HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-06, Page 41.
P, Thursday, Jan. 6th, 1921
Commencing FR 1"A V DECEM"wBER 3 1 st, and lasting for 15
jjj--X A I I
The Greatest Selling Event In the History of Huron County. No Need of Waiting for Lower Prices,, "'They are Here!'.
Our objecVDlo, 19 reduce our sixty thousand dollar stock before,stock taking at the end of the month. Having'decided to put on this sale, there. ' will be no halt
way measurecj,, :,;,a have pitched profits to the winds and are going to run one of our Old -Time Sales that will measure up to everything that -the word Sale
means. Come here expecting big bargains, you will get them. This store has always had a record for Low Prices and the bargains will be all the greater when
these Prices ac- ee Months from now, it will pay you well to buy,, for Spring. We
7,iduced. Goods wPI be sold at this Sale at prices they cannot be bought at Thr
will do our part to make this one of the greatest merchandising events in We history of this store. Come early. Come often. Isard"s Sales are always sales
worth while.
Staples at Reduced Prices
Egiglish Long Cloth, yd wide, 35c, sale .................... 25c
Circular Pillow Cotton, 75c value. sale ....
5 pteces fancy plaid Wash Goods, 35c ...................
Striped Flannelette. very wide. reduced to
............... 29c
Extra wide White Flannelette, reduced to ................
Gray Military Flannel, reduced to .......................
Fine w( ave Factot-V Cotton, reduced to ...................
Yard wide Curtain Scrims 35c, reduced to ................
One piece Tweed Panting $1.25, reduced to
.............. 1.00
5 pieces striped Flannelette reduced to .....................
Wide Table Linen, regular $2.50, reduced to
.............. 1.90
8 pieces while Flannelette, reduced ........................
Fine quality Flannelette Blankets ........................
Printso light and dark, reduced to ..........
....... 25 and 30c
Feather Ticking. wide, reduced to .........
: .............. 45c
Pure linen Roller Toweling, reduced to ... I ........
I.., .... 38c
Heavy quality dark Shirting. reduced to ..................
Fancy Lace Curtaining, reduced to ......................
5 doz. plain and ribbed Hose, reg. 1.00, for ................ 715c
Women's Heather Cashmere Hose, rag. 2.50, sale ........ 1.75
A line of Worsted Ribbed Hose, 75C sale .................. 60C
Boys' heavy wool ribbed Hose. 1.25, sale ................ 1.00
5 doz. Womelitle fine quality silk Hose, 1.50 sale .......... 1.19
All other lines at reduced price.
Groceries at Cut Prices
Good quality Rice. per lb ................................ 10c.
Large bar Soap, reg. 20c. sale ............................ 15c
Monarch blend Black Tea, reg. 75c, sale ................ :-60c
No. I quality Mixed Tea. reg -75c, sale ........... ...... 60c
Polar Bear White Soap, sale 3 for ........................ 25c
Good heavy strong Brooms, sale .......................... 75c
Package of Soap dsworted -.omprising Comfort, Gold and
Sunlight, G cakes .................................. 50c
See our bargain list at Grocery counter, no room to quote
all cut prices here.
Boot and Shoe Department
Big stock of the best makes of Men's, Women a Misses'
and Children's Boots and Shoes and Rubbers. Our stock of
footwear mnst be reduced by one thousand dollars. Our cut
prices will do it. Buy now for Spring and you. will save money.
Men's Underwear
Stanfield's all wool Red Label. reg. 3.50, sale ............ $2,50
Blue Label, reg. 4,00, clean sweep ...................... _3.00
Green Label reg 3. W, on, sale .......................... 2.39
Tiger Brand, reg. 2.50. bargain at ........................ 200
3 doz. broken lines, reg up to $3.00, sale .................. 1.50
Overalls and Smocks
Headlight. best quality, reg 3.50. sale price .............. 2.98
Heavy black Denim. reg. 2.50, bargain ........ I ........ 11.195
Cottonade stripe overalls. reg 3.00, bargain .............. 2.50
Men's Socks
Grey union sox, 35c pair, 3 for ............................ 1,00
Men's heavy ribbed sox, reg. 50c for ...................... 39c
Men's all wool black sox, 1.25 for ........................ 1.00
Boys' Underwear
Fleece lined good quality 75c, sale ........................ 59c
Men's fleece line good quality 1;25 to 1.50. sale price ....... 100
20 per cent. off all other lines.
