HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-27, Page 8"�� ��-F�.�J
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THE HOME GARDEN, -9 1 4 ....... I I I . WX"AVV00W"*"W*""W-"1*
, . Public Health r`
I , I . (SY Pr, J. J. MIddletion)
Tile- sticeOlsful g0rdelier must oon- s, -Amo plot and w,Itb,.U11tai3ng liuccass, I I- erovIncial Soard 1194 411 I
Th6 ftihao AdvancO
'Published at ,'I 14
%" t ki.-_U'. , *
TIM SUSINBSO ?30=8 TAX '00 th"t even A pu,re-bred bull will sider tlic" .things when planning Vlo but these sartleas are not visited by �.. I I -, ONTARIO,
. Where the onion fly Qu*"tlqn4 P"AIAInO to M001041 41,11)J4041, Will Be Answorel In This EVOPY Thur4day Md
tile <,Ilion fir � . - , rnittg.
To Put a proluluril oil vico t� "'ll' produce wilk, but the department sea$QW5 wOrR: , Rotating ,tile crops, Ili at all troublegomo the ground must , PaPer If Lottors Are Sont,to -Dr. J. J- Middleton, ParilAmont A. ,G. &1,11,IUI, Publisher. I
, eylilentlyJaeludes, Irish bulls, In Its th(" "lost VrOfitablO Vegetables ,to be vimuged each -year, Tile pole
adinittedly bad bushw�,i, )rat It As con- . ElvildIngs, Toronto, —
, -province. Tile uleaulug Is cle%jr, sow -Tor succ4�'10011, tile most suitable bean Is another crop which May be . Subscription rates
timutily (Iont-, arid is even luade 4 however. The. scrub bull IB� "a sure position for Buell as should hily.0 lots growil for it few years ,On the fmille L'ft-VM*4M*4M,XAAJ"M-J,X" 4w3w#J�X"� - I . :-,One Year,
Policy of on e tsalo acoro tha,t; the of moisture, and ruanyother little de. Plot, -always Provided the Tesulting I I JWA**",Xk"A* '$"O: six months, 42.00 In advance.
1*gettex of interior cal.vp,s, thus keeli* 'tails wlltvll, If Properly planned help crop cort-tinues. to be satisfactwry. The dangers from ruilk-borne als- . able of being cultivated oil artitic- AdYeralaWgr4teR -on application,
virtuou.44 can stand it. The wonizeys ing ,mtr avf1rar , ea.gos, Buell as tuberculosis, aire Advertisements witIlout specific 41_
, ,e live stock sliiiiiiieuts to malto tile season's *rork su6ess� Tito pasts, by Which our crops are III media, can be reduced to lesethan reottorls, will
arix said to osmpa work by reflIsing , in tht- tawor srad,is-" A full ,con- ful- liable to be attacked hibernate in a Buell a colistant mOuacO to kftlth, rive Per cent, of those which dean be be Inserted Uitil forbid
to talft, knowing th-at, It they Itna-11 slderatlua ,(if nerub, grade, and pure- ' 'Ill Plalluirig tile gaxAen tor the ,sea- dormant state over winter ,and uat- thut the necessity ,of Pasten,riging ull cllltiv�Ltad froln arid charged Accordingly.
I milk with the exception of "certified," the -original -milk; the challges for 011tr4ot advertise-
� Ments be n , 0 office 1,,)y noon,
to speak they would Immediately be 11re, 4ttle Is gjvL,a ju ,tllts bulletin, "Mrk- why have row aftar row of beans urally in the ,soll-- In close'proximity ,formelltAtOn bacteria can be destroy c
,it " "rid pmr 1 4o becoming Increasingly o,pparellt. ed or Inhabited so as to delay th I ill
mada tf) work. There Is a 6y'stema,tic, p't-utifully illustrating Angus,, 1�hort- , , It tile produee,cannot ,I,II be I to where they worked 4uring, tale The Now York Alilk. Comintsylon has tttr
used while, Ili perfect condition? If Sunliner, It is ,obvious that plants ,11 souring of the mli.k 50,110 t 'a am' Monday,
welvo I
P��Ijcy of ula-king monk�'F, Of Ul-, ,V11 horn, Iftreford, Ayshire, Jfrrzey, ljo�, tile isurplus can be. -disposed of at a. liable ,to the attacks of certain pa rfteubl(Y recolumeuded that ,no other -to -hirOnty-four bouts & milk mean� ---------..___, - ____
ra- Milk 'I , __r_ --__-
, " _,,_ _
- B he O Profit it is all right. aftem should begIvenfr6shatteeeach _ 3 sc d -to the public except car- while keeping perfectly wholesome. . _M_
11431W'd In MallY &Pa,'traeuts Of 5t(-Iu, Guera ey and ot r breeds. T I ,tifiell mI:R arid ,Pasteurized milk and POsteurizatfoll *
-Govorminent, which worlo, -jal; in Planting for home use requires year. III also destroy tile
�au i:armern who -cannot own a pure-bred careful figuring, oNcept where ac- NN'#;en club root Once secures a foot- the same recommendation shouJ4 Ap- Bpoelflo Organisms of titberouicsis,
ontiroly dotrimontal manner ecti,nom- si ,k -themsolves -and who wish to g,,t curate notes have been kept Ill Cou- hold and nothing Is done to oradlea,te Illy to Ontario. diphtheria, enteric fever, cholera, BUSINESS CARIS
