HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-20, Page 3I I . " I Deftlotts In the %Ct;up. I I -1 I ­ %) AQW&M AbNo I ' � +1 = 1W I I I it I 11 go, I I I I . I 11 I . - .. I I S. LADA .. - . W 30 ,Ao 972f , has no equal for quality and flavour", "' If you have not, tried Salada, send u�; a post card for a � free semple stating the price �(Qu now pay aA4 if you use blacks Ween or hWCed Tea. Addrear. Sala,da, Toronto = - .. .. 11 IN , I BUM FRUITS AND ' THEIR . CULTIVATiON IN CANAPDA Herbert, Cuthbert. (Yollo,w) Golden -(Red) King, Herbert, "cn� - , N,' H e.,,:,U:RUby. Now Brunswick- Frederleton-(Rod) Newmall 'Now - ,man No. 93), 11orbert, (Yellow) Gol- den Queen. - I Quebec - ,Cap Rougee­(Furple) Columbian. (Red) Herbert, Brighton, icing. (Yel- low) Golden Queeg. . Ste. Anne do. la Poo4tiere,—(Pur- PIP) columblau, (lied) *u4crbert, Brigliton, Cuthbert , L% Ferme.--(Red) Herbert, Count, SlUnbeAm. (Yellow) Golden Quebn. . Ontario— QUaw,X.— (Purple) " Columbian, (Red) Herbert, Newmin (Newmarx No. 23). C"Outit, Brighton. (Yellow Golden ,Queen. XaPuskasing. — (Red)' Herbert, count, Suabea= (yellow) Golden Queen. Brandon,—(Red) Herbert, Sun- beaxi� Miller. Mordee--(Red) ,�$unbeam, Herbert, Minnetonka. , Saskatchewan— Indian lleadi--(Red) Herbert, Sun- beaut King. . - . I . k6iithern.-(Red) Herbert, sun- � (Continued from last week); , Xe-=" No. 24 (Eatva x Baum- beam, Scott--(ReO Herbert, Bunbeam, H cc Orig. C. P. Newman. town. King. ablY a seedling of Clark).—Grig. 1887. Of LaSalle, P, Q, Not Yet 111trOduced. berta— R. B. Whyte, 'OttAwa, oat. latrod. P ruit large, roundish, deep -red, mod- Al . , 1020, Rant,rew Nursery 0 . c,,, Renfrew, arately fIriti; 4iticy, mildly, subacidA-* 1-4thbridge.—(Red) Ruby, Marl- ,,, boro, He�bert, Tiondon, Out. Fruit -large to very large, ob- qilal.ItY good. Seaoon miedium early. Lacom. , Plant very vigorous. and productive .be.—(Red) Herbert, Cuth- . tusely'conloal, bright to rather deep bert, Mfiie.r� red, Moderately firm; juicy, sweet vmd'bowdy. While not as firm as No. British -Columbia— and subaoid, sprightly and of good 23 this variety should ship well. flavor; quality- vary gobd. Season bita (Wild Red - Raapberry ,of S. Aga,ssio.—(Red) Cuthbort, Pill - basket, Superlative, (Yellow) 0 . Ol- begins a few days before Cuthbert. Dakota x Minnesota, selected from den QaPeu, � The Herbert -has all the good potilts 6,000 IlYbrid Beedling),--Orig, N. N. 8iinimerland—((Mack). Cumberland. required in. a, variety for local mar- Hussen, Brookings, S. A . Introd. (Red) Cuthbert, Herbert, (Yellow) , ket, being hardy, vigorous, produe- 1912. Fruit medium to large, round- Golden Queen, tive, with fruit . of large size, good Ish, light red; moderately flTm; 1S&duey.r—(Red) Cuthbert Saperla� color and very good quality, It is, rather acid; quality above medium. tive F il,'-baoket. (Yellow� Golden hOWOVer, net quite firm enough for Season medium early. Plant vigor- -distant shipment, hence its value as a ous and very hardy. I Qewn� . . Ranore (St. Regis),—Orig. In ivermere.— (Pl%rple) 4C�Oiumbjan, commercial -berry IS limited to nearby Now (Rea) King Herbert, ,Guthbert, ,;5rkets.'r1l1.,5 =bastd,e0nPesve1i!y Jersey. Fruit medium in size, ,round- � ell fro �11 to elf , ish, bright crimson, firm; Moderately (CORInued next weelc). ' , , , , In Canada and succeeds well also ias "'Illy mildly subacid, little distinct .. far 'north �s the Peace River � district. tlal6r; quality medium. Season very Jumbo.—Frult large, oonic, deep. early to very late. . Plant hard, vig- V - crimson; firm, mildly subacid lack- nd productive, Thls� Is cara- Na,lp, j, 0j""1p-;Qt %:11bol-11.1 I I Ing In flavor; quality medium'. 'Mid- nionly known ,as St, Re. -Is Bverbear- P � ' .1 season, A good shipper, and it Ing, but -it was grown for some time - - hardy and productive will be proni- - under the name of Ra�iero­ before be- , Ising 4ew commercial sort, I Ing Introduced by the firm -of J. T. ONE t)F OUR 15 -YEAR I June (Loudon Ic Marlboro),--OrIg. Lovett under the name of St. Regis, OLD YOUNG LADII�G � TuIxperrimental Station, Geneva, N. Y., Alost of,the crop Of this warie-ty Is TOLD ['�iE: YESTERDAY 1 180-7. Introd. 1909, Fruit above me- borne in the early,p.Vt of the sum- C, '7 . I . dium.to large, roundish, bright red; mer, but a small prpoportion develOD.9 _H_ USED TO HAVE' firm; moderately juicy, mildly Sub- and a still Smaller proportion ripens AN ,4,WFUL - GOOD . acid, quslity inedium, Season axly. oil the new canes. A wet autumn, is TIME: WI-IC111 SHE: Plant vlao-ous' auil moderatel 0 usually favorable for late fruiting. in ductive at. Ottaw 7- Pro a* Not as desirable - dry waath.8T the� fruit does, not de- \V.