The Wingham Advance, 1921-02-10, Page 80, I OU." We first offered the public Am" 11=1 own s A AJ, MillionS noVF UtMOSt Satisfactim OUR BOYST ANID UFDICXTED 110 LVERY C11 r0Y MD Sn -N1 E R RIA, COR GIF�, IN By Aunt JuMle ��NNAJM riglat Art a �j AcoarVag to tt�,a topv At My Dcl,-.Lr BOYS and Girls: pL,-,D,_-F FOR HELPER4,. '�J"hetber -tnytaiin�g� haPP(,u,(,d t,3 your .1cinduess to someone Do cGme'r evei�- day, az,t wcek, I a.111 11,Dt qulte,�.,ur, �'r lays time Of Wrltiw , 'of sma,,im, all aloilig,the at thL but it any Of I L, VIDU ="-Sed a lett(,r fmim Aunt JunL, toeo,,nfesS tilla't some�tllhlg, exvice of was Il-.ipp,nlng to m1ke my ltltur I ii,,�edge mysialg in the 8 t - aber I I rather :a.e. You a:., he �ny J�Jugg and Country to 'do rL17 best Story ef 11,umpty DumPty. well -11 any daily work, wtheneverr it May VXVII, sn', ever possible, Humpty Eiumpty sat on S N, be to 1101P. Others when do yva know thlit ibe had a- very ,�ad to endexgor in every way to Aunt june ham't Wljieo� nlv naety tumlyle? yLeif a good dti2en. done quite - h'adly Q" thst ' but like poor old Humpty I)q=,pty, she did ' N, have -a wea bit of a. IaTl. She just slipipeld and tumbled over One day Age ..... ..... ... ..... ...... and t1iCTe slito s,3,t for a, little whille. and -then suddanbir Ole TeMeMbOXed Address ... ...... ....... tha,t sitting on the floor Wasn't going 'e 'r wr'b� -nl Date to help her to get this tettL Si up she jumped and—yrell, hem ighe ,is all ready to fsay, I -low do Tou do? go to my leitter box for tlX'& and and find it stuffed, 411 so full, with letters W-ELCOMI,3 To OUR MANY NEW from ar.� my boys and girls, Wblch,re' MEMBERS: minds me thiat I c1nnottakO Up Much room this wee1j: with anythi" but G. McKenzie, Paisl_�Y. youT lebterg which I 'am 'Over So glad el Anme 1�&Ly Moar�-, Otter Lake, Que- to lisye. it Isabella Graham, Olds, Alta. 1) Allco.Gribam, Olds, kI - t] VOM M.�Xguerito Casem�Te, OUR LFTTE4 R BOX. 9 ham. Calavolgie, Ont- 10 Richa(rd Cponin, I-Iumphrey. I pcggi:o "Holyraod. I Doar Alunt June­lhave been Toad - 1 1 tl;i� Boys, and Girls, comer and JIM.T111 iaug 7.- hiln, CoY1011. s Ralph C.Ilf-fi;idi London JunCtiOn- "p, nice whave a corner .al 3 r1s!. I wrn onalceing N dvmrd C,�Ifford, Calster Gentre, for bo�,-a and 91 ocket, Alt�­ fi�,,c cents I hsve W 1�tsm*s', hop - Gladys Lan0astcT, BT� on. Que. ing toMoeive 0� badge. 1910 'to school Lional MexINIU, BrYs' fourth -class. MY Ruby riIsDn, Sarnii. every d%y and am i"a lligh�,Iate. two iiroldhers end sisterz and I dTiVG poret-by J45tVVj0hMS, I am thir- lfa,, xterls, Que 1hree lifiles 0 &C1100L .,fr,et D. Oha d,,d. -,,qy father has a A�tma Crqt, C,13jialiogie. teen yeaxs Holen. Brethou'r, Kirkticn. 