The Wingham Advance, 1921-02-03, Page 2CURRENT COMMENT READINO'S TASK 114 INDIA. I.,Ord Iteadiagis 0,1 ppaiatuient, a Vireroy,of India, ha9 been announced. AU4 as alas alrea"Cly been Tsemorued. it judicates the cowelouf-aess in Down - jag Strc.c�tof tile need for the Inall pe -visible. tiNr tho ,3s-ea;ding's T01191011 has beenc0m,"Ient- ,od On 'in ceariectlon, with ails -office, but -there. is -Mo reason wlvy a Sew ahoulLd taot, and many ",afions why a Jew isilrould be more accieDtable, 1.11 India, t1l= -a Christian- people who tradso SUQh a qUe%.VIQXI are prob4b leminuing more of thernselves and t1loir -own -opinions than of the people of India, It cclnellialtloia arld diplor0:110Y can accomplish, ;anything Lomd Read, Ing may betruStea-ItO40it- The'sit I ­lAv and, difficUlt, On well was *8 ptoueer in the United, State% V�laily 11. Ftowo -SY40 the tir*t Copuadla�rl W*nl*R " take a` Me("- eal degree i%,ad site had to 60 to the u4tibed staua to do It. Her daush- 'to A Stowe Gulleup 'W49 dia, woman to gradalte in medicine ill Caaada, The first 1wora%U doctor in �ijnelaaa �ras Dr, lr,i,ng�$f,ord, and Qla had' Scuns degree to par,% to take a,,er which. she did, with a thesis 31ow 'Pub- lished Aw "The ?-e'lfect W' -y "' Diet'" A � t* book 'at �heTS, 41The Perfect l�all r I Way," is a V118cirbItlug contribution, to J,t.he st., y -of Greek and Ch-ristlAn 'Is;11, 1. Tliese. 'pioneems had a, hard itime at first, 'but t"a olixnges,57 they, 111AVO accompitsiled are -IM marked. Dr. alaith -Nvandera what 8, Whole altion of eur,19,11tened women ,V�,Jli do when they 96t tilear mindA to it. koVaR'rlStr4r3 FOR, Ai l,440ST DIAMOO SWMT H(ME WINOIJAM ADVARM �1011AI. '111A4 Us"I'l iT6 Ott TlIt. W SK VA 7 ARD WEN1 OFF AIAD %wsaT �T Amp .......... 9 1)0 14T cy�_*r L IN RAT ZiErs t4e, is TK ALWA,(S 1,tAvE A Rl- 'Cr symPATHY 10i HANE FOR tA( om -rop_ IDAIIA'Tvl� -MRRER %eeT Ifou CAKY A'ZPIJT VOU 0 FEEL f6p r4F_ W4 ON 50URPAN 01r3tiT SATURDAY 0 mtrztiT 0 �11 Bradstre, et's .71rade Review ua Men a -%ill to agg-ra"Mted in Ale alullng by was other repayment in `cas41 for W11:at the dieterlainaV3.011 of taie DGIshevists SCIEN01: AS 'SUE IS V ,peat 1, this Common cause, it 11" all .01 blood, and 4. .1 1 to matneb. On Paris. The -WOst IIAS SyND10ATZI). the aspect 09 the-Prl(30 THE,SP10m en,weo, the wind and is iab-out it -0 T4&aP Solno Of the popular 111farmstiOn as if we weT-e setting a yv'lue-tion on + ,the wbArlwtad. The Unfortunate' upplied by uutted States Syu' tboBe millionet Of Young Soule '%V110 31. 4. ,thing is ,that thia ,yest doeis not wee- being 6 4 1 1 4. -the Mae- d1cotels 1x) the newspapers is about as sawificed their loss �Or Freedom,.110t, 4. + ogrli,,e its Own seed-iSONY1119, at las it can pos- for cash.! Caret gal. these Intem-a- + HOT STUFF GLEAN E0 )FROM EVERYWHERE. o, P11110,30phy and we- unreliable and ilicorre 4. teriall-stic aclelic staterneut about t,onal debts be wiped out? Engl=d 1, ligion -,vhich, under tile guise or civiill- sibly be. T$kla 'thi's aWbilo we Will ,ase most! Lest her lemal And Z$tlou t�be west has -Imported -into 'the st4wan lor an exaMPle- imilitude Orritten for oustclas, differ. in AT'liansais a t. J, Of Water" a like thalt great V- . The man Wb -D drinks wood alcoh"ol ched -a up-gro for ki'llng 6 P'O- eas %pan, materialtstic QJt hew� we accustomed to think a, combination Our 'example) Gay to al, (,mQved with. seems to be that ultimate c�oiasuniel! Mob lyn ,responded 01 Once, and Is imbued liquid,, It is in we3:ity all an, Hadthe CO�Owed gontlernam more of gases which raly 13.0 oe*,xated by compas1w) 11 fore -aye tb�eo 1ye have heaxd so Much ab'Out 'lutely' "cera ed this feat In IreVnad, lie'd _CaImT7 Herald. perforul With the leX t3talOn1% India, chair- tha applica.ti.