HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-27, Page 1I A, 0 Senior Hockey Match Lucknow-Ripley vs. Wingham, in the Wingham, Rink, on Friday, January 28th. Game' called at 7.45. 1� 11111p. I I I III I I, will Single Copies a Pour Cents WINGHAM, ONT, THUPSDAY, JANUARV 27th, 1921 'subst;riptions: �2 011 per year The 20th Century Methodist Church Sunday, Jan. 30th, xx a, w, Sacramental and Re- ception Services. Subject, "The Joys Of 'Faith" 2.30 P. in. Sunday School. 7 P. W. Subject, "The Sacramental Of Marriage" A male choir will render special music. If Konare away from home you will d a home -like atmosphere in this comfortable place of wor� ship. Conle and bring y o it r friends. Von will find a hearty welcome. [YCEUM THEATRE 9141 t's "The laiaaest Little Show" Thurs., Fri. and Sat, A tempestuous romance of Sun- ny Spain -with the fiery Farrar in the most picturesque part of her career. A picture drenched in the golden sunlight of old Seville -A throb with the pulsing passion of a hot- blooded race. GERALOINE FARRAR in I ,"The Woman And The Puppet" Also 2 reel Comedy ,'A Wonderful Night" Usual performances Thursday and Friday at 8.15, One Show -Saturday night at 8.20 Complete program Matinee Sat, at 3.30 p m. 10c. and 15c, Usual prices. Coming-Mon..'Tues. and Wed, Wingham's favorite Actress. ALICE BRADY in 11q'he Fear Market"' 44S,ciety Pays Well for its Plea- sant Vices." Usual performances. Usual prices EVEPYBOOY'S COLUMN WARM POR SALE -About 35 Acres of choice JR land situated in Wingbam Town Plot. Maildivigs In firs"Inse poiAition. Also a =t)t,ot.fa.,rrn ie.menta and a quantity of ee Deics�inj re reasonable. APPIY to Tried, ADVANCE FOUND-Mein's rlghl� band glove. inquire at, TuE ADvANcE. ]FOUND -A 8mall sum of money on the Toes. water road. Finder may have same 7 Waving property and payin for his advt R8 ADVANCE. IF OAT. -About a week ago, strin Iii-ack ,010 beada with orn6ifix atteichod. gkler will Taceive raward on leaving At. THE ADvANbE. SECOND HAND RANGE FOEt SALS, water froatattAchtnent, Ap at P111F.R ADVANCE. S ALESMAN WANTED -Sell 011, Grease' Paint. Specialities. For imniediato or immmer delivery. All or part thee. Coin. vainaton basis. Should have car or rig. k3ani. I*u free. Write for the attractive terms. RivitAsins: REViNING Co., Cleveland, Ohio., Application Fair Assessor Applioation#fortho L itiono sge or of Alto Town of ain or the year 1921, Ht be -received the underal nod up to 4 V. M.. On Monday, b, ��%, 11 21.198%lary $275, Datles to co on 1,01). t 1 2L A. GALURArru, Town Cltrk. T9NDERS WANTED Sicited tendom matked tender tot wood will be received Viieunder8igoei up to 1 1). w* 4m TuoWsy, eb. Sth, IN1. tar the delivery at ths Wingli A= Pabilo Si;hool of 20 cotdi of soft wbddJta be composed of elm. aiih, and solt mapio)3oi*ab(16 16jig Notender necessarily *4woptod, Jorm F. OROVES, Sac. W. P. S. D. BARGAI-N -1 811 We will place Same "li"'t of Bargains omsile this 'Saturdla*y Iks N1110 11.1,1 last vvccl� cild. 'As fov- a list. GEON MASON & SON Stfttionetv� Vatont Medicille'l, i�zv&;, 1101 oof 'Supplieg, Wall Paper, Faney =Ak, Toys, ete, i AGRICUI.TURAL SOCIErY winghani on Monda', Leaving with Drow tied At Victoria granary, the competitors must use regist- Elect Officer* And Set Date For 1921 Mr, W. H. Gurney received the sad Fair noon train for Toronto to be present at T Mrs. Jas. Walker spent a few days last The annual meeting of the Turnberry week in Toronto, Agricultural Society was hold in the town hall on Friday, January 21st. Owing to R "I, mild weather the roadswere bad and very friends in Toronto, few frpM a distance were present, Mr, CL. $. Blackball is in Toronto, at - 7 ending the furniture exhibition At Toron- ceipts amounting to $2169,03 and ex- to. penditgres amounting to $2154.82. The Mrs Win, Robertson of the Sth, Con. society have not been able to make any A, 0 Senior Hockey Match Lucknow-Ripley vs. Wingham, in the Wingham, Rink, on Friday, January 28th. Game' called at 7.45. 