HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-02-10, Page 7fy ........................... 'COUNCIL V14,ifil'UNO A MUM OF XbWi OUR CANADIAN QUIZ CORNER 04 Cxx� pA Tabloid C 0 (Contirlued fro �m p'lge 1) 13.) YclorciJiZa About Canada" Elliott and - Joe. Stalher is i�rore! The words are FOid tile Work had' bron IL III alment No. 7. Copytigbt, Canadian pact pubilubi g C Tfr rit, d(MO with the saucti,)n and under the bard, TheiiOaljiiv,-�t krjof,; (,no do, , n o '71f. X T U1 E4, H U5 E-4 0 F 0 UA L 17" y nt. An old Churn r superviclOn Of tile CountY and provincial Indsa star fallen fmirl hio, eligincero, Accnunts were sent in cillo sl'y Of A,aPiry m(mory. A NOW for a branli now lot Of questions.ant, form and he tilought tile monp The first time wo mw 11im waq in tile oil as manydiffereut subjccts "no1410, traeturs, gasoline eugilleg, Y sb(uld, V C /� �r for f:'cl'00111011�e Pit the sixth of Eart Waivar�- pfio boats, sulky pIt ­ c� I Valuos aa there; ele aid thu wt _ctric light, fire be paid. The town harl P, are quivzes, all of value al`1 intere,"t If_ _)rk' IN )wn, oll.propvllei�i boati because that the world" Obb. lie livd come ovcr With liii tejell- 'Cry this plan for a diversion. lille lip tile' �tl man sbould n)t n : parcel Vest, rural mail tl� h`"17Mted to Wait for hi:i ' or, Mr. the bt-undry nbr;ol falillilY itito of)POsing siden, young kind s Nivery, thierinot; J� uJoricy till tile buttleg, typelTriters, moving pivtur(1�1' county cuuncil ug�t to it. Mr. Lloyd' East 4 Auburn. Mfir, oid, and have a -contest like all p h_ -d hiout-d'spelling bee as to which 'will Will. i Answer to Question No. 5 -Canada has and lw� /03 "early lOQ0 moving picture theatres. -es amrer 4;hould thought that the county troli be(n wisitant th(re as ju�t d full tIAtt be communicav4 with - -it to harldk� our Ill,", tchool! The V �q It will provide great fun, its, the 14 Answer to Quefiti(In NO, 6 -.It is esti. it once, as . isilor,, � ,,, will he worth While which is 'St I plated least a Part Of tile MolleY must he paid Were Very WilcOme and grently cN.'ered; NVQ "rC Marking ctolvn .111 kind, that Canada's tourist traffic IS forwork at the �nds of tile bridges for the Y()ul)[' , ladv teacher in her hcnv�� )f Dry Goods to the nc%v prev.-Iijing wol'th $31). ono,000, a year, and it is raptioll 100 leot. Coun. Mitchell aid it was a JW' Was tiler. a ruaic youth, whree prices, which tic trttst will Ineet �vitll the approval of out, custonlroi*,_". This Week's Otieniting Ily,growing, commundrum to �im that when ingrinvers long I(-gs "i" just beginning tn'tretch, 'Question No. 1--eanfula,s nic-at ill-,, Aum,ifer t,) �,)uesti6ll N(�` 7 were here and said tile, Nvork was atright and for days after %te hr -I much of 111.1 M Dinex Good z, �mmc @nXnq5 Whlter'lallnOlctte, br2Zt Engl;oh made N; in� Reg. rd 411641.8' 11,18 becoille one of prinw import- wo(`IVI-Op its 1920 Was 2 1,000,voo Ibq, %Vlt;l and now the money for Mine bas not been stand;ni!ns ii, pupil. What lie c(luld nut do wt, bogin to think wvre triflo& The N. 60 for ............................... �ailve, in the uicat packitig illants and 3.72,4,ovo llc�td Of Sb#,'eP as Imirt of the pakd, The Mayor and Cjvrl� will write to All Wool 'S"AltoY, Priostley's W. -A qualitit%s for abliatoirs and ill tile exporig. Writer hott licun trittl (%ut as a reciter sults and drus vs 42 in. vvide, in grc�y, taupe G111,01ams, aq�,orted lintterns, Reg. 110 for. A hings blue Reg. 4,0.50 for ......... Pure Linen Towelling, specials at ...... 2�-, ,�,�q Me. Isli, ith .13'rue-aw, the.spidt-r" n -T tile E'Icc- -SUD yd Make ;i Jivestock Wealth. the county treasurer re��arding.the n, tttrr gues", as to it-, extent and Value. Q)%1v"tiO;l No. $--The River ister has since ilifitrined tv; t1i'at %62.5*2 was received for �Imi;ia w(.. tion. but V, �- tit vc�l hopi!d to be able to Question N,9. 2-11ow tit' auy Masonsar�'� St- John, ill New Brunswivir. four bull- rk r IF lnezll wnop 1310tany Sergo in greY and brown, -t Crash Towells, R ' $1.25 for ............... 