= of beat. in addition, thy oebt England Owes a 'huge probailily have beelt tendered a ban- Ispirltusl in temperament 21111d, is constantly vaporating, sulri to the .Tjnited States and this J47,iepllaats pushed several railTOad quist' -Winnipagg Tribune aete.r, bus been less -open to these iia- water evatures be .hot or 'Owed in talm- to _Engj&nd by air,.,, out or d -anger during a fire St wit thiert the terap sum is tT Ituenaes, put Our llte-,eattrne and our ei Some cold, Md this evaporation' Is nothing the allied naid-0718 Of EhlrOPO- Bridgeport, and each ifliffabO is now I he propiasitiOu to increase nles, have bad their effect, 06ud than tile changing Of a portion optimists thourbt ithat as the �United d or his Gmmd Tfrunk. TI here Is what Ivi. Y_ Gandhi, 'tile leader more air -.Montreal 91W. mothers' pensions, Those Who `aO`W a water into the f0ral 'Of 6 gil's States did not enter tile WaTtill lie' - t will, got more and those ent in -of tbi get a pons'1011 ,of tile present revolt =OVIOU" invisible." There YW$ after it sta;rted, thus ostume tor now gettiag uOthing will 9�t twice -or India, known. as Mcn-oOOPere'tien. has whical is, of 'courseo ly three f war- Mary Garden "ost her c awiroely be more errors Of fact not only saying (tiae expense 0 "Ap' lir dite." Su,.h -a thing three times -as m6ch. -To to Sbar, olicy in zould 2 ron ,to, say of Fng�,stnd and her P - . ed into Iwo sonteaces, We are fare for talat period, but 0,180 making to be ollstarbed ab(mt! &.10%plolta.tioa of indla!-s pack -Wirin-1peg Tribune. the 'east, �' I resources for tire benefit of 0"09-t quite qgalt an ragax-ding 'water a"' a fabU110113 profit$ out of the alunitlons A Toron-0 publication protests military liquid wbffi.e It 19 in a fluid state and supplied to the Allies, she could Very 11110hat do records cost today, lady?" against -the free admission of such Britain. Anevor-IncrOasing friezen solid as ice, or v-1-pOrIzed ell affard. to cancel her '100111S to for URY zeults YOU can have , an magualries as "Thia, Ginger IV d at once xelieve the x Kisses,, end for Amerle ,expendilture, and a civi.1 service 'the I as steam ItS4 liquidity has "Othing Britain. it Nyoul . Smiles,' for a 4,0110 , , jar,,, ,Tile popper Can" and "Spice Most -expensive in the' world. 113X- 'do wAb1l its molecular cOust,"tUtion, pressure on t)he smaller EuTopieftn 111- a dollar and a half You!d Be Sur- tble that travagant -working -of every depart- 1bD tions among ed." o. A. C, Review. seems r1a'sorl t,Ut.1S 18, qUeStiOn or tomparatu'r0- Wa- _A�Iiies. This is a0t PrIs be aubject: to the' same luent in utter disregard of IndialF, Of two sub- for repudiation, but it -he duty as eyoveg and nixtineV. poverty. Disarmanleat and coose- ;bar is g corabkmt-110111 ell, whi-ch firm is -Regine, Post. te, ea d bYcIT09 action that is taken when Q Eye,, a trained. athlete ai-as diffi- quent earn.Sr -a Who 11ces" OXyg an ' N I at a ,u7jation tof le na'tLIOU a rni. obviously bankrupt, imperil are cases in their Most fallitilar M . , when no business culty in heading off his Y'fe X d, nation might i e or likely to be done, bax.