HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-02-10, Page 341
'When you pay 50 cents for a
barrY Root 111orer, Dombeela wsri
ata, Harr.
half -pound packageof Red Rose
1h, Ituritiant 130ror.—This b(
whicu 1.5 whitisli in coig.r about
11t1artQr lot 04 luch, In length and w
Tea (Crim -son Label) yqu get exo,
oil.. feet may be found In wo stem!
;&ctly tite same tea'for which.
feeft on 't-110 pith. - For th
of Awntrol grow Ill,, plautiVurb'
you formerly paid 55 CentS a',
lorm, In pruning, practive, a io�-m
) itD haNO
(1 rvnevnll, so 'a' lg�r
in Red Rose
yonng growul, ooming, on to tika
glaue 4 the older wood which suo
ta is the f lirst consideration.
lit) tenlaved ufter it has borue one
at -the mont. two �Qrop% �Cut out
dying aald FicUly e3nes; burn all pr
krl�;s bofaro June 1.
The Raspberry Cane 11,,orer.-
ftffv #51
Busn FR Us s AND I tHEIR
June, thO YOU119 ishouts of raspberr
aad blackborries may bonaticea %
their 11P.%- wilting. This injury in
be :cawed by the Raspberry 10%
porter. The latect leed.9 commo
1-4 4be -stems of wil4drasliberries.'
-sona as a if-aded shoot is noticed,
eaae 'Ellould be cut off well balow
aijury, sa that there Is no damger
THE, LOGANSERRY. telied about two feet from tho grouliq
Maming the grub!� which may li
hatched before the Injury Is actic
T�Iie logianberry or the logan bla-ok-
and the(-upper,onomear theto-p Of -the
post. The Canes are -Traluod over
The Ra.tipbeiw Cane Mag -i
berry,.wi At j4 �Iso called, 1,as be-
-come an Impar0at frilt 'In the PrOV-
and woventhrough these, wires. 48
" wlwilar Injury to that offocted by
Resi Cate Borer; the remedy
filtes of DrItish Co�,Ilmbla during re-
the best Irli-it is usually the highest
uo, u-, -much of the canes as possilble
sllnUar� In the eradication ot b
teent years, In Eastern Oaumda It is
OhCuld. be brought up to -the Lop wire.
these insects tilie'-t-rimmings should
not grown 4.0mmer0ally -a's the plant
The, caa6a are usui'lly tria.ined. totbe
,m�tllemd and destroyted by burinin
is InJured pr kll�ed lu,winter. White
Irl,res,the swing ot the second season
The Raspberry Root Borer.—T
It 'can be grown succe"S'fu'ely wharo
Ria tempivraturt occa-zlonally drops
Of growth, and tbe second season
borer %Nvilich is -nearly on Yach lang
probably -the most Important; In%
to -25 dovees F., if the -plants axe
,covered with snow, it Is not sate to
me'!"I sh-Ju."d be a fair crop of f�att.
As.vo6n,as the frulting scuson 'a over
Attacking the etrown, and rocits of ra
berries and, blackberries for the ir
,pl%rat-ithe loglaiabolry for -,commercial
old canes should be removed by
cutting them off -close to -tale, ground.
sontb%t It -may camse, the CDMpl
purpmes Where the tompera-ture fV.Is
Where It -is not necessary to lay �the
death -of the plant. Tharemedy -is
,even to zero unaess one Is sure of this
pau,es down for bet -ter protection. 4n
4d -Ig out imiddestray Infested p'ants.
snow -covering, or uiloss the plants
are PrOteated With soll in .%V14tor-
ivintew, It Is destrabile -to start tralu-
'Plant Infesting Insects.
