HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-02-03, Page 3-7 40 WINGITAX ADVANCIZ will W suffletent light and air get at vtotn to anotwo a SOW developroent BUSH FRUITS AND THEIR of Jr-owera aud fruit. There is like- IY to be some, frutt 1ho iscoond year, but dt will be the yeur aftcr botore CULTIVATION IN CANADA t1to yln% v1ll,be bearing well, "it year aftcr fruiting the fruttling vaucI3 Are out iolf as, wjau as possible va, p:?r- Lait 'the now olle�i, developing. Five et."ong oaneo are :auffivient to leave In �Coiqtlnued- Xrolu last week). Snyder (wild chance soedling).­ presput% to youz eumed X C,, K little 3wwe. 1=01711"I'm Se.0mlyg -to %rlond* of laug- w1aad'ng. Send me, your 01vek,)VQ flltaln;cd and addre.w,3. 1)2�w Ras-a4in-1; I V.r.1 ju".1t a -or 04;l4pell and would lIko "WrI11.1v well it -ti AV4 Id Yloldis of SlacklArrics, Orl*r,. 11pnry Snyder. Li Forte, Ind., Varieties. Mius Roomlind welcomes letters from Plp= 0 011 ImO 'Wiliat I oca ito'da., I gi about 1851. Fruit medium lu size, u"Ith a r,10,TrIend, hero anil. I Ulm he 'rao bllacl�borry is a more �ucartaia rrundl,,;h, black, but sometimes with As dOwINOrries f GmetlmeA 40 UO� youna womon asking for advice om agfup Jr weq,:� cropper than the currant, gooFieberry a reddish tinge; firm, juicy, sweet', fralt well owiag to- poor pol-3nati-Da .11 81113 w5�!a Ino fill'a 010 and raapberry, as It vaffers. anore In AjuW.Ity good. Season medium early. It Is dikolrablota, pDant morp than one noy rwbjeot, Alt you have to do Ir wlv% i boy her .4titer mei to LUON, conv-i up. Then 4-iie c�w,�s out witl winter and If affected more by -dry is ono of the bpet known var- voxiety. Lneraltia, and Mayes, (Aul�J to addr"a yoUr lQttor to him end vhlina m(% I w;)uId Him 701 wcathor In summer " Not really gobd letles Ids ozz aecountot Its 'hardinem da Iralwaved) are -two Gt ibe best, V) tell mq Irlip't yalt wole-A 11ILY'vI in crops of blaekberrlO-i 11AV, "M PVO- it suck�kds ovor a, wider area than, und J9 the.se were planted W,ternater�y, MISa ROSALIND, do . It 1"3 0"wfully 11(ram,01110 111) here ducod at Ottawa, the beEt yield being = os t. Agawan has, averaged better two Tows ofcach, better x4aults would amiltont Ont and would 11he la coive�ptlnd lirltl an, 18,,)5, wheu the Aiawam yteiaed at in yield at Ottawa. 111,7ely be obWailned -thin it but 0-14) 34 King Wi3larn St.. Hi, anyone my 6wa agt.. 11opin � ,�O I= the rato of 2,452 boxe% -per acre. The Varl4;flos of 131mokberrics woza gruwn, Auather go -)d variety, ywA answer my lettor next beat yield'was in 3903, when the the Premo,,Isumoro cir,less sell-tsterile. 1gawam yielded at the rate of 1,97 Recommended. Dtar ltos'llind: A LON-Z'SOMil, bAD. 49 oad, must have another varlety near boxca Der acre. The parts of Canada where black" it and Ww"FOminV,; at 0113 i6anle UMD to I Uwe -,�way5 tak�m an Intere.,,A in Dear Boy, Valley, in his Horticulturist.% Rule -bOzric's succeed well are limited to �,n;sure a prDfjt!abIc crop. - madlug y.,ylr AdvU:o Ito I(Arlq. I am Just beh Irlendly vrlri� tho giz! a Dr-ok, gives the, yield at from 50 to 'wbere the winters are only Mader- large, oblong, 41 boy 19 2f) yc',Iw; I havo come bf-1-cIr. you can be; and -try to h%!- t,� 1�lcmau 100 �u,,.hclff per acre, which at 29. 401Y cald or where the winters are an 0 go�6a Itome after boan, we�,jt for a few years minpanion. to bVeTy v, . k. juiey, sweet, d r 'rawl. Do no pounda to the bushel is from 1,601) to cold,bit where there Is abundance Of Sembon ea-ely. and I room out of plkn,.co here; I mu. consiMlr 4110 girl 3 yGv, lcneak ct "is, th he black- ould w !tit; an 0,200 pounds. but w�ibre t 61IONY for protection. Mayes (Austin Impraved).