1� 11111p. I I I III I I, will Single Copies a Pour Cents WINGHAM, ONT, THUPSDAY, JANUARV 27th, 1921 'subst;riptions: �2 011 per year The 20th Century Methodist Church Sunday, Jan. 30th, xx a, w, Sacramental and Re- ception Services. Subject, "The Joys Of 'Faith" 2.30 P. in. Sunday School. 7 P. W. Subject, "The Sacramental Of Marriage" A male choir will render special music. If Konare away from home you will d a home -like atmosphere in this comfortable place of wor� ship. Conle and bring y o it r friends. Von will find a hearty welcome. [YCEUM THEATRE 9141 t's "The laiaaest Little Show" Thurs., Fri. and Sat, A tempestuous romance of Sun- ny Spain -with the fiery Farrar in the most picturesque part of her career. A picture drenched in the golden sunlight of old Seville -A throb with the pulsing passion of a hot- blooded race. GERALOINE FARRAR in I ,"The Woman And The Puppet" Also 2 reel Comedy ,'A Wonderful Night" Usual performances Thursday and Friday at 8.15, One Show -Saturday night at 8.20 Complete program Matinee Sat, at 3.30 p m. 10c. and 15c, Usual prices. Coming-Mon..'Tues. and Wed, Wingham's favorite Actress. ALICE BRADY in 11q'he Fear Market"' 44S,ciety Pays Well for its Plea- sant Vices." Usual performances. Usual prices EVEPYBOOY'S COLUMN WARM POR SALE -About 35 Acres of choice JR land situated in Wingbam Town Plot. Maildivigs In firs"Inse poiAition. Also a =t)t,ot.fa.,rrn ie.menta and a quantity of ee Deics�inj re reasonable. APPIY to Tried, ADVANCE FOUND-Mein's rlghl� band glove. inquire at, TuE ADvANcE. ]FOUND -A 8mall sum of money on the Toes. water road. Finder may have same 7 Waving property and payin for his advt R8 ADVANCE. IF OAT. -About a week ago, strin Iii-ack ,010 beada with orn6ifix atteichod. gkler will Taceive raward on leaving At. THE ADvANbE. SECOND HAND RANGE FOEt SALS, water froatattAchtnent, Ap at P111F.R ADVANCE. S ALESMAN WANTED -Sell 011, Grease' Paint. Specialities. For imniediato or immmer delivery. All or part thee. Coin. vainaton basis. Should have car or rig. k3ani. I*u free. Write for the attractive terms. RivitAsins: REViNING Co., Cleveland, Ohio., Application Fair Assessor Applioation#fortho L itiono sge or of Alto Town of ain or the year 1921, Ht be -received the underal nod up to 4 V. M.. On Monday, b, ��%, 11 21.198%lary $275, Datles to co on 1,01). t 1 2L A. GALURArru, Town Cltrk. T9NDERS WANTED Sicited tendom matked tender tot wood will be received Viieunder8igoei up to 1 1). w* 4m TuoWsy, eb. Sth, IN1. tar the delivery at ths Wingli A= Pabilo Si;hool of 20 cotdi of soft wbddJta be composed of elm. aiih, and solt mapio)3oi*ab(16 16jig Notender necessarily *4woptod, Jorm F. OROVES, Sac. W. P. S. D. BARGAI-N -1 811 We will place Same "li"'t of Bargains omsile this 'Saturdla*y Iks N1110 11.1,1 last vvccl� cild. 'As fov- a list. GEON MASON & SON Stfttionetv� Vatont Medicille'l, i�zv&;, 1101 oof 'Supplieg, Wall Paper, Faney =Ak, Toys, ete, i AGRICUI.TURAL SOCIErY winghani on Monda', Leaving with Drow tied At Victoria granary, the competitors must use regist- Elect Officer* And Set Date For 1921 Mr, W. H. Gurney received the sad Fair noon train for Toronto to be present at news on Monday that his nephew, Fyfe Mrs. Jas. Walker spent a few days last The annual meeting of the Turnberry week in Toronto, Agricultural Society was hold in the town hall on Friday, January 21st. Owing to Miss Annie Blackhall is visiting wA mild weather the roadswere bad and very friends in Toronto, few frpM a distance were present, Mr, CL. $. Blackball is in Toronto, at - The' treasurer's