HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-27, Page 10'141h WI-NOU&N 4,A)AVAINOE A1.1 1111-;1.4 Ainberola Nights Beat Mot ris Jan '27th. 1921 Mr. R. U. McKay wbo has been cou. On Friday evening, January 21st the o: fined to bis home here for several weeUs Members of Ebenezer Sunday School and The Aramboan Nights is aqle to take a walk down town, which news is gratifying to his friend,% Bliss lidna Hilb*rn, Myth, is vi.91tiag friends, to, the nualber of about $eye . MY met vt the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Jewitt. and spent a social evening. After friends in tile vicinity of Ouelph. iodulgin , g. in games fur a couple of bour$t Edison's Amberola Vill Mr. Ban McCormick of Listowel, spent the week-( -ndwith hisbtother, Rev. R. the company was called to order by Mr. W, Elston,. Reeve of Morris, who acted as I., at the p3rsouage. chairman and arienjovable program was thousands of nights: Df ttv"M10105"t wonderful entertattim,1-1,at—all the I . . I Mr. Bert Pearce of Abbey, Saslc,, visit- carried *nt consisting of Instrument4is, sol,)$. duets, and recitations. The most ed his mother anti others relatives in noticeable part ot the program was a N world's best music—grand opera, this locality, returned to his home on presontation to Mrg. Jewitt of a beautiful ballads, hymns, comic numbers, Monday. cut glass fruit bowl. by the members of Dr Irma Kennedy, who visits Ulyth Ebenezer Bible Claqs of whict-, M. rs. band music . latest songs and danCe professionally eacit week has recently Jewitt has been teacher !or a, number of hits—that will keep III the J amily been appointed Medical Health 045cer of Years. A bountiful lunch was then served town. by the ladies, after which all went home, happy at home 365 niobts a year. Mr. Robert New"mb has purchasea reporting an enjoyable evening. And tan owa this phono-- Mr. % Creighton's farm, just east of the Miss Lizzle Hetherington spent the you greatcst village. We understand Mr. Newcomb, week -end with friends in Tees.wa.ter. graph value in the world on practically Your intends going into the poultry industry. Mrs. John Rintoul, and children of ma temid Thomas A. Edison bas.said A voluntary collection in. aid of the Brussels are visiting at Mr. James so—he wants to brinr music—real music- Chinese famine was taken up in the Golley's, inta yvtdr home. Come to our #or* ri4rht Methodist Sabbath School on' Sunday Mr,'Victor lialnes spent a few days away 4114 learn fW4 partkulam I and $$$ was the amount contributed, with friends in Ashfield, Rev. W. B. Hawkins condutted the J"Nk 1k T Mi I N services in the Belgrave Parish during — $85 tile week, J. Waltoa MoKibbon, Dealer *�­ SCHOOL REPORT 4 i --- W A' Mi T The following is the VeOoilt of Westfield Mr. Gordon Wra�- sj)ek a few days Ptlblic: School for the third week of Jan. recently with friends in Toronto. Class V -Total .030. Hazel Keating MBliss Gertie Bush of Wroxeter, visited W�L�'. at the nome of Mr. and Mrs, Waldo Weir I 497; Grace Redmond 486; Leila Stack house, 473; Ted Rodger, 467; Elwood One day last week. Stackhouie 455. Douglas Campbell 441; Mr. Alex Ulggius who recently got his Mary Farrow 438; Norman McDowell absent. barn.burut, has sold the farm. to Mr. JV L F Tntis. Gowdy. Class IV -Total SDO;,Qrace Mason, Will all those 452; Mary Bell $91; Norman Keating. Mr. Chad Henning who bought Mr 595; Eva Cook. Elva, Walden. Mabel Chas. Kitchen's farm has resold it to Walden, Sarah Howatt, George Howatt, Mr. blelvia Willits. Chad can not want 31 we va le She got up and gave the alarm and med- the cage for the bird just yet, Warren Bamfordo absent, Class 111-Tot,11 250 Hlida Pickering, ical assistance was procured and they Why does Willie Westlake wear such Mea. Milvi.