The Wingham Advance, 1921-02-17, Page 6� 00 ,A , I CURUNT 'COMMENT 14 -Drvor-04 100URT -FOR MARIO. Vixther OGorm3a has Made a stirmll appeal on lbehailt of lits'luothechurch itg,,linvt the coported Proposal to 4e$r tablish a divorce l in Ont,%rlo, such as �oxlsts in all the other T"v- Incas except Qijeb". The diffloultY to deatling with the question ist one that oannqt be eettlea- -by argul"Wat, nor does it do to ignore the 0ActU`i clawd-Itions exisi Pri no one in the world wants to hxTo a dl­ V,l ccurt merely lor otle, .811C.0 of amil, it. N-lill do not woant iimlation. hol nor -lunatic asylumsi, now grtsoas, but we find we osunoit got oafovg without them. Needs mi NVe have a divorce courtnow, in the islare of the Senate, or 06 senatortavl iconiluitte% and there alre very few V110',110 not tf4ink thall lCOU"t of 'a.NY with properly quall judges, would be more sotisfacti and inoro likelY "i wora I'll castmwes aud 400 kwed wbel Qerlora� Dyer, 1jr.li into. %u uni Armeod arl and i0ontialued firlug until bil ammun'tToll. was extinsted. No me could 41alk'said. Xtr;i OXbuta, ,to Sympathize witil, i Officer Ill ni have =,%do an Aerror of Judg- alerst but Ool. Dyar hold o4polled isivery-Wn,; by aosi lit hie ll deuce at Itlie Inquiry til had he bad mora ainlilunition, he wo ' uld (have i gol 03 tirfixg so So to teach the people of Indth the lesson orthe 'DONV- or of modern ivaipions. To this was all V110 inxamouli crawling order, and Zile, said Mr, Oldhim, was ter- rwl,%m� -the tami sort of thing we -con- dammed in ithe Gorlitaill It w4s quite; Impossible fior a thing to be -,jr,rou , g in Belgium end rl&t In India. These Wings hid craited profoall diotmsl and as hald -been isaid by a, spealreir during the debate in the House of Lords thell Must think ;t it _. fIh__ --Ila I. -A 4ill, - . �.A 7 WWORAN ADVANM =5 TEST= FREN N 1� t 0 DOLLARS JN: THE BARN WASTE The Wingham Advance X""T11+13 MANURE SPREAD _014 -&HF. FIM1,108 AS QUICK4Y AS PQ1l rublish94 at WiNOHAM, ONTARIO, SIP41i OR 4TORING IT KFFIC IlliNTI-Y 14 A PROPITAl vor ThIl4roday MoPning, iFdkR,M P RNOT109. a. 'G SK1111, Publisher, (By � 0071 cmolw) cen "k� 04-0=ed, -oll in, thouoallldo of ftbaerlptiou ratos:_-Opq -Sear, More and more aTa Twwl reach- IOU n ure no A".bl oll 5�eS . s.1Z Months, 41.00 an Adyal L09 tile mucluSIOU itblait couserva- ClOse to 75 per icmt Not Its, r0rtjj-jz;Ing AdverpIsitrg rates on gpplllill AllilvertAsemeuts without opeill di- ti6n Of thO Allaillures �xrodl -upon aiPautO b0fr/re It I's returned to Ills, Doll re`100110 wIll be Inserted wiltil jorbild Pam walles next III Impoirtiall to qw. Vr IT0111 hence these origlually oanio. And charged accorolingly. Ing -the �crl which, 0i from the TO the halidlim of manare, ith�e ChOnges for coutricot O#ymt$<Ie- It crops -were ailowed to de. nlil' OffirdOnt Motbod 4ra todreturn, It illents be Ili the office 1b Mon V 4koon, day, cay in. ale told, the waste auvolivea, 01-rectly to tho!' isou 00 rapli as it bil of lime and =may . would' be more -avkdol With, Manure, the I's produal Thle dally' disitMa— Of tArni W-1-stes IS also a labar-MyIng case bas been quite different, 6, rar as *, P176OWittaillin for when e 18 li uo�l e,etly in "Manul Red dir BUSINES CARES irl ond iftle of farlue-rs jiall Ithe Manure Isprel been concerned, Ul -compi Or and takM to the tlelds: all ii as sly Mceuit 7-elial ludiffemes, to the It Occumull the rehandling in- W9LIjNGTON MUTUAL P#P.F- Proper hiand1luig of Manure was ll volvell dnstora,�o iiis allaitititted. The INSURANCE 100, 17 a allatetr of �smomuae. I ombll daily dlisitribution, hawl ilrvo7vee tatablished Im. zt:6117, 'this noloiggercan solve as Ga excuse.. 