1!,c. pair rerider it lik(o Joe Wag sold to do. lVe eg. there ill, Ottlada? And Ifow inany dred miles long. i. C, Iled tile tindson Or 130,lutifullv iWshed elloth for.,Or' a done in 1018. es2e% 45 in. Cretonnes, special, Reg. 50 for .............. I Rhille of 6anada froin its scellic beauty. Mr. Lloyd and Mr, 131ennett were be, Were Ill tile school quart0tv singing tvilar Re"t 6.60 for ...... ................ Q4.00 yd, Answer to Duestion Nt). q -Canadri bind a re4olution empowpr�ng� th� chief Question NO, 3 'Which of the older Yet Ue P tic(l t1tv hard lucl� of k,ur bav,-.- PrOvilic�4 had Iegifilature.,; first gTautefl Subscriptions t singer, for Joe took tylat part in tile other Priestley, -,Satin Clcth. very pcpular for drv-ses mews weaT2 0 Sir, War Loans and one and night watchman to onforce'the 0. T school We were warned of mqetilg tr1is to thenAllid when? ViCtOrY Loan totalled ft<lif,292,069, or A. so that fines for infractibilsof the law Golibtb too on account, of its lustre as.. -d soft finhob light Suits and Overcouts, woriderfull values vir rmire Q110qtiKu N6, 4-- Which is the oldest 411QUt per capita. Few %#ou!d remain in the town trEasury and in High !$chool, so me �aw C I blue. green and purple. 40 In. wide, Reg. stoel, reditced ....... ....... I ........... iucftpurated bity Ili Canada? countries reached thisfigure. not go to thr-,,, province. We understand bini between the lines An our Algebra's $4.50 for ............ ,- ............. 55-00 yd. 9 Answer to question No. and Euc)jd%i. 011 happy days of an F urs Coats, 0, only. black dog coats from the, b�,st �uestiod No. 5 -Why is the beaver io-Chief the, cleric will prepare the necessary bylaw heroke ag-I Blvel, and navy all wool Serge for suits and clilirts. makers, Reg.665.00 for ................ regarded as a Canadian symbol? And 10.1eph Bran,, or Tyeadenaga c;f the six and have it dealt with at the next 54 in. wide, Reg, 3.00 for ........ staunchly by the British ar meetirg. rgul But we did not atu-nd the same Col - When was it first so lused? 't..d 4 only, Russian Beaver coats heavily furred vi)d Question. Ne 6 -Who was Sam Slick, force.,; in America through the Revolut. Only one application was received for legiato Institute. It was young as teach- made from full skins, Reg, 875,00 fo.- .,$,5&00 moted in Cafladjau liteeature? iollary War and -a ers we next came eogether. We do not &terwards. Brantford assessor and the applicant, Mr. Mens heavy fleeced lined all sizes shirts and draw. ii 1WV at thing of that convention in Shirting, extra heavy quality 6oc. for ............ 45c. ers ................ 6 1. 1) pair - 7 - One testof a cQu it try 1,�; is inkat "id his grave is at McLean was appointed at a salary of 3275 Goderich except Jut., and a dozen other Stanfield's, all wool shirts and drawers (blue labA) oQuestion: SO T. J- remember any development is througril.its incorrorated tile Mohawk Church, near that city, with an allowance of $8 for postage. Mi., Factory Ct�ton. best quaI;ty,,-&, for' coinPallies, Recent year.;4�� since the W. whilea fine monument in the city com- McLean's aPPlication good felowr. We have the photo yet ..... Rea. $4.00 for ............................ ar stated That he 1 $2.60 show a ir�markable expallqioll, � j)o . you ule ... orates him. would -accept $400 for the dual position of which brings thOse happy hours back. Bleached Cotton, extra value ,-;o for .............. ne. Boy's fleece lined shirts and drawe know -what it is� Joe was tile life of the bunch and a hand- F1nnn(-kttv'.,, extra heavy (yd, wide) 45 for ........ 33C. rs ............. 