HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-02-10, Page 1Stetson's Big City Uncle TomPs Cab -in Co.# Town Hall, Winghain, on Wednesday, February' 16th,
Junior Hockey Match Lu'c'kno'w-Ripley ru%
(I SiuglC Copies - Four Cenas
D'on't Miss Thi's Show.
0 111W
W -M "r,
Atli t
uP Play -Off) 'in the Wingham Rinky on Monday, Feb. 14th.
Garne called at 8.15
'illbscr!010"s: per year
COUNCIL M13,FTINO In tile Assets of 1919 was the Gum of
The 20th Century 8101L,*) under the heading
Personals 'Designab;;d
The town fa Cali
Met4adist Church thers held their regular Roads". This amount was due by the
Sunday, Feb. meetin � in the council chamber on moti- County, but hm, not b,,en paid.
ii a. m. 2� Mr. David Boyd has returned homelday evening. Mayor Elliott presided 6, We have audited the Collectors Dr. John McCrirumon of Itineardine, is
Subject from London. and Councillor Fells occupied his former Roll for 1020, and find that all monies seriously ill
"Tile Fathees Kinagorn, Mr.Frank Inf,'ram of Stratford, spent position at the other end of the table.
have been paid over. We must com. F resh shipment of grape fruit, orange$
the Hasis of 0yilization" Sunday with (rlQuds in town A communic ition from the city of Lon. Pliment the Collector on the neatness, bananas and cbocolates,-BjLixLP Bvl�xxclp. I
2.30 P. In. Sunday School, Mr and Mrs. David Mair of Hamiota don askin," that a dolegate from Wintiham cleanliness and accuracy of his roll. His
7 P. In. Subject Man be sent to,, Miss Maud Wilkinson, teacher of piano. 'I So -%,Awas a t
I -, are guests of Mrs. P. S. Linklater. t meeting of those municipalit, Work has been well done. PuPlis Prepared for Conservatory Exams. ap
"The Man Who Missed the R; Mrs, Tony Nicholls, Mr. Kenneth -and ies interest��d in tile el;?ctriffication of the Whilst the -tateme its shows $089,60 Tele
ondon Huron ani Bruce, which will be uncol ected taxes, all this amount sho Don't forget the Valentine Social in the
Miss Dorot are visiting phunL 1-31, Wingham.
by of London,
Trail" u!d
held in'Lo don next W "-k. Tile Mayor not be treated as an asset, as a number of Methodist church on Monday eveni�g,
!s: friends in town.
a IJ rpl C
'Vou will be inade welcorne at Master , I was appointed. those rated for Poll tax have not made Feb. 14th.
these�, services we will have larlie P'ttisOn of Wingham, Ra10.,qajr-",& %W,
sPnt Sunday with his Aunt, Mrs. Thf)s, A communication from the Huron payment. There should in the future I)e Everybody welcome.
special siliging. Sunday n I g h
join up In these 'services of t' Leaky�-Xiucardine Review. County Children,s Shelter asking for a some better system of collectin this t x. COttage Prayer meeting will b
cheer- a e held at
ful. praise, Bring any stanger grant was read and the matter was 7. The Sinking Fund at the end of the the home of David Finlay, Victoria St.,
z- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bell of Southamr).
place of worship. We speak to Z: . referred to the finance committee to Year amounted to $31765.19, This sum at 8 o'clock.
away front home to this home like V ton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs RiZ on Friday evening
Irst mortg' 1'empleton's RhueM3tiC Capsules and
God for met, and. to nian for God, Vanstone for a cjuple of days. d,al with along with the other customary is all invested in f ages, Deben-
Mrs, T. E. Manning and little daughter g ants. tures and Cash in Bank. The proper Raxmah for Asthma are sold here by J.
Lim - IVIMPM NW" 0M#&WAVA4 Lois, of London, spent 1,day "' the home The finance committee reported favor. amounts have been apportioned to those W. McKibbon local agent, Call in for a We are now offering you Toilet Soap at 1914 prices,
of her mother, Mrs. D. Boyd. able to the passing of the uqual grist of account,, carrying a Sinking Fund, sample.