statement showed re- ending the furniture exhibition At Toron- ceipts amounting to $2169,03 and ex- to. penditgres amounting to $2154.82. The Mrs Win, Robertson of the Sth, Con. society have not been able to make any East Wawanosh, is visiting this week wit h, money on their last couple Qf fairs be- relatives in town. V cause of miserable weather, but the new directors are going at it with a renewed Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gray of Calgary, are will and their efforts are deserving of tfie visiting with the former's parents, Mr. very best succesq attainable - There is and Mrs. John Gray. yet owing $700 on notes borrowed. Miss L. Schiell of Wingbam, was a gue!t Department judges w:ll be secured over the week -end of Dr. and Mrs, A. G. again this year and instead of the usual 6chiell, LiSLOWel Banner, field crop competition the society will Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkins of Port enter the registered grain competition in Colborne, are visiting with his brother, 0. A, C. 72 oats. The difference to the Mr, Van Hawkins, Town Plot. other competitions being that I he grain I John Joynt, . P. 0. was n visitor in TURNBERRY NOMINATIONS Another Election In Turoberry On Monday From what we can learn there was a hot time at the nominations in Turnberry on Monday afternoon. These nominations were held to elect a fourth councillor for the tawnship, The following men were nominated for the position. Arthur Wheeler by Raymond Elliott and Jas. Kirtom William Austin by Milas Cameron and ,Jos, Latronica. John Smith by A. Forgie and James McTavish. J. I, Scott by Wni, Breckenridge and Dav d Breen. W. H. Marshall by John Metcalfe and John Wray. Messrs. Smith and Scott, withdrew from the contest and Messrs. Wheeler, Austin and Marshall have decided to contest the election. will be judged in the field and in the winghani on Monda', Leaving with Drow tied At Victoria granary, the competitors must use regist- Mrs. Joynt and miss Letitia on the after- Mr, W. H. Gurney received the sad ered seed, the prize money will be $275 noon train for Toronto to be present at news on Monday that his nephew, Fyfe instead of $75. There must be fifteen the opening of Parliament. Gurney, had been drowned while skating competitors or there can be n ) com peti- at Victoria, B � C., on S-atuiday afternooff. tion. The unfortunate young man was in his District Rep-esentative Stothers ad- PUREBRED SALE 18th. year and was just completing his �lressed the meeting relative to the hold- college course. He is a son of R. J. ing of a championship school fair in con- Will Be Hold At Winghans ou Gurney, dry goods traveller of that city. nection ��ith the Wingbarn Fall Fair. Prizewinners at the neighboring school March 10th Bankeir Moves To Wroxeter fairs being eligible to compete. Thesug- At a meeting of the directors of the Mr, Coanor who has been account . Ant gestion was favorably received and will Huron County Breeders Association held in the Bank, of Hamilton here for the past be gone ahead with. in Winghant on Wednesday afternoon it few years has been appointed manager of The following is the result of the elec- Was decided to hold a Purebred Cattle the Wroxeter branch of the bank. Mr. tion of officers. 'tale at Wingham. on Thursday, March and Mrs. Connor have made many warm Hon. Pres - J. J. Moffatt. / 10th. We learn from District Represent- f rien& during their residence at Wingliam. Hon. Vice Prea.