HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-20, Page 41 1! !Wj9=n%M"M%"�jr0q"e--7 i! THE WINGHAM AOVANGE Thursday, Jan, 20th, 1921 WRON'S SUPRMACY reallY remarkable excellencks, and so, ..... . ... .. 0.41111ow 1_� .- __-___._-__1, ____ Mr. Gto. Hyles of Atwood, vent the! each section oces on in its'ingrowi ,Vftli,�Pad with his daughter, Mrs. Ham- I 'Huron (The Farmeev .%m) Prides without letting others in on t 10111"d. county haa been taking stock of, secret. Huron has the Pam by the �e- $4r. Ricb. Johnston twk a car of hoM'� Welf and discovers to. Its great sztIsfac. marl�'1ablerjjsc0vtrYthat it's "some Put%* Qaturday.;. we ucing and "a one of icattle to Toronto, on � . i kins " but what would happen if so Isard's Stock d We are wrry to report Mr. Gto. Mow.' don that it stands well to the top in thq I other county -,bould after all disco ve *ay on kick list again with t;clatiac. list Of 1011totriocountios, standing 2761a, i I that it produces some choice records Tile Womens Mif�, the point of productious and first in the' sionary Auxilliary item, 11 its own way. too, and cballtnge the stand I do meW vvcn-rg � of horse% flax and marigolds, second # orid, jurch in the.. Ing of Huron in the society 4�ltbodi, 't church one evviling 1.1st %vcCj;. I in barley, oats, Wans, pasture, orchard life of this 'There was a gmd turn out atid everybody,, ard cmall fruits. cattle of all kinds, and `,)ittle Province? bad a good. time. I livestock sold and killed. Thequietwayl Nlis,� Vera, Edgar spent the weel-eend, that Huron bus gone about this questiow *th =EsUazt-1 Armstrong. of establisfiing supremacy dulog the past -1 IT WAS EIGHT SELLS Mr. Gordon Hall lvv�s happy theso few years has prevc�nted a proper appre. (Midnight By The Sea Time) &Ys. 'The stork left a btiby girl thr-re on cil ation,of the fino PAnts of the county; AND THE GIRL N () RD UuTtday, jawary 13th. , . o B A THE Lake Huron was named after. Mr. Harvey Haney ot Brantford, spent ELSINORE a few days with his fathtr, Ceo. Haney. Everybody knows about the Niagara was WAITING 4 NEW ;I frult- but who would think that Huron for wbat the morning Aft. Wilbcrt McLaughlin front MIni- was the zecond county Inail the Provinco!� would bring. lcbp spent a few days tbis wee% with his for fruit? E ssex is known for its corn, StWDENLY Aincle, Mr. Ed, Aim,.;trong, Middle= for its cattle, Grey for Its THERE WAS A SHOT 'a -V Mr. Win. Gallaher spept a couple of I Covatinule-d Until th(zx 31st of iialluislary, days this weFk with relatives at 13ruesele. sweet clover. York for its "milk and IT WASTI honey.'s but Huron seems, to have been! iE BEGINNING 11m. J. Anger ot Wingliam, was a visit- writeat to sit back and saw wood, occas-' OF * vith her parents, Mr. �and MrQ_ A. In order to further reduce our stock before Inventory Is taken we will continue ionally showing it was on the map by top-; THE MUTINY OF THE I I to cut and slash prices until the end of the mouth. pink the market at Toronto with cattle. j Miss Olive Scott visited friends at I ELSINORE *russels: on Saturday. ) The writer often thinks that we in Out- I Go to the Lyceum next Monday, Tues- Our sale prices have cleared out a lot of Winter Goods, we still have too much to carry over Mi�s Mary Bell of Clinton, is at pre- ado are poor advertisers 'We are 60 day or Wednesday and see what happen-) sent visiting her sister. Mrs. McGee. modest that we do not tell others of our ed. and are making further price re:luctions in order to unload our stock. Great Coat and Fur Sale ---The bottom of the bottom has dropped oul of the prices in these wearables. Save a quarter, a third or a bell by buying here now. MeWs and Boys" Overcoats and Suits Overalls, Mackinaw Coats, Sweaters, Un- derwear,, Caps, Mitts and Gloves, all at prices that must sweep them out In the next ten days. It will pay you to BUY NOW. vN_" �r I G A I C SALE H E I A R D & C` , r% :Q,: Yyour 1920 account Is due. We will appreciate your prompt remitt"Ce. . . . . . To be continued. "< -.1 0 ir s� - Everything in Our Two Stores on Sale. le.0% 54, UeO00 wopth of Winter Goods at Sacrihice P " rices" Men's Suits, Young Work Shirts --Khaki, Comforter Covering Men's and Mens, Blue, Black and White 36 in. wide, reg. 75c $17.95 reg. 2.50 49c 23.75 $1.49 $1.29 yard. 30.00 Black Wolf ........ to.95 Sable ................ 21.75 Do your spring shopping. striped worsteds Fox .................... t3.75 Ladies' Coat Sweat - $4.25 Peabody a n d Car- ers and Pullovers at i Coats for Young Men hartt's guaranteed Ov- price, and Men $18.75 eralls $2.25 Brushed Wool Caps 23.75 Ticking .................... 59,e and Scarfs 33.75 Remnants on s�le at 49e Carhartt's S m ocks Boys' Bloomer Suits and Overalls, discolor. ed, size 42 only Ladies' Coats... .$21.75 $8.75 $1.50 pair. Velours, heavy Coats, hose Blouses ............... $3*75 Plush Coats _436.75 Penman' I heavy woot Odd Muffs ribbed Underwear Persian Lamb ... $St.95 Poplin Silks, all the $1-00 a gariment. Marmot ............ 8.75 new shades Thibet ................ 6.75 $1.29 yard. Men's odd Trousers, Black Wolf ........ to.95 Sable ................ 21.75 Do your spring shopping. striped worsteds Fox .................... t3.75 $4.25 OpPossurn ........ 23.75 Flannelettes, heavy -striped materials Stwifield's Red Lab- Cottonade ............ 49C 34C el Undet-wear Ticking .................... 59,e $2.25 Remnants on s�le at Rugs 20 to 30% off. 10W prices. Ploor Oilcloths ove Heavy black ribbed sq. yard, hose Blouses ............... $3*75 Linoleum, 4 yard wide Skirts ................ $3.75 $4676 J,7 I j L I Ro No. Lui,know taking the place of Mr. F-Vank Freeman, THE LONDON, HURON'& BRUCC" DRURY Vs. MORRISON who through ill health has been obliged Lucknow, Jan. 17, 1921 � to resign. Mr. McKenzie comts here 'One would have thought last Tuesday from Tilsonburg where he was with the The proposal to electrify the London. Morrison Takes Issue'Witit Prentiaes night that another war bad been vicr9r- Canadian Cereal Co. pret Ions to which Huron & Bruce Railway is meeting with SPeech At Milton iously won by the noise of ehriek.ng whis- lie was, seven yearswith the Ogilvie Mill- tles and clanging bells, but It was just to Ing Co* and five years with the Maple general approval from the municipalities celebrate; the turning on of Hydro. It !a Leaf Mille. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. through which it runs, With the London 'The Varmers cannot and guglit not to said that those who dwell in darkness I. A. McKdnZie of Kineardine. City Council and the Chamber of Corn. rule the country. To do SO would be a shall see a great light, and it was*certaln- Bert Ward who b as been acting as p . ol, werce taking the lead there should be no sort of tyranny, We are in a minority, ly grand after nearly two years of dark- Ice and general handy man for the, town' difficulty in crystalizing this sentiment and . We Must not attempt to do it becaose, ness, to walk out on the streets and see has handed In his res!gn ition anc V�e are a democracy. them in a flood of light On Tuesday a ,I while intodefinite action. The next stop will morningtl�ehydro engineers were here recognizing the IOBS Which the town auf' be to approach the Drury Government I believe the Farmers' orgattizati6e in, for" fara, It has been accepted. We do not inspecting the system among know what r from th Hydro Commission sh-ld not gb into politics as an organi. them were Mr. George Argo, Superin- future but Bert's Intentions are for tht fQ -a report e in in town. This of the organization. I believe the partn� tendent of municipal construction, Mr. we hope he decides to remain on the cost of the change fro' steam to XR6011. That was part of the orignal law, D. F. Flanhery, district engineer. Mr. electricity, cost of