The two most important Inse
the young c4nes to the wire as
was in 1881 that Judge H. Lo-
gan, Santa Oruz -Gal., grew the first
'so -on (as -they are long ienGugli, :and
I 11rolls-hout
which aittack the fruits of currat
and gooseberries are the Curm
plant of ithe i��Itiviaited loganberry
Cent nue, t 0
th season, as
when left until lhe end Of the season
Maggot, EpoebrA canadensis. Lo
,from, seed that had beaa planted In
theyare usualj� in quite a. taingle. All
and the Ocipseberry Fruit Wiarm,
gatrden!aad wh4ch. had been takeu
the -Canes -made eaeli. year -are uftully
phodta. Mey. The for
from o variety called ArIgbinlyaugli, a _,eft if -they are stroug Ones, but weak
or Is a whitish Maggot of a smi
variety ot -the Pacific Cotast trailing
Canes should be reimoved. Where it
beautiful, fly and tholatter Is a "a
blaickberry, Near thi-a had been
, ,:�saryt, 1,a eIb, Canes , e
.8 Aoc, V A J)h
e�r "wum,` a greenish cater, Pil-a-r tot
graw-Ing, the OrandaE4 blackberry end
ground so that they will get the Dro-
smallor moth. -The -CuT&nt Ma
a -vurlety of red-iras,pberry, As, how-
tectIon, ot stilow In wilittex, the canes,
le p4rUouila-ray idestrucitive in Brit]
ever seedilings of -the logaliberry To-
which have frafted aDter b e -in., Cut
Columbia -And tbe Gooseberry Pr
me original plant very c`osely,
out a�
,0 sometimes placed. , top
,a (it
Wiarm occasionally in the Maritt
It Is !low believed tdzat this Is not
the new cames in ordeT to holp'hold
Provinces, The control for both.
really a hybrid, aa has been. supposed,,
,but -is ireally metraly a, red-frulted var-
�tha snow. The old cames, whea (IrT
Can becut up by,the disestwholL-wiark,
tbew,),inztects Is similar and In br
conststs ot either the Pickling of
lety of the training blackberry Of 'the
Ing the -land,
fruit when green or allowtice
-Pacific ecaist. The Phenomenal
Which. is somewhat Ulm the logaon-
The yield Of loganberries w -ill run
the -ran of the Vtaaitation so that th
may ifeed Upon the prematurely rl
,berry has not proyed so desirable.
from -two to Tour or More tons per
acre When tale plimiti-tion IS In full
ened fallen fruit and,the larvae whil
iPrlapa,oartfon, 'So;I, Planting and
bearing in thle dilrd seiasrin,and after-
may have left the fruit and, enter
the earth bententh the Mishes, 0
The logambeory,19 propagated fromn
wwils. T-110 second iseawn Italare
may not be -over aton -per acre.
Ing to d faot ithat the Chickens
11able .�t�p
Isturb the soil -I tio, a.,eoinsl
rooted tirs, like the dewberry. The
itips Of canest !are buried during the
The frult -of the loganberry Is tot
vtry aluitable for dessert ai% It is -too
erable -extent at -times casre ishou
be takeni to prevent -tale -Toot sysito
ilaititer part of simmer and will soon
aloot. Plaints may be set -out In the
241d tor -the txate of most.pfeal�le, but
wilen very!r1pa, it is moreI)i C&A-aut to
remaln4ug beri?, for itoo, great leng
Ortime, espectafty In arid iseetions.
autumn �oa, early In -the spring. The
'the taste as the acidlity is not so
isoll -should be good and weal 4kallned,
great, but It is a very isaiti-stactory
and the site eboi If poe.1ble, be
fruit for canning, jam -making pre'
one not anuali -exposed -to high Winds.
and evoLporiting, and aoga,.
kberry Juice is irapidly growing la pavu-
The dist-amee, ct whical the loganbetrry
Tile frult is the shape lot a,
-is plimated vamies. with different grow- ,
era. A papull!aa, disbiAace, In the past '
bla-ekberry, but is red. in Color baccm-
.has4 been six to, elght foot 2,pairt in
ing ratbir dui:l parpli-h ;red what,
It Is uvuelly
irawa elght feet aliart. But the, lo-
gmuborl,y is such a very rampant
e:21pped in pint boxes as in largeirxe-
Ceptacles -there Is too mueli waste as
0=0 a Mother haG* umd Baby
Own Tablets Wr her lilkle ones sh
igrow-er that some growers are now
making the rows us mitGh as twolve
the lovallbeirry is r4ther a33 when
in'lly ripe.
