HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-27, Page 6� . I
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RAd no lawyers were to make any
Money Out Of hlg�wlll,
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- __ - - I I T, 11 I I ,- 7,_ - , - � - , . � , I I .1 I - - I I ;___ - . �-
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-d 'i'lein 11ri.,131, I'M
1144111and miter. 1:asy-,tart. Pketlas Ulwa.vd led hi val'�e, , "
Ing. -No crunking. lain impius IPtIlpling T)rlr.L5 tcf r0eh.tW.,tt0ft1 Now it leaa,q I
Pow" over r4ting, Uon of thl, flew Gihojt '-wi, (, a
I oome if actwie3 and worksh"glo.u.
� bpllc
I aela s cept for U86 in Milterizift9
X<Ing (7, 6).
Illunration.-A visitor Who ,11�id at-
W3111143, and irmtw -sustained- by the
I worknicn
� .
I Vatil better to keep 01%
ba'r -
�ottla of 0" ThOmIae ZOI`ec�
Into question $Ome of bhe tjLlng.S .Ile
.131zft A .
4AI I . , , Dekhonstra`ted -M,E-PAsy Tiertn*
saw, 10r One thing," he ask -
ed, ,'what is thC Use Of the prCiffidentIS
I I '-'+, - I
I -11-11I.- I -
14- 0 is �
� I . I - .
*0*109 4UWh. J`Udloujo, U.- I
� ' P1 employed ,trUllr
, ,,,,,, PaCimem w -- ease Ituch, '618 A Potent W04pon.
1 and serves its . Ay be done by Contriving v ""' �-�- -F"
� mission ,to , wedding, Proy1dea tho ��Ilkj
. C,�nt;,V,,1PX'0'ne A�
ld� N� 200"I& W be, , volleealod, thus
� I all I .Affording Op, "I Ily I U, br
Affi,iff =111ity, ftl better ae- I
I k ;
, _ , " -_
i I qu-144twie .%nd V I I. I I I �� . _., �
� o,,,,Qbl,a ,iialluiaion- ��
"I �
Went. But Open 11 FIFTY-stXTH r I I
� JUud Is more, il 0119061140A of any �11104-tn oojajal , I
9 k-'131 to 4,4koat Its por. I BUILT UP OURINQ PAST YEAR -TOTAL ASSETS INCREASED $601. .
po$40 and M061,0 the two More dQ*I- Q00,000 SINCE 191,0-SAVINOSi DEPOSITS AGAIN 6,1-10W MARKED I
I rallied to 'Wed. E'ra ,
� . satt .1
� I �� * * * * r , I I IN40REAU-QUI-OK ASSETS T6 I-1481LITIES IN�:ReAr,g,D FROM � .
� " . OPPOsitiOn Is, howevel-, Inuoll 'More 11 Er 1P1A""_"M- I 1 47.23 PRFt CENT. To ji4.35,pER ,CENT. THERE A,Fte NOW 39$ . 0 1
I I . effCCtIy0'\VItIl wQJUeA than wf�h al,eu. JORANC,HES AND AGEN-CIES, � .1. .
. W M; . tX The a,eason 4% ,obvious. It is only the 4ozoon V. 4anuary $0. There 148 ,no bQttor p I . I
I Is U60 d In exceptional woman Who �Oau affo-4 ,to I , . roof Of tita 004- . I . � .
ubject of haportanee. Tho aVerage � I I anking In- .
A any Lesson -Matt, 21.1 1-46, Printed Text $401tion than -bc, .
4=7111ions of teapots dafly. got her family at defiance :11po, JESU,$ GREETa-p AS KING.
I -al 2or a fr�e sainple. Please a ate the 'a -M,att. 21'. 1"18. ee tire %aving-, 4�s, i
� Send, us a post fidence of th a people -in -4 b
. price You now pay t W0111311 13 accue-toined from ber youth 8 ;
. 11 I .anclWhethgr Black, Greexw or Mixe g,olden Text.-41PAOSSed is titutlon grow frorn . "I ;il
Address salada, To _ 14 up to Mica their advice. ,ts, that 11001ts In that In$ _ I I
ronto, 8724 The wonian Who m4xrJea. In 4ir,e. cOmeth In the name or the Lord" year to Year. ThO 66tit Amnu%I Ito- . � i -99
I . ______ Opposition; to the wishes -of her ki ct (Matt. 21 : -9) � . I - . .
_______� I th
_________ ___ .. _: �,:7.:, _ ,::!:: �:: . I
, , 11 _____�_= � _ and kill must �elther he tremen ptorloal Setting. : $* ,
_% dously His Port 'of the IJUICA Bank Of V,allada,l ,. . : : �
in love oil tremendously sell-WILed, TinW.-A. D. 30. covering thlOVeAr ended November 8Q, ,;-,.,.��:i:�`::7�i:,
I ::�:. �:,�.:....'.�::.�.:: � $ _ 9 __
ft PJ 0 1 :.�,�:�:��i.--.'�::;��:�: I .. .-
.4Lce-i U_ 1920 ,ehows a very B tiafftt ;.��,��:,�:���-.'�::;!�!�i w
, 4 X - ::'.�';2;'; " q_
PLArheps both. anlem. I _ tgi� " 'r�. I.:;., Preient Failing Hair .
It requires a T.ar a oaT a �,,,� .,�!��!,.-.-:i `
greater effort for .% woman to forsake � �.:,N... il I .. -
. -::: ..