-gain sale. one city merchant anwounces, "All lest an arlae i3ut -%vhloh are TeWRY metals 7h -1 'r9' is being dc)-Xle -Ottawa Journal. our trousen forty pex. centoff.11 This tile liv" of a handful of you in our i '%,ued by low temPartturato tbe, 60101 and when the best thing to do is to secims to US to. be carrying style to midst. Traffic in tatoxicattug 11quora 1,6_ true thait they call -,yipe out the bad d0ts land stairt Under Lie -0. T, A. the doctor fill$ extremes. the purpose of sustain- -ftte. It 19 210t --S.t. john Standard. and rugs for epaxiated by the i3pl)iiteallon or fresh. The bankruptcy 01 DuroPe is tile prescription; end tile prescription jag 2, tOP-41eaVy admilits-tr3tim- Palo- be a They can be &eipamted by p,,aI1L to eveTYDne, and the hope Of fills -the lusall. Kitchener News -Record.. ,gre.5sively x9pressive legistation in beat. tn, action of all electric extraottag alonu from the moneyless When daughter.dressec; for itlie ,Grder to supprese all ever-BM"'Ing electrolysts, 's Data off unt-11 to - There axe many in the Deur Beatrice: 9HOW zhall, I treat par't-y' she filway d, keep on to- -to gIV8 exPr-esslOn current P19sed t1irOug" water from is vain' 1.1 * JeQ a yo.M.g M,.,,, who alwa.'yS kisses Me on Morrow ,Vhat she ShOul ,gitatio-A seeking pol. it tjalted States -,vilo wo Id b t to I wa,ffinig -treat- two 's of &n eleatirle battery Wl 11, -he percl,?11 Neertleas Harry' ,Wll&t - day, -1.1ingstan I'vIllig, ,to 0, n2Ltion�,s agany. De -in your Do- P -T and zinc 01,1010% W.berl-'llydro_ I ping Britain, but the cancellation t ulean P ment of ludians, re�-_lding copi) wn ftt-al gc-,a is set free at one pole and oxygen of tile Bit'.1sh debt would be merely d1ya orch -Jack Caunck. minions and Y-511 'hP-v(3 8110 proportion Of two thelucellation of,,bbe debt Of Foainoe, They Say the 1-jouse Of Iieipshurg dIs;TegaTd of Our feelings by 91ol!r- a! the. 0ther in 'the pen to one of ogYgou- Belgium and the other allied nations A.Llnikat.v�n Tirvitz calls upon will, again assume -the AvetA112-11 Ing the Puniab adillintstrMUCTI and atams ot aly(Ir'06 Gerruan's .. i1a;nig together. Elither t1irone. Which-pronipts sioniPi one to eat -years been of the coatinemit which had to get at is? p.-robably allean, MassulmAn seattment.11 i 11yorogen has Ill Tee their w�ay yell .11ke, Tirp-together or remark that whl -flouting the wGight credit from England 'to make ' is tile Rouse of Perhapshurg. ent is taken from an �acce.pted as the untt in atoln1c possible. 11119- 'Ingly. _Ottawia. 0itizen tra histauces, and by participaltion, In tile wa'r -Windsor 111lis Indic' Border Cities SbIr. 4,to e, -Very 1�agllshmau: 'ma; of all chernioll SU benefit, Open letter lmor been set as 16. land -would have no direct India:' Grand,.hi ai�%s hitherto bftvi: ,eight 'Oxygen -hydrogen shows but would have the inaireot benefit of a supporter of the ierltish. Raj and rut in �001111)1111A<�`n UI having her cross, entries maxLed off. fought in the Baer WR.T, 'during -the LODS ingtead -of 1. TM Tacti011 has 'rA t t Mrs. tho 'rost I 'm antl t1wa(M.0 to, THE R 0 UND JL.LJL E yjoilq r@V01t In loaltab ot Pt. "gar -L4111% bq,�.n ip?r(�q to 41?lne ex g4t; �u as Ot A' Ite Off One's bmd debts " '&Oon 81 e pent Itumbeff. 10j16, 14,ewtOl Wri 41 4he WiL:t, 4na' 'late' bTCPDX Points out Ibeit it IS Of tals they are Tecogialzed. The till' can b e cruiting campaign In the Y-&im n.bbe analysils of in trying ito c011eot bad debts is -IV DS OF BOOKS.") trio ace en HERE WE MAKE FRIE 't, frona the effects of which he greigitest&MP ta groupings Of the more -pTO11t&blY,`sP 't in developing .nearly died. The Arairitsar Massacre tile various ZtOlallc ea e ent,s, and their relation under, aew business, It is se, rce�ay lle'c "The Rose Dawn," by Stewart Eid-CBrns 'an Old-world geatlemen gene .ohgngled his View and thei fActS ill e`ml, no ��!UeZ t the 6119gest'e'd" 'call- publJoiled by S. B. ons to 'a' fault and with -hoss r to 'have I gravitOU01101 strata. "The -liellwal saxy�to add the -%vith favor ward Whit'P. _O t1l9.t his -pitoa 'L