HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-27, Page 7I it , o Jan. 27th . .., I. THR WTN(;II,XNI ADVANC'M 77 RM, .0 lon, S800,000; illegal warfare, $31,500 SlI.C.NCE. OF SNOW.STORMS OUR CANADIAN QUIZ CORNER Ow. l Answer to, Question, No. 10 Catradas, annual prodretive power it) estimated at I don't 1,now how to Fay it. but Eomehow "A Tabloid CYClopedia About Canada five-and-a-balf billion dollars, there ecems to be HOUS43A OF QUALITY" Instalment No. 5, Copytiglit;,Carladian 14.act v , Co., T40ronto rips, 0 thO chl"f A silence to a snowstorm that just Z 4 nt. items being; manufactured goods $3,000 the soul of me 00O.W.1jeld crop% a mlllloa-and�a.balfi, TW� raindrops have a pattpr 28 they Why hot kvep on going to live stock, $250,000,0M. schc�Ol Oven 160,000 members in 1465 clubs, an increage cpla�h mglirlst the Panes q�, -afe o though You have graduated long ago? of IS 000 merabers it, a year. They have Andthe thunderrolls ancirattim IIL-e a'A It is never 'too late to learn and there f all inter Goods thousand railway trains are 45 members in the Ontario Legislature THE' "WHY" IN ME a heap of tbirry's you can still ascertain! and c�ome in the Federal Parliarr MT AND 'ent, But a gccd old-fa-liktird snowstorm haq 1! 4 about Canada and not exhaust all the CAT] LF PI?ICES no tumult �n Its sweep. E N'431" 01 W001 WOV.Sted'and "I'litived Suits t VrLg tl available knowledge. Answer to Question S y �IiOs the largest combination ele.va Asit spreads ltsspot)eF,3 blanhct jvhere It will If You follow this series of Quizzes weelt [ XIY You to buy fiere. tor in Whe6A)ie packer buys Asteer he buys the rozes lie asleep, '10 by week, we prophesy You will become tbt'wOrld, at Port Arthur, Ontario, with two separate things. It is not the simple A capacity of 10-000, 000 bushels. There% ro 4tald of its ccming,vo bloch intensely interested and enjoy it as built by It wag beef he has to look to, He has to take (DwAve'.."'28 an d F v- -- theCanadian Northern Rallway another more elusive factor into account. angry pnitch of sky, Much as a keenly contested game. For coatc. value,-, 0 9 ek's Questlaos Winter ()Vere" tk;, Fur C(%Ittz� and 1C -This We al Railways, -products. They X and now bel na . to the Canadian Nati9n- This is the so-called by NO gr0at gust of wind to whistle of the C;: lill(,'d '8MOCIM- SQ0 (MV -14 beforL, bilying S V Wing the Butthe birdstyive uptheir si a e are almoczt as important in deci storm that's gr( wing nigh, Question No. I -HOW many Indians Answer to Question No. $-Nova Price of the steer as the carcass Itself. nging and discount. are there in Canada? -and where are they I Scotia was the first Of the Original Cana- the tree.9 st and straight and still, 6_31 J. �:. Ji, to be found? dl provinces to have a provincial to buy. Trade conditions govern! g t 'Cult And the snow begins to flutter round the 'UCUCed on .111 But they happen to be far morediff V hem v C(glts Ian X' Question No. humblest window sill. On the noise of busy traffic eeemp a guess as to government, founded by Great Britain, in after they have left tne packer's hands are Th 114!avY Mitt!, and Gloves-, Underwear, W0Vk. Shiri� d Caps. bow many aiiens were naturalized in Can- subject to wide ranges and lately to er- Eome- 4!$ 1 ,came from? ada im ID19? and where they Answer to Qgestion No. 4. how to die away --Canada ratic prices. What the packer can secure While the world tales on the silence of a L Question No, 3 -What townships in art; buys from 77 countries and sells to JOQ for beef is a matter of reasovably easy �RVY COZ 31KVS1 for Ladies' and Misses' Coa Ontario county were named After tile pet countries. country Sabbath day. in Icalculailon, it may be sold within NIN-4 Tivecds, licather all(I Silvertones, reg. 7,50 for yd, IC dogs of Lady Simcoe? Answer to Question No. Canada is a couple' of weeks from the time it leaves lie who rises with the dawning, ere the reg. 6-o0 and 6.00 for' 4.75, reg. $5 fo' r 3.50 a yd. Question No. +- Who was the flr4t helping the ex-Foldler to settle on the the terra. It is far otherwise with the trade of men begins, Hosiery white roan said to have gazed upon i land, needy 20.090 having been given hide, the