HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-27, Page 92 M r I 4w-w.T.'4:,&11 P 0 FA.1V*_ I W=40AM ADVANOZ ­....­­ . -1. � .1 ­­ __ - "I I " �, 1: lt,1:0., 0 1 " � ­ �Zk i� i I— Avroictfj 'Muoh. W41011w, W-ttIlIT u � .....�.,.,.., it is Packed to please C111010Yed, to a p ' � -,. ,-,..& J '� 3A � ' *t and serves i Much may be Wate, lby triving ,,,O�� , ta mission 10 e a wedding, provided tile ,- . - ANIM I- ConrUIT'I'ac"be artfully concealed. thu-j 01 1p ,,, I =--M AffO74ing 01100-11tualty for bettei ac- I � I quainta,nae ,and possible difilIaigon. hul) I I IF meut. Rut open -opposition Of ony 2. I all 'Adpol "-w of 1 kind Is more likely to 4,exi,,at its jior� 4 Pose land InAkO the two More detw., Exass-an I DA mined to wed. ­ , . SAL11 11 * * �% I,_ - 11 . Op")OSition is''however, much =,o . effective with womc�a than Wft, ...,re W 211_____W n. 0 W 30 A. The rea.�:oa Is obviGus. it to o4ly tile Loson V. january $0 exceptional. woulaa Y'llo 03m, afford to ING, is used 11-1 M a SO, ber family at defiance -upon ally I-Osson-Matt, 21: 1-4,6. Printed Toxi ill'Ons Of tezapots dailyu , gend us a postal for a,* subjeet of Imp:)rtauce. TUe alr,erage --matt. 21. 1.10. � xreP, sample. Ple-ase otate the w3man Is accusstomed from her youth 0olden. Text. --Blessed is he tha , Zwe You now PaY and whether Black, Green or WKed UP to talza their advice, i drCss Salada, Toronto. . . cometh In the name of the Lord" I . (Matt. 21. 9). 4722 The wow -an who warriog In dlr�ect , �­­.' OPPP-sitiOn to the Wishes -of her kith __., -_77— , -7_7 -_­_-_----N,—�._ _= -----., , and Rin, must .either be tremendously "loWricat setting. Tlaw.-.A.. 1). 30. � In love -or tremendously self­wlll�ed, I . I&ID Ilklace--Jeru- W parlilps both. It require% 6 W. 0 CM. BVSH FRUITS All THEIR greater effort -for a womall.to for--ake �, * The Lesson Text, father, mother, -sisters, and brothers I And when. they drew nigh. unto CT the man whom. She, Joves than Jerusalem, and came unto Bethpliage, I that wliloll tile man mmkcs In similar unto the mount of olives, then Jesus - . CULTIVA110N IN' CANADA O'lTeumstances. -She way love bin, all sent two disciples. , the better ,because She thiulm th,sin 20 saying unto them, Go Into ,the . * — � I unjust to him and fully Intend todle- villa,ge that Is over agiiinst -you, and (Gontlaued from last,week.) feet In Ilt"Ight they should be regard their advice, but When it straightway,ye shall find ariass. tied, I THE SLACXSEiRRY. Pinch- 00'ale,s to the PlAch. her heart falls and a Colt with ,her: loose them, and I eu'Olr to make them throw out ,side her, bring them unto 2ne. The blackberry -is a native or the *qbOots and thus keep them the bet- Afcr,t men, on the other hand, are 2 And If any one say aught anto Eastern States, and in Canada it is ter Within, bounds. All cAnes ex- eagior to bre3.k e lance with anyone You, Ye shiV1 say. The Lord bath, need found wild from Nova Scotia West- p o the -strongest of them; and strAlghtway , e will , 1,11 defence of the wonina for whow I 11 ward and- northward to near the Should be out out. The Second t1ley care enough to m&M. The send them. Manitoba. boundary. Year the now, elloots made thatseasorL -betta.r 4he man The oommorcial. culture of" black- Phould be pinched bauk when � the more willing he 4 NOW 014% IS �COMO to PaSff� that I about is for,the,minbat. it might be fulfilled which was spoken berries In Ontario and Quebec is con- two feet in height., and as -they will Moreover, tile vanity of mau blds through tile prophetowsaying, fined =%inly to southwestern Ont-ii,rio. u0t all be the � same height at the ,him rely On his own Judgme t. 5 Tell ye the daughter of Zion Ill. the Lake Huron ,district, where same time, It is necessary to go over man who is in lov a The f there Is a heav 0, or fancies him- Behold, thy King compth unto Y ,fall ,Ot Know, black- the PlantAtIOn several times, All $Olf In love. with a Woman believes thee, barrJes succeed very well. but when Sackers should be destroyed. It is that he knowe, h4ar thoroughly, He Meek, and riding upon an ass. � unprotected by this covering in �rin_ Important to do this work Ja good resents ,outside advice. or intormoutflon, And upon a colt the foml of an -ter they are not Satisfactory, They time, as if done too date the Jaterals ass. are grown with varying degrees Of wild grow too late and be