HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-27, Page 2� A short tilme ago the retail prke of Red Rose Tea Mimson Label) was re- duiced 10,cents a pound. Whenever conditions pemit, the price Will again be reduced, �ut iiever to such an extent as to lower the quality. A You will always find the quality of Red Rose Tea all You expect it to be-- -'a-Me. Now rZoWird. do yox .4ink I bav,�- '-wowo bim tck 14xv, Mo or .1,=4 Ito-,* 'Wjl�l I ,att W"Z-4 Lwn Vw, ror dMe I ozo Utm? to Vat V"A over St. 9�ve ra, e I M,�w rcunam WZZ4 V�sf wgsbes tbe Nev. YC'.L1 M Yola er�d W41 wt�a ri--W your co,umm Q'Uri-as's a 61:11's p:,1VUev tn az acqualnta;zei�> zot V:eaFant, =)%Mcr tolvaras eas Z;�rsoa b'z tan*- r-0k$ALIN-D- if like same goo teajor over 25 years,01 �n, am a near E` STARR Coal Ltd& T. H. 'Er ez%v.-I d go wM twys quite st�. 'aahn Toronto Nvlanipeg gatot wV4aLntej v:5,tl� 4L Montreal icalgary Edmontoa ye=g TQ1,.aVv f:vm a cl�i:t= I -'-v )Vz Zge, I well! with bhz %julte 2 atta,-�Iel and We grew mu" 4�Z�LC-:% lVe jZePZ e(--�apa'Zy alt­:11`0�L to It, it thrzve;; ell r"gulir, be was a vezy zt�e boy. W$ 'I= t-'te t115 -A -A. P�ace- nevex, -�­Me -�b'Nzt 45 miles fnma wZtere ,Advic-e to Gir& Mver. at any #-,tne or in =.y Zw-,,waa -w,-Nt�,n [ me% b-im, s_j he,:zezr=. t �*4,v =V01ing that na el ba�k t3 hi;� owa henne; ot plae�-. do 'er :ze prom-, un4L-d 4=ld ime agatust yo*,�. !,,�ed Ui write Me, so just beffore, be He brave. � C-eneroas. ewezt aa,:l true [Zlelt : saw h1m and lze waszf t j!1e to 7011 -11z; -e =1 W -'s"arw, ail i3e, sata, e at "1:3. 1 coni'd n 1d" a wzxaM Z�e trested xne -zz 'u ers JW A0 ROSALTIN"D. I I laYe,-zi fo.- w�Ma $�Me tIme, b4zt za, word 4t-ame. sa I went Mv D�,ar M-s Rm- Mad: alvaF M mY 40�tdev`l amd of -ter TX' Mift ftvaliruf WeTcornts letters froml , W�� a=wers w1th advice ti girts I was away I -,yo,4d often ViLzk tbis tlueer frIez4d 0 -�o I YOU"$[ WO-l"n 44king fzr advice ort j I Must eay aro sp*.endid. It you w3t2$d *=!;�ly wPh znr request I tu-Med i;-"�e. he had bceu. Z� -14Y 4444erzt- MI you have to do ir. 0,z),at ;even Or elght Month5 znd 'to addrfts 3,vur letter ft W0 -4d b,-> vezy =-uca, jeleased. I = t. -)o attraetIve :to fze opposite Word -It blzm er where be was. AN MM ROSAUND, -Am. QM yva glve me the eause. t�te e�g4th month lie zeturAed I Me= 14e. reasoa a g-.rl is 1.1za 4mpe--ted:y a --d was as jRendly 34 KIr% %91,1im at.. Marnirton, Ont. t - eve! You wwald re-ier tlz,�,-ct h .n,es my w�, ite 'Ddbe, sut -= hare sm-ne bitter ret=n1mg so fl-leadly afte-- the NX d!5putes he -:iiad ected. He wazted to kE mh�ar Roz-allad. over me. 11. is nizt beeaus-� I am moro t5na psr�-ezlar wr-h my t3Vet 4--MMY wit4 me again. H -k wri to me a -ad, came ta ,z, -e me ozk-­sj� For several er aaythEiag but manners aad gzana- rea4ing Yozzr advz,-.. t3� W�-4,9, and g m,.r. I do tat Car,�, Sim the bzys azv Wba:d yza Lz T g�ve me TQ ,�a 4 iadv.ce Ia my case 'Whieh wul �-tft sw =Garz &= ta bz �so,-13Xe 'with a'l I j4. r::� :M I grea"IT apix-eMlattift. 