ically, soalally, natior.ally. Proba,bly a hettor bull thp advic,a is given to Junction with the gard0n. plan, The the germs, it is naelesa to grow ic,ab- When IL ,MIk sltpply 18,;oertified, It dysentery und diatr1locia. It to there� -------A----"��
P:U11 gives the length of rows, while bage, cauliflower or other juembers Means that every known. precaUtIon, ,��
it is more felt in our a9F.13"ismellt 11crai-a club and got a pure-bred the diary should ,contain the dates of has ,,)eon taken to keel) It pure, and fore a valuable meaouro of lirDtection W944INGTON MUTUAL FIRE
naetivr-q�� than anywhere. It & luau Mre. Give tile (1,alf a fair start to I of this falutly. Tito presrienca ofthe to prevent its contamination. Tile against the recurrence of tilose rnl�lk_ M$URANCS co,
Picktng� quantities and totals. fungus may be ,observed by a swelling borne -outb,rp4,ks which figure in -the
paints Ills liouse� or barn, or puts Ili a ru,tk,� y(,It ,u,,).ley. put q% sign oil Demand should ,rogulate the supp.1y of tile rootsl, which afterward be- milk 1% obta,ined from co -syr, I I I
bath or �ipeuds his nicney In ,,,illy y(; and -so dot-arminte, It ' Como full Of a ,Sillily matter� that arO epidemic records ,of this country. '11)stablishad 1840,
ur gate it you havz� one, "Pure-brod s, thirty-folt Spraxy- tuberculin -tested and safeguarded PY I . I
. $.I very Close voteduary l4spection; He;i.d �Q,"I,0,11, OQ1161�
other wa,YllkolY t') Dcriefit t-110 UP1911- bull usedon v'als farm." Better bulls row of, for instance, early beans wIll Ing is unavallable, for ibis past, but t T04ts Fol"Cleanliness, * lasopah,
))a sufficient there 18 a medical Inspec -One objectler. in the Vast .to Risks taken ofArls"r-
hood as we:l %�' -40I - bring botter calives. A, good ,bull Is fco a given pe.rlod, Sua- it can to a great extent be prevented , lion of tile pas. able Property OIL tile cas)
hon -1, 111111 If, 110 a,% CloPloyees, sanitary .Inspection of the
cession. sowtuss must also ll,:Lve con- by the free Use of quicklime worked sting of the uiilh far bac, "ur'zetti6n was that It was ,a substi- note system. a or premium
sass.!r at once, ,,�ticks ,in ,extra sum on cheaper at any prIco than a f;crub a 11 Ut a dairy, and to "LL I .
sider tio , b aim t not overlap- into tile soil surface sometimes be- toria. . trite for cleanliness, It Was -claimed
, . %late would be . .
Ills assessineut. Tito salao pr1rielple ali a, g1it. The quicites', sureat ,and ping or bavill-9 too, many varieties fore the plants are set out. In pur- that farmers and de, 4-DwFut COSLWG;- Agent"
Is behind the bustriesi.,; proflt* tax, -least exp-�11�4kvo %va, I iprov� reachitig Maturity at the -saine, time,, chasing cabbhge plants discard, -and, "Pasteurization" is a -PrOs)ess '0 Inclined . .
7 W n: 4 It unless the surpilis can be canited, burn -any which sholy insiplent awell- beating milk at a, ,moderate tempera� to be lax in their efforts to wjuwmin. I .
which becomes a pieniluia on 41slion- Ilerd ds by the u.se of a bi clas'. . kaa`P tile milk supplyclearl and pulro, t-__1____.__ ________________,_�
' 1. Ill. " ,Qxop -rotation is most important to Ing about the raots, Lure for a oliort time, so tlia.t 'Illy ,If they knew itilut the milk Ava& ag-
esty ,to linin, vrith. arid on pocir bust- pitre-1pred Mzre. Argentina is beat- keep the garden up ito a Vill produc, Cortsin, .species of fungi play liavoe geral.4 it May contain inay li� killed terwards to be pasteurized. quell
ness methods generally'. The ,more Ing ,0azada In ilia meat mar1ret be- tion stand. No given species .should with the potato crop, some attacking off ,without destroying, Vitamines and laxity ,can b I
,other beneficial constituents Of freBli a entirely con"Lled by MULE" HOLMES
onterpr'slug, the mare productive, the cause sh�! has better bulls. occupy the same .ground In zueees- the plant nadorgrourid, Buell as the mi'.k. Pasteurization ma,y be de" -testing -the raw m11% be -fore it is ps, . 8- I I 3ARR16TER, SOLICITORr ET.c. . .
Moro Otfic-lent and the better Man- - sive years. dreaded, wart ,disease. Per -this I teurized, and keeping it up to a ce,l_ �
Rotation of crops ahou:4 be , trouble the .ground must be changed, fined as the exposure Of milk (prev- tain d . .
aged a buainesi may be. tlao heavier ,very iously cleansed by filtratin,,or efinito standard -of purity, Any, , OffI00, M-R-yor -al�ok, Wingham.