-Prult fOud of cirl.4, coini'mmy. I Came east 0319y girl you Ell go berry, does . particularly wall 5,000 or Ilaxdlsh Vaxieties,-Agawam, Suy-, very ta;1,ge, Oval Ito somewhiat -conical, thinkim,, to lipve a qgoad time but the take dt for granted that slan may tin more pounds p der, inaorado in the order named. r or youn er acre are obtained, lossy black, juky, and of goo4 qual- Young p.,ople apound Uero seem to plvwsure In the .9cel(4y t.& otti - and as much as 7,000 pounds -of tile wachusett Aud 'Xinnowaski have I j.ty. Season very eafy. Earlier hZVO tIlOir ateady triends so I am -men. Tn- to malw your Evergreen. yielded, best at the Keniville Statiou, than Lucretia. Writing to, yon to ZDO It you .0-111 put &ufn,.,P, you 111d Zo."'s-mvi me you Variety for Southern Ontario�-In Premo.-Mucli, like Lucxetla In vine, me in touels dwith some nice girl. full na.uu, antl add,re.,,% M. ­w 441d 701 Descriptions of Vari4tles of -addition to above, Kittatinny. thouvh has not praved sa, productive IlopIng to hear troin you. YOUTS. thiak I eculdkforivard .11tters to y -OU Olackberries. For coast climate of British CO.- on the whole. Doubtless the flow. truly. Send It to m� right away tand 1 41 Agawam ( wild chance seedling)- lumbla,-Himalayan, Erie, 'Mammoth, eri ore, not perfect and anust -be pol- TINY. bopa0sere will be u buslitil uf Letter. Ovig. Juba Perkins, Ipswich, Mass 1,versreeu. 7-inated by same other variety. It Dwfr Tiny; to Zend to yen, I r tweea 1966 and 1870. Fruit medium THE DEWSERRYI, r1peDs -earl1ex than Lucretia. We have a correspondence club for to large, qblong to long. black, glossy; The dewberry -is not grDwa very ex- Varieties of 0awberries. Recom- lonesomes in -the 0olumn. Through. firm*,' jui6y sweet, quality good., Sea- tensiv.eay in Can ada f although It is a mended. It I exchange names and addxlesses It Dear 111sa Rcs-allad son mediuin. early. This variety de:Ic,ious trult, , The raxieties at In, districts where dowberries suc- ay readwa send me aadveased and I read dai the paper evi�ry wok Imi proved the hoddieet and most, preseuton the market were orlg�nated ceed, naanely. in, warmest pwrbs- stamped eave-opes. The object of. Advice to Girls. I think it Is ver productive at Ottawa. $rpmT1w ;nLoa-.e southern fcTms Of the Luaretla, Mayes (Austin buirov,4) the olab is tD enooturege good letter helpful to us all. Tlds lo my firs f l3lowfars.--Oxig. Now York State. wild s�pectca, and are not 'hwdy ex- I premo, writing !and give our cirls end Young letter to ypu but I hope, not my "las cept In the mildest pewts -of Canada men sometbiug to do In. liours tb)3,t I , Fruit large, black*, lirm; good qual- an, gving. with a young fellow thia (,Continued next week). would otherwlse be every, lonely, I is 'two ).earg, ity. i8eason medium. Productive, without being protected by soil, In my senior. l. love him and -one ml t. take it for granted that young people , �a hardleit var4ottes. wintor. It is in, camve of oalq.,ttera r very much but thexe is someone tha Eldorado (,chance seedling).