Men's Sweater Coats
Best makes, pure wool, plain and fancy checks at a discount
of 20 per cent. off.
Men's Odd Pants
Big choice of plain and fancy Stripes, A straight discount
of 20 per cent off,
Meifs Suits
Latest styles made by Canada's best manufacturers, includ-
ing bench tailored clothes in all the latest models, plain and
fancy worsted-13,acbelor, Fite -Rite and Perfection brapda— on,
sale at froin 20 to 2 per cent off regular prices
Boys' Suits all new styles, Form Fit, all sizes and patterns
20 per cent ofL
Men's Caps
Big range of Men's and Boys'Winter Caps, new patterns
20 per cent off,
Overcoats for Men and Boys
Big stock, to choose from, every coat well tailored and the
very latest models. Sale 20 to 25 per cent off.
Boys' and Youths" Sweaters
All wool pul Ilover sweaters, pretty color combinations in
Purple and White, Purple and Orange, Royal Blue and Orange
and plain colors.. Regular value $7.00 and 8.00 each, clean
sweep price $5.90
Boys' Pullover Jerseys
All wool In grey.'navy and wine colors. Regular price
2,00, sale price .................................... 1.50
Best makes in stock, all sizes, at greatly reduced prices. 5
doz. odd lines to clear, value up to 3.00 pair, sale 1,90.
money saying values.
Dress Goods Dept.
All kinds of Dress Goods, Suitings, Coatings, Silk Crepes,
Fancy Trimmings, Linings, etc, at 20 per cent off reg. prices.
Women!s Coats
Velour, SUvertone, Tweed, Plush, etc. all this years new
styles, special to clear 10 coats, sale price $17,50.
Salts Plush Cos" guaranteed linings, sale price ......... 39=
All other coats including Child's and Misses at 20 to 25 per
cent reductions.
Women's Sweaters
All new fine quality perfect garments, best rnakes and styles
10 coats to clear all wool $10 value for $6 75,
20 per cent off all lines.
Furs! . Furs!
Buy your Furs at this sale and save from.25 to 40 per cent
good selection of gets, Muffs and Neck Pieces, Natural Grey
Wolfe, Brown Wolfe, Brown Sable, Black Sable, Black Fox,
BlackWolfe, Brown Squirrel, Brown Lynx, Golden Fox, Hud-
son Seal, Opposum. Marmot and White Fox and Thibet,
One Ladies' Rat Coat, sale price ............. I ....... 1$50.00
One ladies' Brown Marmot Coat, collar and cuffs are Hud-
son Seal, brocade silk lixted, reg. $175, sole price .... 125.00
One ladies' Black Coney Coat, Grey Opposum collar and
cuffs, fancy silk lining a,stylish coat, reg. $175, sole 125.00
Fur collared Cloth Coats on sale at greatly reduced prices.
Ladies' Waists
Comprising all the new styles in Silk Crepe. Georgette,
Pongee. Fancy Stripes and Wash Silks, your pick at 20 per
cent reductions.
t wilt Certainly pay you well to attend this sale.
s a _' 1
1194%9 IM
MIr 0
Aah' 1 009, W 11 ha Ont
Terms of Sale Cash or Trade. No goods on approval, money refunded if goods are not satisfactory.
W. A. Currie, merchanicwork, onit and when he got it useful and entertaining, was erected in th, e
Lucknow All were re -nominated but Air, Cameron a large crowd, IMackstone's orchestra of Toronto, visited their sister, Mrs. R. T. close of the meeting Mr.