BUSH FRUITS ANU THEIR The Lesson Text. Crease la S3,viugs Depo$lts, despite I -IN-... ... �� 3"",":;
111. � I with Cuticura shampoo's
I father, mother, sisters, and brothers I And When they drew nigh A tile Many lacmands and OJJIS 111dit'llo,ve I : �:;`.. 'i .,
01 -loves than Jerusalem, and -came unto Betl,.Pha s, , ... �;;;;;;; . . . . . " The first thing jo do in reatoring 4ry,
0 , the man whoAll, she , Ato neen upon the Ps0Pl$`4 Savings dur � I
g the pz4at Year s,%yings DOD Ing. ..:
� . C"UNATIN "' " CA that w1lich the 'non makes Ili simllxr unto the mount of 04 es, tjhen 'Tesuo I . I I _ - _ ::�j,: � tnin and falling hair is to get rid of
I C-Cumstaucas. She may love allm all V O* ts low ;",.�-1".�i:..�,"�ll.,��'��'.�'I danoma, itching and irritation of the
I thij,jo,tetter because she thinks them Sent two disciples. " aland a."8516101464 LIS cOMPOVred with , :;:�,�Z,,-��.-. � I
�,.,'M--`,`i�?�-;�,::�,. scalp,, Rub Cuticura Ointment Into
. ... ..
.;, ,:.,*.';%:�,
xf, �1.
� Ill . $8070.709 in 1919 and $60�144,940 in � I .
__ n 2 ,saying unto them, Go into -tile 1916, 4 tile scalp, especially spots of dandruff
,to him and fully intend to dis- 'village that is I ""ii..-�, i`f"'&`,,,
. ver against You, and li.,.:.:��§...",.
� and itchla
.., Cut g -Next, morning shampoo,
(0ontinued from last Week.) I regard ,their advice, but wilen it stra Q T119 ReSsrve Fund .has been ..'..,.X.*j1T; 1 �
com,In .. 1. - -!::: c
0 es 0 the Pinch, _ 1 ..:�,% with ra Soap and Ilot Water.
, , 10*
THE SLACKneRRy. feet In height MeY should be pinch- ' ightwaY Ye $'hall find an ass tied, Creased by $400,0Q0, ,and now total$ .: ,11.;,:.�
ed Off to make them throw out side 11 her heart fails and a colt with her, , ;..�. -��N.� I
I !�,
bring t -:,.:_::;:�,:i�'.;;. spalv2se. dirltment2g&vdgk� Tileum
;: .,
heni unto me. .:;�f'�,i-�`::�. 25C. Sold
shoots and thus keep them the bet- eAr,.,.,,t Ms., on the other'liand, are 13 A,4d If any one say all, baAk now amou� to,t�al assets Of the � throughout the Dominion, VanadlanDe t:
The blackberry .Is a A13tive at the 'loose them, and $6,000,000, Th ,:��:�i��,.
: �.�, -`��.i --touor
.. .
; XI.... �;_ .i,
Ova Scotia West- a Aaace with anyone YOU, yeeha',l Say, The Lord aMw,rewe,%u(tIAg all I .� � WSW Mr4 596P Sh4tvas WI I
� ruasteru State$, Z4d ill Canada it is ter Withill bounds. ex- eager ,to break -art unto At' to $1,69 ,:;�:�,::r�: '_:�.:11'..;:5-..;�:
. .
a tound wild from N 206,446, : � F
. - thout ;�Ur.
-CePt three or four Of the strongest .,hath need licrease ,
I W-1-0 and northwaird to the In defence Of the woman for whom of tilem; 4 W -MUMU since 1916. � ..., ! !:o � - . I
near snould be cut out, Tb 01 Ad ZtrAigbtw4y L116 will . -, , :,1..::!!;:
� F. . _ � -
,::� . A�-____�
C-ud . they care enough to =11.2'r. The Send them. The dlffl,ouat Deflud Of deflation q .
I kaultoba, boundaM year th& USW eboats Made thatse ,,:
The commercial Culture of bi4ck- 11"Ould be pinched baLk wile season better the Alfta ,the more Willing hs 4 Now this is come to. pass, Juat 'girQuarlA wh"Oh 'the CountrY 111,38 bean 1_"_________4_.__�11__111
a about is for,the combat, In ght be tulfilled which was spoken passing ,has Presented many damoult . t
'lot aU be the sarne height at the him Tsly on 1114A bids the Prophet, Saying, .
fined Mainly to 804thweStem Ontario, they will 110reover, tire Vaulty of througix. Problems to 011, banking In .
berries IA Ontario and Quebec Is con- two feet in 40911t, and as It I
In rthe Lake Huron district, his own judgment. T but It IV gratif . stltut4w I I
h thore is a heavy ,fail of SAO where 'Same time, It is xleces4a-17 to go over ,he 5 Tell ye the daughter of Zion, 7M.- to note ,that - I . 1.11,
w, bIaOk- the PlaUtAtiOn 1110-11 who Is In love, or bincleablar- Behold, thy King Oometh unto Union. Bank is now in a the "..":., �;i; 111�,� Facts Abourt
. -, :1 I
q several times. -All - -
-Y well, but when 1111111'sTs should be destroyed. it is 'eelf In love, with a Woman believes Me% I *tlon�;er . -_
barrias succeed ve, . I .... - -
-_ -
. I 0en at an),
un, that he knOW's 114sr thorou . JA"lo f0mclan than Ith4a b 11 I
I . protected by this covermg in win- Important to do this work in good resents out . ghly, He Meek, arid riding upon en ass, I tdine in Its blawy, qu 1920 balaace MR. $,IiAWp
of side advice or infOrmattlon. as And Upon a Colt the foal of an ,sheet Indicates ,that ,the pogey of k1le 11
-ter they "O not ,satisfactory. ''They time, asif done too late tile latera,Js 'His aelf- -L
are grown with Varying degree will grow too late I I eetearn is eullsted In de- 4. Canad I ,
3 er. and be Injured by Off!0124 Of -the bank has been to build The General Manager of tht ' Uni 0 .#, mw" ,_A-Wft"� I I
success In Odw Parts of these 1) Wint I'snee of -hi's Own- oPlal0n, arid he de- i And the disciples Went, and did UP a otrom -M" . I
luess, the amount ot protection rov- !five During the second seaac,u clines . .9 cash Position, "d in this Bank of Canada, whose flyrty-S! h -06"" "- I
they to believe anythiliC to her dis- even as Jesus appointed them, they have been* successful. Liquid annual statoment shows very strong 10arly in April, 1706, .