iWared by 'His self-este.em, Is enlip,ted In de- I even as Jesus appointed them, - Winter. During the second samson ellnes to bellove allYthInG to her dts- 7 and brought the ass, and the success in ,other parts of these prov ifence of Ills own opinion and he de- 6. And the disciples went and did laces, the -amount of protection they five or six of the strongest CMOs oredit. Indeed, he will quarrel with get In Winter ,usually, governing the should be left, and ail the rest sho,W4 Us bW. friends, It �Ulat friend dhall c ol t, and Pitt on them their garments; revalls obtained. At Ottawa there be removed elther during the summer attempt eveT so kindly to discourage andhe %at thereon. i4prely's good crop of blackberries, -the autumn, 8 And the most part of the mul- , _ , or in as. there is not* quite enough allow as This prmetice I$ then followed every his marrige with .the -svoman of his a rule -to protect them well and tile Year, the canes ,whic,h hav cholce. I titude spread their garments In the ,e way; and others cut bnaaelies frow canes are Injured. Blackberries do fruit being removed as So , w� 4orue -B. M., In The Londoa Daily '.Nfafl. after — the trees, and spread theill in the exceptionally Well in British Coium- fruiting as it is Convenient to"do the . way. I bla, and also succeed in parts of the work. Each SP. -Ing the laterals should 4-*-+4-+-*-+-*4-#-*-&-" - 4 +,1,*-+-*-#-+-*-" 9 And the Multitudes that -Airent Maritime I Provinces, b3 -headed back considerably, tile t liffore him and that fol'owed, cried ,PrqPnSZ#t11O". , . length Of lateral to be left depending CURE YOUR COLD saying, Ho.4aunm to the,son ,of David. � The blackberry is one of the easiest On tile va-riety, as some kinds set In' Dlessed Is lie that C.omoth Ill ,,, I e' further - - I fruit to Propagate. The suckers, which Out on lateralo than Oth�rlr WMIOUT MEDICINWIL name of the Lord; Iloianna In the tile' var- — highest. ,teat numbers, ma,7 lCties Is ,,known the laterals should Just $rcatfie "Catarrhozone." tire produced in f Until file fruiting habit of be used or it Que wishes to propagate I 10 And when he was come into a variety Oven, more -rapidly than by not be headed b.7kck until the flow,,r Its Balsa-mic Vapor Does Jerusalem -all the city was stirred, suckers, it may, be increased from The lengta of lateral 4 . , I saying,. Who is this? gs. The roots are cut up. siderably, but there should on- . the 'Rest + d, This root cuttin to Inavo after Pruning will vary c : . 11 And the multitude,% sal 1� illtl) Pieces twtv Or three Inches long, not be -+4----*..* Is the, i)rophet, Jesus, from Nazareth rl%ey in.. either be made in the fail Moro than, tWO feet left. It It has I , f Galilee. or in. the spring, and, then planted In not been Pos-sible to pinch in sam- ,- . it ,, a tiny germ that sets up the ,O 12 And Jesus entered into -the mer, and an pinching is better than tl�rlt�'tlo'l that makes CO'ds so dilg- temple of God and cast out all them nursery rows about three,inches deep pinohing� too late, the bushes may be --reeable. 0,�Ilds dle quickly it Ca- that sold and'bought In the tempic, for one season, at the close of which if the soil Is well cultivated there headed back to th:oe or four feet In tarrhozone is ILged, SImply because and overthrew the tables of the will be good Plants available. height in spring, and the laterals the vaVOT of Catarr'11,0001M instantly money-chargars, and the seats of headed in as already described. deat-roys the germ ,that keeps the them tli%t sold the doves; 6oU, Planting and Culture. The pinching back in slimmer tends *c&,d alive- 13 and he Fmith unto them, it is ' The blackberry -ripens Its frultsata to keep the bushes lower t1ran they Every -hr�mth you -draw through writton. My house ShWU be called a trying time, of the year, as in %vto otherwise would be, and they are the inhaler fills the whole breathing house wt prayer; but ye make it a July or August therm Is often hot, dry thus Moro protected In winter, but apparatus With pure piney emences don. ,of Tobbers. weather, and if there is not a good they may be still more, protected by tl,�Lt stops colds at thwir very be- '14 And the blind and the lame . supply of moisture in the soil the -fruit bending them over and covering the ginnin.g. You experience a pleasant ClAme to him in -the 'temple; and lie will dry up, and what has prox4ised