' ENG07JUAGINCT VEITTRIAL carefully regulated In order to ivald ,:tnd fra,.�h Immune lubers ,purchased con- thing ,balow this standard will Iud,l� ----__%___-----�---__.___,__. . �
Is tht, penalty th-at falls upon it, 'Phe for D'L Ling. trifugallgation) to a temperature not ,
14MROP Z-FUDE, to isoula -extent -certain insect enem- Mn ' IOUSIY -cleansed by filtration cell- Rmt(i that the milk Is Of. questionable - *1 .
result is to ,curb all business ,activity, ies which prey on some ot,ops, caus� Svable ruanure is a, wel.-4alanced , or Purity anti cannot be. reconnuended
Both Great DrItaln, and tile Ing serious Injury it grown more plant food, most benefiel'a'I in adding grees F., for A .short peTiod, and then . .. , .
tD repress enterprise and to discour- United States are finding that wealth thtin oile year On the same ple0a of huratiz and therefore greatly improy- rapidly -cooling it ,to a temperature .ill It is the duty ,of Public I-laalth all. R., VANSA"TONE I"
age the effort3 of those upon whorn tit a pauper .wOTld is of little Use. ground. This also applies to fuuXDuS Ing the mechanical condition of Bolls. as nluali below 15 degrees,C Or 59 de. OrItles to educ,ate, both the con- '
the success and Cie w0fare of the diseas-es. -Some crops ,take from the. Where the ground has been ,heavily 'groes 141, as possible, Burner and the dealer to the danger SARRISTER A.N-D SOLI�01T,on. I .
Oamblers wi'l 'tatake" a Of uOn-pasteurized Q111k,. laud the Ila- .
nallon chiefly depend. It 4s goner- Pellil"5 soil certain ,elements of plant lood mairared in -tale past, It may for a I 'Hlow, To Do It. bi-Ifty of 111,lik-borne ,diseases belng fflOnQY to loan at Jowest rates. ' 11-1
!rlend fc.r ,ths) fun of winning back In differont proportions toother-B, ,and number -of years continue to yield - conveyed ))y it, "The quickest an -d '
ally admitted that thr,se whoaxe best Where .pasteurized -milk cannot be , 14A
able, to bear the burden Of thena,tiall. the stak,-� There As a litt'e more it gr(;Wn in -ouccessive, Years without fair crops by the .Judicious use of purchased or where for other reasons Most �OROCUVO f0trn of education Is, -----------:�__ ,
urgreancy, dlowever, behind the policies change of location these elements commercial fertilizers, but fertilizers It is desirable to paBteurize milk at O? cOur.8a, On epidemic, as in p , II -
should bear .their -fair slwte ;and they will in time become exhausted I Ong '
that, are being adopted in London and ,and , do 'lot assist tba mech-anical-coridl- ,home tile process can easily ITO per- keaPS16. New YOTI:. where a -few - ' 0
have rarely shown unwillingaess to the crops will natuml'y surfer, Byl tion'. so In time the returns will *all ,formed without spo'cial'apparatue, as Yea,rs'ago a serious epidemic of soax.
W13'shington to encourage trade with changing the location each year the away unless somethinj is done to fGi ARTHUR J. IRWI&O
bear more than their exact share. Me war -devastated nations. The new -crop requITIng other food inay A.Dlace animal manures. .Iowa: I . -let fever broke Out (1116 tQ UnDUSteilr- . 11
But there comes a point when -the im- Take a deep saucepan, fit dn at the. tv,ed milk, This at once at,anted ail ,D.DJS L,D & I �
point of cblaaf moment which will ba expected to flourish, Peras ,%rid iGaTileners should grow green .crops bottom aplece Of wood about,half an I agitation which resulted in pough- b0ctor of Dent*a'l ;S4'rgb:ty of- the
position may become probibitive, and nevertheless ,prob,,bl�y be lost Biglit beans, iftich draw their nitrogen to- to turn tinder, or collect the rubbish, ,Inch ,thick, and broad enough for two, keepoie, adopting ordinanCOS 00m- ParinsylvanIA, College and ,Licentiate,
automatically destructive of $uutlit- quirenients from the air, .are what we which mV be turned -into `material balftlilt bottles to stand upon; place palling the pasteurization of all milk Of Dental Survery at Omtarlo. I
Mental business interests. It ,to felt k.f is that the world cannot get a -long may term nitrogen -producing ,crops, suitable for -digging into the soil, "
" the bottle or loottles"'coutaintrig the witAx the exception of "Certified. 'Closed Every Wednesday Afternoon,
without any of its alernbers. The and so do .aot require. nitrogeh 'in a All weeds ehould be collected and milk, and stoppered, withIn,the sa.uce- It certainly seems, too bad tha,t we ,.' ,Office in MaOonald -81,00k. -
that this point bas been reached ,In "desperate remedy" as it is called, be- dim.1t, lorm when f ertilivin the put Into fairly deesp holes with other , . �
19 Pan, und When -the water comes tothe must wait for epidemics to stimulate -____
file business profits tax, which as a , ground. On the Other hand, cab- decayed rubbish, and it the washing boil -re ----.(
� .ug considered In London was on - move the ,saucepan and set it public tritcrast In ,such m, I I
wax measure and in tinies,otextrem- 9: bo'go, coin, and Practically all other ,%rater, coataWng soapsuds, is poured aside for fifteen minutes,. ,,tters, but
gested 'at the International Financial Vegetables willch causlime nitrogen Over them, decay will .soon set in� TJ -'011 at the PTesont time this se2is [the DR. G. H. ROSS �
Ity, wai acquiesced Ili, ))tit which Ili ,0ongress last ,September in -Druss6ls call with great -advantage be grown I take It to the sink and put it uud.qr Only routo by which drastio-And uP- ' Graduate Royal college of ri�*jjt.al I �
times of peue, of reconstruction, of The Vaitie of Wood Ae�hes. tile -cold wa;ter tap so th,%.t the hot I ta-dato milk legislation is brought � I . . . . . .