thigsaffair do not appear eve d Road- -.veight sqaRred", sixe says, "makes cellation is not wegar-ded Gandy ruu.nftij� Justo debt end he must MOT been fully -apprealsted. LOr P United States. old" zid "The ch, Corona del Mont dng has a geat task entrusted to 16 &.0 devotuTing element An OX796n- I n 'the In talis sequel to "Gi i 'grr"ep, chlit-nel Monte grant has bee In the grU(UP 'Of 1.009 there 'are 16 Gray Dawn," the canoludiaZ volume him. tes trilogy at CgAtorala, hie Iffe work and I's a part ut 3111 gx<M..p5 -of 63 each, and this weight 10 Of MT. NVIII to. color- How lie neax(ly 1OSPS it End 15 s2LV 1H E8 A divISIOCI Of this M up there is allt the chairm, seen by Renneth, and Daphne is the *tWO PIONEER WOMEN DOCTORS. is -thut Of copper' -,, the toema. -of the N N Ing and clearl�out delineation, Ofthar- I Stroll- 911 weight by ig . elds 11 HiStOrY of [M acter whlc;Z% dislingidEhed lhe earMer The, ;10,t as --not very .1 hi�,u Smith, the Veaerable group- IN eighties though, the cialraicter.4 aU stand Oil Dr. Step ,has 8;t the groups 1, 9�, 4, a gravitational 0 %vorks. The peTiod, Ili the and one gets to love the divaill I t Iways gentle, 1COlOn ,dean of AnbericTa surgery' LT lylt 80 Ir Name .1 Century, Walelt. tile State been telling what IIT'st In- Ing, buAlding up the weights or �the 1 01 till -,'ls 8L 3,� len rif na.ittell from, its dim begin- hivalrous, sage iot 97 suffrage c=eal elemenivc, mrs. Hember- 90 W de- peyton and the pretty-l'Ong-legg, g is ORMIM ning Into - the glory ot its aater - him Irk NVOrnall -cae Mwu hisx&rldling Young girl, Daphne Bra terested ths't when in gener- ws FRASER. vez.opmerit, irecitable the society of squared and �oub ,Iy Into life in the erd and -to en4oy and the "Woman questiol ed, the 11112,9011st Of Frasier, Is brought bolin.ding �tllrully made typic,,a,1 Western men who xo�a ,g. It was away back -in 1846 oT Go tILe fiq1tare divided by 100 gives 'the VARIATIONS - F-raylex, viri'le pages of this S'k through telle slaoOth recital, their d Ihst N.Izabeth -VAckwell, 11,3--ving been tomic wej&� I Zazleoll. r delightful nove�- �Ilt of njtrogeu; the long F%, I r Itcigothe: gs tend more to 111-11G,131131te t-1143 life a It, _Normw _French, . and al 'we Ion"' tar those days, in- lon r%th tte,1100 to many miedical. O.nal of gle cube so divided give$ k kL ORIGIN In r0din,9' id ula..rlsof that ge-neirai; , So, RC=A 110034,11Y. _,V, I' Tefused tadall . hl.aad .th taielr(jtl�eshness of enJOYment al Call�ox rill one by -fie strength -all the of-divin-9, and aboV0011 their I th .student at dhag t th Th an 'D ,S;eboOas was I>roposed as a Dr, Sn-dtiil the w6lS'lit of pborphorus, and is an ther or the few Igig keen-ess Medical CO'16ge- a $inal)Ir geornetrical which, though. bern, by sinoe.� Geneva I I clan n=sl ity, la oompaxtson wi,tai tile fev- fth�e na,'rrative, eleftDoutS hilVe e that Ce and pleasures of today- But what of the, The plot el't.i dec7,a,res that -the 6tudeabs Sit relaidan to eakh lotiXer, while the 'o I., s, ,trace bj ick to all Origill cTis,11. ejetivity L the lest chapter, de- atmn,-, -enough -for five Out Of Six n time were the rowdiest lot Of Young or retabion of Tthk4r attr-%c- I III f landy' Judging fromean, of a, story twenty e.3 of this day, and doubtless 4t 12' rn met. A poti- -Ing e is 't tale R.s� C, .an names wore formed TUfflang 110 shad ever tions is siallarly Controlled. Tills ts and sarlb the�N� only ill colitTa4t with. bhe,, W"Ith yea.1% la,ter, 1,rle wLy, by knigh, Mr. White regrets also, gned -to have the no j�5 -written. by -one Who des-orlption which makes the G tion hX6 been si to nuisaace. is all inexhaustible, digres, r ra, the awnly of William the The book bygone porle(% n livi a 0 stach, foll;Ow- iloves to write. th We have the 1018,11re 8t"-te f a ' college closed as a Publ n, EvaporatlDn never 0h%lige4 'Nira- C.onqu"Or,or th sons f pul-lln�� TeStity, that the merei r - The facuity did not want to ine-fuse 810 which ers, who, either to strengthen the for- .