97-1' be=zllt t� IV4s- bMt &--ir =d to !m-ue a gz,�! c um , e I -Z-!--1k t:,erz 7z�- vomezi .I;i- am six�- Tiari "It BLIM-E,:F.D! ,�xs.jkx. Urze � suz-=: Zd --apr:7 =e U�It�l ze=�, acl- -a d!ssan­�O:Zted ar I -r- Jz�z% be n!zz Z=d :rlezzyw�at­ V reacMng -z=r t1dv;Ce -nUE-n &g; --:z- I Z!, --leve I c'-A�eld v�eer sze lt2s bzy. mak-e _;�=7-41 1z;lTelft�"Zy jar To=r aEt. .I ;1P cons!de n�blr� Toirs la 1.2- o-xer az:d. do -_zt -,d1z..e any V iz LzPES y3Z2 caa *t 11�asl. eert %bu Mot w4tazz. Ln re--sz. ga Q:o:,=g �Aa�: -s 19.1-1 *re C;-.1 alz*- 71, e7e ��e T.',== in t:4s ­'Owa wba Z�- C..4 le V-, to ;;a! f-wzm tLc�az,,c, ta i be gzve f=z--V=em;zMt ----e you 7,'I�ave S:C. =d ta S-1- I W,� I knnz�z� Ley r� 41 ap­ "Q= For :==7z� n,:nr 41�2t !s sezz, M��-d c.:- ez=,,� I C= C4-2, It. znd t��;z zb2,a*- there. a:,e & 7.2-, Az:.- azd cf 1-1�­Se 7-7 tz=- 'kM Z-,,. ez=e I e ­z:z � On% 1=3w* ta !a ::,�2-­ MIS, dca:.. tze 7,�ozsc,= so --2 4 Uad. Ziialtzz. Ti!:T, T S=1 ,a =zny ttuags M�ze ar.Tanive E­.Mmy, :�Zllzr` &r' z:'�4 Lnid -t �_z I I :��:4 -q-� c4s*-;.�.ere I k2Z-M =t- nar EI�Ve I ever tz=d uz*q 74eF ezz.�a:-z'-7 ---­-.�Z- se-� I psrseen %7.1z zzzld q��!j V;4,:" = �' Is ZZZ'jjV ,- �-nainz. Crl�er t!mes� 1 BAIMS 4121M GIMMS.. nzg��Zs ur,% Qla emes dTa7, Warb, b= 37 stares ant-, or! -n a! --d are cuz 0=�r VaVS I,�t 1. _A SiD=e- 4 A=r' . June has tzer -.o teerrib3y a= 4�,Q�%Ved oat. Z-3. Tea be=a8­1 I'. I bzsy vtzss- last fal.,; eays that :she thez-, 'W'=9z say t�:,, *zutztt t"ves a -.trll =--h M relvrege I e wr te an vr:�em Clev, MIT"a up srzlt as t-3 be :n, hcetp =d to "I �1 h�zfe+� bid m� c!­�n-- to Y- L d 1110SZ5 wzlo 100me ta cozzmtal. -4 1 C'ey, zz=, "-v -all Vrt", Z-kd- r,:-th L�er thnn,3 f�zr Tou this s.sze *1 is o,� iettera in I-er d,*sk, vice za vv-e=en.�, I L'o'-e tram r.0$A1JT.ND. has dzze. Lrc= ycz. z"ineezer, a -ad she wal set at t%ze-ri iust as y MZM 82on as She 0an. con*t "Or - I nalt� yam stop %%trit. gwl."s lLtter I bure be, --a 4*ading calnmu h1a 0 heir, btcaase she is a7zed siftzad %LlZeo P:eZ�Se Pend Me her f01 -�'1=1 tZme' 'and have had J, "_40t of to hea;' f 1%4� it is ta -Vt and a0w. I M you Remember, he addMas In box 516, Stzf;on F., P`11P, I-, ,-,a 1*ell�,, ea' -whit I wou'i'd -bother Toa with 0--s a--*t11erqp b�T cur le�ttez s�'Ime'!hItLg that P=2es me: Tot�onto. Shell have zn extoa i=g -y'sa 41zr Q2 7= wa do $.Or =.e. I DeAr wvasaez. ela% eee Why VZOle, basa% got , lot of letters and *-bcrles ftr you Rave I never epM anything abcu-t A Z*7 t-Memds' I am zure it sbe likes soon. gasskla� a :=Vre at. somme time,, an,7Fbcdy wd shows te-, aae-,tlon t�, f�nr the -y are a 0:2-cz et peap�.e W110 the= f*G would surely have ot-mcadc" ta every- felezils, b,�L'howeyer, I am so -Ty jer HARD, SOFT, OR. MIX0. body� Of e-�-e &Is- Rognazzd I am to asit -No maittsr witat 'k -Ind cr waem 'c *dV4 =d "sl;% ez�gLnanv I Vatell� 2nY COM is Prro=�ntly An- ned b, .