The Wingham Advance, 1921-01-20, Page 2f )
I I �. 1-11- � �__ -
-,,.*I.,. . , _ - � _ .,_ � .
JR I ."�A. trade together with tbe least PC*
. sible w,,%trietions. Thirty-nine, uA
I tio4s, wero Teprescutod in ,ilia �Cou�
. CURRENT COMMENT f(TLIAM the 09W,di"s being ,AfessVa
0. V. OasS#lls, ,T. .AL Gundy And �Jagt
____ - � - .
I 4-1 I I I 0 . R 0.11 � III I I � I I' Gutbrie. � .
1, Oxd being e*11ps-od by tuat of tev
I printers Intho woviuce.
� . NVIdw anuou
, I dat nelux himself a candi-
a for Te-elpetion to tile streets-
ville Council, Ileary W. COGIC drop.
ped dead at the public. meeting $01-
lowiu$ nominations in, the Town Hall,
people initheir 001nmunitY. This in-
rium FAZZ Q1P T= POZT,
lie Spoke 0r a, few mit.lutes only
When. without warning, he collipseil
aurrection against the s�anity, and
tile serl'511suess of this situation has
been obtained in -Toronto
De-rember's issue of t1to Itoulld.
conso of a nation is a t,iear indication
Gabriete IYA,ninutlzf� has madR
Justice Viddleton delivered jiidg-
Table, maintains tile ,111gh ztaildard
of the lauaoy of the lPader0,111D Which
. "OU911 trouble for ItAlY and SQUth
illent, w1hereb:? Rev. J. O. L. spr,acIc..
I this Periodical has .Set. and In -Placing
Polshovisin honors. It is character-
astie. that
Vastern Europe to r4nk 111in with
the Mot who burned the -tent lot
1111, Special license -officer, must 'pay
Oscar K Retulax, barlster, ,of NV!Iud,
befor,-�, Its readers the bQ�A avallablle
Of lunacy every hillatle
thinks all -tho rest Of the world
, pie
EVIles"S. lie appeared to, be In-
�sor, $aOO damages for wrongful en-
advici,s ci,vileerning tile ".-ffialrs Of -the
Lentito ds deterialned that the whole
%pired by an AntI10117 Hope novel Or
try, and Stanley 1vL Hallaut and W11.
,11am. H. 11allam, who 40compagted
l'impiro. and of the world -as touching
world 041 -11 -he Infect?d w1til the Rus-
a coluic opera. plot, and ,lie bas n.c�
Spracklin, have damages of ;50 each
the Elmipiro, does all absolut-017 e,s-
stall lu=cy, Ills agents are at worlt
rificod *,n ugh blood and treasure to
given against ,them. Moreover, ,his
sentim work without undue Was Or
la every ,country and there are
save tile lives Of the starving chil-
Lordship holds that a f1boatp 4i; not
A "VeI4�10 Upon t310 public
aliship. The Round Table does
, enough) foolish People overywlier,, to
dren of Austria -and 'Hungary, Ills
to use the Phras , e .of lhei' O. T. A.,
Of courso support the Driti,* Con,
give them a large following. Re.
romande idea, of -delivering Ilulne
'which ,ruling may have notable ,eon-
nection, but it does so with modma.
volt and rebellion are advocated and
aPpears to -bave beLin based On a mis-
Sequences oil tbo Windsor frontier.
tion, and judgment. It a,locepts Mr.
Duncan Hall's "main conclusion that
lit ,our �close�packod civilization it Is
a-PP701lew-lon, and the people of
According to -the statement just
less thall Its vhy�jcal ak8-111), - can
be improved by soidlitilAIC'
each ,to Sew the mind and prepare
Flulne, were well the
made Publ4o by the Canadian i,Paolt1c
some further nieclianh,',ni, for co-oper-
the; harvest of the w1hir'-wind. Geu-
work like bl44e$, Pay taxes honestly,
"" ' 'y' earplugs for November
ation is necessary to keop tile peo-
pies or the Brlti�h Commonwealth a
oral Huffman, who, seat Lenlae, into
Mecl:Wy ,the won'thy, ,Save ,11ke
Iletty Cxreen� and that the , 31MIeWs
sll.,�,','a'd all Inprease of $1,223,201, or
about 43 per cent, over,those t -or the
united force in international politics."
Russia as a, means. of breaking down.
Russian resistance to Germany, now
arraugements made for thele, and ex-
corr spoudilix period a year ago, $4, -
OT3,0clo, an excellent showing Ill tho
It gives its re-asons-_'Vi. '411
'It tile c
confesses that. he had anderated
cept for a few were quite satisfied to'
light -of the ,poor showing ,made ear -
tinned unity -of the British Common-
I.sellille's Volver for evil and 1,neltber
fill In ,with the p'aus proposed. The
,Iler in the year, Last Monith. .tile
tile compxny�s net profits followed
wealth of nations is n7ceepary to tile
laiew nor fo.-esaw the dan ger to bu-
May Or tile city after the Surrender
gain In October, when net earnings
freedom tot Its peoplm -and to the
maulty, from tile consequences of this
+0 General 'Caviglift, supplanted
showed an increase of $2,153,040, or
progress of nuiriLindi" and that. be-
JOILMOY Of 1110'shevI.,sla to Russia."
