HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-02-10, Page 4C
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'rHE,,,tA INGILiNl A.DVANCE- Thunsday, Feb. 10t1i, 1,921
LmRuow it Mothedist church wherc, a public service gorago oeposite the coin House. Celebrate Mir easenior416 birthday and logo
1 that vdificQ was crowded
was belol and MBLIC SCHOOL 3PORT
Dave MrDpittaWs cattle sale did not also Milo and his daughter Laura. May
Luclmow� Foll" 7tb, 2021' (With friends of every dQuominatiom The prove a success on Saturday. In fav� co they
toWknow suffer -4 their firin defeat in; pipe. organ at whic" he haik prcI4,ded for ill long livv 10 enjoy -many happy FM914ANCS, CLAGti
poor were the bids that only three oninials biTtlidays is the mincere vvishes of their
are wau droped in heavy bl, cl f Ids of were 0014.,
hockey on r-4dpy night. when Whighra, yo, a Honours 306, Pass 203, Total 400, For
crope. Rev. Mr, Irivin c6nducted *,e,, many friends.
ka - trimmcd the juniors 4of this town by rorvice. Afler Me church servim the Hydro lights were turned on in the January, 1921.
a abort sea,- is a welcome. change. Charlie Wasvn 355. Mabel Casemore 341,
'Wingham proved the bettv team. The P for the first on Sunday It Sa r stoc
4 11core of 8-4. Tht Came, was f4ot and members of the Old Light Lodgq� A. F. 1'osbylor,211 Jeskle Taylor 386, Eva Green* 361,
Well calitested until the laut'period xvlicn & A. M took charge and held 9 1 S
vice at the church and also at tile grave, Lutknow doea not intend to let any; Charlie VanNorman, 338, Cors(nv Bo�fce
ice wAs heavy and Luclinow youripters the members marching from the cliurch, town in Western Ontario outdo her in any; Air. Otto Lymburnor of Til�onburg, is
,could not stand the paca. Lucb-now to the cemetery, The choir rgailcied Vesl)Ocl, E30 It has -now produced a robin, at prowat vislifing his parews. Rev. and 314. Viola Fyfe 316 Irene Hunter $11,
mniors were more fortunate however de. appropriate md3fc, one being seen several times up an Qual- Airs. L.I.,mburncr at tho par.4ovage. Marjorie Gurn y .310. Ada Corbett 308,
leating Wingham aeniom 144 in a fast, ity Hill, We suppose the robin selected A large number wtvnd%�d the sale livii-e Cora Dickson 307 GertTude Anderson
cuau game. Mr. Jo4n Sheriff who has been ill for this part of town to make bli appearance holdefft ets and propt-rtv ot th" late-' Mrs- 297, AMberta Walher 202. V red Bell 288,
in a f; s ba icc,,unt of the natne. A wild VOW" 11"m. Montgomery last Saturday. and Vida Bell *Gertrude Robertgon 273t
auy niouths was removed tmF r u
n 4sh. hospital last wool, for treatment. 4s he was also seen near the river just south Of good priees rwdi7ed.
i1eld of Udwar4 Johnston. in bis 42nd could not walk or sit tip he was taLeit on town Miss Lizzle Fc%nier -and Norma F ixter 27 1. Kathleen Dinsley 269 Tak I'flg SPeel 18
year He had bcon ailing f�r over a year, a stretc1hev. It is hoped the effort will
bat had caly liven confined to the house Messrs Sam and John Miller of Field- den, SU)tIrl'. Mun . -,vllo haw, boeo Visiting Clide "Lout tit 205, Harold Boyce 257",
1. prove succeosful and he will be restored lng_Saf.,,%, ;ire visiting their home on the' ft iends in ti-mn )ef". Saturtla- to 64it Will!(- Manri 235, Beatrice Doble 23F,
f0rac0tipl�ofwachEl. Fie is survived by to his former viaor.
hilo wife cind oric, child, besides four sis,; 2nd Con. 1(inives. They came Ewit t9� tnendb hi B
Xers and three bmthers. The funeral was A few members of Old Light Lodge, see their brother, Frank who haa beefi�, Willie Sturdy '40 Douglas Armstrong After Conipleting our stock taking we find niany
hold to Greenhill cemetery and w,,,s large- A. 11. & A, M. attended the funeral Qf the seriously ill. Atimlit-r wspectcd rv,idval in the town 1234, Ral-311 CWr 233, Margaret Vansickle
ship of Turnberry in thv rvr%oa of RfAm t 226 -it Bargajxi Prices.
ly att� Undon, Past d a w last Nlonday. E'Jearor McLean' 218, Edna Carr,
ended by friends and late Joseph Stalker last week in Auburn, lines to clear out,
sixth In the Johnstop Lucknow Lodge 1. 0. 0. F. wl1I hold pljelilno�n"L being t1w cause. lit, waN in 193, Mabel Angus.