�ze u -<)rd tWi mz�,;�#-: Onne e**eniag Iast jj =Cman�^-;I� s:; t�,Iat Is vony Week I saw Z3� e=t, e---= :�eing �Puzm --Z zusl va,­MXe it causes no Gu= Is 4t-�zt� r- in- E�- z,�z �4mg me -sark�g Z --a bn1rd- zy 4 ­te�� W.-theve:7 bhevnle cf 2' ZeX4 wie e-0 =el. irke r.ere, b,�-�th at a6 litL !1�=%e Mrlwins in Sa :-=Za ta-at :2zic :all e.1 �dea!erz. z%-Xerniz. I vrznder I attzr a =y seat =4 he te- faar-le-: Zs' eL- M- ZA-d MM An ge tizz vrs-. p -a -z 12, -,�t =t-=er fa;-,zX---­ tand t� zz- s:Zra-p7,cs :!=zMd:,F !:�tE,�Zst fZ1:1 ne o�tla- =-=bzr "T ea=ed 'j, rrcWnt t�:e= fn tlle s -Z=2 N 11. --,: t::e Ot'h;b-T and w -ten tle eve--i=g was c- - 71,m t. - ..�- I 2:c'_d Qz it a: --d C11 !ry to nay =-y cver he aske3 -Ef te cz-4d ta-a.-� =e ve---�d dnz�-. WMIGRAX ADVA$ft FUPANDY, Spmay, Jack -a -Dandy, LM Loves Plum rake and.sugar candy, Dotes on picni-Cs with their lunches, Apples.. olives, gompes Mi buIlches. fill, -*%Q­,-T r�za�c-s WrITER HArla Oil BABY .I -e *zzted --ease:, I- a 1=d C�zz ot �s thz, lhaby. �i,- Is 'er -..z-S5 eon- Qsg1!zW4' to bad' -Y vemadatel . cft= ---Gnny 1t;= th-e ftes a�t get him eu,, !a -�2e! 7�,U Zir cs oftea as 271�e� aff 1EY-r-MARMER OULU I K N 0 'VV A aft J U T U`0 N G REJ E ALL KIINDs OF INFORMATION V24TAPIED 114 ScaX W.41 -M CAN EE SE:CURE:3 FRF -5, rra!z'­ Mcze�l M-3 lilre rti�---- I , Ia cinad" a, -,a :,� =-�a =d ,*avoels gat -zt I 14r*- =--t�;, eve--Taze wl�o Z5 at an Cra-$r =nd 1�e I In C'=0-"V7e wczk. 1jhc--" t twis g�a -`.ve a Q�Dpy agalzz zZle !(A*z2d k!Eep e br= c�! .,ZL " Z An T�-`q is k,:�e of t�e =05: I r�zu�=.e ths zz-om-az:1 --Md ba\ak�"ca c*=�D-,Zze U�Qy4 lr��ey C --e szP;,j b7 bas Come ta our st--ejjlj�, ��. 1.. 15 40r . M.,Z!: nt C-Xt-=S1TelJY SUi=W-1Ed IU-fta V_ -W.0 - a frc�n- Vag Du�. W-inq -*L-s Oz.- and by the fax -M. ez bz tre:"el =d I ZFMIED UP MY FARM ill, refez-zed to of-vam. It k3 :1 r"2�-az wm be &=e -7�j OFMCE. �Ek eazre.e, The OC -IM of bulldliwg ma- -m -e had so --e feea L I 4,:n f i.- pl�� ba= d!ng VZOW--S. t�ng U�n an ooifzee in t:le reZ0 XC -40'. Ce:�aM 4e*�C cam ba, saved I dzzl-a Ca =1 one roem Msed Is s=221 ony ftXz:C,-. th'a CU a=d chea'-01T he-zted. 0., a Me.;ltbarcr a zt�� =:!:, W77 ene-- . C�= M3:= s=QU 011 StOveheats it whem the dnys 'n=d ka--d-"e Ah-- C=Cret8 are n0t Ver�r co.M. oce V:"10 is Qort-amlgatLng any 1 Purc-�'ttaszd VQ -0- id 41is standard P'-"a�leut$ to bis f--= enold baTe t-'.-Pewrhers that va�$ sezozd b=md this book. and those W -ho, do not and had bee_ 4,10unt z2p,, rrr ab,=� !nt---A 1=20dlatoy to 40 =ychi:� N3Zf ra--a:ar p -rim I ta;; Msed it lire -90M find m3glity In - many Tea:. -s with, -a- cost y r, in the book. 