HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-02-03, Page 5I At Feb -3rd ",041 TI -IR WINGRAM ADVANCE 'TRICT NEWS TO OUR CLIMATE OUR CANADIAN QUIZ CORNER AS, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKXK I We were very f3orry to learn of the (T onto 40he) "A TabloidlCyclopedia About Canada" sudden death of Enid, the 7 year old "Why is it that Canadians are so ter- rHE HOUS E4 OF QUALITY79 I, Copyright; Canadian Fact Publishing C daughter of A. A, and Mrs. liarkness.of ribly sensitive on The .5ubject of their Instalment No. (' o., Toronto, Ont, 11 Vcgervi)10. Sask., at the home of Rev. climaw? w1ed Tire New York Times. Robert Pearson, M. P. P., Calgary. Enid The, query wa,, prompted by some Cana - We are all apt to become Provincial, of Stoney Creek was fought at the village and her twin sister, Evelyn had gone to dian prote.ran when the United Stat* ­5 101fta the city for an operation for removal of newlpapors during the balloon excit Excylpt* to think that our town or province is the of that name near Hamilton, Ontario. on �1 I Values Following this Quiz June 5, 1813. m0it were flooded with despatchoi fro - whole of Canada. It was an important tonsils and diphtheria was contracted with in Corner carefully will provide an antidote engagamentin tbatthe American forces above sad results DeWaEed was one of Northern Chrtario Which lolid not err (o to this misconception as the questions that were making their way westward triplet babies, tile little -on Passed away the side of moderation in desvribing the X_ szed by a small Mrs. Harkness weatlwr and the hardships of vorre�,pond-1 at N rices cover every province and the Dominion were here baited and rcpulc A*W a few dayo after birth. P as a whole. force. The invading army retreating to was fomerly Miss BAle Pearson, well ents who �veem not to bavu been nort h of The better a Canadian knows Canada Niagara and were thus prevented from known in this locality, a daughter of the the Bronx before. Several correspond - and the more be knows about it the making their way westward. This set- late Robert and Mrs. Pearson. cut" venture to enti-ghte'ri The Times. nnarl�irtg down all lines, of Dry Goods to the liew prevailifig One, a Canadian reminds% Americans that prices, whicli WO trust Will Ineet witli the approv,-tl ()f our custonlers. better citizen be will be and big vote back on their part bad, an important bear- David McCall who has been engaged Canada. like t', Ie United States, is worth more as a citizen. ing on the latter period of the war of in the undertaking business in Calgary for twenty different sortg of counts,,,? rolled 'S Goods and Suitings This Week's Questions 1812-14. several years. has sold out and may re- X, Dref, White FlQnrrelette, b2st Eogl;��h made OG in. into one arid has twenty difftwent variet. 60 for .................................. Question No. I—Where does Canada Answerto QuestionNo. 10—The ruz)-' move to Vancouver, �algary climate did All Wool Sontoy, one Prie9tley's best qualities for Americans and Eug. t, Gingbams, assorted patterns, Reg. rio for ......... 35g, 20' stand among world countries in the pro- her industry has become an important one not agree very well with Mrs. McCall, ies of climate. But suits and dres es 42 in. wide, in grey, aupe duction of wheat? in Canada. Nearly $43,000 000 are in. "Dave" is an old Morris township boy lish "when they glance at the map d's owl Question No. 2—Wbo were the two vested in it, employing 11,600 The who put in an apprenticeship in the furni- Cover that Canadians tLrritory extend% to and hings blue Reg. $G-450 for ............ $4.50 yd Pure Linen Towelling. special$ at ...... 25, 35 and 40c. X Jesuit priests who were massacred by the annual production value is 35.6,00o,000. ture and undertaking business with R. the Arctic, and proceed to describe us in F ine aft wool Botany Serge in grey and brown, a Crashrowells. Reg. $1.25 for ............... otic. p* Indians during the French )Regime? Leatberdale of Brussels, the teims of Grot4ilaod's, icy mountairis." beautifully finished c!oth for dresses, 48 in. Cretonnes, special, Reg. 50 for ................... 3ft Qyestion No. 2—What was the famous A Long fisland lady chivalrously enters Reg, $6. 00 for ......................... 