HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-02-10, Page 24 CuRRENT COMMENT ORITIC, POET AND X"r. wil-ft, M Archer, one of ult, be4t known of R-nali-AL colittosi and! lalritere has beem guillillig Ui the Wo"i V&a % O=Atau Clurbl, and meoting 6aaa of tbe,canl4lan iltelwyr ligUt% He beting nolt vory wall re.Ld In. 0,,warllau �,Iterature, but l;aew the war1w, of 0. 0. D. nobwts, =aa io,jrman, Dlugean Campberla Scott, ond Sir CxllbeTt Parker. He was otmek by the originality of Miss :(U=ajn, but evrdealy qr4d. not entered tpro, goUndly jhatD Ole spirit of itlAs, load - lug Cmadixmpoeik Lee Masters was the only United States ;poet ho aten- j tioned du am lnter'hew for nue of the TooDuto -japers, When Q&oil vhat bad avost limpIvessied him since his ax- iviv.m1he dealared "The one -IftingAhat a,", impressed a;vzl %mazed me xxiore ,th= anythataig -else in Axiiexlea wwa �the maIrvemous conjuring ance xg Mr. Wilson MacDoua;ld sit -ifte ATts and Letters Club this uIfter- noom" Thme who have bud the 4,are opportunity of seellng Mir.. Mak- Dmaid's ieger-de�­maln will noit be :surprised, at Mr. Atollee's ustatoment. It 49,unive, and outside ithe ordinary range otsuch phenomena. He'Usea tao equIpm-eut, land there is vo owA*1ar, ,try of atykird. He works with bare, hands land Ju the middIle Iot a group of ispeotators. 6Xobody balle-vels any Ideocriptiou of ovese ftatts lun-til Ithey see Ahem, and Smart XAcks wilith, (eitareotyped explialitttal's lot 10310tag anddup,llc4te rings alld iso. if=thleel very small 'Indeed when they see -the xealtty land are asXed ito apply �tlheir ,4%planatjono tt�o ithe itats. When the wirwe-gif Welts was in Monitneall Mr. MacD=ad ablovied him. isonle of 1h1%; woudeps, =.d the Prince, Ake eve!rY- 'oodyeisor was ias�=!,Oheid beyond sk- xwe;mioa. !He wap intenodly later- _w1bod dad stayed V1,11th Mr. X121CM-1118,14 go ilong Ithart his T.mstlamme beicaane all d2sarraaged to the confluslon Of his escort. Mr. Moc-Donald was be- seeched wt M� InviltatiOn-s neXt day 'but despIses isuch votOrletY- "I accept dhvilialtions X..V Nn%son MacDoaaW, ithe paerV, be dedares, "nott. frox the cou- JuTar." Ard, Mr. MaIeDonold is a pact, and possibly the most dIzItinc- .ayely Oajaadjan among oar writers. His v&-uma, 11T.he Song otthe Praikle LandAl contadne -some hne rwark Ake 4'The Whip-Voor-wil*Vt "Bqxhary," "Salut Flwls" and "Peace," iand, he lies anather vc�ume realdY tcx Tubli- camen whilidi. will reach a still higher i1eivA. Mr. 1jaIc-Donsid is a griaduxte, of MqMrwter University and a, orext Canadian In ibis 10ve fc-T 4 ideal na- Clonall Mfe. A CELEBRATED XURDBIL TRIAL. vVhat promj!Tes to be a nobMirle literaaryl and, legal e"nta ls� being pre- pizzed fcT by the Dickens FeUdwsbil) of Toron,�o, a body organized to Per- portuate tile memory and'Work of the greaIthumorist, and -to serve his PrIur cIples by contribWng to ttlit, welfwe oE Ijttja chilIdren, In hospital work. The qrGje ot In h=d is tto leave a reAl t1lial ot john ineperr Bar the m1wder of Edwila Droo& It wftl be rarnember- ,ed thAt "'Me Mystery of E4VIR ne'Day, wals uckens! 1319t novel only halit-finizhad wlier. he died. The jmy,r.