'ama sp,-ae�-:s an ad - A ro-11 tagdesk Was Pure-11ased, also 'C*. I a IvPewrfler tabile. desk !s !-�ed b�v the Canada e P -"vide -1 'With k -ter f He b0eks, and pazy Wksa i�= gmdjy I t2jig, cwm;t. .1 fL-4 � - . , I zs2a -ft"le bc6t, -V.�hat tloe y.L-,mer �C� iar&e desk aegane b�ok to 'be Tel.y 4 Do with anyaae co-ziren:eMr. Ha*'M_- --,J11 - . vrawecs a=d witlaout clm-,C� or d!z.- in!g-e-cz hees !-a my des:k ,ab e�ed rate:- 3'0=7 Za:ne =d a4- dress ;to t�e -%Cmamada tim e locking �4ar thljz�,-s:. 4 Cz�=-zt eompz_%v, _uc­ax The bn-�Iet�zs =d tarm , . Z9. NiGmtreal you wiLIL reoei-,e BUM- tmat, papers COM- AM inftrmatioz I eaway -tag va:tzb�e 8 � thEse books b�-rWtm,;; msi,7. 'o='L fik% AM.Te--e hansy w3ta to ---h- im-- ::Lae -- gezd, ining -21,fzel. for gm "OLFE LETTER140 TO) from a :aT-ge box b:-� ;mtj: W 3=e 9 re thz, lma2etlzs ;�-,ZK7 tte nzgrz�*er 1: law, =I -s =ezzzmsa-�y -A *4:� UM FOR CA ADA ;Z.M Or ta M--ja ��;�bz 11 f-zmd by t.-,* this !gt,. I MZ1 ict-ers ` -414C30 FOR 11"ISSIVES WRITTEN ZS. I A,- 1 '70 GENERAI, MOINICS(To*; 'CZ� to CX SID= -RED EXORBITANT, dz�ze V11;-, zot be a to=30ett4tez. tzr it Is 'to be fe7e;2 !4pr in Ftbr A -=a:1 zibrz-y el s�Ie.Lt jary. 'e: mo .7 - tum: t,-Ocks 7-­� T'- se 4--tters =1 40cumenta m 9 :C� -e IazzEeaslen or -a Mr. J� 4�,, 16T cxeze�-,d Mtnekton. D=e 'zce az :dpdc- b m 7PIV teerdss�� $M-5; k. Ix eat iCae=':�MtS iZ 8:'SZ ="-ber o! we2---�-_vVM =3 01�� CzV---L =d tea roo=. D,)-�ght_v, Do =:-i �_ ,.'Z9 ;!rzvv�d vez-$ us�Q--.z2j It SF=e '-!Me Cie Wcat�- at--= -s'te-zF =1 to etz�n czem a 5'r C==A% !;,at tke ;cize --,ked Was 4, 1eZJTb!:-1-"t that ceti-g- Zr­"�M 1-zF _Ins d!S- tele A= e4 ird--est as- -2n! C* ID ssr=? c:05'. bp 'a�74 !,'�a tie C.=t" 3 zn--? cr tw-1 Mll,� E- tr--y Wns 45-,Z� 1 an f - C. b� 42�t. =t n. ia,-42-4 t��w �= t7ce X)O�. E slzis= 14:, � ­ �g -2 �:, c'-f2ze! ttj Tz�j. WM r-ul be Tvp- Xen,- va= tt�!n ail NEW USe fOR X -PAY. LZI sjz�-:, C�­ Z!:e n: -'s t:-I�zg c! PRICES OF FOOOS SUGITty Dow -1-ASOR DF-PAftTM9NT',6 .04,CF-h aER FICURES SHOW A SMALL DECREASE. T7a,z,dGWzVar.4 movement in pric tb" 0�19bout 03=ja Continues Accor Ing ta figures eo=riled by 4e 14b Retail pricez for fo-3j ar'�, d;70,3p"Ing. P=eticzlly all c= =Odhies. wlt4 the exception of e,-- Aud llotatee5. being affected by dowmw=] tendv­.cy. T:, -e "Ter.39e cost of A. list of stapl fo,4s. Ia sixty Canadian cities, At th MiAd% Ot Dacembor, 1920, was $14S 4'.1 Compared with 415M At the Mu 6'�e, of NoveLaber, $14M In Decen ter. IM, aNd $7.,96 la Dec -ember, 101, Tborefere. tla-yugh f3od prices mus fzCl Very ==4 lower before they wI QPP-A-40h pre-war prices, they a gradually coming dor,-A. Jk Mot!cealble feature, of the, Decom ber wt-,teznert� is that milk, butte and cheese prices show some d creasez-, n!s is remar)L-vble W. =d -winter, month, but I,.; %ttrlbtited bIr a,- Labor Deputmeut, to the mil weather wbieU prevailed during De cemb--. Sugar prices dr9ppet e4aia and there were subst=tiaj r dUCtIGMS' in the priCe.