'In mlosit cases, noilomai .a certi amount of systent -not only 4a t1[io doingot Woric about tile Vilest Hiiii Office, Guelph. tAL-Gn -On all classes of Insirr- 19011 ot tbililift witticill. penuttla val- but in so anaking,pIalas tcr, the distri- able Property oil the cash or.rremlyr�* note system. Ill fertility elenierat's to be, losit to butlion,thl someportion of ale ftrm, A8NI9R C05li Agent, Ahe goil, Yet, as laatpady iintlatated, elth , or suiliiiner or wintemi d.s avajilaols, improvement isoa th.6 way, In More for the 'wi This ulat is 0 ly to'lliattli a high-mindocl.4clode than, (localities 014=110 - Ipl%p Passible, 08XCIally If paistitres 011 or Winnipeg. The piartfia, progiressave . land DUnLEy results Immi -the deilibell-AtIous -cri the 4,11ters laud storage houses oarD be-' Meadows be included In the early ent <tuestion wAs were thi ot In- 141 exSecretarY o2 State is it=iraxe onee Mind, It 9"is Into One's don- 0 . 1i U Senators. fttlhar O'Gorman does not e ming fairly *qmml Irk days, to "Ing. tmd itfiere be cloovw or Other HOLMES Alan. people any less sacred than the 'Of that ft-Vt.' Ills riefeirenceS to 07011 solousness aftild-, has an etl t beyond CIO BARR%TI�R, SOLICITOR, ii propces to abolish sellate, divorce%, liveo of jUrItons elsewhere. They. U011 1110oVe not WoWa an Inch or gained lthe eXp�ctation lot imost in 0ja we COW[ol no doubot, Iscilue equipment of 00d availlable during such peirtods thrt so thalt It ismorely a question of get- _ this kjn<l 'Il (be ofouni'lif upon Our the Xylowed ajand o0atill I YG gi-ren at- Office, Ma-yor 41look, Winghomi, bad to retlileve a ;sitnatill already 6 Pound for twentar yemns, Mean- spect. A 1pioQ3 music tins; a better col or continuing oldlelepIly,compoonilsed- jaad Weliv aympa- 'Mall^ Je� it -be Topeated, science has hke lone of Beethoven% sonstas, niay farlus; wdith the same trequelticy as -is Itenti011. Wheu Manurs its d1stribut- un'th what Is generally egreed is " (thy would go with Lord Reading who been busy. Cannot some friend Ili. l a altift difticult, at first, but the the allo at present In wejde,,joped load Ill a thin, evall 4pjyierupou 00 gar- InterioT, and highly expensive *lie. is Un - Bell eithe "ANSTONE Wilist, * was done, icerluTfes ogo in Blig- haid VOUA to i0airry out -a task the most fbrn' altra, ter his, own sake, that oftener dt, Is heard the 'more it dairy districits. fsee there I'l rewit 110 koss, 'to the R. implowtant"ill which a Britishatatos. i0harles, Robert Darwin is related to dembood. There are new mess One of the best best -,vays to lovilt Ir 1100lu louchInig or heAting. land Or' 0ermally or anywhere else 81909, 1 1 Raill, 'Vill Cam the solvable 'element's .13-ARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. concerning divcree is not -1RQeIY to Man bad ever been sutrusted. Mr- ev,01111tiOn, !U' tile tIVOUght' Of the 111W voices in it at,,ii hemringo jua- UPOh Manure is to associate it --Iwe- I i 010hamil, -oll is Secretaxy Or the '.0hV.,,ar, exaettly as Rob, -rt rulton is til it is loved, as a friend whose heart IV with Me teed tilvat is conj&uja,$d -by 111'reavy Into 0.0 lsof� where, they be- 'Money to loan at lowest ratt,-s.