1��l 111ge n0tiling GCOO. Her -Use
them leada her to belleve there is
feet (Npmr.t: with -the plants as close as
The berryls.somewhat
Other medicine to equal them tw am
,tour ito five foet "airt in TOWS, A
good dis-tance ta rows ften to twelve
s-Imilar �p the logamberry, -but has not
of thO 04an.7 n4nor allments of chik
hood, Ootioornilng thenilbv, Mwen
teeit apart, and lillaints -five to s4x feet
been found genOrally As ISattSfia,00rY.
Mr"VOrt. Mut Ald0eld, Que., virites
apart 4u, the irom�,s, This wid(o dis-
fnaects Affecting Bu-sh (Fruits.
My ba:b7. Was torAny conatipme
tamee permits a wagon togo, between
By Vie Elltomologiciai nranch, De-
but ia&ver the -we of giaWs own i��i
ithe rows to canry mulabing material,
end is betteirfor disoing this isoil� The
- Paxtuwnt of Agriculture.
lets The I" warely well agrAn. I an
190 wGV fixt1shad with the Table
rows are usu<ly north and !south,
There axe a aumber of Impoirtant
Cbst I aose no oqpor�njty -in avooln
Thor canes -during the, first season
Insepts which aitta;k bush 2!ruits,, anch
Miatdimg thein 'jo other loothere.
eSouSil 'be, Impt -Closter to the line of the
as currant, gooseberry, raspberry,
T;ao Teblets are gold by miedietta
;row on the'-groand, us ithey grow to
and logan-berry. These, Insects -are
dealers or -by =11 at 26 0611408 a bo
such a. grewt length, And it not push-
more Or less deSitruetive every yew.
tw.m The Dir. Williams, Medlicin
ed Wick Would Prevent cultivatIon,
The 10741owing are the tchlet -pests Of
Co., wo&ymije, cat.
Sometimzqq wire or pleices of bmmchos
dhese, iri:ants:
axe -used -to keep -them a,Dng the row.
In the absence of real cork, stop
The trellis, which is -es-tablished, be-
Insects which bore Inside or into
pers are being made In Norway tro
fore the sooand. �seasci growith, is
the vtoms and irocts of plants fare
a quick growing plue wood, the up
usuailly made of two wires. Se,*en or,
known as "borers." The Moot Inipar-
Per parts, sivelling after they hav
elght toot posts are sunk abouf two
*aat aTo:.,the Curratt, Borer, S Ya-a*,8UrPL:
been punciled.
toot iin the ground trom twonty-tive, to
.thedout V�lluliformlq Clerck, the
iddrtr feet apart -or less, ifthe Plants
heirry 40amB Borer, Oberea, blinia.culata
Ciarlis are -painful growthe, Ho -.10
axe set o Z 010sfi3 Us 10vir Or five feelt 4Mv., -the Raspberry. Cane MaTgot, wsys r mov.
4n the row - . The low-eir wire Is fas- phorbla, rub.IVOrs, Cog. and the Rasp_ them, Co n Ro or wil reanov,
nia MI -98 R00,111nd Welcomeis letters fror
or YoUng, women asking, for advice 0
all AnY 910ject. All you bavo to do I
un- to address your lette r to
10-4 34 King William Sr4. Hamilton, OW,
U0 Dear Rosalind.
As TJfQsO 10'tQ-Ts of Aid-vlm' aro ver,
the 9000 4,3 1 hays beeia waovgng 1,11�,,M
the 11p- 1 'am troubled about one tWtq
I -112-ve Won ?"Olug w1th % boy- for A
of 054pi of Years, HO Is u very happy
3"VO 91041101tY boy and doeaa�t seenito owl
ad, about wb.%t be Eay.% to young gir�70
the MY fariall5r think viery aftio of h4m
is 'but do xxot hutow hIM ca woX as I
oth Would YOU adv1some (to keep on go
1, 4r With 3ilm a's my frWiliv wishe.,
Or WOVQ 70o. stop wid alat pa;y an)
9. attention UD him? Truating you WIL
his I
is Q vO me dw best of your a4vice,
act P. si-x am TRIXY.
ap- Of nee, F-eventimn Yew
ete De4ir Trixy:
to 1,W1 *W your Own botar teektgs
IvIlleh. ourely -tedi you 0114 boy is =
fit ComxNanton, for Yom Tela Tom
eta MothOr why )roa do not Want (Do WjA.
