The Wingham Advance, 1921-02-10, Page 5.4
Children's Aid Society. concrete form justifying the p
Mr- Griffin asked for that -some ar. present, .2yMent at Putting down 14 Concrete Paveme _ 4m,
the (-"rand Trunk tracks to then., Iron,
tia rangem0nt be made for deporting viig- The B'ducatign Committee recommend. and as thi.s roa(I i, in,,
rants and others discharged from jail ed th eonnecting link in
without means e appointment of the following as tile designed roadsystem of the I-Ottilty
A trustees of the various Collegiatea and of Huron that a by-JaW be paased by this
Moved by Messrs, Beavers and Milne
High Schools; Goderich—T. R. 'Outlell granting the Tow f Nvitighain
1K, , H a
that, as the ratepayers of Wallis, n 0
the village Of three year term, Dr, Macdonnell in place tile But" Of trs,000 for thir, purpose, the
V xeter Voted to have tile I igh School and of A. Porter re&lgiled; Clinton —11.
20 1 SLAUG
Public School in that place governed by a B. low)' to raise by special levy a sum
Grant; Seaforth—Win, Hartry, Wingham sufficient to meet the towas share of
Board Of Education, and, as the County —Dr. Redmond; Exeter—W. G. Medd, said road constraction, this, along with
has the right to elect three trustees for the P, Year term, H. T. Rome, 2 Year term, the amount now to the townta credit for
s4me, the following gentlemen W mem. Wm. May, I year term. good roads along with the Government
bers of the Exeter 803rd, Of Education. Re reports of the public school inspect
grant to make up the SAL'E
11 LO W. G. Medd for 3 years 11. 'r. Rome for Ors, said sum of $15,000.
2 Years and W. May for I year. we have read these reports with --Referred to the Good Roads Com.
pleasure and recommend that they be mission,
These motions were referred to the ap. received and printed i Moved by Alessrs. Beave
a the minutes. rs and Tiplitig
EXtend Propriate committees. that a committee
edUntl, Re motion of Messrs, Douglass and composed of u srs,
Wednesday aftetnoon— Milne that the grants to continuation Voting, Hackett and Currie, be app=o1eii,1111,11tre" d
A-0 The manager and the matron of the schools to be same as last Year, we recom. to wait oil our Provilacial Government
I -louse of Refuge asked for an increase in mend the same. asking that some action bt taken to have B
salary; also Turnkey Knox asked for an Re motion Oj Messrs McNaughton jails established that ill ootsy Shoes, Rubbers
increase. serve several
NEXT,. FEBm I 2th 411'm and Tipling that the grant for Fifth class counties instead of the present system,
Seven" tenders for County Printing were schools be equal to the Legislation grant, of one ittil for one county, to repqrt at 'ITS
referred to the finance committee.
The county engineer's report was re as Provided by statue, we recommead the June meeting of the council,— Our entire stock will be pl
Carried, aced*4
terred to the Good Roads Commiss- that when the average attendance of the "M
Coiiie'Andget your' -share of Under the head of enquiries ton, Fifth class pupils is five or over, and two 'the committee appointed to report on a W'
Mr. Elliott on sale begi
teachers are employed, the county gran t the duties and reinuneratiou of the Good on W t"lifff
brought up the matter of eleCtrifying the
the bargains.
Road, Commission reported as follows. -
London, Huron and Bruce Railway be doubled the Legislature grant, and That the commission should meet at
Mr. Beavers spoke strongly in favour ' that in all other' Fifth Class Schools the
Below are listed only a few of th bill Specials to the project. .,.of county be equal to the Teegislation grant the Call of the County R044 Superintend.
2M ent, and no oheaer thbin is necessary.
wind up the bio, sale: Mr. Davis Spoke of the nece sliy—
of as provided by statue.
00,A Re motion of Messrs, Grieve and Tip. It is our opinion that the cost of the d N t b
50 doz. best English Clover Leaf Cups and Procuringa, large map of Huron to be ling, that the fee for Entrance candidates Good Roads Commission should be in the satur ay ex
hung in the Court House for reference by 2th
Saucers, reg. 4.50, on Sale per doz ............ 2,95 the County counciUors. be $2 instead 6f $1, we find this contrary neighborhood of $5oo per year.