-ty style or ef �Viotori%ag. The 00 directly, Iter Into a gn,%, but Into va.Por' gn relations Of tile -Conquerwor be- wr*,ter goes Into byways of description beoaraes,CQu11a0ftP7a0e6 It 114 haw(l BlatkWW-I's admittan, Is ala�t a gas an, any Sense, nor ls� it 'at �xe not "tisfied with. tale s< -e haw tny one �0311 Tead �thlg Ial cause -they we 11,aracter� drawing, torcing -us ItO it b it to a vote lof the -from the gi ted author's ut decided -to Put -0. Q gag is invisible. $polls -of wal, Which fell -to their loit, ift 11tj mood. In the art -of description offering n ­t being Our- course" that plUoTiae is, conclu,L*,red. Englr ure -that Will vernaill, and, sought their -for- he isunusually gifted. His charaoters witholit Plols ,E,luaeuts, one, 'Vote a9,94 ­ Then ithey Msny 03.ses aTte, visible. in tile alorth. at.the court Of tale ,Iro Teail and, vdxded. The story con- forgetable. flelent. to ,exclude her. sta.dents jrl� grieenlsb yellow and th-lorine YellOw- tvnes made, speeches to the or keeping ls'll green In 40010r, and OzO of course Scottish king. light be expezted, -c- gm by Th6y were, 96 -11 o1sting .1 tat!� --fteets9ty le. It water -changed to men with (repu'53110" Is mighty 1-.?& t� Mel -medicine ftr mot, only, and trusted v1sib lu to S4,tt, evaparatim the first Cash of hill- crs, and as they -,vem itridepandent Of WORK Of THE M011 the beys jotho buoiness. They Ing would blast the earth With a dc- blood rei'ationsh&P FARm did, but not as 0xPecte& 'vValea the around, lhe throne. they MI -M, 0. .Vote Was allied there W-149 Q 600rm- Of vouring V.%mB wheftthe 41Ydr0gen and � welcome addition,15 QlWaYs to recombined to 10irM Wl- course, Jh organiza­tlon� we the . like he Okllws, -Und liog.popped Out Of is q_.sociated with 'lions and lea 2 -yes. when, tale, noe, re asked -Oxygen 1;16�s royal SeDttl� rd t6,r. The dediMte, adIUStmenta Of the Pat the IF'razOTS, Gro one isquo-,ky volea was hear in a, quield.,7 formed alllanoo�g by marriak!e Ol d Mr, and "It a led . k Lions don't Interest us, C=e*t r was Immediate- IchemiCal olOftleftlt$ in gasesO liquda 1d.,spted themselves to 'the 'cus# Ills bole rel eireusi day, but lambs do. cloud, at dif- and e, ,&Yrner,zad 4:110 lown-0, and solias, in vapow =d eels -tipon 'receiving aroiund. Did the SIM shin In You'r -W110 pers;usded toilla of the G a in'thei H.ighland-S, Tap. aeIgAhbol4lood? Ths ewes wrl be lamblag, s ly set on by'tb,40 93,139 .0 to vote ". lf6rent leraVe,"atures and I densities, grwq of Ian: I m-mtlitris oxid littais him in 1% Mornent Or tw lietidersuip of C-116111119 from �,-old and dan was ia distiact *aid in, a'.,l the vaxijxmis combinations, Fjly assumed d Awound, 410,M claa ut, onleag to the contrwY 3160 0-30 41hat 'tlO I Dr. Smith ;Eo�yq there ding, it now is iapy1iQAch;tn,,, are protected clt,anga in the mallalors of Ithe, sohool o, -td compositions that we &ans and gathers 0 to withs-tani th,_ cold slid dAmp whiob, ithP-Y StVOV , weather. win Inealt early spring. nraft 111ITvellOng 4AS- orgall1z"tions tile ttrae Whet 3rtav, enemi",�; ol lanibm Xoe�l ft,om t1lit ftY, ThO littl'0 'Quake'r DC's'sw-'s 'a lbre to the, 4esigning c0n­ InAkei more PONVe'rfal- rm� ed and *0 farta ope-aticna be�-,1111- Bet- r.1; '110 -little g ulob -of ltjtu- ftlnt�my we 1110-ve The Fr34'.,mij� �Iirv, "011ful firm n .,! I girl eh=md Clio howlin �Iiii-g reign of Mal- tm got Telady. oil the flocks and W114M -t df,nta eeta.jisnegs in Ole Utdver$-C in Tw,�,edale during arrive help thernt get 0, %tailt, .1 t their foOthOld- in into a lot of W& -manaved 1*0- go With the pigg- Th,LY, too, 'e."Arn 111. Tiley'90 Thitloubtedly the Seed bas been or- -44 .