- govern the decisions of the oni WmId Missionary Comit-areace, *on- 11701ated -to ateami navagationi, and as is deDp at'it-d -tender. Alosit people flaml 1211,31l Ra thvoo dailys of all "cue while sun Right 'Will eilimilul WINGHAM. day in divorce any anioire than in a cluded -by saying that fthe Empire Langley is YeZated lie, a0ronautles, 'have fead J40i A�cott's b�ook ,Lit- feed ocists, ithere to no beitter luslans I bleating -due to tille fact 111lat baoterlial lot ot other mi Our elilui stood for Pteadom. d1or individuails and and, as Dr_ Harvey -is related to pres- tle Women" and "Good Nvivel Do Of vkmuloliing &Z 'Potential value Of lacti"' 't.6 "rltich thl tis dou% won -l' be tional alysitent, is far from. lanythime 'checked, like whatt was an vague two hundred nations, Equialtt�, and 114011-owship, end 'i ld%Y Surgery. The total results they all lientollibor how the Laurie a plile of barrill waoste thianto See NVith litiatuxie distribated. ARTHUR J. IRWIN dustanced the League of Naltions, as a ol the Bryon address to his univer- boy when his- proposell was retused, it in ithe iffeld of. grain, haar and 00M I 'n this fasibim DIOWI09 It owes. or -two thousand 7ears ago. The w1cw6d second encouraging event ii� Tocent sity audience was dlzgust On thapart. wmt 'to the plane, end played which it TOPT1051i 0011S are Val Iiiii can awalt itile Opportune itline 0. DS L, 0, Q, Motor of Dental, Surgery . of jhe is Moving On and the divorce ocourt tJlmea itill e1noki of government. Of Tsligi'auS PeOlylie—bioith,fteulty and. Beethoran's I�Scnaot% pathetique?,, uable In prolwtion too what Q; Zu go, far as the manure itseit is con - has foultdi a tooting Itill The -real, cot oerrill ennsylvanf.a College And jjftjj6t* remedy for divowe is to be siought studelit—disgUst over the speakees -To never 'had alndersitood ilt before. 9mil Thesi, In - turn, axe Of Dent R&IT of Ontario. Intellectual immontaity, t,:) z,3,y noth- The Point Is that it is -Possible to find Worthl c0l ali to their letfic, The dad97 dietrdbultion Ot mangie, Clolsed �Vlelg "redue BY Afternoon. before Marriage. If girls were oloore IS YOUR HOME TOWN LIKE ing Ol crass impudence displayed solace -for Profound disapwintinent or toncY 4n IlLwataintag antural life ejad while excellenot 'Office In Madnoa�Id 1131ol tally instructed, In sex %nal in- da theom lis not at, THIS? by such an exhibition of Ignoraace ga,jet in great Music, Listen to l;he Pr�onticoting ankirlwl growth, As a waya easy (to 'CaTTY On for months at utead cif being udlered into a now which before an audience of dint. -,eharacter. Pat"hotique land after a few tinjes, ba-sils torbiath of these .11 SAvell ItIness, shortiage of help staite of life about which they lmow DR. G. H. ROSS lic0ling, the tacts andresponsAblAtiela `131 a town -popular has adhdeved -a But -the really seriouss fact about othe hearing It wIR begin to reveal Its there are a comptairatively flow, 1�lml and Inclement weather iare Gpt . to Graduate Royal College of Denim, of parenthood being ileft to balk clocuiliall dia Erill and should be Perif0ruls,110e TeSided Inthe effectpro- anessiags. So ixlso of -the, 1%,ppassion- ple, cheniii elententso which iare es -i came 6o besot apaazs in thfDrel Surgeons. upon their astounded minds during useful -in our Datarfo burghs when dkiced UPM the IstUdents 'who never go 12tia/l and, the "Weldstelu,"' and, the sellift], In -the growth of 7,141l Till1th- to C0 alimmeriag. `Consequoulti7o, Graduate U,Iversltty of -raftnto, the �eaorly mol of mairil -often People are th1hking of settling In a too 10�1111`Ch, manifest no Jilterest in we- rjKlioeittill Those Imlio, are Inti- out Ithese essanitkill elements, plants some TrovLsdil tor othis, stol Of FacultY of �Denilstrj. to ititello ijiLfini bopur and dismay; 0"ft 'Or d"Ing (a now resdidence 1191011, and who think of - Christian- malts Witax these -have heard, . -some- eltunut grow and wthout jftats,, ant- mliture, for tampomry perfoods Is 01. 