Oils, casings, tripe, fertilizer, Sees the world of wondrous beauty, wash. fille CUshmere Heather JJ()se in land up till Dec, 1920. Over $80 000,00o grease, blood and sinews taken out of the Niagara Palle? ed completely in its sins N brown and green shades, reg. 2.25 for 1.59. and which were, before the coming And the splendor of the tropi ,Question. No. 5--A test of a country's I has been loaned to them and grants of total."' CS and the wealth I All Wool Hose-Alade of best qunlity bJ or growth Is the va ver 8,000,000 acres. lue of its farm 0 of the packing house, lajgely wasted. It 9100- of the palm Answer to Question N "CIC . o. G -There are requires many months for some of these Never kno'w such robes of sil )OAds, What is Canada's record? I ver or such . ...... gel'ing, yarn in sizes, $1 to 10, reg. 1.50 for 1.19 a rlir. lam,' Question No. 6- Cauada has the largest i 235 members of the Canadian House of to reach their ultimate consumer because sweet unbroken calm 2 they have to be manufactured in a variety As the numblest northern lilac CUrfain NetS., Scrims. CrefORReS reativ n,rhol mine in the world. Where is it? Commons and 96 of the Senate, k or the X 4nd what is its name? to Question No. 7 -Lord Of Ways, Hides take fully -. month to Z, Answer roughest fence rails know duced, Reg. 1.50 and 1.25 for 98c, reg, 85C and 75c for IX I ! t, Quelition No. 7 --The Canadian bov- Stratbcona raised and paid the cost,, of a cure. The DrIces of all these things As they stand on winter mornings I 'do a their 69C per yd. ernment operates several Experimental.1 a c9litingent of 600 for the South African not move in any way which can be gauged uniforms of snow Varms. How many? and where? War. kn6wft at The Strathcona'Horjle, Pt ft fte tbepacker bliys them as part StOlPle$­Yard xvide Flannelette goodivalue 3ic. IC - Do -you know your A fine monument to those who fell stands of tite steer. I -ID Ore: Question No. 8 share of Canada's natural wealth? What n Dominion Square, Montreq]. The year just closed saw an unprece- P-rJ11tS--Fa-St C01017", if) light and dark patterli,,; 30c Delmore Union School Section is ex - is it? Answer to Question No. Canada dented slump in by-product prices. Hides periencing some difficulty in the election a vard. Question No. 9 -Where and when was has 4.009 elevators, with a capacity of bringing nearly 50 cents a pound In' the of its trustee board for the ensuing year. the Battle of StQney.Creek to . At the annual meeting, birs john Mul- ugbt. of 225,000,000 bushels. The number bew spring could not be sold for even 15c in vey war, elected to, fill the u ing built do not keep pace with the needs the fall, The farmer himself felt, in the board, but as there wag svoanciae o1yo0unbtthaet Question No. 10 -Few realize the im. portance of the rubber industry in Can- as the annual crops increase. decline from 75c to 20c which took place that time as to her eligibility she resign. A. M I L L S ada, What is its extent? in the price of wool, what the packer ex- ed, Another meeting has been called to W Our Good are the Best. Answer to Question No. 9 -Canada's periencel in his by-products. elect a trustee to take her place. It is a Our Prices Right, Answers To Last 'Week's Questions claim for reparation against Germany is Mutton peculiar fact that while a lady can act I Answer to Question No J._44LT.p. , 0,A) 31871,000,000, the chief item beingt cost was as much in demand as ever but the school trustee she has lot the right to as tion. of a trustee, fAands for the United Farmers'of Ont- of war and demobilization, $1,715,000,000 sheepskins that had been worth SC 50 to vote for the - elec "ICA price of sheep fell away down because WAM atio, an organization, as the name implies, sePeration allowances $85,500,000; Hall. packers droppecfto 70C." As A Man Thinketh partly accounted for by the fact that a tlab turn, and an evening with Burns has been induced to retain his position &W of farmers of that Province. They have fax losses, $30,000,000; army of occupat- couple of Wingliam's best Players were was spent and drew a large crowd. The custodian of the law,etc; sotbat the tow= A bit of arithmetic will show what may If you think