D'Anautizio In the ne,gotiations and it
44 per cent.
,cause it is the freest and most ire-
The dauger now Is Ilmatuent and
is to be hoped Viat 411 Parties will
The select toulmittee salaries of
sponsible Commonwealth. in. the,
m e thrown, this
remain satisfied. Ali ,open. door and
meinbe-rs Of Parliament have report-
Nrprld it 4'arouses the itnottlity and
year It the world IS, not to be plunged
free ,entry to tile POrt wth -a gaaran-
ed againe't.Lany increase fm the pres-
jealousy of less advanced civiliza-
into a chaos ,of violence and barbar-
tee again,,t disturbance, should be
Ont al."O'Nance Of '44-00 a year -but
tions, and has the duty of ftelplag to
ism. ,Leuiva is quite frankly push-
S ff1clontly satil;factory.ferms for any
11 I
.recommends that inemb(-ra be wrant-
ed -transportation tree
protect and eflucate in the arts, of
Ing Ills policy -of overthrowin.- every
city which 1.110
I urislies chiefly on Its
I ,%lid
postage, � I
selt-gove=ment those ba0mard -peo-
,.bourf-M-11.3" government, and of us-
tranclent trade, both of imports and
ples who are not yet capable, of stand-
Ilig the Same governments where ,lie
, exports. As the gate%6," of the
Drompton Pulp & Pap�r Colnpaliy's.
. ,Ing i'oue.11 It is this very attitude
eali to advance his aims. lit Egypt,
states- in it -5 liluteEand it is impor-_
earnings for the past year are eq,ual
howi�ver like that Of Joseph whiell.
ia *Turkey, in Z%Iesopotamla, in Per-
ta,at that no barrier should Iretard
to $9.57 Per ShaTO of liew stock arid
are equivalent to an' increaso
;%nuoyed his brethren that leads the
sia, In India, as well as in .the West-
their access to the Sea, and thl'- Paint
,tile business done 0. year ago of 70
"backward peoples" to, ,say. "Shalt
VrA. nitiows-, not omitting tile United
bis been met.
I 11
per cent. In the statement mZ
ti,ou Indeed feign, Over us" or shalt
States and CtLr.ada, this Subtle and
public Ibe company's American sub,
V-,om ,-d have domintcoll over
us?" It Is difficult for the other ntt-
-destructive propaganda is being ft-
. I
-sidiarles' eaxiiings have not been in�
eluded, but4t Is stated thut they are
tions to believe In the disinterested-
ta,blished aud everywhere the 4gnar-
.,%at aud tile lnexpe�leuced ,are bein,
,,v �
hbD11t equal to those of the parent
company. . ,
Ress 'Of Ctle r�'rltlsh C'ommokew�alth a's
lared into
� �_A
the Round Table ,expands their
antag3litsin agaist ,tile be"t-,
-ter informed and the initiated. Lonine
'4't -SHORT M,
Miss Ellen Clement a -ad Andrew
policy� The Only answer to this Ob-
jection is the demonstration. -of ab-
<'311110t; exPect tocarry on for another
V , $�
White pupils of the fourth and third
classe's Ill Milton public S'chool diave
Solute disinterestedness which would
year without some kelutarceme-ut of
each beau: awarded a gold atedal by
the Provincial Vire Maxshal fox their
to 0111"111,ce these
authority, so that it - Is reasonaWe
.0. ,0-
,V I M
4 �,
essays "Ptre Prevention
be necessary
critics, and it must be confessed there.
. to'expect. this year such an effort Oil
i the
4-., -Y �
.0 ,
Prize on lit I
Home and Factory." i
is a sarlous, difficulty here,to be met
The article is on -,Tbe, Pass:
D'art of Bolshevism as will Sum-
mon all the forces of law and order
St _
- ,
-, -_ "
I %_ confidential ,report regarding the
Lit -Christendom to withstand.
Av.",V -^
, .*4�x"
. , >'y
�J� ,
,"t;,3eV>> ,E�,
reorganization of t -lie Post ottice De-
Ing of Woodrow Wilson" for NVIXOM it
. .