-Orig. Canada, and is found wild as tax north kl0k TREE wishing to carTeSPOnd with ea othe I iove better, Should I tell 111AM tha near. Mdorado, 11% through this oollumn do so with the I Uke someone better -or ishould I tr Ohio; introduced cts take Superior, so that 4ardiex out- MARVELU approval of -their parento. I shall 1,oW'=4 about 1882. Frult medium Ito large, tivated varieties tare 11ke7y to be� ob- .1 roundit9i to oblonz; black; firm; tad=d. The newbeirry Is very Simi- forward your address with pleasure I target this other tellow, who doe juicy, sweet; good flavoT; ' quality 140to the -blackberry . in fruit, -but -the -MANY FARM E R& IN CANADA to girls Or boys asking for it and tot care anythlng� for ane any mor good. Season,madium early, Prb- best -varieties are juictex and -of more sending me a seitt-addressed stami , 3- but I still do for him?' Should I g WANT SUPER-SELK TREES. ed eavelope. With best ;Q, Ithat ductive. One� at the hardlest var- deOmta f1wor. They ripen before you Way make manY friends . e8 go back with -this other- felow wba ities, die Wlactberry a2so, and on this ac- ROSALIND,. we have had several bust -ups. N I Brie (Uncle Tom) (probably seed- coamt where the -y are srowu com- NDtosinoe; thil ocivent of torbacco as words or anything, just drop-aut Zilk !Ing Of tawton).­04g. L. E. 'Pierce, n1creWlIX they len-9then 4110 -season Of a sta, a has p,le crop in -out r10 there but I allik, he likes me and I thin Tailmage, Ohio, .1876; lutrod. J, T. bIa,.^kberTy4:Ike findt. The delirber- been so much Interest displayed in a Dee" RosaMad: VeIT I-audh at him. Is it rightto le Lovett Little Silver, N. J. 1886, Fruit ries and, bl%ekbeorilea are so. nearly new 'product �Z Is evidenced, bry farm- I r,4m, a young girl of eighteen years him kiss me at purting? I tliink h large, roundish oval; quality good. A related bantanioally and overllp each ers, aad ever Canada -in the Osigian and in love with a boy who IF. mtten,& him kiss me at parting, I th-tult h strong grower and. very thorny, 'Pro- other so much -that hotmitsts have Sqpew-SIllr Tres, LaTg�b orders ba-ve Ing college a conside�rabls distance wanid feel V I ery -much hurt it ductive in the mildest climates In great difficulty in, separating them, been placed with the OsIgian, Silk from here. He has been home lor a clidn'.t. Canada. TOO teitder for most places. but4he cultivated dawberries can be 0orper4lon, & Cmada, Lin-Ated, vamtIon and does -not expect to be When a follow asks you to write . 171vezgreen.�—Orig. probably -Oregon, ireoAtly distinguf0hed fhom. blackber- Rown 29 Sun Life Building, HUMilt0n, back. till -next -Chalistal4s. Do 7014 him and- you do so aud he doe% u, 1',1ruit large,, firrn; , -sweet; � quality r1es by ithedr trailing habilt, and the OuL, for the" trees, which w-111 be think it -wcazld be Proper for me t0l answer wa Dn�d, you write egaln very good. - Season late. This to a ftot that they root re;adAly from the planted an Many t9mus in Ont&rlD In keep company with any other boys In. him? NVell I think I hxv& tskeu very strong &,,ower with IL trailing Ops Of tie eanc.3. The flawms and May- Of tl&s . 3, The company his absence. I know he loves me W .eer, , I t0D Much Of Your vialuable elrace a uabjt� canes reacliiug- more than 25 tr"IIt of C4o dewberry tare -more soat- g he has told me eo and thinks that, I I ro, y % - t ., �,es Ieoxh txe% and -wUll me- d a hoping a see m3r anSW tered than. t1ho!se of tap bLiekberry, place ffflea eysry tree that far,% to ohouldn�t go -out With any'othe-r Ws *000. feet In, length, and succeeds best on which is another distinguishing �ch.=- grow. No doubt he will be lones,cand as he I DISGOURAGED. -the pacHic coast. *It is too tender I i moterisitac. In addbti= to this the firm auppMes d003 not 90 Out W-�h any Oth�.