�tory has, never been revealed, OR- ftough a 11hrary of books h�* Them wx,�qten Ica UP and a bIbIlograph of dhe axiticles upon It vAould 0 U- arIobher voluwa,o. There have -been iseveva4 'IendIngs" wr?ttou of %ve story, more or less mt1staotory, and many ithoor- les. A great deal of atigeneU7 'has 1,,,.vn td1spplayed In. piecing together the t-v�d�-raca. Some deny lthtA DxWd 11n= =,,umJt2z2d at, aill, aa:1, lthlwlt Sms0w. %vho itotok Winin, fanded Ine b3irl done eo, gr, -.1 thim tried to Pmtoa ZusVielon. ,cjL A My_storlau3 character *at titrned up ki Clolvteribam., WhiCh .is name tor Rochester, after em muftder bas been eila subla-cit of r,r�%cr,L d. igier. He was known ao Mtch,_V-71 and was obvl3luillY Some ,miI3 in dft1gW'e0- Ono Dickens' a% - pa it,,go.1ved much fame 'by ori.�lnaltiag tte lihoory that natchery g. frteina of Droad'sawaot- amd ­.ihero, 4TO razily Claw !Ufhiat t?,Its 'iook orohablq. A11,01ther ts 4hat Dalteftery Is nazzard, to XT. arowgiouFs, Dowd's, rhw- T4,13 goems extremely lilcobf a -a% Amcither recent thoory 18 that 1) Itchery 1,3 Tartar, I& retired "niva fi�,Jjtena,at, V&Ocomel 'into the 10109t &att;�T�q *f t"I'a qmvel. 'Me TmV..'em Is Otto ottho, greaitest 1pT7.!"­r,�rj In litmatu're. selooll ?.Wra In teculot im.1 saala:ilry 7, a trina 1"ord In wllicu tho lewfinig dlter�- y ra-,b of fhe instroparlb oirtittrat- tv" t;I,j.b0jt, X. <,1hestertoft Was thO tnlal -rf 1110 wftolothlii4l Uy r6ur4laxto taker jj� so4jously as had b0M,(1XVftt0& Ile w,wod. 'T, cmilifts Wavaor laad (leell wertN eoliuel -W Ithept(lis- 1�, W, N't'alptZ LVJ�i r A L r 1.1W VIM C"natt cc tho jum va �he %tirld of wraitch wore Lmd� Uames Ins Mr PrIall- '03 0. IlluvAll(b. W. W, J'A00is, Patt Mfte, Hillabre, B6119% Tom Oalou, Max Pembervm, 0ouloon. xemallma, Wrill-am de Morgan, 40soar Browuftg aud, W*Illilm. Archer. The, legal point ot lihis Pooduicitlion of Droodlis body wAs Waived, and 'the 04V witnessm 'DwAmined were Durdles (Bransby WIVAams) P-ov, $,eptem1w; orw pairl0le, (Arvil'ur Waugu) l"TrIncests I>UiTer," (A M=, J. K. prothero), Helena I-an.4- leiss Mrs. La=eace,M1 y), and D"- zamd (C. Sheri(Ilan. T=es). In exam- InimMon buth. Ilelonia and IBazzwd ,o!almtjd to be Daitchery. The Toronto 'WWA '402.1 pmb4b17 M131t tie Itself to tlrl% Ithemy and, will, invdIvemorre, wit- nessft incraiding "Dopulty," Gmmv- glous, XavlUoi Z"diesis, Savvea and Txrhaw. Xiss Ito= Bud itaxy also be cIalled,. R 4010 lexall luminaxles or Torouto iconlrlbiAto anythJur, to the so. flu(4" of dWs celabrated literary ;myotIeryr, ithe oo=sV46u will be a uot- able coo. DRUGOBRO AND DOCTORS Medliml gosolp has been pretty ac- Aiv.o &a Tmonto recaultily. Pinst 1he -0omnAs*j!oa, uppoiated -to investigate Dr. Glover'Is aileced oaucer oure came out *Mlh a trepowt to this eff000 that there IvIiia nothing in it. Dr. Glover ,bhoulgght ithey might hurve rerpazted to him before Ithey published what they had to dW. put why ehould Dr. Obirm exixect better troatment Illian W. jenivar ux Dr. Slimpsou or Dr. Ifalbuismanla ar Dr. Paxac;e1sus war any ofter -planeer iin mediciae? Dr. Gtlovmoo partionts tubak they know more aboot, the eaeat Int his =eAi­ cim 1hau iMe oommIttoe of doctors, rand they declare they ft2, bvt ter at - ter the Glovertroalment, and Patients Avfto Were ipivoix U� ho die by, Ir i0alt ' r 'raisputionem we eure aaw Tel Illreaftla Sor weeks and months. T Itilds Jbig doctors repily that It !yM live ft &WIt mneer. Tio Wove thait -it Is, Cancer the paitleat wmvt die. . To pr6rsme thalt he cau coxe cmam Dr. (Gllover would Uwe to TeViVID h1an. ovada. nr. Glover naitualallv vefuses to hiteirfera whh ithe undertalceir. Af- ter the 010vor ropart another doctor pollIsoftiod 'two women by Injecting the wmng drug into ;their systenis, This fliais led to some nervousnoSs on, -the paot of paSeatis who dQ arot yet feel proponeid Ito depailt. Th e drugless raear4ers maturalI17 make the most of these experiences, mad assert thiat thEOP Teacird, ocanparos ftyomabay with thiat; ot any idoug isystem whate'ver. A new eclecdo school of rinefficiae, is growlh.