McClynot of Edmonton-, accounts and also that Mr, A. H. Mus- S. Sewerscosting 87307..5 Box Social, Zetland School, Monday
LYCEUM THEATRE Mr. wm is .6 were con� Feb. 14th, Good Programme. Admis. ........... 25(e
ny grove be given $75 for his services as structed Juring the years IWO and 1920. siuni5cents Conveyances at Town Hall
"rho Riffaestuttle Show" visitingii town. Itis about 28 years Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes for,....
since he left here, and he sees ma auditor and that Mr Brooks and Mr. Money for payment of same has been bor.
changes. His old friends are pleased to Bisbee each receive 130. Their repori rowed from the Bank of Hamilton. The at 7,30, Vinolva Soap, 3 cakes in a box ............ 25C
Thurs,, Fri, and Sat. see him looking so well. was adopted on motion of Courts. Greer indebtedness to the B�nk at the end of At the last meeting of the Public
SPECIAL Mrs. Alex VanAlstyne has returned and Mitchell. 1020 was 7301.16, an overdraft of $0,40. School Board, A. G. Smith was appoint- 3, Seivard's Toilet Soap, 3 in box ............ 25C
home frout Whitechureh, after attendi The property committee's report re. Debentures to cover this indebtedness ed to attend the Public School Trustees
Mary Roberts Rinehart's famous ng Jer,,en'S' Soap, 3 cakes
story her daughter, Mrs, Jack Radford. whp has commended that Wm. Stokes be again should be i -sued at once Convention to be held in Toronto at East. fol ................ 25C
been seriously ill for the Past month. We hired as town scavenger at. 83.50 per day 9. The Red Cross Debentures amount- er' Seward's Special, 2 cakes
]Dangerous Days" are glad to bear that she is impoved. to renlace Ralph Tom n. Councillor ing to $3,000 issuedin 1915 have been Wearesorry to report that Customs for ............ 25C
�/ Fells asked ',why dismisspr
Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Turner of )a cripple with a fully paid. Officer H. Davis is confined to his home SaVal's Englisli Glycerine Soap 2 for 25C
One Show -Saturday night at 8.20 Saufte Ste Marie Ont. are spending the large family. His work was only neglect- 10 During the year 1920, a bonus through illness. His daughter, Miss
Usual prices, winter months in England and Scotland. ed 5ecause of sickness." Mr. 'Fells went loan -of $10,000 00 to run for seven Irene Davis 'B Williams Shaving Soap, 3 cake
years - A., of Stratford Col- S for 25c
Complete program Matinee Sat. Mrs. Turnrr is knov�ntoher friends in on to tell of the high cost of horse feed wltl�o t interest was made to Wm. Gunn. legiate was home for a few days.
at 3.30 p. m. 10c. and 15c. Wingham and vicinity as Alma Brock of and the work neglected in 1918. Coun- The Debentures bearing 6 per cent inter- Long Profits makes long faces, I like to
Zefland. � I cillorMitchell asked if Councillor Fells est, were sold at par, interest payable half. see them round and smiling, -R. M Me.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. R.'Davidson and knew if the scavenger worked every day yearly. The amounts of annualpayments KAY.