011,1111p just acrois% the mad and tho*V3 Allms1ingen, Caledonia. -,.re abaut twelve men cutting IaP- Annie Abb4ot, Dundalk. We have a co6k. This is, all for this, As I write to You, TDronto istreets, tlma� W19111ing Your Club every Sao axe dry wid Wr, and the tair is like' coss- ALMA CRAIG. r haps ,Pri,g, bjut per , even before this letter gets into print, we may have anew aglin, saach tricks * does the k1111a:_I see that there are weather men PlaY us, blut the winter two boys and two girls. in your family. is getting over very lispPiliy for most isn't that just a joI17 -party. I can Of us in Ontatrio. Some are OujuY- imagine You Wouid "lave lots of tun tug skatimg; otbers hwve to be content going 1to s-chool. with soft spring-lik days and long I dhink You MOSt live. in the -real walks. My hsppiest walk �s when I country by your teriing me about the caanili acrOSS the Toad. I have not yet visited a real lumber eamp so YOU wia tell me solbothing THIS LOVELY WHITE Se',huat'solurs next time YOU Nvwito- I am hD1dkitg stamp for your badge, BRUSH AND COM3 untliz I hmnd egain -from YOU as you quite f0r,90t to fulfM the conditions. FREE TO GIRLS Tilre Tule ter joining the "Helpers' Loagui of Service Js,that 'every boy ia or girl whio wishes to become a mem, ;a 57-F bar Must send in a doserr'Pt'."n of -S wheat at 1, th-2ir datics of Oervice; th" to help others every 6y. "01 ey 4h,27 do M ,t to hav�, you % member sohurrY in tiaat letter when you up and send ve a badge. Read and sign -tler Pledge which wU be found on this Pago And ellicl'OSO In tille letter' 09,ledoni% Ont, Here is just what every girl W -ants- Dear Alunt J1111S.—I h1ve signed Send no your name and address and t'in plofte and wililAxy tict do oil the we w3l send you Three 1331lurs worth ,hings I �sn to hoi� others. I am Of lorr-yl St. Patrick and Eacter thirdieen and 1)9)75,:�od tfie entrance ex- PosWird-3 ta s�ll at ten lcf'u'ts a Plok- =irliation when I was twelve. The age (4 lov6,y cards In (11ch Pacat1W). thiV7 ,a I do in datTly life are wash th( V,rhen %re, vold send 'U_,4 Our lish" )OM 011 , I swoop the TN . and dust mn,-y anj! we wJE send you th-irs love- rull lk qkTee too -M and wa, 1 the scPATa- ly wh.Re tt.nrimoi Brush and Comb. We tor, it nooesisaxy. My triond Rile. prep3.7 n1l oharges. p .,andy has oiwa7s written to YOU :d,ro."nod the Pledge. I an HOME,R-WARREN 0o.. tbxae" tamp &)or _ont s oend! oe,,yL 1*16, Toremo., b&dT 'it .0 and hope -to receive fiOOr �g your dub every 6110cass- AUqk HAOA11 '4GREA T BRIG -,Dmx Aliam—Y1011, haTe started ot ve!7 wAll indeed along the road helping. I wonder how You 111; ELE, Cd LRUC Z 2-1 S h, m011ing? Wh3't a numbor Of X01, e,rs we ha -7o who 40 Weful thiu'� ,iroluild the farm. Thanking YOU f( 7 your good wishes. I haVe -TVU W" TO BOYS AND GIRLS liko -your b,3.dge. HeTels. what every Xirkwn, 01 r boy alld girl, want,�. D,3,r Aunt juno� —1 have be�eu rea This big electiric Ing in your t_,urner tar some 41ne, i cAdilight Is, Just the rito. thing to cafry with 11 khj%light I wDnld like to W YOU on a dark night. ,,M ,b girl ten yearso! agN At se-hc To,110 button I am in sen�or third class end '11 the -and you M11[c, any tv`�,ry day. I ha,*b three girl fricin' Mad or pairk as Their n1mes Wwo Vios, Nfoore' OW4 1 2t as dy. Sp�.ieu_ dolyn DtAlpe and Andry Paul. vl� 19 to and Gw.ondiolyn -are In senior thl did jor,golng out fr�e�. Audrey