I got iu, NrInter UauallY governing the shoulodr' six 'of the S�trolrgest canes credit. Indeed, 7 and bro and cash ass the Rev. James
be left, and all the rest Should his b 't he will quarrel with Ught the ass, and the eta on NoVember �3o, 1920 position. McGregor, Was Set aside in scot-
� results obtained. ef friends it that friend shall Colt, and Put on them their garments' tOtRROd $82,203,s6o belng equal t __. .
I Is rarely a good crop of blackberries, Or 111tho autumn. a kindly to di audbe sat thereon. I ; 54AS per ceAt. .ot ,the total 1, ___ _
At Ottawa there be 7emoved either during tile Summer attempt -ever a . O - land by the synod with w,hich he was
. scourage 8 And the most part of the Alul- to Ule pub identified for work among ,the Set- I..
as there is not quite .enough snow as his marrige with the woman of his � %bil4tles 0overriments and MuniciPa.%tica," alid . �
T)AD5 practice Is then followed every chol t, tiers an the far off Province I I
a rule to, Protect them well and the year, the Canes Which have 40.r Ce. . t4de spread their garments In the ratio of 471,9134c ,a,r*, compared lyLtll 'tho aalOunts rt -D $7,648,1176,39. -of N Ova I ,,,
. '04n6s arO- injured, Blzcltb . )rries do fxult being removed as ne -E. M., In The London Daily AfAil, way; and others out ,ent iia 1919 Items When toted-leed with I These Scotia. 1-18 salled for hl$ new 4. 1.
,, 'Cuirreat field
exceptionally well 'a P so(>.-, efter � the trees, and aprea 41'auches from Two alew beadiogg appear 'in the Loans and DI ou ts It Canada " Of labor W'June and reached Halifax 1.
. 'ritish Cclum- fruiting as It is convenient to do the - d ,thern in the statemVvt -this, year whIell. We),18
bla, and &ISO SUCCeed in Parts of the work. Each spring the laterals should ,*��44.-**-#-#_# _**4_f� Way. - ClUded In 1919 -under 1,Current L In- ,,d.w $,,,2,d,,,s,L'.,,A` I '
Maritime Provinces. ba headed Mus ' . Or 1.06 DO:, Com 1. 'On the 11t11 Of July, after almost a
back oonolderably, the the Multitudes that went In C,1a0,%(11.,P Ou,� lnore.*Lt.o ,Drqx 1919, 1 month OR -tile ocean, He Was born
1 4-+ 9 And _ . s of these flDe- In SCOtIn-nd In 1759 and had bee7n odu-
Propagation, length of latersa to be left depending + Im, 4ud that fol:owed, cried Ma4d Lomita in ro�m 'ThO Unba-U Lank Dow bas ^�_0
� : CURE YOUR COLD A before 11 ada, seen CAted t LMIRb rg I h,r& .
: The blackberry I& one of ti + . Raying, Hosanna to tile son of David: red by a a h V 0 Ile Covered
I .Is easiest c1l the variety, as some kinds set fruit Onaln' amounting - .to bl'ancher, which cover the -eat-ire D(.-
- Bles'5ed 18 he that conieth ill the shows plainly thatt th. $10,732 nifnian mid is thus in CL pa',01tion ,t,o himself with honors In Ilia sej,olastic
further out On laterals than Others, 4 . 'I A 765.47 course.
fruit to PrOD2,go-te. The suckers, which I Until the fru , k h ' 4re -banki,ag service socond tn none. I
I -al-e Produced In great numbers, may iting habit of the vax- - M; 'a the Lord; 'Hosanna in the neadering Analua,ble, Service$ The week of,his arrival he Puahed
be used or If,one w,. 4,a�t,,' �
� she$ to Pr te-ties is known the lateralz , . dog the marketing of In assist- In P,dditton to iits bmil -9 In -Canada, on to Truro nding the .
adsd back until tho flower ) The other new head .
a. variety even oPagate, I i should I Just BrCathe "Catarrhozone.11 I 4 lien he Was come into the 91VIn Cr0l) the Bankoperstea. ;;t entire dis-
more rapidly ,,,at be be ." it's 'Dwn Office's I'-' tance on llorfjpba�ck over a trail that .
� than by ds al�o, A!1 .a.'I t Ing '9 'UaILS io London, -Lilngi I
I suckers, it M47 be increas 'r. The length of lateral I , Its BZ[Samle, Vapor Does Jor"alen I ,he city was stirred, ,..1.111� aad *ud New York. was almost Impassable. on the .
r00t Outtings, The roots are cut u 9 will vary con- 4 the Rost -_ ___, � . .
ed from to leave after Prunin I sa,y1n -h is this?