-IkS A Lff-I-LE (3,!RL.,, as early varl4ty as Brighton or Count. volop well. The amount of the late I---- . 1� I - A good shipper, crop ilopends very much on the obar- _. �,,3>, . RAng.—Introduced by the Cleve- acter of the season. Wber� one has . � � Jand Nursery Co., .Rio Vista, Va., in plenty ol room and desires rasp- - 1892, Prult Medium to above medium berries in autumn this variety will �� ,,, ,,,� ;,, -Z': �,,,'. � .,- I usually Supply them but it is not ,,,�. �, it / � �� ,;�: I in size, round, bright red; moderately I �0 I I i firm; moderately juicy, briskly Sub- good enough in qualAY -to depend on I 't, , A 1 1 . .,lf� ­­ (r- I i Season early. I . .N � �'� for the main crop. I / ,-q,,�,/j? I acid; quality medium. I .1 Ic I . Usually a fairly strong grower but Ruby (seeding of Maxlbor ).—OTig. I , .7'. ... ( 1� I :.. , VLP I 0 ,. . " . " Fruit above me- , - � 11 makes Its best growth on the hoavler 'New York state. , . . . i I .11 . " dium to large, oblong, conical, bright � ,;. I i � �9 I , .. I ,; soils. The King oil -account of its .�. " , , ;; , � __ I. re(r-, firm,, moderately juicy; sweet, � !:-1;Z " Y11 --Z earliness has proved very Profitable . I �V.,�A. �6 , I I � . ". . � In some places. Pleasant flavar, quality good, Should .. F." I . .. . . It is hardier also Make -a good ship.pqr. A. strong I .. . iAl N . A I . � . 1. iv I than some other varieties, N . I . 0 A 1� "I The ' . . � " i .� I, ,.. . 11 V113. ... I ., � 11?\_�,. . , . quality. Is, however, inferior. grower. Has not yielded as well ..... . .,-,., . : .I... .1-1 * as some other,$. ; . I .1 ,. , . � Latliam, (Minnesota No 4 seed- : , �'/ , I , -­ . ,� -ling of Xing x Loudon),—Grig, Minn. St. Regls.—See Ranere. I � -1 .,. . � ... I , -1 I � �.... 4 7-? � 0 " �,. � q , * - 11 � � � � . .V1 - \ BXPerimenta,l Sub-statlon. Excelsior, Sarah (ssedl�ng !of Shaffer).--Orig. - 0 .1 I I - I - ­ Minn, Fruit large, roundish conical, Win. Saunders, London, ont.. Pruit bright crimson moderately firm; mediUM.to large, roundish, . Purple . juicy, . briskly subacid, spri ghtly. red; Modera,tely firm; Juicy spright- n ly'subacid,,rieli, very gooa flavor; aromatic, quality good'. .Midseason. Plant vigorous. A hardy Variety, quality very good, Season late. Plant FHAGILEO� PAU but ,A& far does not compare favor- a very strong grower, hardy and Mod- ,X,��bly wit)l each a variety as Herbert erateiy productive, Quo of the most AiND MISERABLE I at Ottawa. desirable for home. Use, as it 'extends Louboro (Loudon x Marlboro).— ill& raspberry Season considerably. ;OrIK. Euclierimental Station, Geneva, Although -& seedling of Shaffer, this is . 1, �. T. Frult. large, globose confe� -, snekering vari�ty. I THE MF-4AN,QHO-LY STATE OF light briglit crimson turning darker t Sir John (seedling of Biggar seed- THOUSANDS, OF SLOGDI�ESS when very -'rips, attractive,' rather -4119).—Orlg. Win. Saunders— On't., F3.UIt .above medi , London, soft; Mildly subacid, rather -flat in. um to large, - 0HILDR5N AN,n YOUNQ . .flavor; qualitY above medium, Mid- ro,1111(110h, bZight, red, drapes large; GIRLS. 0 seasoli. PlAlit vigorous and pro- rather Soft, breaking easily, subacid. � dilative. Has proved hardy and one pleasant flavor, qualit good, Sea- . . y I I -of the most productivq -at Ottawa, but son early. Plant a strong grower, How ,often do you hear the remark, hardy and productive, While this is ,,She is ve- delicate?" Is too soft, for shipment, and is not ,y How often It quite good enough in quality for home, not so good as Count and Brighton .Means t,ha.t .Some young woman is liv. � . for shipping, It Is an early, produe- I . use. � Ing in misery, suffering fr*m periods Louaon.--�-Orlg. Frank W. Loudon,,l tIv0 variety of good quality for home of prostration, dizzIness, lop N use, .S of appe- Janesville, Wis. Introd. 18R4, 0. A. I titb au& disordered digestion. Head- � Green 1�otihester X. Y. Fruit me- Sunbeam (960(11118 of Native Red atlies afflict her at Intervals; pain in dium 't6. litrge, 'C`oAi&%I, bright - red, 1. Raspberry, one of several thousand tba balt1k, and llinb3 fYllow any exer- firm; moderately.. Juicy-, subacid. saedlfngs)—.0rJg. Prof. N. E. H11118611, tion. She is never really well . ' Sprightly, and Of good flavor; quality i F;rookfiags, -8. D. Fruit medium to This fragile state of -health, this . good. Season medium. A medium large, roundish, medium to dark red; lacIt &f vitality, W -'s ter prompt to wealt grower but a very hardy moderately firm to rather 901f;* treatment, Tber'blood must be nour- I sort. Net productive enou.