HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-06, Page 71%_71' `Ml- , V I W1111MAX ADVAXON A 4~ 00-0 *11110911,.004 I """i k 4 9 1 ' : M L . ' I I I/ i i ne Quiet Observer I , , : I 'I ...... A - I . __ ­­ 0-o"10 .p "-Oot , , RDUTINO NAVAL CONSTAVO. tornitional banktic vepregeatatIves m"t; ber'weddlat, r*x Otiliplr=oxx " , , I TIQN. served notiefa that Unle6e Germany ter II-Axerf. I was given 'praeticabla teq7n* the pro- , Senator Borah proposed S fifty posed international reparations iciall. "Witty don't You tear It off?" he , por,c=t- rodu0tift In nayal* Arm%- ! "ilia 4 hot be taken up, by the bank - asked I&AIrtly, I o ment In the full conviction -that Great e rs. So far ais the balikerg are, con- ' Britain was a great hulking tyrant I , cerned the war Ili over, and they loorrldor. whose role desire was to 1119min"atO are not'willing to continue It for the Loort tureed to the door. the world land reduce all other na- hostile purposes of any nation. They 46 Don't go," Iftakle, said. "DoAlt . i tions to vassalage, In. short a sort of I want peace, because peace to es - go --oh, my darling-" i : International POCksixiff Whose WOrd I Sential I to commerce, and without - Is -tot for a moment to be accepted, . . commerce there Is no banking of a Watch For Our Now SerW Stpry - . and behind all whose action a an 141- profflable."nature. It Would almost ' "TIM XOTISTRON" I terfor motive is to be Suspected- I , .appear that banking policy is dlc - . Voram%rider 'Bellairs, M,P., an Rag- tated like the rallway'systems that ' lish. ,naval authority welooinGS, ,the -charge all the traffic can bear. Qer- t I Proposal and declares It ,has the sup- many Is tenderly treated because she , port of the people 'who, boll, ,ve It is' needs It and would not survive rough cated to Wbi.. Allan Pinkerton and is one of the mast gripping dotootive ` madness, for the powers to, re-engage; handling; 'wh,fle Callada, which Is well . , . In a race tot, the supremacy lot ,the off has to pay up Ili exchange. But sto,rie;; over written, % seas, It Britain had Made the pro-. tills Is not how it Is explained by It starts next week. , - posal site would probably have been ; those who decide the financial for- Rail pastry scrapti Into r . ounds and I'll plap,e in the centre, ot each one and a misunderstood as silo was by. Ger- tunes of the world. They simply say . ­ - many when ,site made the proposal 'that if YOULbuy more than you sell you and three pints, to 9, chicken Is about r. ight. Usei celery -tops for flavoring before the war. Germany t`11011911117 pay for the privilige,. but it you .111., that BrItdIn could do AD more -hav- ,must sell more thaTi yon buy, the'6thor tel- CLEARING WORK ing, exhausted herself, Germany wag low 114.13 to pay, Bowe return, to the -1 FOR UNEMPLOYED L k unable to believe in good faith be- fundamental necessity at producing . "I'll fight you w"never you Ilkil," " cause r 6 , sbe had, it not herself, and s 0 9 ads for sale. The man who does I site refused to limit b. navy. It not prndu np mvi+rlh a to nrndtio I R, 4F -,fl ,,, , : : vl , ,;7 `3 1 ,T- 77 T"Wil. I , , 1 . 77 ki , I L ,. "..., q . . , , , 1 , I ..! 4 , ..", - . P, i . , 1, 1142 been severely limited since. "I . There Is no question Of -the ability Of I m"t; ber'weddlat, r*x Otiliplr=oxx I , "i" ... , I - _y -- turned into the streets. " If as abli ter II-Axerf. I 1111111 'no . _ , , I mommyopulumommom" in"em-mm 4, ... 1, — "5 Two cups flour, sifted, 3-4 level tea- . I powder, 4 level tablespoon butter or 110 poh4e,d to it. I , .""Ill"I _____.____ ­ . , 11 . tile United States to build or not to I 1 build ..ships as she ,pleases, so there "Witty don't You tear It off?" he . . ,, I -0-41" 6 1 asked I&AIrtly, . ,J . rJ , I I " Substitute, 4 level tableF,poons peanut ; ,. There was the-gound of steps III tke I I i . 1. 14 A 1. . f 1_ I - Ey"OLISH rv.t"vANCESP I'T U loorrldor. , 2, I '. . I dainty woman, also It is much easier to wash -the cap thall to wash tile Loort tureed to the door. . I t . i 1, In the developing ,organization of 46 Don't go," Iftakle, said. "DoAlt . I I ., I will always find -a re dy'msxket in -Ca;nAda, as well as in the borderini go --oh, my darling-" , ,_. I . (The XX4). . . A , . 11 Wadsley I Watch For Our Now SerW Stpry . To Kill Odors. Own iixeuble and cover any bolas or .4 thin plaotis wit% a plat patch. As . -mixing lightly until (I Is just otigh. moist enough to drop front tip of - ,,- . I ' "TIM XOTISTRON" After frying fish, onloaa or o0iq I Odorous eatables spriti4lek 00me these sprep4s tave a tondowy to I By Frank Forest, We superintendent ground cbffoe on the stove Ild or, put iihod bits lot 111st wban old, a thin oov- ' orobould bo mado. 1-coilt . of 1ho criminal Investigation depart" . On tile Stave in a Pie Plate- 'VItis, will diffuse a pleasantaroma, lCheeseclolb or lawn may be -used, I auill over- States and by some others .of its fu- tility. It Is evident,that the powers ment Of ,$aotlalnct Yard, which CQM- but to make something without *4y Come the other effectually, 'especial. .1 I lands for settlement in the clay belts of the North. Owing to Summer mencem next week. The story Is d0di-Ily If a , draft can be created. whatever. gives keener enjoy- I ment to the thrifty, -and an Old shoat I cated to Wbi.. Allan Pinkerton and is one of the mast gripping dotootive - r .Will be found' to make an excellent Pon't Serve i6oggy Cratkers, , Over. . 