Uisdeath is the r lllt-S!Edward Forgie
Utally in four yeArs, an At Home in their lodge rooms on Fri- Morris li's 65th -. var. mi . dis SUJJ.�'tlby 3 nit"in. 188. Clayton Lott 182, Ross MacDonald
The funeral. of the late Jus. C. Ander- day evening this week. I A pleasant evening at the boineofJohn bor.ofd�e familv. Mr.Adam Lindan of 180 E. Henclerson 179, Morris Swan"Zon, roo UJQ,-V
son was bold on Tuesday laat to Qroen- We understand the moving craze baB Q. Casemore on the first line of Morris llvt�, �4ty, Mrs Jam, -s R:to of Wroxowr, 172, Dorothy Lloyd 176, Irene El)acott End of Silks Dress Goodd; Pop- Wool Toques to clear at 43c.
bill cemetery A short service for the not yet spent itself. Mr, D. Mallough wid "VIN,; Maggie at home. The funeral line, Cottons, FlatmelQ, Cretonnes,
xPlatives was held at the home, afier is moving into the stpre vacated by T. oll Feb. 3r4f, -wb0i about sev6titir of the w1%4 Thursday afternoon. internient Flannelettes Sateens, Linings,'etc.
170, Eddy Williams 152, Laura Hartnell
Z.'ibich the body was.removed to the W. Smith who has moved into his new friends an4 neiglibori gathered in to 11) tl�,� NNrrox,�t,.r C,P*mptery. 143, Hattle Sutton 130. Myrtle AlI at greatly reduced prices. Men's Heavy Socks reg. 715c for
----n- ton 123, Cecil CocIt 104. 59c.
_T wr-, A YZ, R S
J% IV CLASS �ne ozen La4ies all wool Sweet- OV 'PA7,1LX ialls,
norulyAWAX XXX. 11AX we 5dozen Mene�Rcavy Ovc
Total 44M Those maiked x miqs�d one er tYle reg. value UO. sale Black or Blue gale $1.76.
Or More -examinations. 5.05,
Ar V M. Christie 424, D. McEwon'403 T.
SO% Vg Robertson 384, J. Field 883, IVI, Mitetiell e Hose, 10 pie es extra wide Heavy Flan -
IV% Ladies Heather Cashmer nelette, Bargain 20c,
378, A. 2% cLean 328, N. Williabson 326, .50.
to clear $1
Ha, n & Ld#�0041 W* ha", m, On' X J. Young 323, W. Hunter 303 E Hart. 0A)V211 21AGS
9 C 0 �R�vk; r_V One dozen Leather Hand Bags
nell 294, M. Hill 200 G.- Mitchell 289,
Z G Angus 280. xM. Snell 369,xE. ClIett . le- troken lines of Crompton and to clear at 50c,
D & A. corsets, value up to $3 00' SWP-A TERS
burkh 266, xN%1, McKibbon 200 M. Thur. sale 1,90, Men's and Youth's all wool
low 260, C. Fry 255, G. Ledeitt 254, K
Henderson 2.52, J McGee 250 A, Lud� Sweaters with' fancy stripe collar,
All colors of silk Tafetta Ribbon, regular $8.010 sale price 5 75.
C, Nvig 248, xA. Laundy 243, M. Sande,soh wide sale 20c U,/V VF_ -R WPA -A
230, A Mitchell 229. B. BMwne 226, E
Fma b C euawa vldean%.. H6_VF_ Men's heavy wool Shirts and
Campbell 220, N Beattie 225, A. Irwin Silk Hose in Navy. Black and Drawers to clear at 1.05.
224, G Rintoul 224, P Hingston 205' H. Brown, $1.50 value for- 1. 19.
IV. Wilde 2% J.*Cowell 200 F. Angu§ 200*
xE. Swenson 184, xJ, Bro;ks 149, xM. IR U 2123 F, 'A,. 51, Men?s Wool Socks on sale at 2
for 85c.