-Il, Juicy, briskly subacid, aromatic; q1tal- ished and malc 6-trong enough to I Marlboro (Highland Hardy x. IiGlobe ity ineditim to good, Season early. -VIt9,l;zG the -system that is so lacking I x Hudson River").­-Orig. A. J, .Cay- Plant a. strong grower, very hardy, III e�er,gy- In Such case -,s Dr. Wil - wood, Marlboro, N. Y. Introd. 1884. productive, Useful for the prairies Ilams' Pink Tills have .proved ra- . Fruit above medium size, -roundish or I &S it succeeds without protection. ?maxkably successful in making the slightly conical, bright red; firm, Superlative.—Orig. 31r. Merryfield, new, rich, red blood necessary In Te - moderately juicy, quality medium. Waldershare Gardens Dover, Bng- storing tone to the syiteam. Mrs. L, Season early. A moderately strong I land, aboat 1877. introd. Bunyard M Datican, South. Mountain, Ont., grower and usually productive, but Q- W., .11aidstona, Kent, IS8. Fruit tehs of the wonderful bene Is very 81XbjWtJo authracuose, Was largeto very large, conical, deep red Willianis' Pink Pills ,made, in t!llt c2r, � for a long time. the stand-1,rd early somewhat Unattraotive, rather softi of 'her young daughter. -She ea.ya: , sort. Brighton and Count are as qualfty good. Season medium early. "It is ,onlr right that I should let you early or earlier ,and are bettor crop- I )AU -11 Ver.Y vigorous and very PrO' tilow -of the good derived from the . pors. - duotivo w4lere it succeeds well, but it use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills by our Nillier,—Orls. At Wilmington: is too tentlex, in Canada except 'for gbrl or eleven ye,ars, She was always . Del. . Fruit medium size, roundish, I the mildest parts, Dot,,s wo,11 in .the very thin. and not -aining In weight. *bright to dark red; -drapes largo; calst cliniate of British Clolumbla. Her appztlte was, pOor and she had no firm;/moderatoly juicy, brisk Sub- Turner, (Probal)-y a chance wild desire -for Avhole.�.-onie food. Finally -aa!d; quality above medium. plant -"Cdl1n�-,)­-0i*'9� Prof - J. 133. Turner, 'we decided to give he6.- Dr. Willialils! only moderately vigorbus. Is thought Jaeksonvillie, Ill., about IS35. Fruit 41,11, Pills. After takhr, one box, sho well of It. some places In the Prairie mod.'uni to bmow modiiiiii. in size, WCnt nway -oil' It thcee wooks' vaca- Provinces, but has not proved pro- conical d0vy) red; soft, juicy, Sub- - tion, taking three boxes ,of pills with duottvo at Ottaw.a, ailtl has been acid, i6d La''Yor; quality good. 8ea. hpr, which She took regularly while TatheT tender. I soil %��,rly. 11:111t a Ver3r Strong grow- �plle V,.,js awly. Wlion she returned NlinneJoulis. (pa,sslbl,� lArento Tur- er, very bardy and moderately Pro- home wa were surprised and doltqht- mvr, Cuthiwit aid Wild RaPpberry)�— 'dtlotivc- ,This variety was very, ,l,d to See how wo:l she looked, and to Ong. about 1890 P. J. 10nipeur,61*1 useful ter Piairin Provl,"ces as it find that she had ,galnod sevoil 1raple Plain, Mln. Pratt medilin I could be grown without Protection, I pouills In welght. She had a much I I , ,Aze, bright red; modcrately firm. bat It Is bQiiig tl�sp.aced-by Sunbeam, hr ' , , .tt(�.- color and her appetitebad lin- julcy, quality good. Season, modlunV which is a larger fruited variety. nroved sp that she wa% n1ways ready early. A strong. grow,ir, Very hardy Oencripuon,3 of Varieties of Yellow iNlr hor fileals. She u�atlilintd uqlag and p,roduative. Useful In 'the 111s.)."orries, the pills until she had taken. seven i1r,line Pravinizes because' ot its boxes, JLnd [ILID grent i!.1prt'veniont, great hardiness. � 40olden ;�Iue,­. (clinnee soe(ding I they iaqdo In her condition was Muriel (serldlinx of DIggar',s snod- nalft,; Clathbt,A).— orl,-. k)zr-v noticed by many around here. I can ling).—Orig, Win. ,Saunders, London, Str0kca, 1',-2rlin, X, J,, about 1890. I only add that I believe TV, NVIl'iftlyiS' Otit. Fruit medium to above medium Frult raklium in bizo, conical, gol- I -link Pills -are a sp7oudid medicine.11 In size roundish to slimlitly conic3j, den yellow; u.oft, juice, Swoot, Sub- The best time to begin t:Lking Dr. . bright 'to dolp, Ted, moderately firm; acid, good flavor; quality good. Sea- Williams' Pink Pills IS the moment juicy, subacid; quality above me- Son 1110diuni. Plant A medium grow-� y,iu feel the leasit, bit -out -of so,rts. I early. L Plant vigor- er, 'oil'y moderately hardy, and mod- Tile soollar you t10 so the soon r ous. Tht s has proved a productlyo Pratol.7 product vo. The most Sails- wii, e.p a 0 you U ,_ in your W,d time ellorgy� you . � , variety and ti deserving of wider factory yellow varipty -for most places ,can get t,lieqe Pills .throul-,41 any medl-. ,test. "I In Canada. I obin dera�cr oil by inall at GO cents ;% X,Mvulfta. (NOW1111111, No'. 