HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-20, Page 1. `44,i
Senior H
$Ingle Copies - Folir Cents
"The Biagoot Little Show"
Thurs., Fri. and Sat.
"'Do, Luxe Annie"'
from the play of the same name by
Edward Clark.
Matinee Saturday at 3.30 p. m.
10c and 15c
2 reels Christie's Comedy SRedal
-Go West Young Woman
NOTE:- De Luxii Annie being a
special in 8 reels. there will be jyst
one performance Saturday evening
at 8,20.
Usual prices.
Coming -Mon., Tues. and Wed.
Big All Star Special
stirring ttory of the sea.
'I'The Mutiny of the
Danger and high adventure, with
one strong man against two -score
in a fight to preserve a woman's
honor, A drama grimly played
beyond sight bf land, on the face of
the fathomless deep.
"The Mutiny of the Elsinore",
will be the feature at "Pantages",
Toronto, the largest and most
beautiful threatre in the British
4�1 Empire, week of Jan 31.
Also Mon., Tues. and Wed.
Final episode of "Private Gold".
Usual prices
No News,That Week
A missoud editor apologize; to hi's
lreaders for the lack of news as follows,
vhich shows the trials to which a country
editor is subject: "We expected to have
a marriage and a death, but the violent
atom prevented the wedding and the
doctor being sick himself the patient re-
otivered, and we are accordingly. cheated
out of both items.
NkUCTION SALF_-Varm, Farm Stock And
A Implem4iits An Lot 26. Con. 1, on We,rics-
&y Jary. Wth,, 1921, At one oclock. This de-
;&tlo farm And a number of splendid horses.
,ottl- And Implemenbi, The Implements will
I'. sold 1�
laviding the farm does nob reach
zhoreserve, . The oattle will besold without
reserve. Y.As. A. Nionor,, Prop.
R Bitmirr, Auctioneer.
]FOR S.&LF-Bell Orgah In good condition,
ApplY at Tan Ar)vANau,
#VR SALV -Happy th-et Range. in A, I
condition. Appir to ROLD BUCHANAN,
At V iold'g & Co. butehcr shop. '
TYOUND-Ownerean ho-vessme by
gat Tim AbVAN01C.
WOTICF-The Directors of the 'Whitechurch
AM Creamery bes-ebY nodfr all their PatronA
that they ate holill A special meeting In
-the rea ra a 1, 111 itechurc on Priday,
Jan . t at ' k p.m. to oresider Cite
Oil 0 0 er' In the factory next Peason,
a pi 11 invite all Patrons to be
a A so t t la utter may be satlefavlar.
y spos of. M. Ross. 900y.
OA.Zi-We bAVe near of Rood Ontario Oatl;
to arrive this week, Call its and Arrange
to got some off car. We Also have a large
e%ock 61 good'AmOrl" r
UGFOR SAL15--As good as new, a bar-
gain, Apply at. Tug AnL21-11L.
WAI-tTWD-T. Root W-rin c0nt-iril-g 400
Acres with good bialliltugaX Inquire at.
Antku4 Meeting Of Thai Turnhotirry
Agiiietiltur4d Sociat�r *
The annual 3cincting of the TuroborrY
I lecy wl)
I ( �1 iwe, wiligbam, ii May, Janwiry
tit 1921, comeapnoing a L, oMoo % M. for
l, ection of officill, An , an othev businoqi
a a mo lip b"fore Ole tiloottli .
if " lxtw " r&;'
A . S 111111. .13 oy.
Tka secona sunual ineeting of the 8harn.
kolders, of The Aero vu4kion inner Tire &
itabier pompi%ily of Ontario, Limitod will be
Wiekhato, Ont.,
At. two o'cloor. li. m. oil Wedoosdiy, Jan. Mil.
Direotorg for tbb eu,'Ulng YeAt 241
Jack at,b*t he.9100-19 68 WAY
lK*%Nkk before 'tilt) raem'lug.
Wu. Folmitts=%;
u. N, JUDWIf, *dux
**KbAlio, JAN, loth. IWA.
'_ ___1- I ___.__ M t r, I � - - - � __ ;, - _ _ " - , - , , ._ __ - - _.. _ !- "A-0- - � - . - , . - - , - M $! -, ' ' ' � . -I- . !!!2� . , _% _ !. , . ._ - _1 _!