Is in Juillor third, C tala li,wra or stied. is rt&mJher rInM 'the bell at nine d'olo (, Tile flashlight - e,11 xoads 4AloDi;J),Io -and we 31. ,)nkplete WIth Uat jlj�,Ik itf,ry and bulb alld is alxmt twentyfiv'o questions In ar iv,n ag a pt-jz�j to rujtio. . After we get do" we' le: 9 G�,Jl q�lir reading. At a,quirtor to 6101 allyone who will 1) () 11 1 a T si 110 ldttg US OlIt till e�Vc`u otclook L Pate of S Ick -lion hav-o reading and molmory' w( ro,str-r kt tw_utvio olelkk we h%ve noon and post one, AfitVr we owt Our dinner ,6�4.s at ten cents i. d n riack�,.ge (4 Wvely play hid6-atd�90�sleil*, bttll, all I 0,1(vd�i lit each P3,ek- W.Rter '06 61140 On the lce..that is our til&�311 <!melt behind' -out 6011001, w agn), Send AL9 7 1 Jho bell We, ll�lVo $P!1�1 10,1�0 a,4ad ad0e$* Iw r" IM(I we SeAd W the wf�ry othOr day and 9009MIllY 4M ("asdr, to eel'. Will.. otheir day. At fift0eft =111i'llte6 �send us Your 'ibroo he kft Us M -t itill thtee) V ancnt,Y �Lnd We ISNI(l The Tings the bou. We hoVe gr you Jhe jin-8113glit luir on moftliay6, WednesftyO 0311. PrIdayis. we havo hygleno oil T hJAtOry on. Tlwrouys. �rri& day and fc,�Lte u o'xx5k wo onto home and HOMER WARREN CO -0 till M, o,p ,100X I tm oeadlfwt otmao ZW t WAS4. WINGRAX AX)VA0074 It V NO, 6, 1921 MAY LOOK FOR AN BiLr AUTO= PAr-Ts. III IMD IIVFMrNT IN SIR. MAR UTOMOBI"" WI-4— TORONTO A Irapany, 179 Queen street ing we -9" Toronto, will supply Wed parts for any make Of cir at rea$On- BUSINESS SHORTLY able pr Telephone Adelaide 4169. 7 t ices. Also ougllte's Of every i- Retail Llne;; M uch Brokern—Buying 7 Cannot Zo Deferred Indefinitely PE RSONAL. PAPH R, -NORMAL BY SPRI I)enripticas, xk� 1(1� McOreeiy, Pub - dresses 25c. N4w, NG? Dig issue. mes, t B. jfi� q A return.to normal busines-s tcOndl- Outtarlo, 7 .,% by spring iL9 predicted tons in Canad by A. 0, Dawgoli, vioc-president of RD 'Cotton,$, Limited. in a, 11'_R4LP WANTr _1VQUI Canadian C4a=n1U1d0atI0U to The r C4UTICUTRA Post. MT. Da -mon dis-ousaes itho In- Wn JVANT 200 MoRk) MiJIN AT SOOTHES SKIN MOUAILES disita-i, 11 and, labor sitim,tilons, and 0111ce to f 11.1 posit-ID115 in early rPr.11lg Bathe Nv;th plenty of Cuticura Zoali points OlUt t-liat UneJ`n-JK0yMe-1lt IS (111-hite at $12,15) to $200 per month OPOrat- t'��'ater to d=,xise and pari. general in overy industrial contra. Ing gas tractors, driv ing, motor and hol 4Z myly cuticura WhI'.,o Industry generally has been tvilehs and cars, sellin6, tootcWrs, fy Dry -A -Ineiittosocthoan�dhe,�11. Cud- psa)tieularay dopTozsed during, the cara and faran Power machinery, or J -actox meohauela ku city ()ini VP cu",Ii'ralcum sootlics and cools the past tow weeirs, he lexpreoaw the he as auto ti On17 a few skin and ov.-rcdnies beavy perspi- lief that the wOrst !.