by Ter lreu:en, a Northerlander, It ,after ,the legume cropi, Peas arid Leaveq when well rooted, are water gets rapidly xePlaced b Id I ,jib Surgeon% �.� 1'�
raturribig equillibrittra, -of preop.r.lous 'tim a beans. I . Out. Education. however, we *
is an taxr.%ngement ter long worth eVen more than manure. If Keep the bottle in water till a ."'."i 1.,P8 will Change this point of view, 'Graduate University :.
commercial adventurets, invites fruss- Exoervt*eons to the -Rule, has been of Toronto,
-credits to -the central European .na- treated as advised for the garden , pil ep ax e d. BY this method and -show tile va,lue of prevention .of Faculty of -Dentistry,
tration It not disaster. The ,reac- Lions; to enable them -to purchase An excelition to this *,actIc8* Of weeds, they will deca,y very quickly. the ralcro-organioriis which axe cap. -epidemics rather than.their cure. OFFICE 10 -VER H. E. I,SARD1,S . $To R rz 4
tion after war natuyally Creates ,A crAOP TOtatioll is -the onion, crop. Ill Those who make a bonfire .of garden ____ , . . I
period ,Of ,depression and .tile effort of merchandise, with a provision for in- some gardens on,l lons ala"ye been i rubbish should saxe -the ashes; they - - . ___ __ __ . - - ;___ I
,tpumuce more years 'on the J are va'uable for many crops. � rm-1 I �
the business prLfits tax in such con- . k a.,i a protection for the yen- grown for ten or I ��_- .
. dom. There does not appear to be Xcw
-------- — - - - ---------- I .1 & fir"K .
ditioris is distinct'y discouraging, 1 __ - __._______ S. Y'hA �a ru W. . Am ly
A,; - .1 . + �u + *ull WBERRIES A nE
when a stimu:aUng pollcy is required -..Y, �Y, .., " 1— . - .
instead of the reverse, device. insuranoe Is ias old as the
I This 'aper- 4 nterearitirle ma,zine for the protection
ates ia turfi in the vicitir,3 circle of of those who talm necessary Tisks',
loweriag productimi, which increases '
, and 11 Is the ineasure that makes sea-
Unetuployment, retards the ,teturn, to - tmffilll zo staole anil prolita,li7e. In-
IOW2,. P:Ices, and maintains the higli.
. I
" 'W 7*
1 - ", ", c`m- .
310NEir MAKERS Special attention paid to diseases, - I
. ___ Of WQmen and Children, ha,ving. .. .
. "I". �- .. , , # taken Postgraduate ivork in $ur- 0 � � I . �
i I 13Y 'Ch -36.1a C. Sherlock. Plants set two feet -4P,%rt In the row, garY, HIcteriqlagy and Scientific I
,;O ordinary f arni'crop is so pro- Seven thousand Plants ,are necessary I , Medicine, . .
Cost V I 6 aulco, is rnv�-ery a - distribution of . GC117,--la1IY sPealkill-S-, b I � ' " C&UCtiv0 and so. profitable as straw- to .tile acre under -this method Office In the Kerr r6oldende, between " ...
I livirlg. -Other objections may , TISk, and If credit is 1'elGona-bly war- , ltellie�s. con- of a pric,e,ont-ting, e.ehe me -on -the P,Wrt berries. Whem a plot of ground Is planting. I of th* Queen's'Holel and the -Suptlst
be ftund in its discriminatory appli- : Unuea witli ilia 4mprovea fe6fing tha,t ct a number of locil 'whole,W- � , �
I 'U ers. available ,they -VAII be-toland to, earn Poll ilia double or matted aow, the cWirch�. ,I
catior. Concern3 employing leas � ranted In central Z urope th3 ilevice Was mantlest at the beginning ,of the. P',. r was reduced 20 -ceinits -a balrre,l & higher profit for the capital invest- plants are set two feet apart in ,rows All business given careful attention.
of 1wiur.mt,s is juetiffable. Greal I towsirds the la4fter pazit ,dt last week� ed than anything else that mjjq4t i3e and the rows are three and -one-half
than a specified capital escape the I Dritain Must ba.ve Markets, If her' ye?;r. Sramp zlieding downward is b t tlia whVt ."MrImt .has strengthen- � Phone 64, P. 0. Bax 1 Is.,
� . -k grown upon the laud, - .1
levy. ManufactureT.s .have to UC,ted ,on Ecm9.l1ne,ql bv.t fc.r the most I edu ,ap ,Eliis week ivith. a stronger feel- feet apart. 'The original plants are - . .
