HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-06, Page 6F.4 �� I
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� " J
, By Aunt June
golswea Accorcumt to ttic copyoot Act
901f AND
GIR14 114
my Dear BOYS and QIrIK:
it) 11,1v�, �ur,e, incre. it, is v,u old on,,
. 111ay bl) me ot 1
and ,� -,vell-Ittiown by so
QE N,nou.
Merry Chri9tu`aS, evf'ry (in(',
1 ,
I hopf,N you had just thn Morric ht, itap-
". -
,rll,q i.,,; �v g.iaie to be played with
piest, JoIlleat Christmas time, that has
pv,per and Peucil. 1,,,ach. playod must
vver been Yet. Tllat`�, th,- way
have a pellicii and a slip 02 Paper. Cxk't
Vh-lstluas ritOuld come to every true
a friend to Place Ou "'t tray ten or
liolpor. #
-In one of the cliristlllaq books I
tW�:ivp t,inall �Lrtlejes. For examplt"
an Q.gg cup. a thilubje. a spoon, a bali
used to love years and years (190P
ej wool, a clothes p('g, a penholder.
.1, written for b,,)Ys
,and ,still love. a 1)(�,,)
0 ay is then to be cover,4d
te. The In
anti girls, there Wi'.h �t quotation
'Writtrell, by % M311, who lOv0d C-h'ldren'
Over %vith a p1E,c,, of clotti and all play-
ers sit round with the tray in the cQr--
I.fi$ na-�ne vias, Charles Kings,(XY.
1ITly(-, you sioard about him? I holy,
tp.,N .of j11L.. table. when all are Seated,
. .
t"le friond. inust lift 111) the cloth frora
d tile
If" you liave that Yau bavo rea I$
t1w tray, and evaryoue is given 41110%
book lie virow callo4 "Water Babies.
one in inute or a minute and 2 110 -If I!'
It ia a vt-y Pretty Story. AIUI�ag tue
. ,6,3t,
things that kligarlea I�Ingsllj
which to iock at the things on Vie
tray. TIw tray is cr
was tbese four lhtle llaCS'.
again and tite. players are. given five
"Do tho, thin,, that14 nearest.
minutes in which twIvrite down a It' ,5t
of q.II the articles they Can TeMe1U-
Tiaoulgh IV', duLl at wlliles�
Helping w4en you meet theut,
ber tile MOst wilts the game.
Lame dws over btil0d,"
,Nyote-Aunt June's new address is:
Tile same little book had Ili it some
Box r),14, Station F., Toronto, Out.
Oth,er line-, of kindn4ss- X.ow kind-
noss aud helpfulmess go liand lit hand.
. I .
TO be a really true 'Helper one Must
I am delighted h. see so many lot -
have tile spirit of kindness In Ones
This is Christmas time and
ters Coming in frOm bOYS and girls.
Bvery wee -k our membership lists
YOU I. -now wirat a wonderful spirit
'�,rtth it, 11very-
grow larger. Thts week we have to
thefollowing new members'.
.christram bri'ags
one seems so much kind,er and More'
j1dria, Walton, Ontario.
� at this season of the year.
Marjorie F,arrell, Missoula, Mon -
The spirit of kirdness is everywhere,
bu�i what a pity it is it we do not keep
Margaret MItebell.
the same Christmas spirit all through
Jennie MacTSTeill.
tho year..
jy.hy don!t We do tll!$? NVO call-
Walton, Ont.
Vie best way be car 40 it is to ail be
Dear Aunt June-
Helpera of one another. I am sure
you would like to feel that you could
I have been wanting to join your
tilft� 80 I am now taking
always make every one You love Just
happy and day In the year, a. s they
b for some
e'u and time to write you
the pleasure
I%P- He is
are at Christmas time, &nd this ',you
With my big kittell on MY
black and white and we shall make
can do.
Read wilat the little book said
a grev_t pet of him. lliv,ve a dog all- .
e d -
He is very faithful an
about kindness,
ad Barney. rk
does his WO well- I had a Pet Tab- tit
bit for a, year but I have� not ,.%sell him. ly
,1yould you like to be able to truth-
for a long time. I am thirteen Years N'v
I trying my entrance this ir
fully say. ,I have done three hundred
kind actions and said
old and alll
Year. I take music lesson$ and I am It
and sixtY-fiV
. xty-five 'kind
'arca and gL
three him
try every day
I gong to try an exam this winter. .
I do ,"Ig much as I can to, help MY I
wo---ds.' If yon Would
us lcind actiOu for some-
� mother. WNI I guess I Will close and F
I Lli
body and to sPeak just One kind Word
day Will
I hope to receive a, badge at Once -
I iatend w write More letters to our 0
one every
to SOMeOa�- .
amount to throe hundred and ,sixty-
corner ich are a
,,u by other boys and girls. s
-five at the end of the year.
.. -
1 The end Cf ,he vear comes soon at
ter ChAstlllAg, do;sn't it, and that is
11aw lovely it must be to have SO
Edna. I Would like to
r pnts,
start counting UP tile Im3M ,2rney and the cat. -Letters about
the time we . 13'. z
things -we have olone and making U.eW - see I st me very Muc
I am goin � t,.) give YOu a p3ts always t
resolves. ��
thA. I ara sure you must have a busy time
poem about it 7Aaxt week, I �ut
for the and wish yon success With the exams.