. D 'IV' - ------ :------- continued his Search for ,the �
Into pieces two or three inches long. g , e Multitudes, said, This 1-110 Institution, and not Merely ,One . settlers over the sparsely .Settled
siderabIy, but there should not be _,�� �ud �,bo I
. They may either be made in the fal more than two feet left. It it has 4-#-�-*4-+� is the prophet,L JeSUS, from Nazareth Of them, It 'Would be dis-astr I �
I Or in the spring, &lid li act been Pos,31ble to Pinch in sum- It's a tiny gorm tba,t ,sets up of Galilee, I the moralle ,of the -oun: to I I I .� , country and on the following day
� then planted In M�, and no pinching is better than Ir I the 12 And Jesus entered school." I PRIES' 0 FA R1 Ile rsached a clearing where he "
rows about three inches deep ritation that Makes c Into -the T01,0los for Research and 01scus$i0in. Itlathered a Congregation 1A
Old$ so d'S7 temple Of God, and Cast -out all them I. Preparation' (vs. 1-5). 1. Give a barn ,
�orlonll season, at the close of w2lich Pinching too I -ate, the bushes may be 11,',reeable. .,Godds die quickly it C,,a- and preached his first sermon. � , I � - �
ozon I
of the, F020W Jesus from Friday evening to .4 4,3ootia and � .1
so" is well cultivated there height In spring, -and the laterals I & ,;= 0'ar 'CatarrhOzollia instantly money-chargars, a -ad the seats of Sunday Marnin . J Cape Dreton had not I
If' the "lleaded back to three Or tour feet in tirrh that ,sold .%rid bought in tile temple, tile time and place or this lesson. 2. 1 k
� I Used, simply beeause and overtibrew the tables 0 At the time Of his arrival Nova
I will be good Plants available. . � EKNES, SMASHED
headed In as already described. de.stroys the germ -that keeps the them ths,t sold th � 9 18'. AVhat __ bean Visited by � 3-1211lister of any I
$014 Planting and Culture. The Pinching back in summer tends �Z alive. e doves; ,was I ,
.n d he Saith unto them, It IS J'salls' Purpose in sending to" ,such 11 G)LSON'S' ARE FIRST FIR,M To derl- ;,,- t or- � r a Pres�
humble animals? 4.
� The blackberry TiP- 5 its fruits at a L) keep the bushes lower than they Every -hreath you d.Mw thmugh Where is -the 11 byterian min(Ister, in either Prince .�
I IS an 41ni_12 ion i� w�as the, e,
trying time of the Year, as in late 'Otherwise would be, and they are the inhaler filts the Whole br Written, - MY house Shall be called a PrOP116CY Of verse 6? i COME DOW,N TO PRE-WAR Xdward Island or mew Brunswick. -
. July, or Augu,at there IS often hot, dry thus raors protected in winter, but apparatus With pure VI eathing IWUW or Prayer; but ye make It & if The Triumphal Entry (Va. I PRICES. . The regions received Visit$ jr4
AsY 8%sau,oas den, (X robbers. 6-11 .. ill
weather, and it there is not a good they may be still more protected by th't 40pe Colds ') - 15. walat wea the contrast I � Dr. MeGregor during every ,summer I
. suPPiY Of moisture in the soil the fruit bending them over and &t their very be- '14 And the blind -and the lanle between this and the usual we,y of I . -
has promised tips with soil to hold them in place, seriza,tion of I not Jerusalem vawd dro I
. � a big -crop will result in only a few covering the glarring. YOU experience a pleasant came to him in the temple; and ,he kings ? 6� Why did i Now that there is a down the solitary er 40 ,rears, arid
. Will dry UP, and What f at once. Soren d theM. know Jesus? I In prices of . moditles and wintel. ,for OV
I rAftB ess, heals p dwellers In ihe Woods
I good berries. " " is very Unl4easant nose and throat the head is clear , af nearly arl Coal I
�. I �' IkILdth 16 Zut when the Chief lu'lests and Ill. The Master in Authority (vs. ds Interestl 9 W -learn that It lavished upon hIrA 4 most Profound .
. In selecting a soil, WO, n lt� ed -_
� therefore, One abouid be Scarcely Pays to do it if and every trace'of cold or,catarrh is -the scribes saw the wonderful things -1-6). 7, Why did the -scribes ,Te- I
choseal blackberries are grown for sale. Afore cured, 12 1 ers. aire salon 'the farm- affectlorl- In this W��Y be travelled
,! ' the f'rW' to benefit, and all over the Maritime provinces and � .
� 'W,41ch Will retain Moisture well. As protection is given if the canes Catarnhozone is so a -are, so that Ile did, and the children ject Jesus? I -that the break in prices is In ,t com
the bla,ekberry Is Inclined to grow late that S. Are the masses niore _ ministers to all tile
. axe Ple&sant, such a safe, ,renredy for were crying in theteMPle and saying, friendly to Jesus today than the ex- modity settlers with-
in the fall, and on this account ,Covered with soil, straw or coarse winter Ills that You- CaWt afford to Hosanna to e I th&t ehould be on every Out denominational distinctions. of
. Is "manure. In parts lot �Canada Where th so of David- they C USivefolk? Alm. One of tile " � I
more tender than do without it. 9- WbY are large A I W . essentials. forgood 211111, One wrote: He never seemed
: the raspberry Get tire dollar ontfit, 'Were moved with InIdlignation, ' bers. of laboring men �
soil should bs chosen whicit alth the winttrs are mild and ,low bushes it imsta two Months; and Is guartin- 10 and said unto now blbjer 1 ;lma-s Is 4% 9"Oline or kexoselle ell- to notice fatigue Or hurdshipi and
,him, ,LHeaxest against Ohristianity? I I 9'n'e. D'VeTY farmer ettlier has me appeared to X,Ogard toll as a posi-
! cess of nitrogen, Wha,t these axe saying? And ___�
,rieh 'in plant food has not an ex- for ,supporting the conea and making size 25c, all dealspia, or The Ziata;rit- Jesus saith unto them, Yea: did ye � t
. j;w� .are not necOasery-, a trellis is Drovided teed to cure; small Mze .50C. trial thou
... which would be 'Or wishes he has, a4d :16 arranging ito tive Ple"ure.11 His death took Place r
Tile conservation of moisture "a
liable to laduce, late growth. Hence this fruit easier to -handle, ozone Co., Kingston, Censda, Trey ge one as SOM - POSSIbIle, or Whdsll On the Srd Of March) 1930, and his
. bottom '"d should be avoided _ is er read. Out of mouthes of babes . I are has the money. I
in and ,sucklings t-bou hast NOW TO EE HALTHY I fuuertLI Was attended by 2,000 peo-
I Most VIP --,es, as Much is likely to be 11 Very Important in ,growing black- I pralse-? perfected I
: 1`101X In nitrogen. erries, and as the fruit does not I ' The Gilson ma"fo'etUrIng COJADRmY Ple-all immense crowd in the (lays I
i ripen until late in the summer, cul- I RPM i H , . I
GAG Of the best soils for blackber- I . �_ W111TEfl ! O' Gue'Ph, whic�l makes thle, engiva WIISn settlers were fewer and the 'ili
'I be later thal, for most � recard Ali 11101104s'of travel Were so dlftic�lt. ?