[ockey Match Teeswater vs. Winghaw, in the Wingham Rink, on Friday, January
I. - - -------
St. Paul%' Church Notes tIIG II'SWOOL L11TRARY
20th, 1921
January 23rd., Septuagesimai Sunday.
x0cal Iteme
110. m, liitattins, 2 30 p in. Sunday Following is an account of the program,
School, 7.OG p. m Evensong. Thursday, of the open meeting of Wingharn High
and Mrs. W. J. C;reer are visiting
Jan. 20th Donation Tep, for W A. work School Literary Society. which was held
Mr. W., D, Burke has purchased"ihe
in Toronto.
at the home of Mrs Robert Allan from on Thursday evening, January 13, Rev.
White Cafe' from Z. Lockman.
Mr. E. S. Copeland is attending
3.00 to 5.30. Friday, 4 30 Sunday School Dr. Perrie kindly consented to act as
Dominion Parliament will meet or
furniture exhibition in Kitchener this
Treat. All the children in thQ parish chairman.
Moriday,Feby. 14tb,, Valentine Day,
cordially invited. Ramember--A wel. The program wai opened with at piano
Tne first skating of the season was bv1d
Mrs. 1". 1. lacl�son of Teeswater, spent
cOmeawalts you at St. Paul'a Church, duet, (Representation of an Indian War
in Wingharn rink on Tuesday evening.
a couple ef days, visiting with Wingh am
All seats free. Dance) by Misses Marion Mitchell an d
A I i c e Williamson. Debate -Resolved
Ask for a NyLal Calendar and Weather
Mrs. Marshall and little daughter of
Ustowel Sghoo(s Closed that Canada should have Free Trade with
Chart at Mitchell's Corner Drug Store.
Hamilton are visiting with Mrs. John
The public school, at Listowel, has been the United States. This was the first of
An Arch Meeting will be held in the
closed for a few days in order that it may the series of inter -form debates. The
Orange Hall, Wingham, on Friday even -
Mrs W. M. Scott, Blyth, spent over
be properly fumigated owing to the fact affirmative war very ably upheld by Mr.
ing, Jan. 21st.
the week-erid with her sister, Mrs J.
that a number of the children have con. David Perrie and Miss Agnes Wil.11amson
Dr. I A. Fox, D. C. has been appoint -
Fells, Diagonal Road.
tracted diphtheria, The disease, however who represented Form IV, The negative
ed a director of the Drugless Physician's
Mrs. Paul VanNess returned to Montr at
does not seem to be of a very violent was well supported by Miss Edna Mus-
Association of Ontario.
after visiting with her parents, Mr. and
character, no deaths have been reported grove and Mr, Walter Little, who repre�
We are sorry to state that Mrs. W. D.
Mrs H. Hinscliffe. Mrs, Hinscliffeaccorn.
and the Board of Health is taking every sented Forryi V. Mr. Richard Vanstone"
Burke is at present very !It in the Wing-
panied her ac far as Toronto.
precaution to prevent the spread of the Mrs. (Dr.) Hambly and Mrs. (Dr.) Parker
ham General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs F. M, Eagleson and
disease, acted as judges.
Cheap Sweets 'at Billie Burke's, Z,
daughter of Wlnch,�ster, and Mr and
Mrs. W. E. Eagleson of Rockhaven,
Vocal Duet, by Misses Eva Rintoul
William Sisbee Oaspes Away and Viola Robertson.
Lockman old stand, Chocolates, Creams,
Sqsk., were visiting "at the home of Mr.
Mr. Lawson Bisbet- received the -ad Reading by Mr. James Allen,
Mix Candies, balf price.
H. Angus of town.
news on Sunday that his brother. Will- Piano solo by Miss Irene McDowell.
Wingharn Junior Hockey Team met de.
feat ot the hands of the Lucknow-Ripley
Mr. George Newton� a former haXess
maker at Wir)gham, but for sorhe years a
iam P. Bis let, had expired suddenly at Distribution of prizes to students tak-
his home in London. D -ceased is a form.
Hockeyists on Tuesday. The score was
resident ot Toronto, -where he is in the
ine the highest aggregate in Midsummer
er Wingbarn �Itizen and many friends of Exams. These prizes were distributed by
real estate business, renewed acquaint�
the family will deeply regret his untimely Mr. Brackenbury.
