HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-20, Page 5Jan. 20th �zl THE , WINGHAM &DVANCU "(wick Council THE UAME LAWS OF ONTARIO omw %# XXXX OUR CANADIAN QUIZ CORNER Tho'comicit elect for theveir 1921 met A numbeir of readers of Tom ADVANCZ IL.1 in the Tp. H411 puNuarit tostatu . to each are Interested in trapping and butiting, fe, "A Tabloid Cyclopedia About Canada" member takift (bet pecessary ifulillideation HOUSE OF QUALITVII and declaration as followio Peter F. Doig, F%iive; Win. J. Spotton, governing such activities, Ignorance of Instalment No, 2, CYPYright; Canadiari Fact Publishing Co., Toronto, Ont and all who are. are interested in the laws T11 Deputy get-ve; Thomas Inglis, John A t�be 14V is no excuse when one breaks it, 51 Hya"s and Geo. Hubbart, Councillors, go many have Jov Arejou M -surprised at the things You! 1837. 40 a prottst against thot family Com. dlFcovered to their cost Ttic R -Wo took the chair. Minutes of W do not know about Canada? And are ! pact of the day and its unrepresentative last 01001; wort., read, on motionot Hubbard during the post few months. For in- Sale 11 not the <2uestions and Answers in our I character. Several skirmishes, or battles and Spotton were adopted, I stance the people wbo were fined for Of inter tioods Moved by Reeve Doig tind Spotton that 'having A cow pelt. were above suspicion weekly series a revelation to you of the took PlOce, A few lives were, lost and the council go into Committen ot the whole by any who knew them a 0,11 wealth, history and prospects of this MaclKerizie lived in exile for some years, to regulate salarivs, and appoint o rid were cer. MCU'S aR W001 Worsted' and Tweed Suits at grt!atly flit reduced prices. aY YOU to buy here. 20 per girtat land Of Out8? We hope the com. !Both betot e and after the Rebellion -ar 1021 With councillor Bryan$ tainly Innocent of any wrong doing. It Will P, - he !or tliki y4 Pliers Of the Feature willmake a book out i sat in the Provincial Legislature and In tile chair. -Carried, The following gives the law as regards T cent. discount. #f their interesting material later on, so edited a paper. The committee retiort as follows,.- royalties; Clerk's salary $475,00; postage. 5o 00; that it cpn be mde available to all. In. Answer to Question No. 6-Wild'flowers. Treasurer, 100.4)0; vxtra 10,00for Fin. Royalties on Certain Skins QvCrCeaft and Fur C0411IS--Wonderful values 4, in 8tatement; Auditors 27) 09 each; Aledical It shall be un lawful for any person or cluding the school children. Try your I grow In profusion in the Canadian Rock W1 Men's and Boys' Winter Overcoats, Fur Coat,, and band and brain at guessing the following I ies. Mrs. Henshaw, in her boo floalth Officer, 140.01t,,Cara taker of Tp. Persons to ship to any, point outtide She Shecp lined Sm jchs.. See ours before 1,)u k on the Hall, 45.19), Conectort, West Division ying and save money -20%i discount, subject refers to 400 different species. 150,10: province or 80 01). East d ivision 70. 00: Assessor� -attempt to take or ship to This weews'Queallo"s Answer toQuestion No. 7 -Canada Officers appointed - J, H. Rogors, Trea, ., any point outside the province, any raw has. it is estimated, 130,000 Jews chiefly 1C. E. Walker. Clerk, Adam Graham and or undressed skins or pelts of fur hearing ]Prices Reduced on all Sweater Coats ,-,,Ox QuerA10A No. -1­Who and Whit are 1 in the centres of population, a W. Laird .h -etaker N. Whitley; James King. Cal Auditors; Al. H. 0. Dr. L. animals or the skins or pelts of protected heavy MittS and Gloves, Underwear, Work Shirts, Hats 11he U- F. 0. We read so much abl)ut t e8e Answer to Question No. 8- 426 Can. animals or to have such skins or pelts Tp. Hall; Assessor and Collectans to be� and Caps. sent to a �armor to be dressed or plucked 2AW adian Chaplains were on active, servicp appointed at ibeSentembermeetipg, Question No. 2 --Canada has the largest'during the war, Aloved by Spaktan and Nubbard that or treated in any way, without first hay. d", 103 gained awards, 21 X elevator in the world, Where is it? and and 6 died, IN report be adopted. t4oved by Inglis It,", Heavy Coatinos for Ladies' , were wounded in battle V d Al iss es' I t s 1 n kow much does it hold? ing obtained a Permit froru the Depart - and Bryan.4 that Bv,law No. one for the Tweeds,* Heather' and SilVertones, reg, 7.50 for 5.715 yd, Question No. $--In what province in I Answer to Question No. 9 -Canada's 1921 appointing officers, and regulating ment. ROYaltY must be paid on each reg. 6.50 and 6.00 for 4.75, re isavings bank deposits totalled $1262,, salariesbe readillethird timeaud pass- and every skin as.followe.