'Ut me, go, you brute!" Wynton furiouslv His . , : sto,rie;; over written, % Crackers that lose their crispness , (,'lit .the Sheet In two lengthwise, with Clapping, with cries of praise as Ile Pashed his way to the stairs. It starts next week. during a prolonged spell of 4amp then cut each half crosswise. Put ter, About two quarts to a turkey . Rail pastry scrapti Into r . ounds and I'll plap,e in the centre, ot each one and a weather ran be restored to ,their the four outside covers together, , dence of thig- was the violent op --t to' the . ­ - former State by setting them in the forming a. square. and sew in a $Iat oven with the door open until -Oxey be- seam. This will leave tile warn can- areas will thfs. barrier to ,settlement ever be overcome. lFlarming under and three pints, to 9, chicken Is about r. ight. Usei celery -tops for flavoring gin to brown at the edges. Boggy tre on the outer edge to be out off. i . . struct, , it stopped would mean .111., crackers are far from appetizin&. Vitt to fit .the, cloth, then baste them . CLEARING WORK together and stiteft oil the sewing Protect Your 11401r. machine In three-inch. Bind Three tablespoon,efuls of , melted butter, the grated yellow rind J -1 FOR UNEMPLOYED squares. tile edge with -a bias strip, and a lKeep a dusting cap of good strong silence cloth In all that the name Im- Porcale or even rubber cloth in the rows away, Descartes, the critics oil 'Temps, . "I'll fight you w"never you Ilkil," Wt,l,,. there plies will be ready for use. I I closet and when are I # foods requiring tat fit frying put this on PeantAt Butter Sconop. pulling 'it well down on the forehead . -i, ..I+ A I -1 + 11.1- 1, 1142 been severely limited since. "I . There Is no question Of -the ability Of I tion, is a nation . &I .one y. I in I - . I - _y -- turned into the streets. " If as abli COLLEGE P INCIPAL SHOWS HOW , .PROFITABLE WORK COULD and neck so tbat all tile hair !Seaver- ed. Hair absorbs and holds odors. pleasant Or otherulse, and trying 4, ... 1, — "5 Two cups flour, sifted, 3-4 level tea- . I powder, 4 level tablespoon butter or - I I I _ . .1 I 1. 11 I . 1 4 1 1 . I I I . - , . I I 11 . tile United States to build or not to I 1 build ..ships as she ,pleases, so there LEAGUZ OF NATIONS .&-"*-" 4 S 4 0 0 - -, - -, I . 11 I .. -0-41" 6 1 ,BE PROVIDED TO SOLVE odors are decidedly OtIW.rwise for a Substitute, 4 level tableF,poons peanut ; ,. 4 .1 . her good faith 1, . can 'be no question of -proposes Britain I _ LtAGUING, I - Ey"OLISH rv.t"vANCESP I'T U A VEXED 1PROBLEM. . dainty woman, also It is much easier to wash -the cap thall to wash tile . butter, 24 cup mlllr Mix and sift Jry Ingredients, rnU In tile butter and ! it she -restriction. In the developing ,organization of I . . X.I.tx will always find -a re dy'msxket in -Ca;nAda, as well as in the borderini hair. , peanut butter, Add milk gradually, I will agtea and so will Japan unless . all signs -fail, ,And those are the only the League ,of Nations ere is evi- , tit re is evi deuce of a vitality which confutes , I I I I . Bul Olive i. . 11 Wadsley I Oxxe means of solving the problem of unemployment Is for the govern- Make Your Soon Flavoring. -mixing lightly until (I Is just otigh. moist enough to drop front tip of - ,,- . I . . . nation$ that count. The questlon, Is I . - will the United States make the pro' . the view that has been taken. by the Republican party in the United I 40 ­ 0 ­ -------- ------ I i s o o 8 4 6 0 e o o s 8 4 $+. Monte of Canada to begin the long overdue task ,of preparing its bush Turkey or chicken bones from spoolx Drop into buttered gem tins I -or oitto a hallow bi,3cuit tin arid bake I 5 . , Senator Rorallfs challen0a I - . pels!al? . I may prove to be only a bluff after States and by some others .of its fu- tility. It Is evident,that the powers I - In Her Hour of 'Need. I - "s 0 q, -*-*-#-*,- *_# . I aS Ile jerked hintaside from Firankle. I lands for settlement in the clay belts of the North. Owing to Summer Which every bit of meat has been scraped will make delicious stock It , in quick oven. \L, 1' , I , ­ I i : 11 all, but lot US see whether the'chal- I I leuge be made after all. The tre- 1". " are taking the League seriously, and The house was ringing with ,oheers, 'Ut me, go, you brute!" Wynton furiouslv His frosts, farming of northern clay lands, has largely been well ,cracked then simmered for sev- oral hours, Do not add too much,wa- AGinnamon Turnovers. . t I I , mendaus leakage in natural resources, the more seriously they take It, the stronger It -Will become. One 'evi- with Clapping, with cries of praise