HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-20, Page 8I
Jan 20th, 19:1
0- 0_0
AWOWN HeIgrave TEACHER "ONORED Tarnberry Council
We had Vt. littlo smallpox %care resutthig The enclosed tribute was given to the Millute$t of
in the quaratititting of �k ftnv familles and `A, A'AINS
ONLY JACK LONDU., council itneeting lield !ill AV"%
th0clOsitig of tile public -whool. It is PrinclPalof the School at the annual witevateOn Jall, loth, 1921. Mvnibers!
tight type but tile Roard, of He%ititt is right school meeting. Mr, Richmond lo from Porter Reeve, W. A-Millest'll BTU 13 Ku
Could wr1te such a v1v1d I
in exercising care. Morris Towntbip. and his first three years yr"'N"! and 1. L MacPwcn council-'
vla- igniog their deelaration od
Belglave women's Institute will meet Uticil Went (on with regular
throbbing story of the SFA teaching was in S. S. No, 8 East Wilwa, office the Q015
next Wedilt-sil-,ky afternoon at oo,,;h bushitss. In Leather Top Rubbers for
-it the, bomeof Mrs, John VanCamp. Con, The following letter is self-explanatory MitlUtR6 of last regular meeting, Nom.
itiation ult-eting and election were read I
TIRE MASTERY OF .5, Morris. Good program. Lunch will St. Jacabs Dec. 29th, IWO- and approved oil notion of Moffatt
If-% XT le served. and a larV attendance is asked Dear Mr. Richmond: and W. A. Mines. - Hatt Men and Boys
JACKLVIS DONIS for, Along with the rate payers of our school By,Lawa were passed confirming. the Made In W100bam at Our Place of Business.
W N. S. of Knox Church held their Section we wish to join in congratulattr
Ig appointment of the wholp council as,
finst u?w vear meeting in basement of
pre,j, You on this the twerity. first unnivemry of road c0tumis-d011efs, a So Geo. V. Qraik-,
church Thursday aft ernoou, the new allaak and Alla
-tit Mrs, Jas. Tqlor. ptesiding. Large your assuming the pr1ilcipalship of our WWI, S. King _ssessor and James ffatt
sitory telling, his spirit of adventure in n Mcgwert audito also Men's Leather Top Rubbers 15" inches high with
theearth's far phaces, and the fascinat- number of the members were present. A school. a viember of the Board of Healb. best Redman bottoms. sizes 6 to I I
very interesting paper was. given- by Mrs Moved by 1. L. Aitiogwer, and j.
icn of his characters, that brought hitil Miller also solos by Mrs. Clegg and Mrs. We feel deeply impressed with this life Moffatt that Ily-Law No. 5 be passed for 11 $5.95 per VaJr.
millions of readers are heightened in this- R. Geddes At the close of the meeting of service and sacrifice, for, when we view holding a, N6rtin4tjQu meetilig in the
all partool; of a light lunch, in retrospect. what you has meant to MQ114ay�
swreen version of one of his most note. r life Forrester's Hall, Bluevale on I
PRESIgNTATIoN Trinity church Ladiess this comunity during the last generation J411,* 24th , x9V, at X o'clock On
motion of W. A. Minesitud J, J. -Moffatt Men's LeatheriTop Rubbers
-worthy tales of the sea. Guild met at Mrs. Rob', AlcCre" an We Can Only in a small measure coml)re� the Reeve and Clerk werl authorized to.
