HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-20, Page 6& ot OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' CORNER mom W By Aunt June My Dear Boys and Girls. I never thought Toird have chosei may tile New Year that irill have ber opened by the time you read My aet- rAor one of your helpers nowt' ter prove for every boy and girl. in Canada the happiest, most helpful "She blas Made the world seera better wid jolliest year we have ever seen. BY her sm4es and tier loving ways Think What a lovely thin,,, a New Sho has -brought agreat deal of sun year Is, as, every day is lovely when 011140 iolle w4kerls, In the morning it only Into marly cloudy days. you think of it in the right way. It your new professiba—being a real -19 just like having a new book to 'She ha's got the badge of MY armYt vrite in, or a new sloute, or a, clear. had 1 shall keep her there-, clean sheet of paper. There it Is, INDT sho. is a precious belper, for you to write Whatever You '%Vill And one that I could not slyare," rupon It, And if you will, nothing can friend, get upon. that sheet but what is hap- Then lie summoned another 6o,Mier PY, fstratght and beautiful, that is, From the xanksof shining white, upon. your part of the sheet. Of A oripple form that was sad to see, course, I am not going -to eay that you With a face that was strangely cannot help having unhappy - things briot. happen sometimes. They come to all of us, but the big question for 4This boy, With his merry patience, every helper is—what am I doing to Has holped,others, along tile road,� make happiness -or to make things go, Ito has stopped to think of their 4118 well for other people? and woeo. The poem thut I told you about in spite of his own great load! last week Is about helping, ond It is Vled- , NN%y,, that," said W41110, Ilathe burich- 1711111 ARMY Or HEIRBR.S." back. Who sit$ at the factory door., He satby the fireside, treading, Fancy, Iiis -being a soldieT u*w— When the others bad gone away I always thought him so poor, To help in the testive decking, For tomorrow was Christmas DAY. Then lie called a merry sailor, Trom. the back of his army bright; They bad asked him to come and 'lie has fought a fight with stormy help them, -seas, 03ut WIllie had -erled. �Oh, dear' D) leave ime in POaC0 to, MY reading,' Oil many afearfd ailght! So they had left him. there. 'He has lost an arm, in the battle, With the dangers be -had to brace; And alone with his books sat Willie, But -he aever thought of the loss'of But somehow he could not read, !that, For the words all ran together, .13ut thelives he had to save.' 1),hetever he bent his head. So the tales of the cheerful helpers, And a mist rose up before Were told on that Christmas night 110 W*adered What it meant, Arid as WIlUe illetird their stories, And wished he'd gone With the others. And looked at the stirring sight, To Join In their merriment. Of their whiteand -shining garments, Then, out of the ruddy firelight, And their faces fresh taid gay, He eaw straagetigures grow; He wished he bad been a helper, A -long prGeessiorl winding, Ere the Old Year passed away! With odbes like -fallen snow. Arid perhaps the Old Year Wondered And he heard a voice that called him, Why his face so wistful grew, A voice that 1�rouglit no fear. For he said, T've still a week to live, For It SPOILS in accents gentle: Will, you be a, Helper, toor 'Child! I am Me dying Year, 'And I have brought my army Jeanettes Creek, Quo, To show, you, this winter's night, Dear Auat June: The childriA that'have helped me It 1.9 the first time I write to You. To Make the World seem bright. I