�mo t'h rp��,tful Y(11115 Im'n. Even *6 pro. f(,E�sm-s medified, Ona iftstr�ue- t)r in Inatfiiny had been. accurtoraed t-� 'ard 11�11 Iflc - �piey Itabst- ftroLg �vig, as*. 1 tle, .1 OV! % WV061 vzirdld -tot be 4,03- PCJL�Vtll b(�foro Rldict- It-- Nv'r'ntO Mt'o r�a(.7�well tb(a thl wt-ald give h6rq'-P_ arit;i Inr6r.ntion In one c,1m,m but rlv� reyled jtll�t c1la AvAd r-111.1 fees 611d WAS going 1`0 'at. to..14, "ItIm *ana quay modicive. tl1(, Many 'W'Or4es, bl%t at W" �Aftx brilliAnt 000TO of Wtur". glizAbeth nlaiek- 'BT$." pop,OIVE US 0111t DIM it %,ill be ireqnombexr-,& -01111t, Ono Of ,1l tjL, tti, �ur Mslter did btfort , JAr4s r Wo dftra *&R ' to _proposo iba.t tho na� 111,fAns e -61 ,11,ould met their debts and InItt,,ally dbpoly,� "all other Of 41te In- wl"labM lmrdaa ander whiell the lVorl,l ib�)I.Ws. 4"A.,11 IiAtWflsil" 910 'the WA Admiml, ,.%pmt Asholr bog blood. and onlY UY 010d's TTO""" ("d not bY &eiT OW11 dtni), di"h-ey Vint Whm ,%ch outtry domitwoAd 19 "0 tile Iligil"ands tbrough InairX13-ge-41T110 If f be etinlit-9 %1mg 111 gamille.) and Caitllne,-s dored, azlA tile seed rom t0rted- re, echodiVed to A Of Ova OrhrleYs it hasn's -been '110 Itilail, `SIIOU�411 be I If the s)OW's ia,leutyot bedding o Chieftains, Ileeded I O&Ky. Put p, The Original NOTraft'. in no time board K'efcti011 of the hog house a forM of tho IV rhto�d, es IVI? be name was "do Prtse�ll'j Or "I'VaSOV, at all, ql�e,urje inakeg it dlfflcl� .the old sow -to keep t.1116 'Pigs and simVy dencted overlordshil) of 4 totter give those sets 01 11111M'09S geir &,al V 4T1,99 the dan of Jt n1Mq in Nox,ruandy, be -Ale win- .1114 alao bi M0 o&ly ja,tAxe 6,e, ,nS6 t,�,.mt h:mo betu Idle Inuell Of t Ing a fatally =I ne'Mis"floot ;gy be �eruOied to death In &D herealtary beelU80 teT & good, soaking wltlt 'th cAl. The tugA. amto, Wly band and ser's effort to keep th"' tlmt it wa y and. oat' - f1taty 'i� bedding Maps thO 0 fou" povem WAJIL hektvlltlr� bricu-0 on& lilies We 'UtdoulNedly K�rlpt;lye. rath drY 611d lyrittle- Sat the oil I keep the 0199 WWra, joka myelt, a farm ZsbOtO.- UfAT 130,w1manville, 96, f0mer �Bkrmrdo bOy', who dl6d 1OWMag 0M 40ddeaA. 4%ves " ba -me oc 05,000. ,Will Vast theM in V"40adltlort "Ula' the6e 400V41" Will and iftSodong theff lifb, routine Winter -turn 'work ozdt soaking 'd Coons, March 4*00 *ad there wWt be %0* UZ& t i The Wingham Advance, Bradstre,Ws �OR T reports, to " , tb� r tb&�,Nba tures while s,110Y.111, I'solla.1 dullue"S which alight be *Ax. ted Ill TvuUa.ry is _�lill better lthlln �1 S1 expectod Uad 11",ho-ic,2alo and ire .�Alowjar , g.,� e. -at - $2.0 1 traid,e in general N A aotivity. 0=111140100 19 -returning A wrly but su'rely. Drygoods GTO r, clothing 19 7s,tgi reel iving more freeill lw, althl=gh. ?tllO IS-W111ti011 it$ 41"' :sre 'favorable than at Was two Orlths ago. Manuf4cturinS' Opera- Mel 3ins are ot,,so showing greatew life XO: ,pejr ,igr,ly at sorag of -the larger fac res, financial dlffiealtiOs are 11'eld- g back othelS, olowever. Boiats and Wes axe 'Selling On a Ue'tter %cuts Lon before ithe tho-11days. Rather gnifiesut at this time I!R the state- ;ent,(Yf the nianagerof %6 large retail )ore in Toronto who 1,aTF, that 'lot aly is business good but tile 1100010' re silowing a .21trong diestre for qual- y goods Ill fact. -it is 6"aimed that ! they cannot get )vllat they want In le way Of good ma-terile.