as Ile Pashed his way to the stairs. Ispluttered - collar -had burst; his face was. purple; -he looked a waste of time and Money. !Only by . clearing, whole ter, About two quarts to a turkey . Rail pastry scrapti Into r . ounds and I'll plap,e in the centre, ot each one and a i national revenue, .national labor e,87 . i, the -result of excessi annual naval ve, , dence of thig- was the violent op --t to' the * M-pta. kain, tmr$. of joy running down her .ugly ,and ridiculous,, He -seemed to dangI6 like a suffed doll -In Savingels areas will thfs. barrier to ,settlement ever be overcome. lFlarming under and three pints, to 9, chicken Is about r. ight. Usei celery -tops for flavoring ._ . I half tablespoonsful Of the following "*** 4*, I I i . . struct, , it stopped would mean position Of TiValice entry Of Germany' into the League. If the openly face, was Screaming her gladness to people -bave, a dozen tremendous grip. . I .1 present conditions whereby each set, , . poultry soups. . Keep the tops was , Three tablespoon,efuls of , melted butter, the grated yellow rind J I , .. linmense relief to the overburden- nations. League were -not a -powerful agency rows away, Descartes, the critics oil 'Temps, . "I'll fight you w"never you Ilkil," tier clears a small patch, is putttn,& the them well, then ,spread on a pie plate in a coak-overt to dly. Keep Ili a of olne lemon, and four tablespoons I - I I I . . , . . — . ., It would be at minor Iniportance who belonged to it Austria waa given a The waos describing Prankie's - , voice -as 11hehven soilt—magnertle, di- he gasped as the voice came nearer. I "It will not be necessary," Savinge cart before the horse, and J wholly unwarranted. At least 65 Per closely covered jar and you will a]- tills of clitna.man. Shape the paste in- . I to..tt ;aovers, crisp the edges ,of the " I . BARKERS TAKE A HAND. I . I unanimous vote for admittance. China vine music," Her future was made; said in a metallic voice, tent, of eaa lot, In carefully seleci- ways have a fine flavoring for soup ready to use. I.. ipaste togother and sprinkle with Six- . - I . . . I also achieved an Influential Position. she had become -4 great singer, from Mine Xaine appeared In the door- ad townships, should be cleared by . gar before baking In a hot oven. ; ,:Wherx, the business of the country , i. in the Leag . us by lia;vlag her del'e- the moment ,She had recovered ,her- - way; behind her a laughing crowd- means of logge ganis living in c'OM_ Don't Sail Milk. 11 I I I , dop6lids - ,oil credit 'alroady extended gate, Dr, Wellington Koo accorded self In. -the first sorig. waited. munrity camps. Tlerein lies one solit- l4ctd qoat'af fancy Skins -but -there I Baked Steak. I I . . On tile Strength, of prospective gains one of the four rion-'permornent.,seats Ije oix- Nias at the gangway at last, "Mais—It. is Captain Wynton, "'a tion 'of unemployment, now $talking Milk when. boiled is 'very eousti- . Take a small tenderloin or club . % . . ,thTough production, It Is obviously . . -- on the council, The four ch9pasu. for jio'thrust a wa for himself -to the T nelYhew of Lord Correyg l she said. before us daily in the brbadlines of pating'because the cooking has har- . Steak, sprinkle with salt, chop o, smat' I I . I ii . . . . I -uecessary "4 to tile advantage of ther the first period for purposes at ,or- door Of the orchestra, it, and "What—what-j' . the cities. Work could thus be pro- dened the albumen in it. ,Milk br ought 11 onion, mix with halt a green pepper, . I I ; , I I . I I country that the anticipated produc- ganization were the representatives' .opened dr9pped below. Re, swung ,across the "In Engilah wo have another name. vided, particularly In the fall and win- just to the scald does not posse%s this chopped; add halt -a cup of catsup, a I tion. should be realized, and the cred- of Belgium, Bra?ll, Spain and Greece. room, the cries Of the for Captain, - Wynwn; we call him a ter months as well as during speetal property. , . I scant tablespoonful of Wbreestarzhire I . I I I It in .this way established. Ca,uada -Spain, Brazil and Belgium ,have -now 'tills ,disregarding musicians, an found the dressing 4 o%d," Wankie said Axii ber clear peridds( of Umemployment. ThI4 t V rankle gild In a clear Voice. here to tell YOU 7011 are 1 bo broken. off and set aslo1q; 104 easy I I sauce and a small Jump of butter; put .. t. . Js In a fortunat6 position in this re- been regularly elected at meet- room corridor .1 : . . voice. . policy of extended land-0earing, To Make Porous Calke. lr 'this mixture over the steak, place in I I spect, -and can afford to contemplate the situation of others -with some de-' frig and the contest. for fourth place was won by China, defeating Ron- A preity giri, still in Iter Spardsh' Gavinge looked at her, into her should not be simply an emergency measure, but should engage I the at- Por a porous cake such as sponge .an iron s1rillet and bake twenty min - 'utes il 11 I gre6 of equaninlity. , Europe Is th6 mania, Swedon, 10zecho-Slovakla, dress, told him Rankle's number. The -door wM open; ilia hesitated, eyes. He released Wynton. "Adieu, man aml," he said imper- tention. of the federal an& local gov- calre, beat yolks of eggs first, then beat the sugar with them, add the dry In a bot oven. . <mixtre -of depression, and it affect$ Portugal, Switzerlaudi Serbia and . . arid as he did 'jDS,marlls voice reach- turably. - - ernments .the whole year round. beaten whIltes, and lost th-P flour. M 3.