, . � ,
paxtilient has been placed in 'the
toresees postha'210"'fftule." Wood-
Willialit 1. Vale, Deputy Superia-
'tendent of Insurance and Registrar
-hands of the sub -committee of th4
Cabinet by Griffenhagen ,and Assocl-
ro-%v WilSon has been all auStere
Of PriOrd!Y Societies for the Ontario
a tes Limited. If this -report Is adopt-
XpIrst Citizen, but lio, More austere
0overnmont, passed away at his
eq, it unofficially learned it will
taan Washington. He has beea, an
It Is perhaps less widely known
home, Tc"uto. The 11ate �Nlr, Vale
mean the dismissal of 300 W�Ipioyees
obi%tilla,te executive, but ,.to more, ob-
titan It ou,-,Iit to ba, that the Interna-
waa lit Ills 71st -year and was, shortly
,ill Und a -tho0ough over-
stinate than Lincoln. Like them; lit,
tion -a-1 Fininclal �Ccllfarencs at Brus-
to have retired upon superannuation
under t1w Act vi last HIS
hauling of the department, The
claim I made in the report, it Is
has Well reviled. Likethem, he IlAo
UIS tilree Months ago V.Is emPhati-
death wAs due -to heart trouble, fro mi
stated,11that the expenses of the de -
been chaarged with treason in office.
cally a peace conference, and usei!
wblcii he had b6en suffering for some
partment can be reduced -$300;000 -an-
Like them, he has been a Supremely'
the strongeet argument against vva.r
nually. The report Is not likely to
lonely man." of his successor it
thst finance knovirs-the wor:d can-
Tilt, United States has opene� ue-
be made Public. until the coming ses-
'to' Of 'PELrlian�eut, Griffenhagen
says: I*Ths Senator is a mill tiftY-
not afford it. "Tha Statements pre-
gotiAtions With Great Witain and
'and Associates, Limited, 'have been
five ",a-rs Old, of ,mediocre ability,
gented to the conference show that,
France for Immediate Payment of In-
working -for .some mouths on the Post
-of limited vision. of no e_perlen�oa lit
on an averagle, some 20 per,cent. of
tcrUlit Gil thn$9,50000,000lo-Ls made
Office Depaxtment, evolving aselleme
,large ,affairs, and of a ireactiouary
the national expenditure is still b,.
to those countries daring t�7e war, As
of mwganization.
firal undwrtook the reorganiza-
turn of mind. Ile has a0aixent]T -no
iiLg devoted to the maintenafice of
Yot however, the ilegatlati(ws have
mei with little success.
tiou of the Printing Bureau, whicil
grasp whatever .of ,economic prob-
armaments a -ad to preparations fov
I .
led to the disnilisal of ove ,O
r - 0 oin-
.ems. He has ,shown no,k4oclal sense
wair. The conferonce desires .to a:-
7ho Chatham Chamber Of C0111- I
I p'oyees in that institution.
except of a paternalistic kind. M
firm with the utmost oulphasic; that
Incree is complaining to the.;Govern.
. Doctors will have to out' down on
has given no indication that he au-
',*a world cannot afford this expen-
me,r.t -of a certain number of Inimi-
Rquor prescriptions, "
derstauds the infinite ,comPI?4tY or
dit0rel." IN;ext is recommended tile
grtnts who coinje to the country as
farin laborers -and who after iVorking
The Ontario board of.license com-
foreign affairs, or thD.t he has any
ea.rliest Possible abandonment of a',l
R Couple of weekk�4on the farm fill alily
missioners has sent out two letters
notifying all the medical practitioners
Icnoydedge of the obscure sources of
and artificial meas-
drift to the cities to take'Positions In
in the ..Province. to take heed.
war. He Is a kindly dignified gell-
tires which conceal from -the people
factories. NIVIalle believing In the
Tile first letter stated that hore-
tleman. 'whh,, faculty of bringing
the -true -economic situation.,, Pro.
VO:'oY of encouraging the lmmigrlt-ti0a
of -taxin laborers the .Chaniber Is op-
after 100 will be the upward 1hpit of
' I
man together.' All the Couserva-
duction, to the limit, both outhe part
posed to furth�" cOngtfsting tile it-,-
Prescriptions per month to be Is -
sued, and anything more than this
tive influences In the country are
of capital and of labor, was insisted
dustrial centres. I
number will be subject to Serious
put on horseback by his ol,ectlon. -and
on and a willing acceptance eslx-olal-
.1 �
question. .
lie himself would have it so." Those
ly by the wealthy, of ',the charges
D. J. Md�oown, one di North tay's �
This warning. was supplemented by
who wish to understand n9YPt, ft-
necessary to -remedy the present Sit-
oldest and best known residents wgs
found de�,d in his ,Office in the ,;%,�_
a, seMild letter stating tliat, " while
100 -is the upward limit the issue of
ternnAlonal finance, the, Aug'OJaP-
a2ttOn." After this came "thi� duty-
Xeown block. I .
,50 per -month will* I)e 'iregarded as
anese alliance and the problems of
os' eve -7 VatriDtle cifil-ven to practice
high, and that 25 per month will be
the United Kingdom. India, Mead',
the ,str'eteist poss'.ble economy! Snob
- -1 _
S. BE. Paterson, Dir 4,_ t,W 6.-- -----
ec i I�ands
deemed a fair average.