tips with soil to hold *them in place, sens%t4on of reldef mt once. Soreness, healed them. a big ,�roii will result in only a few although this is very urip'easant nose and throat, the head Is clea,rgd, 15 'But when the Chief priests and good berries. Ila selecting a soil, work, and It scarcely ,pays to do it it and ovwY trace of cold or oa;tarrh is . the scribes saw the Wonderful things I . theirefore, one shoutil be chosen blackberries aregrown for sale, More cured. CatarrhozoiLe is so sure, so that he did, and the children that which WW retain inolsture well. As wotecdou is given if the canes are pleasant, su,ch a safe, �remedy for were Crying In thetemple akud,saying. . the blackberry Is Inclined to grow late covered with ,Soil, straw or coarse winter ills tlmt you can't afford to Hosanna to the son of David; the), . In thio falf, and on this account is 'manure. In parts of -Canads, Where do with,dUt it, Get the dollaT outfit, were Moved with indignation, more teAder than the raspberry the -winters are mild and -low bushes it laxts two moluths and is guaran- 16 and said unto him, Ilearest soil should be chosen which 0,lthoag� are not necessary, �A trellis is provided teed to cure; small size Soc.; trial thou what these are saying? And rich In plant _fQ04 has not mix ex- for.suppOrttug the Canes and making sive 25c, all deW--ors� 4ar The Catwrh- Jesus salth unto theni, Yom: did ya liess of nitrogen, which would be this fruit easier to handle. CIZO410 'CO., Kingston, Cano_,da. never read. Out of mouth -es of babes . , . liable to inducedate growth, Hence The conservatioil of mole,turs, is and sucklings thou hast .perfected &,t9in laad should be avoided In very important in growing black- I prair.s.? . wPt PIm-'es, as much is likely to be berries, and as the fruit does not . Comments rfoh In nitrogen, I ripen until late in the summer, oul- I I - _____ 0210 of the beat soils for blackber- I tivation WEI be late,- thau for most . bmie lichm traft, I Verse 1. Our Lord h,341 arrived in Xles is a good upland clay leam. In, I fruits. It will be usually founcl nest Refluainy on Driday evening, and at Such soil there is likeljy to be suf- i t3 continue cultivating until the ber- I the close of the Sabbath (Saturday) ficient p�-&nt food without an excess 'i ries are almost ready to pick,, lie was maointed by Mary. on Sun- . of nitrogen, inaking conditions favor- I A blackberry, irlion it is perfectly - -day Morning He left Bethany for able tv the development ,of the crop I ,ripe, Is one of the ftne%t fruits, but SILL -f SMIT" SA% --S . Jerusalem. Bethilhage Is a village and ripening of the wood. The soil It picked before it is ripe is quite un- -E S-rA,ys SINGLE betwoen these two cities. The two Should be well prepared as for all I fit for use. Unfortunately, Some , GF -CAUSE: A \^/IP'E: disciples were James ,and John. other bush fruits and a good applica- I varieties become black before - they - COSTS TOO HUCW. Verge 2, Jesus, purpose was ut- tion of well roTi6d barnyard manure 1 are axe well co:ored, the ,result be- I "Er PIERGeTs "OW terly ,democratic. Wdil'o being the to Most soils will be found desirable. 1 Ing that they reach the market in an 9piritual leader. He is sympatheti- ' unrip cally one with all men. Spring p:autiuv is usually' prefer- I -a condition, and it is not to be ,LONG Tl­4E\- t -AS -11. .� able. It planted early In the autumn i wondered at that those whD t"y them . . . Ve-so 3. Ohrist anticipated that -the young p;ants are liable to start ) in this Condition do not wish to use the owner of the animal might ask . lon1s. growth and the n_'�W shoots t7 be In- I blackberrfes again. It would be In ­ - - * , - -_ ­_ for explanat. Probably the Jured by '!he fmt,' ' hence it planted I the best interests of their business It . - Owner was a disciple. Ill. the fa�A.they should be -set Imte. ; fruit growers wculd pay more atten- --- ,,-,-... `­� Verse 4. This wa,s not done for the � / � _:�: � / / �x / _. � Strong One -year-old suckers am the i tion to this matter, and only ship fruit ,4 0'///, - I purpose of fulfilling prophecy, but best to pimat. " when done It did fuLft'll Prophecy. I w1ilch will be la. good condition when .111, � __ .;;;; "I - , , , iduckberries, require a great de,.1 Of i I' reaches the -colisumer. - ill Verse 5. The quotation Is from 1-/ `1 414, , PP20a W deve.'Op