-- .I 'P-r. n ...`040 wool _J tit, I , , Canada, indirectly through ,our eX- . , las Alto ;. chaliga.-t-hough no One see - Gre%e, -Chilim,adr,pitly -gained fav- or by supprs slng the :anticipated ad him. I . I . Wynton tip a shakJxxg_hAn& to Should any of the workers at these community camps Wish to rental it Bold In the whites, and do no more following method"is sple'lldid. . Bit Y* . . I 11 , - ,Canada, I gather clear On, the subject. protest against the accupiation of "So you have not forgotten, ,either, Frankie?" .put . his collar. 14 the huge mirror -he on some -of the cleared lots, they beating after the sugar is well mixed with the yolks. five cents worth ,of caletned magnesia I from 4 -he d, g store, -and mix it with I 'u -is In ,the best position of any court, , ' . ' ' . try onoearth no;! overi excepting tile Shantung by Japan. While the .rep- resentative at Japan holds his seae The man spoke in English, and Sa- . saw- five excellent reflections of him- self; tears ,of rage and humillatiou could be sold to them on easy terms. 1 or the next 20, .30, yes, and for 60 . . . water till it IF.; of the thickness. of t . . States, but on account of our I United permanently his vote is ,no better I vinge knew the voice to be cultured; the blood flooded lili'face, making -his Came into his eyes. year, land -clearing in preparatlow I The Oven in Cake Baking. ere -am. - Apply this to, the Jersey with a clean rag, and let it -remain on I . . " I banking relations -with New Tork . than that of Dr. Koo, ,who holds his temples drum and beat., Par the life I He Staggered to the door. for future settlement, should be an In some ovens cake will burn on the fbr a couple of days. Then brush I -exchange 19 against us. This Is nom- I seat by election. There Is really -likelihood of him he c6uld not go away. "Cut along!" Savinge said in tAie' urgent and essential department oft bottom before It is sufficiently brown it out thoroughly and tile Jersey should 6 I . 11. , 1nally, because we buy, so much from ,_ . much less Of disturbances , ' 'Porgotten?" "' Ftsakle aniwored. tone of one speaking to a glitter boyq every government in -the Dominion. ed on top, To overcome this diffi- . be quite clean and fresh. . the United States, whibb. is a'stradge 1. reversal of wholesale practice, It I arising. from tile Japanese or Chinese than from any of the European nations . ., "You were much too Impressive to bb The crowd, silenced now made a PsthWaY. Wyntoll, wen -t dcwa it; he Industries ,Could Help. The big Industrial f th.6 culty put a double layer of greased Paper in the bottom -of the cake pan, . I In many cases milk -or cold water . . has been suggested that It we had I .. A Our own National.Barik that the -ex- In this respect tile League will be of service in ventilattrig and clarifying easily forgotten, -Captain Wynton." The man laughed in, a satisfied reached the corner just as the shout of scornful laughter went up. plants a Dominion as well as the gover nments and set a cup of cold water an thr bottom a,* file oven, V,jll lip fe,1nd :Iva,;r,,I)% ,l g, , .. 9 I. tt ,xlg ;ut '.the . I . diange situation. would be different, I the issues. Another Important re- . . way- .. "And All ParW would know of this; it can assist in this great undertaking. Every large industry should apply for I greator p- 031tion, of Ink stains. If I the article so stained is small onough. I I . but this is more than problematical .In the minds of those who are most spansibility was recognized by the Leakud in ,assuming, control Of the you have forgiven my appar ent negl6ct'71 would novel. be forgotten. He cram- I'led on. Alli hat and overcoat, had a whole to,vkrnabip or more in the Eat Salt On Nuts. to b- Vlaced In a basin Of water, this -1 , experienced and irank as experts. I . opium traffic and In. connection with " wlxfts,slove!' Frankie laughed then. ,"Own, that untif., tonight had and . reached the door Nviien. a hand fell bush lands, I.And clearing might be I made a business department of many Nutz, which malI7 people find In- di I gestible, can be c,%ten with perfect method should be -resorted to -at once, and continued until no more Will -bome I I I . . The st tuation In Europe is perhaps MQre difficult, and even more lidpe- the oommerce.* There Is little disagreement on, these hu. you rorgottea-,my very e%istence, 0aptain on. his r.houlder. He faced Savingo again. Canadian enterprises employing &ea,t safety If a little salt is put on fRe I OUL .