�r girls. 3,1y De -Ar imrl: for -the Mast. The cance of this vex- ar, I a M iety are more or -less -perennial, and Soil, Plainting, Cultivation and free -to eoch pumha4eT of trees a WishIng Tor the -coming ye I'm not just sure that you are a ANIBITION. they xaot at -the tip as does the Log- Train -Ing. hInitchm'S of silk worms, wbAch starts very much !-,, love as you think. anberry and it might be 1�rouped with A igood warm, wiell drailned soll is 1010 fa.rmar in -nae of the best, paying Dean, t-mbition: tiiink yoa Ghould P7%y for awhile b t1fat variety. afmArab-o for de wbeiiries, land, as the ventures eve.r. Introduced d-wo Canada, Don't; you think you; awe -rather tam settling dDIVU40, the -SerhOUSbUS uncertaiD. Fruit were originated where the which ivilllgive -returns the tint year young to twk of belng engged. And.' nesh of .1-oving. Keepthe ftiandsbd medium to large; black, firm; weet, , clirrmte is waxmer tli= where they I of -pit le&st $50 Per acre, and which don't you think you. -,YU.l rulas a lot of your two friends, Time will te sprightly; quality good. Season. N�,Jll b,9 silawn In Eastern Canada, it is W�Y,11 lInparease In a -boait tinie to 1-500 of good times between now and next you which is khe right one. Avoi lute. A very strong grower, , -the imp&rtant in the D4 Ist espeeialty to and $7460 per twr& It Las been aan- Chritu-tWao it YOU, stay in the house fcolfth, little quarrels. They are nq canes -reaching a lengtli Of 50 teet. aboose a waxm site for !we p-Gata- 'elusively demonstrated thot sllk �can all the time. If 1� wepe you I would much 1h, tllemselves,. Iva* sometim Succeeding well on the Pacific c6ast tion, They eacceed with less be girowif ju (3amada eupextor to that have all the frkads and atIl the good Miagg Ewe said. that .11;�ri 'and cows where It % a heavy cropper. but too moisture -than Bome.of -the other of old ollk-j."wing eountales, while timGs I could have and would advise bitter fa-lings; Lind -these are to , 'are eat early in as . m2nY as eight �WOPS A, ylMr lbe youngman to do the saine. Thank, kept ou tender 'for the East where -the fruit &Ults,, The plants t of'our,.IINes as uluct as Do also Is rather small. the spring. 'While In some parts of X"n be oecuTeA amainst -but you tair Me idoe, New Year's wishes. s4ble, A, nice girl does not kiss Kittatintly (ehane . e seedling).— the United Stiateuc they are planted in one in cither counitries whi�h is ROSALIND, msn give, ib not engaged to unless made possible,only by the use of the hap .orig. and ilLtrod, by E. Williams, New hils about Divie by fivefeet apart and pen.% to be. a- re�md= and that Hope, N� X., about 1965. Pruttlarge trained on posts, da most places in. OsIgIan SuVer-S-VJk Tree. An dn- Doar RDsaau&: different- I 'would not write aga; eto very large, roundish to oblong, Cann�da it is more oatisfactory rL0, taresting club h% been. fairmed, end I have been rMaNing yelix advIce In. that case. 1, am glad to �tnswo blviek, glossy, 0,ttractive; moderate- grow thee in crows with the plants tLQ1=nd8 of twmero# as well, as cUT lately and I think It very belpful to, yslua, quardev. - Come again. ly, -firm; juicy, sweet; and. of good three feet apart and the Tows six and village residents are enrowing. girls. ROSALIND, flay9r; quality good to very good. feet epszt. The first season the Vull paxticalaxs are sent on. applica- , I am a girl of. eighteen. Am qui Seaspil medium late. , One Of t1le plantation is kept weAl, cultivated as UOU Ito the eompazy at their Hamll�- a spwt; in tact I er4oy any kind, Rwaftd­ best varieties, where it can be grown, tor any toithew bush -fruits. The -second ton beadqMrttV.1, 29 Sun Life Build- Sport. I often read your. a4vize, to -girls al Ibnt is only �sulted -to the, warmest season It'will -be necessary to train- ing.