properly and to l A blackbecry plantation Is in fall � �`, F� - Zech. 9., 9. The Jews regarded the , �� " . t �� give an opportunity of cultivating and , hearing the third season after p',wit- I . k , passago as painting to the Messiah 'Picking them. The rows should not Ing, and will continue profitable to,- , I . .. . be less than eight feet part � . � ,I- �� , with the I -a long time it well wed for, but it I Verse 6. The detalls ,of the tind- Plants about three feet part in the i ll bat to renew the D*Jalata- f Ing of the colt are given by Alark I Tows, but who -re the blackberry grows tion every eight or ton Years. � (Mark 11: 1-9). Y-GrY vigorously four feet apart in I (Continued next week). � Verse -7. Splendid and gorgeous the,rows is, M too much. The Ever- ,I - trai;�iags were thrown upon aninials green variety Is planted sixteen. or -11, � . ­ . ridden by Eastern mobarchs. The inore feet -apart in this rows, The & *1, 11 I ... calt here mentioned was covered with quickest Way to plant Is to open deep InARRHE Ivi'Fooluls I - , I the ga,rineats of the plain people. farrow$ eight feet ap-axt Which cross, - .... q ma.-tA\ I Verses 8. Probably some In the Ia light mark every three feet. At Very,rarely do a couple, Marry With -_ Mul-titude did not take part. each Intersection ,of the rows the I . One Of the most elfecti Verse R. The word "Hosanna" Plant Is �sat a little deeper than It was 1 tho complete and Cordial approval Of Ale Ver"Ill- had Come to be tho formal expres- I fugm on the market Is Iffiller's Worm si*n of Congratulation. b ore and the soil thrown against It'all their friends and relatives on boda ,Powders. They will not 'only elear Verso 10. Personally Jesus was wela Dressed against the roots. �W,02. There Is always someo-ne Who the stomach and bowe.'s of 411'are the toll Is Well preparpd, , w0rals, but known in the city. VIle quesition, quickly is ,of vie opinion -that Jack lip too good ivill prov.e a very evervice3ble medicine ­�Vho IS . this?,, 0% ro Planting MV be done very . we 1) bab:y from bYloPentil- a holo ,with a Spade when J, for Jill I or 'that 1111 hm made a 6ad for chilldrcm in regulating -the itifth- the ,cyntea.1 Pharlsees. , I Is lightly, marked both ways. I 'he Sol , , mistake In marrying Jack. Not e,yen the e"tom and Ilyallitn6inlug it in a Ver.,4e 11. Of this much they iircre It ,especially fine fruit is destr0d a the division of pi-operty Ceases so hNiathy -condition, TbkT,a is, nothing Alf S,,vr�,.. O.uly.jesus, latima, dis- _ U! 81ood niethod of pl%itting Is to ,set the mucli. disaonalon in families as ,mq.d- in th-ir" composition ,that win injure ciples knew His Character, I Verse,s 12, -13. On Sunday Jesus V-AntS about e1glit feet apart each A dling in love affiiirs, Can, ints t delicite, )Stomach when di- WzY and keep them in hills, By Rarer Still ara tile Callas where op- rectialls are followed. and they can be entered the tomple and saw the this meth,od'ellitivatiort mi -Y be main- poaing a tna�rrlaga accomlylighes Its i.liven to, children In the full. assuran" abuses t�here. Ill the evening 41e, ItAined both ways,Aand tile plants, 1hav- ParPc,sO Or br,A.%king ,off ,the match. that they Will lltteAY 0o.,stroy all returned to Bethany. on Monday iftg a balter opportunity to develop There is very littlo that disaPproving Airarins. Ile enterod the temple and cleared 4 1 ---. Wi'l bear finer fruit. .relitives Can .60 to 10.0vout a mw.,'- it. 'Good cUltitaition. Should be given riage, howeir,er cogent and valid their Nliftard's Liniment Por Diphtheria. Vene 15. The se'lbes rejected Ills first Year to get the plants well measong fov objecting. Jesus' (I'vine aut1lority li,ith(;ut in- I Osta4hshed and to ,prmuro a atrtlag Violent opposition to of all Courses Distrust and knowledge of his own quiry. Ile, Nvas not like their no- 4;r3wch early In the geasea. 'Wlien the ni��Qt Impolitic. -Nlant'�e discour- profession, caused ail Austraffma, law- don Of Oe Messiah. Ho had looked 4119 plants aro'eighteell Inches to -two agemon't o'l a love affair sometimes yer to Include a clause In his will, tD Popular recognition wit,hout up- --_ � I I 1. � -­ =­ _=��_._­ Stating that It any of Ills bene!lclar- pea"illf, �,,) the Saiibodrin, N$. - I . .. 