0rFIiCF_,oVER H,,E. MARDPIS, STOoRr-_ a -Ad if . boys werer trained more ifirial thery wibl consider thesepolats. Tile falth with as little knowledge of the thing out the laingntage of the gods, and mil -life, too, wlal val it so moot a necerssio on ra,,=a where any ,17 in the laws of life, laaa, Itaught the town that wishes to got th-em. for Present-day claims as Mr. Bryan has, V-111 learlo more as their Understand- lk�PPPIIZ othat the eartal's store of, cOnSidexAbile number of animals are Ills of bi!ology—whicl next to acithing. Ing deepens. Mhat -the great ciles ullost of these edementj is sufficiently malatiallned. ftTd� Mean's have Y9 virtue land strength of purity and eitizens' 2'bDuld 4e 'abla to answer It is not tMe Ithat ther frevilliman, ine- -like Deethlavenhave, to �say each hear- abundaut tto !permit one to cregialrd it been deVISIP-Ol meet -this need. 0111i W1 coatitneneq, and Made to ireal tthat these questilDw satistalatortly: is It vitably oom;as to the unliversity 'to er, must I Interpret for Illimse!4 fa�. as linei!11%11016ble� In the -01se of two 17, such May be clessitio4 In thres R. HAMBLY ti naitional life as well as their -own attrisietil Has It an slur -render his tal j3ut it I, till 61lere Is no doglmi In art Of theux nitTogeit and phosphorus, 13.8(1 M.D., 1C.M. welfare wild. happiness depends on. with ishudod streets and other bel that many a ehap, Is obliged to come wa'Ys-"Msi1Ur1B Pit$, h0lusw md ehol- Special atteAtIOA Paid to diseiLseo, jaleir tidefity to Ithe, honor al di tiles? Xa it quill roomy, airy, wel this Is nict the oasel In the lease of a ters.' . All Ior them isolin to 0,1ccompIdell -of Women, and 011ildren, kaving they Owe to wMen, the divwce, -119htl 11his it attTadtive public and into e. inniversity 00311121l to tind third, "potassium, ithe supply. -is ior- the While ireal namely to prevent t1kOn Postgraduate work In ftp - COM Bacteriology and Scientific courts would have 2,ess, to do and iao- private buildings? Is it -weiD�paved and his taith! The great -feature 'of dinarilly o-b=,daut but ft occurs in loaOhilng and boosting, volitch 21rio two Medicine. rAl would acquire a healthier tone. toloan? Second, Is lit a healthy Place? World -thought in ltheIaost general CANADAS SHARE such an insiolual torm. as to, lye ull avenues by which fertility ellements �`Offlce in the Ii residence, between 70hile -parents neglect ito instmuct Has .4t "d water, a. sauttary osystem. is *-a hilimmizing, of Teligion ay t m0al tor o9blait Tol thetr bestescepo trom, any sort 111he Queenois,Hatpi and the Saptiat -science and die broadening of J�,o M. to, ouvi slince, Ithese must hama their of mliamium Church. theirollililren end leavit ithera tolearn AiNk invpection, a health department TO PAY' PENSIONS a"'a" "" gava All businolilills given careful attextio)T. of tthe taost sacred things, ol lite and IbWpiltala? MIrtroll, are the sill Include all tbalt is good and, trne lit t1ie food served to Ithil jill the fbiim. -or 'Best VkY to 113014. through the ochanlie!,s of the gulter good? Are there toollegil and busi- thought Of 811 the ancieXits and all '%Oup"--or, in other words, a -watery The Innonrure 1>14 ot couTse, I relles Phone 54. P. o. i3ox I M. those chifidreiv will fail Into Isull iness tradning col -leges? Arethera glood the modem. SIR. GEORQE PERLEY TO ATTr:N,D alolution, upom the we OIL c0acrebe to wthhostand, r --------- and traps of which,they had no susi libliari neWsVVPW*,% and postal fa- FtEiPARATIONS MEETING. Coil Of the'll 611M, plants eXtrol ploton. "Whichot�iau aft cititim? Flourth, are -th-o people noigh- THE LAXGUAGE OF THE ultrol Phosphorus and potassiuml. the see*Xe to Whicluithe ordinary ox or an &so fallen Into a plit, and borly oandfrolendb, r Or Is ther6 Partisan GODS, IN! 1LONDIN. along with -the other &a-m-anots which barnyard manure X610 is Subject. 