-:-t Sel lersspent a few daysi were both the C a broad smile these days? Its a boy. 182;Joe Bell, 158; Melbourne Keating, 146; Ernmerson Rodger, 14% .,.ban weak With To, onto friends. soon on mend. gat ga a Mother and'sou are both doing we.1, -Air. I had been leaking from the furnace and it Congratulations Bill, 11:2; Class II -Total 250, i(arold Carter, Irene Carter, 9$; Mary Rodger, *na Mrs. RoLt Durnin of Wing- 1�nam, spent Sunday at the home of Qeo 'was very fortunate that they woke up Mr. RGy McKersie had the misfortune 'I 8 n t, I ab- IMewbray. early, otherwise it might have been much, to slip and sprain his knee, badly one I Total 250 Edna Walsh, 168; Eva, Stack� Mrs. Errooks; has returned hoine from more serious, as it was they both had a day recently, We hope fie will soon be house 164, Madeline Walden, Edgar Zlyth. very bad scare. 0. K. again. I KoWatt, Elaine Bamford, absent, Ur. and Mrq. Hugh Sinnamon and 'i.=11y Mr. Geo. Mowbray is better again and Wroxeter R. R Redmond, Teacher spent Sunday v�lth MrL Win. Me- back to work, we are pleased to say. Men went rnad for her kisses -Wild, wil- Messrs. Robert Hamilton and John While returning from Mr James The U. F. 0. received a car of flour Mundell have each purchased litter cat-! Stut:Vs on Monday Dr. McLeoW's horse ful, tempestuous Concha Perez --daughter ran away, throwing the Doctor out. The ,=4 feed this week, At their meeting rlers; for their stables. I . of Seville -Creator of the Passion Dance: I Pwot Thursday night Mr. Chas. Garniss . animal ran as far as the Presbyterian Quite an, "citing time at the nomi. !shed See was appointed to look after the flour and The Dr. had his shoulder dis. .6ftd also the coal for the TJ F. 0. nation here on blonday afternoon for the locaied and the cutter was pretty badly GERALDINE FARRAR .'Mr. H. Hammond has exchanged his council man for Tnrnberry� smail2ed. in motor t-uck for a new up-to-date one.' Messrs. Alex McHwen and H. Hato- I' �iany of the business people are sorry '�Ohla will keep Roger Oke in good butn- mond are going into the hog business to learn that Mr. A. A, Lamonby, who "THE WOMAN AND and purpose buying up enough hogs to, xlur. has been manager of the Bank of Hamil- THEPUPPET" Out morning last week Mr. and Mrs. use up all the butter milk from the fac- to, here for some years will sliortly be h tolly the coming season. We wish t. am a IPater King upon awakening about 6.30 moved to Priuctoo. During his stay in n- w. felt sick and Pete got up and very success. Wroxeter Mr. Lamonby has tuade a hoqt Wedding Sells ringingagain, Ask, friends be to, Goldwyn Production directed by hortly afterward -i fell unconscious on the are of who will always pleased 5 car,. Roger if he knows where. hear of his further advan cement. .,9oor giving Mrs Xing a very bad Reginald Barker Lyceum, Thursday, Fri day and 6aturda�. P a A gv� we lae ". TU'Md'"h LooWn I" I Wonla"erful Values—Everything on Sale. Enormous Reductions—Buy Now and Save Money. D--* Bringing the $ Back to Pre War Strength Sale startLed Jan, 22, and Ends Feb., -M Below are briefly listed only a few of many items included In this big sale: I U#6 .49m first quality gnglish Vbvar Leaf Cups and Sauc- ent, reg, 4.50, an sale at 2.96 doz. I only 97 piece Bridal Rose Din- ner Set, rag, $60, on sale at $48.00 30 to 50% off all Dinnerware, Fancy China und Glassware. EXTRA SPECIAL — CKX4 �Ijl . ..... I Justreceived from England, about 40 doz Fancy Jardines; and Fancy Pitchers, all on sale at 207. off. Z 100 only 6 qt. high grade Alumin- um Saucepans and Kettles, worth 2.50, on sale .... 