VA Cow91l 109,,xW. Taylor 90, xW, Scott Boys'Over Rubbers to clear at DaIrS
am R77, 75c� COArS
- 10 Girls'Coats, made. of good all
2 tv wool Cloth, Bargain $5.00.
lu Sumou. SEPTI Men's Fan y Pattern Negligee
Total50O Honours 8757 Shirts, reg. 1.5co for 100. SK_ I IR rs,
k�cd 1)0 TVA rive�g Top Skirts made in good style df
E. Tamlyn 450. N., Homuth 448, W. Z077,03V all.wool Serge, Blue or Black to.
Tiffin 434, W. Johnston. 428. M Isard '200 yds fine quality Long Cloth, clear at 85 75.,
422, G. Robertson 418 A, Swanson 416, sale 25c. V
X C. McKibbon 409, C. Wirth 399, G. COAr-
Prices Good Until February 26th Only. Dobie 397. Y. McPherson 394. E. Board- _VROEX 3 only Ladies Poney Cloth Coats,
16 pair Women's Fine Shoes to latest style on sale at $25.00.
NO IF. man 390, M Simpson, 390. S. Blatchford clear at $3.00.
384, F. Field 867, M, Mitchell 360, D. FUIR-V
These Prices and Qualities are the Best in Ontario Preston 347, D. Haney 341, H. Groves 'VIILK NOXV Clearing out all Furs aW Fur
A , Silk Heather Hose, all Coats, at less than wholesale prices.
341. P.
Z 3 Stokes 333, M. Musgrove. 308, M. sizes, reg. 2,50 bargain 2.00. G'ROCERIAES
XV Penman's wool ribbed un -
X wear,;sp&1al. .89c
PenmarVs heavy fleece lin-
ed underwear, special -_89c
Peabody and Carhartt guar-
anteed Overalls and
........... . .
Heavy blue and white shirt- X
fvl-beli.488, U. Fry 20S, L stewit"
C. Tennant, 196, D. Scott 184.
WA I-VT.V Big stock of Fresh Groceries at
Ladies' White Volle Waists, reg� cut price$ See our list of reduced
Ing, reg. 75c per yd, §ale 49c
62 and 2.00 sale 1.69 a at the Grocery Department.
10 pieces heavy factory cot-
Total 400, Honours 300.
M. Hill 336, F. Ford 324, J. Roth 302,
ton reg. 40c per yd, sale 25c
G. SPotton 298, R Lockman 283, L
Grovesrfl7f�, N. Carr 236, Tennant
.-Total 040,
VJ, Angus 622, 1 Tiffin 621 1%C King
, $It: I I I-Maitlattol Polfter, George
Skinti, xUdith menweit, Harold Case�
Plaid and small Check ging-
lh!mvn Q!%Tch 4111* X
J McAllister 215, R. Wagner 180, M.
Cloakey 158.
nts for Ladles'H.me Yournal Patterns. Wingliam, Ont.
SMCW-ks, lowest I)r1ce in I ... .... ... I .......... 9. JUTZIGR Ill
four y'e'ars ........................... 2.25 All Cashir�ere H o s e for 33 1-3 per cent off entire stock Class A.. Max. 546.
men, Nvomen and children at of dress,- goods, silks, curtain 11 V. Fox 476, W. Seddon 451, L. Thomp-'
M- �en's new King Hats, blues, 33W, off. materlals, curtains, pillowu cot- X son 448, M Carr 447, L. Peterman 446, PPtM&RY CLASS Tory Corners' ----
browns, greys, best felt, tons wrapperettes, sl�eetftigs. X M Robertson 438, J. McLean 437. S. Total 200. Hotiours 150. Pass 120,
Bennett 436, G. McDonald 434,'E, Lott Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman of
sale ....... ......... ............ ....... 2.95 J. Copeland 188, E. Reid 187, J. Mill- the qtb� C,,_ entertained their manr
a I b V X h e a X, y Flannelette V, 429, F. Fells 429, M. Weir 3269 P. Blo - I
X Aeld 410, J. Green 418, K. Sometelim' igan 181, 1.. Nortrop 184, 0. Tiffin 182, frien&, on Nianday evening fast,
_r Jair ............ 2.70 7, E. Zurbrigg. 181, 'E. lile 180. E. Camp. Nir, Roy Sfnijnon
rViews clothiAg I L. !, has 0111ed the
UM `,5-, pe y 0 C. Pendletot 412, R. Armstrong 405 traded horswi.
