HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-06, Page 6F.4 �� I , � kl ., IN I . , � �L`.`" . , . �� I I I 1*1 .. � " J I % 1OUR BOYS' AND 1 GIRLS' CORNER , By Aunt June golswea Accorcumt to ttic copyoot Act a-""-.#.*---* 0EVICATY'D Iro VWXY 901f AND GIR14 114 CAMWA cz__Ww"�—s rA WIXGHAX ADVANOZ my Dear BOYS and QIrIK: it) 11,1v�, �ur,e, incre. it, is v,u old on,, . 111ay bl) me ot 1 and ,� -,vell-Ittiown by so QE N,nou. Merry Chri9tu`aS, evf'ry (in(', 1 , I hopf,N you had just thn Morric ht, itap- - : ". - ,rll,q i.,,; �v g.iaie to be played with .. piest, JoIlleat Christmas time, that has " pv,per and Peucil. 1,,,ach. playod must vver been Yet. Tllat`�, th,- way have a pellicii and a slip 02 Paper. Cxk't Vh-lstluas ritOuld come to every true a friend to Place Ou "'t tray ten or liolpor. # -In one of the cliristlllaq books I tW�:ivp t,inall �Lrtlejes. For examplt" , an Q.gg cup. a thilubje. a spoon, a bali used to love years and years (190P ej wool, a clothes p('g, a penholder. .1, written for b,,)Ys ,and ,still love. a 1)(�,,) 0 ay is then to be cover,4d te. The In anti girls, there Wi'.h �t quotation 'Writtrell, by % M311, who lOv0d C-h'ldren' Over %vith a p1E,c,, of clotti and all play- ers sit round with the tray in the cQr-- I.fi$ na-�ne vias, Charles Kings,(XY. 1ITly(-, you sioard about him? I holy, tp.,N .of j11L.. table. when all are Seated, . . t"le friond. inust lift 111) the cloth frora d tile If" you liave that Yau bavo rea I$ t1w tray, and evaryoue is given 41110% book lie virow callo4 "Water Babies. one in inute or a minute and 2 110 -If I!' It ia a vt-y Pretty Story. AIUI�ag tue . ,6,3t, things that kligarlea I�Ingsllj which to iock at the things on Vie tray. TIw tray is cr was tbese four lhtle llaCS'. again and tite. players are. given five I - "Do tho, thin,, that14 nearest. minutes in which twIvrite down a It' ,5t of q.II the articles they Can TeMe1U- Tiaoulgh IV', duLl at wlliles� Helping w4en you meet theut, ber tile MOst wilts the game. Lame dws over btil0d," ,Nyote-Aunt June's new address is: Tile same little book had Ili it some Box r),14, Station F., Toronto, Out. Oth,er line-, of kindn4ss- X.ow kind- noss aud helpfulmess go liand lit hand. O -UR J,F,TTB,R BOX. . I . TO be a really true 'Helper one Must I am delighted h. see so many lot - have tile spirit of kindness In Ones This is Christmas time and ters Coming in frOm bOYS and girls. Bvery wee -k our membership lists heart. YOU I. -now wirat a wonderful spirit '�,rtth it, 11very- grow larger. Thts week we have to thefollowing new members'. .christram bri'ags one seems so much kind,er and More' welcome j1dria, Walton, Ontario. � at this season of the year. 1houglittui Marjorie F,arrell, Missoula, Mon - The spirit of kirdness is everywhere, talla, bu�i what a pity it is it we do not keep Margaret MItebell. the same Christmas spirit all through Jennie MacTSTeill. tho year.. jy.hy don!t We do tll!$? NVO call- Walton, Ont. Vie best way be car 40 it is to ail be . Dear Aunt June- Helpera of one another. I am sure you would like to feel that you could I have been wanting to join your tilft� 80 I am now taking always make every one You love Just happy and day In the year, a. s they b for some e'u and time to write you the pleasure I%P- He is as . are at Christmas time, &nd this ',you With my big kittell on MY black and white and we shall make can do. Read wilat the little book said a grev_t pet of him. lliv,ve a dog all- . e d - He is very faithful an about kindness, ' ad Barney. rk does his WO well- I had a Pet Tab- tit 10ND.NiEss. bit for a, year but I have� not ,.%sell him. ly ,1yould you like to be able to truth- for a long time. I am thirteen Years N'v I trying my entrance this ir fully say. ,I have done three hundred kind actions and said old and alll Year. I take music lesson$ and I am It I and sixtY-fiV . xty-five 'kind 'arca and gL three him try every day I gong to try an exam this winter. . I do ,"Ig much as I can to, help MY I wo---ds.' If yon Would us lcind actiOu for some- � mother. WNI I guess I Will close and F I Lli - body and to sPeak just One kind Word day Will I hope to receive a, badge at Once - I iatend w write More letters to our 0 one every to SOMeOa�- . amount to throe hundred and ,sixty- ,� corner ich are a ,,u by other boys and girls. s -five at the end of the year. writt, HDXA. 0 .. - 1 The end Cf ,he vear comes soon at ter ChAstlllAg, do;sn't it, and that is 11aw lovely it must be to have SO Edna. I Would like to r pnts, start counting UP tile Im3M ,2rney and the cat. -Letters about the time we . 