- H. T. P�rdue, ative Stothers that already sixty head We congratulate Mr. Connor on his pro - President -1. J. Wright. have been offered for the -sale, Further motion. Hit place in the Wingharn bank Ist. Vice Pres -R� S. Williams, Particulars will be given in the near future. is being filled by Mr. Nornian Butcher, 2nd. Vice Pres. -G. N. Underwood. son ol Mrs. Butcher, Josephine St mr, Pirectors-W. J, Greer, Hugh Gilmour, Remembered On tier Bit-thday Butcher has lately been at Delhi, he is a Wingliam buy who is making rapid pro - J. E. Smith, W. A. McGill], F Henry, John Gille4pie, Richard Wilton, C. G. Mrs. Hanna celebrated tier 70th. birth- gress in,his work, and we welcome him Campbell and A. G. Smith. day at her home on January 12th. when back to his native town. Lady Directors -Wives of officers and her fa nily and the employees of the store directors. presented her with a beautiful upholstered DR MCDONALD RETURNS? cbwr and a beautiful silver bon bon dish. Associate Directors -W. J. Carrie, V, Long may this active old lady continue Probability That London Postmaster R VanNorm;n, J A, Brandon, 0 Camp. in the business life of Wingbam. Will Return To Winghaw bell, W. G. Gray, Adam Robertson. John Tripp, Win. Brydges, Alex McDonald. New Auto Tire Shop The following is taken from the London Auditors -J. A. McLean and Robt, A new Tire and Tire Repair shop will Free Press and refers to a former respect - Currie. be opened in the Morton building, Wing- ed resident of Wingham, whom it is rum - Mr. Richard Wilton and Mrs. W. A. ham, by Mr, C� E. Judson in tht- near oured has decided to return to Wingham McGill were appointed delegates to the future. Mr. Judson has secti-ed the to reside. Dr, McDonald owns the Mc - Ontario Fairs Association Convention at I services of an expert tire man, Mr. Win. Donald business block here. The Press Toronto to be held Feby. 8th. and Oth. Ingham who will move here from Inger� says: The secretary A. G. Smith, asked to soll. It is intended to install some of the "Dr. Peter McDonald, postmaster, will be relieved of his duties owing to lack of latest tire machinery for vulcanizing, etc. be retired from the service this year, pro- time, but he was urged to reconsider his Public School Board ably sometime before midsummer, ac - resignation and report at next meeting. ' cording to the latest word received from The date set for the holding of the 1921 At the inaugural meeting of the public Ottawa in connection with the act relat- Fair was Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept, school board held on Wednesday even- ing to civil service employees. Under 27 and. 28th, -if the weather is fine. ing, Jan. 10th. Mr. R. S. Williams was this act those employees over 65 years of elected chairman of the board for 1921. age who apply for retirement prior to Died In Zioff City The property committee will be F. J. July Ist of this year will be given a pen - Hill, chairman; Robt. Allen, Chas. sion amounting to one -sixtieth of their Thera passed away in Zion City, Ill., on Barber, A. J Walker, W. J. Haines. annual wage for every year of service - January 16, Miss Elizabeth R. Ross, a Purchasing Committee, R. S. William, This applies to those who entered the former resident of Wingham. , Miss Ross F. 1. Hill and Principal Posliff. Finance services after 1898 and thus would not, 9 the e dest daughter of the late James Committee, chairman, A. G. Smith, G. ordinary. receive any Pension. Under Ross and sister of Mrs Jas. Maxwell of L, Bisbee and R. S. Williams. John F. the o I d regulations t h e employees Wingham. She had resided in Zion City Groves was re-elected Secretary-treas- who entered the service-,- during the last for the past sixteen years and bad been in urer, and J. W. Dodd caretaker. Rev. 22 years paid five per cent. of their wages poor health for about six months. She Dr. Perrie, William Robertson and Prin- into a fund which they received back was in her 77th. year. cipal Posliff were appointed members -of witli compound interest on retirement, Mr. A, J. Ross, hardware merchant,' is tLe public library