% 40f Meats, The Chiet doe-104ses 'took place I tbe Prices of grain, live stock an �Oeal,S, textiles, hides and leatter buRdinc materials, wad rav The price of aml averagec somiewbat lower, but- 4hat of woo� was slighttv highe-- TILe retail, prices of eggs sbowec avemgo advances 0", from three tc SsverL ceats per, dozen. atoording t( -grade, and PDtatoea averaged sb vents per bag bigher. CAN.111DA 19 NOT ftl"'a I -� ANY U L A I, nr. Y FOsA '"flWit EM DR. NADaAU ON. THRFEE 4"ONTHS' TRIP To =LRoP-- TO r-LIMM AT E V24DESMABLES. tbe.i=Pro�jer c2udhlons of emIgn4atj 14� axe silnnorwd ef e!)�3emuz:zg wah emi9M*,!,zM afficlazz fcr elff2eennt Ln=tdl!:�z 01 em:grz�ats to canada� '*I havv zus: co=V.2-ed a wzrrey Of EZRIsa ao�-ts and WE, be able to ma:� a =Z-9,8s'!ca fcr tLe bmtter "Iza"lling el, t1be skmation" h-- -said. -Wazo:t I inzend to take up VrA the aulaorl- tie-s. 1)a--11CA3:3x:T at Livelpoal. Re- C=tly, It was stated tbat coaditiims of Med=-4 EXaminallons at Liverpool weZa �abomr-:znable aad I don7�+. dL%- o4zee. A pmper examimtjon, tsf j-MPQs3Zb1-- N-jaause tt is ziade It,: lopen. I beUeTe this wm ba c,0r_re,-t­ ed bF the ereLmion et buildings scon. ­P-Mazd1z9 Lloyd Oeorge and his em!gratlon p.an. we have �M P;QMent pmblem, clour Own a:ade�=Mu- I take XG zi��w emig.,,ants tor at least thme months- whea 1�he farm activity b" -'as- T -e 'Snu& 90vernmeut W111 h1ve tO SiVe ft=aclal assIean,, 10 any =e=,-4&,Ted lmmivanta they sead us. btit in zhe msaawhila tbLoy had bet%, ---r give th­s asS!Stance in F119and.01 31 D,r- -"�adeau is ft --2n?e for a th ea monta%7 -,*�Udy and to eliminate ablectiotlabl-0 L-nmik-4--tis trora .0 Canadan ISSUB No. 4. 1921 ,­ ----------- with a dise abzu: a reek- bz?jore so -w - J i --g wlez't- -X0'M I hAve beea- told that I Auto Tr4ator Uechaalca, Vulcan. wez!d -=t get Inuck bt�zej% Izing. 48 to $12 per day. xeio fk--XU=e,- Zaiwn 811% way a -ad wanted to fill present demand to, that it S21cu'd be wwa Wah, the &WOU1011410 drlWzgp tr4o. g;pjp) hens wl, �j P� Amswver-Tva are =11-Sinfermed pr`41t Of 07-00) per day, ty Z;jd A ewk- LZf! Of oUr Strains Par T . oa M�--Ur 1117 =0 Welding, Storage, battery I work. rractical tratnjuV, -,M, s-:­k:�---ft 5V J:i-wrPL-g 41-- ftrd*s Uoift-tft Poe c4j4* tt, a, b.�XML* *!1 44 X"4r,,X!k- -�j. ---nd 11b"AN XM%k Woke- 0 040015, 163 Mair street West, Lim"* lFar Ob6ftlow. 