am goingan -twelve years,.and I am 'in. thet third class. I go to school This 1$ My Army of Trelpers, every day. I am the one that keeps naa,*Ue has something to Itell-4 the school clean and after I get done The tall ones and the ahil(lren, Oleftiling the school, I have- to walk They all have served me well. a. mile and a half to get home, and I get ftOme and eat my supper, Wash 'Tell mo your tales,' said Willie; the'dishes and fetch, in the wood: I 'Old Year, I am longing to hegr am sending a three -cent stamp and IIOW -all this army has helped Yet; would, like a b-adge, I wi"I Write Do tell me, please, Old Year. More 31 -ext time. 4FOr Some axe such tiny soldiers, GLADYS BRUSSMAJi. I I dont see liiw they could fight; You are the only member I think And some are so bent and teeble, I 'Glads, so tar who has the Important They could not make 17TIghti, anything Position of belng a school cleaner. Ifthereore others, theyh%ve not told us 4bout It. Who will be the next 'Will you -watch their faces, Willie. one, I wonder? Said the Old Year, with a smile, I think you deserve a, -Helpers' 'And You will, chansse your opinion, badge- BY the -time you see this I think, in a little while!' letter ia the paper I hope you will be wearing it. - I 'wonder What les As Willie stood still, gazing sons You like best of all? Perhaps At the figures clad in white You will tall me in the long letter you On each face, young or olden, 1 -lave prorritsed me. There shone a strange, sweet light. 'Tell roe the ways they've helped Carstairs, Xlta., you; Dear Aunt Julie* Tell me, this Christmas night, I hive been reading the -letters for How all these people have served 8. long time and -thought I would like YoUl, to get a, badge� We are having a And Made the world zeem, brigght!l (1hristinas concert at owr school and I am In quite a few thing$. I do al - The Old Year signed to &Js army, Most every kind of work to help, but And z little girl stood there. I will just Mention a few things, such 'This is MY latest he!per, as, scrubbing, I do that every Satur- Achild who Is very dear.' day. I lielp Wash. I -help get -the Itlyn I meals ready. I wash and wipedish- Y, that I s my baby sister, es, Make the beds, and sweep up. I 'b* always makes such a tow! h&,Va Oneosed a stamp, hoping to get WRINKLIE"S" WUKRI NLA Despondency is a thing of evil re- SdIts. �orry pro- duces nothing but wrinkles and wretchedness. Lot the rpader put a 17 note on her bureau, on her desk, and at the head of her .... .. ...... . be*, inst two words, P2 w Way V'Vorry is tho greatest fou J� to the happiness of any house- hold. An anxious, dmpond- ent face, a frotful, Complain. ing Voice, will Make every Ono uncomfortable. A vomates nerves aro mors, traly the cause of worry than out4do troubles. The nerves are to a woman's body the tole - J, raph systow which surely warns her of any troublo, in the feminine make-up. Doet-or Pieree's Favorite Pre. seription is the ideal woman's tonic forsuoll: conditions. When a wonian eomplains of back -ache, dizziness or pain—when every. thing looks black before her k -yes -9 dragging feeling, or is troubled with nervousn,��", she Aiould turn to this lltemperan&l herbal tonic, known as Dr. Pierce's Voyorito Preseription, It ean be obtained in almost every drug atore in the land and the ingredients are printed In plem English on the wrapper. Vat up in tableta or liquid. Dr. Piwees InvOide HoW, , Buffslo,X Y., will send a trial size of Va. vuite Prexrlption" tabletn for We. Also wri* Dr. Pierc* fortonfi. 