% over, and pollits and country garages. ation. Delicate,deliglitftil,distingu&- out �con.ditions axe now so shaping weelas required' to IMM theSe thiemselyes as to pormit,of a mora tirades, in the day or evening claw- --k-25c- Sold lanDepot; -L - es igil6utthe'Donilmon. caribd havombile adjustment within a com. at the Hemphill Government throu , Q1 st, W montrail. eVory Juans. Vatitp,4344 St. I Lavct,'v�ihout mug. �WCUUC6�& Santo p&r&tivt3,y few monthsi. SP011dug Of chartered Motor SSOIL001 in Start the outlook for labor, especially III 11 -r -pe )city of iCanada, conneettion with the textia induArY, now and you will b3 ready be states, tRi%t while thea'a has been for spring rush. -0211 at n0lr- 11.0 reduction ias yet, a change wil est branch for free catalogue. ll�oray in order to 'ys we"come. Hemp- &-tve 'ito be mwde e Visitors ial�va AR COMBING OUT ocirreepond to the modifloation In hill Motor Sd"ola, 2D9 ' Pacific commodity prk�aes,. Avenue Winnipeg. Brauch,33 at , MR The Iblowing is Mr. Damson's -1,63 Kill'ig Street Wo��t, Toronto Re - THE -CIVIL SERVICE s&qternont gitno, Sask,,LtQon, Edmonton, -CUl­ Thwo is no dio,4) �t that tmdo bas gsj�, and VQnoouvor- 30 VE seen you where you never were— :B'Y END OF JUNE, 550 AGED M�N been saackenJing up for some time, Ozdl unemployment is becomling quite gen- AND WOMEN WIL)i. HAVE eral. personally J do n1ot QXPe0t that' SALESMAN WANTED. T, the Wesent, conditions a thla= will know you don't believe me, BEEN, RETIRED. lqsit very mimh longer -I look for a GRkMOPHONR MANUFAWISRUI R It is esitImated ttLst by ithe end of gaaduad Improvement in tTade toom. wants agents. Sample 9Pa=OPhOlXe tbJs time forward, and it wdII be Our- and reccwds id fatotory- pnice. Cl#", j�uae,, 550 men and women will 'have prisring i -f by spring we axe not back JogUe frie4e, Vaieero-T-tbone 3ut- peep into your looll..ing glass— Won Tetire4 from the 'CiTil Service of agailin to normal, I Adelaide Street B ast. Torionto. 8 So tar �au I ran :learn &tocks in the ei Siaeo The ipassing of IN ViLIAGRS Now—did my e3les dec ive me) Canada� the AND CO'UN- hands of the'ret&I-1 trade axe Ya. try�We know You wAnt to earn Pind two other mirror gazers Righ-t side down, on dress; upper Sib- Carider superannuation act last ses- much. broken, and these stocks will ser- have to be replenished, dn the not more money,11,'co do we; let us'%vc(rk town, ajong halr, ot Parldammt, 1,599 civil d1sitaint future. Appaxenty the soon; togeth-ar; PeOPlo -in Y . Our 11911ghbor- vants over dyxwb have been iieport- or We all get down Ito "rock-b6ittom' hood want to make m0hoy; ithey improve; cm do it by idining In our c0m­ ed by Government departiments -to (the the Sooner will cotuditions ading you some riddles. With -love, iselon. Ot these, Profits 'have been practIcallY 01endu- pa�ly; we O,%val large completed mill )M . . *1"i-1 service wnim ated in so far as -the textile industry and hunared acres al.ongaide Con- HIDLEIN �3RMTEIOUR- were weoommended -for r0billre- is concerned, and df these low Prices tr.aa Outarlo Ra-ilway, without a dol - Bad Breath' '66o additional -ter was one ment. it being considerOd the OtILOrs now -being. quoted are met by -the lar against it; we need they Dear H4Len;-Your let the most interestang in mY mail ti -nue to reirideir eiffiCielIt Wholesale .1a.1 retalltrade, as doubt- monvy in our buslnte04 -which cour.