- -up, omd Vowing In tavar with. the pilylic, who preter to be Cured by WIN011AX ADVAROX 4MYTHING GOING OUT 01-1) %J(4K W -mL, _AAVI� HIS LITILle 40KE-7 it UT ZD AT CCOTTON '7$ EVERY FARMER SHOULD HAVE SUPPLY OF XE FOR 'SUMMER JCOMPARATIVELY EASY TO SECU�RE AND STORE E.NOUQIH IN COLD ,MONTHS To ENSURE COMFORT AND HAPPINESS IN HOT It is a well, known fiCt that =171YRDOIr is required, although some tsys- OT the defecto Of our manufactured I tem Of drainage ar seveme Incibes of dairy products may be traced directly caaxse gravel ma -7 be employed if the to lack ot groper 000'.Ing ftollftiles at soil is Clay. At le-%Ot me toot of saw- flie Point of production. The use of duit, ahould, be placed under the lee lee on the farm would not only rem- and Ifrain (Mo foot -to eighteen Inches edy manT of these ex - ry pensirire losses of d sarwdust over the top, and at .but would Insure the bearefirts of ic least one -food o2 sawdust between refrigerator to idle TaTca household. the ice and the walls of th(� bu!rdjag. There are tew Outowto 1rintem rth,4t Drum the Irelit Proln over ihe lee by do not bring about Dorlo& of freezIng voiltilation-, weather which allow the harvesting (2) In Packing the 3ce lweip each of Ice of a suericient. ili-eknese to be tier of blocks as level as possible, stored for use during ithe warm and 114-ve tale blocks about ano size, Wmther. T -he Increasing demand for Do not place &jjvdust between fte a 111ghex quality of dairy Products tiers of lee but till. all crevices with makes the storing of dce a very iTa, Crushed &oe,Gr Sam markin; the mass ,portant factor and It becomes more as nearly -a solid blwk as possible. preesing encli. year -it dalryme-al, are to Cut straqv, bay or chaff mmy be used -reap, the full rewaxd for tile care, Ia. as a substitilte for sswdust; burt It bor, and Inyestment in' Cie produc- lased, then doubite the space Is nedes- tion ort dairy producit's; In theprice to sa,17 ier packing arourad the sides and be obtained for hjgh, grade products over tha tap of the lee. sad in the Prevention -of losses which (3) During the summier keep the itreque-atly oamir from the aitt6pt 10 holes Nvhieh may be caused by wast. Imanutieture oover -ripe, g"sy milk age wWX filled, and ocem-slonallyr rake and yeasty cream into *hoDse or over the top of -WD sawdust to a butter. In -the produadon, of milk deptli, ot three Gr four Inches., In or - ter 1 -he aaadonsed, powdered milk and der to keep the top -dry. This will m3x1cet milk industries ice Is almoet a h eip t -o vave the ice, neressit:y, u�; the rariv niatterial for the (4% It is timwted th +- W -k - way moaIns,ldhou to die under reva- It�oa trmtmenrt. The Lindlahr Ineli- Productilon. these Products Must be sweet on arrival at the facto-xT and 461 lee e4lacen inches by thlrty�six ti4te of,01Aaago ts electric Ila its metift- must be PrOdAced Un4er the very best InClIleg by ten lAthes Ahick.wrill weigli. cdo -%rkilch are not druigless,, but sanitary conditions. As a meaus of one Item and t�,ae_torc.of. solid Ice bafsed dhlot"y an the principleet =- reluet from worry