Monday, Tuesday jand WednWay Son, After), motored up from Mornington, and went on to argue his point when to be levied for same are: Sinking 'Fund Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson announce
BERT V and spent the week -end with the latter's Mayor.Elliott called him to order as $12213.10, Interest $009.00, McKIBBON'S D' R N STORE
YTELL , theengagementof their eldest daughter,
phrentsMr-andMrs.WrH.S King. On Coun, eefts still bad the floor. Mr, Ben- 11- UPtOtheend Of 1020, that had Mary Elizabeth Amy, to Mr. George J. Drugs and Stationery
in their return home Mr. and Mrs, King' ac- net and Mr. Haney both felt they shout i been expended upon the Bridge � 17,710.61 Bellingham of Sarnia; the marriage to Edison Phonographs Phone 53
The , Ultra -smart Romantic Com- comPanied them as far as Brussels and stay with the tecommendation of their At the same time there has been borrow- take Place the latter part of February, C. P. R Tickets
Ethel qnd visited friends there. committee as several ratepayers strongly ed from the Bank of Hamilton $10 518 60
edy of Modes and Moods urged a change, Mr, Fells thought the Dominion Bank .......... 7,700.1)0 Miss Pearl Gidley, A. L. C. M.. (Eng.) lk � gliR NliiP �i
Donal Wi right way to get at the cost of t 4&
nter Sale Of BlYth, will be in Wingham, Monday
his,)vork . �4
"Lombard! 1,td�l and Tuesday of each week, and will Ake
Kings annual winter sale commences and therefore the amount of money Total $18,218 60 a limited number of piano pupils. Kind -
rhe glass of fashion set in a that the committee would have to spend 12. We haveauditedthe accounts of
frame of spiciest humor, Saturday for two weeks, their sales have a ly leave names at Mr, Flanigau% music King
reputation for giving high grade mer. should be by the assessor's book and that the Electric Light Department, and find store. $50,000 Sale
tfiis should be gone into before the council Receipts ................ 8 28,216 02
cbandiseatgentunemarked down prices. decide on spending more mon Coun. Expenditure ....... 9A IqA One of the busy places in to Feb. 12th to 26th come early and shop
C -11-A A NA. : I 'f� OA wn at the in the mor-ir, if --,l
IUTIONR&LY-F arm stock and implementt;
at North I liar, 23, Con. 1, Morris. JUlue-
VIA Road) on Tuesday, February Isth, at 1
40 . Rlook. A realsale. Ace large bill@.
AGENTS WANTRD-Man or woman to
represent vsOU days; earaingaguar4nto ;
Read chance tornaka$500. Sparetituo maybe
mod. Experience unnecessary. Particulars
*a mpplioaLlon. Wmymg (,.o, Dept. A. To.
Au,.P-. Tl,?N SAL0 -Stock and Implarnee ts, at
ise Tueoday, Vebrua7 0' 'n".
. Ag. 11. prep.
A UVTION SALE -No reoorvo of Stock and
Implookents, Lot, 13, ( ,Qn. 2, Morris, twp.,
'Aursday, FoVy 24b.
Tuos. 114. WAooELr,, prop.
JR&RN Pon $ALF_28x0 in first elms can'
tditiou good timber frame. For further
imr Ionia upply to,
Belgrare, P. 0.
horse power me A bargain. Apply
ftr� it"Awvortn's GARAGE.
]FOR SALS-Orgau, as good as -nOw.A Soap,
THE ADvAxcj,,,.
FOR SALF-Dy Cadat-, A ly to
J. R. 01011TUArt, t
North RUVOU Phone 23-619.
FOUND-Blaok Muff about three weeks ago.
Owner may have same by proving, proper-
�y and Ming for this advardsomenr.
THE Aiavm(og
FOR SALP-0ac ear pure canektood molegaes
at3ocontspergallon.Hlba Onthoway,
we oar at be491; C ad corn, $1.00 per bushel, off
our. Oat bookcA.
w1grave. t
reft P.1por KttiveaAp- g
vily to.
FOR HALN-A� "Old Homedtoaa,, ill 8
good cordition, or particular apply.
A ."A 1,
go !05,0108. b
F01t SATX�Thrao helfors duo to calve
Marohist. AVply to Lot 4, Con. 5. Morris, i
The Wingliam Methodist church has
rillor Mitchell maintained that it should
P esent time is Win. Djre'�s carriage shop.
Balahce New buggies
Fells Elecled To Council
CORI PA088 Relucad
extended a call to Rev. C. E. Craig, B.
matter to the council how much spare
time a man had so long as his work was
on hand. . ........ $71 88 for spring sre moving out
The Assets are 81.561 93 and rapidly.
The result of the voting in Wingham
D. of Lethbridge, Alta. We understand
that Rev. Mr. Xnipht Milverton,
done, as Mr Stokes Often was at work A
Liabilities $6708 75 leaving a net
The 'Ladies' Aid" of St, AndreW9 Pres-
on Monday was as follows:
Best quality D. L. & W.
of will
go to the Alberta conference, and that
3 and 4 in the summer time. Mr. Haney
and Mr Bennett moved the adbption of
deficit in the Year's operations of $2146.82.