—Adyt. 1 go to quite a few danicei dumimg soine of It I'thinX IS -real e0mml paxts Of coma". I the pfants, - The dewberry its at sease, 12 followed, out. , . I ovett, Little- trailing ihaW�t, -but Ito have -good 4cirops the winter where I u-sually meet a in this waWs papker, I read th Joy—Intrad. by T. T. L James 0. poley, ex-4erx of the number Of strang� tallows. You. s, 0 em is a young ladr NY210 es N, J., 19,1s. Fruit the trulUng canes shoulld be kept oft Corown in -Chan4cery, died in Ottawa meet a ifellow, wbo. seem verY friend- Z' wish black- firin,; sweet; and of good flav- the ground. A single wire one toot Rtber an Zmess Tot Me QW11th's dura- ay to you, he asks Y10,11 to dgj�,,Q:e sev- have a, boyttland, Do 3roa thiek r� 17 tr*ni the ground� to which the cane� tioaL Xr;. Foley sutEered an aittack of eral times, yon. also eat Vap-per with would: 1�e willing to correspond wl or, Season medium,, A. Promising , swe tied, ds a simple fethad, ;the wire I� am at asen kind of i0i variety. pnenanonla in December and ba;d' ag- hdm and flutoly, he asks to lake �011 me Pr t n Nfiamraoth (Rubiis vltifo�lus x Texa� i being strotched along the raw end %,zenttly recovered -when complioa- home. Is It prol?a fcT you to alLow.. some, and L vvould, endor. corr w. �Slackberry?).­Oxlg. Judge J. H. LO- fastened to Posts about thirty feet tlons caused de&th.� -this strange fellowto take You bOme? to some young My as I think gan, Santa GrUZ, Cal. Fruit very 11part. it the vines grow very strong I �Mugcular ?Iheum4tism GabdUed.— Should a girl present a jel�,ia�w with both. parties In more than one way. large, long, black; very acid; quality a wim three feet -from the cround W111 V�hm one is a suffeaw from muscu- a ohlilvtmao preseat Onst ow RhOuld I am. a, -returned nma twenty -t anedlum. A. veTy strong grower of be better. Sometimes a stake IS la nh6umwtLosm hie comnot do better sbe w�,Ilt ta-1 She receiTes one from. Years Of Ages kind 10, qLet, but tralling habit. Canes grow froni driven down -between itwo plants, and tIGIn to have the region rubbed with him etrat. spite -a all I:Veplentyr of fun In me -thirty' feet in lengtft �,rhen grown in. hil�s, -stakes which will. Dr-, Thomr,4 Eeleotxic Oil, Let the, I am very fond. of cOMMBODnding rea"ch "Ia tlL0 rig"t way. I hope I twenty-tive to Logau. rise betvlean five end six feet above xu�bing b. br4k- and; contintued' until 00, it yon couid I w<,uld ask yott kind- not affend efter you or the Ywa and root at the tip as does the My by my, alxr t 4uestlon 02 IN berry. This does well In the Coast gmund ozo -desirable, about which the ewha� is secured. There is Bwr& ly :be send me a bCT's address be- up �olilnlLte. of 13ritish Columbia, but is mule,5 are -,vound. The alm is to get virt".In a bottle of it thria ca -A be -twen the age of aighteea,'Or twenty responding. I hoDe to hear from y too tender for Eastern Canada. the cames, oft the zround so t1bat there, fRiiT caj,!Diated..., so I could wrdtalo him. scon. TOM D — ------- I WU close hfDPIA9 0 hear f"m YM Dear To= soon cad wlshil= You a TKY PXQSWr- Come r*ht In. to our cozy cire am New Y4 -,r. I