regiTding the ke%p- measures thirty-six cublo ifeet. If one 'two Oull% 41111"Imixing IthO UZO 'of Ing -of milk and, -ciealm in good Con- cubic toot Nve-Igho. upproxiihAtely fit- dmgs, e11111111atlu-9 iUjeefi%l&, BorumO dition, during week ends and over- ty-seven. paaads, and it:oner hundred oad vaealues testagelther, allid relying night In the w4rm weathelr there is pounds c.21 ice were used per day for mare -on dAet, on PL7,92cal adJusiltmelitsi probably noWn-, WbAollgives greater four mo-aths., this would, earount to and li-ydoopabbio -treatments to assist satis4action than to be in, a pobition: about 'six tons' �or Sixty 'blocks 4at the naiture in reaborang -the upset oondl. to place the cans of milk or cream size mentioned.' Fma one and a tibna. And the Lindlalir peop�e say Immect:ately taifter, ud'hing' or separ- I halt to tW-D t0a3 of ice Per Plow as con- ithoy. never lose a (pattent, They atlag In aln insulated tank In which stilered nejoessaxy to cool the milk use affi the linothodIg thart anYone h" is placed t&d water and, lee and find -for the season. liound auccessful and they haNie no that when required fox deliveTy they A -loving for wustaigs, a, building, or oneijudice against mouring a patient by are In, prime -cmdItion, sweet andr ac- spacb, 12 �eet by 12 feet by 11 feet any aneau.9 thfast may be ifound effee- c9lytable to the Purchasers and lit to high should sua*ly space, If the ide tire, fevven U (it never had 'been wed make the very highest type of dalry is mrefully v2udbed, for a herd. of 16 litsfare. A good many poople think products. In addition to the ilar, to 20 Cows. The amount of lee to -thialt the doctors are i7lowing too port�uca of ice in, courhectloj� with the store will, CIE courzle� -depend upon awtoOfth-'40, and bdJleve th-vt 'they aoallng. Of =111k %nd oreani, Its value wa t? nd the d1ferent purposes s 'Me a �:Ihourjd be ullowed to ehDoose tht, kind It the Ucuseho',d musit not be ever- for Which it is wed. IeE It"altimeInt they want without In" dooked. 'With a aupply of lea, the (5) A-11 the equipment that is V. viorwInLo., the (practitioner In a pa-voe" ointio& Id ithe doat=,; are latrala, of howowiTo cau preserve her butter, necemary for iro harvesting on a sm-all scale do a, cross4out w.W, with ater, are, thoroughly �011araeterj$tle of egigs, meats and, fr�it for a Cousid- M.r. Colr4tort., Tajo ancient 1811111nal toompetWon, in tinabbsrg of life and erable length -at Mine. It will also one halidlo, removed, and ri Plank to dea�,Ih surely there its some(thing ,ty, ,o her to have a gi�eater varl,k, ongbi use as a stradigzht edge, In addition to vywong with, their oyatem. 0,:,foed during the hot veatheraild to cue or more pairs, of 4ce tongs and an haxe ftwinaIrted him, ;sad -are strewed Provide Lee cream -and other refresh- lee WINTER ON THE FARM. Ing desserts. rinTIfter, Ats we in the if zemeral farmers can co-oplrate, A generous egpply, of gml� rorots, %1�t not be f-otgotten. pick room 1-4, rk be do in easily and 'the Wo (= no Ore ,411.0ge and OtTOW 4-3 Teoaoded -by the Whon milk'znd Cream producers ber- -quicklY. In such a ttse an ice TIM'17 authorities .is killy compensating ifor come familiaur with the advantages of boula, be used to good adv4otaige slid any �,t&ortgge of Jimy In ;the 10rovigioll Joe th-ey ­Iv�ll teks the necessary a simple derrick erected. A strong o. -4r live slocX, and, the out!