4ential idvice and you will reeeive, the mediml Attelatiou of 4 aVwWhK,, whoilly wMout fee—u* oh%m whatever. TO PRODUCE EGGS Ry RIAPell J8. Plamer, A"lotant, American fPoult'ry �$chool of Kan. Miss Rosa)hltl welcome$# letterq from youno Women askIno for adVice on Often times In. our reports we have any subj4ct, All you have to do I? 10)nPhasIzed the Impor4t4lice of Asprop, t4address yourlettor to, or I'leading W Produce Eggs,"' laying 1.1. 4­ MIAQ bAQA1 INIM M , q ­'�S on having Your fee4tax . 34 Kino William at.. Hamilton, Ont with a boy friand that sue a no , time for You. That kind of girl Is not the best, Tootles, you -call get a b,itter chum. I know. Cultivate tile ecquaiuttulce -of some, -or the other gir�s and you will find yourself quite for sacrifice and Sven a Mock simu- laoruni of the sacrifice Itself. ration of -mash and scratch. grains 3r, prov( ly proportioned or balanced, so GOLD.BKUGHT. ALSO DIAMONDS, SILVOR, PLAT,_ num and wato ; I e are tire larg- hes V eqt buyers In Canap, arid a highest p 7 the N, hi d N0rZii'k12- PlIVAE Z.1901. ClIt'an, h r"11hy -Dear haPVY, Have several girl frien ds, that a(mewill be wasted. To Issuh, No, 3, 13floeS; send paretls by reg. I like to read, Your letters In the paper. I think I Will join y our Club. not just one. Write to jn(� again and tell me What success You Make of Make poldtry pay in thesedays &eed has made a growth atsix to ten inches_ Dear Rosallud- '%'eeins others seeking good advice from a= going to school and a in ill the your new professiba—being a real it Is important that eve-ry ounce feed be assimilated and put to work profItAbly by -the lien. Vorber to do $8 TO $12 PER 'PAY you, I decided to try My Jack, I am seventeen years 4Df age, 4114 Junior third -class; am eleven years old. I mowed most the [hay friend to somebody Who needs o, this ;0le must be supplied teed to ad- 1 'have been keeping company With 0, of this friend, 111 -it -Of -03,SY digestion and assimilia- tion. sprayed With solution of crude Young man. about Lainoteea for a short time, He k4s. been caUlng freqaent* Feed for laying hens shoui4 ocu— Auto Tractor mechanics, vuldwl�, IzIng. $8 -to $12 per da7, . X-64 ly andtAe worstof it is, Ido not like -him, so how will I go about It to tilra to tain certain proportions of grains and animal foods to insure the possibil. Wanted to fill -present demand for alltOmObile 14001lariles, drl�pig, trac. ,him down In such, a way as not to ItY Of lions turning It into all equal number Of egg Yolka and egg whites, tor operation, tire valoplzing, OXy. A . cOtYleue offend either him or his People, as we bave been act luainted from child- 'hood For exam P10, If We food -a arlixturo so proportioned that the lions can woldlri�, stoijkS batter Y elQetrical Work. praptlival tral4ing. Only a few up, and my family and his peo- PIS have VigIted back and forth foo a 'turn, it into text yolks and only tour weeks qurr4a. Day 404 WA Ulght classes, to fre 109 e cata uumber of years. I do not know as Whites she could -only, Manufacture , ue. 161K wages, Steady Sv--1^V_ J� vour complete eggs. The feed- ;she 1-10MPM)I's Auto and Gap Tractor 1 have anything terrible against him, -but my principle fault Is that he is, consumed that made the extra -six 'S01100194 1 163 Xing Street West,, a badge, I will close -now, hoping very untidy I Yolks would be wasted. She would Toronto, a b1s appearance, 4ud Absorb those extra yolks dato her this finds you well, mot at all dressy. and 141Q not care to REFUND REFUSED sust4m, usually causing ber W Ve- OLIVE McT4AjUG1-MW. ga out with hint, Perhaps I am: -a 41 41 little too hasty 4a Judging him, -but er-tait inwardly. This eoa- RZI AWN(; DNVICEs. Well, Olive, Your 116t