reman. PEGGY- `We are very qt,.Ad to hAve 7M and sinceroy -hope you will, like Dear P098y: shadow, friends, I wed not 6uy [IESS61- wilaft do -you. me -an by "met a 1.01- for tborte axe aevearl �etters itod low at dauoez�" if you Mea- tlJ&t about om-wespondence rules. a properly Ichaperoned party you at ROSALIN 'TOY CANADA =eet a new friend by lo�ean;$ Ot an dA- NlY CANADA" -trodnotioll through a friend, thell it L!!ders revelved from Rlwi .1.9 quite conrectto dazce with -him end Tri% E. B. H., Unba-ppy, Duw $P300 Cash Reward to aRy Pero -on have , supper and. lot h1ta 'Mite 'YOU 13(nile, AII-De, IMU0, Hewl, home.,j It 1.8 not alwtLys NVIFo to let Fot= C-_huw.u, Jay, Golden Lea a -very new Wend monollodze too Brow -a -�e% Lonely Wolf XUe B Who Is Nearest Right on, 3. Guesses much of Your eimo , -until you, IMOW Puzzled'aMld, WeW GR', Perple, more about him. Girls do not give and TrIxy. T-,%R,A,NKLY,.we w9nt to 111raw your atttntion to * the enor- mous imports of United States goods into Canada. We want yo, I u to realize what it all means to every Cana- dian—to Labor especially. SO We Will Pay in Cash $300 Firs' Second Prize, $50 Third Pri/le--and t Prize $100 the next eleven prizes of $50.00 elach to any person who makes and, sends in to Us the nearest gllcss,to the amount of money in goods that will be imported into Canada from the United &atea for FBBRUA11y$ 1921. a's Will b6 reported in Canada Is Trade Re'turns for February, LOH The Vgureo for February, 1020, Were $40,701,249.00, lar Pebru ;9 8, they were 19, they viere $62,255,909,00; -for VebruiarY, 191 MT, 19 rtbruaa,y, 1917, were $53,ft3,027.00, and for rtobru- he wbr) they w,ate lon!y $23,2&6,731.00. -Zou 0ea I I H i LII (,Wtore t A 030 -wheM we oce and what we are 60MA09 to In CAUada. What Will t-110 figures bo fox, 11'%brua-TY, 1921? Are you a good 5UOSOOT? It 0, And, Add win one ortho VrIZW- P Olt, I ernaanmt Assets H 0A W T %J W W To Youz Fat= 06t two of your nei.lhlyora to give you only ON9 DOLLAR each for a year's trioli aubsdrkptuion to "MY iCANADA" (regular price two 113alliars por 111NIC of the Value of a C11i send in 'the money wIth'YOUr th"e guesses� Eogb subscriber Ir tbe harboring,,of d Ecase, f,,e-rrn2 or c,-,, a w I C yobar), and Terevices fL is a)gd allowed threg gubages, Wig you ptsk Arr houl, of your time to win effectually keeps out rats ard rake." Diez-aso has a -or- .13 DOLLARS? 'Comet "00, OET-ITI I" tunity to flourish in a sanitary building o1X Concrete. THREE RUNORP rwm-onevho r&�3 poultry looks forward to t1v- day %htu be rna -�JYCAXADA" ed be PVbl&kW, MOntillY- It IIVO$ to holl) 7011 I.,leal Uyple t� -en KoW-1. With this book of dinple clear imtractiow, it ii na t =!teldeL and -Cdr4& W b6ttgw thitigS, It gocg w1jilout Myltg that, tbo miorO diffic Lr to irave one. w,a, 4Ave the bgttCvrthb NhtkoW Vmdodkai VKII be. This hr ltveu if liou are not preparel toertaort eati:,q bullilai you ehou!d not!witlt- xeadars I Get tliefro boolt not Imly true but Wo bad, vfttevory Oddhic"I tteader many otlier profitable U3,29 for 'Concrete oft tm farld. gr"US Mon=Cal bAlded nWMI 900crt- Ask for Canada PatlqM Consent, 1he unifor."N tdijVe brang. It 03.1 y,ow I Woo M"t be in by PIODIMARY 2Mh, 1991, " tillib Old be n4ured jltan tnoa ca'-aaa. ZJ Y.,160- 0,4*0 vowd 0ay, obdy thort intpulte-"011,6y It b3*1 Rdo uA biy Ws deaWeanna stopply �yau, write our vearea salm ofea. 1 6 ow 0onvloftm Wq *6 fto Mure ftM -006 W4t,"at ited mat* &,a www wbst &Wo for YM% =4 31411at, Canada Cement Company Li= 41 omoft tid"Of, ) Itool ftaWd Wilding, Montreal 0& AA&M�,d yvaur gueW labd Wjud vabOW0don bD, t1wVWssft1% 0ANAO&," SAW 31t MVIU� $tUlt 1M-1 TWa'W' ....... ....... Rif r T e "'' ----- to � it MOX� eMrgY i 'I n W pound of �Ood a i ''the THE MARRIAGE F9A6T, bremd medo It% Loauon—Malt, 22: 1.14, 1 1 home with Royal' yeast 10tilaen Tmt.