is iftue ithiis ftbelmdswD land I know salf
t will 04vee wilth YoU7,
Dear Rosalind:
You zitvs mwh excellent 24vice J
rg- fteOught I w0irlid wirIte wo,
a, .1 V= iou
'MoUgh tX) b0l" boy fZ-10MKIS bult therE
t 1-4 One `WP6eft3T U'M* I Would- 11kc
to ember an my liat tot kiewda. R,
ult A9 a VerY uloeiwnd =silly boY, and any
Me MoUlor %pPXoVe0 at 41ML `110W WIN
Of I try Ito walw Wall lilto me? Wa
let I try to, saam unftiixidly to him cc not
he as if 1 didn't care If ba bQimnie (ray
ns friend Or not? I Ulm tim very
ey muoh,
ell Doair Pex%iexed:
ed Wuoeliky Isti -foum;daV!On,1Of friend.
w- abill. If You pretend ithiat You do
ulortcraAe for thiis boy's fri-pindishap you
d- Ival not be sinetere. Even to pire-
ld t6md' May hunt You Your -self and make
"a You a -we *Worthy to be a Irlon& Such
th a kmg sermon I am Preadbing but I
do -%rafflit ray girls and boys aind men
aud Womien, to become real friends to
ewh athar alid if U187fire, tbait then
uley wJa devebov 'finia, noble 'chw-
actors I talW It toir ammt-ed Iiiat 7ou
btivEi iN� Intmd4cad to, itho young
MOn Yousipeak 01. and that yon know
"I'll Wall, When the oippor-
tunitit:� Zes, linivite JAM to *aill at
Is Yom home. . MahO 41149 imll as I=ter-
e e4ting as you can in a vauamA way.
at Keep awmy from fill "going w1W
�o idms and establish OVA dhomehip
wbiich Is ao maefiz b&ttw.
d - Do= Uisis IbOsOtnd,
After XIGR44149 70vir beneficial and
innOrtna adrine to yoaau4 I am my -
a 6nlf, t&M-Pited to Qsk Tour most ap-
Preti"ad advioe. I am a UIT9 of
atutQe4l, haTe som ffluriwgh H*h
e wiohoo4 taWng in ThiTd j)a=. I now.
have a posWan fa an otmae W a Small
vQAW- MY ParRiultS Objela to Me
ke%Au 0=4amr vilith. yowe mift,
even Mae tLo a wbI4*% Ti are two
- -YoUni-v Mim )vb* PQfY a gavat deal of
n oftel4linaix) me, And aire at good fh=-
. QY- Bficald I CD wM on% of diem
a XeaAirdIOQO 01 'my Pm=tW vdallies or
shio;uij I a6sk my paments to Qow'me
to so ouoa k a waixia with a boy
&iond 9 Can YOU teili lanythIng of
ciae's chamotw,,;t!hTough,*eir wrIting?
It is*, Would You be so kind? Also,
one of thew boy frion4lia dild not eau
me up for a lorig dmia, And hjte,�7, ho
it'Zo called w agaial, DoQs "t shlow
he wrom for me? With bWt washes
for tale T�r Uow davneidt,
Dear Wiee�y GM: A : IVIURY GIItL,
HIAVO 6 TMA 1110AZIt -to heart tolk with
Youir mothier and da& Pretaleft your
case itc, 41iom 00 ifilaiii ther WAI, see
V161t 47017 4*1 bAO 1DO 'tight to eniter-
tO& her bylOulds hi heir own hme and
her Own &,VnQy Ckvile. It Qw does
mOt meet bOT fridgadd at hAr ow3i
hOulze, Whare can she co? Amid youth
cravies the c=AWAMAWD tof youdi. I
am sure you wt1ll 691a youir Dolut if
YOU 90 UhLMt ft rIght. I hnre droi_aW"
ematkok now, dwr bw Wilithout toWng
any ire6dmv by inieams of
their handwidung. It die poute Mau
cftxs YOU UP otowstanadl�y, tre inuy be
Ilitamstod, or he way, have fbaid notu_
ing else to do, it doa=,� do V) Put
it0i) much eatess on Ittaw. IUanks
for lLo eywil vvj__�bes!