'Tt DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND. will not straightway pull. him. out on b I Uternessl Are there stToug relig- BeethoviWs II150th anniversary is go (bo make up plant itissaiesi. The Its constructed both with land w1th- iMiR.C.S. (Etli OuL roof coviennig. The irbst pits -Vverp, L-RX.P. (Lond). the 5.%bbmth day?" 1-9 an old question. 10usl, *eternal and wat v' organiza- beinz celebrated otill a7pthoul the hay. grain, corn -and other -foods , Shall we refuse to pull, Innocent man 001W Fifth, how tilre the facilitles 17th December is the daits of his ea- itr 'ell Camad, and whilch ftxjn animalis consume am val- OPerlu to the s,1tY and a*111aace, was� PHYSICIAN AND S-URGMOli Placed ui lutit-ural preedpitation be - or women out of the pit they Iml fill for owasemedl Aire there lectures, MvIty'. He Was only 57 -and it is im- the High Clommisalt oners of the other �ued In, terms of these three eleinent,% ing sufficient to keep thel,waste moist fDr. Chisholm's old sta,*dj. Ini or mast they continiul suffer o0wertio, theatres, gymasslumi wassive to rentark how lie 0,rowded DOMinilons'WJA it is ounderstood, rep- still is 't1ble,0e. that MUSt obe la*ifl- and thug preyent heatti be0s,ftlse sonlie of us IhAve scruples W11 -A athlel spOrts, outdoor exer- Into this ooniparatively short life the re0ent their r"pective, countess in able In -Oil!$ to make -them produc. Two ob about the time *r the plal We �&er. jiwimimitag, boMmg. walking, Inarvellma wor&s which have done so itive. In the processes xyf algestion Jeetion� have ibeen 1,1115ed oagajnLqt the 'eli Sl Istiblecost of 1tviagrea- Much for the world of Music. The coniection -with the Dowilbg Street land asslinlitticion, some portion of h I el;tered Pdtt—bK>th lot which aro DR. R. 1. STEWART unis must all honor Father VGorml Treld. lnee 1i VJW, gredplital Oraduate of University of Tco"onta, Plea lior 0, high standard <9 chastitir so`3blo? AZ10 them 'COTIV0111OWSS, genluap W's 811, hard wwkel oo"farsuicis regarding Garmilan ril these elantents Is absor)oad &Ad 9009 0401119o, to be he�d On Vebr=XY 28, ito formboneos end 'USSUeS, 'or 'to Iii Its' laPt to b0117rog-ular�,11tad the = or Medicine; LjeonMte of 9ke and putity, ibut It is a pooblient whadt- electricitty, geso, "oblouft, good shol Dickens 'w" Only S8 when. Die died. SUP' A, COUbse of Physlejjillilis 4*10 ar the highast standard is attainable -Pbls 9times? 11ow we rents and �t Is aignit$cint also that It is in the Canada hasor c*uji 0, direct interest plY the veplacement of 00116. othat hame We e in thO UPPV -Part of thopft be- Surgeoill When a cort!xla pallowtage of the 1pop- taX%? Airis the hotels goloil Are last 50 yelaft that' such, Music 'ga In the deelsilion reached Ok Paris re- been broken up and dolsicar4el Most comes "Ji ftoge(L" Secondly, an 07WIC14 ENTRANC�N: garding .relparatione, as she looks, to of the re t % thrown oll in . extrolne anional lof radil ulation we compelled to dwell -I in he IrrWill, vsCetabl" and dalry products Beethoven gIltve Us 11il I%d its of- --a -the form ifalling Into a Second Door Noorth of Zururigg% loathsonio pit of a union with an uu- lelutkv U71allable? Savouth, is it leasY feCt upon Our 01vilization. For music her share Of the islums, racelved, from lot excroment-_,or Pit reildezis It a diltvicult ta,�,k to we- Photo Situl eba get 'G`0rMqn7 to he' . Manure. 'as I'll 1110vie tile 00nitanits. 