. t1vatlen wil Comment4 S I thatt has the largest sales
I .the British IOMPiTo and A monument was erected in honor of
Xies is a 9004 Upland OIXY loam. in I t.-ults. It will be usually found best bhde ..-J&n th1h Verse 1. Our Lord had axxived in ______7) 1, therefarre must �lk
I such ,9011 there.is likely to be sur- I to Continue cultivating Unt, Bethany on PrIday evening, ,and at MANY T13OUBLES MAY 8 I give Z'a'tisfactl0a. to the thou3suds of Ills 41 Years ,of ,Strenuous
fielent V -4 -at food without an excess I the ber- E AVOID. ,toil in the
of nitim- rtes are almOstready to pick. -the close of the Sabbath (Saturday) EID IF TH I faxmw-s wh'0 us -8 it, h1s Smashed .en- Iffaritinle district 43f �(,,snada. .
E BLOOD 18,KE-PT 'I 9111-a prices. It is the first ongln6 I -
� able far the development of the crop I day morning He left Bethany- for � I PURE. to drop to pre -wax prices, During last Year the ,lumber of sea- . ,
, gan, MIking conditions favor- - A blackberry, When it is perfectly 1-10 Was anointed by Mary� On Sun- 0 1-113-Ily
; and ripening of the Wood. The soil , lrflpe' is clue Of the firle,st fruits, but SILI-Y SmiTt-4 ,_-,,AN..,$ I I T:11h�ls is a
all ! fit for Use. - Sels that entered
sbould be well Prepared as for Picked bPfO,rO It Is ripe Is quite Uri- Jerusalem. Bet-hpliage, is. a village . I Step In the 11ght d4rectlan Ning yea
I I -and one that ShImId at Canadian JNorts ... and elea-
other bush fruits and a good applica- ;, disciples wart 40 a o .%Tb dia rot include _ e0asting 32�346 Th!s '.
Unfortunately, some 1-4E STA'VS SINGLE between these two Cities. The -two ' DO Act let Your blood ,get th-In this I e,r% tand other,.3 W, appeal to farm, Od
Ifors they '""riter. POr PeOP.'e who have a ten- I the purch.&SO of a g It ,
varlOtiss become black be eac-d'use: A wl;re James and John., ,r ticipa.t
Verse lIn 'T kar 19 vessr-!;,
ti011 Of Walk roti6d barnyard manure , are are Well Co. C0S,rS TOO Muc�_4. 2. Jesus, purpose Was Ut- demcy toWiLT& am ,a 0 (Ysen.e - , ,
strable, . Ing - a WWternia, or Yloadless- J engine. . . Of these vessels that entered and
to most soils will be found de 'ored, the result be- 1-4e: F-ERGtT�s "OW terly democratic. NA71111',e being the ',n,e,ss, winter Is a ,trying season. Lu �
that they reach the market in an I ,spiritual leader, H6 .is sympatheti- of ext,rolse, lack or fresh Sir end a I E,taud
: LONG TWEV L.AS-r. . 1Z This Company hu it cleared last Year at Can
Spring P:&At'lig 19 usually Prefer -r unriDa Condition, and It is not ,to be I ard ePt I'D A9 bagh adlan ports
able- It Planted early In the autumn , Wondered at that those *%vho try them . . I 0311Y one With all men. of man1tra '111`8 - 0,099 Were Brit 11.1i, 11,115 Call 1�
tile Young P,ants are liable to ,ft
� ae 0 for, Per- adlrm�
start i in cals ocuditl WersB S. among the I formance e00UOMY and dependability, and 16,182 foreign. The men employ. I
not wish -to me , Christ anticipated that ,combine to lower I I It gives 'free ,demonatTatlo.rla or its ed on these ve, ' �
Jured by the frost, -hence it Planted a-elfn- Tt would be lu� for explanations.. Probably the blood, I I ,��','13 numbered 784,038,. 1.