,%v.oek there Must lye a poem
I Of cj)urse� you should have a badge.
tiny Dues. it is called:
I am very glad to welcome you ,and
D�04_31fy &ND 1.
shall look for More letters. �
-_ I
4�omo peonle ftLink I am jonely,
t Idanitou, Mau. I
That P�iillal)s I mope and sigb,
- Dear A,,-nt June: . I
gut indeed vve are quite, quite haPPY,
1. I have read the letters of the boys' �
. Together ray Daily and 1.
. i and girls' for some time ,and I
� are always busy,
of course we
I d like to write to Your
I thought I woul
I am. enclosing a three-eent
e1,Dt,*jkes to wash and dry, Page.
.,a i tamp get a badge. I
Viore a, .; and wish to I
For we both. like to loo' I: neat and tidy, ' I in
,I (.,very Say and I am
�30 tiler,els work for Dolly and I go to school
i grade seven. I live on a 'farm five
miles from Manitou. Wall I will be .
We are learnl3lg to do 'Some coot,,Ug,
. And I once vasde father a pie,
11 !, faithful member of your club it 7011
send me a badge. At night when
, �r eat it,
But he thouallt We had bettE
40 we tifti*hoa it, Dolly and 1.
i Will
!I come home from school I haVA to
I Watch my little b;Other and sister,
learn about farming, I wash tke dishes And do geyeral other
But _," mean to
so we visit the pig in her sty,
i things. This is all for this
'WIF, War, yaar club every success, I
j&rid watch ith,sm, doing the milkiug
For we lov 0 new Milk, Dolly and
I. i an' twelve years old. �
whoft our work Is done, Wb 6re '; you have started You�* falthtul ll-�!!P- I
; Ing 1,,rell, Xargaret,'In helpin.3 MA,hur
marry, c�� tegotft,�r we try,
And to dan
i ,., Mucil. I am dJ,ight;d to hear I
: I have been it, Manitoba, I
. But wo -�.-Ad it not very easy,
To bn! Vaf,"%fal, Dorly -and 1.
'_'."�ul you.
.�t d-� not know the dist7let-ID . Which 1
, :,., I
But we-*ro bl!��Y ani happy,
. lu�l live. Perhaps You will write
�'�in some day _�nd t6l I me about
Ar, , L�a_vaj% the tirae to CrYs
_1 wt
,V;,.Iy vie azo. happy,
.a wl, q.t kind of , I I Is
fftrm ap an n 0,
"I I hope You will have a
Perhaps that is
-4ars for D311y and 1.
So throe ch ,
j _1
� 1! ppy holiday, .
G&van TO PLXy.
i �Nllssoula, N'Tontana.
�k I , I
,�_3r,je gaines in your letter ' %w, r Ault Ju n -O:
yon j1p.41 , I .,,- -�;rs old. I -live in
. i, , Ir
but 74011 Would like ,1 g, 1 12 ye,
last VM31X, peensps
=. I
- , ,
_. _. — __ -.---- ___
" _ . L , ' ' � �
A�1 A. g� 1i
� " - -
,�.-.J -n
. : , ��,;: r, - �t �,, s
,41,3 As She Lool;
. . I
-THR12106-111 "I'S
I Nowomanwants.
AIN ,.�%
� 11 to look old. Many
- tzkl � . *% in their effort to
. C � ��M;..,_', -k
I 1. look youthful re-
, _.. I". 11�1�,�1;;.- A sort to the "bftuty
I � ,
1. " Their
I 1. -�- .
.. - _. doctor,
, mistakeisthatt
", visit the wrong e-
. I �. / partment in th a
. , drilg store.
, -, I/ - BeFalty depetats
; 1, X
I- � // I I health.
- V, ,/,(y � upon
11 . Worry, sleepless
\ . 11 f nights, headaches,
" . I n 9, disoTcLerg
, P 1�11
I an weaknesses Of
.. , N
L 4 1,-. I a distinotb' i0llli-
I 31 �, ,;, �`, &
t 11i , -. ", �,,! inine character
I - .#..�'. A,- I-,
I Ix � .;; J I in a abort time
... ...
- , ring the dull
" 164t, le 11 b I
. .1 ! ; 11 eye the "Crow's
. .41 -A. -l-,", I .11 �r -!.., fC_0j,,, the Tiaggs-ri
,�� -,;� � 1
, -
/ z'o ALY , " ,�,ia, lool., drooping
;11_7_��.�tl�171 1�1�( I ,e I slioulders, and the
%_ �'-,...�_ __ __.��t falterib.0 step.
To r.,,".0h, th-, �q)�.)ear.alc'3 of yonth you must retain health
fm.tpi it of IC40118, 1r,(4der6 ,_nifl pailits, w, k your , drug&t. fOr Dr
picru ."", Fnwor,i�_- PrCmu'ptloa.
THS fwwwc lne,delno nt?ikcs W6 tho VM root of these enoldw
of Y�)ur T4,;Ivo:h� ,e, ,c;c�� it makes you 'lot 0111Y I ' 70un9c:
, ful wl.)p .jrpj�
but J�el 2�fswigor. It Gv0rc,U1,j1(,-z; 1ho weakness nftd builds you ul).