.lei and NeW Ze.a-
Australia, South Af-
private actioa befa.- "the Indispev-
arid TAan,s of the Soldier Settlenteut
J. Bernard Dyllyn (Edwin Duna),
land cannot igaore these perspioac-
oibl-%3 basis for the, fiscal measuZes
X:oard, has xelinq1tished that position
and will return to pL-Ivate life. He
'wldeIY known yea,rz ago as a bar!-
loni and pars:Ocuous pageo,
required 0 resto."e publ c finances."
Nvi'll reside in Victoria. .-
tone singer on the variety stage and
The last reccrinnondation was to-th�?
the first acter to popularize'the song
`States� which have been created or
A signa* honor has come to MISS
"After the -MLIM' was found deaa
from asphyxiation in his liame in New
In thit prpscut Y,Iar t! 1921 VIP, Ire
enlurgod is the re6uits of ,tile wnT,11 I
Iliary L�)gaa Cowan, of the Depaxt-
York. .1
iMely to ex.-erlence ,,it-,* ful.1 0roi�. of
which P..-acticanvr Include% all th., I
Alli�,s and those in tile T,sjtgae of Xa_
litelpt,of Pathology, University of To-
'.rjnl,o lit lile award to -her or a Beit,
. - .
A call to the George Robinson ,Nle.
tho re,1�11011, after the war in social
ti,,�iw, thal. they "shoula at once re-
Memorial rellowship of the an'lltal
v,ilue (:f 4-400, tenable Ffor three,
Inorial Methodfst ,eAu'rah In London
�abuflllilc;j and ag.tation. The tre-
AVI'lith MR �;hakc(i
ostals*illih full and frIendly co-oDVa-
ye&r�A- The award Of this fellowship
has been. accepted by Rev. Win L
Hiles of Highgate, subject toth;. ap'-'
Me- (17 vloience
resull, OIL the Oer-
tiva and arrange for the unrestrictodl
V!Mllls Clat Cowan will engage
in .-d!-1_I
proval of the stationing committee
bu'urml."+y as ziae
lntercl�ango olf e,pm=d�tie�s in ordc.r I
research lit the Llstmr In-
of tile couler nce.
man cutbreak cf 11,11-1 h.' -'z found its
last Vlbrat;ou in t,h-,) 011-
that the v.,;sential unity of Eurap '
1Z,.tdto for Preventive �Njedtelne I in
'd,, -n,. Eng"and. She leaves for
pcsj,(� pale of aWG,zracy antong the
, I
econoluic .'!to may not bo impaired
bi- tile -ereotloa of artifle,4%all �Pconeznfd
�,Iaud c-arly In the 'New Year.
Miss Cowan was born In Zeaforth,
The stage coach gave way to tbe
anaTellic, rae, despz�vate, the crimillod.
b:,.rrN:.,,." Among ,other points Poled
Ontaria. and was educated In the
railway, and the sailitir, ship to the
steamer. Thinking along the same
L�nine j!j Russia is thj� Lucifer Of
*a`cl that In future "loins that are r?-
public sellool and the Collegiate In-
_o!itI1tp 0o -,at town, She gradu-
lineq, many peop"e Prophesy that the
thl% ;nf��rjio, an,1 whatever ldeil=
or allcged plillainthmipF he or Ills fe,-
Quired for urgent can-Ital purposvi
L"ked in ArN at tile University of To.
horse will- give way to, the motor and I
become extinct. More careful In -
low-,,ra profms, his aetlonr, work out -beN Blet �But V! the riml smving�.-
. .to in IM, taldug fk,qt-clam ban-
orz� in puysiology and bio -chemistry.
Vestigation -of the facts goes to shwg
,of the Pt,cDI0; the firs" step to rais-
it) px2c�ly the sarde results as the
In lttl% slt:� graduated in iftediclue
that this is a fallacy, Per fast road
ing fresil .1lioney must be to fun�d file
fJj:-.,- ,phrases and "kultur" ot Wil- �
aud was appointed fellow In bacter.
travel the car is certainly more ef-
fleletit than horse traotl3n, but for
-undigested Boa -Ung obligations; in-
helm it. The tendency kao been to ,
111tiOn. IS in fact an unscientific gaill
1.)Iagy for the se�slon Of 1919-20. This
,.',Ession she has held a special re.
farm work It would seem that the
Ignerv, LE,ninc Or to find in him the , -adjusted methad Of taration-,
Ill tile
1,01arch fellowship �u the Department
horse can at )east hold his own, Next
to litan himself the horse is the .1nost.
1)(S1!,i',- y of S -,eat Ilat'a'.1il _Wnd Soe-
It ,effect being to int,ensify the rise in
efficient power unit in existenco.
Ial aciflevenipilts. lit threek yf,ars tile prices; the toafformce did not. roe-
'Wherever Power Is needged to move
has v�rcwght 9, viork,_-� ilt?_,"nlatiml La ,ommeud any n,tteiapt to stabillize tile
Provine;ml Gas Conimissionor I', S.