operation, etc. Win. McKenzie, construction engineer, Now that we have Hydro, In town we report secured the municipalities will lie ers organization has altogether too great Mr B. 1. Archer, transmission engineer, feel that Luoknow will boom, but we will in a position to op n negotiatio a work to CIO f u other directions to rislZ Mr. B, Is. Chamberlain, engineer -in have to have more stable room for the e ns With the its life or waste its energies by participat. charge of distribution dep ac- Dominion Government, through the artfnent, Ali, commodation of farmer's borses, or Rip. T. D. Berry, suverinteudent of Bagenia lay will soon take the farm trade. There Hydro Commissions for a transfer of the Ing directly in politics,,,_premierDrur_y" system, and when they bad all In readi- they have two hotel Sheds where farmers line. By that time the Grand Trunk at Milton, ness, Reeve Johnston was given the may put their horses free and two barns arbitration will be completed and, the line "In this new Pol(tirAl movement the. hoinour of turning the current on to the where they may feed if so inclined, and definitely owned by the Dominion. Farmer.' , Will always have an honored Lucknow system. Promptly at -seven the merchants there are certainly reaping o'clock the lights were Bashed on and im- the beneftt. Any djy one can see on the If the scheme is economically feasible and powerful place. .tut to refuse to, mediately the bells and whistles Started streets there many farmers who should there is no sound argument igainst the luen and women of other classes or Indust - and the brass hand headed a procession be here and who would be here it they Pfoposal. The line runs through the, rieS an equal place in this political move. from light to light on main street� Most had the accommodation. We would like richest part of Ontario. and with a good ment would be to rOuse against it all the. of the stores and quite a number of resi- to see the council take hold of the matter fast service such as is furnished on the a"Im"s which would undoubtedly tm- dences are wired and have discarded the and make Lucknow the beat little town lamps and lanterns which have done duty in Western Ontorlo. We believe another: London & Port Stanley, passenger and directed against a class movements and for sorhe time. Seldom has anything hotel would pay here and be a oengfit to I freight service should be doubled or trebl- would predestine it to a short and in- come to Lucknow that has been as wel- the town as well, come as hydro, and now those who did ed. Even if the line is not electrified it effectual life. "-Pretnier 1)rury, to Th& not attend the evening services in the Mr. Wesley Joynt met with a painful I churcbcs on account of the dark street accident last week while assisting in , will have to he rebuilt, as the antiquated Globe. log- roadbed and e(iWpment are badly in need Regarding Premier Drury's reu 4 k will heve to find a new excuse. S ging at his father's form in West Wawa� I i r nosh, the tongs which are Used. in Skid- of renewing. The service at present is that the Parmers" organivation liave too Lucknow'g old council met on Monday ding logs slipped and caught his log and inadequate and is a detritural country lunch w4k to do to WaSt-� thue with morning last and put everything in order almost went through the fleshy part below I and the industrial towng through which it Politics, 1, J. Morrison Says. for the new council. The one thing of the hip. He was brought to his home importance to come before the old coun- here and medicalassistance called. Sev- passes. London, as well as every town 111"ott would think that was spoken by cil was application for license for a pool eral stitches were required to close the and every municipality along the road an old line 1.10litician. "Keep your room which they turned down, The new wound. benefit by the turning of the London, hands off government That is outside council met in tbA ev'ening, there being The annual meeting of the Presbyter- Huron & Bruce intothe real railway, your line, You are a b as of u n.. one difference, Robert Mullin, in place of e t b rde ialm church was held last Thursday even- givin an up.to-date Q Lo a Feed them, clothe them, Win. Murdle and again the application 1 9 service,- ndo , I but It -ave poli - for Pool room license came 'up and this'ing and Was largely attended. 