I growth and the Asw shoots to be ill- ' blackberries On 'do ,the owner of the animal might ,ask t0ne Of the body tand w0a,ken the I lr-UgineG to any W40 are inter,�ated, 4rill � -
. I the
� the best interests of their business if I
I 'A tht fa�d they should be set late, : fruit growers ._�____�___< owner was -a disciplo. As soc.1 as yon notice the I AIWRys is g:ad to send any Informa- The to Wage Of the Seft-going i.es- . I
Strong one -year-old suckers a,e the , Would pay more attell- ,tired I tion necessary to frl,rme�rs n
beat to Plant. ! tion to this matter, and only ship fruit Verse 4. This was not done for the feeling, ImIc Of al)Pe,tite a -lid Short- I Sels that entered and Cleared at Hali-
. da -1 of 1 Which will be in good condition wher, I - Purpose of Trilfilaing prop As it Is imp3lrtant that f�'ai"l *th"'ra fax Mat year wa-, 10,�54,6�9 tons, I
I Waekborrivs x2quire a great - AN/1 heCY but ness Of brea,th that are Warning templating ,th,� pur,olw, anyon3l can-
! - i I'. reaches the colmumer, " I when done it did fulfil,l pmph6cy. �'Sym*Onls 0E t1lin. blood taker a 9hort; "a of a-11 casino Halifax leading all other Canadfau
I 01c& to deve:op properly and to I . I I . 11 Verse 5. The quotation Is from vo:ts. I
. SOO t h Information at once, Ill
I . A hlaekbe-�rry Plantation Is in ;, . I .
� g1ve an Opportunity Of cultivating and � full 04, P) COurse -at ir,"atruent Qth Dr. W.11- ;;,OU1Ui'rdebeIa, ood Idea �to wrl I
vieking them. The ro bearing the third BeaSol, after V,a,Ut_ I I . I ZPOh. 9'-9. The Jews regarded the llamzl pink pilia. 94 to now oo -
WS should hot k Passage as pointing to the Messiah DO not Wait .until 1 $0 The War tax stamps,- special deliv. .
I be less than eight feet V Ing', and will continue Profitable for ;.." - ' Manurac'tu-"1113 Co., 57,10 .
.. (JOhn 12: 14-16). ch,COIEZ, 'until Your UPS owe ; York Str-cat, Gue'.ph, qqd C�_.I� ,,,-,,., t,) Ory stamps, Ordinary postage, stamps .
f & 1009 time If we I cared for, but It ' G
art, 'With the % -the Colo,- ilas entirely .,liett your ' Elie it A
PlaZts about three feet part in the 11 1, U I
., . I Verse 6. White and send YOU Informa%ou .4,bollt V,,,,,,- cu_ arid Past eaxds issued Ili ,Canada Id.
rows, buD Where the biackbeaTy grows. tlanStIally beat to renew the pjamta_ T-116 ddtal'S Of the -find- Your eyes axe dull It Is so muell i ginez. It will give Y3U 0, 11.180n Yo,ur . ,If
I I Ing Of th6 colt are given by Mark eacier t,O Correct ' Year numbered 926,6KOS9, havlag a,
V'ory vig0rcus:7 four feet apart in I OvOr7 eight Or ten Years, (Mark 11: 1-9). 'thlarting of �tho J reqUiroments value of $24,551,S13.
the 'rows Is not too Much. The Ever- , (Continued neXt week), . .0 . and plae% YOP IvAider
1groen vo-riety is Planted sixteen I _____ Verse ?. Splendid arid gorgeous I .I,)'1.01 IJIT,,,t,,:he ear.lier S�ta.ges than no obligation to pu.raiia,so. - .
or I - I I tMAD1119S Were throwa Upon anlaigas is'W&II Illustraited In the � .
More feet ,apart I'll the rows, The ... . I case of Mr. G. M. Day -_ During last Year there were issued
quickest way to plant Is I . ..", . ridden by Bastern monarelis. Is Newcastl,_ �---_ In Canada 9,100,707
1 . . colt here mentioned was covered With
to Open, deep i MARRIAGE MEDDLERS I money orders,
furrow$ eight feet apar Th '�_'Idgel A-4- 13-, Who S&Ys�.- ' "Prom my i -. - __ . Calling for tile Payment of $142,g%,
� t which Crass, own 'exl)s6ence - . _
. . $09 The Money orders Paid In Can-
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
... - ,,, .. ,d�
a light mark every three feet. ' At _�_ 11 the garments of the plain people. with Dr. NNTU'llatas' I "I'll,', . r �
I � I I Pink Pills, and after taking seve,ral ;. ` ..' - --._-I i ,,��,,-i�
.,.�A `
I 0 Verses 8, [Probably isomeAn the 3" 0 %1%AUj,_rA;'1 " ni - had a value Of ;I27,k19,23,0 '
I ,�.' , 'O I -
N, -, "
. sft' , ,
'01cll Intersection Of the rows the t Very raxe][Y do a Couple boxes I felt likea, now Man., -, : ,Y�t ? RE"'
Pffi,Lx�jw" '�.
, " N �,q ffill
. . I - 0.3W -
P'Sut is,set 0, littlia deeper than it was take paxt, .14i, lrlr� 2
- 11
OtIve I Verse 9. The word "Hosanni-, pills ,through , " . " �. ;;n .
marry with __ multitude did not 17-10 ,11P,fzi'�
- . 412; I,' r,
before and the soil thro ''the cOmt3letG and Cordial tpprov&I of One of the most effe YOU o9a promb-0 Dr. Williams' pink � .;,i'.! . F xgl I. g � The coal Produced in 4�angda -la&t
, t, .
N14CIne _ . � . ,41�; � I _: � I Year amounted to 13,5&,6,100 tons, hay:.
I Ir friends and relatives on both uge,sOn the market is Afiller's Worm he zmllt, YOU by " . 0 � I ) f�. -- �
t wn against it I a, the f vorini- bad come to be the formal expres- or they ,Vill a,UY da,lle: in Ili- .)"