pay ' industries we not to become ,extinct. pmt. lymlaes are stettdy. kV-hzileis, I- : .' g far V, , I Success. *svith strawberries depends o%eh 0,110 I I _____,
whila agriculture contributes .nothing. * ' 3: 'Ill .our. wed .to make six runner I
' prImarI17 upon, the va,riety planted Plants I two of which are Jayered ,on
4 The demand in AufaLria, Poland and crs end raxatifactu-Pers -report that I TOPOntO----tDdsine_-s .ja whaletale and the marmer In 'whie.11 tile seed opposit3 .sides of -the -lriot,b�ar plant .1 "
The Government carries off the pro -f- 1 �t,he.r courito a p r v b 1M_ exl,,s for the first week Ili the new I circles -has ,:Vmore- ch-eerfuT itd.ae, S,hloa bed b -as been Prepared, for the p1tints, it, line with the row I ";*
, leg is 1 1, e, XtI 0, . ut ,
fit wiuch in a wo:1-managed business 1 tit ' YeaT ,camli,-A-ro with Xlvoxally wIth * ,and the DR. ROOT. C. REDMOND
' I their currency regains its value I have b-een more frequent arid orders Strawberries -are heavy feeders an Oth r I I
'Of ,M�R,X.S. (Eng). �
is carried to reserve, but in the ;%a&- f only . ome special credit will ellabl. -theryeta,rs, and, Z � d four are layered two. On each side '
,re g1'e,2,'Tr 41-b4n 1-1lay are for 11a.r.,g).er quantities th-an, IN' they require an enormous amount of th-6 plant in the apace -between the
10 � t I - - S, e have been for ,several months past, I ecime Itontilln past. Thi's In reased available Plant food, This does not tows, T-1113 gives thTee distinct
sons of slacker trade the k' vernmen g . L.R.C,P. (Land).
: morchairldise -to be -cold to them. The Writneal.—Quc-tatioiks on hogs ad- I activity is lindoubbeffly due -c I I
to the Meam hOweVor, that heaVY soil-, are rows, Six thousand plants are necei- � P4Y,SICIAN AND ,SUkGM0& I
Makes no contributimi, to tile straiten- I T.Tnite-d Statm Proposes to take, anoth- vanced towards ilia latte , r Part -of jalt, fact that iretallere. istocks -have been essalAial to -Success with them. Some siry under tW4 system for each acre Mr. ,Chisholm's old stand). I �
ed resaurces, or towards bal-a-ricing a week. but the big-oger offerings .1his raduced. 'to -99 aow 0: Point as,possible. of -the beat strawberry growing aec- Planted. ,'Under -the bIII system,
possible i er meraod of accomV,Ishing the same week have ,req,ljlted In qu:,t%tIOnS The alaxke.ts are gradually becoluing tions a
deficit. In tile United ipurpose -to bar stimulated by discount, week ago. Fackers st!,ite ,that low6r ,Tnent hic,r.oaslin Ive buying .1 I rnove- light eolls. I to tile acm, and they are set 80 by I --- I . �
States the recent financial ,situation ,,tries are T'O found in cOMPMTatIVe-IY fourteen thousand 'Plants axe needed �_
t 3� Jr,%ports to E-UTOP"n COU11- Coming ba.ck to Where they were. ,one ,stuhilized, and, with. I
has made it Impossible to coll"t I . ,9, business con.ditions The best Plant food that call be 15 inches apart.
I.Ing paper -for ,exporters and banks it- quotations array be -expected -oil .live :t11,611rd be well onthe, rdad to norrual. suliRlied Is ordin.lxy b*nyard man- DR. R. 1. STEWART ' '
SOMO of those t,1%9.q where ,estimated 1 nancing,export business, and by guar- hc.�s In -ill, near future, ,and this 'trill Thereare no now development$.=. ire- .ure and it should be The matted row is ilia Most popu- .
,have gai effect cu the whals ,put oil as .hb"lly . ' I
arsity ,-Of Toronto,
- ma,rkeit. In ithe meantime prices re- be.1;h1n, Canaida�aud the United Statbs UP to 18 tons ot manure -to the acre ItY Ot )Iedlcine; Licentiate of the -
urteelug bills, notes and ,other Pa jiork -fined ausax. L3ok -or exp�,rt ,Orders as Puslible. Some grow,ors -advocate wnt'.o. tale
revenue had talled to materialize. It ! a' lar with the commercial growers, Graduate of U11tv
is obvious that wl�ere there � single row mea,ts with the r, acu
is em- I P��r of ,foreign buyers.- This dis- mma .uncha,uged, The -trade In-la,rd. &Or ovexxzrated applesis, vaLd to bethe each season, depending upoz Most ,favor among home gardeners, Ont0XIO .-College of Phyzlejaus and
barrasswent of thig description ', Counting is to be done throug--, tile tandshortening is qutet. Roth butter reason .that evapara�ted -appl4s are of- I the nor- The time to'set out the p1drits. is in Surgeons. -
,V ula', fertility -of tho'Boil. you cannot
Arough the collection of surplus I recently -w more strength this tered ot the greseut . �
-revived w4lr finance corpor- and ,cheese sho -prices, which get the strawberry bed too .rich. -early spring , Just 'before the slilririg OPPICIE) ENTRANOP; I I I
protits by the GOWninnent and the adou" which has to Its credit at pres- week w-'!th zmej!,er *Upolfes of lin-tter ere fifty Der cent. lower- than least The imanure 114ins, it possible. * After the plants .
