HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-06, Page 8a - I
V H FA W I N V It 4AI A, i) V AA I htasoa) Jan 6th, 1921
$ . / 1"
"45.000" .Stmck of Wfon'ter and Spr* Q
fln uoods
Jan. Z'2
81 d
Watch for our BIG BILLS for some of the Bargains, space would not permit us to list them all.
_tf,you do not receive a bill enquire at your Post Office or call at oup store. Watch for our advt. next *veek.
, 4t
W, j
&0 a
I o j5rin"
-Ion, ie I
Into Every tanacaan i
The great secret of Thomas A. Edison's genius is his wish to serve mankind'. This is
the noble ambition which has kept his wonderful creative brain tirelessly at work
through a long lifetime of marvelous achievement. Edison invented the phonograph,
and spent- years perfecting it, for a definite purpose—to bring music into the homes and.
daily lives of'his fellow -men.
That is why Edison dealers are pledged to carry out the spirit of Edison's expresse&
wish in offering You
A M�-,4 Pz A
gVe want to make it as casras possible for you the "master product of a master mind." After
ho own an Amberola phonograpb. Nfo matter liotening to the shrill, metallic sound of ordinary
how fid1i you f eel you can ai'f ord to pay, we will phonographs, the pure tone of the Amberola is a
arrange nose co"mcniont imas of payrnom, ehat will revelationi So is the genuine Diatnond Point
'f eprodiecer (no needles to rhange). So are the
5"rP&O you. R
Nve W. ill Ret nothingr Stand in the way 0i yonr Atnb�rol'Rlecords which onfla6t ordinary, fragile
having fausic in y&x- hoine—red, nn't ic, sach
ts recards for years and yeard
&3 only Udlfiionls ovvii pilunorynpho cnal give yt)u. Vive we=� you to cuvie to our ctore and listen
Lrdffiso;�,% Amben')IA he to Pdkwl'o at. your carfiest conveni-
You will be wel.
rf� E flalal woz,ad'!; a way fiAdc- --00 (�Om.o, 'ZI-ithora fail.
J. V McK1880K, Dealep, Wingham
In Leather Top Rubbers for
Men and Boys
made in winobaw at our Piace ot Business,
I Mens Leather Top Rubbers "15" inches high with
best Redinan bottorns sizes 6 to I I
$5.95 per pair.
Men'.,; Leath ' er Top Rubbers in
"12" inches, for,
$5.35 per pair.
WINQUAM MARKPT,% present, and I want to give something
Replames Superannuated License officers that looks twice as much as it is. NX11kat
(Correct up till Wedrxesday noon) do you suggest?"
Of Both Ridings Wheat No. 2 ... 170 to 2 00 Well he replied, "in' cousideration. of
Wheat No. 2SAVIng ...... 170 to 200.
i W. T. Pellow, of GodeXich, has been Flou the high cost of living, I should bay
..... .. '5 50 to 6 501
3g to 38 f seventy-five cents worth of rice anti boil
appointed by the Ontario Government
Butter ................. 50 to 55 � it
'N" license inspector for the County of ffuron, Eggs ......... ... .... 70 to 75'
duties to commence on January Ist. Cattle, med., butchers.. 9 00 to 10 00!
The appointment of Mr. Pellow is re- Cattlej butchers choice.. 11 00 to 12 001 It you want
V;�, commended by the Huron County 'tem- I -logs, liveweight 14 25 to 14 50
Hay ............... _...24 50 to 2600 Aft
perance Associatioh. of which he has been Cream, 50 to. 65 a U 11 is MEEF
,41 special officer for the last f1vd years, and
the organization that'lias been largely re- U U
The entire expense of the enfoicement.
sponsible for the effective enforcement will now be. borne by the Provincial Gov.
Call at
of the temperance lawsdur n g. these years ernment as provided by the Ontario Tem -
Formerly there were two inspectors for perance Act.
NNI-171 Huro4, John Torrance for South Hurott
'01ver & Beninger's
and 1. J. Mitchell, for North Huron.
These have been superannuated under the Gtaldpa's Advice Butcher Shop
assed at the last session of the Leg- I Grandpa" said a sinall girl, It need
islature and will likely receive annually your advice, I have only seienty�five Alw4ys youing and cboice and prices
are reasonable By the po-and or bT ike
about one half their former salary. cents to spend oU cousin 'Pthtl'S -,VOddiUg carck4s prices rigbt.
if? 11 It? tff Ott q, 1 1 if? TIC? Ttl 1111 + 1141 TP
+ _W IMP"
n-9 s J
I al�
+ -Ki anuary e.
+ Furs, Fur Coats, Men's and Boys'. Clothing, 4
+ +
+ Overcoats., Ladies'. Ready-to-Veat
Role +
Our +
i �- AL
tl Prices
are +
the, +
+ +
Lowest +
+ ...... Get Our Prices Before Buying +
+ N
*+++*+** +++++++4&++ 44+++44+4a*,
Boys' Leather Top Rubbers
"I V inches higli, sizes I to 5,' for
$4.20 per pair.
Youths' Leather Top Rubbers,
% sizes I I �to 13, for
$3.25 per pair.
WINQUAM MARKPT,% present, and I want to give something
Replames Superannuated License officers that looks twice as much as it is. NX11kat
(Correct up till Wedrxesday noon) do you suggest?"
Of Both Ridings Wheat No. 2 ... 170 to 2 00 Well he replied, "in' cousideration. of
Wheat No. 2SAVIng ...... 170 to 200.
i W. T. Pellow, of GodeXich, has been Flou the high cost of living, I should bay
..... .. '5 50 to 6 501
3g to 38 f seventy-five cents worth of rice anti boil
appointed by the Ontario Government
Butter ................. 50 to 55 � it
'N" license inspector for the County of ffuron, Eggs ......... ... .... 70 to 75'
duties to commence on January Ist. Cattle, med., butchers.. 9 00 to 10 00!
The appointment of Mr. Pellow is re- Cattlej butchers choice.. 11 00 to 12 001 It you want
V;�, commended by the Huron County 'tem- I -logs, liveweight 14 25 to 14 50
Hay ............... _...24 50 to 2600 Aft
perance Associatioh. of which he has been Cream, 50 to. 65 a U 11 is MEEF
,41 special officer for the last f1vd years, and
the organization that'lias been largely re- U U
The entire expense of the enfoicement.
sponsible for the effective enforcement will now be. borne by the Provincial Gov.
Call at
of the temperance lawsdur n g. these years ernment as provided by the Ontario Tem -
Formerly there were two inspectors for perance Act.
NNI-171 Huro4, John Torrance for South Hurott
'01ver & Beninger's
and 1. J. Mitchell, for North Huron.
These have been superannuated under the Gtaldpa's Advice Butcher Shop
assed at the last session of the Leg- I Grandpa" said a sinall girl, It need
islature and will likely receive annually your advice, I have only seienty�five Alw4ys youing and cboice and prices
are reasonable By the po-and or bT ike
about one half their former salary. cents to spend oU cousin 'Pthtl'S -,VOddiUg carck4s prices rigbt.
if? 11 It? tff Ott q, 1 1 if? TIC? Ttl 1111 + 1141 TP
+ _W IMP"
n-9 s J
I al�
+ -Ki anuary e.
+ Furs, Fur Coats, Men's and Boys'. Clothing, 4
+ +
+ Overcoats., Ladies'. Ready-to-Veat
Role +
Our +
i �- AL
tl Prices
are +
the, +
+ +
Lowest +
+ ...... Get Our Prices Before Buying +
+ N
*+++*+** +++++++4&++ 44+++44+4a*,