� and woll Dress6d'agalnst tile roots. Powders. -They will not Only Clear . Mail ,-,� � 1 �V4 0 ., �ng a. value of $64,051,120. Nova
� Where the Eol, is Odea. There is al.%,ays e0moong who .RIOU of conloratulation 60 cantq a box or six baXe.q fo,- I I IM", �
� Well Preparod, Vs,se 10, .Personally Jesus I 3. y. 'fnT,dh%e-Ct to TUP Dr, NV&;4ialAs, - "I ", Scotia, Produced nearly one-half of
t �P,Ianllngi way be done Ve,7 quickly, I's Off the opinton ti the Stomach and bowe6s of Worms, but known in ill V 9 b i I Rri�L . P
t op,: n3' a h0-0 With ,3 Spade when i fO." Jill 'at Jack is too 94JOd Will Prove a very ferviceable medicine � CRY, The ques,11on, �AT.V,(I�M`, ; . Y�4., the coal output, namely, 6,102,310 .
: vab:y from I cinp 00" 11'Arlek-076 A." �� . I
the soil "Who 1.9 thl.%?" came proL I
I IS 11,1xIltly marked both ways. mistake ,off rt4h2try"I haa Made a "(1 for children in rOgulatiu,- the infau- the _W��, � tons. I., �
� Ing 11ek. Xot even tho systern and maintaining it Ill 4, Cynical Pharlsees, : - -.-.--.- I--.--.- --- �
If esVeolally fine f-'Uit is desired a. the division of 'Verse 11, Of this much they Were According to, ..q.1t1stics compiled in
good Method Of D'.allting Is to,set the ,, Much disaew,, PrOPOtty C&USC9 60 he,31thY Condition. There Iq nothing I �*��' .
Nianta about eight feet apart 'on In families as med- in their coMpasition A" sure, Only Jesus' 1411111alta dis- .... 1 '917, there wore'then iO3,4,392 industrial I
each r dling in love affairs. th I ,:,o
way and keep them In hills, the most dell,03,te, at '%yill injure ciples knew HIS dba�raotsr, JMt.;t4v I establishments or manufactorles; In
Byl Z still aru the Oasss Where op- roctions,ar,a fol Stomach When dl- Verses 12, 12, Ont Sunday Jeans _�, Canada, and the Capital Invested in
� %'� . V, .
tb'O m0th'Gd cuitivIdOtt May he waln- pr) , 'a lowed, and they can be entered 010 t6MP',Ls and taw the v them amounted 10 12,796,649,-T27. The
. %r finor fruit. I r�lat�0 ' VP�rY little that di-SapPraVing Worms, � D .
rMI be, ,: -0 ('in loyees On Wages numbered 601, -
tallied both ways,und the plants qlay- � riaga aceimPltehoa Its given to ch.ndren Ali the full Assurauce AbUses there. In the evening .110 I - . 5
I I Duri)61�0 Ofltrimking ,01f 1ho 0'a N VC34 A �t . I 0 N � � F
Ing a better OPPOrtunitY to develop Thar I 'mr, - nmt4b, that they Will littarly (TO-AstrOY 411 returno I d W Bethany. On Monday mum g-A7MM kt'"4 .4 305.
I . I - .-
bAiLAVA I �R_14, ____"��w I I
I 1 1 1
Mum P .-
'd b given I linge, howeveruO to X,C,Vellt a mar- ____ It I AT 0
,Good cultivation shou. 110 entored the tem-Ple and clettred
he firr I 0 11 e*910nt arid Valid their Minard's Limmerrt por blpht,ho In 1917 the Wages Paid to, the Ow -
t. A year to got the plants we I I Masons -fr--r obje, �rla. VA.rze 16. Tile scribc.s rejected = I .V. PI
013fthliolled and t) Procure a at Oting. KwAgFL N 0 L EE' ;W oYOCS In Ca.nadlan manufaetorleg
_____� Z= d
grz..,wui Calq,y in t1lo vaas, tion Is of all couma% Ustru, and knowledge of ,his own . 111""to to ,1454,L9,9,823 -and the pro-
kip(Tlon I the m3st Impolitic. v at quir,y. lit' Was not 'like their no- 6 . I 415 �, ducts turned out bad a'vAlue of $%_ I
3n. Violent oppos, Josue' div;ne autgority Without in- r, 'I .4
N.:n:= w; _-�� - �,� � 0 .1
.- - , " 16,577,940.
4,110 Plamt% are ,Pighteen Inchea to two __gem(,�rr t C.f a ,(,Ve af "ent"O dlecour- PrOfesalon, caused an Australian law- tion of the .jLfessiSlk. He. had. looked 1�, e S 1 0 0 'Ir : n_ " -� D! * -MV4".0.tn 't -
- fair Sometimes YOr to include a Clause in his will, t3 popil.lar rec
,ognitloe W 0 t I I I I 00
I - .�1111, :Tiipi . . stating that if any of his beneficiar_ Pe3tllug' to the Sanhedrin. Ith it ap- Zenol,oula is A * -_ 4 hauled at tile stoamrail
I 11 ly the beiA dI2,:nfC.c,11 n t dip, m4do--ft is allso
i i I . I ies, for any reason whatsoever, toll- N'"OrS6 16, The approval of an In- the mcst economical. I I v ?Y1113 11, ill I" Van'!
I ;;;; � 'I 1k I D 0 Itested Ills Will, that person's share- nOCent child "is tile porfecdo-% of " 1,,7,54P3,8&7d, lurIne, IMS amounted .
- 0 Ill J is 0 - was to be paid to u ceytaln. .Charity, prtlse�l Vor disihmet , llrv� vCli. 0 Ir. �",;�', 4 tonf;.
X Ct o'l I this total 47,.
� -
rloTk- THF -SP, rEATV9E5
��'url!' Xl�rOSO!lf -%%)n. First to Drop
RAd no lawyers were to make any
Money Out Of hlg�wlll,
Uluottated T_ruth.