I Douglas. t his stuff. Mr. Sneath parlors, and the attendance of visitors wag.
in a neat speech resigned after 38 years in Goderich suppied the music. 4 spoke briefly on "Consolidated Schools", fixed he would g6
Lucknow, Jan 3rd, 1921 public service which be thought was a Mr. and Airs. Win. Douglas of Clinton, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown and tjiild-'! and thought the subject should be is- acted thegood sarmaritan and gave him a tax on the seating accommodation of the
At midnight on Friday, old 1920 passed record. and although not an old man by spent Christmas and New Year s with his 1 ren, spent a few days in Simcoe. I cussed at the different school meetings permission to leave them, as anyone else Home. Mr. Elliott County Agent acted
on to join the years gone on before. any means, he wishes to devote big ener- mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Jun. Howe are visiting i I
Many waited up to see him go. With gies to his business. Mr. Win. Mexen- next week, as it is a lively question and would have done under tile circumstances. as Chairman, and the little inmates render -
Mr, and Mrs J Cantelon spent the relatives in Montreal. .
eyes full of shadow and with many a zie (horse dealer) qualified in place of; holiday with 3ir parents in! Messrs hich we must face shortly. He called next morning and took the ed a short programme of songs and recita.
antelon's Gladys and 3 weu McQuaig of one w
backward glance be passed beyond recall. Mr. Cameron. Clinton. I Windsor,'are at home here and will spend; Quite a lively interest was taken in t6e club bag and coat saying he could not get tions prepared under the tution of Miss
The old year like all other years started Watch night services were held in all
ovx well With most of us but many were I Mr. and Mrs. Temple Clarke of I the winter here. annual meeting of S. S. No. 9, E. Waw- his car fixed but was going to go out on Bentley, The Matron and her sister, Miss
the protestant churches on New Year's G d ch, visited her mother, Mrs. Geo, J anosh, on Dec. 29th, a few ladies being I the early train and not bother with the Lottie which was, most creditable to all.
I o eri
the chances we failed to grasp of helping eve. and fairly large congregations at- I, , Q . __U Then Santa appeared and after makin
bur fellows and lending a kindly band.
?deny blessings were given us and many
tended. At the hour of midnight. the,
bells were rung and the whistles III 0—'o
on, as, r.
Miss Isabel Douglasof Chatham, visit-
present. Mr. Lxeo. Aerr was appointed
in place of the retiring trus I tee, Mr. Geo. I
It was the next day that Mr. Sneath
acquaintance of the youngsters he distri-
teaeons taughts some of which we will re-
bid farewell to the past. Welc in. and
ed her mother here
'Mr, i
Coultes, who served for six years on the
heard of a man being arrested at I -lensall
buted from the tree until each pair of little
filled they
member. the majority will very soon
be forgotten. We have made mistakes
Andbten misunderstood, but these MIS
All Hall to the futurs.
At the last regular meeting of Lucknow
Oddiellows, the following
I and Mrs. U. Aitcheson and child-
Mill, spent a few days with Mrs. Aitcbe-
son mother in Clinton.
At a meeting ofLive Stock Beeders
Dec. 3 Ist, 1920
board. Agodd talk, given by Mr. Stanley
Elliott on Consolidated Schools, in which
charged with theft of an overcoat, , a robe
and other articles, he became suspicious
arms were until could hold no,,
more,' A few words of appreciation was
by Rev. E. Ford is
takes will not have been made in vain if
they teach us not to commit the same
officers were
elected N. G , Pobt. Johnston, V. G.,
Archie Barbour. Rec. Sm, E. Ai tcheson,
Air. and Mrs. W, McMillan and L. R.
Taylor visited in Londesboro.
held in Wingharn on
itwas decided to hold Pure Bred Live
Stock sale in Wingham sometime
heshow ed both the advantages and dis-
advantages. The two main obstacles are,
that this was the same man who had left
the articles at his home, and he prot.nptly
spoken J. who one of
the stand byes of the work and when all.
erxors and now with hwds full of prom-
Ise we see 1921 make his appearance.
Fin. Sec'y-, Dr. Paterson, Treas., A.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Richardson of Tees-
early I March 1921. Parties wisbing
the first cost of building, and the trans-
notified the proper authorites who had
had said Good Night and Merry
Christmas, there -were no
'We do not know what joy, distress. labor
Ross Trustees, A. H. Boyd. A. Ross
and W. C. Johnstone.
water, visited the latte s mother here.