- Canada was the first government founded for 3.50 a yd. JC by Britain. and when? i 746 981 at the end of October, 192 Bear, COc. Pisher. $2.00; Fox Oosq), HesterY—Ladies' flne Cashmere Heather Hose in Question No. 4 -Have you ally the highe t in the history John Hyndman waited oil the, council 52 -ft Fox (Red), $1.00; Fox (Silver or of the country asking foral) extension of time. to co in. kow many countries Canada buys from? hassev W brown and green shades, reg, 2.25 for 1.59, lqea t Answ to Question No. 10 -Canada plete the T. W. I)av Municipal Black), $10.00; Vox, not specified. 50c; Drain.' oral grain hospitals for the treat- Moved by. Bryans and Inglis that the time. Lynx, 50c; Marten. $1,00; Mink, 25c; 74 W sells to? Suppose You try to make a All W001 HOSe—Made of best quality black fin- melit Of ' sick" wheat, owing to rust or 10 complete said drain be extended to _Muskrats Sz; Raccoon, 10c Skunk. 10c; .41 gering yarn in sizes 8� to 10, re Nov 15th 1921.-Carriedo A -loved by i5mut, or other causes. This grain is sp( 11 and Hubbard that By-law NO-, Wessel (Ermine) 5c; Wolverine 40c. g. 11,50 for 1.19 a Pair. , X lentifically treated not a QUestfor, No. 5 -The Government is Be belpirig the roturned soldiers by settling bushels are not only saved annually but Hv "IQ Butsuch royalties shall and thousands of 2 to, the year 1921, taking vote On pply to Curtain rklets, Scrims, Crelonnes great] re. X them on the land. How many have taken its grading, raisod. dro Police Village of Gorrit- be read pelts imported from outside the provincel y 1., y (fie third time and passed,-; Carried, if they are- accompanied by an affidavit; duc"ed. Reg 1.50 and 1.25 for 98c, reg 85c and zdvantage of it? Answer to Question No. II -Ontario Moved by Bryjl)s and Ingli, I 7.5c for s that Ily- M hasone Proving their place of o'rlgin'ta the satis- �19' 69c per yd, �QuestiOn NO. 6 --How many members -third of Canada's 34,OOD railway laws No. 3 and 4 for the year 1921 taking factign of the Department. mileage. vote on Hydro. P�Alve Village of Fordwich at Parliament are there in Canada? Staples --yard wide Flannelette good value 3ic. 'Ques' Answer to Question No. I ariot be read the third ilmd and passed.- It is illegal to use any license except tion No. 7- What Canada raised '-On' Carried. and paid the cost of a contingent that "as 5,101,000 electrical horse power,, of that made out for oneself as per the fol- ,nsta h Prints st colors in light and ldark patterns 30c which, oal Moved by Hubbard and Inglis that owing. V 1,015.726 has been ed. fought in the South African War? the clerk procure 7 copies of the Munici- a yard, pal World for the use of council, clerk Illegal transfer. -A license shall not be Question No. $-How many elevators and treasurer- Carved. Moved by Spot- transferAle. and every person who buys, has Canada? and what do they hold? East WaWanosh Counci K ton and Bryans -that the Reeve be i- selli;, exchanges or in any way becomes a Question No. 9—How much did Can' The fi structe rs d to have the public sheAs in Gor. party to the transfer of any license or ado claim.ag reparation from Germany? t nleet'ng of tho'cilnucil for 1921 rie and Fordwich insured againstwitid­ A, IT L was held according to statute, on Jan. 12 Carried shipping coupon, or in any way uses or Que.s.tion No. 10—What is Canada's with the members all present Reeve Moved by Inglis and Hubbard that the attempts to use a license'or coupon issued h�, Our Good are the Best. Our Prices 111!ght. annual productive power? And what Currie presiding. Alter a few timely re- following accounts be