1. ies, for any rmson whoNoever, con- Verso 16. The ,approval of an in- rl � � , , , 5A I tested his will, that perso�a's Aare nocent child "is the perfectio-, of S, V A' " .1. P I was to be paid to a. coirtain charity, p r a. is P_ " I ....... : � I - 'k ta 14 � and no lawyers Were to make any Muebrttod Truth, � M,24ml i " " A money Out of his will. We 46 not .honor Christ If we fall N'OTL THESE PEAiMMS43 to acknowledge HIM as Lord and Buraq Xcrosen. (cogi ()il) Won. First to Drop to Pro-W-arPriC00 A -Prime Drosaing for W-ounds,-In I<illg (v. 5). I derful fu�l,lj(L;7(�. T ' hrottle-gov- (,ilt.n-th, largest telling ,l fine in the 11ritish Urn- some factei-les And workshops carboille llblstratlon.�-A visitor ,wliD li-�id, at- , ctmd. 13unt-in m4t9netO, Sit"01c' pire--hu alwaya lcd in va Ale. Now it lcad,4 in acid Is kept for use ,Onvoc ft"J feed nnd mixer. r',(Xsy iltovt- trimming oricci to rock-hottow. 0ignLitic, . In Cauterizing te.ndi,,ll a sp�, pranuco I .Clal p a.tion in th o '"r- No Lroukhag. Dir stirplul , ji,)n of tho ,,(,.AV (,,ilsori -,NVixardi, line wa,unds and cuts sustained by the Wilegle 4611apel was disposed to colt p6ver over rating. sible amazing cati in prices, Nothing 111ilk'o 111`h`.drL.*1 P'IoNl: workmen, F'or bW,.tcr to, keep on Int) question some of the things -lie tteg htkg'b(!en seen nincc- pro -war days. And this now hand a bottle� <1 Dr. 111wm.& Ele',et- ,�q,lw, -Now, for one, thing," he ask- englue acts anew standard of performance� economy magnob thtottle. and dependability. trIc 011. It iq jwt,ns pulck In oction M, "what Is the Lisa of tll(. pr(,sident's Built-in 814eq � . $1 00V*rh*d 1)enionarAtod FREEr-rasy Torrint atill, does not senr the Ado Z� burnlho appoaring In that tttp-And-,gown para- . I i a flItt'll. . P Dernalla? It looks to me as though 8 Q .I,:' Vottgetiltanufacturer", priceda (Ills Gilson "Whard", Vowt Pet 9k free trial oil Four farm, if you want it- lie cauld got nearor to the Students YOU buy Ott eusy terms or tosh. Vive-year guarstli- Mlhx,*d1*,Llnymant Pop Gloirciat M tle%wa Ill eontnion, man, Cotho.i.11 .1v,ol !t",Ln %vith every emine, But to got our prrs _.­_-__. .I, . Val "es, you must act quick. pricea eaftlt6l, lie does, wear that'sort moot of Cat) - blt� Rubber plantatfon ownvrs In file vine," iyaa the roply, ,land tho fol ;i�11,T111790- Theymal,bobigher. AliddemAndig . jig in. Nvriw at once tar fall facts. Poderated Malay StaW% are *%pert. lowa bad a real brotherly feeling t�: , tim Gultup, . 41LOGN MOOP C04 Ltd* S114york ft, CU6101h I montlag Ill tho cuLivatiolt of cap.tor ward litai. Just the same, If tl)oy I .. i 57 lm!!!� ON . I 'L ­ I...''.L., ­ .1 ­ 11 11 - I— �. ­­ I I.. . I., . .. I....- .... lWills. forgot that he Is xeially the head ,of : . 4 ) 4 1UNION 1414K MAKES SOLI ' ­_­­____ __­ — I FIFTY-SIXTH STATEMENT REVEAL$ VERY STRONG,GAGH POSITION -SUILT UP DURING PAST YEAR -TOTAL ASSETS INCRI�ASSI) $691. 000,000 SINCE i9l6---SAVINGS DEPOSITS AGAIN 6.H2OW MARKED , INCREASE-QUir,'K ASSET$ TO LIA13FLITIE0. INCREASED FROM 47.23 PER CENT, TO 64-36 PER CENT, THERE ARE NOW $93 ORANCHES AND AGENCIES, There 115 no better proof of th,�,co,a- - __ - - ___ � . f1denc-0 Of tile P(*011110 In a banking ill 'rtitutiozi thall to liee tile S%Vlng-,� do' posltf,�i In that institution grow from a o a h 6th Avilual He- I port of the Union r;,.Iuk of Vana'aa, I , L : ­ ,:.." I I , . - L , ,:::. ... ,LL:: . . 11 � ctiverlilg th%7ear ended 'Noveraber 30, I L .. .:R.:��:,'��:� 1. .'..:� ... :,��::�`. ,�L .. , ".. -, .�. .�;;;, ..�'� L, LLLL .1, I ,.�, 1920 shows -a very smtl�factQry In- , . .::�:'Y,:_ I ,,,,, .L: , ." 2_�,:_.:. '; , I . � L . ,. �:,� .i _r". : .. I crea" In -QaviogS Deposits, despito I .". _ .�-�,",�$ ,� ,L �', : ... .. ... ... i r,�,� � . tho many demands and calls tha,t 114 L ,4,. 11 ve 11 :': . L "'� �11 L, qJ ' , . : ", , . I I ". . I I I . 1. ��T L , � .. . bec-n Upon the Ppople',S savings : ", ;. I I . I I . . I I . the pa -St. year. sairing, D,p,,,,d;U1r1,�)1,a, I ... I V stalad At $85,610,464 q, compared 11ritil ._�. - ,::, ��­� ,... I � .: 1�.,'; 11 .-I � . . . 4*'� �;;*.-_ I.. L. ­ ,, , ,, L'..". . & I I .. $84,376,709 la� 191 'S 1, " 9 and $60,144,940k in .,-;,'i:N',-�'�:,:: . ...... � , ��:, , - . L ..:.:. , , .;..;.;:" ..." ­ 'I , , . . .:. ::�.,�I,-,, . "..... � 1916. ­��,;_�.-.4�," I .,:,'. - - . d-,- .., I . . , - The ,Rese`rve� PlInd has beeii, Ill. I ­:::,._­:.-. ­ I., L ... ... ­;, :..., ... -.:,.... er'essed by $400,00, and now I ;.. !