­1VIo ont inta the, Cake* than " a. pound hiplimaye; ana iwages, aiia ixostraim in of Vaeat. Bpv4d making th('�= to c.0=0 In" (14lie 14: 23). $110ple o cration "Istaricat oettino. I I I , p .30, A. P. -30. and requires no pro- Trmrle at Jeracalew. vious experience, Full Th-� 140con Text. Jesas, anslVerva ana si-paim Yeast Bake BoOl"I Tho kin-g4c.-A of thjuvcitiis likeii- d Mailed free on request. ad aula, a Veltala 31,111g, wbo, u4-440 Q. d mwriago �ea.,t for hl�) fica. TCO LTD wid �;eut farth hil 60rvant� to E.W. ILLM MR lh�-Ila that w2�re bidden Ito tbc TORONTO merrIctg"a �ew;t: and illey world not come. ? 4 Again he ,,-ent forlb. other ser- Vante, my-lus, Tc!l them Vmt are bidden, I-Xhold, -1 Ilave =de ready MY 41uner; my oxen, ond any tatilngs ore killed, and all thing& oxe xeAdy-� SCALY TX GZ. Icome, AQ his werchandise, T'1115 inlectIOUS traub:�e IS 4Q­qUS1e4 by 6 and the reAtlatd hm'd on his mT- a vf ry small' mite burixowing under the vante, and treated them e4amewly,, scales of the leg. The stales of the and IrR1ej,,1 them. legs beAme large and rough. The 7 Ruit the lung was wooth, and he mites we �easlly killed Iby soaking and sent his axn4w, and destroyed tho3ei removing tile ee%lesr w-ith warm wa- murderers, and burned their 41ty� It ter, and applying an otatmezt of live 8 Then Aaith he to his servauts� parts va5eldue to oue paTt oil of cara- The %wdding ds, ready, but th&,r t4st, way, were bidden were not vvortby, t Go ye 4herefore unto the Wft- ing)s of the highway.%, gad W ar"y as Ye Alwal find, bid. to the ma=iage a $east 11, Aud those servants, went out InW the h*hways, and fathered to- Vether au as Many as they tound; 0 OqEErz 6P IF YOU both bad and mod, and tUe wedwnug 0 KNEW W14�N VOU was filled with guests, + \A/ERE GOING To 11 But w1lear -the king came in ta, e belhold, the guests, he mwAliere a man. DIE: THERE \AIOULDKfT w0bo had not xpa a wedding-g=wiont: 12 and lie isiald uabo him, aFTienid, eE. ANY frUN how, cameat thou In hitheruot having LIVING. a Weddlng�gaxmedit? And he was ot 13 Then the king tmld to the ser- 'Valits, Blud him hand and -toot, kiud, C"thllni Cut in'to 1313oatter daivlcuns; thexto 4i0ZI he the w3aping and -the gna'shing of teothhI 14 r, *T rapuy aTe maw, but tow ourie, -chosen, 10 C*mment--. Ver -so, 1. Two paxabl-es had preced- eid thi.s. Hypocritle:!4 Pharlsess and Saddacees could mot 2xvip.aeeing tb:ut )a HIS A=btllc fire waa directed at 01. 4mm There raxy "ve been add. - Z 01,11 d tUmal Irarables tUat aa -a not here xe- t W, Vemse 2. To the lonnal, carnal- xmided Jews the itea-ebings of Jesue 9 the king4can, ware revolu- ----- ....... s- tionary and incomprehensIble. His al Are Your Feet 0alloused? ISPIrittbal-wlnged ' imagery firao be - Le yond them In their legallatic ylew,, s Daisy to T—OVe lUnIPS by SplA113Ug 'Ho Vas� impoSalble. PI-atnOM!I8 CUM and Wort Extractor. Veme 3. This mrt e the Vaxal;�Jo, This Purely viegotable remady acts c-oviers eat the In"tatiogs given before, vakdesWy end 5s guamateed,, In- 'the resurrection by Jegus and His dIa­ kist on "Putbn�el only, 25c pew bot- ciples. The universal liking for. a least and- the howir of