Mr, Robl, big
the Association
to j oin or consign
stock to the sale would do well to get
portation of the pupils to and from sebool.
the robe returned to its owner.
more satisfied or
happy little folks in the whole County
or paln he imay, bring us, but if we have
patient mitids and willing bands, we may
Mr. N. D. McKenzie has moved his
from his in
Lyong of Quebec, visited
parents here.
in touch with the Secretary. This
includes any Angus, Hereford or Short,
Some of the advantages are, better equip-
ped schools with more permanent teachers.
than the little family of nine, who climbed.
g g d from evil and if we or brave-
ly at w tever tasks our bands may fall
grocery stock old stand the
Anderson Block to the corner store in the
Mr. 1 arl Mallough of Prince Albert,
is spending a few weeks with his parents
horn breeders. Applications to enter
in January
They will take the High Schools and
_ ,Ilo
the stairs to enjoy the sweet Sleep !of
childhood, in their comfortable and well
40 e uhall at least gain peace and con
t ent in knowing that we have done
Murray Block. Johnstone Bros. have
moved into the store. vacated by Mr.
he .
stock the sale close on
15tb . Send entries to
Colleges to the country, instead Of the
boys and girls from the rural districts
Mrs. Couts of Lanclug. Micil_
came to attend the funeral of tier fattier,
kept rooms. To all who took part in the,
lawlirery best and now our Gincere wish
McXenzie which they recently bought
an4 Mr. Murdie will move into the block
Dr. and Mrs. McLean of Welland,
visited Mrs. McLean's parents, Air. and
See. Treas.
going tothe towns and cities for such
Mr. Thomas Musgrove, is visiting,
friends in the village.
preparations and thosewho keepwatch
of the work. The success of this. the,
to all as we stand on the threshbold oj a
xtw year!$ that you may strive a little
vacated by Johnstones and the post office,
Mrs. D. Sheriff.
Huron County Breeders Assoc.,
education. The aim to be kept in mind
Miss Roclet, of"roronto. is a. visitor at
second Christms gathering in the h6mg-
snare earnestly to reach your ideals that
which he bought a year ago and we
Air. and Mrs. B.own Mallough of
is the fitting of each pupil for the work the home of Dr. McLeod. I
is an abundant satisfaction and ample re.
ym may be free froni the handicap of ill_
understand Mr. Cutt will start a picture
Grimsby, visited their homes here.
for which he or she is beat adapted. i Mr. and Mrs. David Wailker of *Nia-
Xesith and enjoy a fair share of this
world!s prosperity. Let us all resolve to
show in the building vacated by Mr.
Murdie but thia is not definite. Mr. Le.
Mr. Finley Ross of Toronto, visited
friends in town.
The genial face of the late Mr. H. ! gara, who spent Xmas with the latter's
Mrs. Gibson, left for Toronto
Here follows the list oi contributions,
all of which are gratefully acknowledged
b^ve tb*- courage of our cc -nvictiong. to be.1
toy Horne has bought the barber business
Misses. Mildred and I -rances $pence
East Wawaitosb I Deacon, Was much missed as he took a mother,
I one day last week, where the* will viq1t i by tile executive L. J. Williams, Blyth,
%&Uc*M Ott *11 times in every thing we do
to friends and hold
from Mr. George Huston and will move
into the building now used Dy Mr. T. W
visited their home here,
great interest in the public affairs of the, tor a few daps before rooturning' $2.00, F. H. Glover 2.0% Mrs, D, Millet
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDougall 2. CO, Mrs. Carrie $1.000 December Grand
40rsayt make more
*48OW4 now have. and when this year
t*At w& will have (ewer regrets than when
Smith as auto supply store. Mr. Smitl ;
I will go into the new garage which he has;
Miss Frances SiddalofTorojito, visited
with her parents here. t
family moved to Wyoming last week.
Mr. ) JeDougall will engage in the oil drill -
community and was always present at the to tbeir home. i Jury 21.50. James Carrie 1.00. M. Robins
school meeting, Miss Annie, Munro of St. Catherme,4, 1i,00, G. R. Elliott, Canmore 5,00, C. Sea.
it arrived
erected on the site of the old McGarry
. I
Mr. Alex. Lockhart of Toronto, Mr. ]no
Newton Galt, Air. Alvin Cameron I
ing there.