*Dk is trouble and pmMution to put up ice laprgat lcr base that Will slide readily theratore t6onslatied good for such 'A every year. It is with a deolte, to I over th;,-1-,o,wltbja1l=x po�.a ftstened gto,ok, wiggestion Is. made ter t1ae assisit thvse who wish to take advala- at the' iop of tho upright, to act as a benefit of those who do !lot munage tjoe or the Joe, Cjr0p this winter that lever, will easwer the puzoose. A I th&& feeding Q,00110MIOally and fail those, few notes are written. pair Of t-ohgs fastened by a Chain to to wake, *3 -most of what they have- (1) 1co. may he etbared in 0. specl. the short end CIE this levar a -ad the Thds Is to 10M a mixtare Of OMSV�0190 jal liuViding ereated fortherpurpose Or rope on the long, end with PrOvIdID 0.11 and, choppod stra-w as tfio basls'of a ji. 0 partitioned s-P.%eo 4n. the 00T, the mjch.jaery nefcosis4ry to swiAg the burAW qliatfon for olttle. Oattlo are 0,- a Ehed or otbi3r follm building. NO heavy b1moks to .1he slelghS. fatoly vlexiblIftl but bon are SeAfter color and the glamour and mysticism fOJrAved them to a certain . Englah thta t.or some yo,3,rj�k, Dxi"g is not going Out of itavor. Many farmers wo; loaking Into the Matter, and pool, AVERAGE ATTENDANCE NOT, TWENTY V.0 who, twk mtugge, to do so Axe keieMllffst a cow or buyitg milkdirect IN 57500 ONTARIO see toThe in' to b'o mon Actlys, PrObAiU'T due ARAL SCHOOLS from those vfto do, a# o's togetfre-0-11 dad have beat foreed to buy 411 Order OeNT. 81ELOW THOSE -OF to keep rlatntug, T he Boston market YEAR AC -40. 'Ilk seism's to, be ishow-itg more Ella - WWI a reduction �of obout 16 per millk UT their 'Obamron, experience eent. -over th�e wholesale Prices ot a be, Moro or rieQ's evoculZtIve. having oixovm that thoy thrtve better ItOreSt aPpeare to be cebtr ed ,dealers report tha4 therv, is every, malt en the putourized "ifele. It I& 0"ducatimn'l. Air-ork &A�s rontt), duringrths tou­--10 0-d- (1) bia *bS(,xvod tlmt thlo cbi�er%tlon ilct beggin. wiLli, tile but 111ad . Turnlug to',the edociation1l, younge tdilldren, The =Lld with tha penDlo themselvo_% stIated J. I - prc,blerao of Ontario, he solid , thitt the lVoathm MlWe still itirthor oppol%lib. R. TA,11, conm;ldated goboot 1��ctu,rpr of di -to Depart-itont of Eduestlw, To- F one of the dIftx4ties tat i premat -time is the Umt ithIt x_0 MqUY X103 for ellawang which Were 31.1 �t mjss� in rDft4*, 4,uring the tmrcc� If tLn ad- I rWir, A.% have such a Emill dit'vendalite- the (Vieft'ge At - ed, Winter wheat wasbave =3ny dre, e �&, of CIO SM111 .A at % Mp 11 in -5.500 raw. %why)a�� diattlois, ULt no lh%rM Wits" V(-V0rtQ T<AtV,7jjjj IturIl Se,.1,601 Im,.vov-_,ment t110 teliftilo-14 isaosg thall, 20, In ore titukj,�- -�-.dhnol �tho cmit of up 'tril tile Unix, 'Of tile Zoro -dip, ThL,4 4900c-atiOn, 000tiftl][1114% $T01k. f t�t.j.tcd th�tt �tjj:a M*st imimiTtant sub- I 611to VAPt's Was dtc-d 6t $900. -kn- sl4okenel 9to-odilY OAd there I$ ey' 'e jeet of t1lo prescut day, is Ole -educall Ot 1pci,- obw,&dlo, accordirm to Ntr. Doll, Pootnjamt e ttil. oarlar Vrin-9. BU t lata chl'tartai T110 -i'leAt fqjr=rd i was r�ifsvd, by the -4iclairtitY of f0a4h- 1114W� on, 11ho W&MhOr I* not V) bl,� 1161164 0!!11, nwv0!Wknt s4on-ttvI Ill th& churches ix 1ho somotini5s Itrustoco ftwhera with OW1 enta*411-04 1 thek ovda voilte'r eoutine, ehou,4 Islit ,Uld be eoftfAjjuM Ell Tmn�,M OZ4 '(ducatiola so hov$ in � 03"r got be eftoo& che4per than -he M ' s been Able to do ford Counter Check 13ook Co, See our samples and got 1. THE SP10E BOX Ila= HOT STUFF GIXAN ED FROM KVRRYWHERE, Why do aDt ithe hold-up men form one W� Vnion? Then ithey car. Ae- ,cloIxte 4 otri1w ogainst juaybokay who refuses,lio I)e hold, up.