paid-, Thos. Nash, to any other person sball be guilty of an marks from the Reeve X makes it up? the minutes of last bal on printing contract, X920, $65�.00; R. offence against this Act. meeting in 1020 were read and confirmed, J. Huestin, plank for bridges 3-351, C. A0810yers To 14ast Week's Questloos The following officials were appointed Maxwell, gravel x6o; Walter Simson, col- Licenses to bunt and trap are necessary fo the current yeat:—Wrn. Robinson, lector salary So -00; W. Simson, uncol-, in Ontario. a fact which may not be very Answer to Que-stion No. I—Canada has dcrbool attendance officer, J. N. Campbell-, lectable taxes 36,9x; 1 Xemp, d s Many people are unaware of the fact skins or pelts thereof, or the skins or license. . ........................ $100.0f) amage well known. "A license to a person not that one must have license to deal in Pelts of protected animals, and the fee For non-resident wholesale buyers puir- become a great live -stock country the member BLard of Health; John S. scott, to car x.oS; Dr. I,,. N. Whitley,, special in - latest census figures, as in Jure 15, 1920, 4nd Jt lin Elliott, Auditors, salary $12,00 spe of schools 25,00; Ww. Ilavlor resident in Ontario to bunt and trap fur- raw furs, the ratela for same being as for such license sball be: ,Rtt.' Collector, salary rept ction 62 each; David S St 185,00; Win. WigIttmilli, AAsessor, b hearing animals and the fee for such shall follows: (chasing direct from holders of a "whole - showing a total of 20,115,203 viz. 8, 400,3 . bridge lot 2$, cov. 6., i.oci; C )E�. horses, 9.477,880 cattle, 3,720,783 sheep 100.00. salary Walker, postage, 1920, so.00; C )E�.' be $60. For a resident British subject on sale"license ...................... $5.00� Owing to the large amount Of Walker, drainage and, copying a es License required to deal in fur -bearing specific premises to be known as '*Store Any person engaged in the business vC and 3,516,678 swin e*. extra work made necessary by recent of lands and buildings (seperately) for "A resident of Ontario to hunt and trap animals or skins there.—No person $ball License' . ...... ........... .... $25,00 dressing, plucking, dyeing, tanning, or ss q' legislation, wh ereby the clerk and assessor Electric Power Co. io.00; Stewart Edgar, fur -bearing animals, and the fee for such engage in. or carry on, or be concerned For resident British subject where pre- other Process of curing skins of fur-bosir- Answer to Question No. 2—Canada's are called upon to fulfil, $15.00 was grant- rent of Merchant Marine of -63 vessels, completed roadway 8 00; John Johnston, shall be S5." in trading, buying or selling, or be ia pos- mises are not designated to be known as ing or protected animals, and the samift, ed each of those oMctals over their former clerk of Carrick, Carrick'i share of work And one must be prepared to show sessionof fur -bearing animals, or skins, "Travelling Fur Buyer" ........ $100-00 shall be $10. or building, will carry on business on salaries. Ten dollars was voted, in aid -of (lone on town. line 42 nicipal I tbe*venSeas. This Winter season alone, the Chil4ren's Shelter Goderich and a .42-, MU one's license on demand of an inspector. or pelts thereof, or the skins or pelts of For a resident of the province who is I To those interested in the matter a, I similar amount to the Muskoka Free World, extra assessement, roll and sup - .(1020 21) 0 will sail from St. John and 22, Hos�ital, Six of the Muncipal plies 8.85; MPnicipal. Vorld, seven copies Pi;�tected animals except under the au- not a British subject and for a non-resid- I copy oi the Ontario Game and Fisherlar; 7.0o; Ww. Hood, work on bdy. i:S,00; from Halifax, representing 12 distinct I World were a= as it;i I for the J. H. Rogers, Treas, salAy and fin. state- 0111il thority of a license. services, They sail to several British and council and clerk. The coileclor reported Grit .................. ........ $200.001 Law, 1020 would be of great value. A went i7o.00; John Montgomery, shovell- y fact- Fur -dealer's license—Any person to For resident British subject on specific request sent to the Minister over thxt.. American Ports, the Indian Ocean and Far 411 the taxes levied in 1020. .40; ors of present day existence. It is buy or sell fur -bearing animals or the premises to be known as "Wholesale" Department would bring such a book. West Indian Ports. Others call at South that he had been successful in obtaining ing gravel 2 . Oil is one of the most necessar Moved by Mr, Coultas, sedonded by Mr. Moved by SpOtton and Bvyans that the East. council adjourn to meet again on the said, that oil will even calm the The Pacific services touch Aus. Robertson. that the Reeve and Clerk be third Thursday in Folly. at the Maitland waters of the angry sea— tralia, New Zealand and the Antipodes. authorized to sign And submit to the house Pordwich, �when tenders will be BUT Answer to Question No. S—Ontario Minister of Public Works and Highways received for the Tp. Pritiflug�Carried. produces 75 per cent of Canada's fruit of the Province of Ontario, the petition of All the oil in Texas would not callin the Corporation of the Tp. of E, Wa�wan- C.'S. WALKER, Clerk., the fury of the storm of human pas - production, in apples and the smaller osb, showing that during the year 1920, sions in Jack London's mighty sea frIllit.S. therehasbeen expended upontlid town- NOTICE TO C9EDI_f0RS dyama.. Answer to Question No. 4 Canada's ship roads and bridges the sum of $6085.45. The MUTINY of the wealth includes her great and numerous and -questing the statutory grant on Notfoo is hereby given puppatit to silotion that amount as provided by the Ontario 86, 0hay. 121 of the Revised Statutel; of Ont� water Powers, estimated at the enormous Highways Act and amendments thereto.— Arfo. that; 411 ersons having olatuls against ELSINORE total of 19,260,000 horse power, of which Carried. Ai I I . d0ceased, the Estate of I ary Patience hariff, who died on or about; the seventhday of NOV- At the Lyceum next Monday, Tuesday only 2,417,893 or 12 per cent is as yet in- By-law No. 1, 1021 ratifying the ap. amber, A. D. 1920, at the Town of Wingbant and Wednesday. POIlitment Of township officials and By- in the Province of Ontario, are re StallotI. What their fuller development Law No. 2, 1921. appointing vile c6uncif send by post, prepaid. _quirisl to or to it, vanstone, Wirk9ham, Ontario, solicitor for the Admints. will mein to the country can hardly be road --- issio t .4 1 — ners -ore both read and r _r, On or efore We afth day of Fe mar edimated. passed. A number of accounts amount. A.D. 1921, their names and aftresses it ing in all to $380.59 were ordered paid full partioitlarj of their claims ill writly) , an Answer to Question No' 11 5—willialln the nature of the securities (if any) ld after which the council adjournedto niect them duly vorifled by a statute debla tioll. Lyon MacKenzie was the leader Of the again on Manday, Feb. 7, at one o'clock, ' And 41art4o, take nobiao that r.yf,,, t sa Upper Canadian uprising, or rebellion, of I A PORTsitermi), Clerk. fiffit clay of February, 1921, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Execut. ors among the parties entitled blieretil. litiving ;�egaril. only to the elating of whie.11 rhh� .1_11 SWUNTS MAY JENTER ANY TIME 4e_1 1 Ar We give thorough courses, have experienced instructors who give indiv idual instruction to puplils. Our graduates are meeting with success. Winter courses for farmers' soils. Adress college for free catalogue. WINGHAM or STRATFORD and lUrkiewdf 170r, 4 0IMph4rolher 017 &Y All dnnymr he itytO�, icy 71 d eletWl ASet of gold buttons for a pleasant present for your brother or someone else's brother. We show many pleasing designs in cuff links fr3ni the plain forms left open for mono- grams to artistically. wrought buttons begemmed with precious o� semi -pre. cious stones. We will test your eyes and expertly advise you. If you are not in need of glasses we will tell you go. R. M. MCKAY Jeweler and Optician Wingham I N__ - I � ­-­, ... Ulu "Cabe will nob be fable for ally claims not flied at the ttine of the eaid 41stribution. Dated at Wingliglil Ws 91tivomb day of Wingham, P. (Y. 001101tOr fOr the Administrator. Whitechurch