Spent Xmas With her mother here, i
ger 2.00, W. J. Jackson 1.00,, ThO& Davis
Mr. Ed Cousms has bought the
of of
Mr. John l3ooth ofSasU., 18 a visitof in 5,00 Mto. Skinn 1.00, Mocha Temple
Lucknow did not have an election this
I property owned by Frank McIntosh. Mr.
Toronto. Mr. Jerry P.Athwell of Kitchen-
Mr. George Kerr has purchase-
town, -1 London. 125,00. Mrs. C, E, Sale
y"Ir, all officers being returned by accla-
McIntosh has moved Holyrood where he
er. Air. Steele McKenzie of Xitcheller,
farm to his own
Mr. Wilfred Musgrove of 1-jamilton,, Bible Class Methodist Church, Blyth,.
tution. Reeve Johnston was honoured will be engaged with Ackert Bros.
Mr. Hugh Anderson of Toronth, Mr.
adjacent property
on friends here last week. 22,50, Blyth Woman's Institute 5.00,
by being the only person nominated for A week of prayer will be observed this;,
Millson of Hamil from
)4mers011 to", Mis
Mr. 1, W. Walters.
i George Pearce convicted a week ago On
Win. Forest MOD, Amity Sunday SdhNA
that "Ition, end it is no more than he
week in the following order. Monday Gladys Rivers of Witigham, Miss Mable
Mr. Albert All Perdue has moved his
a number of theft charges and of break"
Miss Alma Ratio of Toronto, spent the
Class BlYth 10-00, Constance Methodist
de"rvto to he has given b5s time and night a mass meeting of young people ' McC ure of Drayton, Miss Alma Alton fain
in I
from Clifford and 'e occupying
ily ar
holidayR under the parental roof.
Cnurch Ladies Aid 10,00, Miss Chellevr
toettles In full musuro for the welfare of the Presbyterian church adderased by Dr. and Miss Clara McQuillan at their re.
by Mr. Alex
Ing jail, was sentenced by Judge Dickson
prayer meetine, each evening of this L00. Miss Wiggins 1.00, Mrs. Leach, I.O(Y
the town. He bits labored hard and long Newton. Tuesday in the Anglican'sliective homen.
the house recently vacated
to two years and three months on the
*,,,k I, the chutches bere. Miss Tena EdMeSton, Dasbwood 5.00,
to have hydro brought to town. and it
is only tight that be should be in the churrh addressed by, Rev. R. P. Irwin ofi, The Misses. Dean, Geddes of Oil
Sip iags Toronto,
Mr. Mrs. Will Hopper of Seaforth,
theft charges and one year on jail break-
1C. P. R, Employees at Goderich 30.00,,
**"c when the power is turned on. He tLe Methodist church. Wednesday in and Carric Geddes ot
the Presbyterian church addressed by visited at their home here for the holi-
spent New Year's at the latter's home.
ing at the provincial penitentiary atPord&-
i Exeter Woman's Institute 36 jars fruit,
Obildrens' Aid Notes 'Saltford Utiion Church Mission Class
*W then have achieved the goal of his Rev. C. R. Copeland of Zion Methodist
400bitforis. Re has also made it place for,
A number of our young people erijo ed
mouth, thr, sentences to run concurrently.
The prisoner toolC big sentence hard,
hand embroidered quilt, Others who
The friends of the Huron County Child I donated
110110"If at the county council and If he is ; church. Thursday in Xinloag Presbyter,
ian church addressed by Aev.Mr Bede-
feel that he
i Miss, Sadie Boyd of Chicago, is visiting
her sister, Miss Annie Boyd, lyho has
themselves at the New Year party at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Win. Robinson.
breaking downand cuing like a child.
presents such as, books, candy,
rens' Shelter, both In town AM thtoughi fruit, vegetables, ClOthin toys and other
ocivea another ye" we sure
stone of Phe Anglican church and on
*0 be the ftxt warden of Bruce County. Friday In the Methodist
been Seriously ill.