8very Free Press, ties alone, It s not your business. jtp� time it wa granted, so that Wellington department was shown tQ be in a flol h I y wia become proprietor of Luck- Ing and Satisfactory condition. Of'ri:r; Government belong$ to McCo I, fi. not your right. now's first pool room, for the coming year were elected with the Professional ClAsse:.11. if the farm. very few Changes. After the business Bel -more trs. if the PeOPle� had not gone into poli - Mr. Reading, Travelling Representa. was over a social hour was spent and I Beltuore Blission Band met I tive of the Fireless Cooker Company of lunch Served. Tba church has been I it the I 11cs, would Mr, Drury have been where Canada, Ltd., HuM Quebec has been v church, Saturday with a good attendance. he is to -day? Absol tely ot. C, still fe- wired and -the basement seated with opera Splehdid u n It d lting at the home of Mr. Phillip Stewarf chairs. papers were given by Uva be plowing a joiley. u , and has arranged with'him to look Alter Stokesou IlUducatiott in India" "Medi- rrow at crown the sale of these goods in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Day of Myronne, cal. Work of IndiWl by Trene kundell, The Oddiellows ' Sask., spent a few days with their aunt and ­FWangilistie Work in Indiall, by "ere is Tv1r- MOrrson's threat of in. Will bold an "At and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Aitcheson. 1�niiie PouglriS, Mrs. Sinclair gave EL Home' in their lodge rooms on the even- terest'ng th'"98 to follow Mr. Drury's, Miss Ethel Xing of Wingharn, visited shoit tadlk on "The Work in Chin&,, il- Ing of Jan 21st. friends in town. 11state 'by dolls. After the meeting Political Propaganda: After a very short illness the Rev. Dr. their was a Social hour when the glrls "If thils is to be the doctrine that is to Richard Treleaven, well known here pass- Mrs. Nlchol of Port Arthur, is visiting and boys served lunch, be circulated frog, one end of the country ed away at bit home in Hamilton He at her old home here having btan called Xiss Agues Ratherford entertained a -from one end Of this Province -to ibe was pastor of Ryerson Methodist ciiurcb, to the bedside of her sistero Miss Annie few friduds and at:qttaintaiies Weduesday other, there.is. going to be �4omethjng (10. thare, and had beld St number of th - - __ - 06yd. tvening� of last wiik. Ing very so6u,, ministerial Positions In the Methodist ldr� Cecil Mullin has returned to Tor- MISS Mabel, Babtr is Visiting friends church in 'Western Oritarlo, having been onto to resume his a6dies. at the Henip- in Harriston. pastor 6f churches in Toronto, London. hill Trade School. Mrs, jos. Vogan, is visiting her sister, St. Thomas, Chatham, Aylmer. and . flelgrave Hamilton. Three years ago he preached Win, Douglas of Clintott, visited his Mrs. AM Strachatio Campbellville, Anniversary services In the Luckbow, mother in town.' Mrs. John Inglis, carri&, is Speudi Air, Ella 11cGuire has ret":rned to her Methodia church and gave a lecture on a few days with her father, Kr, 119 hotne after speading' IL couple of months the Monday evening following. He was Vindlater. A16X, With friends; in London, 67 years of age and had he belen given Orgy The Oyster $upper given. Tuesday M�- S- 10dati and daug1jer, another three years of serviec. he would I evening, �Py the Voresters whs very large. spent a Couple of wee Gladys have completed a half century in the, min. Great preparations are being made for ly atten&d, about one hundred, Sitting around Nfitcliell anci Sta kii With friend SY iatry. Dr. TireleaVen, wits born on A the play to be Put 00 by the "Now Eng. down to supper. The remainder of tb7o_ T e scilool is opo tford, h 'n farm near Dungannon atid wag teaching land F61ksll. Watch rox date later, evening was spent ill dancing cl . 