5.09 Puestion No. 8 -Who are the Uuited assessor and collector witk an allowance some chap, marry as a W k and clean as Men':, Caps, Reg. $2.75 for ... ........... $1.95 )*;Grain Growers? of $16 for postage, The appointinFSt of a whistle e John Weather. ,they found? assessor will not be dealt with at present, Where are 1 With us wer' lelens, A. C. A. 77021- 11ow strOng are they? . The Vebrnary meeting cf the Ladies, Mr. W. & Galbraith was appointed hood slid Jim Gordon both of St. I IXG-E%tra Heavy quality and feather proof, 33 Ins. wide 80a for 49c per y;�rd, 0 avid Thompson was Aid and Alissionary s ciety of Knox mmuous life ALL WooL CA.VHf,� ROX Z" -Full fashioned plain and fine ribbed black hose, size 8 t, Question N , 9- D the former's noble and , �RZ, held at the home 00 on motion burnt out many years ago, the latter is Messer, ist line Morris, Oil of Mitchell and Fells. 3aper one of Canada's early western explorers. of Mri $1. 50 for 1.00 per lizir, Church Bluevale was townclerk at a'salary of $14 9, 10, reg, cent of his well-knoWn physician in Ottawa� Fred �Rr7M'A� �R-Natmral end white vecto and drawers in heavy winter weights, made of fine estlay afternoon Feb, ist, Therle was salary will be paid by t1fe water. works quality yarns. reg. $1.5o f Vlxere and when "did lie travel? And Ta LA VFr,_,r' Aow is his name remenibered? large attendance,`4nd a very Blair, now,), a iiiirrister in Regin,,i and or Question No. XO -Who are. Baritardo addre' nteres d department and 80 per cent by the elec, Pete Stewart of Port Albltrt, are well re- -T,-- p1n1c and white Brassieres in back and front styles made of fine Nainsool-. or Trizot Jersey, ing meeting, Mrs. Tate gave a silleadi ss on Japan and China, anA Mrs. 1. tric light and remainder from the town 30yo? What do you'know about thtm? ' W. King gave a splendid paper ot, "The general account- membered. T1 e ',Diehl boys", two reg. 75c and 90c4r 59c each. Life and Commands of Jesus, tile Mission, brothers who are now Anglf8an clergymen On motion of -Fells and Mitchell the Were prominent The rest have been, Akswers To Last, Welk's Quesiliting ry". At tile close of the second meet- Win Davies Co. were refunded $23,81.) IN4 Answer to Question . ing, Mrs. Messer and her friends, served lost in this busy world but are not' forgot - No. I -Canada an excellent luneb, to which all did being an error in taxes, ten. We went from the convention with stands third among the world's wheat ample justice, and all returned home Councillor Mitchell asked that the nothing in the way of professional help, feeling they had spent oth a pleasant council bear a report from the street sew- but we -got a whole lot of good cheer. two Our Good are flieJuest. Producing countries, based Oman annual b L S and profitable afternoon. average for three years proceeding the ers and sidewalks committee, and men- Our Prices Wght. War, A number of the friends of Mrs Base -ball* was than a live interest in' Duff, (nee Miss Alice paill), * W' tioned a couple of sewers that assembled were not Huron. Moreover, school teachers take Answer to Qliestion No.'2-Brebelif at her home an Saturday afternoon, and laid satisfactory to the ratepayers. At - and Luletuout were two Jesuit Fathers, to the diamond like fish to water, L presented her with two upholstered though the mayor That who were,massacred by the Huron chaim, and a number of otheruseful gifts. qxplained that both Was before Joe had gown in circumference, h, matters bcd been agreeably settled, Mr. for he was a dashing runner, -sure catch at A B y Par ,I Indiang in 1649 at the Indian village of After spending a social hour, 6411 ieturned to their homes, feeling as 801, is attacked single THE HURON WINDS $t- Louis, when. the Iroquo' that the ranks of Mitchell. persisted in his monthly attack first and snappy at the bat. Two fam- I We have often heard of what an easy blessednees is getting small in on T. J. McLean, and t4e latter was ous matches stand' out in memory. In jObitistobeactergyman.but we know the Hitions. Traces of the Indian vill- Bluevale. Who next? P (by B. o B.) given a chance to defend himself which Andy Macdonald's field at Auburn, the of no one at Present who has less spare Ontario. Bluevale, attelided