1.39 100 noamel 6 qt potato Pots with spout and strainer, 12 only Enamel 10 qt Water Palls, tog. $1, on sale 'at. 80C rag, 1.25, on sale at ......... ... ........ 1. .. ­.. 890 100 l5rainel 12 qt Dish Pans, rag 85c on tale at ...... 59C 100 ofily 14 qt Tin Pails, rag. 65c. on sale at ...... So only Enamel Wash Basins, rag. 40c. on sale at .... 25c 100 only 5 qt Tin Milk Pans reg. 25c oil sale at ....... 15c Ct 20 doz. Ladlebl Cashmere Hose, 4J to 10, rag. 1.00, sale at ....... I ....... 159c 20 doz Cot' ton Hose, 8� to 10, rag, 50c, on sale at ........................ 25t 10 doz. (;bildren's Vesto and Drawers, rag 25c, on sale at ................ 49c 6 doz. Ladica'Vtsm, med weight, reg. 80a to 1.00, stile at, .... .... -39C 1 100 Vda Table Oil Cloth, reg. 90c, on nale a yd ............................ 50c rz.'y V 16 gro o Palm Olive Soap, veti,. 2 for 25c, on cale at for ....... ...... ............. 121D�., off on W011 P"ID20 ................ .......... 4 *' 11-C , 49­� A "' A Z` A A 1< WT 1, N,(' ­ M Whitechurch Rev. and Mrs, McCallum, and Mr. and Mrs. Glennie of Lucknow, visited with Rev. and Airs. Scobie, on Friday last, Mr. Neil Gillespie of SeAfQrth, is visit. iug with Mr. John Gillespie, Mrs. DuMont, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Juo. Egleiton was called to her home in St. Iouis last week. blaster Kenneth Mowbmy of Dun- gannon, is visiting with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. John Mowbray, Miss Maggie Garton * of Brussels, is visiting at her home here. Mrs. Beaton of Clinton, is visiting with Mrs. Jas. bleClenagliau. who is int - proving nicely after bar serious illness. Mrs. Sturdy of Lucknow, is visiting with Mrs. H. D. Henderson, who is not improving very much. Miss Mary Walden of Ripley, was visit- ing at the parsonage lastw,eek. Mrs. 1. D. Beecroft visited with her sister, Mrs.]. F. L. Creighton of Moore_ town last week. The young people of the Presbyterian Church held a -social evening at the manse last Thursday. UVieryone had a good time. The choir of the Presbyterian Church. spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, and " a token of their appreciation of the services of Airs. Jas. Falconer, presented her and her husband with a half dozen silver knives and forks and a berry spoon. delgrRLVe Miss Clam Adamson or'Kingsville, is spending a week with her aunt, Nurse Fanny McCrea. Mr. and Mrs. Win, Brant of Hullett, speut a day at Joe Brandon's last Week.. Mr. Harvey Watson, wlx3 has been working at Beechville for a few weeks is home again. Mi. find Mrs. Jones of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. 1. A, Geddas Mr. Jones took charge of the services in Knox Church on Sunday. Mr. Joseph G ray, formerly of Wing. bam, but now of Saskatchewan, is visit. ing the blessri. Geddes and other friends. The Farmer's Club shipped a cat of cattle to Toronto on Saturday last. C-)uite a number from here atte4ded the funeral in Brussels Saturday of Mrs. Lizzie (Thuill) Proctor, Mrs. Prodtor has been a great suffertr for a 8'uple of years, and two weeks ago went to London for treatment atid passed away on, Wed. nesday last at St. Josephs Hospital. She was formerly a resident of this village nd held in high esteem, Sorry to, report Mrs, Henry Brandon is in very poor health, as she is suffering itoln neuritis in her limbs, Her mother, Urs. Midge, is with her, and isalso in very poor litalth. blorrin ONtrict Scarlet Chapter met in !bu hall at Bel , graw,- on Wednesday even. 111;�, Jau. 19111. and after the initiitlotl of 1114tee A-mididates. C-lertod tile following %V C. in C -Robt UeUrae. F. C, ill C.