0", 1,33 Th's Saint 39$, L. Smith 398. L. Bennptt 389, bell 179, A. Loutitt. I!%' D. Fixter 171, E. dealers as"odation, and lj��Cki
33 10 DIScount New Spring Volles, ne,w it 0. Carr 389, X Reid 386, V. Campbell Flormith 171, A., Attkinson 169, J. Brack -three times during last week.
i , ylio, trip te
patterns, Per yd ........ 79c, 98C $63, B. Armstrong 284, W. Agnew239, erbtiry 109, J. Mitchell 169, M Fitt Iru" Mr. John %A7 -made a buslatass
Class B, M�x. 536.1 M. Dobie 163, R. Rastle 162, G.'�'Beattie! Wroxeter 1;ist week.
Boys' fleece Uned shirts and Silk Holeproof Hose Seconds 98c 191, L. Broorne 160, B. Campbell 167, B SorrV to reourt tbil Mrs. R. Harris is am
"s the sick list. We all wlsfr her a speedl�
drawers .............................. 49c This R. Rae 385, J. Sturdy 381, 0. Homutb Blomfield 160. F. Howson 150, D. Ka I r- j ...... y.
379, N. Taylor 377, K. Pilon 376, P-Gib -
Corset Sale 25' per cent dls� I
son 3n, m, Mitchell 369, L gus 147, C. Vgnsickle 147, E
. Hutton 361T, Stoakley Miss Elsie Taylor of V�roxeter, was'a
-1. Toler 355, E: Lepard -351, G. Page
X, Stanfield's Underwear, Red Positively count.' 146,,A. Dow 145, Nr., Dow A5, H. Fry ast week.
Label $2, Blue Label ........ _2.25 I q ae.st at bomv 1.
Towelling, 2 yards for ........... 25c 346, H. Field 345, 1. Worth 336, F. Car, 145. A. Green 145, P. Clarke i4l,' L. Mr. %nd. Mrs. Sam Haitie entertained
Our ter 835, B. Edgar 335, J. Clarke 326, A, Durnin 141, L. 'Williams 141, M. Cant- tile yoting t),,�ople of Gorrie, on AlondaV
Al I s a I e tickets destroyed. rA elon 140, F. Page 133, G. Ledeitt 132, E. eveninglast. A splendid time is reported.
Cashmere Hose, 3 pair for $1.00 Hartnell 3K m. coutts 29s, c. Brown
Our large stock of Mens' and -Last Sale Brassieres ........................... 49C 217, K. Williams 295, M. Mitchell 264, Gray M, B. Walker 124, N. Lediett 114,
Boys' suits, Overcoats -at a big E. Stoakley 250, W. Tennant 245. B. Small 107, A. Zurgrigg 100, H. Agnevi (Irey
-3 off. CS. N. Shiopshall 42, S. Roberson 40, R.
cut of 1 Corset Covers ...... ................. 29c The play entillod, --N a w England
1� Forsyth, W. Heilderson. S. Carter, A.
This Total 465. 7 Folks". will be given in the Township
Everything marked In plain 20 pieces of silk Poplins, all B. McGee 460, F. Roberson 450-)K.' McLean, W. Hurren. H. I Fitt, R. SaintJ Halt Ethel,.PLb. IlLh. coink. 8,"d_enjor
figures. Suits and overcoats Seavon colors reg $2 hall price $1.00 King 445, M. Redmond 428. M. Currie A. Aldington. a good laugh
421, C, Deans 416, G. Snell 415, E. Ross Mr. John R -Bush of Kincardioe, visited,
at prices you cannot- afford to
Volle Waists, reg. $2.500 2 414, 0. Allen 403, H. Browne 890, E. Belmorp- his brothers, Slaxwell Abram�,;, lasfweek,
X miss. NO ! wm� Cooper,,40 Cotu, had a succebstat
X , dozen to clear, each $1.00 10 McKay 385, 1 Ellacott 381, R. Sutton The'little -daughter of Mr. ;ind Mrs. wood bt,-,e Mond4y afternoon,
$2.50 and $3. dress shirts at 1.89 10c SUGAR a-14, W. Gurney $72, A. Coutts 863, E. Henry Johann is quiie ilk with pneumonia,
Middys and House Dresses R., Brown 862, L. Carter 860, A. Vint 854, Mrs. Narknes!i, mr, James Hami�ton and Frank Hackwell, _Ontertained his triends
g. -niag�
75c to $1.00 braces for ............ 50e Saturday atternoon, F e b. less 1-3 per cent. 9 J. Beattie 348, 1q. McKibbon little Donald Sinclair are all recoverin 11 to a dance Tuesday evt
346, C. Mish Nelda Wolfe, Lakelet, was a i Airs Thos. Stavenson visited her friend
:01 12th, frorn 8 to 4 we will sell X Blatcliford 343, 1 Angus 331, V. Miller Tuesday visitor here. Mrs. ChrN. Seele of -Uruisels,, over Sun-'
$2.50 Mens' work Shirts, Entire - stock of silk Crepe W 329, -W� Fitt 327, H. Barrett 323, M, day. I .