I- * , -%Adi liquid or f,ablets; or send te'
, t (!.tn F,
_Ipply vj)n
'Vopir d ps , Invalids' 11otel and,'6urgieftl InstitulA
,,,,.,,.t,st.,Itqi�-,to.!)r.Pic�rce -
Bwfmif�, \I. y'., alld & trial pkg.,of the tp.bletg will bo mailed tO 701
DT. Pjv,.<;t,# Favorite llre�crjpflon h,t,- been in use 50 YOAM-
, ,,,bit is what one, woman 04Yst - Piefte
ljj�, ail*. A1,1TA--_"1 am glad to be able to wommend Dt
ftT,,n*# I Fraocrip&inn &A It afrWilly think it is a splendid medicine, I 11W
1 hate W411 tak;sa two bottl
ft"a 1, a AVfM W4 A*V ft gf#Atr two "a.
I-j7i-#kwdv",# 0*4 ek" it a 1;0sasim boo.#—Xa. a. wovotwaotu
� - . Aih;� " ,�"_ . - L_ ________,6"""
.. �
. I
, .. .
....... I
__ . -
"Woof ofConception oureclue"',
.. . , les"
e4 ��� �
,10 *HIPMAN r"AtAJAMERS . . 01YAWA, QAW=4 � I
I ---
I " I
I Noxmau Rose, Chief Of " I "I'll 11 7 . I
� cuticiffa fleals. . I tile Tree - ._,___._ 5
1 planting Division, -Dominion Forestry lma.� ---FWWI 11___._� I ,
141 had been troubledwitTIMOM4 Branch, at InAn Head, $ask., in .1- I - �;__ ,
on my face which took tho form, of a "eaking of the effeetlYonesm of trees __ __ 1!:_;-1_ T�r��.. - I
Xash. Later it brQW1 Gut MI Illy
Umbs and they ltcbCd voy much, as windbreaks ou .field crops, d a,t the ISSUE No. 1, MI. �
causing me to scratch them until conference on floil n0bre an Soll, :��_4_�___t=117; �_._,__� I
they were bleeding. Theraohwould Fertility at Winisipe& under the Ails- --*"------
often keep me awake at slight, plees of the ,Commission of Muser- HELP WANTED—FZMAIM I
vatioll; gave 11111stratious of ,tile .re- �,�,,,!,� ... ���,�,��!'�,,�����!,,��,,���,,��,�,,����,,� .,_�r� .... %,-W,-,J*-y,.~~ -
"I tried some xemedite, which ' . _ I
failed, and then thought I WOUld try' ,suits actually obtained. Of special t,ADI4S WAN�RD TO'DO IN44IN OR
cuticula soap an(l G�nment, It jiftpert-�uae was that .secured at the light sewing at home,whole or spare I
V/as n5t long till tile raell began to aeW nursery near Saskatoon, which time; 'good pay; work., sent aix� dIs- 1.
, disappear, and I usc:4 s-hree ca,l.ea of Mr. Rowk described, where ,the main tance; charges paid, Send $tllirap 1��
� �
Soap and. foui bo outside slielt,er lielts -)lad not yot -for particulars, National Mfg. Co.. :
which healed =." (Signed) W. M. reached more ,than six to ,eight feet Montreal. .
Hymers, Paris, Ont., Sep',, 12i 1919, in �fielght. The nursery Is divided -- , . --.-- __7________=W4= - . I
Cuticura Soap to cleanse, CuticUra Into one -acre, plot$, pach about 2.0" I �
Ointment to sootbeandheal. yards wide with. c6agaila, badges — . — I
5 and sec. Sold about 8 1-�2 feet high dividing -the 11 '' . — �'
[S .1 pl,ts, - of these plots 35 were sown
..to, *at$, N' TO $12 PER DAY �
after surnmer-fallow. .&I- ,.p
; magt adjoioing and on, exactly Cle . I I
� I same clao,4. Of ooll and Similar oulti- , I — . �'.
I .. --== vated, a ton -acre field was sown, also Auto Tractor MechAaIos,._Vu1qan. 'I
. fitteen ,acres ou,&tubble either spring Jztug. $8 to ;12 per day, Men ; L
el 'I get Or fall plowed. Tbo ten-aore sum- I f4 �,
tile and t lie me all about lt,� Wanted to fill present doma4d r
be tired listening to .him Wiling me. mer-ts4ow �Iojd was aomplotely blown automobile mechanics, driving, trac- . �
. 'My parents think a great deal ,of this out while the ,stubble �.ftelC yielded ter operation, tire vulcanizing, oxy- .
. m l me . to still but 10 bush 1 1 �� �, The pro- a,cotYlelib. welding, storage Dattery . I .
, l�eep company ,with him, and I don't 0"s Pop aure, yielded eleqtrieal work. , prao I I
! want to. I have known him since I teoted suiumer-fallow Plots � tipal training- . . : �
in h7ishols or o a ner a6re.-the I 9- Only a few weeks required Da- and i ..