Mr. Harold Aobinson returned this
Pearce is the man who broke jail at
the County, wore not untrindful of the I Useful gifts were, Mrs. in Coates, Mr,
Witimill, Helen Land,
L"It yett's council also 4estrve their,
ed by Rev. Mr. GoIllin of Kinlo. Pte-
thaft of praiec for the g6oi Lvirk ac,
Air. and Airs, W. K McDonald are
j&pending a few holidays in Michigan.
week to Toronto.
Fstmer's Club.
Hensg1l. and was later recaptured in Lon-
don. He Turnkey Knox
gcod wock during the post two weeks, and Mrs. Romp Mrs.,
Ith ex. Halliday, Mrs. J. Clark, Mm G'ndey's
the contributions sent nW
byterian church.
coMpusbadsodhad they all decided to Lorne vink opened for the season, the
Mr. and 'Mrs, lack Clark of South.
An open meeting of the also assaulted
vras held in Currie's school on the evert, at the W thtTe In an endeavor to get his
gifts and S, S-Clase Blyth Mrs. 1. R. Bell. S, CIA".
pressed wishes Milt the young People Blyth, Goderich 6, W. V. A., J. AltcheM
stead for re-election they most certainly b egirming of lost week with skating and
ampton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. R.
liberty The Salvation Army, in London
have happy Cbristmg% Season, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs, Jas. Cutt, Mr&
v,"14 b%v* been returned to their old hockey practice Lucknow-Ripley will put
jug of Dec, 29th. A good programme;
would a C, F
Salt, Mrs Carrie, Mrs, Willis, Mr&
Howevtr Mr. Murdie whd ill teams in both iwiiior and junior N. H.
J*s"d tlitpoll at the last election decid-
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Irwin and little
visited hiq
of instrumental mu* by Mr. MW Mrs. is looking after his wife and and
Robt. Coultes, R. Mowbray Mr. imd'wifl send them to her home in Northerri!
were web as bring to the manage. Worsell, Biqsett Bros., Mr& SbeppW,
show that the work being done
gd tkm bit business required all is At_ L. and *a good material is available good
. itt'nes should, result.
sqtt, mother, Airs. Ja% Irwin t,
of town.
Mrs, Hilton Ogden, also singing by a Ontario.
q' for the unfortunate and beglected children
CAnon Hill, Salkeld, Um
Mrs, 3
Roffman. Mrs. Barker. A. M,
1,tygkoft 4uring the coming yeav anc I be
001,fov r*slgn*d and his place has been WoA i,, now bc-inK offt-red in large
Mr. Jack Stilith Of Regina, Visited his,
choir of young men of the neighborhood, This mtn asked permission to leave A)
is Wrig appredtited more and move so it
I Mrs. C. X Saunders, Mr. MaeVicar, Mr,
R4>bart Mulita, who was one o(l, a t five and six. &Aktv , a t,,,ord.
mother and other relatbr". here.
revisition by Thos Taylor, and itntiromptu club, bag, tug and Lvat sit the borne of'becomea,
*idely known. A list of theCon.
!McCretith, Orignd Beare, Etta _qinl tii
Min M. Salkeld,
or#NA*d candidates at the Wt eltr,- Thi, locat farmiture factory will resunle
Mr. Wm. 11ablcirk and obildren ( f L'jpeschft
by Mr. S. F_gW.t of St, Cathero 1 Mr. Win, Snfttb one night about fout!
trititiorm given below it a 4M W. I Grew Mr.
proof Of this m1d Mrs. M.
T%* rotiring members of the operatiolt next vwk.
Riticarditie, vi ,ited her brotber and sister
91& is that his auto had btok-
On priday ev"tug list a subattnttai
W- Howell, 73. 0. N, ClUb
North St. Church,
40NOW *eard tbta year were. P- I X Cam- The last dalem of the yearxas held on
Ina and Ut, CuMa, wb* attftd Wash sigot uYing
' Jett
I -61i. UKIW both
Mies F&nVw Mm J"
Miteboll, W& W. L.
ix**. pr. Newton and D R. McIntosh-! lt ft V. e.*r q eve, in the town 111111 vind drew
Lauts and Irene McI)OIlaid ovifw
t Iowa =4 he was Owning in to A" 9 CWMR# U ftl With gift0t
Torooto V1AV**y. To"M* he
, 1