84.00 yd Belgrave Brusse Is, Grey & Morris Telephone Co., the,ists for Canada by pointing out that couplet Kipling penned about Canada will hold its annual meeting in the Town there are nineteen counties in Ontario, and her relationship to the Empire? Air. and Mrs. Berrie Wilkin400 0 AV4 Priestley's Satin Cloth. very popular for dre.ises Men's Wear Question No. 4—How many inventions Ripley, spenta. few days with (lie form f Hall, here on Tuesday, February Sth at w;th an area as large as some E�uropcari un account of its lustre and soft finish light Suits and Overcoats. wonderful values our entire er's sister, Mrs. Whaley, 130 p. in. This Lompany has grown Kingdoms, which lie south of Ogdensbur blue, green and Purple. 46 in. wide, Reg. stock reduced .............................. 2 can you name since Confederation? 00 Mr, arid Mrs, Ed. Jenkins of Wingbam, into a big concern and the management and Providence, and they contain ­ome of $6.50 for .............................. $5.00 yd. Furs Coats, 3 only, black dog coats from the best Question No. 5—Cariada has become a pent a day at Joe Maler's. of it, especially through the high price the most lovely peach belts in the world I makers, Reg. $65. 00 for ................. S great moving picture country, Have 5 : I Black and navy all wool Serge for suits and shirts 50100 spent Sunday at t in 4 only, Russian Beaver coats heavily furred and -ooks. Centrialia, methods and keepii g the various lines in France most of the British Tommies seem X made from full skills, Reg, $75, 00 for ...... $,56.00 yqu any idea how many theatres there Mv, and Mrs. Ar hur B� days, is no bagatelle. Economy, modern A "doughboy" writes that when 54 in. wide, Reg, 5.00 for ............ are for this purpose"? Wir. F. Andersons. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brandon spent a day in good working condition are three impor- ed to think that California arid Chicago Question No, 6— Canada's tourist traf- BlYth with friends. tantand very necessary elements in its were suburbs of New York, and allwest Staples Meng heavy fleeced lined all sizes shirts and draw- ers .................................. $1.15 pair, has become a great source of revenue. W Dunbar shipped a car load of tur- conduct. of that city was.a howling wilderness of Shirting, extra heavy quality 60c. for ............ 45c. What do from here on Monday. forest infested Stanfield's, all wool shirts and drawers (blue label) . You think it is estimated at an nips m* with Indians betrs and nually? John Armstrong and Farmers Club Factory Cotton, best quality 60c, for ......... 39c, eg. $4.00 for ............................ $2.00 Question No c,oh shipped a car load of hogs from here cowboys and covered over pretty plenti- Bleached Cotton, extra value 5 )0 for .......... ... - 7— Canada's wool cro:) East Wawanosh tullY with gold lying around in basketfuls. 39c. Boy's fleece lined shirts and drawers ............. $2.e9 now reprenents an important iter as the on Saturday. There were over 180 hogs in the shipment, Miss Agnes Stonehouse of Belgrave sheep industry increases. What is the The doughboy cites this ignorance as an Flannelettes, extra beavi (yd. wide) 45 for ....... 33c. Men'; Caps, Reg, $2.75 for .................... 81.95 annual wool crop now worth? spent Sunday at Mr. Isaac Wz�iker',s, Offset to the complaint of Cana,dians. but Wingham. he proves the point, No doubt Torr, Question No. 8 --What river in East- Miss Laura Bone intends gEing to rmy ?1; Belmoire derived his impressions of the United ern Canada is called the Hudson or Rhine Goidaricli to train for a nurse next week. States from the moving picture Master Stewart Mulvey is oil the si k s, Ameri- UAW" Mr, Jas. Young's on Indians ople the West with Mae., list also the little daughter of Isaac the surprise party at -made, which pe of Canada? I A very pleasant evening was spent at can Question No. 9— Canada's subscrip-.! Sto�,,. and cowboys, who spend their Jo A. MILLS tions to th6 five War Loans and the' Friday evening, last. X11 I Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and Mrs time shooting and chasing wild -animals Our Good are the Best. Our Prices Right. " Victory Loan were a remarkable evid- James Ballagh, spent a month witii Mrs. Win. Robinson of