. . �_
was four or live years old. There is est crop in the district, In other night classes. VN,Ite free catalogue. - .. . . . . .
allothor young mli�k� ,of nillateell, I words, hedgeo, 2 1-2 feet -high and 76 11319 wages. Steady . 1 nt. .
MITTLE Jack Horner � I know quite well, ailit think him to be feet apa!rt, made all the difference H,QMphIIr$ L Auto and Ga$ P � . ctor . . � . . I ..
I - tp .1 1.
I a very nice Young MXA indeed, ' 'Ue betivoeft a crop of 40 litmhols per acre Schools, 163 Xing' street . Westp . -
I I "
Sat in a corner, I is 'cleau I "bout big 'ail', at"a also 'a and a oomplete 1*ilsre, all other evz- TOronto. � L . `
I . sensible. The other night Ile Was go- ditiona being -equal. , . . I =Pl— .11 r . .... I I . .
It . '..
inIF to take ,his ilistor and bar hum- This question in of maximum Its- — ' Ouig� . I .
Eating that faMoUs pie-, . band a,ud me to a, show, but when we portaxes ,to -the Prttirie 1.11rovinoes, XISCELLANE .
. �
got to the theatre, it was full, so in- and some ao-,operativo, system of ' . - I L-Y 114.61 -4 .
, ,
. stoad, we went far a car ride. He ,HMNS WANATIDI) AT.41VN,�W 6DINTS[ .. � . I
He sent for his cook& 0 . . take planting shonld�bQ developed, where- .
asked me it I would trust him to by large areas oouWbe, set out, other- . a pound, A POUILAS each or over. 11 .
140 to a plaeo which is twelve mileg wise muoh damage may be done to I pay exprom, Albert Lewis; 666 - � � I . .
I ,
And ,said with fond looks. from. here, I said I did, not know, .11 from Dupdas West, ToTonto . , 101. . .
and be ilaid I could'tTast him. . MY protected lands by blowing so - - - .
, I adjoining properties, . 4 PUPPM6 '. _� .. .". . .
"Pray. make me some more bye and bye.'" parents do Act know this young man I � FOR SA1X1--XOW,A,'J1,0'.,UT,,-' . .
, as Wall as I do, and theY think I a nice ,registered Airedale'pup for
. I
..� — , , should not chum with him. Now, dear that boy of yours for Christmas. I 1. . ._!�
I.—A. A.,��,-,.,h,.I,A..&,Wr�,I,f'6.d",fl. � Rosalind'I do not mean thael want ' ;have somi) rare good cues for sale . I .
P=zk--.r,.d t. � to love him, but I think. he is such Q WHO SHOULD coining three months -old, b,red from
. - : ... I thoughtful boy, and I ,ouly want to the best' imported Stock Procurable. �
— I . �. _., ,Chum With him. which I think is not -F. J. Blake, Aliftonte, ont. ,'53. .. �
.a United States but my papa and. I ,,...._....._...o.,� more than right, as I am too young- to I - — . _7 � ,-- '. '-.2-- I .. . I
My par- t S"
%mma used to live in Canada I .I love a fellow In any -way I I P. .BE, _&� REIGISTERM NtJRSF_T1,IE . . I
a visit to lCanada this 6ra- I * Adbice to Girls' ants are always telling, me to chum . r .. I . 100013er Hospital of Cam4oll, N.J.', of- ' . � .
er with my grandpa and grandina, I ! - � With this other boy.' I do not caxe. - There are -two classes of success- fers a three (3) years' training . . I 1, . I
�e -Canada very much. I have read I for -him. T-hoY think 60 much or,,h',ml ul beokeepers*,-the ametsui, .and the (Theoretical and Practical) to ..�
me of the letters in the paper and 11 By NlIss Rosalind ' - *they think I should too, but I can't., , Amateurs young women who wish to enter the ' . ;.
like th,em very much. We get the j 1, � , commercial . beekeeper. 1�
. So d6ar Rovalind, please --giv,G Me I
Datiae paper so I Tead some of the I Registered according to the C01311- 'Vice, as I will 'Value it Vighly. - xre found 411 DVer'the"countrx and in nursing profession.' A Wgh school . I ..,
i -1oka Act �, your ad all. callings-, farmers, � merchailts, pro- education Is required, This course, , I .
tters. I would like to join 'your I - i s,TJNSHING. , admits voung women to one of, tho, . � . .
ab. I would like to hear from you i I - - - ..._._..=�"-r-"W'-"4' I �1, . . tplasional. Man and laborers. Commer- many po§itIons demanding, tfietx4ift- - ..
5 soon as possible. Do I have to - . . I Dear Sunshine: . I clal beekeepers, moitt of whom began � ad nurso.of to -day. For turther,'par- � . I .
3nd anything to you before I Join the I Miss Rosalind Welcomes letters from as 'Amateurs, ore found chiefly in the ticulars write: The Superiaten- � .: . . . .
. Ite clever . I
lub. Good-bye for now. . . I shall hive to call y�ou Sunshine Ili�- regions Where alsike and whi dent of 14arses, Cooper 11,9svital, - .� I .1 I
MARJORID PARREUiL. I young womer asking for advice 'on tar there uro, two others ,.Ilready wh0 yield abundant fte9tar. Many of them . � . . -
� . name. Indeed my dear, have ,out-aplaTie§ and helpers. , and ' Campden, N, J. . � I I
i?. S.. -Please excuse mistakes as I I any subject. All you have to do lr clil' that .. _ I
� .