-d con less they will, be melt in itima� then can provide; wo want you to toll see you have a number of 13 CAUSED BY service. vement in them about this opPoIrtunity and H we may look for an Impro i7ld ' ow many ot them. would Many -of those who have OT are to business very ehortly. WOIII iny you wsU; twke pea or ppal- to join the Helpers' League? I axe over 70 years wribe im, asking s You like best Jn tj be sweramnuated in Sotair as Taw -cotton is 0mowned ell right -now and cader which day 11 A R R now selling much below the alll about this; it wilI J)aY you- CArF of age. one of tha oldest Is AdO-ln thils is Le week -the day on whidl, You have I o 'cost of prod.tction -and, of cOuX."k, a Molybdonites, 9 Walliu9tOn Street .-ammar or the geography days. I Drown, postmaster of I-laimilt0n. wh 9 ber aovin-� the geography condition of J�ija kind wanot latst iffI4 East, Toronto. in reMGM -leaves the service at 1,1w age of 94. ' it v�,�d, there-folre aP- You definitely. esons but -hating 97ram-w- 1MR0 IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ar a badge, but If YOU 4Cauadianls SuMer more, ng' under the o0JZP1JG all energetic man to ba ludePon- ., from Ca- Several women comd pear as it liquidation was 'd or my lqtter aR t�,,rrh than from disease, measure are in theIT seventies, and 'as far as the r&W lnattexta�s and "he de -at S-ld free f-romthe woavry Of ull- a8ke �iVll road �4 f ;aIn whidi any other conoelrued. Cata,r,rh ds danger- o has been in the service for =11,13 w� ownting a attrong printed on the page, you 'will 1 On this "00ul"t , the one. w9i en mn t I repr e at one - I ous and should be checked at 1_1 160' of the conditions Ile -08 4.5 Years, is 81 years,of age. BY PLANTS e t� Aocidqnt OomX=Y. Lib to be a, member of the oi#set. STRAWBERT ,,ry for cgindea, good commi%.jiml and It isaq. necosewry to twice dntornal tu ity for advancement 160 VO­ 'ervic, L=iue is d at 711 tell about There is AN E ASY SEED TEST. PER ACRE. �e a ts of service you hate done for medicine to cure Catwrrh- =,9fDjFtriet Jfaw-g4�v. A.�F- tii 'at anagew, JEeavIlan:W Cas - ,or:-rk Well ti., better anethod. ,. Dolm. Your WO treat Catarrh by send- _�efore cTde;r1ng your'seeds it will Ques-tion-I intend -pubtll,49 cut am y Coanpany, ROyeA B nk Bldg., DOI cours�, one of- tile Coll- Doctors 'now hepling vaVor aare of strrawliwnles. How anally 'Vil� bait am do a , I last - 6-22 t I pur',fYing be vylL,1I to.best ainy teft over trcirn Toron'to'. b,!t Ite, me an- torgam". ish w Dow ft lake for rbb fir -re? WhOt are th`0 I.,ides. Please wn through the i;�Z "Wxon' as it wouilld N fool Net lid toli me about your this VMY the germs of Oatexrh are th,(�m dat -you rime not ceitalin as to itheir best varietiles, and when Is the IX, e ez 11 111ping. des�tmyed, Spring or fall? F ARMS FOR SALE. AUNT JUNE. [ valpow treat- Wabilby. time to stat them out, Tim only, succesdul ean I �e(t ulioplamAe, cad about, Boxx 516, Station F, Toronto. mont is CATARRHOZOVE� 'which Ta�ko m shc1ow d1nnorp:iate and on Nvhere, 40-A.CRE pARM XnAR ST. TEWMAS. 