4NAin after being Mr, and Osed fOP two Weeks, thessnall.po% scare tchool at A v6ty eaklY age- He was a Mrs. Maxvveil Abrain and Son Vera# Mrs. Witt, AdWatds, at whose hom, it is aver. brother of the late T, L. Treleaven and also Mrs. J. D. Me8wen of Wiogbxtnt was held, triade a most obliging bost and George Joedan And Atidy. , Proctor have 0 - arrived home after spending 2 weelcS hostess. Purchased a woou cousin of W. B. avid T. 9, Trelea`�en Of have town, Hels; survived by big wife, 11v6 With their pareots in Flint, Mich. While in Wroxeter, Tuesday with ber! ready for wood ctlttlitg OtItfit and are- z, tons and one daughter. cutting contracts. The little daughter of A& Wilson% 12 nephew, 0ord6n Inglis, Miss Ijarriet Mr. Seebach aj Xitch�. '11, Was In the Mr. Kenneth F, MacLennan for many Con, underwent an operation last week. Moe, had the idisf0ftnue to be thrown villagO last weok and is COUSidering tile years a. prominent fariner of Ablifit1d, We trust the child will soort, be as well as Out of the cutter, breaking her leg tbove porpositipal of piac passed away at his home last Monday. ever. the knees Wedhesday,she was removed here. Portable sawmill He WAS 61 Years of age and had been Ill Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hollenbeit and qon' to WingbAm Ilospitalo where the injured Mr. (sor(lot, Itintoul of . 6 for 91146 a long time suffering from pAr- t nitthber was set hy- Dr, Rambly, Witig r alyofs of'Stratford, visited at Wrn. Hollenber - charge of the'.,ervice 1`01UO. took He 19 survived by his wife and a for New Yearo. 'S hatil, and Dr. McIeod, Wtfteter, at Sunday, Mr. 4 Id Knox chupchon grown up finnily. 14teSt TtPorta she is doing "Jeely. 1jer Chatge of the S Jones of 'I"oro"to, This old earth seem to have got bAdly th Leonard Krauler has taken apO$16611 in Auttky friends here'Wish her a Speedy ro. erv'"-4 Oext Sunday. s twisted during the past week. A few da" Royal Bank Stratfo:,4. We joit, in covery� ago we were enjoying Spring weitther, wishing Lon, succett, but now we seem to bovo- been thrown Mr. Abd Mrs, N. C, Stevetison, also Mr. the pretty close to the North Pole. A fier And Uri Uaxwell Abram and son. Vern, IN MEMORIAM SEE c greatestof blizziked has been raging for two dAys attended a progressivo euchre party at Jack tandofts with tho mercury hovering bear the siro JaS, 0- MOXAY'S, 1140ficriff last Week. In 1()Vitlg MOMOrY Of Sapper AIyM*r mark, I - 1 006,63 6f Tbarit is much sickness in town just W; Altobillon, who died in Germany two now, Mims Annie Boyd Is stilt *erfously 110 1, lath 16th. the Ill. idea Mrs, 1. C. Anderson, Jack lshtr� MARRIED Laddie beloved Laddie, flow Won vould iff, Mte. Alex McCarrollf"Mr. Prank Vrte- We Oase to wftp man, Mr. Wirt, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Vre4 i 1),kUT1CL%L-M0LUA1q-Iti the Winghtim Could wa glance through the golden gate XcDonodd, Mr. Harry Campbell and Mr. i Biliptigt Church oil Vfedneadgy, DeC, Way WhOft key the arigols keep, Prank Miller of the And Con. Mr. Allen i 20th, Jtaoette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The MUTINY of the rdtLtod who underwent sty oWation in yet 16", Our love that ig d0athlesso an raronto Is improving. J, D- Mdftft, to Mr, Win. Bartkelf of follow you where YOU roam ELSINORE DttrOit, Rev- J- P- D1119=11 1WfOrig- 0*0thehilltotGod Iliddie-th,_ be t1i ft Mt- AICXtullie is the 06W willar ti- R"001 by an all star Calt at the n thsirto *t the L%cicnow ftur Mills, ed Ut tbVtofty. fUl hilk Of h0ttle. 210 Lye u Th tr _ next Monday, TUteday And Wedtleafty,