I .at hand and a biggerdemand for .6x- Year. Evapojj3,ted appl should be thoroughly 80cohd Door ,North ol Zurl),pig& ..� I
conse,'tuent ez"retion of reserve cap- 4a -manufacturers mixed with the soil by plowing, disk- have . bebionto established and before Photo Studio. I
ent ,037-5,00,000. The corporation Is n.,�rt. The ,feature Of 4he m-a,,rket Is ,cladra -thxt ,present ,prices are $88s Ing and harrowing before ths, hot weather sets in, straw mulch- JOSEPHINE STREET. .
itfi' that the tax ,s a ifecided Aetrl- dit ftot -a, bl.,- insurance company to,- the .1ower -prices quoted on eggs -as a tian ,the Ookt of poaduotion. Bqxns are set out, -the plants Ing between the -rows Is advisable, ' . I P H ON E 29.
r19z_Z',' of the bigg,tr production m,nd ar& eas The variety to be -plant- �
Ine"t to business. The, alternative 'United States L, business in Europe, and y -under an a-ative deMiril. od must depend upon.lorml- coaditiong, In ,Order to keep, down the weeds as ��____�' ''
1-1 the eales tax, -arid on another oc- i on thel arger ,receipts ork the market. Onions are, a. drug cn .the market arid L if for market, and upon Personal rauOh -as possible and tonserve the
I the Gavernm t is ire . pared to back it Vmater prtees we quoted on -chickens. ,prices are sasaer. Potatoe and other whim. if for home use. -moisture content in the Boil. Stf-aly- " I '
advantages in this int,thed of raising bath cases undcubtodly only good ma,31Y reductions. in ,prices as a Tes.ult prices. � The over- berries irequire, an abundance of luaJ4_ I I SE LL '
cilsion it can bP shown that there .are ! up to a, thousard million dollars. In Ill tha -provisiall maTket ,the.'re -�are vegetables axe dn'& ,P -t' sunchanged bearing -vamiettes are doubtless a' ture In order to thTIve, , Tow,U and Parm properties. Call
h the �nrorits, I . auccess, but to ilia average market
ir�ws,c�try revenuo whiel I I
, business will be encouraged. and the ___ _ __ �L I � I � I =t� grower they are undesirable 'for -the The ever -bearing varieties will and see MY list iind got my prices. I
tax e3nnott claim, and Ivit!1out any Of ' "health" of Cut,, risk WV1 be as c1r2- tha,t Must grower.* prefer to fruit thA first season, 'generally Ill have some e,%collerit va,lues. '
R-� e.;rrespondlng � ruldsuramer, but the con' r -
, ,vils. J ,a, have their -crop memred all at once won va to ,
!a order'to simplify the labor Iirob- this by
—.-- i fully Investig led as is usual in U 'IS CREED reason
i bankin- tramsactions. . jBixt thv.e � THE " C ^ VIV TRY B 0 ties should be discouraged in
- % Ism. Where, only -a small market P1110114119 -oft the bloom, J. G. STEWART'
WITTE R BP.rZEDJ1TG .-LJr&.w,DnD. I will he 0, little larger latitude than is —, If— Vlantation is contemplated, however, growers advocate ,this f.or at Indeed, WINGHAM. . .
o stock men are . learning � u9ti'llythe cas,0- It is probable that a , I . leties. . I ' va'r- Phone '
Onta"l, the ever bearers =y be found -the / 134. � Office in Town Hall.
I �-__�.,
that theadvantage cr turning oft only '120 =Co aisks, wIll be taken, If as I believe that the country which God made is more liftutiful than the Most profitable as. they will give one The ,profits whIeb, can be earned , �
good beef animals IS crie, that ei , much than Ili the case of a,Uy or- city 'v1*bicb roan made; that life out 0 t doors and in touch with the .- arth borries to eell out of season whoti from etrawberries depend upon the .
prices are higher. I season and the '100R&Y, but In an '
n- I ' Is the natural life of man. I believe that work to work wherever I find Much Of tile slibeass N�111 depend ordinary S"Zon a grower of ray ae-
,not be over-i-ated. Poor qua:ity I d1nar,y foreign -10,in. There cla 'be
atook brings only low price% land ! no per-manent, ,r4vfval of business un * than work with the most uPDn, tile OYSE0111 Of planting adopt- quaintalace 438 ,"at ad a net to- K SS PHYSICIAN
- It,'but that work with Xattre Is m43re Inspiring, BUGLE
. hitrioato machine, I believe that the dignity of labor depends . ag 4.
W011-47(1,4 stoelz counti on .t,.h,,3 mar- I tit the intern 3110iial traAa curtnuts not wl. ad. There are three general methods, turn of '$600 from a patch tliglilly in .
what you do, but.,how, you do It; ,that 01, The. -single row, the double or inatted excess of one acre In .8120 during ,tbo .