of, the ew dition will shorten her activity as a things you do to help make me think anyway I Would he pleased to have OFLUXURY TAX 4`m` ov that you really deserve T your advice )vIth regard to this. UY-er, And lose In profits are sure to a Ileipers result, badge. NMat a useful girl Yon must "PERPLEXED ONE," Vrom, time to, time we have ­ told T110 LITTLE. OMNI JDAIL PHONE_ be to be able to do -a number of things My Dear Girl: FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DE. how to mix a Smallest electrical hearing device ad proportion a balanced in -the house, You know this young Man so well OLINeG REQUESTQF AWTO. ration of scratch and mash feed to llivented� Awarded Gold Medal at I 'hope, -the concert Went off well. that I do not thii1k you will have a bit MOSPLE DEALERS, iakiiro Increased egg production. We International Exposition. We Ilaye, Perhaps you will toll me about.1t in .0f troub-le leading the conversation TealIze there are thousands and - -kery degree your next letter. around to family friends, and from thousand,$ *f poultrir raisers living in v21"OU6 type$ to suit 6 there to life-loag friendship between The Government of Cana4a has rS_ Owns and cities with whom it Is im- of d0afteSS, Our alltD ear Mas- IYOY8 And girls such as yours -*vIth. fused to griat the request of the lux- Profitable and Impracticable to pur- .94' SM 90 Is used to Stop head noises. PLEA. i WITH BADGE� b1m. You can -talk It over quite nry tax on unsold cars in. stock on chase raw producta in large quall- Write for booklet which explains Waleatly, Ont. fran'tly making. -him understand that December �9o, when -the -luxury tax tides, and to even attempt to . 1 4 M:K -everything, 03, -tar 'Phone Co� Dear Aunt June* you, like him as a friend or as -a 'wlas removed according to announce- their own feeds. I -received my badge and wa brother and how you appreciate liav- Mont made iy, the Retail Merchants, {For this reason we made a careful of joanada,� 415-16 Dept, "U", much 'pleased. Have been s v('Ty lag Just such a good pal to advise you Association of Canada, It is ua_ study and careful -tests of different at 111-8 same old jobs. WoTklag arid talk to you. When yourfrierid- derstood that the automobile manil- manufactured feed. This yeax, In Bldg., Toronto. ()nt, I have not Written t9 You for such a long -time ship Is on this tooting it should not facturers will endeavor to devise the American Egg Laying Contest, that I hardly know what to say� I be IhaTd for you veTy tactfully to ad- some scheme whereby "liet can be we are feeding a mash teed manu- ,have been going to sehool every 4ay. vise him In 6istarly fashion, aj)out granted the dealers. talotured. by the Blatchfords �Calf MISCELLANEous My Christmas holidays will soon be his appearance. I am quite sure Meal 111actory, F-rom. November. lat —A- -here, bringing ganta Claus with tops you can manage -the affair beautifully., MJnard's Liniment For Distemper. to May list this mash has heoll used for roe aud lots of other -children, I ROSALIND. and results to date are more than $7.00 Per Day Profit. suppose you are preparing for Christ- SOMS� of the larger ocean-going satisfactory. OUR RUINS PAY A PROFIT Op, mas, I am going -to have lots of fun, Dear Miss Rosalind: vessels are equipped With steam fire- Use SelfiFeeders, ($5,00- each over and aboia teed I guess this will be all I -can -tell Yon I haveread the letters �Drl your page fighting appaiatus. Wo keep this mash continually be- bills. (500 'lions will pay You a this time. Wlsbing you a Merry -for some time. I noticed in the Paper fore the hens -in self-feadlughoppers. PPOW