Thursday last when,% very pleasant after- h , , - � 1 �F
noon was enjoyed, One new member end how far reaching has been your In- sign petitions to the minister of Public "12" inches, for
e MUt" f t d,. The Misses McQurdy, who have fluence for good, not only in the school Highways re provinciq� grants for public,
fix A
ioeienn road
,e living in Beigm, ve, since they lett tile room where you have moulded cbaricter 8 $5,35 per pa1r.
farm, recently purchased a house in Wirur. and ' U ved by W, A. Mbies and MQf.'
formed the nucleus of larger life to the fatt 0
bato and have moved to it but were back that we 011 NT tIN1406 f9r Tp.
ifly U h I groping and, impressionable minds of your printing,
for the guild meelitig and were presented
by the ladies with the following address. Youth, but also in the larger sphere of thq 7110 auditors were 06filied to meet ai 7 Boys' Leather Tio p Rubbers
Which was read by Miss Hestvr tohmito.4 fomm)Anity, Treasurers office, lian. :Zotb, xo a, in.
and Miss E, Proetee pro-�,anted a fine Tile following accounts inc es high, "Sizes I to 5, for
casserole. To Missm Lizzip, ANP R&C11- In this respect We Wish to gay that we Murphy, fees re Douglas appeal $56,sq;
nx. NICCURDY.-WO, the members of have been hortoured with your citizenship C AJOV6.% fees te Jermyn draitl 173,17;
$4.20 per pair.
Trinity claivelt Ladies' Guild, Mt we could and fully appreciate that your life J. Casemore, gravel x5o; Geo. Tbortiton.
qu B 0 r eill !lot leave without ende,woring to exprc-s", refund pharte rate i oq; F. S. Scott, I
amongst us has been one of mortal uplift Brusselstelephoue rate 52 oo. I
it) some measure, at leasto on I
r apprect-
n motion of J. J. Moffatt and J. L.
ation of your services in the church work, and has made life's pathway more cheer- 0 14. Youths' Leather Tot) "Rubbers,
With an ALL, STAR CAST particularly in our Guild, Please accept ful and the going morepleasant. Xacgweu the next council meeting will
this casserole as a token of our regard. be held in Bluevale on Feb. 14th,, 192t, sizes I to 13, for
We trust we will often have the pleasure May we at this juncture also render at I P, M.
MIGHT makes RIGHT -outside the three mile ?t having you back at our meetings, and our tribute to Mrs. Richmond, who has r, POWAXL� Clerk.
limit -and there is a powerful lot of Right in I in spite oftbe fact that you will be seeing shared Your burden and been your sup- $3.25 per pair.
I new taces and making new 'friends. we port especially when your labours were
"The Mutiny of the Elsinoro". hope your friends of Trinity Church Guild
most arduous. We would ask* that you BRUCE COUNTV COUNCIL
will loug be remembered, "For beat of
See,this most famoug of London's gt0fies here aligrc c)ld friends whose friend�bip comeg assure Mrs. Richmond that we fully real -
to %tay'" Signed Qn behalf of tho Guild, ize the important part she has played in Albermarle .................... Wbitcher
before Toronto's audiences have had a chance to Us% R. McCtts&, Pres. educational and social life of' th Amal)el ................. I ...Davison
Miss A, BRYDoLm See a �:,CQM- Arrau ........... ".'scarrow,
see it. "The Mutiny of the Elsinore" will be the munity,
The ladies replied thanking their fr ends Brant ............. Rowland audFludlay H* W I L L I
feature at "Pantages," the largest and most for good wishes and token of remembrance We hope it will be a source of -pleasure Bruce ............ McNeil and XcRenzie
beautiful theatre in the British Empire the fol- and hoped that they would often have tile to you in realizing that m4ny of the boys CarricL . ...................... _Montag SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES'
lowing week, It will cost you 50c or 75c there. pleawre of meeting agam. and girls who received their educational Culr(ts�; ........ I, .......... Falconer
training from you are now engaged in how. Utiettior ...... -1 ........ I ..... Laudon
See it for a quarter here. ing out a footpath leadfng to Life's High- Ulderstie ...............................