sugar at 10c a lb, 5 lbs. to a Mrs Corrigan entertained her� Sabbath N. C Stevenson has engaged Fred
Blue Chambray, Khaki, Georgette blouses at 33 1-3 p. c. Harthell 300, A. Hutton 296, R. Copeland School Class of young ladies, last Wed' I Cehiog iOr the summer:
Black and White ............ $1.25 customer. discount. 278, T. Henderson 268, H, Pendleton 267, nesday 'evening.
! Mrs. Robert Baker visited Mrs. Fl-anir
M. Zurbrigg 265, W. Brodine 252, C. � Mr. Alex Siewart, 'Wqi. Ardwards and i
Harry Gowdy. hid succe,%sful wood bee,, Hackwell last week.
Coutts 179, D. Wagner 151*, 1 , I I
4 pair Men's Cashmerette 93 1-3 p., e. discount off all furs last Iveek, Rev. T. E. lCetinedy of Cranbrook,
Hose .............. 1*00 Brooms .... .... .... ... 45c coats, suits, dresses and beaut- entertained th
'To'tal 215. The regular meeting of the BbItuore I e Ethet Endeavor, vThurg�
X Iful beaded Akesseso heavy -Literary Society. 'was held Oft Tuesday I day last week, All report a good time.
M e u's Listowel all wool APP11A, 2 cans for .... ... 35c W111ter Coats. X. Campbell 21.1, N. Rintoul 212, 1. night,,Feblst. Thetneeti wasppenedl
I Sut�on 208, Y, Dingley 206, M. Campbell by all singing, "The Mapleoteaf Forever". i
fancy cheek sweaters
205, N. Hayles 206. 1.- Lepard 195. t. The'secretary's rtgort of the 14L.St meeting',
reg. $15 hall prige ............. 7.95 Palmolive Soap, 4'for.: ...... 25a Deaver Sets, la'rge cape wid Hartnell 103, D. Miller 191, L. Hayden was then given. The rnain feature of the
,k was a detate, "Resolved that The following is the report of My.
S a 1i>PV_% h1pet V. rr11Qh "nn- Jams, 4 lbs for .... .... 75a mull set ................. ; ........ 94.50 V_' 164, M. Mason 158, A. Stokes 140 R. Friendship 1& of mora value thati nione "
ellett% 36 Inch wide reg I I cakes of Soap for. 4.00
A0c. Special per yard .... 27J,0 33 1/3 Per Cent. Off
X41,6 410V 4.1- 4&41. 1
Light PrInfts, heavy weight 334% off T a p e s t ry and
Brussels Rugs. 4 yd. wide 1- Hudson Seal -Coat, Etolt
Per yard ........................ !Z2e Linoleurn, heavy Aveight, 1.17 Itenfriew'Ps, reg,� $475.00
lindigo blue Prints, peryard Se sq yd. 21W Tapestry Rugs special ..................... 337.1,
16.50 or 3x3 for 19,50. 1
A. C. A. Ticking reg. 75e sale 49c Plush Coats, and Chltdren
Scotch,vingering Yarns, per Spring and Winter Coats.
pound., ............ ............ 1079 Reninants half pric'oe4 Wsldrtss, serge -and Silk- fti
llutleesChnadlan Yams per 25 ladlest siflts, esich ........ $2&
pound ............ 1.4 ............ ALI$ 331&,% off all Sweaters and 50 Odd Mutts at halt 0'rfee.