the 9tb, has Mob ence of the willingness of the people to friends at Whitby, Toronto, Port Perry, been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jos when they are not fighting one another. returned home last week. amellp respond to a ratiom'. financial call. Other countries have taken their notions Robinson of Wingham, for the past week X XA XX X �J X I JVJ X X'JV X X ;KJX 6VJ X VJ X A4PJX XX VJ e Mrs. Jones, Toroutt), is a visitor at th of Canada, if not from the screen, from What great surn. did they total? manse and with Mrs. Corrigan. the map and from the guncral run of fl - Question No. 10—Wbat great Indian The monthly meeting of the Women's Dr. Cowan Honored lustrations in popular periodicals. Winter Also mouth organ selections by Mr. Chas. Win. ilston, A. E.Erwin J. McNabb, I chief served Britain and Canada well dur- Institute will meet Saturday afternoon, scenes and sports are invariably pictures- Taylor. Grieve- GIVE US MEN ing the period preceding the War of 1812 Feb. 5th, at Mrs. Henry Johaun's. The following item from a recent copy i — and laterT The monthly meeting of the Women, of "The London Free Press" has reference que, and the effect is heightened if an It was decided that the young people. County Property—Gordon Young, M. Give us men! a Eskimo or two can be introduced Th take charge of the programme four weeks Armstrong, Dr. Clark, S. T. Plum, Jas. Answers To Last Week's Questions Foreign Missionary Society met Friday to a cousin of Dr. Margaret Calder. We e from above date.—Com. Fresh and free and frank; afternoon, with an increase in member- wish to extend congratulations to our New Ontario affair put a new bloom on F. Collins. Answer to Question No. 10-Ca*nada ship. In the absense . . the old legend ofa glaci4ted Canada, but House of Refuge—Amos Tipling, Jno- Men of thought and reading, of the President, esteemed townswomar. on the brilliant Men of light and leading, bas 105,000 Indians, found in every pro- Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. Jos. Hall occupied perhaps when Mr. Biggs' road schemes Douglas, Alex. Neeb, S. T. Plum. v the chair. A paper on Africa was given record of her young cousin and hope that, are S�TOOL REPOR r Warden's Committee—Wm. Spotton, Men of royal breeding, ince. They have nearly 100,000 acres by Mrs. John Darling. suc_ more advanced the increasing influx The nations' welfare speeding; - Win. Mundell. Collection $3 8r, cessful as her past. of tourists will help to make known over School report of Westfield public school Jas. C. Purdon, A. E. Erwin, N. W. Tre- Men of faith and not of fiction; under cultivation on their Reserves and Mrs A reading by the young lady's future may be as kave a total annual income of $8,500,000, The Endeavor was well attended Sun- "'At a reception held under the auspices the line that other picture of Canada for the last week of,january. wartha, W. J. Currie Men of lofty aim and action; 12,000 Indian children and young people day evening, Miss Ella Nichol acted as bich entranced the Long Island lady.,, Total 675. Alex Porterfield of East Wawanosb, and are in 34 schools. Over 4000 Indians en- president, while Mrs. Newans took the of the Ladies' Aid Society in First Pres- w In the sprigig," she wrote, "the air is V Class—Grace Redmond 557, Elwood Robert Higgins of Hensall, were appoint. Give us men—I say again— topic Geor e Rutheiford being elected byterian Church. Dr. M a r y Logan St�ckboiuse 557, Eddie Rodger 530, ed Auditors, Give us men I he coining year. sweet with peace and apple blOssOms, Leila Stackbouse 401, Norman McDow- liated in the War,. though they did not Olg,n'it fr tg Cowan was presented with an embossed come within the conscription act. Miss Agne., Rutherford is confined to congratulatory address by the mayor, and in the autumn the ripened fruit of the ell 480, Hazel Keating, 473, Douglas , Give us men I Answer to Question No .2--2048 aliens the house through ill%ess, mer rug from vineyards and peach orchards mingle till Campbell 416, Mary Farrow absent, 13eigrave Strong and stalwart ones; - were naturalized in Canada in 1919, re- W. H. Golding, and a stea the air is fragant with a winey perfume." Total 625. 