the2sth Auuive�sary 0 West Wind! Thou old friend of mine ages may still be seen in Simcoe county, A number of the old neighbors from he did ably, However it would appear Grits and Tories played for lopes'�md time than ev. H, W. Snell. Besides that chief Allen should be asked to in- ancl fishes, that is for the pric" R I Answer to Question No. 3-1<ipliugs of Mr. and Bits. Robt. Black's mar.i. en Huron breeze. ,as e o6a,,good his numerous duties as rector of St. Paul% Th ke t Friday evening, at their home% spect all sewer work before compieted. Behinod thee, the white caps are thine, lines about Canada's relationship to the Howick, supper to the club. It was Joe at first church) Wjnghdm, he holds service in and presented them with,a Mayor Elliott gave notice that at the who did the slaughter and at the bat '*swater Anglican church each S' The snow to my knees. aftern �orl. Last Week, Miss McConnell J$wpire are: Chime Mantle Clock And safety razor. next meeting of the council Mr. Mitchell. nosed out a victory, which was a surprise unday I've wrestled against thee in sweat,' Daughter ant I in my mother,s house All report hating had a pleasant Y"t even'tig, would move that the sewer bylaw b2 and a subject for chat in the Grit camp Of the High School std& received word 0 South Wind, of clover and bloom! But mistress ill my�owm. Mrs. Coultis is spending a few weeks But for health I am still in thy debt, Answer to.. with her daughter, Mrs, John McIntosh amended to have the chief sign all perl for many clays, I Y, I Question NO. 4-4tituing the that her mother in Dresden, was ill and From rich Huron field, Of Molesworth. mits for sewer 'work. inventions since Confederation are. t�le- The other notablo gam6 was on the she immediately left for her home and it Ever welcome in arbour and room, Phones, wireless telegraphy, Mr. and Mrs. Wra. King. spent Sun, It was decided to appoint an inspector gridiron at Brussels in a great field -day looked as though Wingbam School would day with Mr. and Airs. H. McCall, be one teacher short, but the High School T Where worry soon yields. over the triming of trees by hydro men, of Huron clubs, Belgrave raked the hou,rt The appolntment:�.Was left with the ground for many.,miles and picked up Joe Board have been like to a mother's soft hand, .e. When one's neck is all dusty and tanned. street committe fortunate in se6ring to"ttA61 who was teaching near St. Iftelens. Bob the reverend gentleman to teach on the 0 East Wind of shivep and sleet! a er Every Meal ',Tile increase in th6 Electric Light Agnew and Potter were also there, I,,- staff until Miss McConnell returns accounts was the subjejt of considerable deed more tlian balf 'tbe team were Death Of Thomas Thynne With Huron afrown. A The older sheep ramble and bleet, the charges for January. The Mayor ex- play against, discussion, Mr. Lloyd asked who made school ma" sters. It:was fast comp ny to Word was received'a few days ago of; 94en burry from town. a famOuE unions of the death of Thomas Thynne at the borne Soon down from the:cof torrents pour. the plained that the accounts were for six Wroxeter and Gorrie, and the home team Of his daughter, Alice, at Oakville, Man., An the Maitland will pass with a roar. weeks and that the ceficit of $2146.82 bad d "KIth Dave Ross. Grower and other fine where he bad remained over 6 1 r ic ost ng! to be wiped out before bydro rates wou2 Players, but ive won third money, which way home from Winnipeg. Dtceased %as And Huron's stei h bells, ight on his ll� put into effect and the percentage add- Aben divided paid tile expenses of a fine born in Scotland about seventy years ago The d;fts fall- in clouds frot thy wing, ed was to pay off, this indebtedness. Mr, day's sport, nd came to this country with the rest'0i 1 The fire -place swells. Lloyd ventured that if this rate con- Nearly evei y summer it was our g Sealed Tzfifi ood the family, when a mere child, He was 1 But thy