- I . I : I I I I , . less In tho oplV pn of many thom .two , - - I ' 1. years ago. Here again tho bankers I manitarisn questions, but co-ope M.- I tend$. to bring. harmony Wynton?" I Tler voice Sounded bitter and 'yet . "I am at your service, M. Wynton," Ae said coolly, number's of workers. instead of 'qayIng-off` I men when. a pitch comes, plate and the -nuts dipped lit this Tie- fore they are aten. I i 'How many women are tlxiu king I I : . . . I . are Ahe determining factor. At -the 5ordoult-hese I I in eal ng ,,with mors , special and used. I . :am .I . I - W,Ynton took his oard with shaking they could establish large rand .r -clea - Ing camps and homestead by proxy. . . tDon't Stretch Pie Crust. 1 -about tfiair, spring housecleaning and dreading the very sound of it? it . I ! recent conference itt Brussels the in- I I'll . I I I- — — - I I private issues. I - I "I say don't keep up the Oaptala Wyntori,' a,nd don!t be so cruel. 1 swear I badix!t forgotten YOU, Why, fingers and tOre It into fragments the next afternbon, as he boarded an outwerd-bound shin at Marseilles In this way an outlet would be. WO- vided for a considerable percen a I tag ? . h1._1h.A4.A 1- . Never attemptt.to stretch pastry to make it cover the pie plate. . It always means much ,endless turmoll 11. . . for days. But IVs a good ideato go "right at It" and get It over with. . _.. . . ing hands and paying uAre, 01140le " prices with little hopes of getting I can tall You nearly all pan said on I " . - . SlaVinge went back slowly into t1te I - _y -- turned into the streets. " If as abli shrinks anyway when baking, aria 11 A has been stretched a misshapen pie is . If we have 9, few of the up-to-date ' I enough 'rettirlIB 'to compensate them that voyage ,home I ,, A poor Iftk,l , draggle -tailed h0Y- opera house, He stood, thinking, In the vast, empty place. An ho ar, handled as other departments of the business,, the land-cle2ring depart- the , esult. Cut it large enough to conveniences 1phich have been put ou . I., I I .,_ ", the market to lighten the labors Of -the for their labor and Investments, Ther6 are inany farmers who would bee glad den, wasn?t I? Prankle answered halt an hour -ago the way -had seemed me4ts -would undoubtedly prove re- lie loosely In the plate and extend at least a quarto,. of an inch beyond the I housewife, We 'will save Many Steps, I to sell a'pqftlot, of.1heir farm's. to In- , , All iny olothes wrong, all my mm- I nerp; -a failure, in fact, all r6vnd- clear, his path' had beell. chosen. And r1owi numerative. Lumber ti6s, and Pulp edge, a great deal of, time and, In the end, . . I I . . 1110ABY- Whek III tile previous days . . dustrioits tenants and give them. am pie time and -a good opportunity to pay. - even in my r6or efforts at affection," '%TIth' a sudden, svift lift of his will always find -a re dy'msxket in -Ca;nAda, as well as in the borderini A Doughnut iHinet. I we Used to take the Togs up and beat . Home -owning Ig. the hope of the na'- I Leon, mOV044 nolgelenly, looked into the room. , hoad -he weat quickly forward. A supper was In on the stage Statez, '. I Farmers As NNThen. making doughnuts -always let I I them by hand, or send them to the. I I I I cleaners,, who kept them a few days, I tion. . Those who own their home -have a wreat ,on s and lmnrbve them - . He recognized the liumael , Ilate, .progress behind tho lowered curtain, One Well. The # in-- too — - 1- the round or twists- stand -on the . delaying the settling process, we now I I I .11 I q - , . vuea. Me cvl t 10004 -AL NORGrial . I I partunity to serve society and may an- handsome man bending over the glance, at it told hint. Fro,likle was not there. He went to -her room again. real part In this permanan ' MY t POlicv for,, floured board for LJ117ee Or lour mijA - utes before dropping them in the lizil- ho ave the vacuum cleandr Of course, . it is expensive to buy, hilt if you live . . . .M,011061111s, *&A* tQ O&ARAQ, in 1-766 joy life on the farm to'a. much fuiler degr6e than if they- must rent and dr6ssihg ,table; be saw T411lankie's white face and saw, too, her VY48s . He knocked, and upon -the answer- ")0ntre2," relieving unemployment. Let thous- aads of individual farmers apply for Ing fat, Don't knead them vIllen more than is absolutely . in a Small lown, why not got one in ho, -fault& that muok at kio vWeagth ilf submit to poor buildi gs and unde- *itft their strange look of V61lecr Ing went in. bush lots of 160 acres edch In the making any necessary to mike a dough th-at can PartRership with a number of wo- - friends? - - U. . the new colony depended , upon the Indians. He was forced to have a strable surroundings. - gcorn even when ,she laughed. Wynton lifted her haild suddenly. to Pralikie was alone, and she war , kneeling by the mirror, her face on clay lands. 'All applications should be cut and lifted. Kneading make s men, It wouldn!t be long be- . 