of ($7.00) per day. A Cock. Christmas and Happy Neiv Year, last evening about "Vlolet." At noon a moistened -mash is given O's -1 ot our strains Will Pay you imany Love from I did not read VioleVz letter so 1 0,' , in clean troughs, CaTe is takF!n not t!mos over in extra egge from Your TED DAWSON. am sending you a stamped self -ad- to provide more moistened mas4 than. Pullets next fall and winter, our Thank you, Ted, dressed -envelope, w f the hens can easily clean up In'thirty stock Wins first place In the Sas vuld you please Cause of 0 I am 'Pleased tO -send me her address and- telb -me, irrinutes, The same mull " 'that Pro- ka-tellowAn. Lilying Contest and second have your greefings. and tn know you something about 1,ieT letter, I- am, sure vided in' dry form is used, except that the badge. ,like 0 EarJ37 Old %eng Place in the Ca4dian Laying Con, 1 4'nPe You )Vill al- I could cheer -her up, as I get � lone- 1� It Is -moistened with 11.0,t tea made by test. Wx1te ways we;tx it to show you are a true some also, And Mass 0 isteepin tor -beautifully ll?us- Helper. Rosalind, I The celebrated Dr. Michi-_�3offj .P dry alfa'fa or clover leaves. trated 'o -.have been going with a, girl triend Ifor atalOgue. It's free. art authoritl an early old aaa, Orle hour before roosting -time we L. R� Guild, Box S, Rockwood, Ont. about three months, but something saysthatitis "caused bypcIlsorp scatter a mixture of hard aQratch Huntingdon Que. -has 4ome between us. - We are sl -ow- generated in the intestino." grains'into ten Inches of (I.,,y litter, We provide about one and a half pint Dear Aunt June- ly -drifting spaxt. . She does not go Whenyourstornaclid;,vestsfood COCKERET4, A. I thought I would write to you as I With otht*sr girts, but she gop�s With a propeyly it, is absorbed withou' , ;to each twelve females for supper, "U" strain at $5 eacl�, NV,, Would like tG get a button or a -badge. boy friend. -She Is seventeen and I fornilug poisonous matter. Pci- and after dark we scatter one pint heavy 'al CD , J. Vc C han, Milton, West I go to school �evetry day and am. in, am going on seventeen, but my par- 3ons bring on early old age and of the scratch grain Iii the litter far Ontario. grade seven. I bel) to milk at night ents, will not , let me go with a boy 4 prematuredeath. l5toZOdrops each twelve females for the early and sometimes In the mornings. �l friend. I go with 6t4er jirls which ID ef "Seigel's Syrop" aftbr raeal breakfast dhe next morning. also help In the house, I have two any triend does not think they are aakea your digestion sound. �BY Pladthe thd breakfast grain in WIW11T. ORDBRLNG ClOODS jB;y cats and dolls that squeak. I'have a of ourstandlumbut thegirls, the" litter at tight we Ond It Induces "111111 (�fld �, a Dominion Zxpres& sister teaching and one In grade girls, but I like My ftiend better; I the habIt.-at vigorous exercise early Money Order. nine. The anow is awful deep some have no xslster or brother so she is In Idle raornirl& This is good for them. ,Places end the ice Is good where, I like -a sister to me. So will you. May tDay In Sootland. About ten -thirty each morning we HZX,9 WANTZ;D ALIM 2g OBXTS! go to school. Sincerely yours, please answer and let 1e know j fered one Inch square of green auccu- up't In Scotland vfty Day .�was 'long lent feed to eachternale, �Thls is a a pound, f;, Pourift.-pach or.,Qyer.. I GLADYS THOMPSON, What to do -to be close friends again. known a;!