1!',�tn that tile. cold
leads across fields or. through coun-,
try lanes, there Inevitably come mo-
, -_L, I
P�7*. _
_ . -,han Wilh4n, Aid in lilrance. value of go!_d "and gravely doubts
-stat,��d recent
uealhr,r 1?'.,d made, it necessary to
ments when the Dower required to.
in 'Ajur. What �ml rot iln&.mtoad L; whef3ler any Such attempt could sut
:S:�'-Alt, -111 "nier oil the -gas compan-
move tile load beco;nes twice or three
thal -hc,se ferc-�,, V",*k woot throun't ceed," central banIrs of ksue should
�P,-. 1,r%hlbl�kg th,,3 ilso Of gas lor
timer, the normal. The wheels dip
hurn-wi agents ,am, ju-_,� a�t r�?ce�,;at 11 0 entabllsbed vrlierc,, ,giolle 40xiRt;
*�.,2atinq pah.'Ic buildhigo. tictuding
Into P. mud hole cor got up lagMnst a
-� �
,.N, -k ,ua _�!
lrl"� 'L% f�" '(.'(`ct�'�"ty' cred,,L�, ae=NwDt for tonside".ations of
rnh-;ay prpml��es, churches, linEs -or
!,_,wn-, w�A far cellooll purprsp,;i,
!rock. In Such a, case the motor Is
stalled, but title horse is not. Tho
.1, , I
Tlt,y aro evil Lw p'a,,r;,?, li�i-ilelic�' buwalOty, edould nat bc,� iaeeDrilcil by
1*Fa'�'-7C-,. 0w. -4-11 hidu�.triai Intpi
.. --
lion. e can. at a Pinch and for a Short
.1 L "' 1'.rOM ar,� ev"
I Thc,y nre Te-
.- governments dimetly, but ,credit I.;
,?.,.'.�- ivIll b�- smpendrd if tli(, pms-
period, exert a pul* three to f3ur
g,nr&�d w4 scf)urg , �
,,t,v. but w_ail 411inse*f WMAY nned0d all(I f.�r - d
'; ' gl' t,v; to a point where dwue-Alc
' "" "
t1ines greater than usual. Also
. , extende
1.�, ��tvwuf-.,Up !or thili,., ov`cl�ay. i terms. I,L_Aw!�,�*# ,caan,�Irj��g prepav,,�d ,
vt�A:*,, i�4 interfered wiffi.
a hmse last% lorger tkall a motori
The N?o of the average tarm tractor
"M, ..
I I , y &-no ;)- 2n C,! !!�,, ora'..";'.1 si,�'MGII- '
ixi�t, a!,t#1 r -I" "`oV-7'r3tk'- It %VOuld eLPI'Mr 611t
d' ma,t �'
all "himself "i
?v.Pqtn,aiz1er Lemou QSthnatp(l that
is not more than thnee ta four years.
A horse begins work at thrae years
. ,,rccd,
nrg�;t, tount,mact, aad uoutraliv,3 thoill i
e Pcolox., worl�ed as Itard in r,�n" as
thoy did -&riag v'ar
:%,.,.�;i.�-i '>ttr�rq have been inalled lit
'1'"rc'f9 4)vO�- Christmas-
and Is good for nine or ten yenrs of
y 4tn'1gJ1t�'nn1f1
Ir '
- ,:It, V,'I'_,dtJr1J, un,S,Iltl�_l '-
JV'O P�110uld lift've
Velity cf evc,ryt'Aing but it 1�, np,,�eg_
us,^ful toil. And another -point in
laV4Gr 11 .tha� ' (,Ire 19 no 11C-avy bill
�11'1815 ,,lid U111dw's. Tlkio es'll foreo-1
SIrY ,W Work q.9 ilia"
rd far Production
.'41auagen,; of Torolim poolrooms
for repairs. Still another point wbich
CIV 110 MOTO VITICNIle M&T Lellin,8
as '.t W,%!) f,)r &Strueflaft. A pamPlIXt
-(Ilnurt that tile Jw", ce mid w-,c,k
1.3 worth the farmer's 4considezation
than unilcer Wilbelai, but many ,ato
,coMtatr,!1ft1,,* the Iteport agid Resoln-
liar, vid their rooms ior an undestrable
eleineut wbo us#4 to congregate In
Is the borsol's ,contribution to the
fertility or the fields. A dratt horS6
dr,luded atid pi:rSuaded 1010 f6llowl"
Vans of Pie coafe.r(.11ce -has been Imb-
produces seveml, tons of manure, nit- I
thn autoevwy undor the gui,zo or tho
lished by 6,4 TRagoo 0! .,qatl"h*3 ilyll.
, I
litially, a. motor none sit all,
lower whirit they rejected under ,the
ter and may be 1111 from Hodder Zz
Wi'llant 3. Reynolds, foreintit In .
guise of the upper clldss lea&.T41hip.