The indebtedness to the Bank at the end
byterian Church intend holding a social
on the evening of St. Patricks, 17 March.
Ward 1 2 3 4 5 Totals
Fells ...... 52-51-64-62-30— 259
Mr. Craig Will accept the call to Wing.
ham. He comes very highly recommend.
the committees report and Reeve Tipling
and Councillor Greer
of the year was $5,325 80.
13. The WattirwOrks
A grand programme is being prepared.
Mitchell ... 38 ... 44 ... 48 ... 48 ... 23., 201
99 0
ed as a pastor.
moved in amend.
ment that the report be referred back to
accounts have
been audited , we find
Refreshments will be served. Keep this
date in mind.
_1 Majority for Fells 581
and Nut
U. F. 0. Meeting
the committee for further consideration.
Receipts...�i ............ $ 10166 82
Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. which
Purchased Produce Ban ' iness 4 .
sizes at
The Wingham, town hall was filled on
Monday afternoon to hear J. J. Morris.
—amendment carried.
The clerk '
I*penditure .......... —s 10,727 89
isattheTown Hall next Wednesday is
The United Farmer's Co-operative Co.
have leased the building
$17.00 per ton
on, give an address in the interests of the
read the auditor's report and
on motion of Reeve Tipling and Court.
Overdraft .............. 6 561 07
the oldest, largest and best Com pany
tra�velling, It is postively the same 00111-
produLe. from
Mr. Hirst and will take over the produce
U- F, 0. Reeve Porter of Turnberry,
was chosen as chairman. Mr. R. Clay-
Bennett it was adopted and given to the
finance committee to have
Assets .................... 1� 528 80
Liabilities ............... S 4663 157
pany that has been playing in the larger
cities. 25
business, and the latter whl conduct the
business for them, A large sign will soon
Pea Coal at
ton Procter and Mr. J, W. King spoke
printed. It
reads in part as follows:
leaving a deficit of ......... S-414557
people are carried,
Some Piano Tuner—Geo, J. Wright,
be ptit up on the building which was
$14.00 per tola
When Mr. Morrison appeared
hewasgiven a great ovation. He gave
AuDITO:ic's REPowv
L Wehave examined the security
is a loan from the Town Of
$2,000-00 and a note in the Dominion
bandmaster, has during the past two
formerly the Bennett Planing Mill.
Junior Championship Ties
the histor of the U. F. 0. movement
from its commencement seW
,n years ago
given by the Treasurer for the due per -
Bank of $2,000,00 in ail 84,00o.0o against
the Waterworks account.
tuned forty-seven pianos. This is
some record, and several others are aw ait,
Wingham Juniors and Lucknow Juniors
Prices strictly
in a small office in Toronto and told of
of his duties as such officer,
and fi nd that it consists of a Bond in the
14. In the Waterworks account of
ing. Every piano owner who has h ad his
service is a booster for more Real,
played an exceedingly fast and clean
game of hockey in Wingharn on Friday;
Custom Sawing Done
until the present time when
the business for 1920 amounted to over
penal sum of $2,000,00 issued by the
1919 there were charged for mains t1i
seZs $2831.71 and in 1920 $2954.06 in
dence it) the Knox dwelling behind !post
evening. The first part of the game was
at pre war prices.
dip teen millions. He is a clever story
of Canada Guarantee and
Accident Company to the said Town, ex
-11. 85685�77�
very close but during the last period
Wingliam. lads played their best and the
Reduced prices in
teller and spoke for over twobourswith
out wearying his audience. THu Alo-
piring on the 31st , Decemuer 1921.
amounts should have been charg-
ed up as permanent improvements
Remembered By Friends
score was 8 to 4 in favor of the locals, f
all lines.
VANC.R reporter would liked to have
been present but it is impossible to te
The Collector of Taxes is, also, bonded
for 42,000,00 in the London and Lanca.