- Tormto Talegraii. Harding!.s request ithat his Inaux. uIral be lot Ithe elulplest nature 113% according to la, liewis des-Ppit(cli, left Washington "'all drossed, up iaiiO 110 -place to gw, Somelvivot in'the same -position as the agaostic alt his own Free Poess, Boston- alms.lmt being a greB�t ifth -centre- That should be eaIsy, �udg- Ing by ithe alrecoso of Mr. Ponzi.-­ Calgary Hemad, Just laboutllie'ltime a nian decides to IOV.eU aM a0QDU11t in 44,13 sIlYingS lyank he glances In, the coal bin and th'=-ges his mind. -Cobalt N119get, Izzot Pasha Is sa14 to 1)avo gone over to Ilile NaIttona4ists. It Isiet true, Izzet?-Woutroal star. * Ila fares 'the land, Ito,,p-4-iterlug 11's a Vftlea men make 4aws who alrouNibe plitchaig bay. -Torculto, W1,00 -mill, Somo men are born with itroubles, cldre-ee twequire ItToaliles, and' still' ,�fte have poOtteal jobs thrust upon them.-WIpItiper, Fxea Press, One's evelial progress may be s4ow, but thliems is no danger of being Ig- rored by %be f edeTzl and, * Civic tax Joux- iml. A Rlcis�slan. docitor has discovered a ppocess raw Inaking -men toaluspsalent. Old ztuft, Tlw ivionion have been ,able to see through 4hem bvin. the When 'bore -dry co es into etfect beg nlaig.- uel-Vh Mercury, Ift-pre, wVA be still more slips 'tWIX the hip and, die MLP,�-Loadoa Free We ffralte, iftot one laussociloin. isob- Press. jecting ito ai=jagea where, the ci=­ tmtami�s­­beg Pardon, eantTa'atIng The Foreign Relaittens CommitItee paxtTes-ire not 99 "und, heallth� of ithe American Senate recertbly -re- Quite T4ght. It ulaybody mw -t be famd ito approv�e a ltreaty stavat wovid, ichosen, Oar ej ligird job, lot It be. same-, Permit [the exitmIlittoin. of Yankeewlto bedy who is hoalthV.-WInin1peg Pree deserteM who have oaaAe Ito Ca:aada. J�xess� Watch, Uir population grow! -Cana- dian 1OVInIan (Toronto), Death and taxes ewe regarded as suroe thinga which huawnw *=not Atree wl:rl mshe a mi-Illon maitches evada The only diftemince, bow - and a iiiI May deatroy a million ever, is t -bat daath IS sometiries, pain. trees.-Qrulda Patkelt. lass.-Pootave ImPmlrie omphlic. THE R 0 UND TA "Ir "WHERE WE IMAK I, FRIENDS OF ROOKS." "Son cd 'Power," by Will Loving- bungalow, that lie saw her, Carlin ton, Comfort 4nd 75ainVin, 14CI Dost. Disalb -the "Rose Pdarlll tfieanattain- Publislied by S, Z. Curdy, Toront(x able, whoise family was "descended His real manva wis Si4moard. HanItee, &10M It" extraordinary en"I'Aace's, buIlk, the boysI of the Chicago streets Imtkx -of which were celebratedbyr the ricknamed him, Skag, and presently-, maTrIage of vab Inapealtal Ind1aA -,Yo- in faraway India, he won a name oud, nian-one Brahmili, one AWput-with I th.09 for lilinsOU-3ana, Jul, "Son of I a British mau -of noble Ailmllly,ll and Power."" ThU because he, vilioftad,had rmaceeded, In Immking ofthe us- -ran awayrrrom hoine when his motheir uall:v dw. ading mixture of the two died =1 had become an 4AM%,j tratil- alien Iraces a thing of, honor. er In a otnexis, Ilmd there, learned first After this first meeting; 0arlin be­ lJok -cauquer himeakf and then to con- comes almost it not quite as promin- quer tamimals, espeelaIlly ttmrs, (the Inernt , fivare In thiss tales a, the "bl.