�eltane, 19eltane" is a cor- Play e4press Vithill, 4 Our Quebec -membership Is cor- Yours. great help toward gobd physical con- -af- -OOTLES. ruption of,13aal'rime, and the an slent dition-and keen appetites. Toronto_ Crates i0azted"', AJbert tainlY growing. I -am very pleased T May Day -ceremonies which wore ob- Uwls,,U6 Dunda,,j IW ­f m- ­ You, GladYs, among the number. How Dear liootles: Ton,peris in which fifty hens Pro - served In Scotland until not 80 MaDY duced a total of 6,9,56 eggs diming the nice to have two sisters. I Would I have ma4led You VloleVs address years ago were survivals of the old six months Of tilue from November ENTTIN'G XA_t"vb-1A0VE1i(T CaTr like to see Your -pets. I am sure and several others too. I -hope B1141 Or IfIve.worship, which is former 1,4�t to April .30th. These particular or�, Pure wool but very � Mo4o ' that In Quebec, at leastl you have among Your letter friends you will -days hold away Over tile, gr rate spent a Christmassy Uiristings with find some to console you -for the de- of the Eastern liewispliere 01VIIXTt! Six nl0aths are the Months Inclyding prices. Samlfle shades free. so much snow. Someday I hope you sOrtion of Your chum, Our coldest winter, and our­�rlady . Georgetown Wollon MlIlq-, G' Sorge. I am sorry clent ceremonies Involved the, bura� Land rAiny periods. TkIs is an aver- town, Ontario. will send an account �Of the place your girl friend Is so much taken up 4" of bonfires, tho.drawing of lots -&go of 1 11& Illu 1 19 eggs 'ner -lien to- the V ­ YOU AVe. Ilat will be in- teresting tor so many of our other members in the west. Tausley, ont, Aunt June., with a boy friand that sue a no , time for You. That kind of girl Is not the best, Tootles, you -call get a b,itter chum. I know. Cultivate tile ecquaiuttulce -of some, -or the other gir�s and you will find yourself quite for sacrifice and Sven a Mock simu- laoruni of the sacrifice Itself. &L\ m1>nt-hC-of their laying year. Beginning early in June every Yar I d will agaia� be limited, plowed and sowed to oats, rape rye or wheat, Wo will' keep the li;n�s oft theigs yards GOLD.BKUGHT. ALSO DIAMONDS, SILVOR, PLAT,_ num and wato ; I e are tire larg- hes V eqt buyers In Canap, arid a highest p 7 the N, hi d N0rZii'k12- PlIVAE Z.1901. ClIt'an, h r"11hy -Dear haPVY, Have several girl frien ds, 7-Rij, --- , Eye--. IftheyTire, Itch, for ten days to two Weeks until the 13floeS; send paretls by reg. I like to read, Your letters In the paper. I think I Will join y our Club. not just one. Write to jn(� again and tell me What success You Make of FOR (5XR0 SmartorDiin.if Sore, _�21'__N�0_ Irritated, Inflamed &eed has made a growth atsix to ten inches_ Istered mafl; c=, V h by return. Can - adA Reflnl Co., 84 Vidtoria St., Z a= going to school and a in ill the your new professiba—being a real E'AsGrantflatea,us eNurins- ., XVery housip will - be thoroughly Toronto. in 5168, 4 Junior third -class; am eleven years old. I mowed most the [hay friend to somebody Who needs o, offteri. Soolbeso Refreshes. Safe for Infant cleaned, scrubbed and very thozough- ly 'a = .......... of this friend, cr Adult At all Druggistsand On' 4CM119. sprayed With solution of crude —""-= year, raked it and draw it 1p, and I carbolle aold and eoaloll. This stooked some of the Fall, wheat. I ROSALIND, tfeatment 'is given to the floors, would be very pleased it You Would AV P Ive, years a o the walls, ceilings, nest boxes, dropping MONEY TO LOAN send me abaidge, I enclose a three- 9 Los Angeles as, and every bit of InterOr Loans made on farms, first, cent stamp for postag,�. Yours truly, KEEP L1 RE. Oil _1' S river overflowed and washed away equipment. JAMES,(,'. NIXON. several houses and outbuildings. B. Particularly attention is given,to Second Mortages, Mortgages T. Razelie, a farmer lost his tLutooro- the h*use ventilation system, win- Purchased. .x,pur letter, James, brought to me REYNOLDS, a picture of the lovely summer time,", WELL IN WIN'TER bile and suspected that someone had dows ',Vill be opened wide and Svery- 77 '1 as I thought of you raking the hay stolen it during the confusion caused thing jossible done to laore so the V QtOria 6t., Toronto, 52 with the sun shining over the fields. by the flood. In digging a draln the Changing of air within theahouse. 