% they will ab iot buy rather th= take any"tIlling no liericr. In the irDa and st"l War, !t,ts conditionsaire .-eg%rded as favor, ble and all comment,,; are optlint-41C- c!a;bbeT 4usia,�ss 1:9 bri�-hter and [ea�lers -say th-att tliere, is a better de- o,.%nd coming for raxnd-%rd lilies Of ole -leather Groceries we moving teadily arra.,tbo sligar market is now m % stable basis with WhOlVisa"�8 �Iilces to the retailiera at $10.71 Per iundred pound bag. Uardware to In noderate demand 'NVItIl many �prlce -re- rislons down,'Mxd� In the product markets there is -a much firmer tone acticea,ble ithan Xor mouths past 0'%V' - Ing -to itgle great decrease which has been shown in stocks t1brvOughout tile Dominion, and the fa6t that the Pro - ducting seUV011 15 still far dis�ant. The grain and fliour 1113Tkets IM ,in quiet, prices of -grain f','U0taat` 9 daliiy wbt:h flour holdIng isiteadY. UnelapZioymerit continues On z laT'.G sceae. CuMections are S110W. !VIONTREAI,- treports ' to Brad- R.treets, cvy there seelfts, ;to be more confidence In -tile w:,, I .01,8��ale t.mde, new pillees aire being Issued at loweir c valuera, which Its stimiVating trade. Fore are offering aM much lower prices an(l wi,,al tile extreme cold wes,thlex. ' eates have iacTessoed. S,c,me *r tire cotton, mills have Is- sued -asw pplog Alsts, tale new quota- ttvns being slyaut 150 per cenit, below prlue,s quoted six months ago'- The Inal;s axe working nannial, with th,6 exception Ora few willoll -are deveted to spoaWties; and which CLTe ()nly warking halt tinle. 'American millers have been llbt.,val purcha,sem of 0111adiall wheat at Western poillts. The demand for tiona, for, export bias inloroved. for JAnuary $hIpIlaellt, txcm, British buy - e,13 at LiXereased bids. ar . e also liberal purchasen of our Mour. The oftee-tigs Of cattle at the live stock market were smaller, and prices were., firmeT.0 Exchange trelglit lSialle is DOW OyE'r- co,me, a, �_urcharge of sixty per cant, of Ible prcvailing rate Of exchauge to be adJusted every tiva weeks will be 4added to the Ganodtall freight �Charges to Oover international freights other than coal or coke wbach will �%PPIY in an cases w1leris ithe charges axe Pay - t a.big and -celected in CaMAM. . 0anaAa. !h13S -concluded a now trade agreement with France, tile lainialual tILmlft in, 0anada. to be given Mn ex- change for a minknum, French tariff. The eaboonle cold weather has, kept shoppeams , indoors zrid omt;%Iled -the rpit�a;il trade. Collections are fair. RAMILTON reports to Bradstreet's say that sales are being advertised on a lwrga scale As� Is custalnewy at tlulls time or year, These alre VaTiOuslY named as stock reducing 4aales and proi I nventoTy sales end are the ut-ual thing forlowing the Obxistnias season, 'y Conditions .10031aly la -re not too live. t- ly but Indicating an' improvement al e. an eae�y datte, in all lines. n prices or all cemmodWes on th( ,d market for courttuy produce are bold. Ing t!--ni, and the -caldeT we'alther Q d the le - ,t few days is expected to hav( t1he lefl-e-Ot of cutting dOwn receipt, ,d) of new ,.aid tggs which -will make I .ei great coaTolty as istWag-3 Gtooks 0 C.