'Dew. Rozo;lad,
Wllel!l CL pirl &9 ollit, Wt32110g $li com-
PaQ7 with, a Pollag man, It tie sftou�d
have Oceuak n to go inito a store,
tzhOuM iaCO0u1PMtl7 thim ar should
she muiit ouiside untat the ratuamo? 4
Thaliliang Vuu in advan4ca tcT your 4
reply. I
It is a caise MU&t Use
your own j.a,1,nMent. lit is quite 4tl
dg,at,to, accomplany Yom ezoorti�uito kt
2'tCrO, UILNIA the, UJUCAI 13 *JkOly to
Cause Your T
R0§1LOID, f!
Dear R osalind:
1 havO beall 3 relhd�r of
Y�iur 10ttIVS 1111 -Ar 11-9:11k they are w&Al
wiarth gao�v ine to
IlIziUl- a 0110mNti-011. Lot overy(nie
writin- lvitt�at; give a,-
�) and
i.sadruo, OL) -that cthx-v,,4 11lay -Corift,13-
;nd witil them it lhtiy wi& I)o
YOU41111lik it Would be a gaoi pLqjj�?
'n�'I.. T" aky.
Tour eorrtivandenoe 4dA% to 41raglit,
And Is Ob0aidY IiAligelY piloettmd It,
11110 P-0all'Un. Duit I kov "to mycelf
010 ir6ftl 1121ales and nddlkeWo�o Singe �v
to,' DUIZ18h, th0M W!OUId vDaUte' uy�lly aj
1`04airdied, 14Y MID V.5 EV,1V3. ir
h1vo Mada a'uotooit 31,aw Tomio and ti
WMa exedlangie, it -,vitith ja=o Who tiella is
1110 StAU*W, addvmed onvel*Dez. e�
I--- ____ -
01�,ly be used. wa Imperance
3.11; MA't. 22: v;
24 34-40. Printed Tegt_p4att.
22- 15-22, 34-40.
GOldeu Text. "And 4,4 VW4 %tt4
barn, T11,011 shalt love the Loril th,
God with all thy lw,%T% QId with al
thy soul, and witot aal thy Mind, Thig
1,9 the ermt And first 'commandment
And a gwoond 1140 unto it Is aa% Tho,
*to& love thy nolzhbor as itily self,
(M%tit. 22, 37-,39).
'HIVtoricial setting.
Tkno—A4ad.l, A, 1). $0, pj4oe.�_
cour,t of thei temple,
The 4esson Text.
"u write 1344o4 A nice -letter titat 1 -16 Than went the pha,114ees, aw
1100e TOU 1110,ve heaps!o0amohyers. took *=_�A how they MdVht eiustag(
ItOSALIND. 14111 4n WS talk.:
Dew Rtosolilld, 16 And,91W standto htm their dis
I bA" Otbon Zeau Your atdvioe In '491w, with the Horodivazis, isaying
tLe Mw� and ithought t -very good. Teacbeir, we know tha$ thiou iat 4ruei
I am tow0een yeagisof 04* auid kmow
a bov ofr the Mme ace. and tftAmhwit the Way of God la oath;
90 43� schorA, ever I 'Used to QUd 1015CWt Wit, &or any lone; E�Ur thou
7 447 With him twd
likeid titim, Tlleu I moved 96way and r0VM14** Dot tk* person of men.
,hardly evW o90 UM, vo. I waimtOd to
ask m it you thought it %ia wrong -17 7101' us *ereAire. What tvmk.
esil; thou? 10 it 1,ai to VtVO Itri,
Zor Tile rbo, write htul? I amvg rao(Aved hinita iiiinto CWWOZ, oir Moth?
aoyerai leftere frWl him, and alvayu
onewtired *am. No%v R:&.10O answer 18 But Jeow Vereedved ithOr wick.
and tom nio Imat you Viink. WUh- eftedi, alld MAd, W�ly make 70 t+4
1mg YOU a Happy Now yea=
UNFr_kPP)r,, Of me, ye UTPDi
Dear Little Girl: 19 -*�IiOw =0 the tAbqg* money.