'Ids, F the I-atient brmtheo thTaugh & EWPO'c it Plwce a 15hoot of blotting paper cut -what will they "t Pew . Oaundaed. Splend.id loam soil in good oondl- Minard"s Liniment For Cd laa intaaer to the retal Beat Of the Me 6dZe at the Iylobe. 6 -blat- Apswer-An awe of stm-irborzks tjon. Tindelxh-alned. eAl good work- Tteirlch, piney esseRees df Sve M tr. valen they able hind. FmmP, house. mvter- intemal parwsiter. JU tile shane at trOu"' in- t5ng 1pv,-r is mtuftted with waiter, at- requires about -8,600 V-iaa W for bmn, good orobAx(l. Olght* 11 �:heal and 600the an aches & I worms. in the stomadh and bowels 'Of They eftective;!y ter thot markinig it off in quWte- are set 19 i apart In. Wws -2 fall wheat, is sexes a3stke-1 M ces. d acres children szp their vitality and retwd Imit ",s 'crL yo vpieJd 0 olbver, ten acrea ready, tOr orOP- ,ke'll b_OA tbe, ADO% tb and 10116 "With -,vkh a Von In each qUilirter feet apart- I b'diteye u phy4cal development. They a pcworgid, anitlwvtic t118t destroys Effrty or 1.00 seeds ar8 w& to wri2ta ithe Dominion Delgamt- Near sellools. chumehos, stores. the' "d In a, constant StAke of Un- irritation at onee- Buildtin Good Twds- Cheap gas tuot. $3,200. rest and, if not attended to, endm- plaloed, Oyer which amoithier of m;ffA of Agowulture tow itil ix Tlhia $1,000 will finance, balance OWSY. The child -can be Gpwred 'CatairrhaiOne brings, into �he Sys- or s laid, and this 4a, turn No. 92 on, the StmwberTT, Jaanes- RGUtle1198, SM Liff) BuW_ ger life. tem the lyalir�y air of the, pine t�yrost. brJubtung pap Irly - oriyugh desciripti 6 much sufDoring and, the mother much Al)letoly colds, caughs, covered with an inverted W"te the gives a fa bb On Of anxiety by usilntZ a vellftbls worm I it es NvZt thToait, and ba—eblti,9- same size as the first. The V�ate Is daite. subject. remedy, such as MMarr- WOm 1:�Ow_ cat=1 tried. CataTrhozono Is tulvAys ders. whioll, are sure death to Worms- 00ne thian #Dweed in a -warm oupboaird, the As, a satmMa"d bO "1 good dtandor POULTRY WANTED AND FOR.. used.' Nvthing (60 Pleszaft'. bE�S0016ukt3el�' blotting paper kept nloLlk und in the, plamts, I would QdTISQ, the suPPI&- SALE. A bluff teache us that it is better 018, '90 tqu'ck to rel"ave' 00 'a few days --according to anenting of the feilitallItY Of thO 6011 5 0 17 Mro 01 to be flushed with victory than to b yermanently imm Accept caurgo ct L p y OU 2 T A me laots two the vaadertleg being teFited-the WO with a ftix application Of hisll-gm,e I VUI, A 0 CMN S fourflushed out of it, no substitute. Lome 81 03 size will aplout, and, the Per-' tortiHzer­about 500 to 750 dba. per pound bDr Itie henO any 61^ Wjb MOF11this, and costs $1-00; 'sin 4on, it TOU Nve Wkh1B SOO etrial size 2.5c; at 0,1 deal. seiedo be worked Into the your stat me; samp, centage ot good vLailylo seed will b13 awe. TWs shodA aidles of Toronto; ducks 21 tronts. MDbhor GTaves' Worm Extetm'I'la- qWckly "certadned by 001luttnt-0 Un- "I thm-Oughlly