­eat4l' into whose, cages, lie weat Bon Power" (himselif. with oompPete tearlessnests. And be- Interesting aud colorful, these istor- wass vild ambnals Interested. him f.es, t1l, ough wrlitten. with a collsbora. more Ilian anything else, and becau&e ater, are, thoroughly �011araeterj$tle of of the tales he hifflbeen told by the M.r. Colr4tort., Tajo ancient 1811111nal wise 016 trailler, AvJac, Blitz, he went cWAs of,.Inffial, -Ithe 1prlmts vot Hunu- to Ind'u. And there 1those adventures man, the ulankej god. and the sitmange befell blin whikh. are relatod In the relationship -whiob, exists between all. dozen short abordes­-flor�l *wugh d!- ekphant and his mahout, seem to vidied into dOmpters, theT are roa,113� haxe ftwinaIrted him, ;sad -are strewed shoot fitlories-at whtch the book Is in sieveral. of the taiea That %plan- c1cimposed, ald do& the Grreat Dame NA% plays jGadman, the American tmveller an imPortimilt Part th14auoJhMo,9t of -the and writer, was Skag's salkliest friend book, doing wondm during the ter - In India, It was dft ir-ing 14% f irst Iad- rible hours when -the magnificent venture iw.th Cadman that he VToved raced alIong the qmds end, throVii, himselt possessed, of what the other the c�en Jangle to the rescue of the called "the Good Gray Nerve," But two woniem� Marg�aret Amleoley and tit was on account -of wlmt happened Oar2n Dval,- it was then &wt Skag in the "Pa -vat Gras,% Jv-nglell whIch. the " witdied, In the DeDuty, a man an - natives called "The Pae"r-reael told, atter the mysterious manner of tha� Skag -received his title of 119ans. the English.,, JAC" For there he "held the king __ PienitV Of oxcitement and many all. se&T ents ftoin his stroko�delaared tQirll:bg moinente are to bre Ifuund in 'Whi. Imm his chosenpriay" as no mor- these dra(malle stories. They ere, of ,taJ man liefore -him had ever doaia. course, or unequal mortt, rthe elephant And there, too, he firsit. heard of her tales being, gonorally spesaring, the who was nirmed "Pul M-0ti"'Rose beat lin tho book. Dut Waugh parts Pmrill--end Vraoln: men caUed, unat- of tae Volunib itake mther tcol great ta.1nabler, 'It vias not however until demands upan -the reader's =edulity, Sk39 11110t 1119 1pries4a �clf HPU111:31in Ill it 1bl, on the 'Whole, a -fascinating Piece, "The M!:iakey ajeall near the b3aaks of of wmic, vivid, pletvresque, full of the Nedbudda(, and at their lAdding color and the glamour and mysticism fOJrAved them to a certain . Englah of ladjar SIGNS OF REVIVAL WOOL MARKET,REPORT. M�Tkot 'for 'Can"d""' * wools IN,SROE BUS"INESS see toThe in' to b'o mon Actlys, PrObAiU'T due 'tale fwt tbct & U11mbar of Mills bave exbam,-'Pted their stocks on hand W1H(OLt,SA1LE -PRICES ARE 16 PER dad have beat foreed to buy 411 Order OeNT. 81ELOW THOSE -OF to keep rlatntug, T he Boston market YEAR AC -40. 'Ilk seism's to, be ishow-itg more Ella - WWI a reduction �of obout 16 per tivily, some Of Which 1�9 bYdovd Ito eent. -over th�e wholesale Prices ot a be, Moro or rieQ's evoculZtIve. yew ago, wholoaale boot and ehob ItOreSt aPpeare to be cebtr ed ,dealers report tha4 therv, is every, IfinD =d medium Uvols -than c,.r ftme, sign of Irevivivi, of blsiioam in 'tteso weeks paist, Prjeea� however I suclow liAeg, 7fty 'Iftme 4dv=,be V,ftr recent quota, tiolis. Wholesalers are In6w boolftig or- d0re. for tall &0I1WWY, and aldlough -the n,w AM$= to Just opeiling, the Inditations Point to & return to nor- mal set.ling toaditions. Shoo fac- COUNIER, torles In Zaotarft 0aliaAU.