23) M-tOu Varle;V63 of Rempborries Reeommend. bwc or six boxm for $150 front The x Xing?).--DrIg. 0. P. '.'*Tewman. town ,ed -by the Exparimentat ralorn"� Dr, Willanis, Modiefue ("O., Brock - of LaSalle, P. Q. Nct yet Introduc.ed vlll%� Ont. ,d at Dominion .1 I thougla thorou.,11ily testL " nd Statiotiv. . %%P(�rInit'atal Smmills. Prult large, �Prinee Hdw,ard 1�,Iand­ I — ; , roundish, brIp , ('11arlottotorni.— (Black) No Mollammodatt lady may Fhow her . ,ht re.d; firm; moder- older. atoly juley, flavir good, subaciX to e n an. I A Gropq (Purj4e) Shaffw, Co'.ui bl facc, to a man not her husband, And I Aweet, ppriglitly; quality good. Sea- (Red) Loudon, Tlinbort, (Intliberr. to wher, a ruling. lady Ill - RainDur, , '.4oft Medium. Mant vety Vigorous. (Yellow) '04dell QUW11. some six diundred miles no,fliwost Of productive and bardy. This to s, Nova gootlpv— Calcutta, had the tootli.vIle, the tng- h.%ndeome fruit and ,should ba an ex- Xentvrile.­ (Black) ()1der, Camber. lish dentist who opieratcd,u,pon Ilet, ,collont shipping berry and ,has proved land. (Purple) Shaffor, (Iolumblan. mouth, had to work through it holt In 4one of tho best for caunfug, (Red) Newinaft (Nownian Xo. 21), a shoot plactd over her �le4d. W=40AX "VAX0 A , � -- VM: ";�<"�!Pl,w, I.. I � - , ,.i I . . . . . . . . "I'll I'll, "I'll ... .I'll �.. " � � � , , , . � . I I 1. . . . I stual kJog- 86q6W8W6.01ffi*"MW**1.*W*00"W"- W''Wil 4 .14. I . dome. The word "minister" exaltm 1 -W _P mwi__� — in I therrincIP.'s of ov.vico. . I I 1000 Eggs I — —i � I I 11 � 11 Verse 97. This to coarary to the . * V" , � 0r4r, popular Idea of prominence. .Tesus � The History of � I I �. � - f UpSete all our Ordftary nQtJOAf_J Of I in Lvery lien - e!r d . greatness and distinction, we Uc_ IN — your Name— �_ - , 0,00aff 0,01 Wally do not Practice what lie teaoll- A vril os on -this subject. We extol Ills 1lffl 'Now,eyvtom Of -paukry x4spin3­04t Xpawatt words In .sermon -and oraM_Mset. JAOKSON, N 0011lar A .0=an EloVe--ramous , t 4 ; I - Ing And go on just go we were going VARrATIONS - Jacks, Jax.)% I . before. 1. Jakes, Jake, Jaeox. Poultrymen. , . I I .w � I... I I I I... .... 11 . 11 , Verse 29. Even Christ did not RACIAL ORIGIN-B,tigliall. 4anieto enthrone Himself wIthotbers $0,URCN--A given name. TELLS NOW PROMOTION IN THE KINQO(X,4. to bow Allegiance, but came .tO save Here Is a. group of family itia.lice, �.___. I,,essQn_M#tt, 20* 17.2o. 411, frollg the lowlest to the greatest. ,the derivation of wilich seems qui,w I ,H's life Is given A" a *"Om to re- Obvious. As a matter ,of fact, IVs "The great trouble with the poultry eem. mim from the power ai4 cap" ortly half obvious. business has alway"s been ,that the Golden Texti--"The son, of man tivity of sin. came not to be ministered unto, but I Illu4trated Trath. You think these names all trace. laying life of a lien Was too shurv, to nliniritor, and to -give his life a back to the given ganie of 0oliti. qo 114Y.4 `HoIaTy Traffor4, International ransom for mally" (M,att. 2,0: 28). It is Man himself who determined ,they do. But they also trace back Poultry Ifl,itpert and 'Breeder, for near- Hlatorloal setting. . the 'nature Of his rewar4s (v. 23). to, the given name cl Jame,% in the IY eighteen, y-lars rXiltor of Poultry, . t TIme-A, D. 30. Place.-Perea, Illue,tration.-.4. pompous Individ- case of Q10 1441VIdnal family it IS Im- , Success. The Lesson Text, Ual, who, in addition to being a, uralti- 1) The *average pul'ot lays 150 eggs. if . 