Wioutdn't you write to a dear &I Avd-;Mey birougm unto a4m. a demr-
chum without queiNtion*= tfte matter jtot�,_
or tetftg Vtmmko you unhappy? Do And he SaItil'unto iteMM, V&,ose
Alsit the liUMO With 010 boy chum and
think cc hdm exacit-17 daiait Way, $9 tIlJ0 tluaige and supemeripition.?
AOSALIND, 21 Thoy say qznto Wm oa,�O,
Dear Romlind: Tillou milith he UVAO them, Reader
,9011na other young girlis askiling thOrefiOre Amto Caaesar &e twaga that
You lbr'advlce I Mix talia thrOng. I We 0sames; and Into God ith, thlugs
alal a Young girl of soveinteen 14r,11119 "t we God"i
in iLbe countrY and I bwre a boyftkind 2_2� And wIlm they heard it, tbey
*4 low YORM iMY sendioir wholives four- Miarrolled, and left tdM mud went
teen M tifteen IU114�0 from, Wbieire I %
Ifte. Ile comes to sea away.
ne eviery . * * . *
Weelc pit my home. Now de(ar lbosa-
land would it be proper or not �Or me 34 But the Phaneses, wLau they
to REirve luiaich before his depairitaft aa iheaird that he 1,1ud put the Saddumes
I tWnk it is a long drive an tole cold to 811101100, gathered thomiwLvesi
and !Is It Propeir to be tree v It1h other to.
boy friends as -tow ia,,� joadng, 6 Ivan—
corned when out wk& your boy Iraii-ead 35 And one tot &am, a lawal.
Ill 'COMP11112Y at cowet'U cw each 6Ake Msked aidim a question, try6mg bi�M:
gcutli,ecr�? Thiamjdng. yCq. in ad -
Vance and wltsl=g you and eAl your 66 Tellb,01, Which, io the,. 'great
readiews a bright and happy New 00MM&Ildmient an tie auw?
Year. Tour intereet oeadier, 37 And he aua� tunto him, Tkou
WNX (37HICKLi W. shalt Wye the Lord thy God -with all
My Dew odiri: thy hoart� and with an thy si and
'BY PAI moftius gave die boy some hot
C100101A (r Wffee "d Mindwdolies Or Wil thl mind,
0&kto be0ore he otairit.9 on that 10mg 28 This is -the great emd first
cold dirive. It his always a
wow to end anoveafiig *3A. 339 nito, 39 And a, second like unto it -is
tlieudlY "'A gvoiid w1th &U
Your 1frieladis and ot aZ itimea, thk Thm shalt love thy nei&bor as
Dew Rmallud: 0 Qu thew two commandments
I hoive %,ead Your advicoovery vmak 4016 Whiike �law i'mageth, and ithe
ecd � wood like yioutio give we soma: Dropbgrim
There ip a Young tellow 00m4ing, so Ccmments�
09,25 Me Over a ye" alud he is ody 16 VQMa 16. Behoving Ithelto
yeiam did, and I am Is aind he wemits Wes to
me tbo get mazated aind. he him mat 11ave bOQQ VW00nalty vAtacked. 1% the
much Money: but boo ip a obeft,417 WO&_ Prooeding piLriablos, the Pho4sees and
er end I ftnk a Lot of Wiin, or is he Sadducees mw tie ueceesity teir the
tom 71OW19 to get married. MLY, utmost skill and strategy. They
M;y Dwir May: OW-ld not mevt Jeciais -off-hiand-, be-
SUID51Y 3"M are DA oar�� A bQ7, cluse "never mm awke ilike this
loixiteen, werie tie the liteediest w1ork- mst.� ThW W15re kWerlltes and
There 16 B YQUM9 follow coming to knew not #I'm, lbomeetTwae holawty.
Wk of WaIrla.08. Help lAm eave his V09ii 16- That IMAGIftig- rabbis vent
mwomy' and, linorove h1a job unitti 1xi
tweat3r-twio, Uyalk YPrfte to me avAa. thodx astaltei VuP&, WbQe they stood
. PLOSAUND. aloof atid %urbcLed the a-4mat, The
Internality and Externailly it is 0 Heroillave were a W.!tWw oar&y who
ood- hopod to roWnfor taie Hft-od ifamily
—Tlie crowning property. olf Dr.