11 fore it would be paying divid-ands . . . great deal. of x*gotIktIAc -vktfi' tli h braves but ft.th-ein lie ha,41 Tery little I I iffiHE eHEmsmsuBm I IN m his lips. her -hands. - "Oil, Carlssiml,"'she sa4d, without . be localized fit townships, most suit able for future Settlement. At eon*- 'such them tough. I each each weelc. it you live in the . I city ,and don't keep a maid then. you. . I I . I . . , respect or Tagard. I . I "They are 'rI1l*As mew0latirs," he IN I I -_ ­_ - 0 IF "By Jove, you werawt enough a fs"u're to make, me able to forget . looking lip, "I'm so glad about the success -so that I'm I veiriolit contras in townships . the governments should pra-vidg com- To Keop $,cup Stock Sweet. Do not take tile caice of flit from ought t(> have one, for the money put . I in W-1ges, would pay for a vacuum I I .... . wroto to a friend Ill France, "even. 11 Eq I LTYhaRnitory of He I I you!', he sald'in a stifled Voice - glad crying! ](now I'm Idiotic, but I can't hell) it, fortable and attractive con"'I'mity the top of stock or soup until y oil I I c'Paner in no, time, . I .. . when ,they are, juqt, from, their toll-, R 29 NaMe— 10 IN Leon rose unsteadily twisting .her hand free. darling. I was so afrald and-" "Frankle," camps. Farm hands should be hired by the year. Instead of being turn- are ready to use the soup as. it helps keel) It if to ' . I Long-liandled brushes and brooms Into . . tts.' You would not believe It but M (0 un, L9 "Do you know why I let you come , lie sai L,gently. ad ad -rift when the busy season 1% to Pweet, and you wish always an great saving in house- I . I the mim always earry to war along, s 8B here tonight?" she asked. . In a second Itood erect 4on liar feit. . over, to congregate In the towns afid. . use the stock remaining for a second clowning, and prevent stooping and I soup add the vegetables, riee or bar- I stret tching mid geailn -down oil one's . . . and knives, a mirror by which to see 'faces 1w . HEWITT.' . I I I I . Wynton smiled, one hand cupping his chin, the -other thrust into his With a dti&b -migery he noted that cities, they could go. north for a pdrlod to help lit clearing the ley t -o only what you need for the I Irnees. re also a hi)lw to daub their with Yar- . VAAIALTION-R wlet, . pocket. the ',Oak wni&l had come 'into he" .,short I buell lots of their employers, They flr. t ,soup. Aiy additions to slock Ill i help in giving _ polish to paint,e'd . . lons bright hued, paints- d to ar AN1101i RACIAL OW -GIN -Norman *French. 1. "Shali I seem very conceited it I -eyes at his entrance was the sattle would not of course be asked to live tile. vay or vegetables or ecreabs (,-aus-1 I floors after tht:y have been well wa,sh- I : ,range, the feathers In colil . . . black halk and the rings in their ear , -SO'LTR,CF,--A given'llame. . Tae timily rx, es. H w ' ames. of Hugh a - say I think I can guass, little girl?" ' look she -had had when Wynton kiss- ed her -a look of pity and appeal. in shackson the individual lot % TIv-Y I I, to ferme-it quickly. ed. , . I In f,-.i)rinr, hwas,oclearling avoid need- . - . . I .. . . - it a mark of . I and n6ses. ,Thty think he ear 9 wt beauty to cut -the -lobe ,of t' son aad Hughson, which have , been from tile given in anio Of 'Hugh, derived I he said, I ' ,,Tell .1ne'l, P4 rankle Insist61 . "Don't be frIghtened,'!- lie. said "It's Frankle; I've would reside at the xxe (rest com- ­ munity camp, and share in all It' C- A SO -_ Inconvenaence on 4, 4 Novel Hcuse Plant. i 1(1,,* titmicil. and . tilt, pirt of the 1), e ' -.op' in the house, I I 11, you are, f and of green growltig , and stretch It until it reached the top alreadyr have 'beca discussed. But Ile pulled at lxis short mustache. gently. all. right , -I*V,N sort at wakenPd iIp. YOU %Vera W activltle . 4. oki -pre- i things, try plantlil.- all oak tre., In Youe I To side-4tep this fla Only one roolli of their shoulder. * Often they wear 4 th, o family names which ere are tw "Well`01'-wID were pals once- r4ght; I was 9, brute to you; I di(T There need be no elaborate'.. 'In litms,e. Remember that I' . .; a , t-Al((3.,,, n,aoy at a time, beginnlr.; It tile top fl;x- 1 ' l4ctd qoat'af fancy Skins -but -there come front ill!% same given name rather good Pals, (ion's you think? § '-fle SAVeetfliough nd I Suppose YOU W, . think only of myself. I never even paration for this work, Alen ('11-arge of a practIcal bush foreman, could be I to the -,.!