1.11ii-is last cian,be JOSP-PHINE STREET� pHONE 29. faithful ewl �Wt? What taire the ijait], street does i1mve, an effect fw beyond -what P plaly her pension l0a- item 43 usil ito cover both adquilds. and -oar, radW fac.1,11ttelel Eighth, is bust. mostipeople imagine, slid. b"'Ities- ' This HI%ft COMmissiolill 801 -Ag. Ond hats but to look at rn Overcolne by othe, netiaAliatticin -of a els- the kind of tol '111 1 01 - f -new gool Is ithere opportunity for Music ipeoplelisten; to tiltors 45hem, tor Wdt b0Weva1!i, Prol act only in a unzj"y pill bainyard waste 41th t Wh"Wal, kl the 41qufdos dMill, LORD IMADIXG!8 GREAT Jarestmoonit? Ars thebanks and other the better or thit worse, This Is why dOZOWhadvO capacity, as they did In ithe eriag of a ch, inist to vee in it. as These wia" -usualitlY x1littribUted by, a: TASK. bUal ja3titeationS Sal e0diCion with the Spa confierrence. indicated, tjolft er Ol lig',owIng tatill W409,07i. Mvs.vor, I this neoes- I SELL A orem-airkably Illuaninating �ficbory? Sensiblie, people Strive to eScape grot, 130nn. crop$ C4 Town and Parm Properties, 1111031 WIVIt about shoopping facilities, labor, Jaizz and rag -time !a:g tar lakv possible. The st'W'sted- 1twAli Der ceTLL tax roadYlDr -the harvest or bags -of thjgh� Uatel ti'lle htaill of considerable and S68 JAY list and get my DrIses. I tiouchillig the situation ili'vidia. ol I faraning ovpDrtailolitles, ;eal estate There Is a -demoralizing influence in on, Gerinti exoports will hW-P to Priced, MITI ofedds and other foiad- oy-tril, r4in Water, VWch addr, noo fer- have solhe excellent value$, given recently boy 211r. J. 11. Oldham to I V41lues,,decitriapoil Ninil Is em, jillese strains, end those -,Vb* find equa9ze 0orMol competition with starts "ifIlity to the 1011. � The best pit Is Pftsitbole? Aril any them. alluring slloiltd be awame of the Citiladill Club. Heclaoinlied. tor! 01pentit-4 to animuls upon the. vlo,ymol Cinall manufacturers, as In the tirmil. 'On's ?equipped w1th iarDllif Shed -ter and 1'. G. STEY -RT che DritL-1h V11inpire in nbich had : jobs cphl' Would therk) be , wel- their danger. On -the -other liand, Ill 1111ti:1sthe tax must be addledtio A Valuable Moment, a cletara, The -IV.,j;sta cen then, be WINGHAK. ill qv the wonliertut common-, com lfl.Tr any inew �, no or indimtry? People are aware *1 the Ilia s -i price of ither Coeds kept molot by pumplug,from tile cU- Phone 134, Office In Town 1-14LIJ. 1 a If dvaittrage of and wlM Not -everyone irealilizes, to what a tern and its 0onstiorn It's lit all ittmes wea.,bli,of wit'll -the one hope, of the And 43il his the town a pro�res- 0111tivall a tasto feir good Music, thus -effoot 80me, of 'tile advantage est4lishinc,ut of a League of Nairon MIT1,90 extent %hieso throo lmpool�ritaut that It bad worked on,, tile relam nive spirit, -with good government, NVUen there fq iso nluch Mechanical 9-�Uued by The depreciatiOn oE t�le textr The Mianuioe ajouf�re, is DRUGIESS PHYSIChIN .1ty alenients, which 'lend most 1 Ufa -der control, adequato tiro plobaction, and a pull- M.UsIc It As 'ea -Sy to become taml Oe-rull ini vatub -to loodstutis of vArtous kilift irtuallAy a ktWoM 1,40 M017a and the ' covered -pit Whtllelt the %Idft have ae'll Old' Iticigother polky in tile town generally? with ogoodmi And 4he good inus,10 — renppea,0 ln�tlte nialliuro of !ati- 1� I ill li VU110E'd Dol Tba GOVeramentof Any itowti. fllat can zne-wor these qui will be found -to be the best value, for During the yea�. 