way, where wb hope some of them will Greenoek ..................... McNabb
at THE LYCEUM T11"'11EATRE Remember the Auction Sale of Farm, loom large in the world affairs and in- Huron ................ Ruttle and Irwin AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN
Farm Stocic, Implements etc., at Lot 26, Cidetitially continue to keep St. Jacobs'on Xincardine Tp._ - I ...... I ...... Clark
Also Mam, T6s, and Wed�, Final episode of "PIRATE 0- OLD" con. 1, Morris, on Wednesday, Jan.. 26th. the map. UndsaY ..................... McDonald _J
velynoreserveon horses or cattle Wetakepleasurein making known in Mildmay ...................... Doerring
Kinloss ............. ....... . Matheril
as we have no feed. some tangible way our appreciation of Your
long and faithful service, and a that you . - . I ....... ......... LY'Lunn 'y"U VVnititit
acceptthis cheque, which we hope will Saugeen ............... ...... Jamieson (Correct up till Wednesday noon) Mft
NePwOrth ..................... Atchison
In conclusim we winuld'say that we Port Zgin'.... . ................. Cottrill Flc)ur- ...... - 1, 1-6000 6 50 E E F
enable you to make comfort and pleasure Lucknow ........ __ Wheat No. 2 Spring 2 00 to 2 10
linger a little longer. ........ Johnston
P-li-SleY ........................ Forrester Wheat No. 2 Fall 2 00 to 2 10 GOOD U
hope YOU and Mrs. Richmond will be Tnr ............................. Gr..t Lard. ....... 85 to 88 Call at
spared many years aad that your help- Tcswilte,
.1teaburt, Butter. 40 to 50
fulness may continue in the years that
Eggs ................... 70 to
Tivertort ........................ Nelson 75
are tot be. Chesley ....... ........ .... He' Cattle; mad., butchers.. 9 00 to 00 L
isermarl Olver & Beninger�s
Signed on behalf of the ratepayers of 'Southampton ............... TvIeVittie Cattle, bqttchers choice I 1 00 to 12 DD Butcher Shop
14 00 to 14 25
School Section No. 8, Woolwich Tp. Kincardine ................ ...... Wood Hogs, fiveweight I
Always young and cbeice and prices
Walkerton ...................... Leport Hay . .................. 24 50 to 26 OD
erereasonable Bythepoundorby the
5", -
Wiartou ......................... Irwin: Cream ........ .... 50 to
-57 carcus prices right.
7177 rXT
nr T7 t rl;7 f?
- 11 -
0'tLwoARANCE 0"I L
" 3"T A AN11"A"Y no L
A Bar5gains for Thurs., 11%,41
Fri., SaL, Jan. 20th., 21st, 22nd. Of W Amv M rcha%&
Save money by taking advantage of the eXeepfiaual values,
given below. Bring in your, list.
Sao'.. Fruit Bait
Pinkliam's Compound
Nuxated Iron
Ferro Peptine Milburn's Heart and
Reg. 1.00 Sale 79c.
Reg. 1.50 Sale 1.10.
Reg. 100. Sale 79c,
Reg.1.00. Sale 75c. Nerve
Fur Coats.
Powder ...... "c.
Mavis Pace Powder ........ 16c.
Reg. 50c, Sale 37c,
Chase's Cough Sprup
Eclectric 011
Pepso dent Mecza
Reg. 25c Sale 17c.
Reg. 35c
Reg. 35c. Sale 22c.
Reg. 50c. Salc,�Fbc Reg. 25c� Sale Z6c.
Winter Overcoats
Winter Suits
I i - JL AL 101, M -,U (n., . R6KF-
xCuoper lutting
Reg ...... 35c, sale ...... 190
Combiratfort Attachments
Vor ...... 67:.
X. & S. Sanitary Feeder
Reg._..35c. For ...... 21c.
Rubber Sponges
Laxative Bromo Quinine
Reg ...... 30c. Sale ...... 220.
Millers Greaseless cream
Sale ...... 2,2c.
er Kiss Talcum for ....... 25c.