2-5 doz, very fine Tumbli rs, reg. 1,80, Oil sale ...1.4o k -0 Mr. Pardon took up the matter of the to Chapter 263. sec. 47, sub, see. 5 of tile We would recommend that each patrol.
12 doz. I duty of the Go' School Act, as no higher fee than $1 can man make out his paysheet in duplicate
very fancy Jardiniere at .... 20 per cent. off J4 od Roads Commission. and that one copy, revined by the engine.
be collected. and continuing for 30 days,
W 20 doz. fancy English pitchers at .... 20 per Moved by Messrs. McNabb and Elston er, be sLat to each towlasfiip clerk,
Z. - that a new bridge be built by the county Dublin, re continuation gra '
6 d Cut Glass Sugar and Creams, reg, 1. ent. off V t Re communication of Jas Krauskopf We would recommend that the County
60 On the boundary line between Gray and tit, we rec?m - Road superintendent be the only delegate
mend that when this schoolis recognized
2 doz fancy Sugar and Cream. sets, 0 Elma at Henfryn.—To Road and Bridge by the Department as a continuation
f9l . ............................... -1 ...... I ..... .... 1. 0 pet, set Z to all Good Roads Conventions,
I reg. 75c, for 50c Committee school that the grants from the county be
4 doz. 5 qt, Aluminum Saucepans, Moved 4 Messrs. McN4ughton and the same as other similar schools That it is the imperarive duty of the W
reg. 2,50 at .... 1.39 X County Road ri te d at t th t
11 Tipliag that the county grant to Fifth SuPe It u e o see a
tiki 6 doz. 12 qt. Granite Dish Pails, reg. 8,5c, sale Pe communication from Ont each patrolman be kept within his esti- Ty .,H WILLIS
59c classes be equal to the Legislative grant as ario Schoo I ma Ls
6 doz. 14 qt. Tin Pails, reg. 50C, on sale_ ........ "", Provided by, statute.—To Education Com Teachers' Association. we recommend no
....39c t for the year,
I - action. The Good Roads Commis4ion reported SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES'
Extra Spi6cials Moved by Messrs, Mcl%Teeb and Erwin We recommend that the clerk be in- respecting petition to change designated
road in Hallett township, that this matter
that the Warden and the derli be author- structed to have blank orms printed an d
.24 be referred to, the council of the Town
200 sheets new Music, reg. 20c and 25c, while ized to sign and submit to the Minutes of supplied to each of the High Schools for
they last ...................................... the purpose of having uniform statement ship of Hullett.
..... * "' . Public Works of the Province of Ontario of attendance of Pupils, etc, Re,motion of Messrs, Pardon and
And hundreds Of other items at"'r .. ...... 20 to 507. off, the p tition of the corporation of the Currie to amend Bylaw No. x, 1920, 'sub- AND DER13Y SHOES FOR MEN
County of Huron showi The report was adopted.
ng that during
1920, $202,' . Tile school acts were revised by the stituting the word "westerly" for "east -
184,73 was extended upon
the erly" that no action be taken.
Legislature during the session of 1920. A
W county Highway System, and reque ting COPY of the revised acts will be sent to tike Re letter Of Bert Nott for damagp to
the statutory grant.—Carried Tipling secretary of each school board, to be the fences and, propefty by t klng in stone
higham B *Ay7aar x Moved by Messrs. Beavers and crusher, that a payment of $25 be made.