. - . you are far, fax too Young to think tary -living fronl'beas . I
in just -learning to write on dady's to address your letter to about boys., except as chums -and aloiae' The,orcupation*is a healthy- XWTTIXG YXRN6_LOV-J9Ly , CQL� , 1.
, . playin as. I am ,sure �our ,mother ' 7 ors,'pure wool but very moderate . I.. 4
ypewriter. I I Olt sidez one. In good weather.it takes one I t�ple free, � �. I .
MISS ROSALIND, does not seriously con letting into �h,e open aii and into close- oon� pride$. sit � . qhad#s .� I .�
Your letter, Manorle, was very I , Goo�getown Woilen Mills, George- �
rell done for a little girl who is just 134*King William St-- Hamilton,, Ont you. keep CoMbanY with Young men- tact V�kth, nature.- the work is cleaft;: , � ,
arxiiing to use a typewriter. I am - It you tell list,. , how disgusting this there is. no drudgery, for every.month town, Ontario. - I � I
- � I I .
I . —_ . . .
-Ind you like Canaft. I am sure " I - is, I feel 10�09itive, She brings different duties and Wini6r. THE S.WE) WAY TO -SDI ND MQN9DY I
, boy's Mannex I
oir other readers will think it very a brings rest. . , , I
Dear Miss RoFallild: will be as angry about it Lis YOU are , Is by Dominioil. Zxpress Money I I
mciting to see a letter from Some- - � Girl* -cannot be too, ckretul . abo An apiary e4n bo..kopt on less than , I
me in MOlIta,111. yes, Yon. do have to ,Seeing, -your letter to girls in IlLe choosing boy friends; aiad about ,keep- an acre of Ikud. The 6-1pital outlay Order. . � I � I � I ,. . . � � r -
to one thing baVora.you can TeS117 paper I Want to asit.your advice: I Lag themselves sweet and free,for the is small bemuse. one ,)Aarts: with omlY I I � .� - 111. I..
. �
oin our club. This� I hope You will am a girl of -eighteen y.ears old and prince eLiarming wilo'Will, 'COM0 when k few�-,Qojonfea in order to gs,l�' 4*z . - '40LD B17MAT, �. . 11 I ., I
loand theh-I shall be iiblStOflendyou a old enough to recognize him- pe�ience without los 'Stings. dater . � 7 11 . I
I.;;1qpIng, bees, but ALSO DIAM,"DS, SIZVAR, PLATI-
i badge, - ,This is a rule of the club. have been keeping Q[Yml)anY with -a they ar mr mother,' ;��Gst people .1r,oni a '
Write me &.,letter telling. me all dbout young man till sumni6r, he is a real Do 'not go out ;* 10th boys Yt go for a individuals who. are so gusp tibI4 to nVili.,ltud. ��v,atchb%-; We .�ra the lzrg- I
do" -not know and when You . " esf buybrs-;ill, -Camada, and ,pay the �k "
ike deedpi of,fervioe, that you do every gentleman anif alwaYS acts as thOU911 ride, take her' ;�Ith YOU. the that. .dalizeirous , -effects . -1.
L . I
jay., Tell me what yon do to help be respected me; I think t I he world . I Itlos_A�LJND, thXo=4he .system aie'�produced highles prioM; send paroeb by rog� .
other people. YOU See this is a HeIP- of him; I do not wisit to be e;ngagad. — I are rare. , With mo -A Pe6ple,the �Mall; -cash by'retarn. CAn- �
ars' League of Service and all Mem- De&T Rosalind: ". . I facts are merely local ana-tonsist ,of ' I ad1l,'AkinJ[n,g,,Co:, -34 Tib,torfa- St., 1�'.
will see by JBut I have learned to love him, I can- I received your letter containing pain.which soon- gives place to OW4011- Toronto. 11 viiin 0-169., 4 �
bars are pledged as you not love any other. ..He to] d me the �. . 11 . � I
our little Pledge Porm. on this P13,90# other day lie could not keep company mviolet,911 address. Thanks. Ing, but ,after a few stings havi�rbean ' � !!f . . , I I . 11
j-3 do their best for oveTY01118. Please Ith me any longer, although he says I ba-ve just finislied ,writing to her, received these effeetz am very much I �. I _� .
� I am delighted to w ,; i'am. spading You a, few ..reduced. In the city particular care . � . ., . . . I
write again Soon, he has no ill -will for me. I Want your and now I
hear from You and selid' you beat lilies A short -time fitter I wrote to should be taken to avoid allyanee ...
advice, will I invite him back and try . . , RLUDDLES , 1�1
wishes. I with him again, or will you .your column failed to appear in to neighbors. . 1� . I . � . �', ,
. I and be friends d so I missed the -a`X�, I - Honey returns axe_om the Whole, I � I
' I treat him coldly as I See'llim Oftell our Pa -Per, an clay of your all- greater, itlad the qualjt�, of the honey Robitison's *Book of Moderg 1. I 11''.
okotoks, Alta. and still love him above all othArs? planation of the d 'r conundrinis. The bagt - riddle I ..
