HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-02-03, Page 8A 4, M. . 6 771, 1, h-,rsit3, Feb 3rd 1921 TICK "Vi1NU11AA1 AJ)NA.NCU� r —.­.,''­', 1 1 d day$ tj�,,woek w.itla her parents, W. And E�KTMN CARDS Richart, ear of upos To the Elwtors Of W10211111A. an,, ,,a of on Saturday. Mr Jas Nichol bad apyery successful Ladies and Gentlemen. - auction salt laq week when he dispoied At the request of 4 number of citizens I i U,R '40104 of fatin, stock 40 implements at good haved an it ecidedtolitandasa c did -t -e fOri prices. Sint intends taking a year'Al rest the vacancy -on the town council. now Being opposed to the Method' of can - On Friday evening, January 28th, A largo number Qf friends and -relatives Visaing for votes, I tikO this means Of rs. soliciting your kind co-operation to secure gathered at the homa Of Mr. and X 0 0 Goo. xcl)iouaid, Balovale, to celebrako my election. ML with them the t.1%nity.jifth an niversary of their wedding day, and a very enjoyable I era not locking in municipal experience! time was spent by All present. Kv Robt. having served several terms on the town', Y ft 0 Black acted as 411airula" And Speeches C04ndt and school board Of the town Of A Complete M o t o r and Transmission were given by Messrs. J. W. Xing. J. r ton. 0 Black. my Judgment every measqre tDat will'oro. A N I 'Che fol: Soutbarap Now""" rAcCraoken, and A. Xacliweu. It ejected, I sball support tothe best of. WW �& % Ic lowing address was read by Mrs. R. Overhaul includes Dear Vriends:­- mote the moral and industrial welfare of Time in its ceaseless sway has rolled 1. Line up -ind fit c . rankshaft bearings. S. Overhauling Of ignition System. the hands on the clock Of time until to- ourtoWn. ning Carbon' day. they mark off tw4uty-five years of Respectfully yours, rinding Valves and Clea wedded life to you We desire on this E. J. A41TOXXXIML. 2. Line up a a d fit Connecting Rod. 6. G Will all Those who are Indebted your silver Weddiag day to '.express to ___ ___1�_ I Bearings. 7, Test and repair Magneto Coil and you our appreciatioti of your many good To the Electors. to US kindly favor us with settle. qualities of bead and heart, A. quar�er of 3. Rebush and fit Pistons. Magneto. a century is a long iPan to be spai�d to Ladies, and Gentlemen: Transmission each, other, to be sharer of each others I have allowed my name to appear on I Ritent n-ot later than Saturdayo- 4. Rebu-shand line up Cam Shaft B4r- 8. Rebush and line up s and sorrows, trials .1iid difficulties the ballott for councillor to fill the -vac. from joyieh beset lifes hidden pidhway, bu February 5th. (One weelk Gears. lo, it in ancy on tho 1021 council' board. I did ings. the good order of 'Providence yon have clion and as*4 Mr. Mlt� been blessed with 4 large inoasutQ of nov favor an ele Salur4ay.) When you leave your in I otor for an overhaul at Crawford's Garage the above health, the fruits 6f your combined pbell to withdraw in favor of Mr. Pother-, efforts have been abundantly blessed by a gill, whom I claim was entitled tothe seat, sing Special Ford Machinervi which not only cuts plentiful supply of this world's goods. refused to and Mr. Vothergilli operations are performed by u i , , I and now wben you have reached the mer- but he am (IONVn the tinle consumed—But re"istersa;CCUratelY 1.11000 Part Of'""" inch' idian of life your sws are to take UP the has resigned in my favor thereforeJ inautle yon have so h6norably borne. -again respectfully requesting your vote C understand Your helpfulness and public spiritedness, , and it fluen . 1 ,am 'rt�nnlng on my/p . ast We have installed the latest special Ford Machillev,'—sO YOU an job both in eburch and stat� are deserving cc th4 nominee ol any )tiey---,vhy wr, can "Uar�nteeeach and every of congratulation. You will1please ac- ri�cordand am n why we do better work for less m( tp it is right. cept these gifts not for their value, but as clj4ixe or, faction. we turn oat. No luess work machinery that tells us when atoken of esteem the dQ$'Qrs bear$ to T. FuLS yon. May yon long be spared to each parts only are put in at Catalogue List Price. other, may life on the Western slore Of Gemulne Ford the decline be a peaceful path, in Owed. IMportalit Notice To The Etoctors I by time and freed from the more. stteOOqs its have full advantage of J and steiner cares of earlier -life, is the The Wingfiam, Temperance Organ W points, outside WinghaM can Ford owners living at ish of hese assembled here, tion wishes every citizen to ' know that pla Boys and Girls, they are supporting '4be c ndidature of tor ,, s, sen, bly The