AV, - ULAA X that, as a movement is now on to -elect- Property of the board, and for the use of Re communication Of Good Roads As-
rifytheLondon, Huron and Bruce rail. the secretary and the members of the sociation we commend payment of fee o
1 board. f
way, we, as a council, endorse the appoint- Successful school fairs were held at $45 and that the engineer attend the
MURON COMY COUNCIL ham and Clinton—for 19 .l convention. When You B Gpay Do
f u A Pt car,
'I)g of a committee to meet With any com- Belgrave, Carlow, Crediton. Dashwood Re letter from the Town of Goderich
mittee which may be appointed to take Porters' Hill and St Helens, under the sking that $2,5oo be set aside for an
L'Agricultural Re- a X You bu personal transportation and the pie
'Tuesday Morning— $25 grant to. Clinton Horticultural Soc- ario Hydro Electric Commission the mat- expenditure by the town on the system ly
BY Messrs. Miller and Trewadba, for a up the Legislative Assembly and the Oat supervision of the Dis
The following motions were referred to ie presentative, who has made these fairs as-
ter of getting an estimate of the cost of of County Roads in Ooderich, we VlngyoUr self, yOur family, you friends
ty;lefollowing notices were referred 'to construction and operati ' bopular and educative. There should be recommend that, as the - work must anywhere You'like, any time you like.
the executive committee:, T op of such -road ure of Dri
By Messrs. Clark and Neeb, 'for a $25 the 13, ducadoon Committee. along with the probable revenue.—Refer, a school fair in every rural municipality- be done by the county, it be approved by
grant to the Huron Poultry and Pet IfOnce started the pupils and parents
By Messrs. Grieve and Tipling, to raise rod to the Special Committee. the Commission.
Stock Association. dp , would desire to make their fair an annua I You heighten your standard in the community Yoti raise your
the Entrance Fee from $1 to $2. Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Pardon event. it Tnat the County ngitieerfs report be business efficiency. Von will add a strong tie to family life. You will
By Messrs. McQuaid and McNaughton, By Messrs. Miller and Trewartha ap- that N. W, Trewartha, Gordon Young Tile Goverameut grants assigned to cut down Doctor bills. Volt will add many years to You life, and we
for a grant of $10 to each Women's In. adopted and printed in the minutes.
p tit H B. Chant trustee of Clintoil and F, J. McQuaid be a committee to Re letterfrom Messrs. ola V1 believe the Gray, Dort car is the best means to this end,
stitute in the County. 'le'niig Oast Huron for public sQbool purposes dman and
J tute Board. om
By Messrs. Armstrong, and Douglas for g I giate insti draft regul I ationsdefining.thg duties and, Stanbury as to damage claim of Frank 11 If they were any better Car we would get the agency for it,
-a $25 grant to each Agricultural Society By gi essrs. Douglas and Milne, to temulleratlon of the Oood Roads Com. amouiated to $7,397.95 with a small Reeder, that no action be taken .—Star. 4vi
in the County holding a fall fair. same It as last Year, to the Contina. mission. .10 voted for the motion and 8 amount yet to come of this amount $2,- we A comparison with other makes will convince you and eventually
By Messm Tipling and Grieve, for a ation Schcols, against, Motion carried. 142..50 was the supplementary or bonus You will buy a Gray Dort car—wby not nolv,
j grant on salaries, Of the sum Howtek It is 9 Pleasure to demonstrate to you whe&r you buy or not,
,kl\grant of $4,000 to the High Schools and f BY Messrs. Tipling and Beavers a Two Petitions, one in favour of a change Tp. received $rogo and McKillop Tp,
I po- - P_ Whitechurch
inting Dr. Redmond trustee of Wing. of designated road in Hallett and another Only $40. These sums seem rather itisig. Miss Edith Peddle, % ho has had a posi-
`Collegiate Institutes of the County, to be I ham High School, opposed, were read and referred to the
J I nificant when one consid tion as bookkeeper in Loado
by Messrs. Elston and McQuaid then adjourned to Thursday morning, lersehool. She s E. MERKLEY &SONva
I ing R. S. Hays trustee of Seaforth Col is taking the position IN
'divided in proportion to the attendance By Messrs. Grieve and Elliott appoint. Good Roads Commission, and.the council was voted by the Government tor this as teacher in Benmil tart -
o; the tounty pupils. ers that 8400,opo hontelast week and n, retu ed
grant of $1,5000 to the Children I for a legiate Institute. Thursday morning a deputation from purpose. The grant is much higher for ed work on Tuesday.