Star of the North cannot shine, tinueduntilthe first of March this de- fortune to meetj our friend. Than we the son of tile late John Thynne, schbol- To equal old frienclihips of mine. "'; 4-4 Fells said the r9tepayers were fed to be- -names and events, rattling fro our at Bluevale, Ile the old times, with old master, and for a number of Years lived So w 'enever to Huron, I go, partment would have a surplus. Mr. were back to J fieve that bydro would be cheaper and lie gongues. was marriect to Jennie And nobody cares; A song or two, with his dear Brown o6 Browntow thenca I thidUghtit too bad to charge this high old mother, wife and sister, joining with Dakota qn, and moved to,Whel) all the famed places I know, rate now. after a few years t M H vejust theiraffairs, us. He bad many gifts indeed. Not itoba, buying a f rin at oakvilolle, naanr Then" I'll with the Wind, 'anywhere, 'I z� Act,; The matter of commissioners' salaries the least was that of making Iriend S, and Porta�,Yela Prairie. and Proving himself Take a swing into Memory, go tpir. brought about considerable discussion. keeping a friendship bright. Our old very successful asa farmer. There were Q. Mr. Greer thought' that very few towns chum lived too well to ever be forgotten. born to them three son§ and three daugh- V I Belgirave I qN of the size ot' Wingham were paying their Buthisgravehas touched the innermost ters, - all of whom are married. He is if commissioners anything. Mr. LIQyd heart. survived by his widow, six children two, Mrs Ed. Sackrider of New Ontarh 111 said that because of the waterpower here visiting with her sister, Mrs. IV m. is brothers and three sistem. He suddenly 1 Bennett, Oth line. A �M& the commission could save the town con- Thkannual business meetings of Blue,- took a paralytic stroke on January 13tb, I Mr. Will, Hannah, a former resident of vale nd Eadies Pre8pYterlan Churches siderable money. A salary of $75 per anddied theday following. Being of al.3rd line.Morris. but now of Michigan., year was voted each commissioner. , Mr. Were held recently. The reports Xows I age both coligregetions to be in a flourishing known and made hosts of friends where. � I I I WN Haney said he knew one comissioner who genial and kindly nature, he was widely was calling on old friends in the Vill last week. Lvvel re tit � Whitford of Spokane, Wa had already earned that amount, ^Vefer. condition. The amount raised by Blue- ever he lived. Ile widow, Wit , is left to sp�e ring to Mr. Holmes. who Is taking a great vale Church during the year was $313s.00 sb., �"N mourn the less of a kind and affectionate ouple of days with Mrs. Jas. interest in the water miin being laid at of which $1481.Oo was given to missions i Brancloric the north of the town. and benevolence, Eadies church raised husband, has the heartfelt sympathy of! Mrs. Catherine Brandon of Bayfleld, is Council adjourne&at 11 o'clock, $1742-00 Of Which $617.00 was given to all, spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Effective with the H. Brandon.,who is confined to per bed rX missionary and benevolent funds making 8000 Be Sliting nd not improving as fast as her many publication. of this an - 1 friends would wish. e tat amount raised on the pastora If old Iraditions can be depended on, H10H SCHOOL LITERARV 6thartgoe $4875-00. WfUGLEY'S has steadilY the worst of the winter is alteady over, Another one of the pioneers of the 4th nouncement� Willard F6110wingis an —a and it hasn't been too bad so r ]hle, Morris. in the person of Mrs, Thos. CcOunt of the pro- WINOHAM MARKETS in fact pretty much open weat fa at that, Wilkinson, in her 97th year, was laid Satte kePt to -the Pre-war Price. gramme at the W H, S. Feb. ard. at a her most of , away on Saturday, iii the Brandon cenle� ri"s will be sold on And tO the same high stand. O'clock. Miss Agnes Williamson vice pre- the time. terY. She leaves to ourn er loss, three a nplw and rnaterWly . 