11 Cs'sible to determine which, unless 1 17. And as Jesus. was going up to millionaire, was political boss, was aoces,ry of the samily can to kept the second year, she may Jay Jerusalem, he took the twelve dis- furious when his son wa,s drafted. Af. traced back tothe person from, whom 100 more. Then she goes to marlot. CiPleff 4Part, and oil the Way he ,said ter he had ,pulled every possible wire, It .took .the Surname; and then the ,ro, Yet, It lias been colentifically e5tab- unto Ille l, I to 110 -Purpose, it dawned upon him search will fall unless there Is enough. lithed that every pullet Is born or , BeT18. old, we go up to Jerusalem that lie could tact sn,ccessfully oppose of the Illstoryof that Individual avail- -hatched with over one thousand Min. and, the ;qoll of man the ]Federal Qovernment. , a,ble to determine whether his modle- -Ute Rgg germs Ili Uer 6ystem--And wil! . shall be de- XAGWIng livered unto the ,Chief Priests and that ,his ,50n 'was likely to ;soon be Val neighbors called Itim "Jack" be, 44Y them On a highly profitable basis , scribes; and,they shall condemn -hilu .sent overseas, the xilch man sought oa-use his name was John, or -because' over a period of -four to six years' to, death. l ighl in military auttor- It was James. . time It given proper "re, 19. and shall deliver him unto the ItT. "I want you to see to it that my The nickname ,of lack was, If any- -How -to, work toget 1,000 eggs from Gentiles to -mock, azid togeourge,anti son gets ti)iose decoxaticus people are ,01119, More ,commonly used for the every hen, hokw to 1 ets laying given nameof Jar ,� . get pu, I Aes than of John in *_W to crucify; and the 1;hird day 'he shall making so reach over," lie domandoil, ,Y; 'bow to make tho, old hens Is'y be raised up. "You ere asking the Impossible," ,was the middle 4900. And really the dis- 31110 Pallets; bow to kee,l) UP heavy 20. Then came to hia the mother the reply. "The medals and decora- 1-118sion gets MOre confuaingas we go. egg production .all through. cold wiu� , Of t -a Stand for bravery, a,ud the he sons of Zebedee with her sons, tiom , Sol. on, fox, we vause here to remark that ter MQUOIS When, eggs are highest; worshipping him, and &$Icing a, c,er. dler must fur,nish that himself,0 the names of James in the Middle triPle, 099 Production, make olaoker � talix thing of him. Toptce� for Research and Discussion. ages was Act James at, all, but "Jaco- hens 'hustle; $5.00 profit from every . 21. And lie said unto bo.r, W'h%t I. A Bad ,Prophecy (v,%. 17-19). 1. bus,'$ and thattoday the French form ben In six -winter months, Titese , woUldeGt thou? She saith unto hilu Where were Jesus and 'His, disciples 'Of the name Is "Jacques." That is and many Other money malting p.oul- .,Command that these My two ooa� in this lesson? 2. Why was Jesus' why the, nickilame of Jack was more trY,sccrets ,are contained in Mr. Traf- . may sit, one oil thy right ha -4d aild prediction of disaster so ,repugnant often the 'variation -of James than iorWs 111,000 EGG I M.N11 system of one on t1hy- Aott hand, in thy 'king. to His disclp'es-T 3. When had He Of John. , ,poultry ,raising, one copy of Which. dom. . . predic The manner In which the family will be sent absolu, '.y free to. any ,ted -his death before? 4. Why W 22. But Jesus answered and Id, could 016y uo . t understaild? . names of Jackson and Jaxon were treader of this paper who keeps six . Ye know not what 7e ask. 4rrye 11. A ,Selfish Request (vs. 20-24). ,evolved from Jack Is, of course, quite hens or more. Vggs 'Should go to a able to drinkthe cup,that I am about 5. Who were the sons of Zebedee? . clear. Jacox, not a very common dollar or more a dozen this winter. to drink? They aay unto him, We "B. What do yol� think ,of Salome's variation, 'has been developed from This means big profit to the poul- are able., * request? 7. why (lid Salome, Janies Jack In �the same way that Hancock try keeper who gets the eggs, 23. He salth unto them, My cup and John so glibly assert their ability was built up on Ran. from Johan, �r MT. Trafford;tells how, It you keep Indeed ye slia4l drink; but to sit on 10 drink the cup Jesus mentioned? 8, Johni throuill the diminutive ,ending chicken.,% and want them -to Make my right hand, and an my left hand, 'Why were the -ten indignant? I "cock," MOneY for you, cut out this ad and Is not millo to give; but it Is for them 111, A Clear Explanatlon (vs. 25- . ,send It '%vltll �10ur name and address for 'whow it hath been prepared ,of my 28). 9, How did Jewish govern- to Henry Trafford, Suit 631 S, Tyne Father. ment contrast with Gentile? 10. Bldg., Binghamton, N. Y., and a free it, What is Jesus trying to get them to . 24. And when, the ten heard Bra A tarf-o/ e t ys copy of "TIM, 1,GC,o L,Q,rx1 JIL.N�" wilL, they were moved -with Indignation see In venies 26-28? 