Mr. Leonard Robertson of Kincardine, Gray Dort and Columbia Cars
Society of Huron. Seaforth, Goderich and Wingham was in 1 ast Hu Wingliam.
s Aid By Messrs. Clark and Davis, to ap weak sections, and as there is only one
s ton with an assessment is visiting with his aunt, Mrs. win, pur- X
point S. R. Wallis and Dr. Macdonnell heard in reference to hospital grants, Dr- below $foo,000, the grants have- con. don.
grant of $25 to each spring stock and I Board (in place of Dr. M cklin re stt e F. Burrows and A. D. Sutherland speak- Mr. Stanley of Win Nix x X; M Z
By Messrs. McQuaid and Klopp for a trustees of Goderich Collegiate in i at X
signed ing for Seafort sequently not conle this way. a.01, spent last
11 Rev. J. F. Ford and The change was made this year in the week with Mr. and Mrs. uncan Kennedy.,
sced show held at'Clinton, Seaforth and I . b
grid of A, Porter who is barred from hold. Judge Dicirson miss Mabel Garton visited with Mr. and
for Gaderich and Reeve money provided for each school section Mrs. Harry McKenzie of Teeswater, last
ing such a position on account of being TiPling (in the absence oi others from Oat of the taxes levi
1;B71 Messr& McNabb and Elston for a 'Collector of Customs, d over the whole week.
Wingham) for Wingham, A memorial township; instead of a grant of s3oo, Miss Myrtle Beecroft, who has been at
grant of $23 to Walton Hortic . ultural Soc- I Moved by Messrs. Pardon and Currie signed by the three deputations was read. where there is only one teacher, or sgoo Kincardine the Past month, during t4e
-that Bylaw No. 11, 1920, be amended by The memorial pointed out that
BY Messrs. Smith and Douglas for a substituting the word the where there are two teachers, the grant illness of the matron, Miss Collins, returh-
ed home on Wednesday last.
grant of $25 to each public library in the "Easte y" in.c "Westerly" for county took a criminal, who was admit- is now $600 and $40oo respectively. The Mr. John Walters of Cuiross, visited
county. Fl , lause 2. tedly a detriment and a menace to the object has been to equalize the burden— last week with her qister, Mrs. John
Moved by Messrs, Trewartha and whole community, and locked him up in thus taking away the advantage that Campbell.
By Massm Douglas and Miller for a Coats that a resolution be Prepaid by the an expensive and comfortable jail, and a larger seetious formerly had in the rate Mr. Dan Martin left last week for the
92b grant to each school fair in the county. special committee rejarding Proper re- law-abiding citizen was hired to look for school taxes, Hospital in London where he is taking
28T Word was received here on Saturday
he was locked up. The criminal was FWtrance examination; of these last of the death of Mrs. Isa Wellwood of
25 grant to Seaforth. Agricultural Soc-, Board and that the same be forwarded to treatments from a specialist.
By Messrs, Grieve and Elliott for a numeration for the Mothers' Aliowance after his personal comfort during th time There were 349 candidates at th
iety. the Prime Minister, E. C. Drury. furnished with the essentials of life, food, over So per cent passed, of whom x I t or Ellen Creek, Man. Mrs. Wellwood was
BY Messrs. Currie and Armstrong, for a Moved by Messrs. Klopp and Mc- clothes and shelter, and furnished with honors. This somewhat better than Otte formerly Miss ls Craig, daughter of Mr.
rant Of $1,000 to each of the several hos- Quaid that Reeve T. M. Davis be ap- medical attention if he was sick and the in the county—Godericti,, Wing- pointed county representatiie average and may be taken as one of the and.Mrq. John Craig, Sr. of this place.