board from tbe school Otherwise, this was given to their heirs a cousin of the deceased. board. at death. Condacted An Autopsy CulrosR Man Travels Over 9000 Miles Last year an act was pa;sed to enable The body of, Angus McDonald, who Mr. G A. Pringle, a former Culross these to receive a pension, providing they diedabout six weeks ago at Wingham. man. and well known to a great many asked for retirement orior to July 1, 1921. The pension will be given in addition to was exhumed at Teeswater on Friday and here, has just recently completed a trip of the fund which has been accummulating brought to Linklater's undertaking par- over.9000 miles covering a period of ten from their five per cent payments, There lort, where an autopsy was held by months and a short account of his trip are several employees in the local office Doctors Robertson, of the Medical Col- will be interesting to a number here. He who will come under this regulation, So lege, Toronto; Kennedy of Wingham, and just travelled by day and saw every place far as is known. no one has yet made Fergmton and Gillies of Teeswater. Mr. of importalice, going by Chicago, Omaha, application, but those who do not ask for McDonald was hurt in a motor accident Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Royal it will be retired after July I and it is some weeks before his death, He had i! Georget Salt Lake to Los Angeles, saw all understood they will loose their chances $4.000 accident policy in the Travellers' movie Stars, around Universal City and for pension if they delay. Accident Insurance C o in p a n y. The i 'claim how movies filims were made. He went Dr. McDonald stated that he had not executors put in a for the amount to the summit of Mt. Lowe rode in glass yet asked for his retirement, nor had he of the policy. The company withheld bottom boats at Santa Catelna Island, decided what action he would take with payment, claiming that death had not where submarine gardens are 60 feet reference to the question. He intimated resulted from the eff cts of the accident. I The autopsy was held at the request of down in the ocean, went through Ger- man submarine and Battleship Idaho. that he sometimcs questions whether he is the insurance company. The doctors will At San Pedro got p passport and saw not ready to retire from active life in the department. But there is plenty of time report, Spanish Buil fight, (nNci Jack Juhnst,)n to decide in the next four months liv says. Motor Vehicle Licenses and some tattle snakes) in Mexico. Prince of W Ics in Sandiago, oil his way In the. event of the retirement of Dr. Although the Ontario Government pro- to Australia, observatory on M(�unt 111ana. McDonald, the po6ition would ba filled misicd to allow someone in WinghatIl to ilton, Democatic c n ention, , 0 V S -in Vrancoq from the local stalf, in till probability. No sell motor lict rises in 19,11 tb2y have not Shriners convention and Rose earnival ill out6kivr wouA N,� brout!ht in to fill the given a -y Person the Power to do so, Portland. &yi.igt routost, BW)IV (.'-'t4'l)Ad1 place if a 11 cal t­u,�k�yo, emild b,� fourri suitabik� fix tho "ittlati )it In thiq Wingliain is a iliost central location for tho gteater part of Huron and 11ruco, Mt. Tacoma on Juno 28. 11,!V ii,h v �n- nariez; in victmia alid Vw1c4mkO, CoIL- th!'�4'AAL' and tile mle of motor lice'lNel hote would IT they �ay of the they e,!t VA1,1t thc-,y -C' monquaQ4 quae be w0omied by,111 inotorhAs, whil at'Ll 110W IL�,y Q,L)IA cn't : III W31d... l"'n. iin� �OAwnl. convOled to,,�uiid eiu,or to Walla -'11011 or thty cia Xs,) ai%iii�id i iLe Goderwil, blyth plam", wilich are ont (if 13"IlIff. y tile wav to ono (4do. of tho eotuitim No an(I g, yiiiwr � L_- la 14", tA lo Y �"i 11 �v �nrl' 7V,�! �Afl tL "(i� id t (loubt 11w pe,lpk, froal tU) Vicinity Ivill tri�, ,it, all -I In t'. continuo to Gend thir anto 116:'O'Ie Molloy of Bal�.o' oldb u�i I xL, i %i (mt t 1tounty to London raflVT �h,111 "'t'riv? cd plan"C! i'011'ek �N voulld ab:)w, %�,nv to G li.I-drh SiIiel.