Debentures issued to cover same, were
this done the waterworks account would
A number of friends met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Underwood
This tied these two teams for the cham-
pionship -of this group in the Northern
League, The
A. MacLean
wo places at once.
shire, expiring August Ist., 1921.
show a Surplus.
on Mon-
day evening and
next game wil I be played
2. We have in accordance with the
Public Libraries Act audited the li�oks
In Connection with this amount ay
observe that
surprised M�ss Reba
Boyd by presenting her with a beautiful
in Wingbam on Monday evening next
Don't miss iL
of the Treasurer of the Board of Manage-
of the expenditure SWILT192
was expended on the dam, before the
casserole set in silver, prior to her wed -
� W11.
X 1, .04 � NX X. XXXI X X X
To the EditorTf the idvance
Dear Sir.—
ment,. and find ;the same correct. Ap-
pended is an abstract of Receipts and Ex-
con. ding. Among those' pres nt were Mr.
struction of the present dam was 'com- d Mrs. J i and Mr& R.
menced. art . E. Sm th Mr.
I noticed in your columns last week an
penditures on this account for 192o.
We have examined the renewal receipts
R. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. F. K, Powell
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Burchill.
recount of a very interesting meeting of
he U. F. 0. of Currie's Corners. fn am
....................... $1,86 05 in
Expenditure ... .............. 992 38
connection with the Insurance held by
the Town and find it as stated in our re-
A pleas
ant evening was spent.
lad to see that the members take hn in-
port as below.
Valentine Social
erest and try to make the Club meetings
uccessful. The discussion on relationship
...... ...... $ 103 67
3. We have au ited the accounts of
the Treasurer Of the Wingbain
Town Hall ...... 1700 00
Hose, Tower and Fire Hall.. 2,800 00
A little apron is sent to you
And this is what we wish you to do,
vas certainly very broad and instrtreti ve
School and find all payments claimed
Public School .............. 1200000
Measure your waist line inch by inch
ut there was two questions asked that
vas rather superfluous in a British Colony
1, 1,- A
properly vouched for. We append an
abstract of Receipts and Expenditilm on
Public School boiler casualty 15,000 00
Electric Light Plant ........ 12,00000
And see that the tape line does not pinch,
And then for each inch You measure
0. R. 0ouvrEs. na a. ump house ............... 1150000 round, N�
WOR, SALS-Prarifte barn 66 ft. by First—Are we becoming Americanized? account of the High School Board tor Bloomfield House — ........ 30000 Place one cent in the pocket sound,
so ft. 1920.
Frame mud Gambev onclostng it, is of Second—Are we losing our relationship Machinery Hall ......... 200000 The money hich you so freely pay
elear pioe, and In exe con On. r 00
partiouln, s, a iy.
. � 13 Expenditure ......... ........ 12811 64
0D. For foribet with Great Britain? Also the remark Receipts ... ................. $14278 72 Public Library ............... 2,50000 Will be used by us in the wisest way.
A thatitlooked like a case of "A friend Fire Brigade Accident ...... 16,000 00 To be held on
un ville.011L. Monday, Feb. 14th�, at
near by is far better than a brother,afar High School ................ 16,800 00 8 Oclock P M. in the Methodist
]rAl[tMPQR5&LR-Aboul;35aorcsof choice Balance.... ....... church,
land situated in Wingh%m Town Plot. off". Now I would like to have it explain- 1466 98 Collector's Bond ........... LOOT 00 Wingharn. ' E veryone is invited,
skUditigs 111 firp"lasa condition. Al 4. We have audited the accounts of Electric Light Fixtures-- 2
10" AD a ed, how our friends near by werd better to 000 00
. Wyoffarmim ementsalid'k(lu%rititypt
Voo seed osw. Verms reasonable, APP17 us Canadians, when for over three, years the Wingham Public School Board and Town Treasurers 13ond ..... 2:000 00 You Can't Beat Them In Maine
THE A'DYANCH _ they sat in their counting houses counting find that all Payments claimed are proper- Electric Light Plant Boiler Mrs. Warren E. Fullerton of 202 Sunl�
FORSALS-Pour Durham Caivos, one wook up their War Profits and sending little ly vouched for and hereto is appended an f, X,
old. for s(do. Apply to notes to the Kaiser telling him not to go abstract statement of Receipts and Ex- Casuality ........... 5,000 oo mer street, Brock�on, picked some pussy- X
Gao� D,&Y. willows in her yard the other day and
penditure on account of �he Wingbarn
UOUSSNVANTED-Anyont, vriahing Co ton -v Ad', w)
life our British Brothers and Public School, for 1920. $ 108,8()() 0() wrote a letter to her mother, Mrs Fred L X In Ladies' a n d "ents' Footwear X
,I with U101V hQUA0 would do'welf to oontratinteat.6 our dear Canadian sons were shedding X4 q4 Make of East Orland, Me., telling her
nmraw BURKE. their blood in streams in France for the Receipts ....... 0 .............. 886-19 23 nbout it. To -day Mrs. Fullerton recieved 4T&
L04T-on If all- salvation of tile! whole world. E xpenditure ....... .......... 7853 7(1 kir W - M.- Adair of KincardiV, ap- an answer to her letter and enclos-,cl were X
pliedfor a plumber',, liceiAe throug Mr. Cneal!llaff Sale Of TLQdie8" and Gents,
0613- 4th, 0 long black purae, (- 11 *
taining 06 suni ot niono , and'a pint omee One who is not Americanized. ---- A. J. Ross. Thii matter was referred to sevoral May -flowers blo5soms piched by c% qutalfty qth9aS.