4 sident acted as chairman. (Correct up till Wednesday nocial February, 2nd was Candlemas day, the I sons, Berrie of iple as . of Echo ard of 011alftY. Wheat No. 2 Spring ...... 1 80 to 2 10 dav on which the bear is supposed to come 1 Bay, Charles on the h estead. and two daugbters,� rs. New ing of the minutes of the last m ...... 180 to 2 10 outin search of US shadow, The Old York and Mrs., eY, elgraye� The Meeting was opened with the read- Wheat No. 2 P411 Ison. lower 'price level. No othcr goodY IaSts So . eeting by Flour ......... . ... .... 5 50 to 6 25 Story is that if the bear sees his sbaclout Miss HOltn Wilson. Plpo, sola by Miss Lard .................... The same Willard fs so Elffle or does Mary Johd6n. 35 to 38 on Candlemis day, be will go back DIED Butter ........ flo to 50 into his winter quarters for six more! Y, Debate -Resolved that reading is of Eggs ............ WILIZINSON-In BelgraVe on qugqRy--backe-d bi dia ...... 43 to 60 weeks, indicating that a" spell of severe Thursday, .7 so lauch for you-� more benefit to mankind than travel. Cattlej mad., butchers.. 9 00 to 1000 Winter weather is still ahead. If he cao. February, 3rd, Susan Newcomb,, re.. Satrke authorized VVir. Th6 affirmative was very ably upheld by C�gttle, bi�tchers choice.,,, ()o to 1200 not see his shadow, lie arrives at the con lict Of the late Thomas Wilkinson, aged lard SerrC&. Handy to carry—beneficia( Mr. Norman Muir and Miss Ena Currie, Hogs, fiveweight . - - - 18 00 to 1400 clusloil that the winter is over, and stays' 9 Ye rs and 11 months. who represented Second Oorm. The neg- Hity ....... &_ 6 a in effect—fall of flavor—a ative Wag well supported by MissDarothy Cr6am ........... 60 to 213 00 out to await the coining of spring. WVIA-Woor)-In Carman, Man., on Sat. so(ace and comfort for Snell and' -Roy Thomila who repreented t6 60 On Feb. 2nd he failed to see his shadow, urdav February Stilt, Isa Craig be. A.A. Crawford Fitat Form. Mrs (Dr,) Parker, Miss Bessie $0 WO.Can look for an early spring, In loved wife of Ira p. Wellwood, aged 04 Dealer Young and old. MAllOugh and Mr. Jarvis Lutton acted as you want any case the Wingliam Merchants have yrl- 10 111011ths and 8 days, Judges, Girl$' citorus entitled the Vrrah- 0000.0 started to advtrtisO Spring goods already, Phone 139, willghatz manii'fate. Recitation by Jest, Carruthers so cheer up, it can't be far off. BORN THE FLAVOR goading of the Journal by Walter Little. Quite 0ifferent from that of 1920,, 1�11ANI)0.,q_lft Wingham, on Saturday. LAS$"&,* oirlst chorus- Xemor Ximo. EEF whiter this year, bag so Jot, been remark. February 5th, i to Mr. and Mes, Thos. IQ Judgee decision waggiven by Mr, Jervis Obb mild, with comparatively little snow, U. Brandon, a son, (William Henry.) Lutton ill favour of the negative. Criticts, Cali at �ardly enough in fact for good 41eigbing 111ard, Remarks by Mr. Jae. Perdue. in these northern parts, whilay a little N0T1V-V4'-U0u0y to 437 is worth inoro tilan .tllreo to flvc and a 1141f POV Cent. The farther south there has been practically savingt, batill: dopli, 0 U 7RA �A "rall t N 7. Cq The meeting closed by singing the Nat. Olver Beninger's With abwluto Batteries, ional Anthem, no enow af 01 of late. l'0%aQ1)Y Marhetable t.eeuritipp, in r Coub an vere;2t, Day. Butcher Shop �MIY go to Florida or anyotber place 'this q1teVOPIV laftead ng halt yearly, '�Ifctory AtcOrding to the London Papers, Rev. Pend holdenla ean realiv Always yo4li their and ebol winter resort whell-right Wre in old ont. 'e full fate Valun of cc And pAces 1)"(3c, alld 111M.390 thpir iniere..,;t 3�jcqa Mr Hibbert of Essex, has received a vall are reasonable 1AY tht Pound or by the griO h0d'cYists and otberq con 1)y at leaft, t%'O V? fe"t. aw d Inve the wfll,.. to XhIgsVille Methodist Church. coircue Prices right Vill f iratim of safety withille IX)iallifulil, Irlek'by t own to town in their autos" r-OmmullicWWR with 1). 0, i3fir 1 0 602s, NO, Ell, u1i FA*W*&^ _0