Dear Aunt Julie' . �. LILA$. swer. 'I do -Wish that your cofillon superior,in Canada,Ahan south Ot the book In the world. �, U4(a than . � I I
- . I I
I .. , again, Do border, but the bees need mote det '6&es. �
I li,mro been reading the boys' and bear Liles: . wouldappear in ourpapex Uld Wto care 'especially In preparat one th6usan-d fip-to-dais rd . � I
-Irls' corner and thought I would like I why it doesn't? I WO I . ion Over 156,00D copies sold to caw. I . I
, -1 think I would pust leave matters You know more correspo'd- for 'wIntor and in the control ' of
to join the Helpers! League -of Ser- I as they are. You axe too young yet love to b-ITe a' -few . swevrining. I . I . ada. - 94nd postpaid - for 11 I
yleg. I go to school every day, and I to decide thiat you care more for -this dents in Ontario. . re- cents In stamps. ' GewN3q, J. I I �� � I
, boy than any one else. You only Would you mindasking the readors .No olds,a can obtain groator , I I I
.qclp some of the children and do MoLeo'd, 1.1mited, 260 Kino St I
. nally Other things. I am trying to think you do. If he thinks as much of you -T column it a few would Write turns 'from bees than faTm0r4.'M%I1T ''Weef, -Torotito, .Ont. ,� 'I I �, I
gj�t some more boys and girls to join: I I course 'do n rd it 6s of the b�4st splafies oft farms &To I , . . I 1-1 .
, of 9 . or c ot WO � I I I I
licy are waiting to see me 1vith You as you do of ll'm� everythin to Mee. Yours sincerely. . where the acreage Managed 16 hot WMWzfflMzMM8r_��- K111 .
It lie does 1, hav I - I . .- . I
.t, Lz,t t' I will turn out all right , M.,10XEIY. enough to bc.dupy tile farmer,4 wlkolo . . I I � .
in�, badge and I am sure I will got not care for you as you,do for Itim it I I � .
a girl guide and have al� you Dear Mickey,. time Or -where another member 6F � I .
i,. I ain to my country. is better thah, Ila tell You 90 now. I couldn!t gay it a� bit bett3r t1lan the fin -Lily keeps the bees.' Women, � I -1t___7�__r9__t0 ". . . I I �. .
ready pledged myself . ,-an be good friends anyway. you do' We we awfilily. glad to frequently succeed wall with boos, MONEY TO. LOAN 1. �-
%.�'ours truly, R4D.SAUIND. ,sin, - 1: eft-fy the getting help for, lifting the sUP6rZ � . . I
# JEINNIL41 )AACNEILL. hear from you ag Your nioP4, and hives -and when the oombs they Loans 311,ade Oil ftV161%. I first, . . I
I folks Who are gOing'tO' get . ,second mortUet- 'Mortgages . 1.
The spleadid service done DY Out I Dear Madam: . I I
��r'irl Guides is so well knowa Jennie I bright, newsy letter� " Vv*giolli . be contatn�ars heavy -with honey. , I I . 1
I ., purclia�ed. , , � 1. I
that it is quite 1:ufticlant to" me to I I ha o been reading your advi" to first? . � , _____t_ ' ''I I � I REYNOLDS, , � �, . .
�.,ir, � _ ' It is a . rt) I I
, 'a V" think 1108�"'"� - itAVING OF WORK 12 MOTI'VE. onto. 52 . .
IV ,
. 'a
- ,� trully and i � 77 Victoria Wt., "t r I 11 . . I
,-co that you are a member of this or I splendid t1I11 Lig for girls to got such 11 I OF.'ETNUOUAL HOUSE. . !058�� � I I
.. niz.ation to know that you have won . . I ��� . I
a ould YOU Ple'50 � . * .. � . ,
0 :. To a houae1,00p(;!r, ,a home, that � -1., __T!_____f___ I
� I helpfIleadvice, and w 'i E N - __ _ � , __ 1.
,o of the Helpe"A' League Of give 74�
?, I;adg I am glad you Will try to 'ur a,s8istalice in tho follow- A NAL. I EVERY 'OS' I -—
Service. Ing matter: ' I r say" labor 19-lprlr�&rily oto.that-IS 5D TZARG POR -HIM. - � .
�flet now members for our League and I am a girl of slitton and do -not T , easily kept clean. Designeft by -8, N10 WAST I �
would like to have 6, 6109 letter O" r. I am OF BABY'S 1 OWN � ALM -Mother-t-Pbor boy, kow, dial Vm
da,y tellila,- atbout your -J1.1-rtIAuIa;r mean any love affairs whateve woman, it house re"llitly built In a , .'I
� . �
I . I �
only asking for your adyloe, ma my . ' - - . northern Illinois town eliminates all jittrt your finger so? � sr� �� 4
troop and What work You, are doing, ,11 are & rogujAr ,of lho servant probloms,and mueh of 'Little SOftWItk g� bon* I .
parents are constantly yorrying me ' � . rkll�
perhaps you -would like to send in bout this quettion, I have been .Baby'& -Own TAblal Los- thei- the ordinary -housework; by Its �;mr- 14tither-Wkeir? , I N , I I
joy givcr to the littls� 01 , , -by its , Littto Son -A. good *Idle W. .