�.:... . . .i r ,.1:';:-:;.'. tota :._ � ."... ' 1, - ..:.:I�:�::�:.n., :.-:LL:� ...�;.._. $6.000,000. The total assets ,of the'; 1. . -;:` bank LL - �;:,'...j.�.; L' . . I .. ;;;.L-.'_ . ­ tllo�e now amount 'to $169,205,445, .1 L � tigunez re;Lnes,eating all increase - .1. L I of *U0,000'"o since 1916. 1 �, . , L The difficult Vertod of defit6tion . -1, . , 'thr'ough Which the COWIU7 'has beem Passing b'aS Presented many difficult Problems to our banking Institutions, I but it W gratifying to ': 'i.;;R . . . . . . . . . . 1 Unto" Ean,k is now In. a Stronger , , L ___ , � ... .___ ____1 liquid PosItioll than it has been at any �tini`-O 14 Itshistory. Tile 1920 balauce mR. sHAW$ Shost Indicates that the padicy of the Officials W the bank dias been - The Generwt Manager of the Union 11 to build ... 4- 91 1-41, =L,--7 -:7� "IT" � 771 , �,/ I . .�",. I , , , 1 $ Prevmt Falling Hair With Ctticura Shampoos The first thring to do inve&tOringdry, thin aud falling linir .;,3 to got jid of dandruff, itc1ling and irritation of the I witit Cuticuri Soap wid, hot yvater. sv�v2sr� alotwo"12541vnd$p;�. Tahnin7Sc. Sold throughoutthaDominion. CanadianD .1 at, iR��.S�'6v,.",,.,,,;,,W,;�.,M,014.1,rld..,* . - - -, - � - �� I __`-,*----"*.---4—___T I"I A fiacts About 1 1 1 Canada I >_,­". --a�u�w­'—w-1 . � .v - strong cash position, and in this mainK or conacm, ose Ity-5 .they have been successtill, Liquid annual statement shows very strong Early In April, 179-6, the 'Rev. James slid -cash Position. M assets on November 3o, 1920 . . CGregOr, was eet mside in Scot- t-Ot3aled $82,2H,GLA being eqjimi. to , - --- — _ land by the Synod With which he Was 54-25 per cemt. of tho .total liabilIti identified for work among tile set - ;to es I Governments and MuniclpaZ,Itics," and tiers -in the tar off Province of Nova, 'the Publit a-, ,00alparGil lifth the I a -mounts to $7,648. ratio of 47�23 per A,g-nt in 1919, 176-'39- ThQ03 Scotia. He sailed for his now field Two, .now boadings ,_%ppear in the itema When totalLed ,vitil, '�Cilrrezt -of labor in June, and reached Halifax ' , I I Loans ancl Dise0unt's 1:, Caaad'3," On the I1t4 of auly, after almost a Statcalcult .this Year whicil we4is, in- chaw $88,230,716.79 or 1.9G po:- cent. month on ille oceau. He was born clud,ftl Ill 1919 under "Current Loan.,; I iner,-men (jv-�,x 1919. I In Scotland In Z7.0 an,l had bcen odu- '. ill, Canada," OWA oZ these "De- Th -3 Mi'i"n 1:10t T1 ,w 'h:12 '��'5 cAt�,d at 4diuml,-gh Where lie covered mand Lomag in ,Cmumd-2. ,secured by I branches which coirc­ tito vatl,re D(,- himself with honors to his scholastic Grain' amounting .to $10," ,32,7�5.47 1 million awl ig t:lus In -- posillon to I course. "hows Phdilly that the balt'has been I gl�e ba,lkhag SeTvice zccund to nrmfe. Tile week o'l' this arrival he pushed readering Valuable 4*rvice& in assist- I 1, 0 nel cf, tu raa%da, on to Truro riding the entire dis- .1 0,�Idltl a to its bra ,1 , Ing the marketing of the grain crop I the Bank Op-eratles, R9 own 1�', ffI01?5 in ta"Ce 0'a IlOrSl-back over a trail that., The other new heading is "lamns 0 London, Ellgllai,d ai--d New York. was alinost mili,assable. On tl10 — ___ ___ .— 0-1-st Ile conUnued his search to:- ,the ­—­-- --- StAtlers ,)Ver th(; Sparsely settled the institution, and not merely One country and on the followlyag day Or them, It would be disastroun, t� I PRES or- Fflil,,, he reached a elloaTing v,,horo hil, thA morale -of the school." I gathered a. to-.1gre,gation In a barn Topics for RT,seareh and Discu ' * , 31 ,,�, n p d ched his first sermon, I At t:le tt!ine Of his arrival Nova 1. Prepantion (vs. 1-5). 1.8slon I .,�,.,.jES, SM , M 11 ,In proa ,F , ..� . the time and Place of this lesson, 2." ENG 's rAit4a and Cape Preton bad not P, O'low Jesus from P riday evening to ; been visited by 1L Minister of any Sunda,y morning. 3, What liras dello-rination. no- was th,�re a Pres- Jeaus' purpose in sending for .Such ( GiLSON'S' ARS FIRST �cIRM To byterlan Mindater in either Prince humble animals? 4, Where is the -1 COME DOWN TO PRE-WAR Filward Island or Neiv BrunswIeR. prophecy of ve,!se 6? I i I it The Triumphal Entry (vs. ', PRICES. The regions roceived visits fr-_m , Dr. JkloGregor during elrory surniner 6-11). 5. What Was the contrast,' and winter for over 4o years, and between this and the usual way of .NsOw War there, Is it downwalrd drop the solitary dwellers in the woods kings? 