betwe the p1tints oze i3rateo loaned troo. YOU can 10tP tor will drive WOrms 'from tb)e ff-vetem em pracitical sltrawberry 00,D. for hall the amounit, I will without injury to tile child, IMMUse iosis the satiniple. shomaup we�L it W-1111 set Many of Albert LowL% 66G its action, while fully Offeeltive, ts MinwrdG1LIniMenVFor6W01--_t In Cows be sawad policy to diiscafrid it and Or- 'twwors hmTlo ZDlind such. u usd remit balame. r', llizers Produces a good 0 das "West, Toronto. 6 .1 "Ild der other seeds to rePIWO it f�,,rft tand of Dun Are You W11111beZinig any QliaPti's Vigorous 'Plant% can be ob- 0 D They- Will lreqpiroatr when- I The streWbarirY Planto MEDICAL. -ever the weather is sufficient Inild tainod� from any of Cha hading seeds - L Zr F11., IS HOME.TRUAT- RE 1! to a,* -� -STINSON 'r;ow lulc.�ma taw 604, fc�r an hour men, They vary in 4w -A -like a h- ment for qilepsy. Twenty 'cir tym, veritinlotion aould always- oomimodltdeo. Years, au"ess. 1110usan(la tot testi- Tl.'Est FFATuRrs,- First to Drop to Pre -War Prices be given duTdtg tale w1wTn3Mt Vawt Of Bell, B'S.A. M0111als. Xb Casa should be oon- . Throttle-g-ov- oilson-the largest selling engine in the .77 L �c,,seln (coal oil), Wo dcrful fuel Saver Britloh Ell S* I -has always led in value. Now it leads , in th* dtiy, -060illg d)O'%Mn earl'Y in thO 0 sildered ,Ic,l. Bulit-in ningneto. imp , pitc, Remady Co. of can- er � Wm. Stinson fu -11 iced and niiy.er- Easy start- trimm1% prices to rock-brAtotn. Gigantic produc. ternoon. it no air be 1�lvenmold wffl ada', 2611 yunge street, T�Dlosjto. 27 ing. No cranking. Big surplus for, of t a new Giuon 'Wizara" line has made pos- power over radug. sible amazing cuts in prices. Notbiu, like these val- get Ix foorting. XONZY TO LOAN ues hns been seen since pre-wardays. Andthisnew "I — Magneto Thrattlit- ellup sets a new standard of perforramce, ec:ouomY Loans made on farM4 ft8t, XISCELLANEOUS in G*Verned dependability. BUNIONS NO J917LE- second mortages. X*Tq*a9eZ I o""t" $ Demonstrated FREE-ZasyTenias W the man who has to move t purchased. 1, 1 $7.00 Per Day Profit. You get manufacturers'priceon this Gibon'Vizard." Of REYNGLDS, Si.- - abou�c-but & 011914 2,11PIkation, T 1,1� 3J ronto. 52 yon get a free trial on vour farm, if you want it., �CP,ata Vtotorla St., To i rVve-year guarlux- eoltme the th 4 OUR FIENS PAY A PROPIT OF Yott buy on easy tc 5.0) each over aud sbOT tee goes with every, crigind. But to get our present qu1cWT. s 9 + A rms er cash. tissue ftind cures the bunion ($ a se. alnazing values, you mtt,;t act quick. Prices can't be Just tis good for warts, bimps, mud bills. (600 lions wW PQY YG113- a Cent lower. They inaV be higbzr. And demand is protit of ($7,00) per,day.' A Cock- poming, in. Write at once for full facu. caalous_ -tainlew Oorlt erel Of oll GILSON KXFG. Con -TG. , �Is ks t Ltd. 5716 York St., Guelph Lxtraatcm Use Uo other, 26c at all r strains will Pay You many dealc �ao thaes over in extra --eggs from Your r,7 MADF Ih r.U9L ---------- _r:EJ Our in: aS W�r�Vf�.