1"drr ap"Ms of tam PRICES OF FOOOS SUGITty Dow -1-ASOR DF-PAftTM9NT',6 .04,CF-h aER FICURES SHOW A SMALL DECREASE. T7a,z,dGWzVar.4 movement in pric tb" 0�19bout 03=ja Continues Accor Ing ta figures eo=riled by 4e 14b Retail pricez for fo-3j ar'�, d;70,3p"Ing. P=eticzlly all c= =Odhies. wlt4 the exception of e,-- Aud llotatee5. being affected by dowmw=] tendv­.cy. T:, -e "Ter.39e cost of A. list of stapl fo,4s. Ia sixty Canadian cities, At th MiAd% Ot Dacembor, 1920, was $14S 4'.1 Compared with 415M At the Mu 6'�e, of NoveLaber, $14M In Decen ter. IM, aNd $7.,96 la Dec -ember, 101, Tborefere. tla-yugh f3od prices mus fzCl Very ==4 lower before they wI QPP-A-40h pre-war prices, they a gradually coming dor,-A. Jk Mot!cealble feature, of the, Decom ber wt-,teznert� is that milk, butte and cheese prices show some d creasez-, n!s is remar)L-vble W. =d -winter, month, but I,.; %ttrlbtited bIr a,- Labor Deputmeut, to the mil weather wbieU prevailed during De cemb--. Sugar prices dr9ppet e4aia and there were subst=tiaj r dUCtIGMS' in the priCe.% 40f Meats, The Chiet doe-104ses 'took place I tbe Prices of grain, live stock an �Oeal,S, textiles, hides and leatter buRdinc materials, wad rav The price of aml averagec somiewbat lower, but- 4hat of woo� was slighttv highe-- TILe retail, prices of eggs sbowec avemgo advances 0", from three tc SsverL ceats per, dozen. atoording t( -grade, and PDtatoea averaged sb vents per bag bigher. CAN.111DA 19 NOT ftl"'a I -� ANY U L A I, nr. Y FOsA '"flWit EM DR. NADaAU ON. THRFEE 4"ONTHS' TRIP To =LRoP-- TO r-LIMM AT E V24DESMABLES. tbe.i=Pro�jer c2udhlons of emIgn4atj 14� axe silnnorwd ef e!)�3emuz:zg wah emi9M*,!,zM afficlazz fcr elff2eennt Ln=tdl!:�z 01 em:grz�ats to canada� '*I havv zus: co=V.2-ed a wzrrey Of EZRIsa ao�-ts and WE, be able to ma:� a =Z-9,8s'!ca fcr tLe bmtter "Iza"lling el, t1be skmation" h-- -said. -Wazo:t I inzend to take up VrA the aulaorl- tie-s. 1)a--11CA3:3x:T at Livelpoal. Re- C=tly, It was stated tbat coaditiims of Med=-4 EXaminallons at Liverpool weZa �abomr-:znable aad I don7�+. dL%- o4zee. A pmper examimtjon, tsf j-MPQs3Zb1-- N-jaause tt is ziade It,: lopen. I beUeTe this wm ba c,0r_re,-t­ ed bF the ereLmion et buildings scon. ­P-Mazd1z9 Lloyd Oeorge and his em!gratlon p.an. we have �M P;QMent pmblem, clour Own a:ade�=Mu- I take XG zi��w emig.,,ants tor at least thme months- whea 1�he farm activity b" -'as- T -e 'Snu& 90vernmeut W111 h1ve tO SiVe ft=aclal assIean,, 10 any =e=,-4&,Ted lmmivanta they sead us. btit in zhe msaawhila tbLoy had bet%, ---r give th­s asS!Stance in F119and.01 31 D,r- -"�adeau is ft --2n?e for a th ea monta%7 -,*�Udy and to eliminate ablectiotlabl-0 L-nmik-4--tis trora .0 Canadan BEIST WJLY -To "PLY FMRTUJzER. I 474 -t- -.1-u I -SUPP ROCK COCKBRIM4, A heav'r taying strain at ;5 eaek, W. X- Me011enatgm, Maton, west, Ontario. BuSUMSS oamcm ?HOTO,(;R,AP9DR BUSINE&S, Ch'CkAP- Best local EIOA in Hamiltm. $1111 3-mes ROUtle4se, Ro= -SIM Life BuIXIng. TEa=i1ton. 4 MDICAL. -3TR1j$10-N,,S RoMt .1 TREAT_ Ment for iaj3jjeWy.. qwomt "s, y caS3 F-11OU2d be Pon- StbmOn Remedy rjF. of jt=- au"a- 2611 YG_-ga S_-jtt, TOZ=t��. _�7 as YeliT I �sowed my fer=zsr broade-ast ar�d wor;ged If. L a � ISSUB No. 4. 