11. How'does, Ir*h * ba sent by return Mail. ,concerning the two bxstUien. Jesus' conbeption Of greatness con- 25� But Jesus called them untp trast with,.,that of the world today? Trade tce.view . him, and said, Ye know tha,t the I Tulare of the Gentiles lord it over TORONTO ireports to Brads,treevs STICKY FLY -PAPER ,them, and their great ones exercise stops Broochitis Quickly say that business at -%Vh�olssale houses , � authority over them, . is still quiet although, it is exppf,,ted 26, Not so shall it be ,among you- OUJ Any 1j,gd1@,D8 by many ths,t when the returns Crom N&��,,`176R E D E A04 but wilosoever would become great with I travellers commence to come in it __ among you shall be Your minister, good ImPrOVement will be abown. FERDINAND THUM PASSES 27. and whosoever would be first ' There is a strong feeling in numer- ' ameing you Shall be your servaut� THIS PROBLEM SOLVED WHEN one quarters that the bottom has, been AWAY SUDDENLY IN 4 , 28. even as the Son of man came CATARRHOZO�M WAS rolialled and that any change in con- # CALWORVIA, . not to be min-iste-Ted unto, but to DISCOVEREU. ditions will be In the way of greater minister, and to give his life a -Tan- I activity. The luxury tax has bean sorn for many. 'lifted and with it alas gone a great Ferdinand Thum, who Invented comments. . You are nothing but a plaiu simple deal of the feeling that the public Sticky .flypaper and because a multit boob to Suffer a day longer from had that there 'was a ban placed on Milillonal-Te, was found -dead in his Verse 17. Jesus -and His disciples Bronchitis. It's real easy ,to cure thsir putrehasing. There is no doubt bed at his homa at ,Pasadena, Cali - had probably ,come -from across the this alas been proved .time and again. that the effect -of the removal of tho fornia. . Ordan through Jericho. He was go- Relief comes at once when you tax had a most beneficial 'effect 0-1 Death was caused by heart failure. In.- beUre them as a captain goes be- breathe In ,the soothing vapor of Oa- the vollime, of retail trade done dux- Mr Thums was many times a mil - fare his soldiers and gives thena eour- taxnhinone, Once its healing, piney Ing -the last few days betore -0hrist.. lionalre and gained 'his first for'(Une age. He seems to 1haV6 Bought every essences strike the bronchial tubes, mas. Had It come just'a little bitL from his Invention of flypaper %vhtch 0PPG.TtUnitY to make them under- you realize that a powerful treat- esrlie,r, the benefits would have been .lie perfected in Grand Rapids, Zjl�.if- stand His -real sPiritual mission and ment is at work. much more ma,rked. Retail trade at gall. clear their minds of materialism. Irritation catilt live In the throat of ofactivity prevailing. . � Verse 18. But here is a prediction a person Inhaling Catar.-hozone. It is of activity prevailing. of disaster strange to their ears. so soothing, so warming, so full Of .Manufacturers of several lines of MERNAL CLEANSING I Their dream was ,6f a triumphant concentrated healing power that you tOxtLes are not pushing their goods aEA id THE COMPLEMON and unconquerable leader, though get .results at once. for sale, as it I0 felt that the busi- , Jesus ,had already predicted His Catarrhozone strengthens the ,,v,eak ness will come without any effort be- . - — death (16: 21). throat, stop$ the cough, ,removes that Ing made to get it later on,. Indus- Bright, ruddy complexion is simply � Verse, A The ho.r.ror of 11 all Is backing Irritating necessity .to cles,r try generally is 1r.regular witil at - here revealed for the first time, Luke the threat, makes even the chronic temlits being made at readjustment. a mattet,.* of good health, xa'ys they .could not understkild ,sufferer realize that at last he has of wages. There Is a good deal of Keep the eliminating organs in (Luke IS: 34). . discovered a real cure. For coughs, unemployment in the city. Shape, end 7ou'll have a complexion Verse 20. .Salome, the mother sin- colias, catarrh, and winter ills to be proud of. . noth- �Collections are still �slow and credit Stir your liver Occasionally, I cerely worshiped, but she was al the Ing In t7le family could be better m6n are busy Ili malchig efforts to Enliven -the kidneys, . ISaine time ambitious for her sons. lbanthe complete dollar outfit. Small get payments in. Extensions, aro be. Regulate .the bowels and flush out Vers., 21. Her petition was both , size 50c, trial size 250, all dealers, Ing a;zked for on a -heavy scale. Even the wasties that deaden the ,color of unwise and Ill-timed. Self-seeking or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, in some of the rural districts bink th,e skin, duE� the finer perceptions, Ont. managers repo -t money as beinghard This 'You can do witli Dr. Hamll- Verse 22. The readiness with to get although It is felt that there tou,s pills. They cleanse and purify which they -promised "to drink the �CAESARISM IS DEAD. is plenty in the country I! it could b3 all Internal organs that are $lug- icUP" reralads us -that "fools break in The, desire which pQssessed Wil- gct into circuiation. The mild weatIl- gish,--purity the blood, give It rich - where angels fear to tread." liam Hohenzollern -to raonatier the er is not conducive to great activity ness, tone and the vitality that Shiner 1 Verse 23.Maric iaddst "And with world is no new thing, The inter- ill seasonable liaes of clothing and .out Ili red cheeks, laughing eyies and � the baptism. that I am baptized withal national hi.sto,ry of rurope from the the Snowfall following Christmas Day y lips. d,_ rub shall ye be baptized." Indicates an days when tho Caesars.ruled ' In Rome was responsible for an increased c No medicine for the complexion I overwhelmed of Sorrow, such as had IS largely the story of, Icings, and ad- many for rubbers, etc., for a day or like D-% Hamilton's Pills. Try a few , not entered their Minds. Jesus also venturers setting up to be Caesar and two, li.nxrts; they arct hvk.:rniless and c.il,"e,- 1 tells them that immort&J, -honors are Imperaton So universal did this HAMILTON reports to D:adstreeVs ient 25c at all -dealers; soldin ycllo'W I not baxtered on a market basis or "Caesaring" become that the Great say that following the holidays thur2 box;a oaly. I givell-out as prizes. iVar of 1914-18 mowed down -no less 1-9 Just a slight lull as is to be expect- . Vorse, 24. The other ten were than four 'Caesarl-tho Gerinan ed and a number of me.Tehi,nts ayn Writer T411s Why Elephants Fear probably not more .righteous than Kaiser (-Caesax), the Austrian KiLis- taking stock or redueln, their sup- -M 1-�O. James and John, but V'eTG a little Or&CZesar) of Rus.sia, and .that fail- plies with the object of facilitating Jealous. tastic figure, The Esar of. Bulgaria. stock staking. There is, ll!)Ivever, i'liere is a, real reason for an-enor- Verse 25. AD bontirasted y1th Gen- The French 'Imper4torl (Napoleon a much better fee:iag h*,)pjL_.-,-:i. hi mous elephaut'% fear -of a tiny mouse, tile government, the Jewish demoo- III.) -had already fallen In 1871. trade as it is felt by a. Eood Larmy according to Carl Sehurz L,)wd,,lu, racy excluded tyranny. that the worst devclopmwita are now writing in Collier's. Back In the dis- Verse 26. Jesus soeli:s to make Help for Asthma. Neglect. gives out and that improvenient may be tant land where the ele,Dhant is born them understand the difference be- as-thma a -great advailtage. The looked for f.,om this time on. Some there is a tiny animal, much like a .-- 4­r���� trouble, once it has ,secured a foot- Lay that they look for only a moder- mous.e. known zns a chacana, which hold, fastens Its grip oil -the bronchial ate, movement during tha current has the habit of running up an ele- I I passages tenaclouqsl�, Dr. J. D. Rel- months but that very shortly there pliant's tnilil, wn the inside. The .ogg's Asthma Remedy Is daily coring ivi:l bo great activity In the way 'Of ,qant turns Gooso with a serlet5 PAINSIO'BAD �D Cases of astlinia. lot I -Ong Standing, p*.aclng ,' orders. There is no, doubt of snep2es, %,ach ,.wy make the little STAY E'D 1- Years of Suffering, li�lw,p,ver, might that the public in general Is short of creature mad and it Sinks Iti Sharp ted had the remedyt , �' ,',V1 -!t M."11Y articles and r,iw that claws into ti;e, trunk and holds faqlt. .jeen used when the troubl,(3 w..ti hi i*,.q I t:ip luxury tax is gone thel-.,o v.Ill not The ch.�cana. t,4ays, there until Ili- : N BED Z�Irzt stages. Do not negl:ect astlinia, bf, the i�aiuo dii,viculty In rialxk,.7, fla"iminCon sells in and the elephant , but usi this preparation,,, at once. L;Aos as existed ,formerlv. At the d:�e,-. ____ nnoment wholesale and retnil trad-,, -_ A, Young Mrs. Beecroft Had .Ua..-,;-.st-ate David 11�,.st,ligg, of is fair. *11anufacturers ari o -11v -.11 llr� . dWiculty b,�- ;'- PN E � 1 1,44 " N 'A :�un�.11�_wha 1,4 concerned In a dl.�I- mcderate.*y avtiv,,, , l"', - .4 1�.� U 1 , Miserable Time Until She 11WA With the attorno-y-,,eneral of On� . experienced In intirk,�ti-.g, ,r.-)Odj. C,,;I- , Took Lydia E. Pinkhanes , ,-arta, seutcriced Alll,n 111obin% to lin leellens are Incilined to b,l s.ow .01d I AND OTHER LUNG D111,5AStS. , I va a P. 0, T. revWre pushLi.,4 riore tinia wao Cie ,':al.,el nnay Vlt,l 'evs, in Canada and 1110:11's, bnprlfzumul�nt �j Xreaelxable Compound. ,'�. 6 nrge. UQ , tl . .i.l ,0 a, ye -Ir ago. ,E-up,*,)Iic.� oil ilery Ldd Qhoul-A be gv.4w0c-d agalm,t. - Ju.J!,ce ilc(I.