-I fl ) '.' yelr, for *it(- little aeorn to e,e,cme -and vjorlzbi,, (lowa m o Virst tak,, down tile -will be no Shirt beneatli. it at -all, You ' . ').t-' W take the braVes-,for -so rtain of Its variations. They I through eL Hewett Hawlet, .. to wigh to renew our friendship." tried to realize what your Ilid had - nctit ncrth at once with =rlii cloth- the sturdy olk. It yju take cire of I curtains and , .'jj, g,,_ 1 hangirupH from tho wal a, and tall- . many, Avvils." . I are and The Hugh of "YOU think I itsked you, h6ro, to -3en. -what. in reality, l-ou n I like b are -, "I ing, tents and small portable saw- it yon can have all attractive . .11 .1 I infancy. they,) to !!xiolhor mont. Then -ett 11 I "Ono u6eds the patience of Sob to given nume of was, course, far more common in the -mid- I , call you lily friend?" tie said I Pranh haven't any explanation to give; some of us are made that way. Once mills, A suitable site for a com- I planc while it is i L its I 11im a *tout piece of threat thratign 'YcUr 'vacuum c',Oaner and go over the - get along witIr the bunch," wtilled ­o'ages than. It Is today: not so miltib I Softly. . I we love, It,l(koesn't matter about tile munity tamp could be scleited In the tile iiii(idle of ail acarn and suspand I "ug.'A W'!], rOIlhIA' it tip carefully Ill the great Montealm. "Ever since I ,has ,arliong the Saxon English, -W- - ., -, "I venture - to llap , go, .11lywayi" other person as long as tbeAgive way its, I centre of each township opened, and necessRry buildings eroeted. Ths it by the thread halfway lit , battle. IIIVWIIMPOF ', $0 that the dust will not 113nnetvate, .,And vet it on one aide. have- been here It been nothing but visits, harangues and deputations I only from the -Normans, at ba;_ it, 1.Normans thlimselves and the I - ,,s Wynton stAiled. ,, I to But It!% all right now. I,va "Then I fear I Inust Undeosive YOU, I made up my mind. The triarriage shall i'l ,tile work of telling trees, cutting tl eg D 1) In a pew pliceti of charcn,al and ro he battle wifa water 'Until tilt, i Now ,.staek the farniture In the cen- fill t I front these NVIld gentry. - The ladies in their coun- 41 I of the continent. T4,e Influenre days t V rankle gild In a clear Voice. here to tell YOU 7011 are 1 bo broken. off and set aslo1q; 104 easy I (i r,julpw,00d and other lumber ouid bo started immediately. : tro of 4be room, clpanirg It well, anti I Nvater almosA itouelles tho acorm i *over witha good. supply of old slieetg the bottle who alwayg-take part ligion lit those was very .-, T '.. lChrlstlaa asked you . 1, enoug-h. I'll do It all; no one will ,Cover the mouth of with I olls, come too, 4nd bring belts Of , were then I . -,iy names a caid!' ev.er know, and you will be as f reo began ! Treat Mon Well. paper and stand In a warm room. In orcloths- ,N oxt, wampus. This will oblige me to go I "Christlan,", - That is to say, theY 41 ,,,Pon my Soul-" NVynton now as ever you were. . necause of existing conditicns of -time tile aeorn will sprout, producing I talco your long-haadled soft I brush. . to their village -and Inake a ceremotilar , .. call.. They make, wzr with aston- were,nameg made famous by saints,,or martyrs of tile church, and were glien angrily. . ' 111 v,e Only gat to ask - ,,No you will not :go out till I have , ,ou forgive- settlement many men, even anion- the unemployed, ,are naturall-.v loatil wil d eed Upon the water arid att tack tho. Walls and cell- I. roots that 1. g will ap- I ings. Then 3rour radiator brush alld arid finally a stemand leave., Ishing cruelty, spa rlrxg neither Men,' by parents ti5%thoJr offnl)"Ing In a COn- flxlfsh fd whitt I wish to say," Frallk!6 I ness, and then I'll go ,right out OE "The doubt ba your lif a forever, But there's olle to face the hardships involv Pd. The pear. Replenish the watPr from iJ me I tleArt the radlators well, 'taking care '. I I women nor 'children, and taking off scious i6liglous spirit. said. truth will no , for hear thing ware wrong about; 1, do tO I writer Is of tile opinion that thiq to time and change it occasionally. not to Scatter .the. dust. Now siv ,eu . I tit(,. your scalp very Jaeatly-an opera- Amonj those who Zontributed to, rather a queer thing YOU ,von loye yon. You said I didn't: but I prejudice call laxgely be ,overcome NVIttil -,,,,ell rooted the oak call b! Voor with a t oft duste r ove i I tipit which almost results In Aeath." popularizing. the name of Augh wft$ but I -Intend to inflict tills strangeness i life." do. It wasn't tile same love thin as when the wen ave well clothell an& pattl d in a small put and grown. as a ,broom and e )Ilvet the dust. T? t3IQ . . I , Voors, hardwood Thoso excerpts from a letter of. the an abbott Of Cluny by that , name, on you for once In your f It is now; but'now It's tho real thing. in fully equipped eommunity licilse plant. The leaves will drop 41rc go ever thim , . ifll-fated -commander shows the trou- ,whoge date is given as 1109 A D., Wynton laughted allgrr-Y. i to be 1 , ,housed SI I , I'M going; It's 01 right new, I It I ' camps. Why spend so much ou able lill 010 autumn, whea water Should i with soine nandl­aper. Then apply I bias Ito faced as ho attempted to drive and who later wna c xxxoillzed A ,,I do not intend to stay here 113 liar 1 it? You area't .1righten3ol? loraakle,, 1bGdlPd nien Ili -the clt,Wq, iv:ien ail ,C! v4thile"d. H,arh in tit' hll?lll ; '-' good P%IAI. Tr the fl,mirs aro 1, ' ,u.w."I It""batly, I the English lout of America with Ills ' , 0 1 " ' ' " ' " ' ' valixt ILlugh also was bishop a-', Glen- ' Insulted by You-" 0114'.11t against :­Ap .1 catuo nea,, Ar to hcr-"say It'S j"Ual expenditure In well (n*gJ;IIZC.d`hIxaelt , I f;aUI tjlf paimed lcaah anti % tile bill o' eartil - I . 