Butterfly Talcum for ........ 29C
rr Vf% 0
10 IN
Zr_� Wmierlunderwear
1 &
I Winter Soelks
Babcoeka Corytopsis Talclim.19c.
Djer Kiss Face
There's only one placc
Fur Coats.
Powder ...... "c.
Mavis Pace Powder ........ 16c.
to judge a phonograph-
that is right in your own
Sheep Uned
Pussywillow .......
hmr. Let us brine an
Edison Amberola phono.
Poudre Peauville .......... 23c.
graph there for A 3 days"
Large Assortment of 'Tooth
FRBB trial NO string4to
this offer-doest? t cost you
Odd Pants, Mitts
Special at ... i6c. each
k __ 0_0
a cent or place You prider
any obligration to buy. At
Fur Caps
Machine Oil (large bottle)
Reg ...... 1$c. Sale ...... I&
the end of the 3 days if
you want to keep the
el� hA&% W&F ad'alo Robes, eft -
Arnberola, we'll grrante V L #7 VIV L I
ir IV I L 0 +
Pink Pill$ Bayer Aspirin Abbays Salt Zain Buk �_Cdttq Emulsion terms to sa[t you., If you
Reg. 50C. g. 25c. Salel-go Large S.9c ornall 29C Reg 50C. Sale don't want the Amberola
Stile Re Reg. $150 for $Z.Z5
we'lltakeit. ayand LADIES' WEAR +
Witch Hazel Creatnt '�-- T3 Peroxogtri, Peroxide of Xydeogen yo a fdwe* it a +
PON ...... 250, r7or ...... 111c. Reg ...... 250, Sale 2 for ...... "c' That'z;x fair proposid
STATIOINEARY Isletit? + Fur mutts '-'Stoles and Sets Fur Coats
Edisoxes Now Diamond ze Plush Coats WJnter Underwear Winter a
Cudr,ura Soap ............. 2,00, 10c. nrivalopea 2 pkga, for .... ..... 14c, nroasitig Combs 4W oslery
Ise. 'Writing Pads 2 for ............. atc. Special at ........... too. 23C. 37d. It, Sweater Coats Skirts, Blouses Dresses, efe,
p4molive soap 3 for ........ 2Sr, 154. rountairt Pen tok .............. 100 AMBEROLA or.
Twill 13ar Castile , ........... 5Z. A. 9. S. C, Tablattl i's the world's grotest Vitoria- Jttl
25c.'Writing Pada ................ 16c. Itog ...... g5c. Por ...... 17c. graph valtle--So superior to
ordinary phonographe and
Roberts Syrup of Cod Liver Oil "talking machines", tfietels no + nousE FuRNIsumGS --- cieuring Prices ion lkugsq, Linoleumsi,
_�nd Tctr Styptic Pencils ftnillariaoxi. That!q why we +
tan itaord to give thede Proe
Reg ...... Sot. sale ....... lat. BOOKS Reg ...... lot. Sale ...... 5c, Curtains.. Draperies, etc.
All Viation half ptice. Como in and Vlat our stor4 mday or ooxiir,
Ilat 00VA lcoU tbr6u�,b Mc Looh depavanent. sumat Dyefj or Diatnobd Dyes zodiv, select yourAmberolk and + +
215 C. Var ...... 150 a 0,.en records. We will de.
for .... 25C. liver them promptly. Thtn + 4+
enjo3r 3 days of rtal mosic sit ... Get Our Prices Before., Buying
THE ABOVE PRICES AW", GOOD FOR THE 3 DAVS ONLY- 6ur expense. Gtoo this offer
A0W*&, JOWM"
J. W. MoKibbon, .4, , Uri 6 +4
I + rhw,
A, i)L a;L AL A, Art AL Ai 11L AL Ili Ili,*
W#W -90 Wo- wq�_ Orr -9- Wfv Wr W#qF WIMP +-1- -9- .0- -9- -9- f" 990 -9-
�"B R
E (0) A :e 31 N