COMIOrt IC01rer1119, r9a. 740* 44c Swsater Coats. X HeAVy Uttly U111tary Flannel I
* I VL- * . VW1
Agnew 139,M, Templeman 135� M. Hin 9-
J .
Miss Cunnings, Wtn. Darliag and Mr.
ra lurtiberry, for int ry,
' -a
SR. IV -Vera Cagelftore.
ston 129, 0. Chettleburg 78, E. Shrop.
ZinQ supported the afferinative. Wh'
Miss. Doig, Mrs. Corrigan md Mm Tom
1A. IV-Reifa Jenkins, 43go rgil a Gay,
Shall 26.
Abram upheld the negative.' A large
aodiodce was present and enjoyed the
Agnes MeXague, Grace Hottruthl
McCormick andKutf Kelly (e - Ilild%
pal), Johit
Those who missed marked x
debate, as well as a holo by Miss Duft,,
and inqtrumantat music "by, Miss Mae
Skinn, xMitty Chandler, xVictor Case -
in ore xMIlfordVoitoti.
.-Total 040,
VJ, Angus 622, 1 Tiffin 621 1%C King
Pharson, The judges decision was
given in favor of the affirmative, The
, $It: I I I-Maitlattol Polfter, George
Skinti, xUdith menweit, Harold Case�
,610, H. Dickson 606, M. McIntyre,64.
tioxt Wood will be held on Mondayt
Zeb. 14tb. Old will take the form ot a
. III_,Cliif0r& Cheetc
X. Smith 599, J, Cart $93, 9, Fog .501,
musical progranithe,
$k. II -Carl 1`1611tth, Chestet Came.
V. Piton 589, G. Welwood 58% A. Shelf
Mrs.Heory Johann entertained abdut,wort,
588, 1. Moir 583, H. , Xgrgiig 57(l, R.
Haniwn $70, x1. Smith Soa,,E. 11eholer,
40 membets of the NVornen's Institute
Sgiturday afternoon. When a 1"lend'd
ap. I-Rentlie Gov, Xettie- casemore,
le't"es Fit'167, lituet Lowis, Ruth Finity,
son 566, 0. Davidson 569; G. YoUtig 854,
XN. Coutts,554, M. Clark $44, A, Ritt.
time was anticipated. Mter the sectet.
ary's itport IdW4 Freda Duffy, gave a
A helpful "Where:
Donald XtCormlck, x0ertrude kelly.
Sit PR M r Skinn, Victor Showers,
soldr, most PAtYet on
JW V%W-:=9tn Jeukitis.and Mack
toul 634, H. Groves 633, L, Broome 806,
M. Bisbet 406, iM. Armittrong 469, XT).
the helugeWif6ts time 9000', was given by
Mts. Win. Elliott, Instrumental alusic by
1101110t" (eqUal), Laura McCoy, Velln$L
1 Vilif0y, Ale*. Sktuu, Al b e vt Totter,
Atkinson 461, xP, Caftbeli 461, G. gobo
Mr& Archle Lowry, A burnorous rd4d.
jug by Nei. Hector McLeall, followed by
Atthur Moo*en
"All-gilthlee'n Alg(�Or,61ck.
etson 434.
the report 6ftha disteict. Direetop, Urti.
Thoge. marked thu$ X wtra lklmellt Jot
Wol. Lowry. A committee was fdrmed
pirtt of eUritiogtioas.
Total 610.
t6-Ateatige. for a play to be gtveo, also a
soeial evening.
Mitdiel SSO, J. Cruikshank 922, 0
The -Union Sabbath School is a proseut
Fry 462, M. Ludwig 4411, 1 Q oakey 441,
in a flourishing condition, It being on the
6. Campbell 430, 1. Wagger $97, 0*
toll, TO kttendantl.
Wright SM, L. Wild 370, V. Saint 378,
96VUAI. of bur Isidies uttdridtot a, social
V. Wietl:350,, ICA, Scott 823, Of, Teft
fiest wawelftosh
At Mrs- 161th ArMsttlaue% glyth,
l9ftaft XV, MtOor 161, XH. Dursea
240, XX Lott 214.
MiN Mutt 110bibsoli of Otb. ODA., It
vwtiot vriih itiftias to cwt.
Tat 106fitIft1t Club 4krt U410*41tlg a tSk
ofshintlot, thit Week.
. A'