13'. z things -we have olone and making U.eW - see I st me very Muc intere, I am goin � t,.) give YOu a p3ts always t resolves. �� thA. I ara sure you must have a busy time poem about it 7Aaxt week, I �ut for the and wish yon success With the exams. I ,%v.oek there Must lye a poem I Of cj)urse� you should have a badge. I tiny Dues. it is called: . L I am very glad to welcome you ,and I D�04_31fy &ND 1. I shall look for More letters. � -_ I I 4�omo peonle ftLink I am jonely, 1 t Idanitou, Mau. I That P�iillal)s I mope and sigb, - Dear A,,-nt June: . I gut indeed vve are quite, quite haPPY, 1. I have read the letters of the boys' � . Together ray Daily and 1. . i and girls' for some time ,and I " � are always busy, of course we I d like to write to Your I thought I woul I am. enclosing a three-eent e1,Dt,*jkes to wash and dry, Page. .,a i tamp get a badge. I Viore a, .; and wish to I For we both. like to loo' I: neat and tidy, ' I in ,I (.,very Say and I am �30 tiler,els work for Dolly and I go to school i grade seven. I live on a 'farm five miles from Manitou. Wall I will be . We are learnl3lg to do 'Some coot,,Ug, . And I once vasde father a pie, ft 11 !, faithful member of your club it 7011 send me a badge. At night when , �r eat it, But he thouallt We had bettE 40 we tifti*hoa it, Dolly and 1. i Will !I come home from school I haVA to I Watch my little b;Other and sister, learn about farming, I wash tke dishes And do geyeral other time, But _," mean to so we visit the pig in her sty, i things. This is all for this 'WIF, War, yaar club every success, I j&rid watch ith,sm, doing the milkiug For we lov 0 new Milk, Dolly and I. i an' twelve years old. � I i I&Ar,�%AIIBAT 0. MITCHELL- ' whoft our work Is done, Wb 6re '; you have started You�* falthtul ll-�!!P- I ; Ing 1,,rell, Xargaret,'In helpin.3 MA,hur marry, c�� tegotft,�r we try, And to dan i ,., Mucil. I am dJ,ight;d to hear I : I have been it, Manitoba, I " . But wo -�.-Ad it not very easy, To bn! Vaf,"%fal, Dorly -and 1. '_'."�ul you. .�t d-� not know the dist7let-ID . Which 1 , :,., I But we-*ro bl!��Y ani happy, . lu�l live. Perhaps You will write �'­�in some day _�nd t6l I me about ',"7ur _�away,i Ar, , L�a_vaj% the tirae to CrYs _1 wt ,V;,.Iy vie azo. happy, .a wl, q.t kind of , I I Is fftrm ap an n 0, "I I hope You will have a hava. Perhaps that is -4ars for D311y and 1. So throe ch , j _1 � 1! ppy holiday, . __ G&van TO PLXy. --- i �Nllssoula, N'Tontana. �k I , I ,�_3r,je gaines in your letter ' %w, r Ault Ju n -O: yon j1p.41 , I .,,- -�;rs old. I -live in . i, , Ir but 74011 Would like ,1 g, 1 12 ye, last VM31X, peensps =­. I - , , _. _. — __ -.---- ­___ " _ . ­ L , ' ' � ­­ � tT=====!�1_!==­._=_=1!_._ ­ .-L A�1 A. g� 1i � " - -­ ,�.-.J -n . : , ��,;: r, - �t �,, s ,41,3 As She Lool; . . I -THR12106-111 "I'S I Nowomanwants. . AIN ,.�% � 11 to look old. Many - tzkl � . ­*% in their effort to . C � ��M;..,_', -k I 1. look youthful re- . , _.. I". 11�1�,�1;;.- A sort to the "bftuty %,x"..�", I �­ , 1. " Their I 1. -�- . .. - _. doctor, , , , mistakeisthatt ", visit the wrong e- . I �. / partment in th a . , drilg store. , -, I/ - BeFalty depetats ; 1, X I- � // I I health. - V, ,/,(y � upon 11 . Worry, sleepless . \ . 11 f nights, headaches, " . I n 9, disoTcLerg , P 1�11 I an weaknesses Of .. , N L 4 1,-. I a distinotb' i0llli- I 31 �, ,;, �`, & t 11i , -. ", �,,! inine character I - .#..�'. A,- I-, I Ix � .;; J I in a abort time ... ... - , ring the dull " 164t, le 11 b I . .1 ! ; 11 eye the "Crow's . .41 -A. -l-,", I .11 �r -!.., fC_0j,,, the Tiaggs-ri ,�� -,;� � 1 , - / z'o ALY , " ,�,ia, lool., drooping ;11_7_��.�tl�171 1�1�­( I ,e I slioulders, and the %_ �'-,...�_ _­­_ __­.