1 J. Morrison, Secretary of the United Men whom highest hope inspir% presenting 27 different countries. friends in the congregation. Dr. Cowan This atones for much. IV Class—Grace Mason 418. Mary I Farmers of Ontario, will address a public Men whom purest honor fires. is spending a few days at the home of her Bell M, Warrqn Bamford 265. Norman, meeting in the Forester's Hall. Belgrave. Men who trample self beneath them Answer to Question No. 3—The town- Salem parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cowan, re. Keating 220, Mabel Walden 207, Eva 'on Wednesday evening, Feby. 9th at Men who make their country wres#k', Cookl2l. Elva Walden, Sarah Howatt, 8 o clock. Everybody welcome. ships of Tiny and Tay in the county of Mr. and Mrs,' George Paulin of Wroxe- turning to Toronto on Tuesday, wbence Currie's Corners U. F. 0. Meeting George Howatt absent. them, Simcoe, Ontario, were named after the ter, called on Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Mc- she will sail for England early in Feb. Total 450. pet dogs of Lady Simcoe, wife of the first Michael, last Sunday. ruary. The U. F. 0. of Currie's Corners held III Class—Hilda Pickering, 317, Jo- Married At Forest As her noble sons. Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Altiert Gallagher, visit- their semi-monthly meeting on Tues. an, seph Bell 809, Melbourne Keating 220, Worthy of their siresl ed Mr and Mrs. Bert Harris of the i5th Dr. Cowan has bad a brilliant record as The marriage took place quietly on Men who never sbame their mothem novi Ontario. Con., Howick, last Saturday. a student, At the age of 16 she secured a 25th. in the form of a social gathering. Emerson Rodger 202. Answer to Question No. 4—Father Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harris of the West, first-class certificate, and two scholar- As the President and Vice President were Total 350. Tuesday, Jan. 18th, at the home of the Men who never fail their brothers, not present, Mr. J. J. Kerr, acted as' 11 Class—Harold Carter 273, Mary bride's parents, Union St., Forest Ont. True however false are others: Hennepin, a Jesuit priest, is said to have spent Sunday last with the former's ships the following year. At the age of 23 Rodger 238, Irene Carter 218. when Edith Grace Blanche, second Give us men! I say again—a&". Iseen the first 'White man to gaze upon uncle arid anut, Mr, arid Mrs. A. I,. Gall- chairman. The minutes of previous meet - Niagara Falls, in the 17th century, who I after she took the d6gree of 8. A., M D., with ing were read and adopted but the chief Total 350. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Dunlop, Give us men! first-class honors every year and leading Pt If—Eva Stackhouse 200. Madeline kas left any account thereo". Mrs. W. A. Catbers, spent a few days attraction of the evening was a dis was united in mairiage to Mr. Herbert W. last week with her sister, Mrs. Fdgar of her class for two years, and in 1920 was cussion Walden 220, Edna Walsh 108. Give us -men! Answer to Question No. 5- Canada's I on "Relationship". The speakers, Mr. R. R REDMOND. Irwin of,Gorrie. The ceremony was per- Men who, when the tempest gathmv, farm lands show a steady average increase Gorrie south. the first Canadian girl to win the Belt W. A. Currie, Mrs. J. J. Kerr, Mrs. W. J. formed by the Rev. John Murray in the Grasp the standard of their fathers Mr. Jacob Willits of London, called scholarship of 9500 per annum, a com- in value from year to yearand bydecades,'on old friends and acquaintance. V1. Currie, Mr. Wm. Wightman and Mr. Committees Oil County Councl.1 preserce of the immediate relatives of the 4 a few petition open to the British Empire contracting parties. The wedd.ng march In the thickest fight; as revealed by the census. It is an im- days recently. Thos Taylor, all agreed that the subject The striking committee of the Huron was played by Mrs. W. A. Dunlop, and 1 Men who strike for home and altar portant measuring rod of a country's de-, Mr. Edwin Bennett delivered a horse was a very broad one and could not be County council, composed of Reeves Tip- the young couple were unattended. After (Let the crowd cringe and falter) velopment. For exampld. the average to Mr. Isaac Wade of Gorrie, one day An Instructor for fully discussed in one evening ling, Douglas, Armstrong, W. J. Spotton I the ceremony a