'when d*r -ill% tPrenth troops and thAir Indian allies.- 0 n e It , r 0 0 ' able in the wtiao. century, and about thin wrists; silo struggled . , all rlght-" :Offorts would provide stimnlating Pill- oving th .)!I au oil :d floar . pot, (-nrcfully rein' .e ()Id s, rub v. ­­- - tile Illiddle of the next oon-,ury, it,c- cording t.;) fable, ther4 was ail iiiiii to'free herself. Wyntoft was v0I 7 consciou.; of hor 111r, looked at her, at the lipq ht%. had tPlaYnIent to many thousands Iii the I niop for a good tibbie. A,or,en tile roots by cuttlrig with , I 141arl) lt'ANA r(TOt Ill ' !1Hghtly i I.-antly, T Vplaco t1m Tum, oll tll, 11 , TENANTS TO, OWN EMU. I A 0 N popular ., Infant, martyr of *this limue, alleged rto,arilpsg; it dissipated his an,ger , "To i kil-'sod, the hair which had ruffled up healthier onviroxime,it of t1v north. 1 against. -his dieek w1wit they had Well-Pnol men lit -comfortable t!om- ,"I'd tl largv-.. lic-.% lit this lli=1111'11 th- oalc flon , ,,,iving It, if !;4)u wish, oxxxotber * - 'Illea T' '' - Tonant forms have never und as, 0 'I a n 3 r 7 I to have been cruciflud by tile Jews of . .1milis'll You," Ile Said brcathl,,,.,,;gIy, "for little I i Itrved I: munity camps, not thp broad Iliip i of I .I the firelight, the little hands i (­,nt lic, gro%n-it as a rtilill%fi.ae fm, I turn with 0v vaelmill elcaii^r. , Ip Y8 U' gond opportunities t(; buy arid pay for )d 0 0 r t it go' pl t 1 It Is true homeg as thoy ]lave tod%y I I 0 Me 8 4 9 t i Li-,,icolu, I 111-Inet" was a diminutive variation being such 0, s,ppf1rr,, tihall kiss you until you ple-ad jy j,,r. Ih%t had held Itiq llanfl<l. L i the -citl,m Is thc solution. Let I yoar :. ___ I vi.wh tho I"'Adn"O's ni'd 42f." t".1erl bact; lit p ave. thou tilt% windmvik. A gpi3d aI "' 11 r hat form roducts aro not brInging t 4 r ' I p i at, thlo naina o"I Hugh whiell was wide- it .-iVOICSS." 'Ile and kissrA lirr. A wild temptation callie to him to Valladix, far "Il time' abandon I (4,_,e li,,,r and love lior juk.t once morti, , fav, f(InlisIll policy 02 homesteading ,elivence CIc1h Prorn Ok! 88-proad. I polish -call bo obtanied ou the, win - dcv; i by a Ila tll' 4 . what they should bring when we eon- Y ' 40 isider ,what lftbofcrs are receiving and at lal , i;Drpad ;among the Normans, and 6 'lift,, Pottle dnN,vn t') Its '10 a family liquie beat over , I eon niovv.d* U IloolltrollablY, and I'Frankle,'f lie said haw,% cly. I er bush clay lands by individuals. I Ills. He the I v-1,revidixg soDuriLtely agallast une(11411 I 1 1 tills da,y 4!J ineroa,4(4 living c,)4%v lnalL ; haVO 1`011' tite price of a new I Imn. 1-ulill1l, " tll(,*,Il witil . ,damp ("1411 A ll V;)%!V.'l IS a ,'V,100d ',,ill)- what tho consumeris are paying. But ' formed front It lit thn re-tilar manlier, Nshlell ov,lr W'Sixt011'S shoUlder 11rarili!o's pit- llf.w eyes Piet ,q:iw color strwln lver face and throat; 11! IVOUIEI ; 1) irriers. Ilather let her uIId,n*t1Il'(; -Id .."i-ollee, v'Z;tJl RIT tilt, tal)!( laaliv ; r4y 41 I"On Ami. Allow th w ta drY it IF; a fact that the country Is on ,& it 1, hag beeit deoLltribaid warny f3c,11% 0yea Saw him. , Help said. * I I -learlug not talie his eyes away. now a grea.t permaneril, land ( , s t, ­ -(I - - I tl,we, hat of ,',I( I i 4_10. and t1lo 111'.1 aw! tholl poli lx. eftili. basis and that farmers who pro- 'I ( duce the things that the people Must d I tlnto% in tltoPo aftleles, All(I-ther yark.I.J.311 of tile N.'ormst*a Inc," she jolar down tha long corridor an *A- "Doll't" site ullisperod. palicy by ushigg large gangs of uneni- I -111 terfal o ,.hill the v.,ord "Alefle0 Only ^ I ,Vliahe tile var!aiil liailt;Ings out- , n1do fix tho npon "ind wasit tit(, cur- . ve are ,,selling them at better prlce, v r - vm6 141u.elot,'l which ' wilb. certain (101' audible ullig 1&avo, ,of sound Was - ' ' [.hardly , Ani I to go?" Tho words vere %,)Yed Hien. HVIalf? COmIlluilitY 113 stared a f her (amps, Llupplicil with (.very facility U, ul -4 eaniligh. s, name. bj Ail 4r.--,(-eK<mt sabstitut,, ,,Nill taI119 It ROCILISPP.ry, 01' 8,1114 them ttY I n an twer b1orn p(l that marketin I a Pver I I lit 2 f chsages, of spoiling but y I Nime. Hailla Va$ e0l1lilly, ' vtqth hey, to ,C0n9rA,tUIAt4V yro'11160- ,as .1411)s audible. zi till Ills look was tor eduvaticil and entertainment- ., looklug at the, i` ,pre lit found la a iionoyeoinh beds, - ill ill. th 1 a s. Nov reW.avo tho fur- 0. (I I Uey 11.1ve liditionF4 ovo U(it M bad U they n . dit "' 41 ( vArls,tion In pronvaoiation, I frinds, ilia f;teo a our laus chalky color, I like a caress. the 'movies not Pxo,epte&--1,%,cd Fitz. is tot) bqAh, worit. tt) be, Ion$ I Iliture ard them -you your -lure. been In t*t past. . I Ili in land owncro are tired of bir- nd I 'a I IL , come the modem favally M*e of Hewlett, . vin ge, ,Off Site put out her hall&.j with a little t.atrick, Principal Prontler College. nearly wrenchod Wynton's ueek ; , for that PUT-113so. ,Cut a littlr; .AAN-roolu nVttled! oxxel I I . - I I . I 11.1 . 11 I : Z I I , ­A , ____.&_­. _­" " _ . , 4 . ­L.__.&­___­ lk