 1920. &5. The juniors by defeating Wingharn milk. as when on motberg
are stilt in thefight but do not yet know The two week"s after weaning is the critical time, more Pigs and time lost
Ire stOck, eacb 2.98 showing an increase of 192 petcent in 10 Reduced prices in, who their next OPPOuentr- will be.
50 best quality Middie,4' for Women, misses and years, of 732 percent in 20 years and Of than any other period.
children On sale at ............................... $1.25 1.447 percent in 30 years all lines. The Oddfellows held their second "At When put �oin regular food always use
Homel I On Fri(33Y night last when a large ORATOR. WODEHOUSE ANIMAL INVIG.
Scotch Pla,id gingham, reg. 45c, sale ............... __29ie The Policy of the bank in* the strength. A. MacLean ,,her Of Oddfol.ws with their wives
500 ydz!, Of yard wide,Plannelettes, feg. 50C ening of its reserve has been equally wise, and lady friends Played euchre and
I dominos until twelve wcloek, when lunch
for 27je This reserve, standing as it does at
300 yds of 75c Ticking for ........................... 45C �7,000,000 or one million in excess of the was served after which an hour's dance J. A. MILLS
was enjoyed by the Younger members.
Winners for euchre and dominos were as
capital, shows an increase Of 40, percent Flour and Feeds and Seeds,
10 pieces Of heavy Scotch Linoleum, 4 yd wide in 10yoiars, 866 percent in twenty and f011Ows:. )8ucbre Mrs. J34obt. Fisher and
for Willghal", Ont.
1,871 percent in 40 years - - - --I
'no, Mrs, Millsou and
es. The next "At Home,,
Furnishings le has been in excess of the capital by a ollble Track RoUtp will be held March 4tb. with friends in 'alueva
Rugs, Housf The r Con Decker; Do;;
. ................... ................ $4.60 Per 31d" eserve Margaret Gedd
..................... 20%
million dollars since 1912. The capital as make arrangements for the, Irish cancerC
The 0 ic, and with h
It looks as though a Perfect winter was Brother, Wfilton stnitb, Morris. to be held on March the
it stands to -day is on"increase over 1910 drawing to a close. The Nfa l7d).
of 50 percent, over 1900 Of 300 percent Between rch meeting of th(, I
, Wonlen,s Mrs A. E. Thomas is
VU Mr Frank McIntosh underwent an Institute will be held at the 110 spellding a ic%V
and over 1880 of $18 percent. op of Mrs, days it, Toronto.
PW N Montreal eration at his home at Holyrood last R.� F. Garness. Rev. Mr. Wil%on Lvill
H'A 1L 'it "A & C Total deposits show an increase in the Toronto week. At last repor s be wa-, doing speak on "Canadian P,tr wi Miss Tuna Campbenspend a few weeks
I I nicely. t It Stands For", I -P iOtism and What th Mrs. P. Tbomas and daughters.
decade of 55,638,472 or about 113 Per- Detroit and Mrs. Dan MeRinnon of the resent Day Needs" by Air- John J�Jccracken,s allo(jor, sale was
We Undep Buy_�Ve Under Sell. cent, in 20, years of 889,150,855, or $61 Chkago 6th. Con Mrs. Brechenridge.. Poll call. an'll"sh a decided success,
lKinloss underwentavery critical opera- jokeo A good attendance is requested to TrOOLI prices Were
10 Percent, and in '30 Of $96,824,884, or tioninSt JOSephs hospital London. She reali2ed.
1,192 percent. Unexcelled Dining Car
. I is doing as well as can be expected.
Fordyce cently, lietprofitshave increased $520,211 in Service. Mrs. Peter Graf who a week ago went tog
12 an operation in Toronto is re- Ni
10 years or 80 percent, and $974 169 in covering.
.Mrs. 13. Nic0lannagban . #
churchi visit Of tbeseed of Abrahant arrived
ames, at 'd ber pareuts, Mr. and Mr,,s. they were $103,952. in town last week and is engaged in the
a day or two at Mr. J. St. Marie's and J B -bour, one day last week. Nigil Anoller
Mt� Joseph McGlynn and son, visited for Of White- 20 Years or 464 percent, Forty years ago Sleeping cars on
P . t trains
UcGlynbl�;, The bank has 126 branches, against So and, Parlor cars on prin- usual Hebrew trade in the smaller place
Mr, and Mrs, Elliott Taylor of Luck Miss Ruth Phillips and Viola Jamieson, in 1910, 22 in 1900, 16 ih 1890 and 10 in CiPle Day -trains. that of gathering junk, but his name
Visited their uncle, Mr. Thomas Gaunt for 1880. would emply that there must be a strain
now, visited relatives in this locality at, a couple of days last week. Of Scottish blood In him Somewhere., It
Saturday and.Sunday last. Full information from any Grand Trunk is Alexandev Ross,
Quite a large nutuber on the ninth con, The figures given in the following table Ticket Agebt or 0. U. HOiniug, District Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McKenzie have ra-
or*& one day re- I which is very Prevalent this h the mumpg ss made by the Dorn w
visited at Mr. Souter Tay]' Passenger Agent, Toronto turned after a 41slt in Toronto.