some regular news to our * think keeping company With 0, Young Mall never tall to mako -the, aiOSS bs,hy JOUPI construction as Much as � . . .
a mouth. 11 you will do this I 0 of eighteen for about three or four d fr4i,- equipment, it lit a stucco bunga Vother-1 didn't hear yofs wr. - � �
it Will interest many other girls t ha Whail b,aby is dros-8 " roughly 59 ft. square,. on a k4t. Uttle Sdih-4 thought rdu wat*.00t. ''
. I months. ' There It, somethipg about �Pyh*e moijor may be sum Some- low, I ,: . I , �
join. "� 4 youn g me* I ptest, ift. other I fui concrete foundation wall, With 4i Its --.-- — __. I I
I Yours lovingly, . 11 matter for It Is * 430t 'I I
AjITINT 39". Words he thltik�F himself too smaxt. Is, th,"by , I-suatt"I'la" to be Oros$ Unl,sg� k% is Mal I A rooms oll *no floor. , , ",�. I . 4- -T, . sr, 7 . I
When *& come horde from shows, he Living xoom, dining room, II�11-, and' ,�� � 11 ',,� "' ,.I . .
I ailing. MctlL46rg, if� your baby to :. , ;
- . k,k�"�"3 � k"111
- it h At deal sad Sun POTeh one enormous,
tment For 01plithertol. will watt ine to stand On frh.0 Veraft I =18. are virtually . .
, e ,cTlos a Z.T .. 41,_
Minard's Lin unlift,and talk with him. *Is will kiss yc'Ur constant 06ttention - day room, 42 by 34 feat, but the hall Is ' ... ';r , .
TIM CANADIAN CHIROPRAC- me -often. I 1LONO t0ld him not to, I and night; giye him a dome of Baby's ,,we steps higher than the resL a pair . I . �
but All Ili vain, 11� to thinking too Own, TAW60. They axe e mild but of bookcases ,00110-179108 the living atid,' " . .
Tic COLLEOS. Wish about lOvd, and I Am too young thorougli. %XttivO Which � dining roorah, and a I -OW of eight Pff-: , �
yet to be thinking of It. Vhoro are will quialtly . ,
two girls W regullato the. bowels and stoWdeh and lars milAs off the il,orch, with Its 16 1. ,
Formerly of IIAMIROU, has n4ow tak- ho 11 -re across the road thus rellove, constipation and Indigos- 1whidows. No plaster Is used, all * I t - I �
Ott up . their quarters at 767 DOVer- iHa takes them out to and ItUt WAIIS Sind GV911 the cabinet Patois .
. of from. him' tirn, colds and simP16 f4v`or6 '16. k I
court Rd., Toronto. .Thousands I -are allbcard# Fancy molding$ . I I
filled with enthusla$,A shows quite often, and then comes to and Make billy heDpy-th surely I being of �� ,
� _ � � ._
' eo'v',L�zr""'ti�,,e'Lrw"oiid,,rfuI results accom- - - is a smile hi ,every dose pf the Tab- Are &160 wftbO;O and casement cloth$ ��� . . I . I
.. _� 'lots. L tako the place �f window &40s. A, , .
pilshed by some of their junior stu- 2=_� - - � Diby's ONVik Tablets %,a sold I
... � =
M ail , �'-�,-:�- .1 by Medicine dealas -or by mail at 25 ,bullt-in gatagO at thei rear containe an
,; �&, 1_-."W,�1_1-�'tx.`i,. ,0,..,. ... �
dents On Plittlents suixul"us xro . -.'. W�Ij�'�,; The Dr. Willilanls' 0IfttT1c&llY equipped laundry, -and a S Y-6oxis 414tantlard for Ddas,_A ttlid Palsbt
disf, id �� re,�,,"��,�,�-�'�'irili�ll,',", -, �,ffi�� ,1; cents t6 box from
ases A� .1 - marickat- kenalruAticri ae,r.led uln AWA_Z) CAW. all -1
. afflictions. Students __ . , ',,'. �;I, , , , - N t. dish-was,11199 machine. Is Pat Aw or n1rect M, .(VA Prleq =.Ov,
!()i,111!8� every day to become " &; � , p -11 i" il", - !,,�.'.Ji Medicine Co., ,ilrockville,On N
." I 14: V ,- i Rxlmlil!]."I(Vt X=04Y 0J., 73, 11 Vr=-t 84. 9
are u1ni . �.� -f . ..... ;"� . !�� f"'. __1 __ ly Installed In ,the kitchen, while the
14peeltl of ,Chiropractic, realisitlg 1"14�'!-V-'111 __ . . �,
, .110tS 111 I. - .. f -1 .f , I r Colds, Et4o, gas range has an automo"tic timing vortnto, Cw.gftl
7 iq Chiropractic com- 10 %-;` *� , , : "", . I ��r-".t"Www" .
i. , i�,!,. � , 4, 1 4 � ....