-Ins qua.ohed -the cf�,I_ orgs are hin-leakIng and if the nij:d for rwy result. There Is littlok (1-inge hi 8 � �; J ,1 it. I �L 't VNI"i"'N" 4 . r.don on tb:� graqad that til(� .,.crl-- I Iveathir continues -in casing c.1 p. -Ices Ilatriltop, Ont. - I I have suffered tl'ln�o was ,greattr than cou:d be I ,Zill- Mji� i N A �: - 0 , V,� '" �, ,-. throe years from a ferriale trouble and y impohod, giving the, magNtrate ati I Condlflo,n.4 in tha produco niarkatA consoque. at weakness, pain and irre 11� ,ppzz-.Vmulty to ,aruend tho .Suut,_�uce, gAlmally- -Vattle prices, nro rtoady J,. , larity which ke t me in bed four or Wvo Great P4,ev.,nt.,.t,v0, being one v.1 . . � days each lron%. I nearly went crazy - wlill.� ho.'s are tending a 'iltle lower. the . o7dest;rvnleklies us�4d. Wilinarl's with pains; in my back, 'and for about a IN-her's Worm Powders attack _________ i t4n,iment has vurod tlic,usandt; of weel, at a time I could not do illy work. wDrnns in t1w stemach. mid Intestine.; Heloft, for the Cpironie Uy.�,pepzlc.- at onee, and no wwrn ean, ,come in Through lack uf consideratiall Ail! tli,l easys of Griply!, llronclii*5, Sere Thmat, A�,,tltm% and lanared fflsea�,w�. 1 rm­a Lydia 11 Pinkharals Vegetable i bc,dy'h.* neAs many P�!rson% - llow (Its- T� ,�, ,I , a, �: Coi-apound advortiscd in the Himilton 1--witact with them and live, Th,sy ord-r-.4 of the, digestlVe apparata.; to it 1.11c,my t,,.) Vwrnu. Thou,,,^znd, Spu,etator and I took it Now1haveno x1so correct the unhealthy conditionii I " c.' bott!es li,.�ln,­, u.4.�rl every d -1y. ,..1w.- 0ain and am quiteregular unless I Over- in the digestive ,organs that invite, eiid�are Witil they become eltronle, fl'l- , I 1vork <)r stq on my feet from early ind encourage -wormE, snaing up re- Ing days and nights with safferin,-. .f�alc by a I drtuggIsts and geacr.ill . 4norning ,antil late at hight. totions To :hcs? a,cuursnof Parmelce*'q ve,qe- dcaler� I keep . that are most beneficial to houac and ,do all My own work without tlio growth. of the child. They have tabl,- Pills is ,,ecommonded na a -sare Mtoard't Liolinah, 00., Ltd., any ttouble. I have recommended the Atested thpir power In hundreds of I ,and speedy �;�y to regain hollitil. Yarmouth, m. ,-. , Compound to several friettis.11-mrs. C!IsPo- and at all times are thorou,ghly ' Thein pills are specialty compound. - L,'11ILY B=. opo M. 269VIctoria AV04 X., ,rustworthy, ed to combat dyspeptla and the many A faxiner at SacRinger, In Daden, Ila-,tailtan, Ontario. 119 ___ ills that follow in its train, and t1ley 'Germany, kept Ills -Savings of PaPOr I are. Sueczssful always, money and bonds in ,a flour -bin, and For forty years women have been The D.,itish Air Ministry has offer- wondered when be found ralm had telling how Vydia X Pinkham's Voge- A Prizes towd,lilig 111orethan $200,000 table Compound hits restored their for -the beat designs for airplanes and A patent has been issued for a Q,ilk taten, about $15,000 of it, health wheii suffering with femalo ills. seaplanes of vz"lous sizes, ganze face shield to keep dust, ,from _____ _ This accounts for the onormoust dowatid the eyes and noses ,of autemobillats. A "wooden weAdIng" war, Solemn- - !�t. � t�t!tt�t� ni t&t!�ttw �, :�tt W_ _tt�� 1,zed In Wasilington, D.C.. a few day,.i for it froul coast to, coast. If you are No nitla or woman should hobble I - , . .. . , I troubled With an7 ailment peculiar to 1190. Here are the participlintr.: The , PainflfilY about because, of corns whou, ­...", Women whv don t you til din ry. go ,Cert4ln a relief is ,at ha,ud as 1101- . . � "�Yoom, Walter Piue; tha bride, 11h,,t; Pinl<hamls'Vegetable �n ? It is l0wfty'S CLOM Cure. It... I EXX " Ada Oakes; the best uian, RAort I,. , * ; inado from native rots afid heibs ond r,� 1,11rch; the bridesniald, Anna L�_16 ` — �_ ontalos no pareotics or harmful drugs. * I I I Laurel; the preacher, thp Rev. Osear - I _ I Soib or rot tonotig sh"p w3.q I I BREAIKUPA-Co 'D. IT. Wood. To malie the "wooden Vav- W-Tor �41ftlal I. dvi er women are askm to brought to <;reat BrBltain from Spain . ; or'! complete the couplio went to Ifick- , ' 0 1 ftite t ie Lydia L. Pinkliam. Atedicilie 1.4 the %*Ign of Queen ," Mary, Re- I ory, X. C., to spend a week 'wit'a tlik'l Co., LymT, Mass, Ilie rogult of forty ,Ooke*s P,xr_ � 'S UTS My 11AVXIN I I I - "!Oats exp�rienco is At your sorvlcl�. , Cording to Sir Vdwud 6 % q 4ast brldemgroom S aunt, Ure. l..". )V. shill- liantinnt4ry 1115tory. �C� �, I . 11'...- I I N I., �� __ , I gle,