Mrs. R. Dobie of Wingbam. is visAtinq with her mother, M179. JaS. McClenaghan, who is still seriously ill. Mrs. H. D. Henderson is not improving very quickw, A number from here attended ilia ball at Mr. Moses Champion's, Fordyce, oil Friday evening. The Patrons of the Whitechurch Cream. erY, held Aheir annual meeting in the Forester's Hall here on Friday afternoon. All -the past directors resigned, and none Of the Others seemed willing to uniftetake the Work The almost inevitable result will be, that the factory will be sold to Som'e Private per.on, (Or will tile U, F. 0. take it over?). Mr. Alex. Mowbray is kept very busy with his new chopper. Farmers around here are glad that there is no need of the long trip to Wingbam for chop. Mr. Frank L. Creighton. btotharm.law D' Bec'"ft, who for the past Of Mrs. ',t,, has be.. ill in Sarnia Kos. three mo pital with blood- had his eight log five or S. amputated . inches above the 'knee on Tuesday last. Quite a nutilbbe dnjdyed themselves at the party at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Ikobt Ross on Friday evening, Me, and Mrs. Franklin Page of Ham - N. V., who have been spending 'to th2r, honeymoon in Chicago, Washjjgto'n, Philadelphia. and Buffalo, are visiting with the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Mae - tin, before leaving for their new home in Fargo, N. D. There WAS no service in the metilodist Churell Sunday night, as the pastoe4 Rev. 14r. Lymburner, is holdi6g special services At SAIdW APPOiOtmobt arldthe supply who Was expected here trow Bluevale failed to get here on accorint of the storm. mit'j. stutt, *110 114.4 bdeb quite ilt with pneumonift hia6mewhat improved, Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Hftll of Delmore, spent Friday visiting rrlend$ here, Miss Ethel stutt who has spent (Ile past " f"011ths at HOWManville, r6turtled honno one day last weel<, Tile datice, which was, held ill. the �1%11 Pridar night th the interest of the now Pink, was well attended. OP. Margaret C, Calder . . General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine. Office: -Josephine St., two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. Telephones - Office 281, Residence 151. HAWAIIAN GUITAR and UKULELE INSTRUCTION for terms apply at Flanigan's Musle. Steria Agents for Victor Records and Victrolas. Phone 284. Meeting Of H"ron County Couircil The Council of the Corporation of the Cbunty of Huron will meet in the Court- -it Chamber Goderich, at 3 -o'clock in the ifternoork of Tuesday, the' 25th. day of Fanuary 1921. All accounts against the :bunty must be in the bonds Of th eClerk lot later than Monday preceding the neeting of Council. Gxo, W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. 'oderich, Jan. 7th., 1921, le Who Resitates is Losto Don't Hesitate, start to -day Bring your Cream, 139gs and Poultry to ods L , Locknow 111VOM td and make money. L Aftcheson, Phone 47. First Class Farm r "M SALE `0 ioo Acrea, good builditigr� and fenceq close to market, sehool. and ehilreb. All cleared and free of stumps. Price $1$00, $3500 way rellialit oftniortgage at 8 per dent. ABNER COSENS Insurance and Real ustate Wingham, Outario IT - LILA IT I �k N Bwdy Builders,' Art "'T1118 IS A STUDED"AIKER ViMV11, W EAUTY and roinfort are cotn!-J�ned fil 'U',00 _7AGHT- SEDAN with stabilft:! correct design. B Stuilebaker's long expe'rience in body 1;U1.1ding assures Just that, In its quietness of powerand freed,,)m v;�?zation this LiGNT-SIX SFDAN sets nerystandards in (-,I . ed car Ol; comfb-�t. Distracti-n" noiss -, 'Ind di*corw�lrtnrg body vibrations have beel'l eliminated, Th;nk of getting this fine, light-weig1r: 4.111clozz-dcar at su�ii a moderate price — With thwE ac' edged know, superiorlity in C,�xflbility, sn-mothne�-.s and all-round per- i8le formance poss; only in a six -cylinder car. Light in weight, yet afforditig ampid See this car—riOe ill it—compare it with other Sedans rwmiliwss Jbi. atl Nissengers, as .1 ilds view of Me lonnean indicatm around its :,)rice, o-- hundreds of dollars higher—and We will rest our casc vmh ycu. "'T1118 IS A STUDED"AIKER ViMV11, W