Mr- autl Mrs, George Naylor and sOnt'are at present laid up wit show the progr� inion - P. Burgman, A dnt, Phone 5
winter, Bank since its i6ception in 1871. R. B- -UlliOtt Town icket Agent, 0, or Douglas Bros. have secured the con. dob #0
Total Assets Total Dep. Net P. 14) Witigham., Phone tract of drawing the mail from the Post W WIL'.1
gLobp Office tO the �
4 At end Of First Year Mrs. Waltei
$2,541,583 $1.057,160 $107,488 in r Wraith of Teeswater, spent P0,
WING"AM MARXETS a few days town, VERYWHERE3 you go ill this onl-
W12 1881- 6,039,422 3880,554 143,930 M is$ jean Douglas's visitiflg her sister, E
1801- 12,731,841 8,676,955 220423 (Correct UP till Wednesday' Mrs.' 111"nitY t1le Ford conquer,,,, baj
flu qpay Dor t Cap noon) C. F. Riehards6n in Teeswater. road$ and'stormy weather.
"lien You 8 1901- 26,623,245 18,577,67 V5, 192 Wbeat]10,2, Spring...;.. 1 go The High School held their annual con-
1011- 70,170.552 53,547,885 to 200 tort in the town hall last Friday evening.
?04,045 Wheat NO. 2 Fall ...... I so to 210 The prograrn consisted of a It has tile power!
1020- 130,263,093 104,941,256 1,188,511 E . '10ur ...... ....... Play, drills,
Lard, ....... -5 40 to 625 solos, fancy dances. instrumentals etc., The famous
You buy personal transportation and the pleas- 9 26 to 29 and evcr�, number and part Was well tak- FOrd engine) simple to
selgrave Butter .................. 40 to en. The pracceds win gO towards pay- operate, ill9tantly responsive to Voul,
ul'o of Driving your Self, your family, you friends 45 ing for. the High School piano,
anywhere you like, any time you like., The Cantata. entitled "The Message Cggs ................... 35 tO 40 The stork called at the home of Mr. evel'y wish, is SO wonderfully dependable
attle, med#, butchers., 0 00 to 1000 and Mrs. Ed. Renwick and left a baby
E. tern""' 9'ven'by the BlYth choral So- Cattle,,butchers choice.,11 00 to You seldom give it a thought,
J/ cietY in the Poresters' haliv under the Hogs, I vewtight 25 to
You heighten your standard it, the community. you raise your auspices of the - S- C. E., was indeed I
Ow 6filtietleY. 'Volt will add a strong tie to family a treat an y- P 'Zo'� boy'
busin ol,much pt-aise is due Ro Ha.V 1400 1 1 The Surplus Power is there to pull
out down Doctor bills, Yomwillaoldmany, years to yollife. You will _v. Mr. 12 00 to 15()o ------
t life,,aud we Telford, theleader and trajoep also Miss to 60
believe the Gray Dort car is the best means to this end. Gidley, organist. They were' �;Inging a 1110evale YOU Out Of tight COrt1Lr,;.
mory of the Pilgrims who were seeking a The snembers of IghlevAlc Methodist And thiS Wealth Of reliabilit
If they were any better ear we Wotti(I get the agency for it, Heavenly 14orne. The 4rat was the pit.
A comparison with other inakes will convince you and eventually grims themselves, the Y011 Want held their regular Vice is available to Ford owile, Y and ser -
the I?Pgink of Md"I'll meeting on Tuesday- Pebruary I'S at lovv�
Ill buy A Gray Dort car- why not now, hatna"sOut for Gdd; grid, the Pr l5th, at,. at tb a home of Mrs, McCall. cSt Maintenance cost.
you W3 'there
,'-Ask and it silail be given you; and 3rd, we 14 of the 22 members
It is a Plessure to demonstrate to yott whether ydtt buy or not tile ParAdise-the r Present. After the deVotional and bug- We render pord Sellvice.
eftlizIlti0h Of God's
unlAiling PrOsmise. The oiopretsion riedgliart ofthemeeting was over, all
we - BE repaired to the dining mom, where an We sell
thrOughout was wondertmi nad tht, whole enjoyable tea was gerv6d by ftfte. McCall. genuine Pord p:,,t,.4.
entirely harmonious. 2 recitations, When parts Ol. VC!,.
lba d "artetf:6.2solo&knol histrunidntat ean at The members of tbit Auxiliary sire pairs arc needed we have the equipfnent
A 11%�F doing their best t6 meet their share of the
by �cg"_' a"d the Skilled Mechanics to give YOU
E. MEIMLEY & Sowq tw01n �utnber,4, it Was Mur 01ty ob
fujtetivcr0r1921 viz -20%
,h Olver & �, Bening 'ad". 20 new misslonatiel, 40,0006riew Pf*()MPt WOVIC at Standardize�d prices.
therowere not �mote out to beat it Aq, members.
Gray Doit and Columbia Cae, Wingham, Man s, er 3
y feel wd all need to pause in Otjr tnad 811teher
rush tOr Pl�Mutc td think of thi,,�
JY A0010 to which we are all wtoding our atid oboice sad pdt friends at Muovala. -end with
X* M-d"h-A R"""' Always yoUng Mr. A_Piniay speat 11139 lfftek A. me Crawford
way. Are roAswitble, 13y the p6jad t* b, t 6,0 0
catcus prices tight. he. Dennis CAstorville, returne"
boMeAftOk spendi�g A couple Of * d .2ft
" M