-, 0:1.4. Johw�tou. Char, , cha'. King. Scribe - 1"', W. S,!ott. Tfow; .—J. J Vengitson Sit It. al A,---JS1l))1 S. stwtt. Lcutta.vts--Alel. Smilburn and Rohl. Owk-u!" I%t 0111d.-Alurl"IF Johnston. L'Ild Cowl. -(Alhot WLthery. Love. It, --Chas' Re-atilig. Listowel Wingir.1m Go4erich Hospitals Rates 1,5() 1150 went not later than Saturday,, .12.50 2.to , 1.30 February 5th. (One week from &00 3 OD 2.00 3150 350 21001 Saturday.) 0 0 0 0 0 400 4.00 300 4,50. For the past year the average receipts of tlio following four hospitals. Godericli 14 beds, Wing. bam 25, Kincardioe 18, and Orangevillelil was 17,500and (Imavarage expenditure $0.974 leaving an ayerage surplus of $183, The town grant to these. towns was- Ooderich $500, " W;jigbtim, $200, Kincardine nothing, Orangeville, nothing. During the past four years the hospital at Orangeville has received but $100 from the town, and Kincardine $200, U1 yet they have had A su rplus each year, Ho wyy I L L I S Fordyce SOLE, AGENT FOR LADIES' Mrs. Havens who has been staying In Lucknow with Mr. Elliott Taylor is' at present visiting her son, Alexander Havens.. Mr. McKenzie Webb, has been cutting AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN wood in this vicinity this week, Mr, and Mrs. C.. Rush of, Whigham, L�a are vi6iting for a few days at Mr. Peter Leavers. Mrs. Oillon *nd her son,. Joseph. who WINUAM MARKETS If you want were visiting at Mr. Paterick McGlyn' a for a few days. has returned home again- (Correct up till Wednesday noon) U 9 Mr. P� McGlyn delivered 5 fine bead', Wheat No. 2 Spring ...... 2 00 to 2 10 of cattle at Whitechurch on Saturday last, I Wheat No.2 Fall ...... 2 00 to 210 U B E'E F Glad to hear that Mr. Daniel Martin !Flour ..... ....6 00 to 6 50 . I who has not been feeling well of late is at Lad ............. : ...... 35 to 38 Call at present Improving as well as can be ex- Butter ............. 40 to 50 pected. I I , Eggs .............. .... 65 to 75 A number in this locality have been Cattle, med., butchers.. 0 Of) to. 1000 Ulver & Beninger's laid up with the mumps, but are improv- Cattle, butchers choice. A 1 00 to' 12 00 Buteher Shop ing nicely. Hogs, liveweight 14 25 to 14 50 Mr. John Ferguson ot Auburn, is at Alwa"young and cbolce and prices present visiting his son-in4aw, Mr. I -lay ................. 24 50 to 26 00 are reasonable BY the pound or by the Chester Taylor, Cream .......... .... 60 to 57-, carcus prices right. -6- A0 ma- 7-r6- 77 7T 7? TIF 77 W T Tr 77 TV MI .4-A + ANUAHY GLEAahvkANCE SA + 717 + Of Furs, F u r Coats, Fur Sets +'I- + + + q. P'.., + + "'p-. .... . ... . w.