1921 ,­ ----------- with a dise abzu: a reek- bz?jore so -w - 1 $8 TO $12 PER DAY i --g wlez't- -X0'M I hAve beea- told that I Auto Tr4ator Uechaalca, Vulcan. wez!d -=t get Inuck bt�zej% Izing. 48 to $12 per day. xeio fk--XU=e,- Zaiwn 811% way a -ad wanted to fill present demand to, that it S21cu'd be wwa Wah, the &WOU1011410 drlWzgp tr4o. g;pjp) hens wl, �j P� Amswver-Tva are =11-Sinfermed pr`41t Of 07-00) per day, tor operation, t1re vulcAnUIUS, Qxr. A ewk- LZf! Of oUr Strains Par T . oa M�--Ur 1117 =0 Welding, Storage, battery I work. rractical tratnjuV, or s Only a few weeks required. Dpy szo yo,= cLa=es for go.:d resalt-s are .he t=enz theYwcnX be Lrom-osing 0*11t vlasoes. IYTIte tree Catalogue. cozamodity in ft wages. steady -einpjoymeut MAnDbIlMs Auto and Gas Tractor 0 040015, 163 Mair street West, S1 !tam fer%!,L�erik w4ea the rZrw- Toronto, Lem --re tZle fi�l-tftlter Of ftbo XXITTING Y1R2X8-LiDV-GL-r girain n;:� QM�Oat=lt- UZARING DEVICES. at a 4er't.% cue 01 cr"-,5 beg:-- 4�0 tezd. it sh�-�je% t r-ao. Ivelien Geozzlo'. 4 :;o �� - ln!-w t1� are?. Ia tL-e s1'-,!4- V.Ltz7e fh-Ma �s ",UfHeizat TUB LITTLE GEM jj-Ar. rm1v.,4E- -W.=e into sz�z�l f�,:M titat :11�� po'"Zits; le"M Smallest electrical hearing device e Juvented. Awarded Gold 3jedal at Es ,2:4g =7 �eave szm* `,�e azi;iel. -4,1, azta whi:e mh"e-- International Exposition. NVO have ��i Is ton dce;�.) :ItL� e3ejy rez)!s im, nny czap. varlou$ typQ15 to suit every degree A=0!hE-r uzz-lns- 'r -d g,=!n 41:1 is Of deatne". Our auto ear mas� a sa-96 Is used to 6,taV head nolses, ,�r-tza the isedatg and ��Uxlt::,:% zmj thereby euts7o.W,Ll u�w Write for booltlot whimch explojus Z��- 001�t. �evarYthfng. Gem 10ar ftoue Co, Ra-VItg az)g�M�2 sz-ar � , of .04nada, 41.6-16 Dept. $out$, Ryrle to �:q 130rl WL.�*At, t��z et Bldg,, Toronto, Ont, n d Vo to 4, 0. gzo� cova a t.1.31t =J�* 'OT 4 Wt:1 5e, n L -,Ek zlzpr,�i, AUTOMBILE PARTS. TORONTO ATITOX ILU WRBCjc- tn,,-, Cbmwly, 170 Queen street. we -,,t, Toronto, IvIll supply njwd imrts for any make of air otireascn�- able prices, Also engines of eyery make,al:1-ephone Adelaide 4159, T PERSONAL, CANADIAN -MATRIA10MA14 PAPER, Pigirsue. Descrlptians,-Wimea,ad- drasses25c. B. AMIaCreery� Pjzb- 11sher, ChUham, Oxttar!o. IMLP WANTZI). %V,0, REKWIRE! PA IS$ To X"�%*IT fcr us at hameo-eWler with machine OrbYhand. W-.1ter for informa-tion, �Vud Pastage. The Caaa4ian Waoje- FMa Dis. -Co., Dept C, OrMItL 4 POULTRY WMITED A21:1) FOR SALM �ULVER GRXY DORIKING AND Sfl� COCIr aL.d $5 e2ea. 11. V in�X R. R. 1, London., Junetym 4 HE -XS IVANTED ALIVE, 23 CENTS a Imixud. 