�. or wall'orlon. Wo m.JAI k"',,tand, that J. V. 11gl"1111 owits t"Ore aiuw�, thaa al:y 10al,o, J"I ut. R1 �n� i In �t,a, ',�n otlier town, of the saiao.��o; ils �,J& plit 4'UrJ-,; I,_,A, Z�":."4, - J of Ontario. va!, ,--ittlam (111�3, I;, Items All kinds of fancy caker, selling at 35 cents per. lb.-Hillie Burke. Burns Night was held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church ort Tu"Way evening, ttonographs on Dr� R� C. Redmond has been appointed Associate Coroner for the County of Huron. Easv Paymen-ts Several hYdro, men are in town and will likely be here until autumn. They are starting to re -wire, A small -um down and balance in easy Mrs, Herdsman w1r) has been residing weehly or monthly payments will put a at Niagara Falls for the past few months Phonograph in your home at once, has returned to town. E dison Amberolas Big Mass meeting will be held in the $62.00 and up Baptist Church to -night, Two speakers from Toronto. Come. We are sole agents for Wingham, and North Huron County, L. 0. L.. will Vicinity for the celebrated Edison line, - A good assortment of records always 013 1 meet in the Orange Hall, Wingbam, on hand. Tuesday, Feb. Ist at 2 o'clock. Lucknow-Ripley hockeyists defeated Teeswater seniors in Lucknow on Tues- day night by a score of 22 to 8. Columbia Gralonolas Meals, lunches and ice cream specials $37.50 and up at all hours at Balte 13 urke's. The celebrated "Grafancilas" for Col, Mr. Jas, A. E dgar, who resides south of umbia and Victor Records, gives yuvu Wroxeter, had the misfortune to break music that is bard to beat. his leg while turning out a steer at his auction sale on Wednesday afternoon. All the best and latest in "Columbia Cottage prayer meeting will be held on Records" always in stock, Friday evening at SYclock at the home of TheNEW EDISON' SPECIAL - Brunswick Records 3 for $1. Mr. W, H. Willis Scripture lesson will be given by Rev. Mr. Armstrong, and an invitation is extended to everyone. InBONS DRUG The fast growing demand for Templeton' McK 0 STORE Rheumatic Capsules and RAZ -MAH for Asthma, which J. W. Kibbon's Drug Store Drugs and Stationery has experienced since securing the local Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. F. Tickett agency, proves the value of the The C. P. R. will run a cafe parlm cars % service from Owen Sound to Toronto on Feby. Ist. Owen Sound business men have been after this servied for some time. Time will tell whet,�erit willpay ornot. When the ladies do things they appar- CbauRe In Time The late train going to Kincardine had ently do them up right. On Friday even- Becaus,! of the Hospital Euchre and the 0 1 the misfortune to have an axle br ken on ing the ladies ente! tained the memb,'rs Lucknow-Ripley Hockey match being on the engine. An auxiliary train was ties- of the 1. 0. 0. F. in the Oddfellows hall the evening of the 28th, it has been arrang- patched from Palmerston and the remain- at progressive euchre and about eighty ed to start the hockey match at 7.45 and der of the night was spent between Ripley people were present. After the playing the euchre playing at 9 o'clock, Bothwill and Lucknow. a dainty lunch was served. The winners start sharp on time, We are clearing a line of good 70 cent for gaines were Mrs. Dudley Holmes and black tea at 4D cents. See our windows. and Mr. Goo. Dayed and for lone hands, Wedded At Bloevale -Billie Burke. Mrs Geo. Olver and Mr. E R. Harrison. The home of the Misses Paul at Blue - The Ladies Auxiliary to the Wingharn If you owe money to