HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-02-03, Page 14 W7 411 i, M1, Cot Junior Hockey Match Lucknow-Ripley vs. Wingham, in the Wingham Rmik, on Friday, February 4th. Game called at 8.15. 1 1 - � i i. . . - - ­ - -a ____ 1 11 11 ­.. --- -_ - I - - 1111" , 1 11 1 11 , I , 1psl I 8ingle Copies Four Cents WINUAM, ONT, 11"UPSDAY. FEBRUARY 3rd, 1921 Sub,.icriptions: $2.09 per year Died In Manitoba Sold Dray "usloese ANOTHER ELECTION There. passed away in Hartney, Man, Owing to ill health, P. S. Milligan, Wing- 140cal Ite"ilms- on Saturday Jan. 22fid, 1921, Susan Petty- ham, bus sold his draying business to Mr. To Fill The Vacancy On Wingliam ;ehao w Council piece, beloved " ife of W. J. Scbarrf. De- Willi -am F inlay of Wroxeter. Expert watch repairing done promptly ceased was a native of Wingbam, and a Mr. Ned, Tomkins is visiting with his daug' ater of the late George Pettypiece daughter in Clinton. Old Boys' At -Rome Whighaln is not going to let Turnberry at R. M. McKay's. former chief of police and for a time lie Mr. and Mrs. A, Welch of Toronto The Huron Old Boys' Association of have two elections to her one as was Mr, W. F. Connor's bomehold effektQ Coming Coming conducted a livery stable opposite the are guestaof Mr. and Mrs, W. J, Gfeer. t Toronto, will hold their annual At -Home evident by tl.e enthusiagm displayed at - this year ois similiar lines to those of .1 were moved to Wroxeter on F riday. to the to the Queens' Hotel, Stables, Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Win. Irwin', Belmore, is visiting the the nomination meeting in the cound ReXall Seharff, moved to the West in the surn- pre-war 4days. Extensive preparations chamber on Monday afternoon. The Mr. Jas. Edgar of Howic1c, bas purch�se- Rexall mer of 1891. She was In ht r 51st year. at the home of Mr. and Mrs, B. Jackson. are being made for the biggest gathering nominations resulted as follows: Mr. J. G. Fyfe's residence on Victoria St. Store Store Miss Marnle Salkeld of Goderich, in the history of the Association. Arthur E. -Angus, by W, T. Miller and The sale was made by J. G. Stewart Funeral services were conducted -in St. spent a few days the guest of Mrs. W. J. 0. D. Shaddeton. Andrews church and interment took place Greer. Another Old Resident Passea lf wood were $30 a cord there would in Riverside cemetery. Thos. Fells, by J. S. Morgan and J. G. stilrbe men able to figure out that it Mr. Wilbert McLaughlan of ManitX'ra, Died suddenly at his home, 112 Brock- Fyfe, does not pay to cut it and draw it to lin Ave Toronto. on Jan, 28th, Mr- Wml Arthur Fothergill, by Win. Isbister and Eye Specialist is visiting his cousin,'Mr. Ernest Jackson, Lewis in his 77 year. Funeral on on. town. Francis St. day, Jan. 31st from St. Clement Church W.F. vanstone. E. J. Mitchell by Dr. A. 'J. Irwin and Mr. W. A. Miller is having the aor� re - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Neirgarth Of Kitchener, are visiting 'with the latterPs to Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Mr. Lewis will be remembered in Wingliam, he being W. J. Haines. cently vacated by Robert Knox converted into suitable quarters for a pool and bill- AV 8 am. FIRIDA--a FEB. 4th Mr Mrs. Win, Chandler. Mr Fothergill and Mr. Angus have -a I to 8 P.M, parents, and a foreman in Chapman's glove factory for with�rawn their names. iard room. Miss Clara Hurniniell has returned to a number of years. Mr. Win. Ingham has arrived in iowa We have arranged to have the well known optometrist, F. F, Homuth her home in Toronto, after spending the, Principal Stalker Deceased V and will open upthe Wingbam. Tire and Phm. B. at our store on the above date. post week with her mother, Mrs. Georyg