��t falterib.0 step. To r.,,".0h, th-, �q)�.)ear.alc'3 of yonth you must retain health fm.tpi it of IC40118, 1r,(4der6 ,_nifl pailits, w, k your , drug&t. fOr Dr picru ."", Fnwor,i�_- PrCmu'ptloa. THS fwwwc lne,delno nt?ikcs W6 tho VM root of these enoldw '06k of Y�)ur T4,;Ivo:h� ,e, ,c;c�� it makes you 'lot 0111Y I ' 70un9c: , ful wl.)p .jrpj� but J�el 2�fswigor. It Gv0rc,U1,j1(,-z; 1ho weakness nftd builds you ul). I- * , -%Adi liquid or f,ablets; or send te' ,I1ggI4 , t (!.tn F, _Ipply vj)n � 'Vopir d ps , Invalids' 11otel and,'6urgieftl InstitulA ,,,,.,,.t,st.,Itqi�-,to.!)r.Pic�rce - Bwfmif�, \I. y'., alld & trial pkg.,of the tp.bletg will bo mailed tO 701 . DT. Pjv,.<;t,# Favorite llre�crjpflon h,t,- been in use 50 YOAM- , ,,,bit is what one, woman 04Yst - Piefte ljj�, ail*. A1,1TA--_"1 am glad to be able to wommend Dt ftT,,n*# I Fraocrip&inn &A It afrWilly think it is a splendid medicine, I 11W 1 hate W411 tak;sa two bottl S ft"a 1, a AVfM W4 A*V ft gf#Atr two "a. I-j7i-#kwdv",# 0*4 ek" it a 1;0sasim boo.#—Xa. a. wovotwaotu � - . Aih;� " ,�"_ ­ . - L_ ________,6""" �� - I 11 11 .. � . I . , .. . 11 .. � ....... I 1PLANTINOWINDBREAKS . AS CRO? PROTUTHS 0 I __ . - "Woof ofConception oureclue"', .. . , les" RESULTS. EMPHASIZE THE IM- HAROLD C 2�HIPMAK & CO. I e4 ��� � 0nFaCeAj1d1jMbS. PQRTAWICE OF TREES TO THC, FATMN� ATTORINCYS ,10 *HIPMAN r"AtAJAMERS . . 01YAWA, QAW=4 � I —, I --- Mush PRAIRIE PROVINCES.- ­ - a;'Ili I " I I Noxmau Rose, Chief Of " I "I'll 11 7 . I . � cuticiffa fleals. . I tile Tree - ._,___._ 5 1 planting Division, -Dominion Forestry lma.­� ---FWWI 11___._�­ I , 141 had been troubledwitTIMOM4 Branch, at InAn Head, $ask., in .1- I - ­­�;__ , on my face which took tho form, of a "eaking of the effeetlYonesm of trees __ __ 1!:_;-1_ T�r��.. - I Xash. Later it brQW1 Gut MI Illy Umbs and they ltcbCd voy much, as windbreaks ou .field crops, d a,t the ISSUE No. 1, MI. � causing me to scratch them until conference on floil n0bre an Soll, :��_4_�___t=117; �_._,__� I they were bleeding. Theraohwould Fertility at Winisipe& under the Ails- --*"------ often keep me awake at slight, plees of the ,Commission of Muser- HELP WANTED—FZMAIM I vatioll; gave 11111stratious of ,tile .re- �,�,,,!,� ... ���,�,��!'�,,�����!,,��,,���,,��,�,,����,,� .,_�r�­ .... ­­%,-W,-,J*-y,.~~ - "I tried some xemedite, which ­ ' . _ I failed, and then thought I WOUld try' ,suits actually obtained. Of special t,ADI4S WAN�RD TO'DO IN44IN OR cuticula soap an(l G�nment, It jiftpert-�uae was that .secured at the light sewing at home,whole or spare I V/as n5t long till tile raell began to aeW nursery near Saskatoon, which time; 'good pay; work., sent aix� dIs- 1. , disappear, and I usc:4 s-hree ca,l.ea of Mr. Rowk described, where ,the main tance; charges paid, Send $tllirap 1�� � � Soap and. foui bo outside slielt,er lielts -)lad not yot -for particulars, National Mfg. Co.. : which healed =." (Signed) W. M. reached more ,than six to ,eight feet Montreal. . Hymers, Paris, Ont., Sep',, 12i 1919, in �fielght. The nursery Is divided -- , . --.-- __7________=W4= - . I . I I Cuticura Soap to cleanse, CuticUra Into one -acre, plot$, pach about 2.0" I � . Ointment to sootbeandheal. yards wide with. c6agaila, badges — . — I 5 and sec. Sold about 8 1-�2 feet high dividing -the 11 '' . — �' [S .1 pl,ts, - of these plots 35 were sown ..to, *at$, N' TO $12 PER DAY � after surnmer-fallow. .&I- ,.p ; magt adjoioing and on, exactly Cle . I I � I same clao,4. Of ooll and Similar oulti- , I — . �'. , ; I .. --== vated, a ton -acre field was sown, also Auto Tractor MechAaIos,._Vu1qan. 'I 4 �� . fitteen ,acres ou,&tubble either spring Jztug. $8 to ;12 per day, Men ; L el 'I get Or fall plowed. Tbo ten-aore sum- I f4 �, ' � tile and t lie me all about lt,� Wanted to fill present doma4d r be tired listening to .him Wiling me. mer-ts4ow �Iojd was aomplotely blown automobile mechanics, driving, trac- . � - . 'My parents think a great deal ,of this out while the ,stubble �.ftelC yielded ter operation, tire vulcanizing, oxy- . . . m l me . to still but 10 bush 1 1 �� �, The pro- a,cotYlelib. welding, storage Dattery . I . , l�eep company ,with him, and I don't 0"s Pop aure, yielded eleqtrieal work. , prao I I * ! want to. I have known him since I teoted suiumer-fallow Plots � tipal training- . . : � in h7ishols or o a ner a6re.