1i , "*,* , 1 Minard a -InImoht Fo, , 11 I
e, ,th the ot-lier healln- arts. 2 ;;; '. " ,"!" ,4 attqellment. Tho narrow sup0r-
ilie supt,riOAt' L �, ". �,,;gl' , - - "',
4, "", , _
.,.,_1Vi11V'.:. � ____ — —_ ____4
11 . ,.,J, ",4 1, . '_ I
- � I I " t... � 41-Wif.i.." ,;�;-g�o ,%6. 1 structure that reDrelwnts tile sft,)td -
I .1.1
' W' __________. i 1�11.. _�,�-. �, , - v, � .� . I A ebLAN SENO-AWAY. floor Is Dimmed to cantaix throe bojd- ' ,HONK. I
""' '
� ,,.n,.,dft L' ,�Imant .For ,Garget in COW& I . .. I .�o I A con, -,N he was It tholt wrote Itho llnf�: -
I � .Ilry ftrinep lad was writing a roolzis and an additional bmth,, but Is � V
. � Vher,i� ;,. *ffl'� i., I I ,,pt-c�. to a e Having no used at present 94-1 a PlaYrj��)M- 'A little learning Is a daugaft§
---------- , ., ", � . ,Ity friend, _1_11___�___ thl I �, asked the 014 rogY.
I 0i,igin of ugmerald lalO.'r I . Sacrifict, " I '154.10$&ON I other eaw,lope thull a ve--Y dt?ty Oe. tit ho,
A to k* W --wwly 11.4'. *W' . onn tbat he 1..�
..d varried in his pockfit . WONDE. RFUL DEVI
,. Mot hays b"a movie Mal V
. Trolawl W,111, fITA 101'1111'd "t'" 1!*,m(-'r_ em ,�JUZNowv� *.V.10 110.U, . - 6- o .a, lie Used it but an- ,Y %, devico Ipcontly Inywatod 'an wa"M trying to nit an autoi�,obila .for 11
. -M ,�,jo,, In a ,),,)(:I -,I calludst-1,Uill," bY 1w V,A t I L, I. . for quite a whIll 11
_ ;, Ito .1 a 11'.1 W to W No I
�.. .. 1�1-,-�IjyAj.i, W110 IIVNI In tbe latter � " 71me xomr or rL V1 r)0, " ,10,4od at tho Owl of his letter: %viltIcss .person is able to fi,cd lit -n Ike first time," replied the arouch"
I 1), I i �ake excuse the 411ftyd- sfilf, write, light el,gsL1,,attf,! jr per- .- -1 -_ ----.-=
, 412 liv. , tj�p$,t(�O,.,,th (!,,Iltury. � 11 A,1,U,*.1f1,,. -'..l.", V...A"*_f'C.W "P. si--ple , � _ I -Il- Qz _
i 11�'X � ,_ , lop(% �m Is
I -.--. __._1--_ , I � 1111-111*111", ���."�,�.�!,f,e.,.".�'.1',�'...l,A4.1�U . - it was Clean When It 146ft MY re,rm (Ahf�r duties, Tte df!T�
l;.�,.,11,,Z;:,ff:.1.1- " C09119 *60 &-at - O.:�A I
1, . rhoniw,�, I ,,.,.*.,,,.,,;-,*.,�-,i,,�.""....,....9 " 'r tpomted by thri otippltd pitriioWm "W�
1% Toraifies far Iteelf-Ix. I � F.".N.".- .1, � 113mis, .A oa.4, rir'a re tfff . " 4 " I
t$4 I "I'VA", 1.%&# ..-ft4 ,,
1. ,��,�(.Ioto'ln,c Oil noods no t"011100al of 1W AM 60 101" - """T., *..A,* r - .------ feet. A ammi. bar ina6rtrol boitwoou - I ft&1kkfM in Ml"P.
� . - I � Minard's 'Llhiment r -dr Distemper. the big and swiond tom t,a�,bl#s. the Of I 11ul. I
1�t,�I lwwofz (Ytll*r �'Iktlil iloelf. . Who � "
A�tr trloo It J�A* #01d,Khfv W! Odds, for I . Iker- � ,----- �pemtortodir(:("ttbooipptLra",A"� VOL110h EA &
or tr 0
eut'.4 4�', #(*JX,UsJ0Jk#;. W SpNLin'.4 I ,%a A k 'Next to ttaft and st"I, tbO V4400- consists of arms extAtid4se 01-6T 4 � Oh
, , illf� biMIM fle b�odr, C)� " , tUm of broioe 0"tra and bit" Prd- tabls� one lor piclft$ up ft�od &rIA
19 btlraj,�, for "lull It I gr aottiokaa, and *4 itthor W h*d- I *4 -
,-6 Voll know ihftt Ow� MtAi0tW6 ibr*vos I Se dn&A Is at* of a larost. ot M -A OIL I - "NW141 a %
W th%lf 0A4 ZA444 DO guamatv). This 2d"WW. WC 0, "'A or 0*60L . 11
& shows Why this oil is In or, " % I I I - I . I , . . . . � I I Is ..
0. . . % . L . .. ", I . , , . I I I .)4� I I
. - . 1� . ' , . - ,, � L . L%. ,.�', ..... " - ., " , ;., , . ,,,L. ,�
I I - 1. I 10, N . ., I � 1, I L �
_"_ _____1__ � __ I .... I-- 11111111111111111 &"Wi� �