Wallmr, Turnberry it The. death occur;ed at Ingersoll on # $50,000 Sal Vulcanizing Depot in the vacant store in the Morton block. EYE SIGHT TESTED, GLASSES KTTED. � Miss Martin of Teeswater, has a I ccepted Saturday of Joseph Stalker, formerly prin- cipal of the W�ngharn Public School. De. Wait fog it Kings'Genuine Sale Feb. 12 to 26, bigger values than ever, a Read A Valenti , 11 Social will be held in Wing - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. the position as teacher in the Lower Wingbani School, and commenced her ceased has many -warm friends in Wing- this week's advt. ham Methodist Church under the auspices of the Victory Mission Circle on the eve- Toilet Soaps at Bargain Prices duties on Tuesday morning. ham who wil) deeply regret to learn of his passing away after an illness of only'a few County L. 0. L. Officers ning of Feb. 14th. We are now offering you Toilet Soaps at 1914 prices, Mr. and Nas. J. J. Dyer of London, days duration. Deceased is survived by The annual county meeting of the The choir in St. Andrews Presbyterian Palm Olive Soap, 3 cakes for ........... ...... 25c are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dyer, his widow and one daughter also five North Huron L. 0. L. was held in the Church was under the leadership of F. J. Vinolra Soap, 3 cakes in box .................. 25c Mr. Lorne Aitcheson of Thedford, is brothers and his mother. Wingharn Orange Hall, on Tuesday after- Hill on Sunday, for the first. Theorganist Seward's Toilet Soap, 3 cakes in bou .......... 25c visiting at the homeof his mother on Shut- Interment took place in Auburn cem- noon, Feb, Ist. Besidestother important is Mr. Thos. McKenzie Smith. Jergen's Soap, 3 cakes for .......... ....... 25c er St. etery on Tuesday afternoon. Deceased business the following officers were elected: A good Alarm Clock is the best "Salary Seward's Special, 2 cakes for .................. 25c was in his 55th year and taught school at C. M. -John Montgomery, Booster" I know of, get it at R. M. lvic- Savars English Glycerine Soap, 2 cakes for .... 25c Be prepared, Save Yo . ur MDUey Lucknow, Blyth and Wingbarn. prior to D. C. M. -Rev. Snell. Chapliin-Rev. Armstrong. kay's. Williams Sbaving Soap, 3 cakes for ............ 25t King Bros, sales are genuin . e they offer going to Ingersoll, C. Rec. SecyA. G. Smith. The Ladks Auxiliary to the Wingliam. High Grade. Merchandise at Genuine John Finley raSSeS F in Sedy.-J. G. Stewart. Generalnospital will bold their regular Marked Down Pikes dates Feb, 12th to There �assed away at Wingham Gen- Treas -R. McMurray. monthly meeting in the council chamber, LY1 CEUM THLATRE 26th. eral Hospital on Monday morning, John D. ot CT. J. McLean. on Monday, Feb. 7th.,,at 3.45. McKIBBONS DRUG STORE "The SiRmestUttle Show" U. F 0. Meeti sigs Finley, a resident of Wingh 3m Town 19t Lect.-Robt. Owens, Cottage prayer meeting will be held on Drugs and Stationery 'I, - .., -11-1 Plot. He was seized wi " th paralysis about , 2nd Lect,-S. Thompson. Friday evening at the home of Chas. I' Meetings in the interests of the United a month ago and has gradually wasted Cooke, Patrick St., at 8 o'clock. An in- Edisoa Phonographs Phone 53 C, P. R Tickets Thurs., Fri, and Sat. Farmers of Ontario will be held as follows. away. He was born in Wroxeter almost Where Students Are Reared vitation is extended to everyone. Wingham, Monday afternoon Feb, 7th, 58 years ago but has resided at Wingham Huron county has 125 students at the The large hen house erected by W. H. The Great Drury Lane Melodrama I Wroxeter. Monday evening, Feb. 7th - for a number of years, - His wife pre- University, coming fiftti in' the list of Willis on his ben farm a few years ago, "Stolen