Mr. D. A. McLachlan, president of the
ances in town last week.
death. He is survived by a widow and
Central Business College here, has been
one daughter, Arlie, and one son. Cecil. Mr. J. L. Stepan received the prize of
elected chairman of the Stratford Board
The late Mr. Bisbee was a member in $10 given by Dr. Irwin for student taking
of Health.
Card Of Thanks
good standing of the Wingham Council of highest aggregate in Part 1. Facility En-
The newly appointed officers of Leb.
Mrs, W. 1, Mitchell and family, wish
Chosen'Frien ds, trance.
anon Chapter were installed on Tuesday
to publicly express their thanks for kind-
The funeral was held from his late re- Miss Kathleen Pringle received the
evening, by Ex Comps.. Dr. Tamlyn and
ness and sympathy extended to them
sidence, 484 Maitland street, on Wednes. prize of $5 given by Mr. A. Cosens for
E. J. Nash.
during the - illness and death of the late'
day, Jany, 19th, to Woodland cemetery. student taking highest aggregate in Nor�,
School Entrance.
Miss Doris Fells is supplying as teacher
T. H. Westlake.
It Pays To Advettise
A One Sided Game Miss Edna Musgrove received the prize
in the Lower Wingham School and Mrs,
E. M. buichanari is teaching in the Junc-
"Does it pay to advertise? How those
Wingharn junior hockey team administ. of 35 given by Mr. Dudley Holmes to the
tion school.
two pigs sold before 10 a m. day after
ered the kalsomine liberally on Friday car didate taking highest marks on Middle
Cottage prayer meeting will be held in
paper 'was Cut"./ This is the kind and
to the Teeswater juniors at Stephenson's School Mathematics.
the Salvation Army barjacks on Friday
appreciable note which Mr. W. J.
rink, Wingham, in the first game of the Miss Mary Cosens received the prize of
at 8 p. in. A cordial invitation is ex -
Masters of Bluevale, sent to Taii AD-
series by d4eating them 15 to 0. The $5 given by Mr. C. P. Smith to student
tended to all.
vANcu after advertising pigs for sale in
Wingham goal -keeper was forced to don taking highest aggregate in Lower Scbo,)I.
Mr. Gordon Rintoul, a college st4ent, I
our Jany. 13th paper
an ex!ra sweater during the game. E. Miss Edith Kew and Miss Uldene Mc-
and a former ponular Wingharn boy, con -
Accident'Proved Patal
Murphy of Mount Forest, proved an ex- Lean received the prize of 85 each given
ducted the services in the Belgrave Pres�
cellenereferee and gave satisfaction to all by the late Dr, Kennedy to student tak-
byterian church on Sunday.
The death of Malcolm, the three year-
by his fairness. ing highest aggregate in Form III pro-
Ice Cream Specials, Lunches, Stews,
old son of Thos, and Mrs. Miller, of the
6th line of Morris Township, occurred
Following is the line-up: motion Exam.
Mr. King McDonald received the
etc., at reduced prices. Open Friday
early bn Sunday morning, Several weeks
Teeswater Wingham prize
I Scott .......... . Goal .......... Aitchison of 155 given by Mrs. Dr. Irwin to student
night -Billie Burke's, Z. Lockman old
ago the little fellow, along with an elder'
brothei, was playing with a pitch fork,
Lhmbertus ....... R. D ..... Citlickshanks taking highest aggregate in Form I pro-
motion Exam.
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Winghain
when in some- irriaccountable Way one of
11ohrian ......... L. D ........ Lockeridge
Thornton . ...... Centre ..... Mr. Morton gave the report of th e
General Hospital, whi tiotd a progreEsive.
the prongs penetrated the boy's head,
Jackson ......... R, ',V ......Brooks judges on the poetry contest. Mr. Morton
euchre in the council chamber on Friday,
close to the eye to a considerable distance.
Kirldirld ........ L. W .......... Morden spoke words of encouragement to the
Jan. 28th. Ticketq50 cents.
At the time,the I& side became paralysed
Waugh .......... Sub ........... Merkley young poets, after which he read the first,
The ladies in connection with the 1. 0.
but this gradually Lwore off and the wound
prize poem. Mr. Harold Mitchell receiv-
0. F. are entertaining at a euchre party
heated up He Was thought to be about
Wedded At Owen Sound ed the first award, Mr. Carmen Arm.
to be held in the lodge room on Friday
as well as ever, when the effects of the '
strong, second and Mr. Charles Donald.