Thwms' O'Clectirit Oil Is ithait It can be Ot Iwelt a tragmentof igovep=ant.
Used mtem&W for muty 4coimpWiLts Verse 17. These ohmyd tgglidans
As woll as oxtornay. Ftor core W twled to mote me pocullarity Of
throoA, or-13� Wh0i COMb, peIiig j*SM.
in the chest, colic amid many killdred We never wid, -1 tbfioai�l so
Vanents It has miradve qu&-Itieo &at =4 M ' I'Le OPiako with vmithorlty. if
are imsurpaesed. A bottle of it Jesius 0 4" lyiw�ll Hb wogl(l become
Costs little and them Is no loss in umpopuisr with the PLUtweA Who
�Aways be-olng it at ban&
dospleed ta&-1z7jmq. If Ile mid -No,"
" W'O' ' goility of troaam to
REMIET JI -4-11 LAST ncwo�
Verse 18. Ile esw their modVes
want to help you it you are suffering
!roM bleed1hg, Itching, Islind or pro- emd pradti-caW saA -you am 06 watty
xuding Piles. I can tell you how, in IMUCIll to C
.pl�ioia my anoi
tour own homa and without Anyone's V6r" IV A 41vft, dekleztu�g was
isdatance, you can apply the bost of worth about iseventeen cents, an'd
NP30 the 'Pries, a .1 dai i"or In die
PILES "Hom'E" P$tr0le, (diap. 20:2). It Ams t1le
DtOmisO to solid. YOU & IT=- trial of dajtl%y wage of a Roman gioldip_,., 11
he now absorption treatmertt, and VOTGO 20. There are coins still in
yro' tion
erenoes from your own locality it on din tale Orient boaiing gle,
vill but write and ask I Assure you .11Md and supersmi#tion C� sonx em -
if Immediate relief. Send no molley, a)oror.
iut tell others of this offer.
Wdreto Verse 31. 1031118 Cleared up a diffl'
MR& M. SUMMER4, BOX a, olat Situation. ThO Jewish MIdgion
Wlhdso6 Ont. Was a theocracy, They 0,b.jCct,_d to
paying m0i to ia, hanthan govern.
llecause woman In yollcaiiN ml -Alt. IRS MCPIY ShIDWaid 010M ith;�!`t
,4re olsetad to fill every "itical of. they had both religi(Au% and eivil ob�
Ce lit the town, m1l. tho moll of the 1110,0011s.
)W11 00u,1011' reistned In im body, 'V<1Z8t0 22. NO -svonder a1cy 'mar.
vded,. They failedto Iran 114," A-4
TIO -wighteneid 0en beyond their
Ability to enl�nqqlttva thelliset'ves%
VOMIO 24. "Put to s.1.1Cylce*1 11,ere
arcan.4 gigged or muzzlied. Thp3r
w(r.0 coolipletoly Isquelellied.
Varocy 35. The "1Lqwym1-1 were In-
torpret,,rs of th�e writtqA 11W. of
sores Flee B06" It.—Tawro are V01160 aG. 'file lawyer *Vpecte(l to
any Who have been affiletcd With eniane.a Joalls.
oao and h&ve driviiii t1loin aqjay Vealze, '37. Love God walt-11 nal your
4,11 Dr. ThOMAG l"Ideetric oit, All poi
31111AY triollblod allould lose to titte N"(61'sO9 U, 39. AIW Malt -t4D God,
OpNyltg tus *4plendid vnnlAr. 49
IN16 * notbing like it 1-4 4)0 1W, it lovo your ne;lghbor.
loheaA but Ite ?Power is in no way Verse 40. There was notidn pat
Vresseil,hjv ft low virlee. to be mid.
ONLY 00NiFt09,NCE NEED= or
� I ;;.
"I)Anada 19 Ito, a �irst rate peoltioll
reladvely Way, Uwe would on4v be�.
ateare it," declared S* neiury Dray.
itioni, Mwster of iiirmnc*� in On ad -
"Tom, aded With opti4nisim. whioh. be
-delivered at ithe convention banquet
of the 0=0XIIa't, Shoe 314neft(ftromw
Assbefttion oit Toronto, We are in
a Crat Tate rellative P101151tiOu trafty
It wewould''OnillY take 111471111U9,0 Otft.