Orders" Brussels, Tuesday night, Feb, sth. , deceased him about nine years ago. Four countries sending the largest number Of has been sold to Geo. Manning of Brus- Blyth, Wednesday aftirnoon, Feb. 9th. sons survive viz, Russell of Hamilton, students. When it is taken into consider- sels, and was put up on two sets of Dungannon, Xhursday afternoon, Feb. Howard, David and Roy at home. He is ation that a number of Huron students sleighs and drawn to Brussels lastweek. is made for such meeting. This notice is (Conipanion Picture to 'The Whip 10th. also survived by eight brothers and four are also in attentence at the Western The Ladies Auxiliary to the Wingham an invitation to all graduates of th, With an all star cast including such Goderich. Thursday night, Feb. 10th. sisters. University, London, this county makes a r notables as J� J., Morrison, secretary of the U. F. The funeral is being held to Wingbarn very good showing in the race for higher 'eneral Hospital wish to publicly thank sthool to attend the "At Home". the Teeswater Women's Institute for When you are in need of new letter- Coal Prices Reduced Carlyle Blackwell, Kitty Gordon, 0. willaddeess these meetings. cemetery this Wednesday afternoon from education. their liberal donations, to the hospital, of heads, envelopes, or a*ny kind of bu siness Montague Love, and June Elridg. Successful llospita�, Euchre his residence opposite the Lower Wing- The occupations of the fathers of the canned goods fruits, jams and marmalad- stationery give Tin,: Ar)v.kxvi,. your Best quality D. L. & W, ham store, Rev. Mr. Armstrong conduct- 1833 students applying for admission to I Usual performances Thursday Ths euchre given by the Ladies' Aux. ing the services. es. order. the University in 1919-20 were as follows: Hear the new Victor Records for Feb - and Friday at 8.15, illary for the Winghi%m General Hospital Johnston Was -den Of Bruce farmers, 351; retail merchants, 218; arti- The'Huron County Registry Office r2.' Scranton Coal One Show -Saturday night at 8.20 on Friday evening was very successful. sans, 144; finance. 124; the church, 116; ruary at R. M. McKay's, jeweller and turn I s showed a gioss total of $8,815,90 'The many friends of Robt. Johnston, Optician. Egg, Stove and Nut Usual prices. The council chamber was filled and a wholesale merchants, 106; manufacturers, few tables were put in the'derk's office. Lucknow's popular reeve, will be glad to 106; medicine, 81; teaching, 62; railway Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox who have fees earned during last year, as against Complete program Matinee Sat. The prizewintiqs were: for, games, Mrs, learn that he has landed the wardensihip loyees 56; Dominion officials, 41; law, been residents of town for a great many $8,572.27 the previous year; fees earned sizes at at 3.30 p. M. 10c. and 15c. Dudley Holmes and Dr, Tamlyn, and for of Bruce county. He received 21 votes, emp years have gone to Toronto where they and not received, $1,558.05, surplus of lone hands, Mrs. Jas. Haugh and D. E- while Reeve Grant -of Tara, one of the 40, engineering 36, muncipal official% 21; -net income paid to the county, $2,535.25, $17.00 per ton oldest members of the council board. re- journalism, 17; pharmacy, 17; Provincial will in future reside, For a long time the against $2,621.66 the previous year; net McDonald. ceived 7 and the dark horse, Reeve Row- officials, 14; lumbermen, 13; dentistry, Knox family have conducted a jewelry amount received by the registrar, 84.281.- delivered. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Proceeds amounting to $90 00. The and of Brant, received only 4 votes. Mr. 10; soldiers, 8; art, 6; veterinary, 4; lib. store at Wingham. ladies wish to exprdss their appreciation So. The aggregate amount of all mort - Pea Coal at Johnston is the youngest member of the rary, 2; fishermen, I-, not specified, 240. A large congregation greeted Rev. E. gages registered during 1920 was $3,203,-4 1 -Unchartered and thanks to all who assisted in any F. Armstrong in the Methodist Church 122.55. way towdds the suciess of the evening. county council and possibly the best in- Lucktiow-Ripley Wing on Sunday evening, - and listened to a $14.00 per ton formed on the financial affairs of the See our full stock of Eleto Limouge:; Channels'! Wheeler Elected In Turriberry county, having , held tne chairmanship of In one, of the fastest most exciting masterly discourse bearing on the Divorce China, finest quality Cut Glass and Com-' above prices strictly games of hockey ever played in Wingham Laws of Canada, and the marriages of I A comed-drama built on a vital The result of the election in Turnberry of the Finance Committee for the past or probably in the N. H. L., the Luck- Protestants and Roman Catholics. munity Silverware. -R. M. McKay's. cash. and significant them I e starring 1-1. on Monday to fill the vacancy on the two years. He is a son-in-law of John now -Ripley s4hiors won from Wingbam Some Piano Tuner -Geo. J. Wright, Mr. Jas. McGillivray, son of Mr. and Custom Sawing Done B WARNER. council board res4lted in the election of Joynt, M. P. P. and is associated with on the latters' ice on Friday evening by a bandmaster, has during the past two Mrs, Archie McGillivary, who has resided t3 Arthur Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler would him in business. Bob is a telf made man score of 7 to 5. The teams are very months tuned forty-seven pianos. This is in Detroit for the past few years, will, at pre war prices. have been in the contest for the reeveship and one that Lucknow may well feel movetoWingham this week. Mr. Mc - evenly matched, and while Wingham boys had he not been a member of the school proud of. some record, and several others are await- Gillivray has accepted a position kvith Reduced prices in board. He has s6rved on thi� Turriberry Vaudeville Show And Entqrlsainment are the fastest skaters yet the twin -town ing. Every piano owner who has had his Gunn's Sonola factory. Mr. Geo, Holler all lines. 9VEPYBODY'S COLUMN- council for several years. The result of team have the weight and good combin- service is a booster for more orders. Resi. A local.t.alent Vaudeville Sh w and En ation. The visitors were leading at the dence in the Knox dwelling behind post and family, are also moving to town from Hespeler and he will work in the Gunn AUTION Q ALFFarrastock and implainenta the voting is as followe. tertainment will be held inothe Town endofeachpericd viz. 3-2 5-4 and7-5. 'Vu".Nday'011�bku e- 0. at Wingham, boys had a few hard luck shots 01 Sonola factory. Both these families are:, orrl�,�Blui ' - N I No., 2 No. 3 No. 4 Total .14 1, Wingham, on Monday and Tuesday, office. , I A. MacLeani b AL I Wheeler_ .50 ... �65 .... 47 .... 1I.. 17� We are,pleased to be able to report former residents of Wingharn and we February 8th. and Oth. at S. 15 p. m, In which should have counted. The line up �c I N; jprop. Marshall ... IS .... 6 .... 4....46.. 74 that Mr. J. M. Graham, florist, is im- welcome them back to the old town, Joax Austin . � ... 34 .... 3 .... 13.. _5.. 55 aid of the G. W, V. A, and other ' Wing. was: proving after his recent illness. He has ham- Organizations. Instrumental and Wingharn Lucknow-Ripley ELECTRIC MOTOR F 0 It %ALIC-Three Walked From Lucknow Vocal Selections will be given by the. fob Aitcheson.. goal ........ McQuaig beer. confined to his bed for several horse power motor, & bargaill. Apply s, but expects to be able to be MMMIMM, V710"'AMM-MIX WXXI XXXXXXXXX AD. 0R&wr6RWs GARAG1'. The Grand Trunk railway service be- ]owing artists. Telfer ........ 1. defense... ...... Crawford week fween Lucknow a I nd Wingliam. is around before the end of February. FbIl S,,&Lb re. h.1fers due to too slow Mrs, R. S. Williams, soprano; Mr. H. Jefferson ...... r. defense ....... Johnstone 1W calveabout Our store is not on the "Corner" but J�IhAVP,y to Lot 4, Con. 5, Morris, for Mr.'T. R. Berinetto the hustling dis- Jobb, entertainer; Miss Sarah McLean, Lockeridge ...... centre .......... Bowers X 0. R. Coujmk;s. , Fryfogle, - violin solo- Cruiksbanks .... 1. wing .......... Gordon we are doing "Business" on the"Square". -Harris Co. soprano; Mr. Geo trict. agent for the Massey K One evening, recently, Wingham's own ists; Mr. F Hanmore, baritone; Mr. McLean ........ r, wing ... Wilkinson -R- M- McKay'$- 1FOEt SALW-�txpeet;64 to arriVO next week, X X car of mixed fmin, this ear will run 25 por "Teddy R", having completed his work Jack Ernest, Hawaiian guitar, Master Cantelon ......... subs ........... Ferris Auctioneer T. R. Bennett con ducted 6ent whoat ancl t o balance oaW. Thia grain X vill be sold on Arrival at a reasonable price, at Lucknow about five o'clock, decided Hayry Brown, juvenile entertainer; Mr. Referee -R. Ward, Harriston. a very successful sale at Jas. Nicholls on ,Cash or credit. % W. J. DuPP, tluevalo� that his own warm bed would be nicer to Henry Mason. Trombone soloist; Mr. A. Doig Selected Warden the Ist line of Morris on Wednesday last. sleepinthanthe hotel bed and turning M. Forbes, Tenor. Mr. Ward Gray purchased the farm for X ]FOR SAL& -Frame Won 56 U. bir 30 ft. Freme And LumbeVenclosing it is of good his thoughts into action, as he is Accus- Vaudeville consisting of the following: At the opening meeting of the County $5,200 and about 1000 feet of timber tomed to do, he reached for his fdr coat Some Girl -by R, Scone and G. B. Flan- Council the liberals, who control the was sold to Mr. W. F. VanStone prior to 4dear, pine, and in exrallent conditiOn. )LItice NA V. f000.09. For furtherparticulars. apply. and club bag and started off for Wingham igan; Cazoo Band -under the able lead- wardenship this year selected Reeve the sale, A cow sold for $145 and things W. J. ATIRAITAM, X 11untsville, Out. on' shan" ponies. Although be was corn- ership of Prof. R. Stone; The Parson -by Peter Doig of Howick, as warden for 1021. in general went high. X Q'ttSA1M-Ab0-t35mre8of choice pelted to walk every foot of the road he Shortie McIntyre; Can You Sing?-bY There were four candidates in the running, Important meeting of the Wingliam land,situated, in Wiugbani.Town Plot. W. B. McCool_ H. - Sherbondy and F. including Gordon Young of Colborne, Nat :04ditigs in sirat-class condition. Also a did not stop until he landed in Wingliam, and Dr. Grieves of Temperance Organization will be held in vmap, )r uan City of in about three hours and a half's time . Harimore; The Schoolroom-Readin, Armstrong of Hullet, the Council Chamber on Thursday even - Lit offatinimpldmentaandaq Tum ADYADtoc ritin' and rithmetic by Prof. McIntyre and Seaforth. The fight was a close one te* ing at 8 o'clock. Election of officers, and fw*�.,Aeed oa ts. Te r m s r e wD n able. Apply, T. R I , felt a little tired next morning but onO,04,! lk pupils F. Carruth, R. B. Abell, W. B. turning Doig with a majority of one over 20 F -Do a of his long wa .. preparing for the Referendum vote to be dlati ape?