Ice' '�v -- time for the highest ,,t,,. are all flowing at their normal rate. ,.portunity ,comes to a I bo ,t-� f -
� y y on the , I "-'J
i I' farm 48 often " to a boy in,the city; that life Is , 101V arid the hill ,system. The Past two, seasons. lie pa,ya B011,00IJ -*,1Z, -.U",.-' I .1 I
When ,% farmer is feeding his ra,w I t V411 be te=,'�11;11)L-red that Canada Pier on the -farm than In town; that my mlrger arid freer and hap- method used plays tin import,int part children 3 cents Der box onsh to pick I
stuff it Makes a big difference to him ; t^,317, a flYo-- in Roumanian trade BoM3 � I success, depends not upon my as to the number of .p3auts n s fast as -they are ,
Wilether Ills Is putting it Into a good Came of it. dreams, bht upon what I actually do—not upon luck -but upon pluck. I o In ths Oin-.10 TJ- the Dicked they are taken to town and � CHIROP" It CTIC
, believe In working when you wark, and plaring when you Play, and in giv. rows ,are 'th ea, feet apart an., the � im ts
Skin. In the 4une case Ile gets tall , VP TO OL ,r629o-_a,I)le poITLt, enterprice, Ito- and dernanding a square deal Ili every ;�ct of lifo, I r ehipped to -the nolghboring city, . 1
valu:3 fo.. his paills. In tile Otter �Wie "ll deal -Ing with tile wa-r-worn nations __ ___ -, �, _ ---111- ... ...... ,_ ). A. FOX, V. Cal 04, 06f , I
. Edward Osgood Grover, : ,SIGN OF TH E CtR E �^_ 8 N T Its inVe"ItOr has PeCtented a mitten
Ili uerali,lu,,�,, througli with'iesses whielt � t7'l' be amply rawarded. I
I � -----..----- . I. Chiroliractic. locates and removes
nn:�ht bn avoidiaa. 4 13 still a diffl- i _ __ _______ — _= with two thumbs, One I)eWg ailddon the cause of disease., 8
___________________� , nature Ilea, .
tmh matter In solile '*�t�ut% t,o ,con- i TH118 rl 6.110MAT WATEP-LOG brother,:,Fred Mercer, of Toronto, is ' .__ == 1 -lois No Symbolization In Religion of Inside until It Is desirea.,,j turn the Chiropractic is t -ho only aud original
Villeu I The third Selliug fr4nn ,Wa�terloo, TuPkay ,or the Oriont. - Mitten over arid aubstitute what form. .
farratn's tbat goad stock I PM 1_15. 4Cna of tile great artistic possessions I system Of slifnal adjustment. Xf-
11 Orly was the back to wear. fePtIV0 In 95 per cont. of all leal3es, ,
3ceP 11 Dr. A, 8, Vogt, the gmat conductor M" Callad1l NVdIflem:ir Tonner, the too To PhOtogra,Vh broken bones
wil-IttlOr rattle, hvgt�, bmses ��' ('011 17 is Sir Adam Back, and he is __
"' well-known to need commt�nt. . The Only fully qualified gra,duate. of
lndei�%sean choir before the Well-kn')11.1� 'c')Mpallion of Franc -is i These fare a great trio for one ,Ioeal- Although it adorns tile r& Preadl Burgeons haw invented a both 10�111opractlo alid Osteopathy In
or pnilliry, luy.,4 b(,,1ti,,r titan tile non- 'of (11',4 Me I geeat
dn-ie,,,Ip�- and monlr-A StGok dilto , ivar, and Cho 4unly 1,.i.ari In ,Canada Grieraon, tho ce'elirated cssayist, �antl Moi5ques In Constantintilile tile cres- BtOreOW-OPIc X-ray ramora. North Buroft.
whiell i_ortv� aro P,o�Itf.,11t tO 0110i,,6 . ItY to Produce, and they are a fore- ___ , � � . I 1,
,I : luentioll-NI f,,,r tllf.� 40. 11T., 9pent Nelw an art ,connoisseur familiar with ail tent bis no zymbc�'imatlon In the r-1- � .. _ - 'Phone 19�- 11016, 2-5 and V8 p,m.
- I cast of what Canada, will 110 In tile Ilgion. Of Tark(�y or tha, Orlout. I __________,
thfir ;t1c4. Tht� Is trup of qiaitl, "12 ! lrear,3 Da,7 Ill R'ilmlra, inclebrating tho � tl.e groat art gallorieg its �
w 1 00tir birthday ofliis. mothe.r, who wa� =126a when '110 -saw flie Itercor to!- c(;m'3. a ,the days of 8210111- Ilill�lll;;l�1,1!1!111�illl!lll�.':��,��ll:li,lll�iiiiii�l���,:IONBRO==MR
vm,71 a,; (A beer and llm,�ma that MT 'of Lou"P01 was world of art wid sclouc,a 1-1 dayA .to 'hisfory 4 tte ,back to.
att,111*011 Ellili'd bu paid to 'braeding. bit,, In Be" 0�, S�,,,ltzerlft, -�Yar,� ,,I id i � P11111p of Macedon, Vaen lie made an ]DRUGLESS PHYSIjA
, I ;) . .,a, On N 1p-etion, 'd not 1,11ow th*re was &�--_ I attack oil what Iva$ then knowri as C N
Aw I,- 112olufallou aild a';sistance, k; . yea-r's na�,* 1931. ,14bo cam(y tj LInything in.,Aulorle"a, 11ko .this," he BY'-'antitllft. It was a night attack, and
I , I his troops -had ,crept close to ille, city 0-AtE61"ATRY
, 0
,C.IvC,1 hl this te,,,p� vt by tile 0. A. C. ViMada tit 1844 wit', (he pareufr4, wliq ,,* ( t I d. ,vity, ao is tile greatest tre.e. )SUGGEM R
alid tho DPI)a�'tulent (;f Agrieulture. wc.rc, dluoji,�� � , BORDEN when I now Tnoon broke from tile .