a F1 vy L L I'! our service byshipping YOM 1110 Mrs, McDonald was presented; with a Mr. I, J. Mitchell,ifi'.0e olgctxqn to be 4 held onMonday next We' fee it SOLE AGE NT FOR LADIES' _jimeelock and Mr McDonald with � a I to -be otation pipe andsalety razor, The prese in the best interests 4 the t�wai that to Mrs. McDonald being made by Mrs, M, Uendersou and to Air. McDonald by Temperance candidate* should. be elected zfoi Vry r. McDonald and we therefore urge every voter -who is! Uarage igr, J., F, McCraolctn, M� ....... ...... As Mv 1%1.,JrLa w., ford's made a Knitable reply thanking the favorable to tha:­tempor,1%ico' movement I Wingbain. friends for their preseritA and Authorized Ford Dealer, e go d ish to use his or he to vote Phone 139. e.s, Mrs, McDonald also ceiv,% a wl.,ge I r influence for and gHOFS FOR MEN number of otherpresents from relatives. for. Mr. E. J: Mitchell.' �&, Mitchelli AND DERBY Nil 11 IN - We join in wishing Get). And Mrs- Xt- ha's . had Municipal and �also School =won= Donald many move years of happy�'weddl Trpstee experience in the tow I a I of South, rms!eeeee"' Copeland of Wrdxeterl 4d. life, \Mr. and Percy ampton and is therefore well qualified to, Mrs, R Blackart invlte4 to spend the !,' ". yo Bluevale - I � their borne in , ut8undayatthe home of Win. Me siton th� Council Board. He.was the WKIRAM, MARKETS It n want evening with them at anniversary ofj" The Pi fee Of Newspapers Mr. and1drs. Jas. Kirton.spent Sun- Howlelc being the 25th Michael. first to qualify after-beinj nominated a �Apqwlth the latter's mother, Mrs. Rolpb. - their weddingday. Many kind wishes go Mrs, Henry Diamond is at present via, Why should, newspApers be going up in is therefore not responsible for the ex- (Correct up till Wednesday noon) pp, with Mr. and Mrs. Black and famAly,,,,t,ngber daughter at Kingsville. prices, when so many products are com- 240 Mr. Dart McCQI1 who has had la gr' Hoping they may be spaed to enjoy has been asked peose of this election. Wheat No. 2 -Spring 1 80 to - is better again and able to attend to bus -1 . the best wishes of Mr. Whit Stewart bad the�,cojitract Of ing down? The Packet I Wheat No. 2 Fall -,�l 80 to �2 10 00 00 'BEIEF many more -years is ce for the Creamery, finished on several occasions Oe late. There aro .nose. theirmany BlUeVAle friends. putting in J Flour ....... ...,.5.50 to 625 men's up Monday and is at Winghain putting in two reasons, In the first Place, paper did Rural Telephoie Meeting. Call at The February meeting of the Wo Mrs Brooks is at present visiting rela- a supply for Field & Co. 'a Wroxe!�e r� Lo, d ...... i ............ 1 35 to. 3$ Yristitute will be held at the home, of Mrs. tive§ �t Molesworth. not advance during the wai to anytfilng The annual. meeting of tb I .... 40 y. Feb. loth, at 2 30 iss Margaret (rarniss spent the week- a Co. was held in the t6dn Butter ..... . ; I -to, 50 Tait, on Thurads Win. Thornton are visit- Mi like the degree m9st. other things did, Rural Telephon ........... 65 to 70 Olver & Beninger's ill be given on "The Chains of qn with Wing,ham friends. wing to bad, Eg Papers V Mt Publishers held on grimly, inthe hope and� hali on Friday'Jainy. 21st. 0 - Habit and what They Bind Us To" by Ing 4tub" MilTsersoll f riends for a few d spent a few days Cattle, mad., but6ers., 9 00 to 10 00' or , ealmr, Mr. Eldon McKinney expectation that costswoutd come down roads tfie attendance was not as large 1200 Butcher Skop gT 'this week at Toronto. "Cattle, butchers choice. - 11 00 to 11 we M. Sellars. The Necessity f amental. services will be held in as soon as the war was over. in usual, The old directors were re-elect d, 13 75 to '4 00 Allays young and c:boice and prices rcation by Miss Olive Scott. Rc Suggestions, Topics for tbi year Music. I the Metbodist church at X0 30 a. In miss Mary Stewart of Gorrie, was home again S Sunday Sebool will be ai over the weelt-dud. this they were disappointqd. Newsprint. with the exception of Mr.,% �eter McEw n 1,HOgs, liveweight Next und f�lay ................ 1. 