You're outclassed, you -.1 happen in are; laid up', the scare was 8-2. The second program conslared of Scripture reading will not lose his services. Bertisalaub- the purchase of an 850 lb. steer . You've got to think high to rise; game was a farce, Teeiwater being the by Miss K Hill; duet by Miss Mary and ful servant and it would be no easy task X WX first when bides and other by-products You've got to be sure of yourself visiting team, and I.uckno%v boys literal- Mr. 13. Aitcheson; readi;g by Misil Lorna to get another to fill his place. ly played rings around �hem, The score was Campbell; solo by Miss Clark and the Among the sick this week Wiss BaVe, bring good Prices, and second, wben these . Before you can win a prize. 15-9, and might easily have been 502. Tile addrees of the evening bv Mr. A. D. appears to be improving nicely, but we Xbring low prices;- I Life's battles don't always go ice was very soft and not conducive to McKenzie: an instrumental duet by violin are sorry that j C. Anderson. Jack Sliacv- A. Paid for Steer at 13c. . ..... slio.00 To the strongest or fastest man, good hoc key. Lucknow Inniors are a and plano by Mr. W. L. McKenzie and Iff, and Wm, Lyons are not, All expenses (say) .......... 15 00 But soon or late, the man who wins, fast aggregation, considering that this is son. Grant and two Scottish songs, "Loeb the first winter an), of them played leag Miss Harriet Williams and Mr. Fredi X Is the fellow who thinks he can. ue d" and "Auld Lang Syne" were Carruth of Vingham. are visiting in town. STOP .1 LU0`h0K',e1 Ll 80"kTIN I ?!A hockey and tl 1LO-n. e, Cost of Steer ........ ey should go far towards atil, sung by the whole meeting. ..$125.00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS I win... the cup. After the meeting a membership roll was Mr. Lloyd AgnaW is visiting his bomt: X Receipts from by-produc : LaF7 b.daY evening the Young opened, each member signing their name ere from Louleana, U. S. A., where be_ Hides 60 lbs at 50c 30.00 h People's Guild of the Presbyterian church. and making a deposit of ten cents to pay is salesman for automobile accessorit*�., ereby given pursuant to Section was re -organized and officers and' l;cou- for the piano which the Guild has histah- Mr. Will Lees of Detroit, is vlatfaV -products .... 10.00 Chap. 121 of tile ROVIjed StatUtee Of ont�. X We have adopted four'different makes of X Other bY 11 Notice In h XAutomobile Head Light Lenses, rang- X AO. that all Persons having cialpiq againAt veners elected as follows: pres., S. ed. his sisters in town. the Estate of Mary Patience Sheriff. deceased, Burns, Vice Pros,, S. Robertson; Secy., Next Sunday willbe the re -opening of who died on Or abOUL the Seventh day of Nov- Bessie Murdie&Treas., Stewart Bucns, the Methodist church when an approp- X $40 00 ember, A.D. 1920, at the To% a of Wingham Preparations are under way for a gra4C' X Ing in price from $2.00 to 4.00 Thus leaving 425 lbs. of meat to P Conveners of tn. Devotional, M Burns' Ball on Tuesday night. X ro. in the Province of Ontario, are re#utred I iss D. riate ceremony will mark the event. Rev. send by post prepaid, or to R. anstone Miss Martha Me- Mr. Morley of Toronto will be the speak- Quite a number of logs are coming inte� X duce ......... to Henderson; Literary, . 6 85 Wingliam, Ontario, i1011CItOr for tbO AdMillio- Callum; Social, Miss R. Gordon and Miss er special music will be rendered by the the sawmills and If the sleighing wcluist Approved by the Highways D6pt. and,guaranteed. Lo or, in other words, ..... .. '00 trator, on or before the fifth day of February, J. McCallum; Look -out, Horace Aitchison, choir. No service will be held In the it prov, there would be many more-, the meat.m�st sell in A. D. 1921, their names and addresses, with X the carcass at 20c a lb. to cover the Coat fall Particular,, of their claims in writ1w. Call in and look them over and if they suit leave of the live animal. bite nature of the securities (if any) h and Flower, Miss M. Strutheis; Program, Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. It is nearly the first of February and pa> them duly verified by a statutory doola ed by Mr. W. L. McKenzie. All officers are On Monday evening an entertainment B, Paid for steer at loc ...... ration. X your order and be sure of them as the Law requires 8 850(1 And further take no lee that aftvr the said very enthusiastic and exprLsped the will be held at which Mr, Morley and the winter yet, tbe river which runs tbrough fifth day of February, 1921, the assets of the thought that a good year was ahead for choir will be the principal attractic the Centre of the town ha not been fro$seg�x 'that you have your Lenses bought before they will X All expenses, (unchanged). 