1918 the btttter ex. Mars. Title ainount will vi _%l dir_ been, waull�d iii It P008'e0i coo ad. India Act of IaWl, year drafted a 1%ili . ry I im Instaltat-'alt or Fell-Zavarament, traus- &,.atj0jj from 11 People tire Or the jazz ant! f6rent Mats Of �ftiftfnralo rand w1th i 'talitigis over the feiiMer ;Sav,. tpj, V, ti011s. 100per con' right willdraw pop. Ai rag- Ported from- Canada anionated t`7 4 It 490 fe"r-mg c...Wa-31 from Min5tol 4V.11f­ a oover icreatli All time, w that at, ar 0, 0"11111beor of 11 eax-, 926,154 Al value, $2,000,467. Dur, Taile -of differeint "as. It wal A -;try It n12y be More readily ;screiel to �Oc for Ju8tithat sort U190 it b000mes, disIgusting, even ntav: Ing 11to 12 months ended Mirch 31 Arudar different feeding sy t S, b it txeo, it ithis 1.5 de'alred, CHIROPRACF�,,_,, eletteld 'AgLA-aturicst, W,.I(,wIlig a prop. �jdug M em, it do away With o.0 pjalce to live in, if your -town is seloting.. Illut the' Tlh� InTnar.a tbeher IS a �113'r ClAlrss of proceeding by stage, good music 144, one hat ithe expopt oamolunted to 17,612,q05 with cow.91 tot la�itamil Some 40 to ampae Tool 5* not I'Alw d1hat it Is your busineeis to becialaas tamillar With It develoll Mao,; value, $9,844,3359. 0 Vill -dent Of 00 ni held In co"r1lb-M elthe'r With Or Viddloint a Tito Art tv.%astarri to tho ipacple the, MlIcs, it ao. 'I con-cre-ter ft-orhaq. r, or storage of J. A. FOX,, C, 0. 0. of 100511 vwGrallient, the con- -the XeO4 will, Teapi Ill the Manure, sUll 02110ttilits of 'ni Chiropractic too! ef agricItAure, of lneolLed, mat- Frolm 60 to 80 olor cont. of 4tue, Palos- a lite are the locates and Tciiloves very effeative , cause of disca-so, natu're. heals. BRYAN B19MND THE plimil's and (Ol 10 �,to 85 per eent, cf land' 'not Much 10-09 Of Chiropractic is the only and original tew and eanitation, of roads land cent- UP., D ON 'T BE A (".11-r. 0 6M Y GI UAS tile potasAM014 likewi"ll wift rgap- fertility will ccour for the melagoll that system of SpInaf adjustment. rilf - wl", and -of cdUeltion, attd Mr. NVeitUnk it Is- iti o;* oi�very bus.tIlleol niall,-e-Ind will Is lact; It 'l ral I -r 4talado fePtlyl) in 95 Per cent, of all casea. 01dallim thoug1ht, that -a nation wlxkh a W��, ,, . I Pea - When the high valuation JV310i 4eli,0111119 Is elintiftlated IaM tho � An up -0 -41 -to 0ritiolsin. of Mr. w, In goall 01nadim?--to sestirike, a filopefoul ke"atsill llja advettislay. 11110"A feeft In cifteldered, It teoquirell retardo drydng. Th�o pdlo of wastocin Thei Only fully qualified graduate of CDAt,ro`;!0d its OWU education 4Cftl(j J1. ar�,.,U '11,13 am be kept njoist Iff It,19 hold both Mtroti and Osteopathy Aft tared, fa the 'Chris. NW Sly this' to our local Men i bashyll tot Our fatftti 10i ilind to no argatilont to Toeft homo the &at ! -ally con- North 1-Tuton, accomplish amrthiag, The Aot wag t1au �Cenl -by ATT. U 0, nainglas, li manIvIlho sels uhat ale lil 6yon It oil be fian- i's higi de.,ly sabor, tollatbarn Wasito, measured oin fe�rtjlill Isiderable thm' In Ittle W47 air is *l!ol lot. "oura, 2-5 and 1-8 P.ild, sit"ItiflMlit as a fresh as-filimati of exdukd and thio biacter4.,a, wililcil a �.und=Lntil bill in Ithopiincipies, Ur. Drywill. hid been iremturing gt a 2"aue therelvals ibeelt. a sluno oollltithv price Or tIA9, Ulat -let the ici til 43 apro&u'Ot Of no ;sMi IM. - WO -Stem lullitivexoity and Was invited c%*Aull it 111 11,110 Pocront Tewill in Kre Wil tor il'i, u1mrd Vtael, _�zo, It? I muse heTtitliI5 are denied. the oxygon ,01 V*11(& t&.Ir own BrAtish lit pclrt�Ltte r by I's we, ale sa-M., "' e *" to zt!ly, our Sunday au� otaik to the plestividsm never w1u. in n a M y mi o to d04 <lUty' ruDon Which fhey dep-i in Orde'r to DRUGLESs PHYSICIA� fair rand biggh�t any-i"It"t- ' 0'�ol Il M *bg '1 '010 fgr-00; "A is- Ift:4 tle e t a be I i tx,�nj,el hid Leon cloadect evor dur. 4tudattsiL