It is 0-986atial that thi-I
the news room of ,the Srockville
Upeorder and Timm eompletea
7Ata Mehmed, of -1ronstailtinoplo,
V60 St the 696 Of 149 used ter toil 11
Ith ought to be a tufflelt,nit wNtning
Pftple tverywh,sre, it ,they da lio,4 ,
47 yeam In the teryleb of that tew,$-
reporteft 1h#A 11* felt youn4w Ckyory
to the world In senoral that the first
want flyliftation to corAe, to ruin.
p_%pt,r_ 116 joined� the %ewsj*per in
day, is IV. Zora fis now 146, %nd It
thing that taonln,ei followers do 1% to
j%Wll,1 Study th4 report ,and lftr.l to
1973 when It was undor the 41roction
=tf#M4X from ludlosdoii. Ho,
VI all the educat.,M lind Intolligent tut f"'at tlt,6 i;etv,
i W.I'. Stu% face the
of colott6l David Wylie, and hX4 rd -
31141fted WIVA it tfttJAV*M%Y, 3116 t00-
it On, S ak,64P tot of ftl$6 teeth 416
UOVW tw4aty roo" ago.
1. ,,-,------.--A- W 1�
I ff q
-W , I I , I --- � I—— I -1- I—— 1_11-
P .
yNic Health W-1
, .", T _.ks
(By Dr. J. J. Middleton),
PrOyInC141 Board of HeOth.
Question*, Penginhio to M010,11 OV*00 Will 150 Anowored In This
PRPOP If Letter# Are Sent to Or. J. .J. Mildlerton, Parliamont
. 4vildings, Toronto.
Z"atally detective People in largo
Ore a great hindrance to tbwe� who
4r-8 roaming at large
throughout RIO Province, spreading
are norma:1. Not only do their habits
an end
disease And 'reproducing their own
d4fective kind, Abundant proof of
of but tile olars work
Is hindered by the co-iningung of lie
tile serl'511suess of this situation has
been obtained in -Toronto
two grades of Intellect. There should
and Other
cities by 800al 4iervice workers who
-be In every ,school district a special
class for mental deTeedirps who could
'11TO making .extensive lavestigat,lons,
Along the lines of mental hygiene.
be delt with separa,tely by a teacher
'Heredity -Undoubtedly .plays a big
SPeciallY ttrailied ill mental bygieue,
These children would Inoluil e,
Dart In this eondition ,Of detective
AlentalitY, for although the,re are ex�
who are dull -or Slow-witted, those
I thievishly Inclined, those alway%,get-
0000118, It Is natare's habit to repro-
I duce in kind. How 4hen,
thig -Into mischief which seems to
can this
State of affairs be rectified? A
take ttem unawares, The classes
of school children might indeed be
-scheme based on Medical BXamina-
tion to
further graded �Y �f.jclantlflc methods,
Prevent mentally detective
PeOP18 from getting married, is be-
and Progress noted as -the result of
special ,training,
Ing thought out, but this would only
deal In, pa;rt with tile problell, as tile
'More Varle,ty Needed.
question Of illegitimacy bas to be
Forelillftell of school age and old -
considered. UallY Of tile illegitimate
er, there is not at present a suffic-
children born have. mothers who are
Vent number of variety of institutions
distluctly below tile Par of average
to accommodate the cases varying
111011tal capacity, as social -service
from mental defects to Imbecility,
worlKers find out Ill -dealing with Such
Por Imbecile,", -and definitely feeble -
cases. This, no doubt, app!jes also
Minded there to -provision made -
to many -of tile fathers of such chil-
. public aptnion -has recogniz6d -the
� d"Oli, and a tremendous task thus
confronts those who aTe endeavoring
RecesSity for It, but for the higher
,grade of mental defeetives who In
to haprove, the condition of bulualitt y
many respects are bright and siom-
both mentally and Physically,
!pgly intelligent, nothing has been
I . ,Can So Improve,.d .
done. Amd yet this class, of people
, .
Ono Point, howeyer, that should be
is altaost as 9flultea Menace -to the
c0111muultY as Is the ,criminal. The
eraphaslze,d is that whatever -part
heredity P14" in tile child's,
Toronto. Psychiatric Clinic, conducted'
. condition at bil't-11, Its Allonta-litY no,
a g -roup, Of pil -
ysicialis, psyobolog
Ists, and W -certain association which
less thall Its vhy�jcal ak8-111), - can
be improved by soidlitilAIC'
takes a scientific interest in mental
care and
feeding during the early months and
abnormalities, ir, t-onducted at
present In tile iou�twpatlent`s wing. of
years of it.% life, The human brain
develops VerY rapidly in Infancy and
tile Toronto General Hospital. The
childhood Much more rapidly than
thi body,'and hence
-come from the -Public schools,
tile Juvenile Courts, Industrial Homes
-the argent ,rieed
for sufficitat nourishment of tile
raid various other Institutions
throughout the city,. and provide e' -V
right kind, during this criiical stage
Of 1111111all life. At tive years of age,
Cel1011t clinical material, 93ut this
only touchez the fringe of wbat is -to
about U'Lettrao when a child begins to
90 to Its -brain 'Capacity
be done, The prOblelli Is Province-
0011001 has to
Wide, indeed it is -a national and Ill -
, a. certain extent arbready -been deter-
minea. From this -can
tornational problem, Science call go
.0119 readly
see ]low important is a scheme of
so far but public opillion Must ho
awake of
hed t,�, conle to the support
chi, wOlfate that will Include tile sn-
PerviSioll Of infant feeding
science before very, great advances
from -the
time -the -child is� born, and so coun-
can be made. 11%91des, the prob'em
will have to be approached front -tile
tGract ill some degree any defects of
Preventive as well as -the curative as -
School children with low mentality
Peet, and- many difficulties will have
to be surmounted. .