-,- + -0 41 + + + 'n o + + J& 6� + + + 67. + .. ...... ...... + a + + + -,Ladies'Ready-to"Wear Cloth Coats,'"Plush Coats, Silk Dresses, Serge Dresses, SidrtS, Blouses, 110SIelY. Underwear. Me'n s Wear +Boys" Overcoats, MeWs Overcoats, Boys" Suits Men's Suits, Boys, Sweater Coat% Mexet; Sweatex, Coats, WA " + nter Underwear, Socks, For Cowts, Mifts, etc. 14 Get 0 -Our Pricoo B, efore Buying OWN* a goo lu -11"0444 1 h4srsuu� Jan '27th. 1921 UOSPITALFIOURCS o: w. M1111 In connection with the, movement for the ost4blishmeat of 4 hospital in Seaforth the cointuittee secured figures from tile number of hospitals as to capital costs and operating expenses The following com-! parative table of sKlariles, hospital ratest atc.. of tba Listowel, Wlugh-ini and Godotich hospitals was pr eerited. Listowol Wingliam Goderich Matron-supt� $1200, 41000 $000 'Asst, Matron Pon 800 -- Night Supi. $00 -- - M J"Nk 1k T Mi I N *E y — $85 4 per. month, Janitor $00 WtV pd. day PO. day Lawkidresis day day day W A' Mi T E D Probationers- 4st Year 7.00 O.W 6.00 2nd year 8.00 7,00 Bra year 10.00 9.00 Will all those who are Indebted Six aprons aild,2 unitorms ti? r.ach avIrse each year, to us lkludly favor as WIth Settle' Listowel Wingir.1m Go4erich Hospitals Rates 1,5() 1150 went not later than Saturday,, .12.50 2.to , 1.30 February 5th. (One week from &00 3 OD 2.00 3150 350 21001 Saturday.) 0 0 0 0 0 400 4.00 300 4,50. For the past year the average receipts of tlio following four hospitals. Godericli 14 beds, Wing. bam 25, Kincardioe 18, and Orangevillelil was 17,500and (Imavarage expenditure $0.974 leaving an ayerage surplus of $183, The town grant to these. towns was- Ooderich $500, " W;jigbtim, $200, Kincardine nothing, Orangeville, nothing. During the past four years the hospital at Orangeville has received but $100 from the town, and Kincardine $200, U1 yet they have had A su rplus each year, Ho wyy I L L I S Fordyce SOLE, AGENT FOR LADIES' Mrs. Havens who has been staying In Lucknow with Mr. Elliott Taylor is' at present visiting her son, Alexander Havens.. Mr. McKenzie Webb, has been cutting AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN wood in this vicinity this week, Mr, and Mrs. C.. Rush of, Whigham, L�a are vi6iting for a few days at Mr. Peter Leavers. Mrs. Oillon *nd her son,. Joseph. who WINUAM MARKETS If you want were visiting at Mr. Paterick McGlyn' a for a few days. has returned home again- (Correct up till Wednesday noon) U 9 Mr. P� McGlyn delivered 5 fine bead', Wheat No. 2 Spring ...... 2 00 to 2 10 of cattle at Whitechurch on Saturday last, I Wheat No.2 Fall ...... 2 00 to 210 U B E'E F Glad to hear that Mr. Daniel Martin !Flour ..... ....6 00 to 6 50 . I who has not been feeling well of late is at Lad ............. : ...... 35 to 38 Call at present Improving as well as can be ex- Butter ............. 40 to 50 pected. I I , Eggs .............. .... 65 to 75 A number in this locality have been Cattle, med., butchers.. 0 Of) to. 1000 Ulver & Beninger's laid up with the mumps, but are improv- Cattle, butchers choice. A 1 00 to' 12 00 Buteher Shop ing nicely. Hogs, liveweight 14 25 to 14 50 Mr. John Ferguson ot Auburn, is at Alwa"young and cbolce and prices present visiting his son-in4aw, Mr. I -lay ................. 24 50 to 26 00 are reasonable BY the pound or by the Chester Taylor, Cream .......... .... 60 to 57-, carcus prices right. -6- A0 ma- 7-r6- 77 7T 7? TIF 77 W T Tr 77 TV MI .4-A + ANUAHY GLEAahvkANCE SA + 717 + Of Furs, F u r Coats, Fur Sets +'I- + + + q. P'.., + + "'p-. .... . ... . w.-,- + -0 41 + + + 'n o + + J& 6� + + + 67. + .. ...... ...... + a + + + -,Ladies'Ready-to"Wear Cloth Coats,'"Plush Coats, Silk Dresses, Serge Dresses, SidrtS, Blouses, 110SIelY. Underwear. Me'n s Wear +Boys" Overcoats, MeWs Overcoats, Boys" Suits Men's Suits, Boys, Sweater Coat% Mexet; Sweatex, Coats, WA " + nter Underwear, Socks, For Cowts, Mifts, etc. 14 Get 0 -Our Pricoo B, efore Buying OWN* a goo lu -11"0444