-gs are Very light. Butter and cieese, axis also firar he wai:,a potat-cory aTe ea!97- T-laere i k a -good deal of unemiftyrnent III Ill in 0ora ,&ty W,;,dlougaa 11ot as mach as of centres. Man.urseuri-,ig Vlexrt,5 w, er racdeira-4101Y payments a- o-, still ralditz behind. OLike th� Grean Bay Tree-" v- I is Weefto, which have been callc Of "plantrs whose vPt.u(r* have not y le". been discoveired," are extraordina-ri I prDlific In producting eaods. Pro oxy Q sln&'e, large 'PUTSIalle plant, sasaylal to 1250 000 se ' ds, may be obtained. best I athstailo) .111 oduce anyditing betwe. pr'e poll 0 d 200,000, and the d1lc lin, 1�0',Oj"2,,",�n,00; -,vhlta the Eshophen ntenit itself -,ylth a avc est 50 , 000! Many seeds retain th, power of germination for from tifte to -thirty Icars, Including among th-c being the -dock, chickweed and -sh he-d's pu-rae- Ilave you ever thoui of -tha cumber of graine. contained I lb. of wild oals? W-0 May Put approximately at 25,000. �But It 1 ibs." want -the same W4��llt In Ple-aitlift on oharlotk oeeds, You will T04ulrO 1,8 000 4nd 220,000 reopeetively. loOn. I ones of COUNTER CHECK BOOKS WA aro agents for t116 ADDI f6rd Counte'r Check Zook 00. Soo our samples und g pricos before ordering, THE WIN-6HAM AbVANC Wlnqh*rA, *ht. Published at WINGHAM, ONTARIO, Every Thursday Mornjn3. G. SMITH, Publisher, �bscriptton Tates: --One yem". ); six ralonths, fl.00 In advance, IversisinIg rates on 4piPlicAtion, Ivertisements without 110elottle di - tons will be inserted unt I forbid, chargod accordingly. hariges for contract advertise - As be ill the Office �bY A00n,. tday, BUSINESS CARPS I ­ NELLINOT-ON MUTUAL FiRE IN SU RANCE .00, Established 1840. Head Office, Quelph, tisics taken On all classes of Insur- e property oil the cash or premium, ;e system, A.BNER COSNNS, Agent, wingham.- DUDLEY HOLME'S 13ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. office, Mayor Block, Wingharn. wl K. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. Money to loan 2t lowest rates. W,INGHAM. ARTHUR J. fill"WIN 13.13,8.� L.D.S. DOotor of Dental Surgery of the. ennsylvanim College and Lieentlate C Dental Surgery of Ontario. losed Every Wednesday Afternoon. -OfFice in Macdonald :Block. DR. G. H. ROSS Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ,Graduate University of Toronto FacultY.of POntistrY- >FFICE 'OVER H. E. ISARD'S STORE' TAI w 9 R. HAMBLY B.8c., M.D., C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate -work in �Sur- gery, 'Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Xerr residence, between, the Queeh's,Ho-tel and the Baptist Churcih. _kll business given careful attention. Phone 64. P. 0. Sox 111S. DR. ROBT.C. REDMOND M.R.,C.S. (Eng). L.RjC,iP. (Lond). PHYSICIAN AND SURGMON. (Dr. tChisholra's old staad). 11T DR. R. L. STEWARI Graduate of TJnIversity * o Toronto, Faculty -of Medicine; 141cer�Lte of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. or' F Ion ENTRANCE: Second Door North of Zurbrigg's Photo Studio. JOSEPHINE STREET. PHONE 29. I SELL Town and Farm. properties. W-1 and see my list and get my prices. have some excellent vallies, IM n. 1. G. STEWAKI WINGHAN, Phone 134. Office in Town Hill. d M LY A !n t- 1,131 d- �p- "t In it 'ell or )0,- 31 i DRUGLESS PHYSICiAN- CHIROPRACTIC 1. A. FOX, V. C., 0. 0. 'Chiropractic loeates and Tefttove6 the cause Of disease; nature heals - Chiropractic Is the only -and Original system of SDInaj adjustment. Ef- fective in 95 per cent. of all cases - The only fully, qualified gftdumtO Of both ChlroprUtic, and OsteOPathy in North Enron. ,Phone 191. 11ours, 2-5 and 74 P -m - I I )RUGLESS PHYSICIAN OSTEOPATHY DR. F. A. PARKER O'steoldthic Physicians only qualifleQ osteopath in North Huron. more Adjustment of the .1014rul Is quickly secilred and with fewer treat- ments than by any other mothod. Blood pressure and -other exalain"' tions made. All diseases treated. OFFICE OVER, tHRISTII119 STOA5' 6ceurtod at lof y OrS who I or a was the, laost 11mmoos o0q, idag" of I'Vench- ov, 4&6 ttaga.