5 Paunils each or over, I Pay e."Pre-cs. Albert Larjs, gSS Dikmdas West, To -onto. 0. A- C. BARRED Rr�CX PULLMS tMM selected pen. 1, 1, Bawlet:. st wrliams, oat, BEIST WJLY -To "PLY FMRTUJzER. I 474 -t- -.1-u I -SUPP ROCK COCKBRIM4, A heav'r taying strain at ;5 eaek, W. X- Me011enatgm, Maton, west, Ontario. BuSUMSS oamcm ?HOTO,(;R,AP9DR BUSINE&S, Ch'CkAP- Best local EIOA in Hamiltm. $1111 3-mes ROUtle4se, Ro= -SIM Life BuIXIng. TEa=i1ton. 4 MDICAL. -3TR1j$10-N,,S RoMt .1 TREAT_ Ment for iaj3jjeWy.. qwomt "s, y caS3 F-11OU2d be Pon- StbmOn Remedy rjF. of jt=- au"a- 2611 YG_-ga S_-jtt, TOZ=t��. _�7 as YeliT I �sowed my fer=zsr broade-ast ar�d wor;ged If. L a � with a dise abzu: a reek- bz?jore so -w - i --g wlez't- -X0'M I hAve beea- told that I $7.00 per Day prdn. I wez!d -=t get Inuck bt�zej% fk--XU=e,- Zaiwn 811% way a -ad W'O-A P -46Y A, PROFIT or, that it S21cu'd be wwa Wah, the QUO each a ver aad nbave t,,,,cd g;pjp) hens wl, �j P� Amswver-Tva are =11-Sinfermed pr`41t Of 07-00) per day, ga-d!:Xg the zesnx Of spill, FlUg fe-, Y�nu shvzld ri=lts A ewk- LZf! Of oUr Strains Par T . oa M�--Ur 1117 -�rs­ . ge -'es Omr in extra Ms frem your paj,,,,ts n(,xt fa: ifym 1 -lave ;led a -,,Ur �l aul - wit!M our rAD"cattez tt high-gz­ade Z t!�e,ferta'-Zer has he�n low 9--ade, Strick win's first place In the &a% - 1MICL-Man Lay yo,= cLa=es for go.:d resalt-s are .he t=enz theYwcnX be Lrom-osing -Ing eatj�-,. an1d aeo';=d place In the eahldI2-n Layin- C40t- tmt, NYritO cozamodity in for be.autj,&zU-. t -1110d almv ­ayen E�esl XES-Zhs. however, Rre 'Ohwa- R. rauRd, Pox 8, R04;kvo,d. on� S1 !tam fer%!,L�erik w4ea the rZrw- V, Lem --re tZle fi�l-tftlter Of ftbo XXITTING Y1R2X8-LiDV-GL-r girain n;:� QM�Oat=lt- L'rs' pure ;�tol. btlt VC37 Maxleratte Xlze�, Sample at a 4er't.% cue 01 cr"-,5 beg:-- 4�0 tezd. it sh�-�je% t r-ao. Ivelien Geozzlo'. 4 :;o �� - ln!-w t1� are?. Ia tL-e s1'-,!4- V.Ltz7e fh-Ma �s ",UfHeizat -W.=e into sz�z�l f�,:M titat :11�� po'"Zits; le"M an�k on sa-', In nw% oi- taka a -n. and f­tR Es ,2:4g =7 �eave szm* `,�e azi;iel. -4,1, azta whi:e mh"e-- ��i Is ton dce;�.) :ItL� e3ejy rez)!s im, nny czap. AtONZY TO LOAN + A=0!hE-r uzz-lns- 'r -d g,=!n 41:1 is Loills Mado on Ia- SC4:omi * + ,�r-tza the isedatg and ��Uxlt::,:% zmj thereby euts7o.W,Ll u�w + 77 vietzria 4� Z��- 001�t. ft. 5,2 + Ra-VItg az)g�M�2 sz-ar � , to �:q 130rl WL.�*At, t��z et Y6:1 'M�Lli get i��l ro�t-�Ixs, ,=f-t1ke Cte zains CZ ml&amn arA own- WEI *Was�l tLe t Vo to 4, 0. gzo� cova a t.1.31t =J�* 'OT 4 Wt:1 5e, n L -,Ek zlzpr,�i, t V c4d Its repii�iic�n SIUM, KATI- *.a *T* thIN lam. "t 4UM's Ia Vs�. *" POT t1it XAOtOt lbri"It; ftAd ptt"Is by "K. kqft*d MAAI� tx* br Waft. <�)%A. 'Mk Aafttlg CV, *t vkfttw at. Tatakta� uau F.16& 4 10. spare I line You e"Iftmm tm% voek Atelv hftj,�, or i��Ialify for war, 'IV4 VU10k. "No sol�,Mt:n.r wt, t b-, 't MCI W.%1 how szd vou wrjft� to - tor fQ3 !,(ttjtW '�" 'C.Ard IMOM Uvilt"� itom 44 A401SAU St., w, TOM100.