9 X n 7' 71-7
. �
"The Man With the Lalnp," Pub -the author's present eclilevements.
lished by J. 411. Dent'A- Sons, 1,NUddle-aged, charming, alia infinitely
the Christmas gift books
mentioned briefly in this ,column. was
CaP:,I):e, lirs, Abercrombie takes all
! acE�e and wise and often amusing
Man With the Lamp," by Janet
i 1�and in the affairs -of every soul in
Laing, YOU Will remember I said
then it was worth a longer review
' trouble -a contmet certain to in -
I clude, from time to -time,
than that given it -jyhen space was
precious. It Is a, very unusual book,
every- per -
son she evell mee,ts, At the moment,,
she *311 lie � r way to assume
dedicated to the "True, the Beautiful,
ellarge of
the Psychic tutor, too deeply absorbed
the Good among the Accused, 11 palut�
i in Psychic Phenomena to heed Stich
the traige4y -of the German 'who has
material neede, -as dinner and there- ,
remained a human ,being, who sees
by causing sore distress to Ills good 1
the deeds Of Ills ,country as all other
'geotch landlady at 'kVood End.
human beings see them, yet who
' 'GefisroaslY irefusing to know more
h d by tile loyalty
- of -the stranger her
to which lie has been bora'ind bred
at gates. that that,
110 is pwiniless, in trouble. and trying
and by -tile memor7 of the ,older Cier-
many Of the .poets and musicians,
to f lad ,his old "tutor, silo takes him
i with her to Wood End, whither the -
,Granting, as many People will' per-
tutor -has retired to pursue Ills stud-'
,haps be unwilling to grant, -even for
the 6k�� -of argumPirt, Ahe possible
les, in a peace not to be interrupted
by huni&-unt
existence of such PerniAlls, it Is -clea.T
such 1hings as meals.
Here the 40211PIlcations begin, -and
that here is, a new tlieme of unlimited
here tile tragedy takes �placo.-_ioc. ban -
possibilities for ambitious authors,
al tragedy of betrayal of friendship,
�Such was the theme -of "Priendly
,but the tragedy of the Gerinan's own
Enemies," and ouell will be the theme
of endless volumes yet unwritten.
soul, which is tragedy to the -end,
"The 'I'lan With, the Lailip" Is all
unmarred by the haPPY ending which
-critics decry and readers adore.
able haudling of -this theme by an
Tragedy though it 4a, however, tile
author witb a, keen. and kindly eye for
,tragic element is counterlmlanced by
human nature and a gift et,goatle sa-
so innoll that it human and -normal
tire, We meet -the German ,before
and even �humorous, that the final
the war as a finely sensitive lad.with
Impression of the book can hardly be
a genius for music, educated in Eng-
tragedy, however deeply we may jeel
land and .traveling in Scotian& with
the cruelty of a hard fate undeserved -
an English tutor * who is himse.'f all
by thA person on who'll it falls. There
eccentric genlus bent On flivestigat-
is the ,engaging ,episode of Old Ellen
Ing the mysteries of the ,subconscious
and Young Ellen, who is. "no' so
mind. We meet blill again four years
Young herself'." -and young BlIell's
later east ashore from a wrecked sub-
suitors, all deftly, Sketched and all
M&TITIS at that VeTY point Of the
convincingly and ,onteftaingly Scotch,
Scotch coast, Rathiless, -whaza he had
'Mrs. Abercrombie herself, for all he,
previously Joutneyed with his tutot
generous kindness of heart, is no less
on a holiday.
tile mark for certain delicate shafts
At this point, the thread -of his
Of satire. The Story moves, Ta,pidly
story loins ,the other thread of Vithl.
and carries .the ,reader. with it -not,
interest in ' the book the story, ,of the
perhaps, to great heights or unknowti,
delip-litful 'Mrs. Ab�rcromble whose
depths, but along a Pleasant highroad
character and'experlences in war.
"whers the race of men go by.,,
tints England are auloufg the best of
__ -1. .
_ . 1%
. --..,. ___
I . - ... , ,
eral party; -difficulties over labo-
.and questions. In the .spring
NEW EA1R1SPB"1H[jy1C`11Ia
will come an Impent of finan-
nd ,cominiercial conditions I'lld a
decrease In
the number of divorces.