-the I 9- Only a few weeks required Da- and i .. . . �_ was four or live years old. There is est crop in the district, In other night classes. VN,Ite free catalogue. - .. . . . . . 11 � allothor young mli�k� ,of nillateell, I words, hedgeo, 2 1-2 feet -high and 76 11319 wages. Steady . 1 nt. . I MITTLE Jack Horner � I know quite well, ailit think him to be feet apa!rt, made all the difference H,QMphIIr$ L Auto and Ga$ P � . ctor . . � . . I .. I - tp .1 1. I a very nice Young MXA indeed, ' 'Ue betivoeft a crop of 40 litmhols per acre Schools, 163 Xing' street . Westp . - , I I I " I Sat in a corner, I is 'cleau I "bout big 'ail', at"a also 'a and a oomplete 1*ilsre, all other evz- TOronto. � L . ` I � . I . sensible. The other night Ile Was go- ditiona being -equal. , . . I =Pl— .11 r . .... I I . . I It . '.. inIF to take ,his ilistor and bar hum- This question in of maximum Its- — ' Ouig� . I . Eating that faMoUs pie-, . band a,ud me to a, show, but when we portaxes ,to -the Prttirie 1.11rovinoes, XISCELLANE . . � got to the theatre, it was full, so in- and some ao-,operativo, system of ' . - I L-Y ­114.61 -4 . , , . stoad, we went far a car ride. He ,HMNS WANATIDI) AT.41VN,�W 6DINTS[ .. � . I He sent for his cook& 0 . . take planting shonld�bQ developed, where- . , asked me it I would trust him to by large areas oouWbe, set out, other- . a pound, A POUILAS each or over. 11 . . 140 to a plaeo which is twelve mileg wise muoh damage may be done to I pay exprom, Albert Lewis; 666 - � � I . . . . I , And ,said with fond looks. from. here, I said I did, not know, .11 from Dupdas West, ToTonto . , 101. . . and be ilaid I could'tTast him. . MY protected lands by blowing so - - - . , I adjoining properties, . 4 PUPPM6 '. _� .. .". . . "Pray. make me some more bye and bye.'" parents do Act know this young man I � FOR SA1X1--XOW,A,'J1,0'.,UT,,-' . . , as Wall as I do, and theY think I a nice ,registered Airedale'pup for . I ..� — , , should not chum with him. Now, dear that boy of yours for Christmas. I 1. . ._!� I.—A. A.,��,-,.,h,.I,A..&,Wr�,I,f'6.d",fl. � Rosalind'I do not mean thael want ' ;have somi) rare good cues for sale . I . P=zk--.r,.d t. � to love him, but I think. he is such Q WHO SHOULD coining three months -old, b,red from . . - : ... I thoughtful boy, and I ,ouly want to the best' imported Stock Procurable. � — I . �. _­., ,Chum With him. which I think is not -F. J. Blake, Aliftonte, ont. ,'53. .. � .a United States but my papa and. I ,,...._....._...o.,­­� more than right, as I am too young- to I - — . _7 � ,-- '. '-.2-- I .. . I My par- t S" %mma used to live in Canada I .I love a fellow In any -way I I P. .BE, _&� REIGISTERM NtJRSF_T1,IE . . I a visit to lCanada this 6ra- I * Adbice to Girls' ants are always telling, me to chum . r .. I . 100013er Hospital of Cam4oll, N.J.', of- ' . � . ' . I er with my grandpa and grandina, I ! - � With this other boy.' I do not caxe. - There are -two classes of success- fers a three (3) years' training . . I 1, . I � �e -Canada very much. I have read I for -him. T-hoY think 60 much or,,h',ml ul beokeepers*,-the ametsui, .and the (Theoretical and Practical) to ..� me of the letters in the paper and 11 By NlIss Rosalind ' - *they think I should too, but I can't., , Amateurs young women who wish to enter the ' . ;. like th,em very much. We get the j 1, � , commercial . beekeeper. 1� . So d6ar Rovalind, please --giv,G Me I Datiae paper so I Tead some of the I Registered according to the C01311- 'Vice, as I will 'Value it Vighly. - xre found 411 DVer'the"countrx and in nursing profession.' A Wgh school . I .., i -1oka Act �, your ad all. callings-, farmers, � merchailts, pro- education Is required, This course, , I . tters. I would like to join 'your I - i s,TJNSHING. , admits voung women to one of, tho, . � . . ab. I would like to hear from you i I - - - ..._._.­.=�"-­r-"W'-"4' I �1, . . tplasional. Man and laborers. Commer- many po§itIons demanding, tfietx4ift- - .. ' 5 soon as possible. Do I have to - . . I Dear Sunshine: . I clal beekeepers, moitt of whom began � ad nurso.of to -day. For turther,'par- � . I . 