%W ta�erty organ in tIraV otherwise none the iVor e "I McCuol, R� Stone; Courtroom -You are Young A. sprinkling of V. F. 0., has held in April. Every one who is interest- o 71.3 Tim ADVARCM, Tire Company Annual hleeling charged with Judge. E. J. Nasb, Lawyer, made its appearance in the council for tile C%" TVP9WIt1T"ft -L'OR SALM-YOar chnn" tbe annual meeting of the Aero Cushion G. B. Flanigan Policeman G. McLean, "A 1Z a I the first time, but not enough to control, ed in the temperance movement is urgent - to get a good Stern!8 machine Apply to. ly requested to attend. A, M, buAwsioRI). inner Tire & Rubber Co., Was held in the Prisoners, Carruth, Manners, McCool, One well-known councillor from the Wingham seniors were defeated by Lyceum Theatre on WedneEday afternoon. Academy of Stars --Mgr. G. B. Flanigan, North, a strong IT. F. 0. man, is reported Lucknow Senior hockeyists in'Lucknow X, In Ladies' a n d Gents' Footwear X For immediate sale. The Whitechumh The yeport for the year was read and ap- Ed. Nash, H. Sherbondy, F, Carruth, E to have stated that he would go with the on Tuesday evening by a score of 14 to 1, bu,,,,,n,,, tonoand "roved, Although the factory had only Manners; The Foolish Four -In dancing liberals in their caucus this year, with the The game was hotly contested and it 'it (Jon'l Fleil Cflea2i ring sak aq ladaea" and Gumts" ,Ul old A 's lent ".tJ.", hin 30 run about five months yet the statement and singing specialitiei L. Liza, F. L. Car- under4anding that lie would go with the is doubtful if aay team could have %,on Applyto. showed no deficit, and the directors are ruth. Rastus. R. B. Abell, Ram, Gordon cons-,rvatives next year. �q ED209 quaNty siLloe@. from tho Lucknow-Ripley rnst4x McLean, Snow. H. Sherbondy. It. It. 1,unktow, looking forward to a successful year with Tile now warden in taking his chair The entire performanc(, will ba accoia. I Junder the same conditions. ProbaNy UA. LaCtOry running for the, entire twelve i briefl ly outlined �­,)nie of th,� work for the they evor beforo, ORE OUR W1,K09 COTWO 50Y ent 'Wopri-aiian For Assessor I I nevL�rin 1&tory llav4� 0M (Ow"alf5w emILT al!� Z?v .0, lllumw er not months. The following officers were paniei by Fryfoglo's ()rchQ8.r-1, whic" comim, year. A bra,,;, ta&,t in hoilm of nioton!d to play Jiu.,4ey ill I'V.nuary. elected: will also render favorite sulectiom; (Ittl the, late D�)nald lhzttev�;n' .1, who died last Spa ee� �0 cy '_"�a(v President--Witi. Forester. the evening. Prorrainme emcldorably year, and vdlo wn�; for S al�� 14 year; tile !iaturdLly aftertmold. changed for second Vice Pres. fessc� Button. Feb 5th. from to 1. oae hom: only, I I kr am "Or y i liv, "t' Conw cutai.,d counzy en�jaolr, E'13C sm"'e, mou ajc-2 �3Em2c TYRUP131E K311U;'Ll" 71r" I- r"Olv he to 4 1`--` 4, and enjoy a real show, ho com- a _a 11c Minna's wiii, "'n. 8ecy.-Treas.­.C. E. Judson. 41�ail_ t*k,rtJVXMV tk 17, (@2AM6­--WUc Emve Lu cin 2E""'�', Servo M cento, 11401 'Pi PlMt C. E. Judson, lx TENDERS WANTED Direct6ras--The officero and L. Kennedy OPIMS at, MeXibl)011�3 ThM,1- lai';'��, dia coul�6� Tiie Mr,3tkml Scalod 1�eaiderR 151-whefl toader fm .,t will anti M. TA Zurbrigg. day, Feby. -1rd. Don't dolay, !""'t 012 yc,�? V,111' 11.'o4j onlk�'A�i,��_A!,, V W rmaivod 11V 610 undel,�iqnlo t up tot p. ill. Mr. Zurbrig"g will move to Hamilton, now. 1921 f& the delivoir at, uo,l i, ii_� Aton"d iiul, �,�IMAL where lie will opon a branch office, Ito VAit 111,1�o, a �;�A�., ulto",'Jt.0 66 0 and hig g�xxi facility will be greatly mic.,sed tt 1 '41 -'n pu ro�d conitWi,� on �or tb2 I be of on v. from Wingliam, where they are moA Ki�if, Beo_). An,.=i; Smk! Q�Zohca7 by CIO dnXIC, tvea�-,Uwe and dato ni�J DTL�,N1,1,', Wfl� 1'_1 ilV_1 I i Gitfivr.q -�o C-- , -Ic- ­-Ic­ d ate C. ii'eb . 12 t h t 6 t I a cler. , "�, i 11� ?I e, 0 L See, W. K ",413. bighly respected.- L in to V-4", "t tq I ImS, J)'