-and -,the United Stakes have I)rnetically all re- sumed operittions, many � a them W,orking &t presontto full eApulty, whyle tho wholesZIS price, Ot 01 lines Is about 15 portent. below that Ejot a year ago, It 1!� AcoiliaMod by tho de that thotonsumee will tot Prwr­ thssm boots and. slioea very much NVO are agents for the Apple - che4per than -he M ' s been Able to do ford Counter Check 13ook Co, See our samples and got !during the p9ist tow mo*hi prices botoro, ordierlag. Two ways of. putting ft -"That glTl 11)4#. WINGHAM ADVAN,Ot, WInghstm, Ont. is portahily a good looker." "Yes, ;slid'$ out of sight", The Wingham Advance Published at WINaHAM, ONTARIO, F-vory Thursday Morning, A. G, BUXTET, Publifsher" Subscription ratese-One $ear,, MOO; Mic Mouths, 41.00 in advance. Myersisfug. rates on aplilleatiou, AdvertisementA witbol4l; specific 41- rections will be Inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. Charges for coatraot a4yortise- ments be In the off -lee Illy. nooix, Monday. BUSINESS - CARDS WELLINOTO.N MUTUAL, FIRE INSURANCE CO. lostalillislied 1840. Head Office, Guelph. Itisks ti�keil on all 014,%ses ol insar- able property on the -cash or premium note system. ADNER COSENS, Agent, Winghtbm. DUDLEY HOLMES BARRISTER, SOL[cITOR, ETt. Office, Mayor -Block, Wingham, I R. VANSTONE � BARRISTER AND SOLWITOR. Money to loan at lowest rates. WINGH&M. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D-MS�, LZ4, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania College and . � UteAtIate of Dental-SurgeTy of Ontario. Closed Every Wednesday Afternoon. Office in Macdonald Block. DR, G. H. ROSS Graduate Royal college 01 DeWWI Surgeone. Oraduate University of Twotft Faculty of Dentistry. OFFIGEOVER H. E. I-SA13018 STORE W. R. HAMBLY' B.Sc., M.D., C.,M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate vvork In Sut- gory, 'Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the 4<err, residence, between, the Queen's,Hotel and the BaWst Church. All business given careful -attention. Phono'64. -P. 0. 'BoX 113. DR. L.RJCJP. 1,Lond). PHYSICIAN AND ZURGIS-ON. (Dr� Chisholm�a old stalad). DR. Rm 1. STEWART' Graduate of University of Toyonto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario 'College ot Physicianei and, Surgeons. OPPIGO DiNTPANCID: Socond Door North of Zurbri(Ig!s Photo Studio. �OSMPHINE STREET, pHO#jE gg., I SELL Town and Farm Properties, Call and see my list and get my prioes, I' have some excellent values, I.. G. STEk.RT WINOHAM. I Phone 134, Office In Town Hall. I—— - __ -1 (I DRUG'LE13S PHYS0,AN CHIROPRACTiC , n 1. A. Foxy &&. C.9 D. Ow ChirepraCtIC 1009,teS and TOM0708 the CaUSe of disease; nature heals. Chiropractic is the only and original System of APInal adjustment Ef- foative in 95 Per Cott of 411 cases. The only fully qualified gra4uate of -both Chlropractle and Osteopat1ky In - North, Hurot. Phone 191- Hour-$, 2,5 and 1-8 p.m.. DRUGLESS PRIISICIAN 0AEOPATRY DR. P. A� PARKER Wteblrathle Pilyslefan, only quallfledf osteopath In North Huron, Adjustment of the 13DIne is morty quickly secured aud with fewer -treat- ments than by any other method, Blood Pressure and otlior.exalulta- tions blade. I Alldfsoasie� treated. Ovirics '6veft, MiRISTIr's wrone., The jpnpj1,9 In tho �elomenbxry alid, e8vftdary schoas undor puWle Con. tr*1 bi Canada, in 1918 nualbered I,- ri t, 41" 11W