3nd anything to you before I Join the I Miss Rosalind Welcomes letters from as 'Amateurs, ore found chiefly in the ticulars write: The Superiaten- � .: . . . . . Ite clever . I lub. Good-bye for now. . . I shall hive to call y�ou Sunshine Ili�- regions Where alsike and whi dent of 14arses, Cooper 11,9svital, - .� I .1 I MARJORID PARREUiL. I young womer asking for advice 'on tar there uro, two others ,.Ilready wh0 yield abundant fte9tar. Many of them . � . . - � . name. Indeed my dear, have ,out-aplaTie§ and helpers. , and ' Campden, N, J. . � I I i?. S.. -Please excuse mistakes as I I any subject. All you have to do lr clil' that .. _ I � . ­ ' . - . you are far, fax too Young to think tary -living fronl'beas . I in just -learning to write on dady's to address your letter to about boys., except as chums -and aloiae' The,orcupation*is a healthy- XWTTIXG YXRN6_LOV-J9Ly , CQL� , 1. , . playin as. I am ,sure �our ,mother ' 7 ors,'pure wool but very moderate . I.. 4 ypewriter. I I Olt sidez one. In good weather.it takes one I t�ple free, � �. I . MISS ROSALIND, does not seriously con letting into �h,e open aii and into close- oon� pride$. sit � . qhad#s .� I .� Your letter, Manorle, was very I , Goo�getown Woilen Mills, George- � rell done for a little girl who is just 134*King William St-- Hamilton,, Ont you. keep CoMbanY with Young men- tact V�kth, nature.- the work is cleaft;: , � , arxiiing to use a typewriter. I am - It you tell list,. , how disgusting this there is. no drudgery, for every.month town, Ontario. - I � I - � I I . I . —_ . . . -Ind you like Canaft. I am sure " I - is, I feel 10�09itive, She brings different duties and Wini6r. THE S.WE) WAY TO -SDI ND MQN9DY I , boy's Mannex I oir other readers will think it very a brings rest. .­ , , I Dear Miss RoFallild: will be as angry about it Lis YOU are , Is by Dominioil. Zxpress Money I I mciting to see a letter from Some- - � Girl* -cannot be too, ckretul . abo An apiary e4n bo..kopt on less than , I me in MOlIta,111. yes, Yon. do have to ,Seeing, -your letter to girls in IlLe choosing boy friends; aiad about ,keep- an acre of Ikud. The 6-1pital outlay ­ Order. . � I � ­ I � I ,­. . . � � r - to one thing baVora.you can TeS117 paper I Want to asit.your advice: I Lag themselves sweet and free,for the is small bemuse. one ,)Aarts: with omlY I I � .� - 111. I.. . � , . I I oin our club. This� I hope You will am a girl of -eighteen y.ears old and prince eLiarming wilo'Will, 'COM0 when k few�-,Qojonfea in order to gs,l�' 4*z . - '40LD B17MAT, ­�. . 11 I ., I loand theh-I shall be iiblStOflendyou a old enough to recognize him- pe�ience without los 'Stings. dater . � 7 11 . I I.;;1qpIng, bees, but ALSO DIAM,"DS, SIZVAR, PLATI- i badge, - ,This is a rule of the club. have been keeping Q[Yml)anY with -a they ar mr mother,' ;��Gst people .1r,oni a ' Write me &.,letter telling. me all dbout young man till sumni6r, he is a real Do 'not go out ;* 10th boys Yt go for a individuals who. are so gusp tibI4 to nVili.,ltud. ��v,atchb%-; We .�ra the lzrg- I do" -not know and when You . " esf buybrs-;ill, -Camada, and ,pay the �k " ike deedpi of,fervioe, that you do every gentleman anif alwaYS acts as thOU911 ride, take her' ;�Ith YOU. the that. .dalizeirous , -effects . -1. L . I jay., Tell me what yon do to help be respected me; I think t I he world . I Itlos_A�LJND, thXo=4he .system aie'�produced highles prioM; send paroeb by rog� . other people. YOU See this is a HeIP- of him; I do not wisit to be e;ngagad. — I are rare. , With mo -A Pe6ple,the ­ �Mall; -cash by'retarn. CAn- � ars' League of Service and all Mem- De&T Rosalind: ". . I facts are merely local ana-tonsist ,of ' I ad1l,'AkinJ[n,g,,Co:, -34 Tib,torfa- St., 1�'. will see by JBut I have learned to love him, I can- I received your letter containing pain.which soon- gives place to OW4011- Toronto. 11 viiin 0-169., 4 � bars are pledged as you not love any other. ..He to] d me the �. . 11 . � I our little Pledge Porm. on this P13,90# other day lie could not keep company mviolet,911 address. Thanks. Ing, but ,after a few stings havi�rbean ' � ­ !!f . ­ ­­ . , I I . 