2.4 50 to 26-00,1 �re roa onable By the pound 6r.,by the All ladies welcome. rhaiii,spent a few wbich before thewar could be bought by who resigned'. Mr. Alex McKercher was 9 - I . � to 60 carcus prices right r. 3 p, in. Mrs. J. Auger Of Wing Creavi . ......... A number of the old friends of M andl weekly for $50 a ton, and a year ago Still electe& in his place. bepurchasedfor $95, is now selling at , . I a- $140 a ton. There have also been several a add material- rr vr rr .41 "Pr rr increases in the freight which ly to the cost, Since'the war, closed OL406ft printers' wage also advanced 46 or 60 Per Gent, in theface of such increased cost of production, which shows every indicat� in 9 to conkc� + Ion of cont' uIn for some time was in- nce �n subsrFiptjon rates ­ - flnounceill anadva Annu + -7 al. Sa-le A ent CF evitable if papers, were continue Wexist. C> Even afier recent reduction . the Price of am wheat, pork, butter,and many other na- turgl products,'as well as many matiaf4et-' Weeks 0 ice as high as it was V V ired articles, is still twl + lu + seven years ago, wherras The Packet is in+ 1'914- 1P. only now double'.wilt it wa's Moreover,'at . four,cent;6 there is nothing 4 that represents such good values as a. + —Oriffla Pa*er� newspaper. FEB., 12th to 26th White Blossom Clover, Seed ad what Steele Briggs Seed Co. of Re in their 1921 Seed Be Ready + Tetronto,has to say i VA cataelo White Blossom + gue concerning tCJ lover, a form crop which every -34 He Prepared' Uhl011k I faT�ar Could wfth profit ralsee. . I . Y I � i Moneyl 17 e W., hat *eat Clover is grown for�green + Save our der forage. for its value as, a, palsture plant I + and as a soil fertilizer and rd-storer. It + A Ditterences gives promise of becOmipg a rival of alfalfa 't "t. re value is beginning 011 MaLly — .1 is ff"V Alvin to be appreciated, It is 4 ble nial plant 4* 1 Z, t _1r1L%.AC;0 and bears close resemblance to. Alfalfa, store and hears the pure it is larger and coirser In. grdwtb. That is what everyone says who comes to out shrill It"will grow on soils on whiti'li alfalfa qan- titasical tme of E iberola Phonograph, after listening to dison's An inary phonographs# not thrive and will make excellent'growth + Lowest + 'Wkine machines" and the metallic sound 6f ord' on lands so hard add barren that they are 4the say when thisrev melo4 greets will sust4in scatcely any other vegetation. elation of pure That is what yom will + yoUr ears. No wonder Edison's Atnberola has proved its iiii-rked Some. �lairu cattle will%not eat It -but as won as they acquire a taste for it tLA.y + Superiority over ordinary phonographs in great public tests. frequently coilauWar it in Preference to + undreds,01 buyers have been waitiqg for tids announce - alfalfa. Cattle fed on sweet clover will + R IS ng it a week early to give you a op- + 'EDISON"S NEW DIAMOND not bloat. tnellto Weare Sul wonder n + When grown for bay one crop and + d. TbInk Of the ful values sometimes two maybe cut the first sea- portuntty to be prepare son. Thesecond year two or three cropt + you procured at our sale last year, this year they are + i maybe Cut. It should be amwed just + before it corritnelaces to blossom and 'be. greater than ever -6 L fore the status become hard and *oody. and stools Very fftely + I(Ing Brost Sales 'are genfitne—They offer High Grade ijph %due—the "muster product of Edisote i master mind." Juel consider As it is tali growing Aendous. ariked nown Prices, + ill the worl&s greaest phonoti the yield of green forage is trer + Merchandise at Genuine M , Which forever does awgy with the bother arid expense of chantl When the plants die they add to the wit ho genuine Dianund Nnf I&Pttdaw� . immense quantities of nitrogen and humus + bt lleedles! fskr suptrior to ordihw records. They are pmodcully jotdosb"k. -n- -pro. + Wateb this page u"t week. it you do not receive one of Aud Ioberot Ameds are iu9t 9,9 Testoritig old wot out . lands to crop + give of elljoymerit after ordinary records have broken and been throwA awaY. ducing ability." we will gladly forward one, ad Steele Briggil Seed Co., + our sale bills writeand When you consider that you can own Edisoji!s Amberola on practically Vzir eum "$ you triust real- + family to come to our store wilholst delay and let us play the wort& 5 Toronto. tl�(,,it 0WO it to yourself and your Personally I would like to let the, read- + ji-,15ic for you on this wonderful phonorraph. Don't delay your visit—come togay, tornorrow, A$ 1 intereited felends, t6tw­zlijey wili A b� %vetcowc. erG of Tui.., A13vxNeE who are + eb. 12 to 26. Wal eXpe ,et� yon. 13ring cfl dit: faw:ily and y-ur fartuing and who have not trierl White e in 12,mvnernhier e Date (2 W eks Only), F nlo�,qora Sweet Clover know that from Illy own experience the 10bove Paragraph t is no exaggeratiOn- A) 8 Pasture` Plan too muchwuld not Avow*, W. MCKIBBON, Dealer 0 1 be said in, its favor, Ar 116 40) I have a quantity of governmented tested Grade'No. I SKd for sale. 1+ WEI) %J k3 0 youts truly, 11 is js�� 1 4e At, _IJL winthm R. R. No WVV Phone 26,1515 44 AL 11L Al AL �11 11L -94,+ -1- -11- o 44 4L AL AL 2tt 44 Wfw W$7W .4 4