6. Why did not Jerusalem in Prices of nearly al cnnimvdltie,�; it lavished upon him % most p know Jesus? rofowild ds tntex�estlng to, lwxn that the farm- affection. In this way he travelled Ill. The Master in Authority (vs. I ore aa-- aw�oag the firssf- to benefit, and 1111 over the Maritime !)rcl�irepr. !,.'­,-� 12-H). T. Why did the scribes re- . that the break in prices is in a oom- ministers to �111 tbe sa�tt*.ers wim- Ject Jesus? 8. Are the masses more modity that should be on every out denominatlimal distinctions, of friendly to Jesus today than the ex- I farni, ,one of elusive folk? 9- Why are large num- the essentials for gr,04 -him one wrote. "He never seemed bers of laboring men n . ow bitter I f3zmers is a gasoline or keros-,,,ne on- -to 'notice fatigue Or hardship and against -Christianity?, gine. Every tarmeT either ha'4 O&O appeared to regard toll as a post- 1'0.r'WfSllleS he has, and is arranging to tive pleasure.10 His death took place I get One as soon as Possible, or v. -h,,, on the 3rd of M-arcb, 1U0, and his -he has the. money. funeral wms attended 117 2,000 peo- HOW TO BE EALTHY. ! Tdie Gilson manufactiI.Ting com-p3lay Ple-au Immense crowd in tile days Guelph, w7atc�l makes. tha engip, when settlers were fewer and th(I HERB I HE MINTER '! tohf h .1 methods of travel were ea difficult. g 1h -4i in t ti"h ,�. lergest. sales ro*0113 %t�r mplre and therefore must ' I'the A monument was erected in honor of Igive Ffa,tisEactfon to the thoup,an(Is of !'is 41 Years of strenuous �toll in tile NqANY TROUBLES MAY BE AVOID- I f2XMOrS Who ItRa it, Ila,$ smasheal en- Morithile district of Canada. ED IF THE BLOOD IS,KEPT I glas Prices, It is the f1rst engine I During last Year the number of Sam - PURE. c3allPany to dr4op 0 pre-wa,r prices. I This is a stsp in the right direction lot, I , . .19 lessells that ent,ered and clom;­ - I and 0110 thfit shoW,d appeal to form- ed ,it Canadian ports was 32,8-13 Th -'s D3 not let your li!oad got thln this je.,TS ,and othcrq veao are amt-lelpVtIng diet rct Include f,,oasting ires;o,., 4 winter. PCZ PCOP'e who have a ten- I the pureliaze of a gaS01ine or lQrosone --- dency towarls, aa,,-emia, or Woodless- I engine. Of thes�� vessels that entered and aess, wintOr Is & trying season. Lack I This eompany.h4s kept r.1) itD high v'e�rod last Year at Canadiftu Port,, of ,exercLee, lack t -f fresh air, and a , ,Q-tandard of manuta(t-ilre, ,&%- per- �,,Oil� 'were Brit-li, 11,11,4 Caundian, Mole .restricted diet axe malong the formance, economy and dep.,3-1dabLity. and 15,132 fort-Ign. The men employ- th-Ings .thmt ,combine to lower the It gives free denicaStxat4z);.,L% cr its ed on t1wse ve�t.t�,,s; numbered 784,038. __ ,tclao of the body and weaken the i engincz to anY Who .are Inter,,st,,l], and Ttl­ 103,T'�-P of VIQ sea -going ,trs- bl,OCd, I alwaYs is gad to ,,end any Li�crma- I %:0,s 1hat vnteretl e--ld (,'Pared at Hall - As ziw.-i as you notice the tired ti -on necessary to farmers ..-nd t�tivnn I , feeling, ­'­ck of appetite and short- AS it is imp,omtant that cnywl, eu,!: ,�im las.t ye.)r 17aa 30.554,659 tons, ness of breath that are Warning temPlating the purchue of ,-.I; k;.:;��I '_ 1101f,lx leoding all other Canadian I 110 1) D.� is. symptoms of thin blood take a short I ,,,ecure Ills information ;n,. ('11,p, it ------ course of treatment -,�Ith Dr. Wil- i would be a. good idea to write now t.,) Hams' Pm1k Pills, Do not wait until I the G114soli ',%T,&nufa,_­,,,u7_l,_ (,,.-),, Z-716 I 'Iht� war tax !Allmli,. special deliv- -the color has entirely :,eft your I Yerk Stxcet, Guelph, and -.-!. !';1-,t t � ter,r iNtamps, :ordinary posta-6, stamps ,Cheeks, until Your ,lips are whito and I send You Informa and Do.,4 cards issued is Cinalls last t1on -,�i­,4x� '"-'-' e'l- Year numbered 926,V34,0310, havirg a You.:- ,eyes are dull. it Is so much ,I gines. it will ' "� r giva you a ,i.wva Y,-. value of $24,5Z)1.873. et�slezr to eoirrect thinning of the I requirements and p1w.,mm Yat, 'InduT blood in the earilar stagos than " no obl�ga,tion 0 purc4a.ke. late,.. This b -%v,--Il illustrated in the I Paring last year there were issued I � ____ — ____ 'n Canada 9,100,707 money ordero, on -so 'Of 'Mr. 0. M. Day, Newcastle I calling for the payment of $142,376j- r�rwgi?