11 I j-3 do their best for oveTY01118. Please Ith me any longer, although he says I ba-ve just finislied ,writing to her, received these effeetz am very much I �. I _� . � I am delighted to w ,; i'am. spading You a, few ..reduced. In the city particular care . � . ., . . . I write again Soon, he has no ill -will for me. I Want your and now I hear from You and selid' you beat lilies A short -time fitter I wrote to should be taken to avoid allyanee ... advice, will I invite him back and try . . , RLUDDLES , 1�1 wishes. I with him again, or will you .your column failed to appear in to neighbors. . 1� . I . � . �', , . I and be friends d so I missed the -a`X�, I - Honey returns axe_om the Whole, I � I ' I treat him coldly as I See'llim Oftell our Pa -Per, an clay of your all- greater, itlad the qualjt�, of the honey Robitison's *Book of Moderg 1. I 11''. okotoks, Alta. and still love him above all othArs? planation of the d 'r conundrinis. The bagt - riddle I .. Dear Aunt Julie' . �. LILA$. swer. 'I do -Wish that your cofillon superior,in Canada,Ahan south Ot the book In the world. �, U4(a than . � I I - . I I I .. , again, Do border, but the bees need mote det '6&es. � I li,mro been reading the boys' and bear Liles: . wouldappear in ourpapex Uld Wto care 'especially In preparat one th6usan-d fip-to-dais rd . � I -Irls' corner and thought I would like I why it doesn't? I WO I . ion Over 156,00D copies sold to caw. I . I , -1 think I would pust leave matters You know more correspo'd- for 'wIntor and in the control ' of to join the Helpers! League -of Ser- I as they are. You axe too young yet love to b-ITe a' -few . swevrining. I . I . ada. - 94nd postpaid - for 11 I yleg. I go to school every day, and I to decide thiat you care more for -this dents in Ontario. . re- cents In stamps. ' GewN3q, J. I I �� � I , boy than any one else. You only Would you mindasking the readors .No olds,a can obtain groator , I I I .qclp some of the children and do MoLeo'd, 1.1mited, 260 Kino St I . nally Other things. I am trying to think you do. If he thinks as much of you -T column it a few would Write turns 'from bees than faTm0r4.'M%I1T ''Weef, -Torotito, .Ont. ,� 'I I �, I gj�t some more boys and girls to join: I I course 'do n rd it 6s of the b�4st splafies oft farms &To I , . . I 1-1 . , of 9 . or c ot WO � I I I I licy are waiting to see me 1vith You as you do of ll'm� everythin to Mee. Yours sincerely. . where the acreage Managed 16 hot WMWzfflMzMM8r_­��- K111 . It lie does 1, hav I - I . .- . I .t, Lz,t t' I will turn out all right , M.,10XEIY. enough to bc.dupy tile farmer,4 wlkolo . . I I � . in�, badge and I am sure I will got not care for you as you,do for Itim it I I � . a girl guide and have al� you Dear Mickey,. time Or -where another member 6F � I . i,. I ain to my country. is better thah, Ila tell You 90 now. I couldn!t gay it a� bit bett3r t1lan the fin -Lily keeps the bees.' Women, � I -1t___7�__r9__t0 ". . . I I �. . ready pledged myself . ,-an be good friends anyway. you do' We we awfilily. glad to frequently succeed wall with boos, MONEY TO. LOAN 1. �- %.�'ours truly, R4D.SAUIND. ,sin, - 1: eft-fy the getting help for, lifting the sUP6rZ � . . I # JEINNIL41 )AACNEILL. hear from you ag Your nioP4, and hives -and when the oombs they Loans 311,ade Oil ftV161%. I first, . . I I folks Who are gOing'tO' get . ,second mortUet- 'Mortgages . 1. The spleadid service done DY Out I Dear Madam: . I I ��r'irl Guides is so well knowa Jennie I bright, newsy letter� " Vv*giolli . be contatn�ars heavy -with honey. , I I . 1 I ., purclia�ed. , , � 1. I that it is quite 1:ufticlant to" me to I I ha o been reading your advi" to first? . � , _____t_ ' ''I I � I REYNOLDS, , � �, . . �.,ir, � _ ' It is a . rt) I I , 'a V" think 1108�"'"� - itAVING OF WORK 12 MOTI'VE. onto. 52 . . IV , . 'a - ,� trully and i � 77 Victoria Wt., "t r I 11 . . I ,-co that you are a member of this or I splendid t1I11 Lig for girls to got such 11 I OF.'ETNUOUAL HOUSE. . !058�� � I I �,, .. niz.ation to know that you have won . . I ��� . I a ould YOU Ple'50 � . * .. � . , 0 :. To a houae1,00p(;!r, ,a home, that � -1., __T!