being the king's gues%t, make this a strong Ag-, Vierse 4. The patience of God with TAKE NOTICE a willfully pqrverse and. uggratieftd ' peolVie, is a never-eading maryeL NVe PUblagl ample &"AML9bt le'sti- Ve=`e 5. In t1146 parable recorded to monals from -well 'known p0a0k, mot by Luke dhe pugets refused cauxteous- 9 press agents' Interview& ly; here -contemptuous. There are th FIrom 61 over Amerka they*-tes i e- Ito the merits of tily af U- Undo of. recteptions of the kinecs 1'91NARD'S LINI- invitaition todav as there were then. MENT, the best of HunsehdId Rem- Verse 6.Noto how literally this was f edles. true by reading Acits 6 * 40. Mbat MINARD'S LINIMENT �00., LTD., messengers besming InTitatious to o. Yarmouth, X. z., Branch Factory, St, John% Nfild, mayal Least should beso nllatxo*,�6tod it i almost (untlitulcuble; yet su0i wwj� do the f�� of ste-pben, Jamesi Paul- and -Waien a mukhor dateeft Zrom -the alt'"re, writhimgs and fretting aff a child 0,.aX Vene, 7. Let as not sentimeatat- ou. -worms a0a troubling It, she can pro- ize about the impo,stAbility of God's oure a reliable remedY in Milber's wmtth- Justice is as muoh a divine Nvcrin Powders Which win, lexpel aza attribute as love. Warms srolli. rthe. eyatem, They, may Vierse S. They were unworthir iA oanse varfUting, but this need Muse thalt they rerused Ito accept. such, no anxiety, bgeAusa 'it as but a mani- are ua"WOAKLY. now. aIe r 1, Jostation of their d"ongh vurk, No Vc'rz'B 9. It is a n0telwmthy t t warm$ ea(a %oug exist vhewe ItheSs 111�tt 'the 00'spel Invitation'. Is often QA ­ y Powders tlxe� u.UICL heeded by Illve rsmugly and accepted by. &o poor azud w1for- �uuate, though aill equally a2al th�-, Christ. Verse 10. The bad,sbould bea0me. good and; t1le good becoA,.m battar. 11. The Orkxtal kinOg Jrjur- Airshod, a. speeiat dmza gor roya-1171 kL- vilued g�%S�s. There -*Vs no exonse, B LETS rpy THEVI for bom - without it. ed PRICE -25 �t Verse 12. A switton consr-len.40% whicla Terognizeki dw Ca6rnew of tlio suurtm�s is tongu:�eted whan hmwV4-.,r -,quest�oned. Ncloug =06hes tranit- neas and Possil>lot except a, clear Qonsclenve� Verse 13. AW p4%ce or oondit!M of clionatiqn, troul God is "ontor 4.whnoss." God'a enomics we ne. buppy hera or herc,"AMM, 'Verse 14. "The called ara tLiq30I who bear; tho clwasn, those V,'�U> aboy." Tho V,_Qponsib1At3r for 11110 Ic�iii re3ts with, G.c4; theree-ponzi4n.. Ity f�jr 0111Q.diencto rleSts upon, Q43$12� hea"'. NVIo analte light of Ood*s 9V,%e-t01M­D?- mite advantage for,; qh,�_n Nve dO %at ta, ofthom, (v. 5). 'tIon,-EI&I's I-lowe, to Whom t�d �arthe '0! we are lu,&�b t-ao anadern sewlnZ�ne4tlue, tried tV la � to Inteek"C;t men 62 m0noy .4 nkguhilk hi llia Invention. T110 19"r) ovcr whka he amd 03141-t r -*0 &1=h Of Ids lito were tallowed tic) ae=1=110 dU,t texod e��t mo valu%A rapNli ithem. An walo 41U rjOcU 44 UO 0,63 or 00 ip 1,611qt,!Zg "be"'t 4 M70 Itl "It 40 was b,.3sicged tora stgwy by' an edlt'01- owllo lind -TofuswA, in 0w oatito!r dalw, to ieven Teadtito anthoes maww1i)t.,q. ?MN_A_h7A_1V._NjENT ,Ile may not have &P-O'ered eAt Me In wordg;" vaid the, latter, "but he do. N ETE splud Iftly wZrIC." _mcr TC-PtAbj§ for PMtfth Old 01961AMIO'n- 1. ItIhe Kinlgl,4 Inv"tUM 11d4wcd Salts Offices tit (VS. 1-7), 1. JVhe" VIS JOKIL3 At ,the limo Of riltia. tpatdl�,,ng? 2. IQIJ MoNum VIRRIPEd TOONTO tALIUKI WV hb twhiug �Pdiffiomlt tor =S0l ,of 4hV 30%'5? 3 W-11MIt I$ 1h6 K"%n- ? U* lot this varabw 4. It ow"at vrox 'tard to uyiderattwl?