dainty wedding dinner God defend the right! last week. value has risen in the five-year period Air. Jack E dgar, from south of Gorrie, Mr. Currie took as a basis for his ad- and Erwin named the following conunit- was served, the table being centered with True as truth, though lorn and lonely, from 1914 to 1919 from $38 per acre to visited at the home of -Mr. J. T. Wylie, a dress, the Golden Rule, "Do unto others tees for 1921. Tender, as the brave are only; ! the bride's cake and decorated with S52 per acre, or an increase of 36%. couple of days last week. HAWAIIAN GUITAR as you would have them do unto you". Executive—N. W. Trewartha, Jas. C. 1 , Men who tread where saints have troC. Answer to Question No. 6—Canada has Mrs. Dan McTavish of Wroxeter, vitit- His Opinion was that if this rule was Purdon, Jos. Hackett, John Douglas, mums" and ferns. The bride was the Men for country—horne—and Godl the largest nickel mine in the world. the! ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. carried out in every day life, troubles of Dr. W. J. Milne. recipient of many h nolsome and useful Give us men! I say again—again Creighton, near Sudbury, Ontario from I Harris, last Sunday. AND UKULELE different kinds would A- gre2tly eliminat. Special—T. M. Davis, Amos Tipling, gifts among them being a beautiful silver Give us such men. which 85 per cent of the world's needs are' Mr. Robert Litiolon and Miss Maggie ed. T tomato server from the choir of the con - Lindon, are at present confined to the Will be here each Tuesday and J. C. Porter, R. J. Miller, W. I Spotton. —The Bishop of Exetw�� suppiied� house with the LaGrippe. We hope Mrs. Kerr spoke largely of the relation- Finance—W. J. Currie, F. � gregational church of which she was a I Wednesday. McQuaid,! valued member, Amid showers of con - Answer to Question No. 7—The Can- . they will soon be all right again. ship of the I -Tome and State. She -pointed J. Jamieson, W. W. Coates, Alex. Neeb.'fetti and good wishes Mr. and Mrs. DIED adian Government, through its Depart-' The Ladies, Aid assembled at the home 1:1 out how good homes produced good Education—B. W. 'F. Beavers, E., I ment of Agriculture operates 18 Experi of Air arid Mrs. D. I,, Weir, last Tuesday 11afligan's Music stope statesmen and how the home life wag the Klopp, D. Webb, A. Smith, John Mc-' K,in left on a short honeymoon, arriving wiental, Farms, the main one being at I afternoon. strongest force of any community. Jails, in NauRhton. home on Wednesday night. Their many, GRAIIAM-111 Howick, on Tuesday, jka., Mr Tony Mehan, who works ill the Agents for Victor Records and Victrolas. friends wish them a long, happy and pros- *2bth, 1921, Elizabeth Jacques, beloyet Ottawa and the others in each province I Wro;eter woollen mill, spent laat Sun- Phone 284. her estimation are an unnecessary evil Road and Bridge—Morton Elliott,p erous married life. wife of Robert Graham, Answer to Question No. 8—Canada's. I day at his home here. and are accounted for by the wrong re - national wealth is computed at $17,000- . Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Gallagher, attend- lationship in the home. 000,000 or about $200 per capita, the ed the funeral of the latter's sister, Mrs. Robert Graham of Gorrie vicinity one Mrs Currie's remarks were general and WINNERS OF THE ELGIN CHALLENGE TROPHY chief items being; agriculture over $5,000- day hist week. Mrs. Graham expired Dp. Marigartat C. GaIdep spokecin the relationship of several diff - 000,000; railways, $2,000 000,000; manu- very suddenly. Mrs. Gallagher has the erentsubjects. She thought a good many facturing, $2,000,000,000; current pro- sympathy of the neighborhood, General Practitioner. men were too one-sided and didn't seem dwtion, $3,500,000,000; real estate and A sleigh -load of boys and girls of this Graduate Universitv of Toronto, Faculty to appreciate the work their wives did. kouses, $3,500,000,000, community, spent last Saturday night at of Medicine. In her opinion. children at school should the Gorrie rink, All seemed to enjoy Office.