There was volemnized on Wednesday,
evening of this week. All members wei,�
injury showed itself in an attack of con-
vulsions a few days ago.
Jan. 12th at high noon, at the home of son, third.. The prizes for the Poetry
Mr. and Mrs. W. J Sheffield, 1161 2nd Contest was given by Mr. A. Cosens.
Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Elliott, Bluevale
Shooting At St Marys
Ave, East, Owen Sound, the marriage of Chorus by the boys.
Road, have purchased Mr. Alex. Porter's
Two mysterious cases of shooting at St.
their only daughrer, Lillian Mae and Mr. Distribution of Field Day prizes, See-
residence near the G. T. R., and have
Marys on Saturday night, are being in-
John Percy McLean, manager of the Oak -etary's report by Miss B. Mallough. Dis-
moved to town. We welcome them as
vestigated by the authorities, but so far
Hall Store, Brantford son of the late Mr. tribution of books by Miss B. Mallough.
no clue has beer; obtained� Wh;Ie a resi-
Jas. and Mrs. McLean of Bognoe. Rev. Distribution of Championship Medals
The VeLerans will, hold a dance in the
dent of Elgin street, near'St. Andrew, was
P. T. Pilkey, officiating in the presence of by Mr. C. McDonald, chairman of Field
Mills Memorial Hall, on Friday evening,
having supper with his family. a bullet
immediate relatives and friends, Day Committee. These medals were re -
Jany. 21st. The celebrated Frys' Im-
whizzed over their heads and buried itself
eived by Miss Helen Wilson, SeniorGirls'
The bride who was unattended, looked Champion and Mr. Harold Mitchell, sen-
perial Orchestra will furnish the music.
in the wall. A moment later another
charming in hergown of navy charmeuse, ior Boys' Champion; Miss Dorothy Web -
Tickets $1.00.
bullet passed through between his wife
draped with georgette heavily beaded and ster, Junior Girls' Champion and Mr.
Lucknow-Ripley Hockeyists defeated
and baby. The man got up and went
black panne velvet hat, she wore a rope Max Stewart, Junior Boys' Champion.
Teeswater in Teeswater on Monday night
out to investigate, and a bullet flew over
his head. All efforts to locate tlie party
of pearls and carridd a shower bouquet of Distribution of Pennants by Miss Ham-
Richmond Roses. She was i away
by a score of 9 to 5. Frank McLean of
Wingham, was referee and the game was
who was doing the shooting was unsuccess -
.given ilton.
by her father and entered the drawing The Judges decision was given by Mrs.
fast and clean.
fill. .
A resident of Queen street. two streets
room which was prettily decorated with Dr. Hambly in favour of the affirmative.
evergreens, palms, pink and white carna-
Got Asthma? Then you've never tried
RAZ^MAH that J. W� McKibbon carries.
north of Elgin, bad several windows
A vote of thanks was moved by Mr.
tions to the strains of Mendolssohns wed- James Perdue to all those who had taken
its just as effectual as Templeton s fam-
broken in the front of his house by bullets
ding march which was played by Mrs. F. part in the program. Mr. Robert Muir
ous Rheumatic Capsules is for Rotuma -
on the same evening.
V. Brooks, cousin of the bride, who wore seconded this motion.
tism. Ask fur a tree sample.
Election Of Officers
grey crepe-de-chene veiled with grey georg- The meeting closed by SiDging the Nat-
Billie Burke wishes to state that his new
Election and installation of officers
ette and picture hat, a corsage bouquet ional Anthem.
ice cream and lunch parlor will open on
took place at the Royal Scarlet Chapter
of Russel Roses and a sterl ing silver van -
Friday evening of this week, he having
on Friday evening, in the Orange Hall,
ity case the gift from the groom.
purchased the restaurant from Z. Lock -
and resulted as follows:
After congratulations and signing of the
man. It is his intention to cut prices in
W, C. in C. -J. A, McDonald.
register, those constituting this happy
Ex. C. in C.. -R. D. Mason.
gathering were invited to the dining -room
For Bronchitis and stubborn coughs
Chaplain -Wm. Guest.
where the wedding breakfast, was served. Mutiny on the high seas, as depicted
"Nyal Creophos" the well-known Tonic
9cribe-W.'T. Miller.