_____f___ I � I helpfIleadvice, and w 'i E N - __ _ � , __ 1. ,o of the Helpe"A' League Of give 74� ?, I;adg I am glad you Will try to 'ur a,s8istalice in tho follow- A NAL. I EVERY 'OS' I -— Service. Ing matter: ' I r say" labor 19-lprlr�&rily oto.that-IS 5D TZARG POR -HIM. - � . �flet now members for our League and I am a girl of slitton and do -not T , easily kept clean. Designeft by -8, N10 WAST I � - would like to have 6, 6109 letter O" r. I am OF BABY'S 1 OWN � ALM -Mother-t-Pbor boy, kow, dial Vm da,y tellila,- atbout your -J1.1-rtIAuIa;r mean any love affairs whateve woman, it house re"llitly built In a , .'I � . � I . I � only asking for your adyloe, ma my . ' - - . northern Illinois town eliminates all jittrt your finger so? � sr� �� 4 troop and What work You, are doing, ,11 are & rogujAr ,of lho servant probloms,and mueh of 'Little SOft­WItk g� bon* I . parents are constantly yorrying me ' � . rkll� perhaps you -would like to send in bout this quettion, I have been .Baby'& -Own TAblal Los- thei- the ordinary -housework; by Its �;mr- 14tither-Wkeir? , I N , I I joy givcr to the littls� 01 , , -by its , Littto Son -A. good *Idle W. . some regular news to our * think keeping company With 0, Young Mall never tall to mako -the, aiOSS bs,hy JOUPI construction as Much as � . . . a mouth. 11 you will do this I 0 of eighteen for about three or four d fr4i,- equipment, it lit a stucco bunga Vother-1 didn't hear yofs wr. - � � it Will interest many other girls t ha Whail b,aby is dros-8 " roughly 59 ft. square,. on a k4t. Uttle Sdih-4 thought rdu wat*.00t. '' . I months. ' There It, somethipg about �Pyh*e moijor may be sum Some- low, I ,: . I , � I join. "� 4 youn g me* I ptest, ift. other I fui concrete foundation wall, With 4i Its ­­ --.-- — __. I I I Yours lovingly, . 11 matter for It Is * 430t 'I I � AjITINT 39". Words he thltik�F himself too smaxt. Is, th,"by , I-suatt"I'la" to be Oros$ Unl,sg� k% is Mal I A rooms oll *no floor. , , ",�. I . 4- -T, . sr, 7 . I When *& come horde from shows, he Living xoom, dining room, II�11-, and' ,�� � 11 ',,� "' ,.I . . I ailing. MctlL46rg, if� your baby to :. , ; - . k,k�"�"3 � k"111 - it h At deal sad Sun POTeh one enormous, ­ tment For 01plithertol. will watt ine to stand On frh.0 Veraft I =18. are virtually . . , e ,cTlos a Z.T .. 41,_ Minard's Lin unlift,and talk with him. *Is will kiss yc'Ur constant 06ttention - day room, 42 by 34 feat, but the hall Is ' ... ';r , . TIM CANADIAN CHIROPRAC- me -often. I 1LONO t0ld him not to, I and night; giye him a dome of Baby's ,,we steps higher than the resL a pair . I . � but All Ili vain, 11� to thinking too Own, TAW60. They axe e mild but of bookcases ,00110-179108 the living atid,' " . . Tic COLLEOS. Wish about lOvd, and I Am too young thorougli. %XttivO Which � dining roorah, and a I -OW of eight Pff-: , � yet to be thinking of It. Vhoro are will quialtly . , two girls W regullato the. bowels and stoWdeh and lars milAs off the il,orch, with Its 16 1. , Formerly of IIAMIROU, has n4ow tak- ho 11 -re across the road thus rellove, constipation and Indigos- 1whidows. No plaster Is used, all * I t - I � Ott up . their quarters at 767 DOVer- iHa takes them out to and ItUt WAIIS Sind GV911 the cabinet Patois . . of from. him' tirn, colds and simP16 f4v`or6 '16. k I court Rd., Toronto. .Thousands I -are allbcard# Fancy molding$ . I I filled with enthusla$,A shows quite often, and then comes to and Make billy heDpy-th surely I being of �� , � ­­­_ � � ._­ ' eo'v',L�zr""'ti�,,e'Lrw"oiid,,rfuI results accom- -­­ - is a smile hi ,every dose pf the Tab- Are &160 wftbO;O and casement cloth$ ��� . . I . I .. _� 'lots. L tako the place �f window &40s. A, , . pilshed by some of their junior stu- 2=_�­ - - � Diby's ONVik Tablets %,a sold I ... � ­= M ail , �'-�,-:�- .1 by Medicine dealas -or by mail at 25 ,bullt-in gatagO at thei rear containe an ,; �&, 1_-."W,�1_1-�'t­x.`i,. ,0,..,. ... � dents On Plittlents suixul"us xro . -.'