� AN�l D.. wilo Pays: ­nrom my I _`= �.i_za�� L 809. The money orders paid in Cau- own -experience with Dr. WIMams"I R, M_ �Z7:1-71. "I . ­Wi-.-.,6­1��. .�.-; I Pink Pills, and after taking Several 1 V :�f;vx'.�im'-P�11�,`O "t", !�--'.�,Pc! '�da had a Value of $127,219,283. b-oxes I folt like a zew lilan." i � X � - A." , __ . nm E � , ,� T , *-,V �,,,�. �i 6 I 1.1� -.1 - .-&q� . , ". j �,_. .� 0 11��:l , . VQ":k '! , V �', , � st , � , , i, �,�i . , : J�, J�j;�J, .. ��',.,'­.r-;��­, , tm­,,,�- ,I. i� i , , t �, *,,�! .4 I, r - m? , , ip, �." Tito. coal proWitced in , gt , -�'­ ., V 0 -Canadn last 'i - Yon. ean procibre Dr. Williams, pink 't""L­�"!;­ `i� fi� �. ,�,, ". * l " "JP.1.pg, 4.��_,;.,,�.��l , , "">V 14'....'4 , ��- �4­ ': e� , . . ' , �4;;'. L. '' - 1�11.�N � Year amounted to 13.59,6,100 tons, hav;_ %�, -a �Aiv ; V,A �., 3 _ V�. . r _­ ,J"f, . - . - " I 11 _ 11 .;6 i_;�� �'.'Q , ­­% I i." - 'i "." . -, . . . . . " � �5�, 6�, g 0" - .11 :n,sr z valuo ot 1$54.051,720. ,,Nova Pills ,through any d..L)&Izr in i.-,di,-Ine :0 F, R 4, i,'Z.11�i' I or they will be n.,nt You by mail a., -",?;.1i:K_;,�'J - _ A- 1. �,__ , , I ., .. . I ' 6 1 190%, I - ". -l_.... -,�_.'�� .. � Scotia producea nearly One-half of ....... I � ". .. , i-,.ir _ �`,N'7!.�7,5,�",.- ;.� - - 50 vents ,a box or St., b �, f (r $2 5 "._.g.61 . .:. , � , , ,-� .-,,, , ly . ax 3 -1. Ai . ,,,, NA, I .- C -LI output, name' , 5,702,'116 by wri,tin7 diretlt to The nn IVE, �Qms, I I . , , - ;17171�d�O�V��,T;l '. - `­ ..� � '.. . .- . tons. M-clicine CO.. BilackvUe. Ont. I 11 �.�. .. -_.- .__-_.___.-1._:-_ ________N , ow; .., - -'-. L . . - - , .1. - - ..... . � ­ ""' -''-L-. ---­� ., ­ - ­_ . , ", Aeeordlug to qtat.fiqies compile.j Ill '917. there werp then 34.S92 ladustriil , "�m.� -,��L*bbslllileut,s or manufactories, Ill )t"�tx'.4?.,�c<v)�44w�m";�4IC444�,,,i� ):t��,t.,t,z.�3�'tr�,�,�.,;r,t�4�t43tt�t'. -4 1 _� 11 9 & . Valialla, and the 0Pitall Invested in AW101 N C 4M a ^, . 1'� them amounted to 42,T96.049,727. The . . . V Z i� I . r ,� ,a ouiployeps on wag,�3 numbered 601,. iw% "' 0 N' N,�O, F "Ikl- IQ51 - � . , . -, __ - . 11-:7 M� , - V In 1917 thp wages p3ill to the em - I I IN - .el . . .k# i,r �� I I � .�o .111-, ve-, In ("invAhn. rimillitactorle!3 . - � 0 , Z Em NJ! 0 L Film Uvii Arko-,� �` 1� p lllo!u.,!(%d to ,�4,34,104.,S,=. and the prn- . "Pt, t. . .Q1 dl urx!u�a out had L� Taluo (if 1".- * fir 1. a k a S I 0 0 Ic" el! i - n o, -4 -�?* D 1 1- T#:�a -s n'. ;�, 14. t !�� I ,I tl: 11"t _911,14f). - I.. I.. V -_ -­ -.-.. - I ,* -� T" 'It, U, � 1 ,, , lllli��111!,Iht hauled oo, L - st am r, 1 _ t 'a1l1l&*, dw,'hux 1911,0* nmouni-I Zcuo!euln, 1,; not oil%, Ill , '.. __4 � . e bes' di!�.`nfcr-,ant d!_qi11ad,�,_it is a� , ­ tho Most cC,0nOl1­TL1al. I . .S,) 0 ( *127-�43.087 tons. Of tilis total 4i',. 4 1 "o ,( . _W,00 tons vv.�r,* the pro,,Iuets 61 tile , Por disinfecting Your ttfithICS, 11,00 lw'Uses or livig- pens. 0,q(� I- win 28. p.rt Zeno1vula to 10D parts waler 18 the praper di'lution, T4113 Guaranty goes with ,1�j� 11 --- every ounc(% (,f 7eno�eum---li Zen- 0101al IS 110-t -211 You think it OuMit 0 bo. � .11 During the yi,ar 1918 the ,,Zotarl You can h%vtN N'llur money back. No letters. No talk. Jak.tt voilte ef the t-Rffivq� through tile ejn- riallcY ba,ck." Th.'s guaranty Is your Prot".tion, .4A %r nis C.0 canftd�t amounud to 18,988,ftj iv, tono. IA'Derts at thl% 0. A. C., Guelph, nnd at the, IX)m1nion E2z1)2rl_ ML'Utal Fa-ral, 'OttAWd 111-e and , $11) V. — Tho total txpendituro on the oan- '31, eudor�,e Zo,iod,euro; 1�,,aedn.- 11`10"VIlek and Poil'try ralsirtiq t�ll over Canada elldc�se It; ?� V als -of 4'�anada up to March i9i1q, farluers In every muntry use it. It Is -the beit disinfectant 6 ., k� was $V;7.40,291. &-foro ('oTlf0&,-,1&- lion Ycu call buy. 10 Caere was opent the ,ium o! $_20.- - Por sItIo by. all drugllifft, Vour and flmd 1110rehaUts and by I . �*� � , V 14 ,,24,ocio. ----I,-- hardware ",'llk--Ts evk-rYwhere-or Wlite direct. t I rite monetary vw.an o2 Ly,(� urlaievai ZE-NOLIEUM P ­ RODUCTS Co. . 4' ,A 'IV owput of I` ,ritish Voltt % P)r 11414 - mon, wan ,Q331,296,111. as illomparvil -with "N Irilore _ V ,P-11,732,474 In 1,918. Won a &% I-11AMILTON, ONT. ,* 4 .40 .4, 44 ,rcaot%, In (111untity ill 016 w1.,7t,f�a1_;. but owing to the bigh pricess of Gilirt:--r. :V*AXk**10W"*m�*A*AU M'X*�W"I�A* IF �hat lactal Showed a monetary in- cre-se. W