0, dangerous seasort (Or car Was found the Other day buried More harin ofte , ult ,et under clay, not tar from Ilia weathpr and warni, impare air thar the litter ones. The days aro change- six to il res s from hot wondtlr.ir you Intend to be a farm Winter Is er when you grow up. I AM very able --one bright, the next one 'cold house. Mr. Rozelle' says the. ma� trolh the co'de$t win -ter. proud Indeed -of all my farin. helpers, end stormy, that the mother Is afraid Chine Is not greatly damaged. both boys and girls, tkild shall look v,c letter f:ont 'You. V 0 forwa-rd to anoth to t2ke tile children out for the fresh tP to RV, air and exercise they aleed so much. CURED BY4 GOLD INJECTIONS.' 0 You Alall have -a badge. In consequence they are ofwn coop. Coors Qum ROO Compoun-1, The very latest post-war discovety at Home in y0al ed up In overheated, badly ventilated A setP, rdiablerepidatinff Is the curing of certain ailments by Tottenham, Ont. rooms aild ern, soon seized With tolds 'b— MCUICIA0 means of Injections of Viluted go7d. k5uld in throo de - Dear Aunt June: or grippe. INba is ne4ded to keep 1 1" This very PxPensive Method SpOre Me th 10 RX -1 of re- read your Boys' and �Gtrl%l paper the little ones Well J4s Daby,s Own n, V; No. 3. 85 rvr�olc, storing lost health, was discovered Bold bl evj�ry week and find it v,6,rY Intereet- TSklets. They will regulate the ull druirrif-ts. or 6put d on recdpt of prico, by a weal(hy'Parlsflan of a, complaint Increase Your Income tit home Ing. I would like to join your Help- ztomach and bowels -and drive out t—pid-A. Addrei3st similar to 0011­1%hock. Although In your sparo, tJm6. you 10,11, eqru ers' Limano of Service. I go to tolda and by their use the baby Will THE, XIOTA MrOMIU= Co., gold Is very searc6 at present, a lim- 4illV to �5_0 each Week writ . ing schcol every day and am in the fourth be ab�'e to got over th- wintsi, season TODCAM. 6117. (Zorzedy K2140 Ited supply is available for madiollia! show M, rd,.% at home or qualify for book. Uve-.Y morning I get up aad In, 1)(Irfect safety� The Tablets are purposes. The price for one Injec- a position paying a good hMp to do ill(, there,,;, and at night sold by medicinne dealers or by mail tion of f,100d Quality gold sometimes each w0ek, No canvassing or I 1,elp to do the chares, too. I am at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- An old Sussex, <'UrO for reaches the fifty-PoUnd mark, whilo 001'etting, We teaell you ho�� and onc-losbig :i, three -cent stamp to,covc..r liame Mlediclue ()o, Brockville, 011t. Whooping cough is: Borrow a Idea- In one or two exopptional -cases gold suPl)1Y You steady, Work. Write to- pastage for my bidge, which I llopn key, P12ce the patient on Its back With I"Jections -have 'cost over a hundred day for fu'l Pa­ticulars. Natlou'al ,to receive. Yours truln, - Minard"s 4.1nirnent �For Diphtheria. his or her face towards its tail and pounds ea&h. Consequently, olily Show Card 'School Limited, poonl PRANXIC MMLS, I ­ ' . load it to a� certain spot fixed on In vqry rich persons call at presenturl- 43, 44 Adelaide SL,,W., Torontavi You qhall certainly liwie a badgv,, A01D TZMT FOR 0EATH. Your own mind three times running dergo this gold treatment, whiall has Canada, Frank, I �111 always so glad to Wei- Dr. lea -rd, of Marsellies, publlslag� for threP succeeding days. been successful Ili resculng several comft boy lielperi Into our 'Corner, a nev,, test for death. Th% is based cAgeS of coluPlete nervouR breakdown. It ahou'd be remembered, however, and doing the elio-eg I,; real helping. 