nybody, pay it -vale was the scene of a pretty wedding on General Hospital, will hold a progressive now. A ten -dollar bill set going in this Tuesday evening, Jan. 25th at 8 o'clock Mchre in the council chamber on Friday,, way on Monday may pay, in turn, fifty or when their sister, Miss Margaret Alice Jan. 28th. Tickets 50 cents. Playing a hundred accounts before Saturday was united in the holy bonds of marriag; will commence sharp at 9 o'clock. The night. Comi)lqint is made that pe,)ple to Mr William 1. Duff. Rev. Crawford -to-do are frequentl public are cordially invited. who are well y among Tate performed the ceremony. Some Piano Tuner --Geo. J. Wright, he most negligent in this matter of set- The happy couple will reside in Blue - bandmaster, has during the past two tling their bills. Never being in a tight vale, where they are held in very high months tuned forty-seven pianos. This is corner themselves, they do not realize esteem by all. some record, and several others are await- how much others may stand in need of, Western Mail Delivery ing, Every piano owner who has had his money. I Suffer another'word of exhorta- service is a booster for more orders. Resi- ion.,, Donotmerelysay, 'I must pay Mail delivery in Western Canada it. giv- dence in the Knox dwelling behind post hat account". That gets one nowhere. ing many Ontario publishers a great deal! office. Do it now. and start the ball rolling -Or- of annoyance Mrs Larocque, a formet The hiccough epidemic has not yet illia Packet. resident of Wingham, now residing ht - reached Wingham, but if k does it is said '.Vancouver claims she has received onlf thatone-half teaspoonful of mustard in 1 one ADNrANcu each month since July. a cup of lukewarm water has stopped RORN Another subscriber in Saskatchewan re- ceived eighteen papers at one time, al - cases of hiccoughs. The first drink usual- though he has been a regular caller at the ly brings relief, but in some cases as an RILEY-In Toronto on January 17th, to post offiee, and several weeks ago wrcita emetic and the hiccough returns but if the Rev. A. C. and R�rs,, Riley, formerly to us about not getting the paper regular - mustard and water is continued relief will Jean Blackball, a son. ly. fullow� The Wingham, junior hockeyists played in Teeswater on Monday evening and de- XMXXXXXIIAMIXIM1714MIX NXIM171P.M., feated Teeswater youths by a score of 11 to 1. Teeswater ]ads have either never saw hockey before or they are playing in X, bardluck. Thegame atWingbammult- CLEARING SALE ediaavictory for Wingharn 15-0 and theLucknow-Ripley kids trimmed them to tne tune of 15-2. Fresh line of high grade chocolates, X chocolate bars, creams and mixed candies 20 ps 0. off Regular Price at greatly reduced prices. -Billie Burke. The children of St. Paul's Church Sun. day school, Wingham, were out in full force en Friday night, whenthey were en- X, Felt Boots, Overshoes and Slippers V tertained by the teachers and officers. W in Men"s, WomeWs and ChIldren's. Long tables w2re laden with all kinds of INK goodies and each child recieved a gayly- Big Saving -Buy Now. colored basket of candy. Games and lantern views were enjoyed by the pupils t Sec (311117 WfadowS and Baqqa�n Tables. for the remainder of the evening. A. M. Polley, in old resident of Huron. county, diedat his home in Goderich on �Vednesday mornina of lact wcL�k. Mr. 9 tlolk,y was a Lcon horsmiatiatil omduct.. LF U A -d a livory barn for yeLirs. Ile rana ww;�? batwo.ea Goderich atid Ludtwm; fit tli,� C1, 1? 7N 2 02, Bla 0 n� QH Li'tOVIO '21 �`J 'Ll IPS arly elghti�,s and tlli� opp& i6on l)1,A%vZ,1 ,Jo��ac' Adding and lie wuz� vevy Lh, 2'a I zllf tinl�-- B C1 hv,�i to, L 0)") 1% FiA, w (Nvou f(DT22eeo'- 6) di S E t 1. U o:_ ­ 'SA V e,,� 9 o2�4� ��6xe*Xws A "IL t�- �,e %Ax