—Josephine St., two doors iouth of be allowed to follow their own tendencies, Answer to Question No. O—The Battle themselves. Ask Jack or Harold, Brunswick Hotel. also that girls, w, o did housework were Telephones — Office 281, Residence 161. not recognized in social life, the same as XV1WXXXV.W,.XXXXXX Some girls girlsin other employments 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS being better adopted for different kinds of work but the right relationships be - Notice 19 herebY given pursuant; to steduon tween them did not seem to exist. 01 1-, titi, Unap. 121 of the ROviged Stattites of Ont. ario. waD art ersons baving claims agaInAt Mr Wightman dealt mostly on the When You Buy A Gptqv Dopt Cap who died on or aboiai the savernh nay or Nov. relationship of thO country to the town. ember, A. D. 1020, at the To%n of Whigham "One could not get along without the in the Province of Ontario, are rqpired to send by post prepaid. or to R. vaustone, other", he say�, and that each should You buy personal transportation and the pleas- wingliam, Ontario, z5olieltor for the Admints. trator. on or before the fifth day :of February, study the others interests thereby estab- 4i ure of Driving your self, your fainily, you friends A. D. 1921, their ng,%scan.a. 1.j"' 6. � r 13as, with addros in wri He spoke full particulari of lishing a better relationship. tl, an anywhere you like, any time ybu title. tb(i nature of the Fiecurltle8 (if any) of by of the trouble some children give to the them duly vorifted by a atatutory deo 0 Ali(] fnrther take no, 1co that mlt�r tt fiffli, daY of February, ip, the asse the said teacher while at school. A bad boy whose You heighten your standard in the commudity. You raise your said kistate will be distribute W of the Parents will not help, would be better at business efficiency. You will add a strong tie to family life. You will ore a on t e owdes entl e - ore bavinse home. r cut down Doctor bills. You will add many years to you life, and we 0 ClAf a of hic they aball v t on a a nott 0,, " t 0 on to Ill not tin Mr. Taylor stated subject was hard believe the Oray Dort car is the best means to this end. a 10 ra 1 8 nOb at t 0 time of a sai let ution. to know just where to start. He brought t It they wete a ay better car we would get the agency for it. 1 a t Is leve t da of up the question, "Does education edu, A comparigoo with other makes will convince you alid eventually at a R. VANSTONit date". The audience seemed to agree VV Ingham, P. 0. with him that in a good -many cases, the From left to right A. M. Crawford, W. S. Mitchell, J.�A. Currie, D. Fortune, you will buy a Gray Dort; car—why not now, golleltor lor tho Administrator. educated were the most ignorant class The rink of curlers from Wingbam skip. to the chailtnge from any other club tak- cut 91A89 fruit bovls, valued atW.(*, it is a Pleasure to demonstrate to you whether you buy or not, of people. Other questions he asked ped by A. M. Crawford, which took part ing part in the honspiel, each club to These prizes are on txhiblilon irl(: He Who Hesitates is Lost, Don't were. "Are we becoming Armericanized1% in the St. Thomas Bonspiel last week have the right to challenge once fo d'S Garage, Hesitate, start to -day "Are we losing our relatiorigh - a 'P wit(' carried off the Elgin Challenge Trophy. year. This trophy has already been chal- In the semi-finals Crawforpi t owe Bring Your Cream, Eggs and Poultry to Great Britain?. It looked like a caae Of The trophy is a b0autiful one and stands lenged for , Mlk, a*, E. MERxv%JT JEY & S' JL 14ti by the St. Thomas club, Tbreeileated the famons Broel, MCAWW "Afriend nearb� i9far better than a about four feet in height, It is presented rinks from St Thomas and three from SOuthamPtOn. rink and in the fingll 01tty, brother afar off. Gray Dort and Columbia Cars Wingham. silvuarwoods hdAucknow by tbb St Thomas Packing Co. and has Wingbarn will P133' for the trophy on! ed until, Ij a. in. defeated 8utl*r1%ftft The discuemion was interspersed with been hold by F. W, Sutherlands rink of Wingb3ill ice ill tile near future. The � St. Thotnas rink, and Make money. ions by Mr. Win, Wellings, St. Thomas. The trophy is to be 1101(2 Wingbarn fink won tile four silver voget. Two Whi,�`llain rinks are takfas pass Violin selecti L mfellesolml, Pbone 470 Mr. Win, Elliott and Mr. R. Mo*bray. by the club of the winning rink, sui�ject, able dishet, valued at $So alld four,, i2l thg Harriston. Wnmpiel this week, 13