(coal plt� to Pre.w,ar pri,,,e
CIctfUl fuel =Ver 'fluoitle cc
- _f,,ov. ,
"'O."I'd. Built-in ruaggeto. .SjWJ)JC- Oilgou-the la,geft pellinr� Ong
f the
A ,Prime Oroasln2 f Ot W-OU11da.-4n
WO 40 not honor ChriAt it we, fall
to- acknowledge IJIM f,S Lord omd
-d 'i'lein 11ri.,131, I'M
1144111and miter. 1:asy-,tart. Pketlas Ulwa.vd led hi val'�e, , "
Ing. -No crunking. lain impius IPtIlpling T)rlr.L5 tcf r0eh.tW.,tt0ft1 Now it leaa,q I
Pow" over r4ting, Uon of thl, flew Gihojt '-wi, (, a
I oome if actwie3 and worksh"glo.u.
� bpllc
I aela s cept for U86 in Milterizift9
X<Ing (7, 6).
Illunration.-A visitor Who ,11�id at-
sible zard.�, 1109,111tic,
�r I .. � - ad)azing cuts 'a haa made PM.
Prices Nothing ilk(,,
- --.-- fl- bag been r�eell I thow va � i.
W3111143, and irmtw -sustained- by the
I worknicn
tendLld a Special, COnvooAtion Ili the
colleg(y erapal, W" d1sposed to -call
"I deperidability.
Thr*ttf �.",.,Tfle gets a Ile* atandard of pej(6;;AauCe. etchobtlott.;
0.141M-16 awoftz
I Vatil better to keep 01%
ba'r -
�ottla of 0" ThOmIae ZOI`ec�
Into question $Ome of bhe tjLlng.S .Ile
.131zft A .
4AI I . , , Dekhonstra`ted -M,E-PAsy Tiertn*
trif"101al. It 19 last A's q4'ck 11ft action
and dOOO 110t �-car tho skin burn.tha
saw, 10r One thing," he ask -
ed, ,'what is thC Use Of the prCiffidentIS
get wallutoeturet .
, S# Or'" 6u this Oftft "Ur=rd M
vou get a fr" trial Va Yom la
406ariftX lit. that Ca13_1Lnd_gowA I)Ara-
Pernallh? It looks
th it
You buy on tANY torths or tub I` , Yotr W,Wt 4.
t" *qts with every t� � . Vt*vL1y(-ar guarA%J_'
subat'n $Ll Vne. r."t to 901t.onr
_____�� -
Mina..,dy4kLIM$iheiitirop(�OVOO-f In t%wh
to Me ag though
Ile COUld get 110ATOr to the students
t "rkt ?6=ue�Wj" must d4t (luick. 1, ptegc.nt
I y *4V be higher. 0" e 't be
I C a ig
p6iiaii in. Wite at *me &r
Rubbor P'lantatlon
Commoll, man plothas.11 "We'll
Ile doOs 'Wftr that 90tt M*bt Of Via
fUlf faot.q.
07 WAwt rN avtwf .
,, r 0114" VA00, 00., Ltd, $to yorik at., C;,,iph
OWnerg in the
. Federated
I -MAIRY States, are ezimri.
time," *" tbeL repilv, ,,and the te
. ,I-
lowg 6ad 6 ,real bro erly le'aling to. -
I I ift Iwo_!__ II,I11,11, i��!_ I 1 11 to j !!.I I 41
MOnting In the Cultivation of ,castor
Ward him. Jul R Same If they
� .
forgot tl* he is tantly' thW1 ho4d of
011t Zenoleum t,D 100 � a '"'s, u+`A Alcuses' Or 1109 Pens, one
0 Parts %inter t�'. tile proper dilation,
T4i3 Guatanty, goes w, th every.onneo.of
I -
'"a Were the p, odilets of the
m I A Car ,
Y'0nO.'0UnI_"If zen�
� ol*um IS net all you thillk it,OUght to be, you can,11ave Your
Money back. 'C'"OrO.
During the Year 1g1g tha- ,tot,Ll
(9 NO tftlk, Juit money ba-ek.11
iv This guaranty, ,,No
14 your motection,
'of th�O trafficO through the call,
. 4
OR of Clamada, amounted to ArY8
Bxperts at the 0. A. C" Guf)lph, and at j,he Dominion 1,,,xp,��rl _
Aleuw parm, Ottawa uso and endurSo &Uol,eum; leadinq
lives, "Ick
toils. I tri $10
T110 total expenditure
and "U:"'Y ral' P'll Over Calladl endo-t,o ,
" CrS .
rs in 6V It;
farme cry Count"Y "ISO it, It i0the bes
Yolk Can buy. t disinfectant
*11 the COL.
at .1.
S Of Canada UP to M.arch 31, 1081
was $16740.8,291, B006 Confedera�
I �
tion there. was.spent -the GUM
�. Vor 806 by all ,It- I �
694,000, 1 of ;20,-
fia - A-, flour an
rdwaro deale'." tVe:ywb0rC-_Or, d t'Ped in'erchants and by *_
�. ZW:Ito direct, L The Monotary T.t*,Ile of the bilnpral
EM I OUtPUt of British (',OlUrnblo, for 1919
1140LEUM, PRODU - was $34,206,31% 48 'Compared lv,ltll I
US coo $41,7420,474 In 1918. T1116re WOLA 0, do,
� ",
HAM-L,TcNo ONT. ,m4e In quantity in th4§ infro-*ls, �
. L but owing to tile lligh Dritog of Silver,
'""0010���!�X*M(* , I that Metal Showed a monotgry, lu