We are in the Position that with our
1COUINtry inta-at, With our populfutdon
Itta'weasing slightly alrtsiady, but sure
to Increase stri, more mpidly in tho,
futilre by reason of tuo Immigmton
driavu. by reason of UIO IMM41-TOODU
dra,wa not only by the felitile flold.3
Of the Weist, but by itilie great unde-
veloped 1reSiOUrceS of Canada, every -
.where, we are boundtio Eee thIs coun-
try go allead 42 the canadian. People,
wila Only havo It so and unitedly de.
term -ins uponit,"
G1000 HEALTH -
Wh2n a dootor tells you tbat yoU
are aniakwc, be 'Eanxty ansams, I,
Plain ]DnZRL�11, that your blood Is weak
and watery. But thin condition i's
me ;that my easay pW jhto a
hopele-_13 decline U prompt gtegis are
not IW&Cih to enTach, fte bkod� P.,
,blbod, wealc. Watery blood is 4to
Oak'" ot headaches and bacbajes,
loss 'Off aPPOtitO, Poor iddigatiot. r4leu.
Mat'ism, neuralgia, nervous, trritabl.
XtY and many other -troubles. TO
Poor blood is diae the ptulges en&
W_btedies, tUe, muddy, wmp10:Z10n that
"flowes so mmuy faces. To have
good health, a good *O=P1bx1ob and a
Cheertul manner, the bapod must be
It'elPt r1eal, Ted aud puix , x This is
ea4ly done through the, use Of a.
blood eillitchilng ttonic like, Dr. Wil-
liam's Pwk Pill"S. The whole mission
Of this medicino. la tohalp onxich the
Wood which pea-ches every torve and
every organ in the body, brIngin,
wlth It h0aUh, strength end new ae-
tivdtY. That is why P"le who OC-
1D2sdJn41aY usta Dr. WiTak,1131 pink
Pill$ alWa7$ fee-) bright, active and
1178- B. n- Coolk, sim.008, out.,
gIVOIS etr,0419 ltesdmauy to tne "alue.
Of Dr. NVINIOMS' PlAk Pdllo When ea,
blood, is Ill an -%maomic condition, she
Kl$-9: 'I have been a autferr for,
g0ma Ye;IrO tDOM Ct run, down 100411-
tZn 4,"t the system I sufforiod from
P.1ins in the back, tvilitchlog oa t1le
Pfrvos and muccles, ni3r r6ppotit, was
"ba"d 1nd19e0'b`L)0 Mud W0111A 90L
1r*wr-Y atill" -e--tluor', MY Lands and
��?et were almost 41 -%.ay, CoA IU4
:hOu`9h 1 w4s wn'Stantly doc�l orInZ
�h-e modicine I took did, not ho4p aulll�
11',1d rAiactically 6-1vea up hoilie of
'Ood, alwal'until " ITiend frtoul 1-14in-
h0a oaftla ta vlf�lt Me ",a urged 111.0
0 try Dr. W11:1ams, pink IWS, It
�00k `scM0 It,Isl1aFlon, but finally I
�Onsciited to try thj�M, I have I'm -
IM to be 9-Tiatclfttl that I did for after
ising seven 1�-Gxes I fo�t la� a lieIr
PPM -011. I h-tv-1 golted In wetght,
LIvO A better color a -ad MY Work is
A)W a 1).suure. For this 00waition
Lly 111ailks arO (111L. J)". Willianis'
��nk Pills, and I cauot Vr.2L.,a thm.
ml) 111glily",
YOU Can get Dr. Wil,Uaw* Pink
lilki through anyd(,alers
r by mail V't 6" "n'tS IN WIZ 'or Isix
oxos Sor -�-2.50 -from The IV, NVIdl-
ma;31, I
DroWtviii,. ont.
�'o r a— 0 VO . Ll ,
lj3,-,,t 7,01' the dollim"Ie ril"nufac.
4;f 'V411-14-1 Oxlligrtcd frOiln thiN
"0M1n10Ja 'had I V41110 Ot 405,4s4211�lak