The wedding cake held the place of honor by the master pen of the late Jack Lon-
Cough Remedy stands supreme, as hun-
,.Trea8.-A. G. Smith.
on the -bride's table being embedded in don ;and picturized for the screen by
dreds of users in Wingharn and surround -
Sir H. at Arms -Wm. Sneath.
smilax, each dainty place card bad peep- Metro, will be the forthcoming attraction
ing district testify. Sold only at Mitch-
Ist, Lect.-W. J, Campbell.
ing from its fold a pink rosebud and a at the Lyceum Theatre, when "The Mut-
ell's Corner Drug Store.
2nd. Lect -Jos. Guest.
tiny spray of green. Miss Mabel Dicken iny of the Elsinore" will be shown, begin-
All accounts owing to Tilu AluvAzzicn
lat. Cond. -T. Wheeler.
gowned in midnight blue satin and bou- ning Monday.
for subscription, advertising or
2nd. Cond.-P Hogg.
quet of Russel roses, and Miss. Ruby This big new Metro production, with
job work must be settled before Feb -
I Herald -J. Wilkinson.
Simpson in black charmeuse with bouquet an all-star cast, presents the London novel
ruary lat. We must collect money to
0, Herald --F. Roderus.
of Ophelia roses, assisted at the tables. in all the grim power of its conceptionj
pay paper accounts and we think it only
Both Were Stived
Mr. Pilkey acted as toast master and pro- portraying'as it does the conflict of a
posedthetoast to the bride which was groupof gunmen who attempt to take
fuirtohavethose who owe us assist in
"The biggest fire I'veever seen wag at
proudly responded to by the groom. The over control of the good ship, 'Elamore"
this payment,
New York " said an American, "It was
toast to the mother wasresponded to by on her voyage rorind the Horni and the
The many friends of Mr. R. A Spot -
a very high building and the )addera were
tall the in
the bride's father and W. J. Haines of pistol and rifle battfe that ensues between
ton were pleased to see him in town. on
first time since
not enough to reach window
Wingbam. Mr. R. V. Brooks replied to the gangsters and the ship's officers.
Tuesday, This is the
willi3i a lady was standing. "Well," he
the toast to the married and Mr. W. J.
Then story is one of thrilling susp onse
Sepwrobet that Boio lias been at his
went,on, we were just beginning to des-
pair when a lucky thought seemed to
ield Jr., the only unmarried man I
present wes called on for a speech and and rife with situations that make the
Marble Works here. He has undergone
a couple of very critical operations, but is
strike one of the firemen. Catching hold
complied very gracefully, nerves tingle with t' oe excitement of im-
pending danger Written by the master
now on the Way to recovery.
of a hose he took it alongside of the house
andtu rned the nozzle upward so that a
The bride in ascending the stairs for hand of the late Jack London t�e novel
lVe I)icked lip an e%chauge this WeVit
no less than Eix
stream of water shot continuously past
the purpose of dormitir liar travelling from which the picLure is taken constitutes
dress of navy serge, hand efribroidered, one of the best of the elead authoes'niost
in Which we counted
different items. which NJcre taken freal
the window. Summing up tier courage
and coat ot navy cloth with Oppossurn I celebrated works.
Tjiv, ADVNNVl-., and 0111Y 0110 01 theM
the I-,dyaeppod from the ledge, and put:4
thig her arms and legs around the jet of
c-�Alar and black hat, tossed hor bouquet I S upporting Mitchell Lewis it) the role
I was credited to -,his -pap-r. Nvluld it bo.
water, slid to the bottom and was saved.' '
froili the iandin�, it falling, the hando of of John 114(� are Ilelen Fexgmon, Noald
Mk� Jean Corbet.
to,) 11luch adverti'_*�g to "",ive ils you
'111 1.� AJ)V�'"N(111 �tJZQV gL!tfi1lL'
1,0h, that's tiothinz," said the English-
man, "I waa standing once watching a
lli�rrv, Casson Mrgu�oll, WiMaill V.