A thanga ,of Govornment will ,come
dinling the stillamer ,,lad possibly i i
uDture of the alliances now ex- I
l8tRnt, which wl't Seriously embarass
Vh�-, country for a time, 111-11te fall
there will be grave financial diffl-
eultles with a incilace, of baill.:Tuptey
St-rious politle?l and labor tromblez,
and a statesman's ,.ire lit danger.
witil President W4san's- life ondark-
----,-.., � .1 I
-,ned, are Pa:t of Ameriea:s fortune
#V�i .9-
-..---I-- ............. __
tor Ma. - Alauaoli) Ve V11W . ,
vea*ced" at Paris re-er-atly. �
Madame Do Teleme, successor to
the Ipe8cient. illa-dame Do Thebes ' af- '
ter. long study of tile st"as, predlefed
today what Is in store for tbo weed,
next year. The fates bave mixed �,
bitter medlelities for alOst of the sa�
tiolis, zha said. Sh�3 lound -theso,
things In eight; i
Englillid-SerAICS *eCOTILOMIC alld SO-
elsil difficulties. I
Lolglum-International worries. i
Italy -A revoluntary tittempt. i
spain-A meet troubled Industrial 1
portagsti-A '"Volution.
Turkey-Dialuemborment. i
Itiassit-IticrAmsed disorder with I
o present regitne Imperilled exid �
Leiria" Ore tnd4tng&red. I
Y'l"o&-rUthOr 4114Aft Of ill$ 00
. .
11 liv
ROOM lir
W,lk tire 09ents for the Apple.
"T 'COUnter Mtck Book (,,a,
6" oltr samples and get
prie" before orderlug.
W!"Oftm, 06t
rhm Advance
. Published at g � -
. IZV,dry Thuroday MornirkI.
A- 0- SMITH,' Publisher.
Subscription ratos:01le Year,
$2.00,; six months, 41,00 In a4vance.
Adveivislifk rates on application.
Advertisements without 80001fle di.
Teotiona, will be Inserted until. fetbid
and charged accordl4gly,.
Mangos for contract advertise -
Monts be In the office 1hy noon,
-=_=!___11' _M����
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Rstablished 1940,
1-1044 'Office, Guelph,
Risks. taken On all classes Of Insur.
able property on the cash or premium
note system. I
A93ND R, CO,SMS, Agent,
�_ - - - ___ . — _� -,
Office, Mayor Block, Winpatn.
' -, R. VANSTONE . �.
. fflon4y to loftn rut ,lowest raUs.
I WINQHA,M. ....,
D.D,,,S.. 1,,D,,% '"
DOCtor of Dental .Surgery . of the
Pennsylvania College and , Ucentlate
of Dental 6,argery of Ontario.
'Closed Every Wednesday Afternoon,
'Offibe In Macdonald f3look.
13R. G. H. RUSS
Oraduate Royal Coliqge o,f Dental
Surgeons. r
Graduate University & Torcwto
Faculty of Dentittry.,
T___ '
S.Sc., M.D., cm.
Special attention pa4d to diseases,
Of '"rom@n ,and Chlldr�n, having --
taken DOStgraditate work Ill Sur- -'
eery, Opacterlology and ,Scientific
I . Medicine.
Offic-0 in the Xor,R, residence, between
,the Qbeen'00,HOtel and the,13-aptl$t
I Church.
All business givIen careful attention,
tPhone 64. .P. 0'.1sox 113,
. I --.--,--. _
I �
D R. R 0 8 1. C. K" E D"M 0 i 4"
� . .1, I
� 1M.140C.S. .(Eno). I
L.RX.-P. (Loftd). . �
I (Dr. Chisholm!s old stand). I
Graduate of uiliverslt,y of Toronto,
PlaelfltY of Medicine, Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Surgeons. .
-64ond D60P *orth of Zurbriggts
. Photo studio.
� . — :
. On%
I ,-:) E L L'
Town and Farm' propfttles. Call
and see my list and get my prices. I
liave some -excellent V.AlAloS, �
Phone 134. Office in Town Hall.
I-- _
, I
, ,
1. A. FOX, ,3,9.0 -
Chiropractic locates and removes
tAle 0,11se of dlseasz�; nature heals.
Chiropractic is the only, and original
8V'st-ell, of spinal adjustment. Vf
fiective in 05 er cent. of all cases.
TIle Only fulliquallfled graduate of
both -Chiropractle and ostooDo.thy fix
North Ilar6ii. * .
IP110110 191. Hours, 2,51 and 7-8 P.M.
losteolAtIlle "Phystolan, only qualified
obtooDath In Notth Huron.
Adjustment ,of the spine is More
quickly SPMred and With fewer treat-
111011ts than by any otMa, method.
D100d Vessure and other exillilintV
tions, made.
All diseases tresaed.
!!!! fttl!!�,�t*W"--,-"Wt%"!Lo�-AE�-!�! -
18and oid . Iff,-tent rotors va be fed
through &aew penoll for children to
,enable therl to arAvr outline pl-ct%ireb,