AbMt 15,900 asslelilb.IeA 90-­'NV� llvftl� Mau a futiure, beticoreli.!ni. , ioWr 09-1-11 Ift 014 9r0Wl= lot tnoi-e carry On thoar work, 0-JEOPATHY L g Ole po t 4*01litlis br tile Mor6lu"li QN&& Mr. DrYAU sitarted lit to smish The thnTs In,y have been blul tor a Icit 101f us ,for �q,,,fttc_ mouths pjgt, bjt erors wilid In Ithe fol�dliftg Of more 01W talme tWil a cl�.hlau pit, Con. "It 't"Ale nairwinigrm of fil Years ll and no everythlag chdCaeo, golilg from one extireate �toi tile other i Utmikiug ftil aniyna�s. and a Tili P. X, PARKC-:R ulllc-31-'rs Ew pi of India tot, wltit d"3'rinlro ill<) oubvciTl effects of norml an ibetween, we arel julow that t1hore arego,all,ttlit(% aftead---ond not Tlia toomger%tion of big Wi 94, bull -t at the ,4l Ital Pli Ostol*Uhfo PhYSICIAll, only qualified 711ta 06IM10,00n 'ahtlatian fifth, 'expi'mining very for ahmid eil-rAvr4f we, all 4putille, 1�est Ifea.11; and itho bmt cnivic, C�l in the han.ill of tUese wastts, *101:01"i lstabl!6 46VIngo are, t-hpawil 08tOODath In, North ITuroll. cwa,� ilea by i1r. Gandhi, and FAI(Z.e ,6 wag lita h eacnny of ftlth, to *9 Trott. 1! elat the 41lift olo� viltsiftle the barlt, T41,19 IS Mil apt AdjustMent lot U140 ADIAO 18 Morie, 'CoMpl to, 'til in. iSUOU a dnanw quickly secured and with foWer treat. 'eml-15ing saf61VtIfI0 illion, adyanwill The Taaa who irsicolioil Vni *,0M the Wpomolt, Ills, bid bwzdnevs, Or D -10r tnentil in qjtest�oa M;3;y be -retaMM to Ito b, tho case Where awses, fraaer ,ox 11V'AIV4�9 Were Outforlift mi tharill any Other 'Method, 111% Modern learning lantl wag"-, or WhItavc-11 "t V,.% tKb1t 111W 111m, IN 011, olv= who J;�, g.(;jjJ3 ta the toll with Ithe leas.t po2ofb"o wast,� idtln t0ws We 19hbled. Snell a 1.re� Blood pre"urd and other 0:Kinjilla. aud Xs Was 4 geltill anitratmilitizing (higher tql �!-iivo Vie irvnt ('ProtwitcLy In this better rttwlo�s clat a" on their wp ll�-, dotewilo t 'CePtail M',*c`4 '90", iftildtAM96 And ocon- U011AMadi Io tile In%t3aefA I'd-ttlon. Vf. Bryan iq gldly b.1blad jwt-ts Puro aio the Gult coji up anij out . of (ale eaa, to t rotion. I Jj 11lat; possible teftlation bil Ais It is ulli t1lb 411411A04,liolo treato& Thi3�ocsuwof evbry igp� the Manuro bael -to the di 160 ulne'l 6XII 11,13 will i6l 1111, luvriloing. 110 1. xclligto U-Ilve tile ato-INt pro4p�cliv Incklum raig efcvts will Under 1110 b"'t of tarim pmcotrft With. letaXiefil ot late b*ftl, & gut -ter 6A Wul ovzk CKRIqrjF_#S qTotttt. 'I Inall waj partly Oil P Ill Oad U,&' I'VY11heal ti The, w0flid all ftokt& overa, lime optlitul Glialt the k1low Vital eloutho5 iglo3iallol util Igae oft Soma, lol Uktilgi pj"o, It Is 'd to, 01rol tor the wan'a Of �tlt Sinee It 16 quk'a 3 Wiur. Lul 11101"li t9t -Ijklift 1806. As Mr, Ming. good 16111nee aro Vo ApPiMlit, that they -hit ftill, Ili ititei nol 10401.0w 4 1$ Ill. 1018 tbo quilk 4rLdo M, 6zol �hel rm,irj 'cl.11106 VIM PmAbloo, howelver, under Proper man. no dil rea 'Joir i0b"rvm, lPmdjftj.ly g4 w1joll Valftv*", wo my oto� f2hobladlitals Milan, W110 01dVtqt:Pft: Pl4lit toptlinism: argentient to 6ons,&rM #kol 10 to 75 tililli to dlOW4 R6 -c0atoilInt'! Od frolit -Miti4a hal a value, or ;;i,80201 4wl.d-its in ti V=ji Ai the thoo" flo" b4&0LnZt::_ 1A11701uX1 �a"40,. �T�o It" ftIl *ad other wrkero, whtve tOnPuft -ill 111tir per ciellit. $t. 'Und*r sylenoi into A V49ft -or optaiwer st'Aill a7d. mring tho 12 anouth$ endod It--gWill 1whilill -0 con' a SMOU19 side %W4 UO 0M,00rbe flooti, Ylsrah 31. ki the valuo of itheiiii3O or, j "44ft 0" Ili 00 MW. 0 kV3UW0"1WW bably 0JAY Moot Iio of WW uss'a oli 4�oyii voru W" bi of at a, a bu TN tfte Was of tj it 1)1 S. ed, -to