. W�Ij�'�,;­ The Dr. Willilanls' 0IfttT1c&llY equipped laundry, -and a S Y-6oxis 414tantlard for Ddas,_A ttlid Palsbt disf, id �� re,�,,"��,�,�-�'�'irili�ll,',", -, �,ffi�� ,1; cents t6 box from ases A� .1 - marickat- kenalruAticri ae,r.led uln AWA_Z) CAW. all -1 . afflictions. Students ­ ­ __ . , ',,'. �;I, , , , - N t. dish-was,11199 machine. Is Pat Aw or n1rect M, .(VA Prleq =.Ov, !()i,111!8� every day to become " &;­ � , p -11 i" il", - !,,�.'.Ji Medicine Co., ,ilrockville,On N ." I 14: V ,- i Rxlmlil!]."I(Vt X=04Y 0J., 73, 11 Vr=-t 84. 9 are u1ni . �.� -f . ..... ­­;­"�­ . !�� f"'. __1 ­ __ ly Installed In ,the kitchen, while the 14peeltl of ,Chiropractic, realisitlg 1"14�'!-V-'1­11 __­ . . ­�, , .110tS 111 I. - .. f -1 .f , I r Colds, Et4o, gas range has an automo"tic timing vortnto, Cw.gftl 7 iq Chiropractic com- 10 %-;` *� , , : "", . I ��­r-".t"Www" . , i. , i�,!,. � , 4, 1 4 � .... 1i , "*,* , 1 Minard a -InImoht Fo, , 11 I e, ,th the ot-lier healln- arts. 2 ;;; '. " ,"!" ,4 attqellment. Tho narrow sup0r- ilie supt,riOAt' L �, ". �,,;gl' , - - "', 4, "", , _ .,.,_1Vi11V'.:.­ � ____ — —_ ____4 11 . ,.,J, ",4 1, . '_ ­ I - � I I " t... � 41-Wif.i.." ,;�;-g�o ,%6. 1 structure that reDrelwnts tile sft,)td - I .1.1 ' W' ­ __________. i 1�11.­. _�,�-. �, , - v, � .� . I A ebLAN SENO-AWAY. floor Is Dimmed to cantaix throe bojd- ' ,HONK. I ""' ' � ,,.n,.,dft L' ,�Imant .For ,Garget in COW& I . .. I .�o I A con, -,N he was It tholt wrote Itho llnf�: - I � .Ilry ftrinep lad was writing a roolzis and an additional bmth,, but Is � V . � Vher,i� ;,. *ffl'� i., I I ,,pt-c�. to a e Having no used at present 94-1 a PlaYrj��)M- 'A little learning Is a daugaft§ ---------- , ., ", � . ,Ity friend, _1_11___�___­ thl I �, asked the 014 rogY. I 0i,igin of ugmerald lalO.'r I . Sacrifict, " I '154.10$&ON I other eaw,lope thull a ve--Y dt?ty Oe. tit ho, A to k* W --wwly 11.4'. *W' . onn tbat he 1..� ..d varried in his pockfit . WONDE. RFUL DEVI ,. Mot hays b"a movie Mal V . Trolawl W,111, fITA 101'1111'd "t'" 1!*,m(-'r_ em ,�JUZNowv� *.V.10 110.U, . - 6- o .a, lie Used it but an- ,Y %, devico Ipcontly Inywatod 'an wa"M trying to nit an autoi�,obila .for 11 . -M ,�,jo,, In a ,),,)(:I -,I calludst-1,Uill," bY 1w V,A t I L, I. . for quite a whIll 11 _ ;, Ito .1 a 11'.1 W to W No I �.. .. 1�1-,-�IjyAj.i, W110 IIVNI In tbe latter � " 71me xomr or rL V1 r)0, " ,10,4od at tho Owl of his letter: %viltIcss .person is able to fi,cd lit -n Ike first time," replied the arouch" - I 1), I i �ake excuse the 411ftyd- sfilf, write, light el,gsL1,,attf,! jr per- .- -1 -_ ----.-= , 412 liv. , tj�p$,t(�O,.,,th (!,,Iltury. � 11 A,1,U,*.1f1­,­,. -'..l.", V­...A"*_f'C.W "P. si--ple , � ­_ I -Il- ­Qz­ ­­_ i 11�'X � ,_ , lop(% �m Is I -.--. __._1--_ , I � 1111-111*111", ���."�,�.�!,f,e.,.".�'.1',�'...l,A4.1�U . - it was Clean When It 146ft MY re,rm (Ahf�r duties, Tte df!T� l;.�,.,11,,Z;:,ff:.1.1­- " C09119 *60 &-at - O.:�A I 1, . rhoniw,�, I ,,.,.*.,,,.,,;-,*.,�-,i,,�.""....,....9 " 'r tpomted by thri otippltd pitriioWm "W� 1% Toraifies far Iteelf-Ix. I � F.".N.".- .1, � 113mis, .A oa.4, rir'a re tfff . " 4 " I t$4 I "I'VA", 1.%&# ..-ft4 ,, 1. ,��,�(.Ioto'ln,­c Oil noods no t"011100al of 1W AM 60 101" - """T., *..A,* r - .------ feet. A ammi. bar ina6rtrol boitwoou - I ft&1kkfM in Ml"P. � . - I � Minard's 'Llhiment r -dr Distemper. the big and swiond tom t,a�,bl#s. the Of I 11ul. I � 1�t,�I lwwofz (Ytll*r �'Iktlil iloelf. . Who � " A�tr trloo It J�A* #01d,Khfv W! Odds, for I . Iker- � ,----- �pemtortodir(:("ttbooipptLra",A"� VOL110h EA & or tr 0 eut'.4 4�', #(*JX,UsJ0Jk#;. W SpNLin'.4 I ,%a A k 'Next to ttaft and st"I, tbO V4400- consists of arms extAtid4se 01-6T 4 � Oh , , illf� biMIM fle b�odr, C)� " , tUm of broioe 0"tra and bit" Prd- tabls� one lor piclft$ up ft�od &rIA 19 btlraj,�, for "lull It I gr aottiokaa, and *4 itthor W h*d- I *4 - ,-6 Voll know ihftt Ow� MtAi0tW6 ibr*vos I Se dn&A Is at* of a larost. ot M -A OIL I - "NW141 a % W th%lf 0A4 ZA444 DO guamatv). This 2d"WW. WC 0, "'A or 0*60L . 11 & shows Why this oil is In or, " % I I I - I . I , . . . . � I I Is .. 0. . . % . L . .. ", I . , , . I I I .)4� I I , . - . 1� . ' , . - ,, � L . L%. ,.�', ..... " - ., " , ;., , . ,,,L. ,� I I - 1. I 10, N . ., I � 1, I L � _"_ _____1__ � __ I .... I-- 11111111111111111 &"Wi� �