, AIS 0OV.-OMMAL. Clouds, And Its faint light uncovered DR. P. �APARK12_29
I A th,,� fotvld�rs of I�res. painter alive. There, Is nor one Ili I
A bui!pAift (No, 281) ltw� reematly I t"Ilt. Mrs. Vo�,,t maln'tairg a lively !Wrope can equal. this, I'm itot unref Ili A lotter 'kr Is guavds t116 tnemy. , The I Oat
befna Is.,med by the , an,Ottaxva papt,r, .T-t)hll. Ito tile city CHECK c0limthIC Physiclail, only
4 Departulelit NvIlieh frittreat in t-llo, afflirg of 14*.Mira,, and that there ever was." This %Von- S, alarin. was 'givell, and the att"k $till- qualified
ran and 11,11ould Uc� had by �every faxin- XWJv*t, K.C., 81199,esta -tile appoint- jett, The now Moon at once became I . OstdoPath tit North Huron, . 0
000ces in the 41s,tIr.9u !shad ,earce, tarloc"s testimony from an UnblMOSed Went -at $it Ito I I Adjustment of the spine is more
- of 1110.r son. Two other Alstingulehei critic 15 '111teresting as ,,, parallel to Vrn0,r`G-`ane'-:'a1 Of V1:tnafl-`&- "He has tathed to everything In tile ,Way 6f BOOKS I quickly geoured ,and with �f,gw,,v ,treat.
er who thinks, a, cow worth tp,0019 I bert Wrdea " qov- & VOVY PoPulor,SYMbol, 4%ad It was at -
A scr",b bull 4,4 d0fillcd On PaO 9 lal% were horn In tile 4*mo Dgrish, h rj�- , v ' dorn, a great deal of -hard, corlsolien- Ments than by any other rdethod.,
t e P tminence 91 on ,JY all COM- 90memtS, Jowolry,ayid erected in, pub-
t1olls work In, the ti,ervice of -Oariada," 110 squares. The Turkff captured By- B er examina-
(With an Illwitration) as c)llo, wilo," prat-tiftl4l " Dr. Vo9t. On6 of thts-4 I pet6ut oritley, American or European, '�Mr, F,WgTt remar)CS', '4,331d. has. well Zantlatir or <1 'We are stgontg for .tile Apple- 'tions made. I
101'""('41 16 '*> Oat " ru"ll 4-4 -014- is the eminent pa,intor, Carl Ahrens. . 'onatillople, ,from tho 'l - �
ik (�O
11� VANOR, I
tO W, Vogt 9$ a tbOr4l ','0Adtict0r, In earned, the flght to be Iter Omit vice- 4reeks Ift 1463, 4nd ,finding the cres- tOM 00inter 10heck %ok (10. All 41s"SCS tfeated.
,qblt) witlia*,It 91VIRK (111Y refiftli As a $a1rile,r of trees lie standg un- th,e exce-leiselmo, Atyls 7woro the war,, TOY.` tent averrwhor4 ,they supp"ed it 1141411 se,6 our ftwples and get OPPICE OVSK 1OHMM'S ST40na. -IJ I
rithur -1-a the prodn.ction of beef or ti*414ed, Tho 6011eietto of his pic. VW4 the grftt NenAflsgohn k'holr Tyrr, r,wart addothat he P!-ovc"d air "me petullar tower, 611d, promptly 1prieft before ordering. t !! !! � tn�_ . ,.!Lr. ! I I L L L CW*1
Inilk." Wo do not imiliginfs th#A the tam rda4o by the 1.%t6 UaJor-C ,U&r,gl w", :r"d $OL R6 Ullfrld TAurick,r as 0o,ver"r_0tne,r,t1 adopted It both for Ito pwtible m 1)"It W11NOMARM ADVAN01n, . etw� — - _ �___ _
0- y p 046d '. xUrOpol and
I wIlen
'Aral'- ' 146r"t, 410W (n (446 0mae"lou of his toaqdor tht fa%,41061 *Orld -t r . f 4TW the
M11.1!14941 Of Xg."I(I'll"tilre *ill gn I " Sir Wilfrid Was,411ve but *ut of arid &a it 4sign .that their =1 wl"101*1'", 00t Queeft,6 univa"Ity, eolftf6tr6d
I .
'40 a of No, teau viewdo". 01MIIJ1�01"'.L. 000M 'h0n`Dttr1 d09'N* Ot Dottor of -TA"
I LL .. .
11 11 * , UPOU the 1?r6mlor of Ontark�.
� ,. I ;
I � 11
� .1 1� . . �. .. . . Ir I .
� I 1, ,
I I � ,, Ill, . I % I L I . - I — ! ----. ___ - - __ - I_ -
to( r
a I