The happy cokiple wem the rocipients Nlon,,, bitIney D'Albcok, NolVal
iri all twenty illcklc� of live matter alwcady
larife building burn, when at the top
of many U�eful and co�.Cy ffift,& ancl J. 11 Lockney. Yhe picturt,
storey a girl appeared. I staced, the
The bride and gro�',111 loft (la thu nit( -r- iva,; J;reetcd by Edward !Aora-,m, ffc,11
'I hero hao beol quil 0 a tur%qyer i1f, Ica,
poffi�enlerl stated, in fact, we all star(A cm
noon train for Tb.onto and Mnafllontht! seenadui2_,,6oa uf the LoWea i ovel,
csiato hi We 1%�st tonj;k� 01�
hard that at last the girl walked down the
and after a sliort iimic,%/,woon N�ill YcJukl. in by AlbsZ 81w;hv LeVitio. llehEorl 119�0!
a naile, (A Vlcalii�:�
Brantford. the pioduction.
I who ,q f�val boracri, �,)21 no eoriw�,Atim,
21st, Gamecalled at &15#
-111 M
.StIbs(;r1ptions; $Z Off pgr y6a
Ye Olde English Horehound,
Just received two kegs of English Horehound
Drops, pure and wholesome, .6 oz. for 20 els,
Cherry Bark Cough Syrup
The ideal cough medicine when. you have an irr.
itating cough and expectoration; act-, as a sedative
,soothes and cures. Bottles 35 and 60 ets.
Rikers Syrup of Tar & Cod Liver oil
The remedy needed for a hard dry cough
a large bottle for 60 cents.
There is "Pep" in Peptona-after a cold or in
any run down condition of the system-Peptona
is the tonic that will restore your vim and get
you back inthe game.
$1.25 buys a pound bottle.
Drugs and Stationery
Edison Phonographs; Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets
and contains 90 acres. has sold it to, Sign Your Name
Latchford Thacker for $14,000 Mr. i We are in receipt of a couple of pages�
Thacker in turn sells his 60 arres to Alex �
� of apparently first class news regarding
McLelland for $7.400. James Armstrong, I
on the 4th concession, sold his farm of an U. F. 0. meeting at Wroxeter, which
100 acres to Andrew Scott for $12,000 we will gladly publish next week if tne
and James McFarlane, on the 6th conces- 'writer will give ui his name. The Ad-
sion, sold his farm to Duncan Kennedy. vance will not publish the name of part -
ie$ sending in news items but we are not
.going to be responsible for publishing
Fired And Put Out ! items without knowing who the writer is.
Walkerton Times -While strolling Action Taken By Fertilizer Agents
down -the Main street here on Sunday W. T. Colwell, Centralia, Win. French,
night with one of Walkerton's fairest Thedford, G. A. Attbridge, muirkirk,
daughters, a Hanover young man slipped and 0. G. Anderson, Belgrave, Ontario
and fell on a box of matcnes he had in' DistriU Sales Agents for The Crost Fer-
his pocket, causing more than a sentim- tilizer Co. manufacturers of Basic Slag,
ental flame to light up his person. A met in London on Jan. 10th,, to discuss
small sized sensation ensued on the street matters regarding the decrease in prices
as something more A vid than the fire of of Farm Produce and the increase in
love began burning briskly. He was fast prices of Fertilizer due to increase in
developing into a burnt offering when the freight rates. 'which has been such a
h4ndicap to farmers during the past sea -
girl took a hand and put him out. Feel-
ing that he had had a hot time in the son, As a result of the meeting a resoltr_
old town that night the Hanoverian in; tion was passed to the affect that a sub.
hitting the trail for home and mother � stantial reduction in Freight rates on all
dilated on the difference between the 'Fertilizer's would prove a great advantage
matches that are made in Hull, and the: to farmers as well as a boost to the trade.,
kind that are made in Heaven and I This was wired to the manager of The
wondered whether any other Lothario I Cross Fertilizer Co., Sydney N. S. to be
had even been so "fired" ift courts ip and I presented to the government in an appeat
,,put out" in love. i for reductions in freight rates.
Felt Beets, Overshoes and Slippers
In MeWs, Women's and Childien-'s.
Big Saving --Buy Now.
See our Windows and Bargain Tables.
for Men and Bqys in 12 and 15 Inch-
es blab. Best, la quality --Lowest
in price.
Gct our prices beforie ba7�/Jag...,
-14 will pay you.
- W . tit.,
XMIC 4,44wit ifiAZIO-14%