11POU t110 fact that the body fluids that the, gold itself is of no That little Word -.(y often includes -are Mkalino in 11fo, but are acid great 'r�- The ar1ill Effirli.111 ptleparall($11. value as a tonic, Tho Idea, In mak- 1 alld invigontes tile %yholo lots of jobs that take a good doal of three-quattsts of an hour after delth. thlic, I shall like to hoar more about Therefore he compresses, a. 10111 of as system, Mattes nmv Blood Ing the 111JO.ctiOns Is to liven uly the Your sthool one day. qkin vvith 4 foreeiDs and expresses a III Ulu Vdins, 13. all for Nervaur patient and PrOVOnt birn or her froni There really Is 110 ro,�,M fqr one drop or, two or sorn &bilify, Menial and Braig gtl-ry brooding too seriously. This done, M OrMnary lit- Delpoodeney, Loss ;of Ent V. Palpitation 4 doctors believe that lialf tile battic moro remark -or letter excapt jmt to Inus test paper will show after five "r tht Head, Falling filemory. 'Ajoce $2 t*r box,3. M won. Strange to say, the Injec- sPnd vCrY 10vium- greetings to every tell Minutes whether this Is alkaline 16r $5. Sold by 211 druggilts,or mailed in plaht Ilelpor for the best year you P.ver or acid. Pkg. on receipt of price, Newpaciphlotinafte tiolis are, ubt made through the usual epcint. Youra loving!y, "t Wool) MICIN2 0441FOROMMONT. type of syzinge, but generally through 4LIXT JtT.Nf.*,. a cvnieal-i�llaped 'tubo of pure FOR XARRIVID MEN ONLY. Dox k-)13, station 1", Toronto, NV11611 your, xazor is dull ar; % lloe, Platinum tosting over twelve hundred 'Vou thin do'Jars. wya ask your w1f0 if kdle Wasn't. PATIng VOWN &DOOR111 her corns. Cet her Putnam',% Corn 011 Sole everywhero.--Thore may SIZUt to suit y0or In Prance they are sug sting that MWALKE *Xtmctor; It's We 0A1Y PIMpless and 1,90 P 1* 6ve-mr.as. Rudd -all womoft zught to bo compellea to be vownt.,.,y nierchautq W110 do not safe curo. All dettlers stil ,Pat. With .04fa d5. as mothers from cghteell to A. AIM yW wre 011, Ilaill-C' at 25c por bottlo,, Itymy gunrottod, forty yeals of age. though tlmy aro few and far bl�tween# W. 4 Ky twy MAU of Tom,, C, -11,114 Nitrlc and earbolid telds lit rain wuf a I" "A. 21111. , io. lfoosr. ame The ruriftorz OfA 116W sled CLI t1wh filt-I wear Awky, the hard"t t(AAS and thV13 Way suggein that *% *�hl other oil Is Just as, g3od, There Is, b(, used oh. soft snow am miniature 110IDS to Ptt$MAI &rvkt t6f P6w nothing so good a% a linia.,=t or 0 mineral W001 from basalt Zock. .Is L zkInx. whit X`4 -4 tl� %VAt*,R "oft 0M R,*4 �Xr, an intfrnal mediellia in cortain eAsem. 'rho NAU,16AV 6*mtIAN*f, Lorhot" GOOrge 'Cummings, a Vorkshirn ath. mcle.AW It-ite, raced and defeated a pony drive 114* "Im M. Take r o other, Ther demand for It The- thpapness of Miother oi,a­ A N"Of 70 ro v4,c 11 % =1 .16.4 ,43%ows that It Ig tb6 mlypf)Dlilar oil, NV�arb% VxteprMinst fa by P. farmer from Stone gildge, Sell, 11 �01"A 6M V.w 11. ".Ifwy J�. or PU It within to the Inn at'Cambletforth, a fttance rft0l of all, And It cim be got at any Of eight mileS. The manla time was A�" e A hr A14 RA, .Mfnxrd'#Lfnim4fiVF*r4Ara*t In C4w* druggist's. Vin0rd"S Unimtht Pot Coldip, Itt*, 04 Infuutot, HOUSP: #f, L I