-42 pullets next 1AM an C'Cle! ler Ust c? inventle d winter. THE CANADIAN CHIROPRAC byWnufsapturerg- FOrt"nes'llays 6to8k wins first place In the Sas- katchewan Laying Contest and second .r TIC COLLEGE. been made firwo: rsinlp-,Irb W'0�09 ,,Pfltent prDtec al� ,a place in the Canadian Laybig Con - D Parrmwly in, Flailliltonohas now t"k- tion, t(%t. Write ter beautifully illus - Q a tt en Ilip tholT quarters at 761 Dover -A 4 6)?rcof of 0,oniDeptien"03 KetJ trated c%talogue. Xs free. ,court Road, Tcironto. Thousando of o!tlzeus, eve Silled With enthusi1sM PATMKT, Lt. 3 'm S HARGILID CL S149-FMAN $4 L. R. Guild, Box S, Rockwood, Ont UQU C11 ovor the wo-adewful mmlta ae0om-* Wod=,-"-hovm& PCAshed by some d their junior stu­ 0" , , rom ItNITTING XA*AW'$-LOVV1%V Ote dents on paitieAW suffering t all ors, pure wool but very moderate Students diseases arld affilet' are enroillig every day Sai�:Vie shades free. _j to'b�oomo �S prices Poultry nIvIgorator of Chlropractir, 'T.6111"ellig Georg4owft Wollen Millo, George- Spoehlistrs - 13 tile superioxity of Cali.T6practinal -00M. town, Ontario. ip,.red witli the other healing arts, i's �d, uPP1Y W1,) WILT,, SPIN WOOL INTO YARN EW111 Increase Your Egg 9 Minard's Liniment For oliAtherla. " C ", 4 or bileulmts, , k -g-, . Address GoonigetOlvn WNII'Mutils, out. ar is a splendid tonic food Longer Dreaded. The Asthmn'No vo for your chickens. droad of -renewed attwelm ttOnl I -N PAY YOUR OUT -OP -TOWN AC - an fats, ittiose who *Otellls d eciunt.3 by Dominion ExPrOW M�OnOY It not 4ohly 0 �hp,;�,tv'ontleame(f to rely upon Dr. J. D. Ordoys. live Dollar% cos.,ts three ontaing a,high poroentaga Of N h ha � 110 hold IMP011 on -%V,1lIol1 make igiturdy healibily fowl, but It 119 an aPootiMM fVe �qlx it with the Tegulair feedand note the Improycimeat In your Xtllog-gls Astllnit Rtulle(17, SO safo cents. heng In their &PJ)eAM'ftcd and egg production. ft they feel 411gt complete realanco e not Is placed on thW -true oPeoffit with 0 till d by Poultry T4190'rs the vortaInty U104 it ww., do till thAt we Poultry Invigorator If' use -at floil liAt.1WIM Wodohouse's r and throup;hout tho provinee and sold at Your neart its malcen 'clailm. It you bav'o Aot ,1W learnel­hOW &to' To WALKER LONEM1 PJij10PJ_jP4,­,&)nd 10c fee(, store or hardware do&lior­6r vrite Airett. P you are With. Typ yc`�, , 110,USr or' PLEWY" for Our big frie-Ad"Np blaga� th ; prep%ratlon at hand get It today WO ALSO VAK10 and know lor YOUMelf- zine. You'll be, 91a4l you did W,odeh�miadls Ahimill In'0404-at"' Woddhoubes "OROY Chiok Food. Wodefiouse's idrisAM64 for 40AIV63- Zenoleum. 0 D E H o U..,,i F_ 1, N V I G 0 R AT 0 F3, LIMITLD I HAMILTON ONTARIO Several hundred women 111'Mighm- -,vaka, Ind., have AornlOd what they ,MtWi0n of 'r)eAthll fDfr the purpo" of W�.&Irog wittr on hold-up men. The WOM011 w1r,11 Meet T491119a*� ly 0,4ad take "rt lift OAVbt DiUdlft 6160 dov E Thausauds waiting to Oorres- 'At-, �poiid Avitli you. Lanaier Agpoey. Bathurot, N.B.. Dept. C. N. L, I I MInord's 4101mont For DI&t&thW.- I PRE