to tile cost was spread over all the ratepayers of evidences of a good year's work. The Mrq Wel)wood bad been in Corman
the county ' Hospital suffering from Pneumonia and
Prop retY. On the other hand High and Continuation Schools were the news ot her death came as a -shock
the respected neighbor, the law abiding elitial-Y successful at the D partmental to the family, as word had been received
producer of wealth who had has mis- Zxaminations, that she was getting along nicely. She
leavesher husband and son. Her body
fortune we say, to break his leg was pen. While question of consolidated Schools is expected in arrive in NA'ingbam on
alized by having t? pay the entire cost Of has not been as active an issu
his illness, e this year Thursday on C. P. R. Much sympathy is
Mrs. Win. Martin and Bruce, spent a
rand Jury, stated that the present hos. this year, the Government grau assed, couple of days last week with Mr. and
as last, the interest haq not abated, and felt for the bereaved parentt brothers and
The report of the Prov ' incitil Inspector several centres ate looking for their family,
of Hospitals, and the rOort OfOur Owa establisliment, By regulations p
ts for Mrs. Bert Martin of Bluevale Road,
pital facilities at Godench must be en. consolidated schools have been increased Our teacher, Mr. Gowans
of Wingham,
larged at once. Wingliam also required 5o per cent. Almost the only objection isstill under the doctor -s care, and 'suffer -
Right In Your Homet additions and Seaforth asked for assist- now remaining is the uncertainty of over. ng f trouble with his ear.
6 ance, coining the difficulties of transporting the rom
Come to our store ) ghi away—select an Amberola A rate of one will on the equalized children to school in winter.
pho&graph and a doze'n records --and we'll deliver assessment would average $4.65 per one All the schools were visited twice as An Instructor for'
them Promptly to your home for a 3 days' FREE hundred acres. about the Price Of a dog required by the regulations, except two
trial which Will hot cost you a cent or place you tax.
,ation to buy! NOW can we afford to Tile Hospital Boards,,ia the various were made to Other schools. I also
under any obliL that were closed; several additional visits HAWAIIAN GUITAR
do this? Because towns concurred in a division of the grant assisted at all the school fairs h1d in MY
whichwas askedfor on the basis of 50
EDISON'$ NEW DIAMOND er can( to Goderich, and 25 per cent AND UKULELE
P Moved by Messrs. Beavers and Colli
each to Wingharn and Seaforth, that the thanks of this council be tendered
Lip W Ill be here each Tuesday and
JLX%JJ.A Applications far increases in salary to the Goderich Board to Trade for their Wttinesdocv.
AMBE""T A were received from: the county treasurer, kind invitation to atten(i th
is the world's greatest phonog, e lecture on r 801g&S Music Stope
,raph value and will the.couhtY engineer and the county clerk, Jan 27th given by Hon. Chas, H. Poole,
Meet anY test, where "talking'machines"
und together with a schedule 'showing the of New Zealand Pgrliament,_
nrdin2ti P1101109ralilit foll. It the Free Trial salaries paid to county officials in ot thember I
convulce3 you, **711 let you her cAtried. Agents for'Victor Records and Victrolas.
owa the Ainbec6la on practi- nearby counties. The public school in- Moved by NORM. McNabb and Beavers Phone 284. _t
eally yosr 6,zvn Itrwrl Hu try spectors and the House of Iteflige oflicials thilt we make a q )"'j, ,
r rant of one mill in the
qht down to out store (or thu
Frict TrW 6r you way. bkvc. of Huron Are the only officials vyhm doll&r for hospital Itecom &t,() f r
remuneration compared favotaWy with the towns of Sftforth, mod 11 o
to *lit dur turn. Wingintill a d
the Other Counties in the scWalo.
"arich, to be dividail as arranged by Ort ftgMt 0. Calder
J. W. McKibbon) Urider the head "ta4uirite" the niAtter theboardsofthese hospitals,the towns Ciener#A Pftetitiober
Dealer otpayif,91the grant Of $W bude last waiving Stich grant to supply the same 04"1
year to the MemOriol HosOtAl in London amount In case or its tquipment, GrAduatt'Univertity of Toronto, P"ty Lyceum i neatre next Monday,
Was brought up by A&. $potton. It Wgks 64 t& tht, etecutive —Refdr. of Medicine. "I uesday-
UPMW that tbA gnat *a$ tWd up w Atand by Musts, TiPliog and BoAverg OffiLle..—Jowphint St., two doors south of a
the fab*eaftt had tiot yat %smlWd tbo that, 49 the Town *f Wiftitham lntea& T Brunswick Hotel.
nd Wednesdhv,
elephoties — Office 281, Rewtnce 141. USUS11 PCrf0rMance%.
Usual prices.