ge I Au g
kO,T� Finder will plea T16MV0 at Tan Balance ....... X
*ANUR, and r"otvo reward. - ....... 8 7115 53 tile ,(peutive comul li(!r motb,-Ir in Maine last Sunday,
To the Electors of Wingham. 5, Weehave audite'I'l till General Ac. ittee, �S_M-r" OUR WNW DOM Ror (mlnq ED2, ices
Mayor lqliott J�rou�
car of the boat gita a ,h' to ml
d Ladies and Gentlemen: count of tile Tow t ul) a niatter of, '1'11!s item �vas talWil fro", the
Wos;toro leeding oaw to arrive imit woet.. n of Witighain, and find. I tj I 1v I I i,. I I Paper Icst lvcel� it) Kittery Maine and df12:e?,2m12 eA C<s, @,e, Vyp- EnQ47(? yjt02
tho. Q9 oy p1lono Ina orrange to ffo� romo off murces , 1 - , ) , , appwred a�) an asit of
V1111 Permit me to e4,6nd my sincere thanks Revellue from all,
CLu" ._3
tO a, who so generously supported my L.nixmdituvo ................ t1le town, tha 1113310y whiell w:t,3 to he Tarnb�,rw
ltow,30N. y, fr,)u, op"Itee q0 enume, pi Qnuc trlaenn Em e'atc,"
8 JL),J;(J',,�,�, t��b k. 04a�-�. L. Barn -1 who a! 02 N, baln ul
T""w1c"'T VOR SUL1,1-Your ouance candidature in the recent elertio2j. ri,.orl. 0a 1`0,11A�", �24 ITM e enee (nnciu ri�IeR
InWhiap. Apply to. iu Ila, " tvu,�ler of N W wav, llot �(!t 8 W\A?
mr. i'ur"v" V"I,-; o� tn",
A. M. CRAVVVOnri, I ani quite content tO accePt tile wrdict Lelvia't. overdeaft of ........ filat i,on' 0 QD
)-Vor win';,11,1ta Itigh 8"hoal zlo this anlotilit ot ovea.4aft "houll d n:)' h,
of tile elcetors, and hear tv) Ill-%,vill to�var& Frolu
09 gwcl goel,m ivuld tvoukl, 4d ft. loat,, any wy ed or ivorked againfit vae. bo de:lwlvd.
110 Vot wa�l
Twider'l wal tie rowNeAl tile ar"Itilkic tlw VoI4
Vou, l4th. 1921. -it Qat
kfVt2F 1)�7 C%�
waa st) Rx�eo�L�onfly iva!d Uf;
'1111 not re3pondlblo for 810 e�oaim. V/
jv-5-65 o 9 �We a
Malay an ba -m 41(lplo, tiquety at fully yolm", 0 C,
Min luim�, Lewhu, wt uvcrd�,Ift ........ �31'17 JIq �Ceuhauod kni 1, 111� 71,
C, 2� 6 32 �6 i WO ,I%' �,iiil*