15.00 said estate will be distributed by the Zxecut� the Guild. over this year yet. ItiscertainlyagroalL orsamongthe artlesenlitledthereto havill: We are glad to report that Bort warul issue a License. regard only to the claims 04 which they abo,11 Lucknow council at their meeting the winter on the wood, Pete and coal bht� Cost oisteer ............ $100.00 than have notice, and the estate will not be other night appointed the committees for liable for any claims not (I)ea at the tilue of X Receipts from by-products:- d the year as f'ollows., Fire and Light 'ho """' !Rfr N"t,' Tbumpson, Smith and Mullin; Road and ul'11<911L IM g t.`ul this CleveuLh day of t"T Other by-product' Bridge, Smith, 14ender-,on and Johnston; Petition and R. VAxsro,1v, X Hides 60 lbs at 12c, - .$7.20 A s ...... 6.00 It -Laws, Henderson, By Solicitor for the Administrator. ance. lit] Thompson and Henderson; Fi . n E. MEIRKLEY MS SO" N S' Thompson and Johnston; Supplies Gray Dort and Colunibia. Cars Winghani, X H ro. John - X Leaving 425 lbs of meat to prod Johnston, Smith and Mullin; ce THE BETTElk) JOB ston, Smith and Thompson. The first $8680 or, meat Must sell in the carcassi id Vol, at 20.4c IMMOd oil -.-ach eom.mittec to be chair - a lb. to cover cost alone. (Boston Herald) man. (The actual range in prices for h: es were running a factory Quite a controversy ba% ari sell Ovell pool rooni liem the granting of -;e. and by-products in Toronto during 11)20 Id stick up a sign for all to see, Many citize in h was.greater than that shown.) I'd print it large and I'd nail it high us tak .g the stand (list is 01, 1� 1 -1 . I , '-1 A not a good thing for ille Iowa While tf - , . , �" �,P STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME Both calculations assume thattliesteer On every wall that men walked by, others 'think differently. At it ineetinz is without dis' X � - -N ease or bruises or other flaws And I'd have it carry this sentence clear: held it, the Presbyterian church several hevalueOfthe saleable meat, "The Better Job you want is here!" speakers -tired their vei%vs on the matter. to reduce t 11ti 21 �1� Nest of theso diod' bide and by-product6. no' object to a pool It's the common trait of the N The game causes human race room if properly conducted. The out v-, answer the consurnerps To Pick up aurd roam from place to place; come of the meeting was that R D. Cam- eron and J. G. Anderson were aprwinted complaint that Prices of meats do not go Men have done it for ages and do it now down. to intervene the reeve, as to the advisabit- The falling value of by,pro Seeking to better themselves somehow; itv of calling a public meLting in the town P-0 We give thorough courses, have experienced instructors who, give indiv ducts touch- They quit their posts and their tools they hFkll whc-ti the thing inight be thrashed out. ianai instruction to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success, Winter es live stock figures, I. e. the farmer's drop Price, before it can effect Prepared meat For a better job in another shop. courses for farmers' %Oils. Address college for free catalogue, The funeral ot the late Ban Hughes figures. I. e. the retailer's price, The took place last Wednc.sdav from his lit)me on tile 6 con., Kinross. to South Milloss meat to Pachercannotget more for his It may be I'm wrong, but I hold to this or STRAIFORD WINGRAM counterbalance the drop in by-products. That somewhere something must be amiss cemetery and was largely attended. ------ Meat prices are always close to the line When a man worth while must move Mr. Hughes was, a finu industrious mail, and well liked bv all With Whom be camL between Profit and loss. That must al- ., thaway in contact. He7suffered a stroke late last J1* ways be so with a perisbabi e be ttqr job with the better pay - fall and bad been bedfast since tnat tim e product I e it 8PP8MS to SUOUWY And something is false in our renown; but was improving nicely, but Sunday ie 1 As the Packer each day has to take all the suffered another -and 11 never revived. 131§ raw material Which comes on the market When men can think of a better town. bazuse of the pleasure - wife predeceased him several years ago,: in the sbape of live animals, he must, in So it I were running a. factory Fla was 61 years oi age and is survi�edf order to sell at a Price which will clear the I'd stick up this sign for all t by one son and one daughter. Only 'YON 6WTER o see, I about a month ago a brother. in-law who EVERY stock, pass the meats on tO the * consumer Which never an eye in the place could lives on the next farm was found dead in rail and b=a2ft it afford& while they are fresh, or face another drop drew miss: tilt, bay -mow. in prices because the products will have "There isn't a better town than this, Mrs. Paul Reid of town was visiting her EAL The ilan,,�,esv�asvng reireah- become stale. daughter. Mrs. Anderson in Ashfield, last You need not go wandering, far or near- i ay. �� week and while they were an their wayl The'lletter Job that You want is here!" moi n8s"We to obisin. ov. to a meeting in the church, their cutter r Mel�;,Acy SO w as up6et with the result that Mrs. Reid�s An Instructor for HOW We Lost A Subscriber arm was broken near the shoulder, at last reports she wag doing nicely for a lady of He survived the influenza. her age. Appendicitis and other ills, Set of' gold buttons for a pleasant HAWAIIAN GUITAR Last Friday evening tile local Oddfol. Not to mention an Auto accident, Iowa held their first '-At Ho me,, of the present for your brotber or LE And Ile heavy Doctor 8111s; season and a very. eniovable evening was! A someone else 8 brotber. we But his Tax Returns Proved fatal, g;etnt- Huchre and Dominos wa. (Ile 4 AND UKULE r .4 � Unpurfty-vroof Package. show many pleasing designsin cu# links TO make them out he tried, part of the evening's entertainment, And from Over Work and Worry and continued till tw0lvv O'Clook, when from the plain forms left open for mon Will be here each Tuesday and lunch we-, served While the commitic, o' Our hem up and DIED. were addi 9 the scores and choosing the grams to artistically wrought buttons Vednesday. n winner.4 Bros. Rev. Gollan and Dr. Pat. 1 begeMMed with precious of, SOMI -pre- LuLknow emon gave short addresses, .rh,� win. Flanigan's Music Store ners were then announced, Domino (ad17, clous, stones, Lucknow, ont., jau, 2 5,1021, Mrs. R. Robertson, gent Bro. N. Greer, Lucknow Junior hockey team played d Euchre la Y. Mrs. R. Thompson, gent, Agents for Victor Records gild Victrolas. two games her(- this week and won both. Bro. F. Hamilton. We will teat your eyes and expertly adAse you. The tables were then Ca Havor L StS The first game was witit Wingliam, cleated away and those wf.o cared to in. Jf you are not in nettlof glassa we Phone 284, and the gurne although fast at times was dulgedin dancing fora"hour. Anatht%r will tell you go. not what was expected, This mgtV be "At Home" will be held in two weeks. Mr. Wm. Douglat, Whoba13 been wopk. 6 He Who Hesilatft is Lost, DoWt ingAir. Abe Durnift'j; farm in Clinton R. M. McKAY o OP. 'galodarat 0, GaIdep (or tho, Patt Year is moving bqck t' flesitate, st*rt t"Ay &I General Practitioner 10wh-, He hike rentW J. B. Hunt6r1s, Jmcler and 0 wingfiam residence, and. wil ptician Graduate Ublvereltv of Toronto, Paculty, Hring�your Cream, Rggi and Potiltry to I lit rAdving, ct once. Ile has taken &lcase of the Cain Hilluto 01 Medicine, barns and will ctnduct an up-to-date reed :-JOSePbifle St,, two doors south of sih Orwoods LKLLucknow stable W'hich JU A tbinr bndly needed in Brunswick Hotel. nbould do this town �lld ;-th, Orld make money. well. Teltphones Office 281, Residence 151, L AltChe"1119, PhOlke 47. Guild meeflilf, In the PreabyWliaa c1larelt. men Vcraistvt Moll: a aeoz. I